• Development of creative abilities in children. Development of creative abilities in children by means of design How the creative abilities of the child are manifested


    Creativity is inherent in every child and depends on natural inclinations. Their development should go on a par with other elements of consciousness (memory, thinking, attention and others). Creativity will open up the opportunity for the child to think and make decisions in a unique way, not like everyone else. And this feature will add new colors to the life of your little one with the early development of children's creative abilities.

    What is creativity and creativity

    • Creativity is the ability to realize unique data.
    • Creative abilities are ways of realizing creativity.

    These concepts combine many facets:

    • activity and intuition;
    • imagination and ingenuity;
    • striving and knowledge;
    • fantasy and initiative;
    • knowledge and experience;
    • see the invisible;
    • non-standard approach;
    • skills and ideas;
    • transfer of the object and disclosure of the plot;
    • concepts and emotional image.

    There are many test methods at what level development of creative abilities in preschool children... One of them is the method of drawing synthesis. Having found out that the baby succeeds without much difficulty, it is worth paying attention to the moments where it is necessary to help the data develop.

    There is no better time than the preschool period for the early development of the creative abilities of children, because it is in it that the thirst to learn everything new is hidden. So where does the creative path begin?

    Early development of children's creativity.

    The kid grows and develops, which means there are more opportunities to develop creativity. Consider the features of each age:

    • The child himself at this age will tell you what he is drawn to. Maybe the child rhythmically moves the pens or artistically smears the porridge on the face. Take a look and you are sure to find something special.
    • . The age when you need to try all the possibilities. The most active creative age. Refer more often to gaming techniques, and you will find your own, unique.
    • .Everything becomes more complicated, elements of preparation of skills that are necessary in school education (fantasy, talents, imagination) come into play.
    • 7-8 years This is the age when the results that parents were able to develop at an early age will appear. It can be theatrical ability, visual or musical, and maybe folklore.

    Very often, creativity manifests itself in children in the fantastic stories they have invented. The fictional world must be taken seriously by the parents. This is the first call about unrealized creative potential, which did not find a way out in preschool age.

    Early development of children's creativity, lies in your hands

    Creative parents have the same child. Taking an example from parents, the development of creative abilities in preschool children and talents are revealed faster. Even if you consider yourself an uncreative person, this is not a reason not to deal with your child.

    To begin with, turn into a child yourself, at least for a while. Support his invention and write a sequel together. Play with your child and help him channel his ideas into ordinary things. Compose together non-existent characters, flowers, toys, fairy tales. The psychological atmosphere created by you will bring you closer and help you to relax, and the baby - to acquire new creative abilities.

    Methods for developing the creative abilities of preschool children

    1. The child gets acquainted with this type of creativity in the womb, and in the first years of life. It is not without reason that pregnant women are recommended to listen to classical music. She develops imaginative thinking, hearing and memory well. Older people can listen to children's songs, sing along, beat out a rhythm with sticks or hands, clap their hands. Mom's lullaby is the best musical tradition before bed. Later, sing and dance to the music together.
    2. Reading. Read as much as possible to the kid a variety of children's genres (poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, stories, jokes, riddles and more). Always consider the age of the little listener. Older, when the baby reads on his own, write it to the library. Read roles with him.
    3. Painting. The very first drawings of children begin with drawing of fingers, palms and feet. Later you can teach how to use a brush, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens and an album. In drawing, the child will learn shape, color and size. Draw together and have fun.
    4. The world around. Every time, as soon as the child got out of bed, a new page of acquaintance with the world around begins. Remember to talk about everything the child encounters. As you walk, observe insects, animals, birds, plants and natural phenomena.
    5. Modeling. The baby's fingers during modeling receive an excellent massage and the opportunity in various movements. Clay, plasticine, sand, gypsum, dough - all this is suitable for creating creative masterpieces. Ordinary wheels and balls will turn into images over time.
    6. Application. Colored paper, scissors and glue - what could be more effective for the development of children's creativity? Coordinating the movements of the scissors, cut out the figures and glue them on the paper. There are wonderful sets for little ones with ready-made cut-out figures, they just need to be removed from the stencil and glued.

    Tips to improve the development of creative activities in preschool children

    • Patience, try to answer every child's question correctly;
    • Help and respect your baby;
    • Encourage new beginnings by word and deed;
    • Do not judge strictly the result of creativity and do not try to remake it;
    • Be sad together when disappointment or creative stagnation occurs;
    • Find your little one with a creative interest;
    • If a child asks to be alone and be creative, let me do it;
    • Do not overload the child, let creativity take place in the game;
    • Control the limits of permitted behavior;
    • Lead by example;
    • Maintain a determination to be creative;
    • Encourage your baby to ask different questions;
    • Provide your child with all the necessary arsenal for creativity;
    • Praise your baby deservedly;
    • Surround your child with creative things;
    • Train in the game.

    Creativity is given to every child. Better if they bloom in preschool age. Take care and water your little one's creativity seed regularly for wonderful shoots.

    Creative activity in modern society is highly valued, and representatives of specialties related to the creative environment are in increasing demand. Photographers, event and party organizers, designers and stylists, web designers, florists and many, many other masters of creative trends and fields have a special talent in their field. But the development of such a talent should begin from childhood, and if parents pay due attention to this direction of development, then the child finds his true purpose in life. Often, most of the parent's attention is paid to the development of areas such as memory, thinking, or speech. Fantasy and imagination remain unsupported, forming in the baby on their own. It all depends on how strong the natural inclinations of the little man are.

    Children's creativity - what they are

    The concept of "creativity" in the scientific community is understood as active self-expression, which can be carried out through any form. It can be a well-aimed word or expression of thoughts in poetry, the creation of a melody, sculpture or original drawing. Even in work related to the exact sciences (chemical research, accounting), it is desirable to use creativity in order to obtain a good and effective result.

    In a preschool child, creative abilities are the individual qualities of a personality that determine the success of the implementation of a particular type of creative activity. The creative abilities of a preschooler consist of a large number of components, including such skills as:

    • Recognition of those events and facts that other children do not see.
    • Producing a large number of ideas in a short period of time.
    • Striving for constant knowledge.
    • Organization of conditions in which this or that object can fully reveal its hidden essence.
    • Ease of association of concepts that are significantly distant from each other.
    • Independent creation of alternatives for solving certain problems.

    The presence of all of the above qualities in a preschool child is due to excellent creative thinking and imagination. The development of children's creative abilities is precisely based on the improvement of existing inclinations and skills.

    It is possible to determine the level of development of creative abilities in preschool children through the use of a variety of techniques. The most common of these is the analysis of children's drawings, which helps determine:

    • How correctly the child can convey the position of the specified object in space.
    • Is there emotionality in the image created by the preschooler?
    • How complete the content of the image is.
    • Does the child know how to fully reveal the intended plot of the picture?

    The level of development of creative imagination in preschool children gives an idea of ​​the child's ability to certain areas of creativity. Thanks to such information, it is possible to identify those creative areas that should be emphasized in order to make the little fidget's self-expression more explicit and active.

    In general, childhood is an ideal time for the development of a wide variety of abilities, including creative ones. A child in preschool age has a great curiosity, strives for knowledge of the world around him. This is due to the lack of stereotypes and independence of thinking. The creative potential of an adult largely depends on how intensively the preschooler's creative abilities developed and all the possibilities were used for this.

    Creation of conditions for the creative development of the baby

    In order for the child's creative abilities to develop correctly and in the right direction, to maximize and provide opportunities for successful creative development, certain conditions should be created:

    Developing creative imagination

    In everyday life, human imagination does not play any significant role, since it belongs to the category of non-existent, unreal, fantastic elements. But in science, this quality of the human person is very much appreciated, because it helps to imagine some object that is not in nature at all, or it is simply located at a distance from a person.

    Thanks to good imagination, a person has the ability to keep a non-existent object in memory and even perform various manipulations with it. The activity of the imagination is divided into 4 stages:

    1. The first stage of creative imagination in a preschooler is manifested during sleep. The perception of information here does not depend on the person's conscious desires.
    2. The creative imagination manifests itself more actively in pleasant dreams.
    3. Even more active is the imagination, which manifests itself during periods of listening to music, reading literary works or poetry. Auditory or visual perception helps to create appropriate images.
    4. Creative activity is the highest form of manifest imagination.

    Creative imagination involves creating a completely new image that was not previously known. Preschool children do not know the names of the methods of creative imagination, but they get to know them from the earliest childhood, with the help of fairy tales that parents read to them. A little later, such techniques are used by the children themselves, during the creative process of inventing their own fairy-tale characters, depicting them in a drawing.

    Creative imagination in childhood develops through play. It is much easier for a kid to simulate a fantasy situation by manipulating real objects. For example, if a preschooler has a wand, he can imagine himself as a rider, riding it. It is highly desirable that such a replacement object be similar to the real one. Then the performance will be easier. For a child of older preschool age, the similarity of the object of substitution with the real object does not really matter, since their imagination has already been improved. Gradually, the child even no longer needs to create external support, and he can represent an object that is not nearby. The represented object is endowed with a new meaning, and actions with it are performed exclusively in the imagination of the preschooler. It is at such a moment that the creative imagination is transformed into a process of a mental nature, and the fantasized situation is realized only in the inner world of the little fidget.

    Features of the development of creative thinking

    Creative thinking in preschool children involves the formation of the following qualities of the mental function:

    • Dialectic. The ability of children's thinking to find contradictions in systems of various types that hinder improvement, and eliminate them.
    • Associativity. Finding the relationship between objects and events that at first glance are incomparable. Thanks to associativity, the creative thinking of a preschooler becomes non-standard.
    • Consistency. The ability to perceive objects and phenomena in a holistic connection. This property of creative thinking helps a preschooler to discern the characteristics of an object in all its diversity, as well as to determine the level of correlation with other types of systems using examples of individual objects of the system.

    Creativity in the baby and the role of joint interaction in their development with parents

    The development of children's creative abilities in visual activities, dance, music or other types of art is much better and more effective when the child interacts with adults, parents. Joint creativity of this type has many advantages, including the following:

    • There is a stimulation and enrichment of the relationship between parents and children.
    • The process of socialization of a preschooler is easier and faster.
    • The kid is given the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of effective cooperation.
    • There is no authoritarian pressure from the parents. The kid is fully aware of his importance in the family, and can safely express his own "I".
    • In the process of joint creativity, a favorable atmosphere is created for the development of imagination in preschoolers and adults.

    Parents of a little fidget are well aware of how much unspent energy the child has, which he directs in the wrong direction. When interacting with parents in the game process, the baby is emotionally released, and the energy goes to the benefit of his own body. As a result, he has no strength left for whims and whimpers. Doing creative work with your child should be in a good mood so that he does not have a bad mood during the game. You should prepare for the upcoming activity in advance so that during the game there is no need to look for the required item.

    1.Theoretical foundations of the development of the visual activity of older preschool children
    1.1. The concept of the visual activity of older preschool children
    1.2. Features of the development of the visual activity of older preschool children
    1.3. Conditions for the development of the visual activity of older preschool children
    2. Features of the development of creative abilities of older preschool children in visual activity
    2.1. Senior Preschool Children Creativity Concept
    2.2. The importance of creativity in the development of older preschool children
    2.3. Conditions for the development of creative abilities of older preschool children
    2.4. Features of work on the development of creative abilities with older preschoolers in visual activity

    One of the important tasks in the field of education is the aesthetic education of children, the creation of conditions for the manifestation of the creative abilities of each child. From an early age, a child should develop a sense of beauty, high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, the beauty and wealth of folk crafts. This contributes to the formation of a spiritually rich, harmoniously personal development. The development of creative abilities in children is a complex and lengthy process, children get their first artistic impressions, get involved in art, and master various types of artistic activities.
    Visual activities, including drawing, modeling, and application, are of great importance for the all-round development of preschool children. The interest in visual activity that arose in this age period, supported by adults (parents, teachers), can develop successfully in the subsequent years of preschool childhood. As studies conducted under the leadership of the famous scientist V.I.Slobodchikov in the early 1990s have shown, drawing contributes to the formation of imaginative ideas in preschoolers, which are an important psychological basis for mastering the ability to learn. It is at this age that the abilities for visual activity are formed in children.
    Foreign scientists (B. Jefferson, E Kramer, V. Lounfeld, W. Lambert) also note the importance of visual activity, the visual creativity of children in the upbringing and development of various aspects of the personality. This is how V. Lounfeld (USA) calls visual creativity an intellectual activity, indicating its important role in the emotional development of a child. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the development of aesthetic and emotional perception of art, which are gradually turning into aesthetic feelings, contributing to the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards reality. The use of various types of art in the aesthetic development of a child makes it possible for personal development, activates the creative process, deepens emotions, develops feelings, intelligence (S.M. Vaynerman, A.A. Gribovskaya, T.N. Doronova, A.V. Dubrovskaya, O. P. Karachunskaya, T. S. Komarova, O. A. Lebedeva).
    Preschool age is most favorable for improving the functioning of the sense organs, accumulating information, about the qualitative diversity of the surrounding world. The sooner we develop the emotionally - sensual world of the child, the brighter he himself and the products of his creativity will be. One of the main features is that the development of children's creativity is considered in the relationship between education and upbringing. Much attention is paid to the development of children's independence, providing ample opportunities for expressing their own ideas and reflecting personal experience. The formation of children's creativity is impossible without the development of children's perception, enrichment of their ideas about the environment, the development of imagination. Creativity is an integral activity of a personality that is necessary for every modern person and a person of the future. And it is possible and necessary to begin its formation in the preschool period.
    The relevance of this topic is that the formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of modern education. The transformations taking place in society give rise to new requirements in education. One of them is the development of creative abilities in older preschool children.
    So, the object of our research is the visual activity of preschool children.
    Subject - the creative abilities of preschool children in the process of visual activity.
    The purpose of our research: to reveal the peculiarities of the development of creative abilities of preschool children in the visual activity.
    1. To study the theoretical and methodological literature on the research topic;
    2. To characterize the features of the development of the visual activity of preschool children.
    3. Reveal the features of the development of creative abilities in the visual activity of preschool children
    Research methods: literature analysis, analysis of the conceptual and terminological system, generalization, comparison, opposition, pedagogical observation.
    The structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion. In the introduction, the urgency of the problem is substantiated, the theoretical significance of the research is determined, the object, subject, tasks, and purpose of the work are formed.
    The first chapter reveals the theoretical foundations of the development of the visual activity of older preschool children.
    The second chapter is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the development of the creative abilities of older preschool children in visual activity.
    The work is presented on 33 sheets of computer typesetting, written using 15 literary sources.

    1.1. The concept of the visual activity of older preschool children
    Visual activity is the most important means of aesthetic education. In the process of drawing, modeling, design, application, favorable conditions are created for the psychoemotional development of pupils, a positive perception of art, which contributes to the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality. Visual activity is a creative activity, aimed not only at reflecting the impressions received in life, but also at expressing one's attitude towards what is depicted.
    Visual activity is a specific figurative cognition of reality. And like any cognitive activity, it is of great importance for the mental education of children. Mastering the ability to portray is impossible without the development of purposeful visual perception - observation. In order to draw, sculpt any object, you first need to get to know it well, remember its shape, size, design, color, arrangement of parts. For the mental development of children, the gradual expansion of the stock of knowledge is of great importance on the basis of ideas about the variety of forms of the spatial arrangement of objects in the surrounding world, different sizes, and the variety of shades of colors. When organizing the perception of objects and phenomena, it is important to pay attention of children to the variability of shapes, sizes (child and adult), flowers (plants at different times of the year), different spatial arrangement of objects and parts (a bird sits, flies, pecks grains, a fish swims in different directions etc.). Teaching visual activity is impossible without the formation of such mental operations as analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization. The faculty of analysis develops from a more general and coarse discrimination to a more subtle one. Knowledge of objects and their properties, acquired in an effective way, is fixed in consciousness.
    In the classroom for visual activity, the speech of children is developed: the assimilation and name of forms, colors and their shades, spatial designations contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary; statements in the process of observing objects, when examining objects, buildings, as well as when examining illustrations, reproductions from paintings by artists have a positive effect on the expansion of vocabulary and the formation of coherent speech. As psychologists point out, for the implementation of various types of activity, the mental development of children, the qualities, skills, and abilities that they acquire in the process of drawing, application and design are of great importance. Visual activity is closely related to sensory education. The formation of ideas about objects requires the assimilation of knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, size, position in space. Children define and name these properties, compare objects, find similarities and differences, that is, they perform mental actions. In the process of visual activity, mental and physical activity is combined. To create a drawing, it is necessary to make efforts, to carry out labor actions, to master certain skills. The visual activity of preschoolers teaches them to overcome difficulties, to show labor efforts, to master labor skills. First, children develop an interest in the movement of a pencil or brush, in the traces they leave on paper; gradually new motives of creativity appear - the desire to get a result, to create a certain image. Preschoolers acquire many practical skills that will later be needed to perform a wide variety of jobs, acquire manual skill that will allow them to feel independent. Mastering work skills and abilities is associated with the development of such strong-willed personality traits as attention, perseverance, endurance. Children are taught the ability to work, to achieve the desired result. The formation of hard work, self-service skills is facilitated by the participation of children in preparing for classes and cleaning jobs.
    According to L.A. Wenger in each type of activity has an indicative and performing parts and, accordingly, indicative and performing actions; indicative actions are an assessment of a problem that has arisen, a study of the conditions for its solution, a correlation with one's own capabilities, with known methods of solution, a choice of a method of implementation; performing actions - performing actions and achieving a result. Knowledge, skills and abilities refer to the performing part of the activity, whether it is a practical or cognitive activity. The tasks of orienting actions are not independent, but they are subordinated to the solution of more general cognitive or practical tasks. When the performing actions are formed, the indicative ones are curtailed. When it is necessary to master new actions, the speed and quality of mastering depend on the nature of the orientation in the task.
    G.V. Labunskaya and N.P. Sakulina believe that the process of creating an image consists of two parts: the formation of a visual representation and its reproduction. According to N.P. Sakulina, the first part of the activity is called indicative, and the second - performing. Different in nature, they require a person to manifest various qualities (properties) of the personality.
    In the study of Yu.A. Poluyanov, the following periods of the development of visual activity are distinguished, covering the entire period of childhood: the pre-visual period (or the stage of "scribbles"), and the visual period: the stage of formless images, the stage of pictorial schemes, the stage of plausible images, the stage of correct (or realistic ) images. In preschool age, it is possible to observe the development of visual activity from the pre-visual stage to the stage of plausible images, which does not apply to preschool childhood, but is observed in some cases.
    In preschool institutions, the types of visual activities are:
    1. Drawing- one of the favorite activities of children, which gives a lot of scope for the manifestation of their creative activity. Drawing is a type of visual activity, the main purpose of which is a figurative reflection of reality. Drawing is one of the most interesting for preschool children: it deeply excites the child, evokes positive emotions.
    2. Modeling- is a kind of sculpture, the originality of modeling lies in the volumetric method of the image. Sculpting is necessary for the development of sensations, perceptions and visual representations in children. It is believed that vision is leading in the cognition of objects in the real world, but at the first stages of the formation of an image in children, the support for vision is the touch of an object.
    3. Application- children get acquainted with simple and complex shapes of various objects, parts and silhouettes of which they cut and paste. Applique (from the Latin word applicato - attachment) is one of the types of visual techniques based on cutting and superimposing various shapes and fixing them on another material, taken as a background. The concept of "applications" includes methods of creating works of art from materials of different properties and texture, united by the similarity of the execution technique.
    4. Construction- this type of activity is more related to the game than others. Construction (from the Latin word construere) means bringing different objects, parts, elements into a certain mutual position. By its nature, child construction is more similar to visual activity. Under children's design, it is customary to understand the creation of different structures and models from building material and parts of designers, the manufacture of crafts from paper, cardboard, various natural (moss, branches, cones, stones, etc.) and waste (cardboard boxes, wooden spools, rubber tires, old metal items, etc.) materials. There are two types of design: technical and artistic. Construction is a productive activity that meets the interests and needs of preschoolers.
    Thus, pictorial activity is understood as artistic and creative activity aimed not only at reflecting the impressions received in life, but also at expressing one's attitude towards the depicted.

    1.2. Features of the development of the visual activity of older preschool children
    Artistic creation is a complex process of cognition and figurative reflection of the surrounding reality.
    Children, getting acquainted with the world around them, try to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc.
    The visual activity presents rich opportunities in this respect, since in its essence it bears a transforming and constructive character. Here, the child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, to convey the images of the imagination, embodying them with the help of a variety of materials into real forms.
    In older preschool age, perceptions acquire a purposeful character. Most of them are based on visual sensations; with their help, the child can perceive color, size, shape. But since his experience is still small, sight alone cannot give him the completeness of perception, it is necessary to include touch and other sensations in perception that help the formation of a more complete representation.
    Teaching a child to see the world is one of the tasks of an educator. And this means developing observation in children, the ability to be aware of what they have seen, that is, to develop in children the ability to think, reason, analyze, draw conclusions. A 5-6 year old child, perceiving surrounding objects, is already trying to highlight their features, analyze, generalize, draw their own conclusions. But so far they are superficial. Children are often attracted by bright, dynamic, but secondary details, which are often not significant in the work on the drawing. This is reflected in the nature of their ideas about the subject, and in the image in the drawing or modeling.
    By the older preschool age, the child develops more and more the level of analytical-synthetic thinking, which is important for the image process. The imagination begins to take on an increasing role in activity. But the images of the imagination of the younger preschooler are still unstable, fragmentary, which also affects his drawings. With age, the imagination becomes richer, children can independently think over the content of their work, introduce new images.
    Emotions play an important role, which contribute to the manifestation of interest in visual activity, the concentration of the child's attention and feelings on the created image, and enhance the work of the imagination.
    Preschoolers can master visual skills and skills. By the age of six, he possesses a sufficient stock of skills and is able to use them consciously, independently choosing the necessary techniques when depicting new objects.
    In scientific research on children's creativity, a number of features are noted that characterize the presence of creative principles in a child's activity. This is a manifestation of activity, independence and initiative in the application of already mastered methods of work to new content, in finding new ways to solve the assigned tasks, in the emotional expression of one's feelings with the help of various pictorial means.
    Initially, cognition of the environment in the child's visual activity is not associated with creative manifestations and consists in cognizing the properties of the material with which the child acts: pencils and paints leave traces on paper, clay is soft, you can sculpt from it.
    For the further pictorial activity of the development of creative beginnings, this period plays an important role, since the child gets acquainted with the material with which he can embody his ideas in images. When he begins to understand that the traces left by a pencil can denote something, and, at his will or at the suggestion of an adult, tries to draw an object, then his activity takes on a pictorial character. The child has a plan, a goal that he seeks to implement.
    In the process of work, the child implements this plan, supplementing it in accordance with the content. Children can convey the psychological state of the characters depicted in simplified, simple details: crying with tears, laughing with the corners of the mouth raised up, fear with raised hands, etc. More complex means of expressing experience, for example, expression of eyes, are not available to preschoolers. But along with these main expressive features of the image, which are main for children, they often draw grass, an airplane in the air, trying to fill in empty spaces on paper.
    The most accessible means of expression for a preschooler is the use of color. Color in the visual arts (painting, graphics) is an important means of expressing the artistic intent, the idea of ​​the work. Its use is closely related to the content of the work, since it has no independent meaning. Color contrasts are used to highlight the main thing in the picture; color conveys mood: dark, muted tones - in pictures with sad content, bright, saturated - in joyful ones. A preschool child, of course, cannot use color in such a diverse way and at first perceives it as an independent value, independent of the real color of the object. The child enjoys any color of a pencil, paint, painting over everything with them. Having become acquainted with many colors, children often use them as an expressive means, helping to make the image more beautiful, more elegant, that is, they use it in a decorative sense. Here, there is also a violation of the real color, since at first the child is attracted by bright contrasting color combinations. This decorativeness can sometimes contradict the characteristics of the image. Gradually, older preschool children move away from decorative coloring, mastering different shades. With the development of perception and aesthetic feelings, they begin to use color to convey the mood of the image. Although they still use color emotionally: what they like is painted in bright colors, unloved, scary images - in dark ones. This is very clearly manifested in drawing on fairy-tale themes. For example, children paint Baba Yaga in brown, black, and good characters - Vasilisa the Beautiful, Ivan Tsarevich with a variety of bright colors.
    Preschoolers convey their attitude to what is portrayed by other means that also violate reality. But this violation occurs as a result of the desire to enhance the significance and expressiveness of the image. So, sometimes they change the correct proportional ratios wanting to highlight something, for example, in the drawing, butterflies are larger in size than the children themselves. The transfer of the dynamic state of the depicted object is also one of the expressive means used by the child. If at a younger age, movement is not depicted, then older children have access to the image of objects in motion, which can make the image expressive.
    Children's creativity is also characterized by the use of compositional means, primarily rhythm and symmetry. They not only give harmony to the image itself and the whole picture, but also facilitate the image, which is especially important for children who have not yet mastered the fine arts. Since the rhythm is inherent in human movements in general, the child quickly begins to use it consciously in order to do the job beautifully. In older preschool years, a sense of rhythm helps to create a compositionally complete picture.
    A peculiar moment in the performance of the composition is the non-obscurity of one object by another, the violation of the proportional relationships between them. These moments, as if violating the veracity, speak of the child's desire to convey his real impressions of the surrounding life, where each object has its place in space, all the details of its form can be seen. On the other hand, this is due to the inability to convey vital representations by the conventional means with which all compositional techniques in the drawing are associated. Rhythm and symmetry are especially used in decorative works, where expressiveness largely depends, in addition to color, on the rhythm of construction.
    The development of abilities and creativity in children are two interrelated tasks of art education based on familiarizing children with the surrounding reality. The symbolic image is not available for preschool children. It presupposes an image of an object with the maximum degree of generalization. The child's drawing is always specific. As soon as some details appear for an indefinite form, this is already an image, since the child thinks of the object in action, adding the missing one with sounds, with his own movement. Gradually, the amount of detail in the image increases, the image becomes richer. Children almost always put their attitude into the work, conveying it through pictorial or other means. This allows us to call the child's drawing peculiar, expressive.
    Thus, the means of expression used by children are quite diverse: color, shape, composition. They help to convey the characteristic features of the image, the attitude towards it. The degree of expressiveness depends primarily on the development of the child's figurative vision, the stock of impressions and on the level of development of the visual abilities.

    1.3. Conditions for the development of the visual activity of older preschool children
    The main meaning of visual activity is that it is a means of aesthetic education. In the process of visual activity, favorable conditions are created for the development of aesthetic perception and emotions, which gradually turn into aesthetic feelings, contributing to the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards reality. The immediate aesthetic feeling that arises when perceiving a beautiful object includes various constituent elements: a sense of color, a sense of proportion, a sense of form, a sense of rhythm. For the aesthetic education of children and for the development of their visual abilities, acquaintance with works of visual art is of great importance (Appendix 1). Brightness, expressiveness of images in pictures, sculpture, architecture and works of applied art evoke aesthetic experiences, help to perceive life phenomena more deeply and more fully and to find figurative expressions of their impressions in drawing, modeling, application .. Gradually, children develop an artistic taste.
    A necessary condition for the development of the visual activity of a preschooler is the presence of a conscious goal: the desire to create an original image and master the system of visual skills.
    A preschooler in his aesthetic development goes from an elementary visual sensory impression to the creation of an original image with adequate pictorial and expressive means. To do this, it is necessary to create a base for his creativity, and it is precisely in the group that there should be methodological literature and visual demonstration material, samples for drawing and application, handouts corresponding to the age of the children. The more the child sees and hears, the more significant and productive the activity of his imagination will become, therefore much attention is paid to creating a subject-developing environment. Islets of visual activity in groups should be equipped with visual materials and equipment, children should have at their disposal paper of different colors and sizes, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, colored wax crayons, chalk, paints, natural and "waste" material, clay, plasticine. The quality and quantity of materials will vary depending on the age group. The environment should be organized so that the materials and equipment needed by children to carry out any activity are either within the child's field of vision, or available so that he can take them without seeking help from an adult, and should also be constantly updated. To accommodate visual material, cabinets or shelves are needed, to which children have free access, its correct location, a well-lit place, there should be a place for demonstrating children's work. Particular attention should be paid to creating conditions for the independent visual activity of children, providing them with as much of the most diverse material as possible. Considering that the formation of the image is influenced by the artistic word, music, it is necessary to enrich the content of the corresponding corners, to make didactic games, manuals, series of reproductions from paintings by artists, a slide projector, slides, audiocassettes with music, books for children about art. Immersing them in such a diverse aesthetic environment through the practice of creating various crafts, ornaments for the group allows them to instill in them a sense of beauty. Before a child begins to directly depict an object or phenomenon, while expressing his personal attitude towards him, he must have a concrete image of him. The preschooler receives these ideas from the surrounding reality in the process of observation, communication, research. Therefore, it is necessary to use such forms of preliminary work as walks and joint activities with children, looking at reproductions of paintings and talking about a painting. Pay attention to evoke in children an emotional response to the content of works of fine art, a desire to get acquainted with the work of artists. The creation of images is helped by the use of didactic games, game assignments, dramatization games, psychological studies. It is necessary to have works of fine art, as well as products of decorative and applied art: Gorodets painting, Khokhloma, Dymkovo toys.
    Therefore, conditions should be age appropriate and foster creativity.
    So, in the process of drawing, sculpting, application, the child experiences a variety of feelings: he is happy with a beautiful image that he created himself, he is upset if something does not work out. But the most important thing: by creating an image, the child acquires various knowledge; his ideas about the environment are refined and deepened; in the process of work, he begins to comprehend the qualities of objects, memorize their characteristic features and details, master visual skills and abilities, learns to use them consciously. Therefore, it is so important to widely include in the pedagogical process a variety of artistic and visual activities (Appendix 2). Here every child can express himself to the fullest without any pressure from an adult.

    2.1. Senior Preschool Children Creativity Concept

    Creativity (creativity) is an active, purposeful human activity, as a result of which something new and original arises. Creativity is the most important characteristic of a personality - and it is necessary to form it in a child from a very early age. The preschool period of development has a special place in the development of creativity.
    Domestic psychologists and teachers - L.S.Vygotsky, V.V.Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Poddyakov, N.A. Confirmation of this - many discoveries, the creation of interesting, sometimes original drawings and designs. According to SI Ozhegov's definition, creativity is a conscious, goal-setting, active human activity aimed at cognizing and transforming reality, creating new original, previously non-existent objects. Ability - natural endowment, talent.
    Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. Preschool childhood is the time of the initial formation of the personality, the formation of the foundations of the child's self-awareness and individuality.
    The creative principle gives birth to a vivid fantasy, vivid imagination in a child. Creativity by its nature is based on the desire to do something that no one has done before you, or - although what existed before you, do it in a new way, in your own way, better. In other words, the creative principle in a person is always a striving forward, for the better, for progress, for perfection and, of course, for beauty in the highest and broadest sense of this concept.
    In order to timely ensure the full development of the creative abilities of children, you need to imagine what it is. This is a complex concept that includes several components that parents should focus on: striving for discoveries; the ability to learn; activity; fantasy; initiative; striving for knowledge; the ability to find non-standard in familiar phenomena and things; liveliness of mind; the ability to invent and discover; freedom of imagination; intuition; the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and experience in practice; discoveries and inventions.
    Fostering a creative attitude to work (the ability to see beauty in everyday things, to feel joy from the labor process, the desire to learn the secrets and laws of the universe, the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations) is one of the most difficult and interesting tasks of modern pedagogy. It is very important not to miss that period in a child's life when basic skills and abilities are formed, among which the central place is given to imagination, fantasy, interest in new things. If these qualities are not developed in the preschool period, then in the future there is a rapid decrease in the activity of this function, which means that the personality becomes impoverished, the possibilities of creative thinking decrease, interest in art and creative activity dies out.
    Some authors believe that learning abilities are, first of all, general abilities, and creative abilities are special ones that determine the success of creativity.
    Candidates of psychological sciences V.T. Kudryavtsev and V. Sinelnikov identified the following universal creative abilities:
    1. Realism of imagination - figurative grasping of some essential, general tendency or pattern of development of an integral object, before a person has a clear concept of it and can inscribe it into a system of strict logical categories.
    2. Ability to see the whole before the parts.
    3. The over-situational - transformative nature of creative solutions - the ability, when solving a problem, not just to choose from the alternatives imposed from the outside, but to independently create an alternative.
    Thus, creative abilities are the individual characteristics of a person's quality, which determine the success of his performance of creative activities of various kinds.

    2.2 The importance of creativity in the development of older preschool children
    The development and upbringing of a child's abilities is a very responsible and difficult matter, it can be carried out only with an attentive attitude towards children, only knowing their needs, interests, hobbies. Natural prerequisites for the development of abilities are inclinations, that is, genetically fixed anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organism.
    Already at an early age in children, you can see the very first manifestation of abilities - a tendency to any kind of activity. Performing it, the child experiences joy, pleasure. The more the kid is engaged in this type of activity, the more he wants to do it, he is interested not in the result, but in the process itself. The child likes not to draw a picture, but to draw; not build a house, but build it. Abilities begin to develop most intensively and vividly from 3-4 years old, and in early childhood, the general prerequisites for their formation are laid. During the first three years of life, the child masters the basic movements and object-related actions, he develops an active speech. The listed achievements of early childhood continue to develop in preschool age. General abilities are divided into two groups - cognitive and practical. The formation of cognitive is included in the formation of figurative forms of cognition of reality: perception, figurative memory, visual-figurative thinking, imagination, i.e. in the creation of a figurative foundation of intelligence.
    Central to the structure of cognitive abilities is the ability to create images that reflect the properties of objects, their general structure, the ratio of the main features or parts and situations. Cognitive abilities include sensory, intellectual, and creative abilities. Sensory abilities are associated with the child's perception of objects and their qualities, they form the basis of mental development. Sensory abilities are intensively formed from 3-4 years old. The assimilation of standards by a preschooler leads to the emergence of ideal samples of the properties of an object, which are indicated in the word. Children get acquainted with the varieties of each property and systematize them when, for example, they master the ideas about the colors of the spectrum, phonemes of their native language, and standards of geometric shapes.
    The basis for the development of intellectual abilities is formed by the actions of visual modeling: substitution, use of ready-made models and building a model based on the establishment of relations between the substitute and the object being replaced. So, as a ready-made model, the plan of a playroom or area, along which children learn to navigate, can act. Then they themselves begin to build such a plan, denoting objects in the room with any conventional symbols, for example, a table with a circle, and a cabinet with a rectangle.
    Creativity is connected with imagination and allows the child to find original ways and means of solving problems, to come up with a fairy tale or story, to create an idea for a game or drawing.
    The preschooler is involved in a variety of activities - play, construction, work and others. All of them have a joint, collective character, which means they create conditions for the manifestation and development of practical abilities, primarily organizational ones. In order to successfully interact with each other, children need a number of skills: setting a goal, planning content, choosing the means to achieve the goal, correlating the result with the expected, taking into account the opinions of partners, distributing responsibilities in accordance with the capabilities and interests of each, monitoring compliance rules, order, ability to resolve controversial issues and conflicts without the intervention of an adult, to assess the relationship of partners to the assigned case.
    The practical abilities of preschoolers also include constructive and technical: spatial vision, spatial imagination, the ability to represent an object as a whole and its parts according to a plan, drawing, diagram, description, as well as the ability to independently formulate an idea that is distinguished by originality. These abilities are the basis, in the future, with their help, children learn such school subjects as drawing, geometry, physics, chemistry, where the ability to represent the essence of the process, the structure of the mechanism is required. Rich opportunities for the development of constructive and technical abilities in preschool age are created by designing from different materials, constructors, and the use of technical toys.
    In preschool age, special abilities, especially artistic ones, are actively developed. Preschool childhood, like no other age period, creates favorable conditions for their formation. The preschooler is included in all the variety of artistic activities. He sings, dances, sculpts, paints. A child of preschool age manifests such abilities as graphic, decorative and applied, including a sense of composition, color, shape; musical, which make up melodic and rhythmic ear, a sense of harmony; theatrical speech, which include poetic ear, expressive intonation and facial expressions. Any special ability includes the main components: a certain level of development of cognitive processes, technical skills, as well as emotional sensitivity.
    So, Senior preschool age is favorable for the development of the ability to create, since it is at this time that the psychological basis for creative activity is laid. A child of this age is capable of creating a new pattern, design, image, fantasy, which are distinguished by originality, variability, flexibility and mobility. An older preschooler is characterized by an active activity position, curiosity, constant questions to an adult, the ability to verbal comment on the process and the result of his own activity, persistent motivation, a sufficiently developed imagination, persistence. Initiative is associated with curiosity, ability, inquisitiveness of the mind, ingenuity, the ability to volitional regulation of behavior, the ability to overcome difficulties.

    2.3. Conditions for the development of creative abilities of older preschool children
    An important condition for the development of the creative abilities of a preschooler is the organization of purposeful leisure activities of older preschoolers in a preschool institution and a family: enriching it with vivid impressions, providing an emotional and intellectual experience that will serve as the basis for the emergence of ideas and will be the material necessary for the imagination to work. The common position of teachers, understanding the prospects for the development of the child and the interaction between them is one of the important conditions for the development of children's creativity. Mastering creative activity is unthinkable without communication with art. With the correct wagging of adults, the child understands the meaning, the essence of art, figurative and expressive means
    The next important condition for the development of creative abilities is taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. It is important to take into account the temperament, and the character, and the characteristics of some mental functions, and even the mood of the child on the day when work is to be done. An indispensable condition for creative activity organized by adults should be an atmosphere of creativity: “I mean the stimulation by adults of such a state of children, when their feelings, imagination are“ awakened ”, when the child is carried away by what he is doing. Therefore, he feels free, comfortable. This is not possible if an atmosphere of trusting communication, cooperation, empathy, faith in the child, and support for his failures reigns in the classroom or in independent artistic activity. "
    Also, a condition for the development of creative abilities is learning, in the process of which knowledge, methods of action, and abilities are formed that allow the child to realize his plan. For this knowledge, skills must be flexible, variable, skills - generalized, that is, applicable in different conditions. Otherwise, in older preschool age, children experience a so-called "decline" in creative activity. So, a child, realizing the imperfection of his drawings and crafts, loses interest in visual activity, which affects the development of the creative activity of the preschooler as a whole.
    The most important condition for the development and stimulation of creative abilities is the complex and systematic use of methods and techniques. Motivation for a task is not just motivation, but a proposal for effective motives and behavior of children, if not to independently formulate, then to accept the task set by adults.
    To optimize the creative process, it is necessary to form an individual zone for each child - a situation of creative development. The zone of creative development is the foundation on which the pedagogical process is built. L.S. Vygodsky noted that "creativity exists not only where it creates great works, but also wherever the child imagines, changes, creates something new." Any child is capable of such activities. Therefore, it is necessary to organize it. The educator here acts not just as a teacher who teaches, but as a sincerely enthusiastic creative person who attracts his younger colleague to work.
    The environment plays a huge role in the development of a child's creative abilities. Until now, the decisive role is assigned to the special microenvironment in which the child is formed, and, first of all, the influence of family relations. Most researchers identify the following parameters when analyzing family relations: 1) harmony - not the harmony of relations between parents, as well as between parents and children; 2) creative - non-creative person as an example of imitation and subject of identification; 3) community of intellectual interests of family members or lack of it; 4) the expectation of parents in relation to the child: the expectation of "achievement or independence."
    All these conditions are not enough for raising children with highly developed creative abilities. Directed work is needed to develop the creative potential of children. The upbringing system in our country does not contain measures aimed at the consistent creative development of children's abilities. Therefore, abilities develop mostly unexpectedly and, as a result, do not reach a high level of development of children. Qualities are of great importance: memory, imagination, attention for the development of creative abilities. It is these qualities that are the basis for the development of productive thinking, the creative abilities of children and increase the creative search activity.
    Thus, the upbringing of the creative abilities of children will be achieved only if it is a rapid and purposeful process, during which a number of particular pedagogical tasks are solved, aimed at achieving the set task.

    2.4 Features of work on the development of creative abilities with older preschoolers in visual activity
    All teachers know how important it is to make art lessons interesting. Analysis of literatures and pedagogical experience shows that one of the most important conditions for the successful development of creative skills through visual activity is the diversity and variability of work with children in the classroom. The novelty of the environment, an unusual start to work, beautiful and varied materials, interesting non-repetitive tasks for children, the possibility of choice and many other factors - this helps to prevent the formation of creative skills through visual activity, monotony and boredom, provides liveliness and spontaneity of children's perception and activities ... It is important that the teacher, each time, creates a new situation so that children, on the one hand, can apply previously acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, and on the other hand, they look for new solutions, creative approaches. This is what causes positive emotions in children, joyful surprise, and a desire to work creatively. However, it is often difficult for educators to add variety to all moments of work and to free children's activities, to come up with many options for classes on topics. Carrying out the management of visual activity, it is necessary to remember its specifics - this is not an ordinary educational activity in which children simply learn something, learn something, this is an artistic and creative activity that requires a positive emotional attitude from the child, the desire to create an image, a picture by exerting efforts of thought and physical condition. Purposeful teaching of children to artistic creativity is necessary; for the majority of preschoolers, creativity in itself does not develop and does not manifest itself.
    For the full-fledged aesthetic development and the formation of artistic and creative abilities of children, certain conditions are necessary, namely:
    - priority attention should be paid to play, drawing, constructive, theatrical and musical activities, which contributes to the all-round development of the child's personality, allows you to create an atmosphere of emotional well-being, fill the lives of children with interesting content;
    - using a variety of methods and techniques;
    - in kindergarten it is necessary to create an artistic and aesthetic environment, while children take an active part in the design, systematically organize exhibitions;
    - there should be variability in everything. (it is necessary to diversify the forms, means and methods of teaching, materials for work presented to children).
    - the teacher must exclude from the classes excessive didacticism, the imposition of his own idea of ​​the solution of the image, the plot.
    - every child deserves an attentive, tactful attitude, respect for his work and for the results of his activity. A creative, welcoming atmosphere should be created.
    - the educator must demonstrate trust in the child, exclude excessive custody.
    The pedagogical process also includes individual lessons with lagging children and lessons with gifted children. Circle work can be conducted with gifted children twice a week. In circle classes, gifted children receive additional, deeper information about the visual program, and most importantly, they acquire the opportunity for unlimited creativity. In the classroom, close ties are established between all types of visual activity - drawing, modeling, applique work, as well as decorative and applied work.
    Usually classes are held in a structure that helps to maximize all the tasks.
    At the beginning of the lesson, a psychological entry is required. It can be musical in the form of listening to music or singing a song, or children silently consider a picture, in the form of a game, or telling a fairy tale.
    At the next stage, the topic of the lesson is revealed in a playful way, an educational task is posed or a problem situation is created. During the explanation or repetition of the passed, models and algorithms, schemes and constructions are used, developmental games and exercises are offered, which not only helps to remember the process of the image, but also leads children into a state of creative upsurge and desire to create.
    At the end of the lesson, a game is held, or the fairy tale that began at the beginning of the lesson ends, illustrating it with the works of children. The logical completion of the problem created at the beginning of the lesson occurs. You can carry out psychological relief by monitoring the mood of the children. For example, singing a funny song, listening to a funny or calm melody while looking at finished works.
    Each work is evaluated only positively, correct comments are possible only during work, sometimes coming from the game character. An important point at the end of the lesson is the child's mood, his emotional state. To find out if the child liked the lesson, whether he is satisfied with his creativity, his work. He puts a card with a schematic depiction of a mood in his “mood pocket”. And the educator must analyze the emotional state of the children and draw conclusions.
    An important point in the structure of classes is the use of finger gymnastics, relaxation for muscle relaxation, physical education, games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands and imitation motor exercises that echo the topic of the lesson, which contribute not only to physical unloading, but also to the maximum assimilation of the material and the development of creativity.
    Thus, the necessary conditions for the development of artistic creativity in children is a creative approach to organizing activities with children and to the use of various methods and techniques of work in this direction.
    So, the inclusion in the pedagogical process of various games, game techniques or game situations, maximally contributes to the creation of personally significant motivation for the child, the assimilation of knowledge, the mastery of skills and abilities, the development of creativity. It will help to form creative skills through visual activity: variability in the organization of the environment (its novelty and diversity), the choice of topics of activities, forms, means, methods of work, materials presented to children, an attentive tactful attitude towards each child, respect for the creative process and the results of his creative activity , creating a benevolent atmosphere at each lesson, the formation of the same relationship on the part of parents.

    Visual activity, provided it is guided by adults (teachers, parents), is invaluable for the all-round development of preschoolers. The main task is to form in children an interest in artistic and creative activity, the ability to draw, sculpt, and apply. Leading the visual activity, the educator must remember about the general conditions for all age groups, necessary for the successful mastering of it and the development of children's creativity.
    The formation of children's creativity is not possible without the development of aesthetic perception, imagery, imagination. This is based on the formation of sensory processes and the continuous enrichment of the sensory experience of children. A necessary condition for the formation of artistic creativity is the integration of various content of educational and educational activities, which is based on the knowledge of reality. Successful work with children requires a creative approach of teachers to the selection of educational content based on integration, as well as to the organization of activities for children, to the use of various methods and techniques of work, especially play.
    Thus, the inclusion of various games, game techniques or game situations in the pedagogical process maximally contributes to the creation of personally significant learning motivation for the child, the assimilation of knowledge, the mastery of skills and abilities, the development of creativity. It will help to form creative skills through visual activity: variability in the organization of the environment (its novelty and diversity), the choice of topics of activities, forms, means, methods of work, materials presented to children, an attentive tactful attitude towards each child, respect for the creative process and the results of his creative activity , creating a benevolent atmosphere at each lesson, the formation of the same relationship on the part of parents.
    In creative activity, the task of adults is not so much in teaching children the fine arts, but in providing the foundations for the development of each child into a competent person, capable of adequately thinking, feeling and acting in a cultured society.
    The purpose and objectives of the course work are completed.

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    2. Weinerman S.M. Sensomotor development of preschoolers in the fine arts class / S.M. Weinerman. - M., 2001.
    3. Gribovskaya A.A. Folk art and children's creativity / A.A. Gribovskaya. - M .: Education, 2004.
    4. Doronova T.N. Development of children from 3 to 5 years old in visual activity / T.N. Doronov. - SPb.: Childhood-PRESS, 2002.
    5. Doronova T.N. Nature, art and visual activities of children. / T.N. Doronov. - M .: Education, 2007.
    6. Dubrovskaya A.V. Invitation to creativity / A.V. Dubrovskaya. - SPb .: Childhood-Press, 2002.
    7. Karachunskaya O. P. Museum pedagogy and visual activity in preschool educational institutions / O.P. Karachunskaya. - M .: Creative Center, 2005.
    8. Komarova T.S. Children's art creation / TS Komarova. - Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005
    9. Komarova TS Visual activity in kindergarten: teaching and creativity / TS Komarova. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005 .-- 176 p.
    10. Komarova T.S. Drawing technique training / TS Komarova. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005
    11. Komarova TS, Aesthetic developmental environment at a preschool educational institution: Textbook. method. manual / T.S. Komarova, O. Yu. Philips. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2007 .-- 128 p.
    12. Mezhieva, M.V. We develop creativity in children 5-9 years old / M.V. Mezhieva. - Yaroslavl, 2002.
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    14. Simanovsky, A.E. Development of creative thinking in children / A.E. Simanovsky. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002.
    15. Shvaiko G.S. Classes on visual activity in kindergarten / G.S. Shvaiko - M .: Vlados, 2006

    Annex 1

    Types and genres of art in kindergarten:
    Sculpture portrait
    animalism still life Household genre
    Painting portrait household
    Still life
    animalism landscape
    Decorative and applied art

    Appendix 2

    Purpose: To form the knowledge and skills of children in the field of fine arts. To bring joy and pleasure to children. Maintain interest in visual activities, the desire to play games with visual content. Learn drawing with stamps.
    Material and equipment:
    The package (cut portrait of the King of the Palette, pictures of answers to riddles), colored arcs, umbrellas, easel - 2 pcs., Flannelegraph, sun with colored rays, panels with palettes and virgin paints, stamps 2 pcs. for each child, carved houses for each child, costumes of Izoychik, Klyaksich and the King of the Palette., audio recording "The Sound of Rain" and the song "Rain" and Mozart's music for children.
    An envelope containing an image of Izoychik cut into 4 parts and a letter is brought into the hall, in which it is written: “Dear guys, we invite you to make a fascinating journey through an extraordinary country.
    Educator: Who is this letter from? Who invites us and where? There are some colored pieces in the envelope. What to do with them? (children assemble the picture on their own). Now it's clear to us who sent the letter! But I wonder what country Isoichik invites us to? The name is hidden in these pictures. (Children need to make the word ISO from 3 pictures of Chineward).
    What does the word IZO mean? What words are hidden in it? Fine art is correct - from the word to depict, it means to draw. Well, do you agree? So let's go?

    We need to take the necessary items to the country of fine art. But first, guess the riddles, and the answers on the table are different things you need to draw.
    1. If you sharpen it,
    Draw whatever you want!
    Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
    What is this? (Pencil)
    2. Huddle in a narrow house
    Colorful kids
    Only release it into the wild -
    Will paint a clear field
    Where there was emptiness
    There you look - beauty! (Colour pencils)
    3. If you give her a job,
    The pencil worked in vain. (Elastic)
    4. The white stone has melted,
    I left traces on the board. (Chalk)
    5. Your pigtail without fear
    She dips in paint. (Brush)
    6. Multi-colored sisters
    We are bored without water. (Paints)
    Well done, you guessed it. So you can get under way!
    Pay attention to the arcs.
    - Let's take the rainbow bridge.
    Children collect rainbows.
    - Hello rainbow arc,
    Taking us on a visit.
    We ran barefoot across the rainbow
    Over the rainbow - we will jump over the arc on the run
    And again we ran, ran, ran barefoot.

    They go to the center of the hall.
    - How dark here!
    The sound of rain sounds. And music with the song "Umbrellas".
    Children dance a dance with umbrellas.
    Isoichik leaves.
    - Hello, Isoichik! Why are you so sad?
    Izoichik: It has always been raining in our country lately.
    Educator: Why? Where is the sun?
    Izoichik: This is the Blot. Klyaksich mixed all the colors on the palette and they became dirty, gray. The sun has lost its brightness, its multi-colored rays are extinguished. Help light the sun!
    Music sounds and Klyaksich runs in.
    Blot: Who wants to light the sun here? You, guys? Don't you like rain? Don't you like mixing paints? Do you love? Well, and I love it! Here, look how easy it is!
    Goes to the easel, mixes kr + blue + black + brown + yellow paints.
    Blot: That's what happened!
    Izoichik: It's mud! Do you kids like it? How do you mix paints?
    Children: You need to take only 2 paints.
    The teacher shows examples, the children solve them verbally.
    Educator: Well done, now come and help light the sun.
    Children remember the magic phrase: "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits."
    As soon as the children collect the sun, it smiles and lights up.
    Blot: Well, the sun is shining, the rain has stopped, I'll get out of here! (leaves)
    (Children sing song 1 purchase.)
    Izoichik: I know that children in your garden love to paint. I want you to become real artists.

    Educator: What is needed for this?
    Izoichik: Paints and the desire to paint!
    Educator: Well, let's check, you draw, and we will give you assignments. First, draw a donut.
    Izoychik pretends to draw.
    Educator: And where is the bagel?
    And I ate it.
    Educator: Okay, now draw a glass.
    Izoychik draws with milk! Here!
    Educator: There is nothing again. Well, suppose you drank the milk, but where is the glass?
    Izoichik: The glass is transparent, you can't see it!
    Educator: Then draw a red dog!
    Izoychik draws. Everything!
    Educator (brings it to his eyes). There is a dot on the sheet. This is a dog?
    Izoichik: Yes. At first I imagined a big dog, then I got scared and climbed a tree, and from there the dog seems small!
    Educator: Well, you have a fantasy! But you, Isoichik, have not yet introduced us to the inhabitants of the country of Fine Arts.
    Izoichik: Please. Multi-colored paints live in our country. There are both cold and warm shades, and each has its own house. And our country is ruled by the King Palette!
    Educator: Something your paints all scattered, how can our children draw? Help the guys put the paints in their place. To their houses. Warm colors - for warm, cold - for houses of cold tones.
    (Children complete the task).
    - Where do we define green?
    Children answer:

    The King of the Palette appears!
    King Palette: Hello guys! They say you can draw well? Then paint, please, the houses for the rest of the inhabitants of the country of Fine Arts.
    Educator: Paint the houses using stamps.
    What colors do you think you will paint if there is cold paint in the house, for example, blue or green?
    And if it is warm red or yellow?
    Children answer questions. Then, with the help of stamps, they paint the houses to the music.
    At the end of the lesson, Isoichik examines children's works, praises them, and gives beautiful pictures as a keepsake.

    The problem of creativity has a long and controversial history. At all times, it has been the object of close attention of thinkers and scientists (philosophers, psychologists, teachers). The concept of "creativity" goes back to the works of Plato and Aristotle.

    In the philosophical understanding (Berdyaev N.A., Jung K., Ovchinnikov V.F. and others), the phenomenon of creativity is defined as that which is characteristic of animate and inanimate nature, man and society, and acts as a mechanism of productive development. Psychologists (Bogoyavlenskaya D.E., Leontyev A.N., Ponomarev Ya.A. and others) consider creativity as a product of mental activity.

    L.S. Vygotsky understood creativity as a necessary condition for human existence, as everything that goes beyond the limits of routine and in which something new is contained. The definitions given in specialized publications characterize creativity as an activity to create a qualitatively new one that has never been previously in design and material embodiment. This applies to material and cultural values ​​in the field of production, science, literature, art, etc. ...

    In pedagogical literature, creativity or creative activity is defined as an activity that gives new, first-time created original products that have social significance (Andreev V.I., Kozyreva Yu.L., Kudyutkin Yu.N., etc.). Researchers (Veretennikova L.K., Glukhova S.G., Kravchuk P.F. and others) consider the essence of creativity, both through personality, its characteristics, and through the processes that take place in creative activity. However, most scientists distinguish novelty, originality and uniqueness as characteristic features of creativity and define creativity as an activity that generates something new that has never happened before.

    Expressing the generally recognized understanding of the work of I.B. Gutchin writes: "Creativity is a purposeful human activity that creates new values ​​that have social significance ... Creativity always contains elements of novelty and unexpectedness."

    Thus, creativity is an activity that gives rise to a qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality, which has social significance.

    As the researchers note (Veretennikova L.K., Glukhova S.G., Kravchuk P.F., etc.), creativity is the result of the activity of the imagination aimed at recreating and transforming past experience, complementing it by continuing the plot, developing episodes, introduction of new characters, etc.

    In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the concept of creativity is considered as a personal characteristic. Many researchers define creativity through personality traits and abilities.

    J. Renzulli defines creativity as the creative potential and abilities of an individual, which are manifested in mental acts, sensory-emotional processes, in his communication with other individuals, as well as in various activities actively associated with the creation of certain objects or products of activity.

    Creativity - the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a willingness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted thinking patterns and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor, as well as the ability to solve problems that arise within static systems. According to the authoritative American psychologist A. Maslow, this is a creative direction, inherent in everyone, but lost by the majority under the influence of the environment.

    Creative abilities are individual characteristics, qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance of creative activities of various kinds.

    Since the element of creativity can be present in any kind of human activity, it is fair to talk not only about artistic creativity, but also about technical creativity, about mathematical creativity, etc.

    This work will consider the problem of the development of universal creative abilities, which are necessary for the successful implementation of any type of creative activity, regardless of whether it is scientific, artistic, technical, etc.

    Universal creative abilities are individual characteristics, qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance of creative activities of various kinds.

    Creativity is a fusion of many qualities. And the question of the components of human creativity is still open, although at the moment there are several hypotheses regarding this problem. Many psychologists associate the ability for creative activity, first of all, with the peculiarities of thinking. In particular, the famous American psychologist Guilford, who dealt with the problems of human intelligence, found that so-called divergent thinking is characteristic of creative individuals. People with this type of thinking, when solving a problem, do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the only correct solution, but begin to look for solutions in all possible directions in order to consider as many options as possible. Such people tend to form new combinations of elements that most people know and use only in a certain way, or to form connections between two elements that at first glance have nothing in common. The divergent way of thinking is at the heart of creative thinking, which is characterized by the following main features:

    1. Speed ​​- the ability to express the maximum number of ideas (in this case, it is not their quality that is important, but their quantity).

    2. Flexibility - the ability to express a wide variety of ideas.

    3. Originality - the ability to generate new non-standard ideas (this can manifest itself in answers, decisions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones).

    4. Completeness - the ability to improve your "product" or give it a finished look.

    The well-known Russian researcher of the problem of creativity A.N. Luke, based on the biographies of prominent scientists, inventors, artists and musicians, distinguishes the following creative abilities:

    1. Ability to see the problem where others do not see it.

    2. The ability to curtail mental operations, replacing several concepts with one and using symbols that are more and more information-capacious.

    3. Ability to apply the skills acquired in solving one problem to solving another.

    4. The ability to perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it into parts.

    5. Ability to easily associate distant concepts.

    6. The ability of memory to give out the right information at the right moment.

    7. Flexibility of thinking.

    8. Ability to choose one of the alternatives for solving a problem before checking it.

    9. Ability to incorporate newly perceived information into existing knowledge systems.

    10. The ability to see things as they are, to distinguish the observed from what is introduced by the interpretation.

    11. Ease of generating ideas.

    12. Creative imagination.

    13. The ability to finalize details to improve the original concept [42, p. 48].

    Scientists and teachers involved in the development of programs and methods of creative education based on TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving) and ARIZ (algorithm for solving inventive problems) believe that one of the components of a person's creative potential is the following abilities:

    1. Ability to take risks.

    2. Divergent thinking.

    3. Flexibility in thinking and acting.

    4. The speed of thinking.

    5. Ability to express original ideas and invent new ones.

    6. Rich imagination.

    7. Perception of the ambiguity of things and phenomena.

    8. High aesthetic values.

    9. Developed intuition.

    Candidates of psychological sciences V.T. Kudryavtsev and V. Sinelnikov, based on a wide historical and cultural material (history of philosophy, social sciences, art, individual spheres of practice), identified the following universal creative abilities that developed in the process of human history:

    1. Realism of imagination - figurative grasping of some essential, general tendency or pattern of development of an integral object, before a person forms a clear concept about it and can fit it into a system of strict logical categories.

    2. The ability to see the whole before the parts is the main property of imagination, which is provided by an integral context or semantic field of an object or phenomenon.

    3. The over-situational-transformative nature of creative solutions - the ability, when solving a problem, not just to choose from the alternatives imposed from the outside, but to independently create an alternative.

    4. Experimentation - the ability to consciously and purposefully create conditions in which objects most vividly reveal their essence hidden in ordinary situations, as well as the ability to trace and analyze the features of the "behavior" of objects in these conditions.

    Analyzing the above points of view on the issue of the components of creative abilities, we can conclude that, despite the difference in approaches to their definition, researchers unanimously single out creative imagination and the quality of creative thinking as mandatory components of creative abilities.

    Based on this, it is possible to determine the main directions in the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers:

    1. Development of imagination.

    The main pedagogical task for the development of creative thinking in preschool age is the formation of associativity, dialectic and systematic thinking. Since the development of these very qualities makes thinking flexible, original and productive.

    Associativity is the ability to see connections and similarities in objects and phenomena that at first glance are not comparable.

    Thanks to the development of associativity, thinking becomes flexible and original.

    In addition, a large number of associative links allows you to quickly retrieve the necessary information from memory. Associativity is very easily acquired by preschoolers in role-playing games. There are also special games that promote the development of this quality.

    Often, discoveries are born when the seemingly incompatible is connected. For example, for a long time it seemed impossible to fly in aircraft that are heavier than air. Dialectic thinking allows us to formulate a contradiction and find a way to resolve it.

    Dialecticism is the ability to see contradictions in any systems that hinder their development, the ability to eliminate these contradictions, to solve problems.

    Dialectic is a necessary quality of talented thinking. Psychologists conducted a number of studies and found that the mechanism of dialectical thinking functions in folk and scientific creativity. In particular, an analysis of the works of L.S. Vygotsky showed that the outstanding Russian psychologist constantly used this mechanism in his research.

    Pedagogical tasks for the formation of dialectic thinking in preschool age are:

    1. Development of the ability to identify contradictions in any subject and phenomenon.

    2. Developing the ability to clearly formulate the identified contradictions.

    3. Formation of the ability to resolve contradictions.

    And one more quality that forms creative thinking is consistency.

    Consistency is the ability to see an object or phenomenon as an integral system, to perceive any object, any problem comprehensively, in all the variety of connections; the ability to see the unity of interconnections in the phenomena and laws of development.

    Systems thinking allows you to see a huge number of properties of objects, to capture interconnections at the level of parts of the system and interconnections with other systems. Systems thinking learns patterns in the development of a system from the past to the present and applies this in relation to the future.

    Systematic thinking develops by correct analysis of systems and special exercises. Pedagogical tasks for the development of systematic thinking in preschool age:

    1. Formation of the ability to consider any object or phenomenon as a system developing in time.

    2. Development of the ability to determine the functions of objects, taking into account the fact that any object is multifunctional.

    The second direction of the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers is the development of imagination.

    Imagination is the ability to construct in the mind from the elements of life experience (impressions, ideas, knowledge, experiences) through their new combinations and correlations something new that goes beyond the previously perceived.

    Imagination is the basis of all creative activity. It helps a person to get rid of the inertia of thinking, it transforms the representation of memory, thereby ensuring, ultimately, the creation of a deliberately new one. In this sense, everything that surrounds us and that is made by human hands, the whole world of culture, in contrast to the natural world - all this is a product of creative imagination.

    Preschool childhood is a sensitive period for the development of imagination. At first glance, the need to develop the imagination of preschoolers may seem reasonable. After all, the opinion is very widespread that the imagination of a child is richer, more original than the imagination of an adult. Such an idea of ​​the vivid imagination originally inherent in preschoolers existed in the past among psychologists.

    However, already in the 30s, the outstanding Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky proved that a child's imagination develops gradually, as he acquires a certain experience. L.S. Vygotsky argued that all images of the imagination, no matter how bizarre they are, are based on those ideas and impressions that we get in real life. He wrote: "The first form of connection between imagination and reality is that every creation of imagination is always built from elements taken from activity and contained in the previous experience of man."

    It follows from this that the creative activity of the imagination is directly dependent on the richness and diversity of the previous experience of a person. The pedagogical conclusion that can be drawn from all of the above is the need to expand the child's experience if we want to create a sufficiently solid foundation for his creative activity. The more the child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and assimilated, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, under other equal conditions, will be the activity of his imagination. It is with the accumulation of experience that all imagination begins.

    Speaking about the formation of creative abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of when, from what age should the creative abilities of children be developed.

    From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at this age children are extremely curious, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. Distinctive age characteristics of preschoolers are expressed in the following:

    1. The intensity of the course of the processes of physical development: growth, change in body proportions, ossification of the skeleton, increase in muscle mass, increase in brain mass.

    2. Rapid development and great plasticity of the nervous system, which creates favorable conditions for education and training.

    3. This is the most sensitive period for the development of speech, imagination (the peak of imagination development is 4-5 years), perception, various forms of thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative); and what is most important for our research, the development of artistic abilities.

    4. The tendency of children to repetition, which contributes to the acquisition and consolidation of skills, but repetition should be combined with a gradual increase and complication of the material.

    5. Easy memorization of what you have heard, often mechanical, without comprehending and processing thoughts. That is why it is necessary to find out whether the child understands the material, in addition, finding out the degree of understanding by children of their statements contributes to the development of logical thinking in them.

    6. Emotionality and impressionability. The development of a number of mental properties of the individual largely depends on this.

    Parents, by encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, involving them in various activities, contribute to the expansion of children's experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. As research by L.S. Vygotsky, the imagination of children is poorer than that of an adult, which is due to insufficient personal experience. From this, the author concludes that it is necessary "to expand the child's experience if we want to create sufficiently strong foundations for his creative activity ...". The development of imagination in childhood depends not only on experience, but also on needs and interests (in which these needs are expressed); from combinatorial ability and exercise in this activity; from the embodiment of products of imagination in material form; from technical skill; from traditions (the development of those samples of creativity that affect a person), as well as from the environment ("the desire for creativity is always inversely proportional to the simplicity of the environment"). Children's imagination has a figurative character, its functioning is a special type of restructuring of images, which is carried out through the ability to separate the properties of an image from its other properties and transfer it to another image. Imagination is manifested in the child's vigorous activity to transform, replenish, restructure the experience. This is how the experience of activity is generalized, which in the child is expressed in the ability to combine. The main mechanism of thinking, analysis through synthesis, plays an important role in the process of combining. the transformation of an object is carried out on the basis of new properties of the object through its inclusion in new connections with other objects.

    In the studies of O.M. Dyachenko found that the imagination of preschoolers has two components: generating a general idea and drawing up a plan for the implementation of this idea. The author notes that when building a new image, children of three to five years old mainly use elements of reality, in contrast to them, children of six to seven years old build an image already in the process of free operating with representations. So, O.M. Dyachenko refers to the main criteria for the manifestation of creative imagination in preschoolers:

    1. The originality of the performance of creative tasks by children.

    2. The use of such a restructuring of images, in which the images of some objects are used as details for constructing others.

    In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than that of older children. It has not yet been crushed by dogmas and stereotypes, it is more independent. And this quality must be developed in every possible way. Preschool childhood is also a sensitive period for the development of artistic and creative imagination. From all of the above, we can conclude that preschool age provides excellent opportunities for the development of creativity. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on how these opportunities were used.

    Thus, the analysis of the views of various researchers on the problem of the development of creative abilities in preschool age, carried out in this section, allowed us to find out that creativity is the ability to be creative. In this case, creativity is understood broadly, from the standpoint of a personal approach, which allows us to interpret creativity as a developing phenomenon. Research by psychologists and educators allows us to connect creativity with the development of personality and intelligence, with the development of imagination, which has a special form, the look of a preschool child, which means that the creativity of a preschooler has a special form. Based on the research of L.S. Vygotsky, we can argue that the central component of a preschooler's creativity is his ability to imagine.

    For our experimental work, it is important to highlight the components of creativity. Analysis of domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to identify the following main components:

    1. Realism of imagination.

    2. Ability to see the whole before the parts.

    3. The over-situational and transformative nature of creative solutions.

    4. Experimentation.

    Based on the components, the main directions in the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers were identified.

    1. Development of imagination.

    2. Development of the qualities of thinking that shape creativity.

    For our study, it is important not only to dwell on the characteristics of creativity, but also to consider how the ability to create at the stage of preschool childhood in the early development studio is developed.

    The development of creative abilities in preschool children is the task of parents and teachers. Creativity cannot go unnoticed: it carries a special energy that makes you look at the world in a new way. Creative professions are always in demand. Purposeful actors, singers, artists find a place in the sun and happily realize their potential. The creativity of preschoolers deserves special attention: perhaps the child is seriously thinking about devoting his life to a creative craft. But parents often focus on the development of thinking and memory in their child, this is correct, but the development of creative imagination in preschool children is also necessary.

    Why develop imagination and creativity?

    The creative abilities of preschool children should be fully manifested. A child does not have to become an actor, artist or singer: imagination and creativity are useful for solving life's problems. Creative activity primarily allows one to express oneself. If the kid already has a favorite hobby, then this is very good. Each child is individual, and the creative development of preschoolers occurs in different ways.

    Some children willingly take on new beginnings, others are capricious and refuse the games that parents offer. The baby's logic can be interesting and even non-standard: it all depends on natural features. Revealing creativity is very important: it also helps in the development of memory and thinking. The role of creative play for preschoolers cannot be overstated. They are aimed at ensuring that the child can better assimilate the school curriculum. Children with developed imaginations perceive the world around them easier, the main thing is not to suppress their initiative.

    What is meant by creativity?

    If a child has developed such abilities, he learns with interest the world around him. The development of creativity in preschoolers is facilitated by a non-standard view of everyday things. Parents should instill a craving for new knowledge, games can be used. A child who has the makings of a creative personality seeks to surprise others. If the baby has a developed imagination, it is easier for him to apply knowledge in practice.

    Creativity can be developed from the age of 3, in the future you need to improve the acquired knowledge. Parents often suppress creativity by laughing at their inventions. If the baby puts forward some seemingly strange idea, the mother immediately stops her, and this affects self-esteem. It is necessary to support the child in his endeavors. Parents should realize that fantasy is a specific feature, and without it it is not possible to fully develop thinking.

    The kid must fantasize: you should not interfere with him! If he sincerely believes in a good fairy or wizard, you need to agree with this belief and say that the fairy and the wizard really exist. The child can imagine pictures and sound them, there is nothing to worry about. All the features of the development of creativity are manifested at the age of 3-4 years. Parents can hear different tales from their child, here you need to choose the right tactics of behavior. If the crumbs' fantasies are associated with good characters, you should praise him. Do not destroy the child's imaginary world if there are kind characters in it, and you can see that the child is comfortable.

    It is the parents who should contribute to the development of the creative activity of preschoolers. Mom and Dad need to change their way of thinking, perhaps believe in a miracle. If parents have developed creative abilities, it will be easier for them to instill in the baby creative thinking. If the baby is a born creative person, he will look at everyday things differently.

    For example, if you show a 5-year-old child a picture of a teapot, he may say that it is a whale. In this case, one can judge about creative thinking. Parents should consider the manifestation of such talent. A kid at the age of 5 does not want to perceive the generally accepted understanding of things; most likely, he will imagine something new, interesting. If parents behave stiffly, they will not be able to develop the creativity of the child. Adults need to play with children: during the game, creative activity should be shown.

    How to develop creative thinking?

    From time to time, you need to break the generally accepted rules and become a friend to your child, not a parent. For an adult, this will be a pleasant psychotherapy, with the help of which it will be possible to get rid of stress. The creative abilities of preschool children are developed by poetry, fairy tales, modeling, drawing, and various cognitive games. You can tell 1-2 stories a day, invent new plants and animals. The child will be interested in riddles, and the parents can invent them themselves. If the baby is not attending kindergarten, mom and dad should conduct training sessions at home.

    When a mother walks down the street with her child, she can point to interesting objects, plants, road signs. Interesting stories and fairy tales contribute to the formation of the verbal creativity of preschoolers. It is important to explain to the kid the action of the main characters of the fairy tale, to ask him interesting questions. Creative games for preschoolers cheer up, at the same time, tune in to gain important knowledge. The baby can be presented with toys that, in the opinion of the parents, will be the most useful. Any child will love a mosaic, a colorful construction set. If you buy a railroad, your kid may become interested in different cities and countries. You can give your child a globe and gradually learn the names of the countries, this will contribute to intellectual development.

    Techniques for developing creativity in toddlers

    The first method is called "Transformation". You will need to draw several circles in a row on paper. The kid must look at these figures and show his imagination - to finish the missing objects. Perhaps he will see a caterpillar, a snowman or glasses in circles. Further, you can complicate the task and draw a combination of different geometric shapes. By showing creative imagination, the child will create a composition.

    Riddles help the development of children's creative abilities, but together with them, similar techniques can be applied in practice. You should take some item and put it in the box. The kid, by means of prompts, must guess what is in the box. You can say what color a given object is, what size it is, etc.

    Other techniques contribute to the development of logic and speech. Parents can name a certain object, and the baby must say what is good and bad in it. For example, the wind, it is refreshing in the summer, and in winter it can be very cold.

    Play with words: ask the adjective and ask the child to find the opposite in meaning. You need to speak words and give the task to select synonyms - words that are similar in meaning. The development of creativity in older preschool children can take place in parallel with the development of logic.

    Fantasy develops by solving unusual problems. The child can think of how to use familiar objects in new ways. Or let the kid imagine what it would be like if the cat began to speak like a person.

    Drawing contributes to the development of creative imagination in older preschool children. Children love to be creative with colorful objects. There is no need to deny the child such pleasure: you should buy paper, pencils, paints. First, the baby can draw geometric shapes, then - flowers, houses, animals. It is important to pay attention to the ability to draw, perhaps the kid wants to become an artist.

    The importance of sculpting is difficult to overestimate. To embody creative ideas, the child must have plasticine. Sculpting develops finger motor skills and awakens creativity. The kid can blind a cartoon character, a mini-sculpture of a pet, in general, whatever his heart desires! It is worth praising the crumb for his efforts and present a cake as a present.

    Reading, music and applique

    It is necessary to read stories, teach the kid to poetry, interesting literary works. It is advisable to read at least 30 minutes a day, so you will get your baby used to reading. Classic children's works develop not only memory and intelligence, but also spiritual qualities. The book makes it possible to imagine a specific situation, to reflect on the behavior of the characters.

    Music influences the development of creativity. The kid can get used to positive children's songs, and they can be performed in a foreign language. Music contributes to the development of imaginative thinking. Parents should sing with the baby, you can take him to concerts. Some children express a desire to participate in creative circles.

    Application contributes to the development of creative abilities in older preschool children. You can teach your child to create compositions on paper, such as volumetric flowers. It is important to ensure that the crumb does not get hurt with scissors.

    If the child is not in the mood, you should not impose this or that activity on him. The baby should be tempted to show creativity. It is important to remember that children are attracted by everything bright and beautiful. Don't skimp on toys and stationery. It is necessary to support the baby's initiatives and not be strict in his creative impulses. It is worth remembering that learning in a playful way is interesting and exciting.

    About word creation

    The word-creation of a child reflects the individual perception of familiar things. Children have a subtle sense of the world, paying attention to the smallest details. The word-creation of a crumbs largely depends on the environment in which he grows up and what words he hears most often. It would seem that a couple of months ago the little man could not speak, but now he comes up with words and actively expresses his thoughts. The child has a special linguistic flair. Basically, he reproduces the words that he hears from his parents. The baby's new words are reminiscent of those that he has already learned. The crumb at the level of intuition ascribes the ending and the prefix to the words. By pronouncing new words, he fully expresses his thoughts. Parents should develop the child's linguistic flair and channel this flair in the right direction. In the future, the baby will learn to pronounce the words correctly.

    The peculiarity of the child's speech creativity is that he selects the endings and prefixes that already exist in the language. Parents should not laugh at the words that their child says. The child may incorrectly reproduce sounds or pronounce words in the form of only one first word. You cannot criticize, otherwise you can instill in him complexes. If the parents misbehave, the baby will shut up and will not reproduce the words created on the basis of his experience and imagination.

    Some kids are willing to speak in public, give them the opportunity to express themselves! But if the child is shy, do not force him to publicly recite poetry or sing songs. You can send your baby to specialized classes where creative storytelling is taught. If a 3-5 year old baby pronounces words incorrectly, there is nothing to worry about. This phenomenon indicates that he is gradually developing, analyzing in his mind the peculiarities of his native language.

    The word-creation of the child should touch the parents, and not upset. When the baby reaches the age of 5 years, he has time to learn a lot of words and speech turns. If a crumb forms a certain word in his mind, then his logic and thinking are working well.

    1. The kid often truncates the phrases he has heard: instead of "help", you can hear "mogi". This is due to the fact that the brain is better at absorbing short words.
    2. A child can add an ending to the word and say "lion" instead of "lion cub". This is because the baby does not yet know the rules according to which the word "lion" is transformed. And nevertheless, the kid picks up the suffix "ik", which exists in Russian, for example, "cat".
    3. A child can call animals by the name of the sounds they reproduce. The dog can be "afa", for its bark "af".

    It is important to remember that a child's word creation is a natural process. By creating new words, he seeks to convey important information to parents.

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