• What is the best way to wash the windows. How to clean windows streak-free in the kitchen. How to clean wood-framed windows


    The cleanliness of the window panes gives any home an emphatically well-groomed look, so housewives spend a lot of time to achieve the desired result. It is not so difficult to clean windows without streaks if you choose the right cleaning agent and follow a few simple rules.

    Window cleaning technique

    Caring for any type of window should be started with washing frames, spatulas and sills. For this, a soap solution is prepared with the addition of a small amount of washing powder or dish detergent. It is especially necessary to wipe every corner with a sponge, because it is there that the greatest amount of dust, and even dirt, accumulates over time. It is advisable to treat the wooden surface at the end with non-hot tea leaves.

    To wash the glass part, a solution prepared on the basis of liquid soap or a product from the "Mr. Muscle" series is suitable. It is applied with a sponge or a special mop, which is convenient in that it removes the foam along with the accumulated dirt.

    For greater efficiency, you can also use special cleaning agents. The main task of such products is to wash the glass to a shine, without leaving streaks on the surface. Therefore, the better to wash the windows, each housewife decides on her own, choosing a suitable tool empirically.

    Whichever method you choose, it is best to clean up any leftover liquid with a paper towel or microfiber cloth. A crumpled newspaper is also suitable for this.

    A heavily soiled surface is left to soak the dirt for a few minutes, and if necessary, cleaned with a special scraper. You can wash dust from small crevices using toothpicks or thick needles.

    Home remedies

    You can wash windows without streaks using the simplest folk remedies:

    • Ammonia will easily remove even the nicotine film on the windows, if you prepare a solution at the rate of 5 drops of the product per glass of water. The only drawback of the drug is its acrid smell, so after cleaning it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the rooms.
    • A solution prepared at home from glycerin (100 g), water (50 g) and a few drops of ammonia will not only quickly clean the glass, but also contribute to the formation of an invisible protective film from dust on its surface. The same method can be used immediately after installing the windows in order to keep the new materials fresh.
    • To avoid streaks, housewives often use vinegar. To do this, add a few tablespoons of the product to a liter of water. The use of the solution will not only preserve the transparency of the glass, but also scare away annoying insects. This method works well for both seasonal and weekly cleaning.
    • At first glance, potatoes are poorly associated with window care. However, if you rub a dirty glass surface with the halves of a raw root vegetable, it will shine even after a difficult winter. Remove product residues with microfiber. Starch is also used for.
    • Flies are quickly removed with cut onion halves.
    • At home, you can also use a solution of salt (2 tablespoons) diluted in 250 ml of water.
    • Blue and potassium permanganate will also cleanly wash the windows if you prepare a not very concentrated solution from these funds.
    • To complete cleaning, instead of microfiber, you can use old nylon tightsas well as a wiper. The cutting is carried out horizontally along the surface, slightly overlapping the washed part. The angle should be kept at 30 degrees. Wipe the wiper gum dry after each turn. Otherwise, streaks may remain.

    See also: none spring-cleaning is not complete without washing the chandelier. ?

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Before you wash the glass unit for the first time, remove the factory protective film from it. If not, she is under the influence high temperature will stick tightly to the surface. It will be almost impossible to clean it later.

    • Plastic windows are washed from the outside from top to bottom, and from the inside from right to left. First you need to remove the main dirt, and then rinse the clean surface from the remaining detergents. At the very end of the work, the glass is rubbed to a bright shine.
    • A solution of vinegar (100 ml or less) per liter of water will help to wash the windows in the apartment. Conveniently, water and vinegar can be used simultaneously as a rinse aid.
    • Plastic windows cannot be cleaned with metal sponges and coarse brushes, because they can easily damage the surface of frames and glass units.
    • Special store sprays for plastic windows cope with washing most quickly and efficiently. The product is sprayed over the entire surface with frequent zigzags, after which it is wiped with a soft cloth. For convenience, a screed is also used, which ideally removes dirty stains. If the model is equipped with a long handle, it can also be used to clean the glass outside.
    • First, the frames, all working mechanisms, glass should be washed and only after that.
    • Window care wipes do a good job on light dirt and should only be used to keep things clean.
    • It has been found empirically that it is worth washing windows in warm, cloudy, calm weather or when the sun does not hit the window. This will allow the surface to be washed without streaks, otherwise the sun's rays or wind will quickly dry the glass, which will cause rainbow spots.

    How often you need to wash the windows, each housewife decides independently, based on objective factors. For example, owners of apartments on the ground floor or residents of a building located along the highway will have to do this at least once every three months. But in any case, it will not be difficult to cope with this task if you have modern or home care for window glass at hand.

    Clean windows are a guarantee of positive emotions. Without observing the proper sanitary condition of the windows, a full-fledged feeling of cleanliness is impossible. As the eyes are the mirror of the soul, so the windows are the mirror of our home. By the cleanliness of the windows, you can safely draw conclusions about the cleanliness of the owners. This article is intended to be an effective guide for those who care about the cleanliness of their windows.

    How to clean windows properly

    Each of us, for sure, repeatedly asked the question: “ How to properly clean windows? " and more than once received a lot of advice aimed at optimizing this process. Despite the apparent simplicity, this procedure has a number of features, observing which you can get a better result.

    what is needed to clean windows

    So let's start in order.

    Before you start washing windows, you need to carefully select all the accessories and detergents necessary for this. Considering the fact that the twenty-first century is in the yard, a newspaper or other types of press are no longer necessary in this important matter. And to all the persuasions that this is a familiar and proven method, I will say firmly: "No!"

    nowhere without a wiper

    At the moment, the best device for cleaning windows is a wiper. This is the simplest device that cleans glass much more efficiently, even from strong dirt.

    don't forget about safety

    You should also stock up on a soft foam sponge or, if your windows are heavily soiled, use a hard sponge instead. In household goods stores, you can find a special microfiber cloth, the use of which does not require additional detergents. We must not forget our safety. The use of rubber gloves will prevent the irritation of window cleaners on your hands.

    choose a detergent

    It remains to deal with the most important question: “What is the best way to wash windows? What detergents will most effectively cope with their task? " The answer is very simple.

    Firstly, any detergent on store shelves will do, and the question of price is not fundamental in this matter: the cheapest detergent will do its job no worse than the products of well-known brands.

    Secondly, those who are more conservative can recommend proven home remedies such as common laundry soap, ammonia, or vinegar. These funds have helped to clean more than one million windows and cannot be overshadowed. So, the list of necessary accessories is agreed, you can go to the hardware store for shopping.

    preparation above all else

    Means and accessories for washing windows have been bought, which means it's time to talk about how to wash windows in stages.

    To begin with, you need to free the work surface and the area adjacent to it in order to protect yourself from unforeseen situations and to facilitate your task.

    To this end, free the window sills from all unnecessary items, which are various glass vases, flower pots or electrical appliances.

    window cleaning technique

    Even if you prefer a commercial window cleaner, it is recommended that you wash your windows with soapy water before using them.

    For this, shavings of ordinary laundry soap or dishwashing detergent are perfect.

    At this stage, you need to use a foam sponge, which you need to wet and squeeze out to such a degree of moisture that the water does not drain off on its own.

    And since we wash windows without streaks, forgetting about it is categorically contraindicated.

    After we have decided on the moisture content of the sponge, it is necessary to wet the entire surface of the glass, and then wipe the glass dry with vigorous movements, starting from the uppermost area.

    Let's agree right away that the movements are horizontal.

    For best efficiency, this procedure can be repeated several times, constantly changing the used rags to dry ones, in order to exclude further stains with one hundred percent probability.

    If before this stage your windows were not clean, you can use the glass cleaner that we purchased in advance.

    It should be noted that sunny weather is not the best time for washing windows, due to the fact that under the influence of sunlight, detergents are very quickly susceptible to drying, which is a guaranteed fact of the presence of stains on the glass.

    A few words about plastic windows

    We should also talk about washing plastic windows, since this moment is associated with a large number of mistakes that are completely unjustified due to the ease of maintenance of PVC windows.

    the main mistakes when washing plastic windows

    First, it is necessary to exclude the use of cleaning agents that contain harsh chemicals.

    This is by no means safe, in view of the fact that such substances have abrasive properties, which will adversely affect the quality of plastic windows.

    It is worth forgetting about substances that can dissolve the protective substances covering the plastic, as a result of which the surface will be prone to fading.

    Such substances include alcohol, gasoline and other aggressive substances.

    Secondly, if you are the happy owners of plastic windows, you need to choose the right sponges for washing them.

    It is forbidden to use hard sponges, which will leave scratches, which will significantly worsen the appearance of windows.

    Finally, don't even think about removing dirt with sharp objects.

    Scratches left on the glossy surface of plastic frames will significantly impair the appearance of PVC windows.

    and again about the wiper

    For washing plastic windows, a previously purchased glass cleaner is again useful, which can be modified using various attachments: attachments in the form of a scraper to remove dirt, a rubberized attachment to remove excess moisture and a soft attachment for wiping.

    Summing up, it can be noted that with a little effort and following all the above instructions, you will not only get an answer to the question: "How to properly clean windows?", But you can also check it in practice.

    Rest assured, the result will not disappoint you!

    Everything in the house of the ideal hostess sparkles with cleanliness, but everyone knows that there are no ideal people, and now you notice that the window panes are not very clean. Dirt on the windows can keep out 50% of the daylight in the house, and this does not have a very good effect on health and mood. In the northern regions, where there is already little light, every ray of sunshine counts. Therefore, the windows must be clean at all times, and not twice a year. Of course, the first thing you think about is how to wash the window panes, what effective means for cleaning windows are, which ones you have at home, which ones you can make yourself, and which ones you have to go to the store for. To clean the glass of windows, there are many tools: ordinary store, homemade, and even professional.

    Let's say that your usual home remedy for cleaning windows is over. Run to the store? Not necessary! After all, there are folk remedies for cleaning windows. If you still don't know how to make a window cleaner, don't worry, it's not difficult at all. How to make a window cleaner was known many years ago, when there was no such abundance of household chemicals in stores. You don't need any special tools or ingredients. For example, a well-known method of washing windows with ammonia. Add ammonia to warm water in a ratio of 1 part alcohol to 10 parts water. Another good window cleaner is regular vinegar. Vinegar in the amount of 2 tablespoons is added to a liter of warm water. Your homemade window cleaner is ready. Our grandmothers also used such methods, the means are time-tested and have not been forgotten to the present.

    By the way, vinegar is still considered the best tool for cleaning windows without streaks. Of course, window cleaners are easier to buy in the store than to do it yourself, but these aforementioned tricks may well help you out. For example, if you are expecting distinguished guests, you need to wipe the windows, but there was no money at home. There is no time to go to the store, everything is calculated in minutes. Then a quick vinegar wash would be the best option.

    Washing windows without streaks with folk remedies, like all household chores, requires the correct sequence. To prepare the workspace, you need to remove everything from the windowsill and arrange the working tools (sponges, cleaning agent, etc.) so that they are at hand, but do not interfere. First, the frames (window profile) are washed. If there is no heavy pollution, then you can do with just clean water. We do not use abrasive so as not to damage the plastic and rubber joints. We wipe the profile dry and only, then proceed directly to the glasses. Of course, you should start at the top of the window. First, they wash the windows from the inside, then outside. Apply the selected and prepared product to glass using soft materials. A clean, soft sponge or microfiber cloth will work fine.

    You don't need to use any hard brushes to avoid scratching the glass. Scratches, even small ones, will be conspicuous and there is no way to get rid of them. If we only talk about natural remediesah, then to remove stubborn dirt it is good to use a chalk solution, which is prepared at the rate of a tablespoon of crushed chalk to half a liter of water. The chalk solution will need to be rinsed very well with clean water so that there are no streaks on the glass. After the dirt from the windows has been removed, you need to wipe the glass with newspaper, which will give the glass a shine, absorb excess moisture and remove stains if they appear. Folk, homemade remedies are especially good where small children or allergy sufferers live, since they are absolutely non-toxic.

    When cleaning windows, it is important to follow a few tips, regardless of which product is used. They usually wash windows early in the morning or in cloudy weather. The sun dries the product applied to the window very quickly and stains may appear from this. The bright light makes it difficult to see these streaks. The wind also quickly dries the agent applied to the glass, so there should be no strong wind during washing. When you wash the windows, nothing should be cooking in the kitchen, otherwise the glass will fog up. They start washing windows from frames. No need to clean windows with hot water. This leaves streaks and stains on them.

    If you did wash the glasses with hot water, then rinse them with cold water. Usually a lot of dirt and dust accumulates in the corners, it is rather difficult to rinse them. Clean corners well cotton swabs... So that the dirt does not stick to the glass longer, you need to wipe it with the following solution after washing: add 7 parts of glycerin to three parts of water, and a few drops of ammonia there. Then the window panes will remain clean for a long time. If you wipe the glass from the inside with a solution of glycerin and alcohol, the glass will not fog up and become covered with frost in winter. If the glass is still covered with frosty patterns, you need to wipe it with a strong saline solution. No need to pick the ice with a knife, you will scratch the glass.

    If you have large enough windows, it will be completely inconvenient for you to wash them with a rag, then wipe them, and also make them shine. For large windows, it is best to use a special window cleaning mop. First, we apply the foam to the entire window with a sponge, then remove it along with the dirt with a rubber scraper. If the window has a sunscreen film, it should be washed with a product that does not contain abrasive particles or alcohol.

    How to choose a window cleaner in a store? After all, there is such a variety of them! The bottle and the cleaning agent should be marked “no streaks”. If you are looking for something to clean plastic windows, the main thing is to choose a product without abrasive particles so as not to scratch the window. A window that is regularly cleaned with this product quickly becomes cloudy, and small scratches are easily visible on it. Plastic windows can be washed with soapy water, a mild store-bought product, or special sets for washing PVC windows. Yes, and there are those too. They are designed to wash this material, wash it well and will not leave scratches. Household chemicals for cleaning plastic are sold at hardware stores.
    Of course, you have to choose whether to use folk remedies for cleaning windows or buy them in the store. Homemade remedies are usually used by adherents of natural remedies, opponents of synthetic substances.
    In fact, you can replace the window cleaner with any other detergent. Yes, dishwashing detergent works too. It is enough to dissolve a few drops of the product in a liter of water - and such a solution will wash your windows to a shine.

    How to wash plastic window sills at home

    After successfully washing the windows, you can rest a little, and then proceed to the next part of the cleaning - washing the windowsill. Usually the window sill is the last detail to be paid attention to, but dust accumulates there very quickly. On the windowsills of the hostesses there are often flowers, cats like to sleep there, children lay out their toys. Dust and smog from the street accumulates on the windowsills if the window is periodically opened. And if you have not paid attention to him for a long time, perhaps now you are grabbing your head and do not understand how to wash the windowsill. In fact, even the toughest dirt and dust can be wiped off with ordinary soapy water, but you have to work hard. The question of how to wash plastic window sills at home is very relevant, due to their large distribution. It is better to wash the sill of a plastic window with means specially designed for this material. They do not contain substances that will scratch or corrode soft plastic. However, usually housewives buy such common products as "Mister Proper", "Domestos". They are also quite suitable for washing, but they can damage the plastic, microcracks form on it, into which dirt is very easily clogged, and from there it will not be easy to wash it.

    In addition, in order to wash the plastic on the windows, the Sif gel is not bad, strong dirt can be carefully wiped with White Spirit, just do not overdo it, it can melt the plastic.

    So, we figured out how to wash a plastic window sill, now let's move on to a more complex issue - yellow spots. You may have noticed that plastic turns yellow easily if not properly cared for. Therefore, a very popular question is how to wash a plastic window sill from yellowness. The window sill can turn yellow from tobacco smoke, grease particles from food, if it is a kitchen window sill, as well as from improper washing. It is not necessary to wipe off the yellowness with abrasive products, since in this case the window sill will be scratched and very quickly become dirty again. To wash a plastic window sill, you must first wipe it from external dirt: wipe the dust, then wipe it with a dry cloth (preferably a microfiber cloth). After that, yellowness can be removed with a weak solvent "COSMOFEN 10" - this is a special plastic cleaner, which should return your windowsill to its original whiteness. If you are not happy with the result, run the cleaner again.

    If desired white color does not return to your windowsill at all, which means that it has completely lost its whiteness from improper care. But even in this case, there is no need to be upset. It can be simply painted or decorated with self-adhesive foil. Choose any color, there are films that imitate different materials: wood, marble, stone. Look for self-adhesive to your taste and update your windowsills.

    You can wash yellowed plastic windows in exactly the same way as window sills. Gently wipe off dust, then clean with plastic cleaner. Or use store products, but without abrasive particles.

    Now you know how to wash plastic windows from yellowness, but it's better not to bring them to such a state. As you now know, it is quite difficult to remove this persistent yellowness, and in some cases it is impossible at all. But you really want our windows to be always like new and shine with cleanliness and whiteness! Therefore, you need to take care of the plastic correctly, wash it with suitable means on time, do not rub it with hard washcloths, do not put greasy and hot items on it.

    Washing windows after renovation

    If you've been renovating, your windows and sills are probably in a terrible state. You were enthusiastically engaged in renovation work, and now you are wondering how to clean windows after renovation. Perhaps you have just installed plastic windows, and there are traces of film, tape, stickers on them. Perhaps there was a marker on the windowsill and now you need to wash very dirty windows and find out how you can clean the windowsill from this kind of dirt. In the conditions of repair, you can forget to protect windows and window sills with a film from inevitable contamination, therefore, how to wash windows from paint is almost the most common question after repair.

    It is not easy to wash the film from plastic windows if it is not removed immediately. If the protective film has been on the window or sill for several months or even more, it will simply not be possible to remove it. Moreover, it will not work and wash the film if a lot of time has passed. Do not try to use a knife or putty knife as this will damage the plastic sheeting. You don't need to pick the film with your nails either. The best way is to use a regular household hair dryer. Heat the surface from which you want to remove the film with hot air, the film will slowly peel off, and you immediately remove it until it cools down.

    Let's say the plastic windows have just been installed and now you are faced with the question of how to clean the adhesive tape from the plastic window. The best window cleaner for scotch tape or scotch marks is oil. Vegetable, olive, even essential (tea tree, mint). Vodka, alcohol, ammonia and, of course, a solvent also helps to remove traces of scotch tape well. An easy way to wipe away traces of scotch tape from a window is with an ordinary eraser, which is in the arsenal of every student. Rub the stains with an eraser, then wipe the glass with a damp cloth, and behold, there is not a trace of tape on your windows. In the same way, you can clean windows from the glue not only from the adhesive tape, but also from any in general.

    Let's get back to the situation when you need to clean plastic windows after renovation. Let's say they have traces of paint, cement, marker and who knows what else. Of course, the method and means of washing depends on the nature of the contamination.

    How to wash the paint from plastic windows? First you need to carefully remove large drops of paint. This can be done with a spatula, only so as not to peel or scratch the plastic. You probably won't want to spoil the windows in a newly renovated apartment. Better to use rubber spatulas. You need to work with a spatula on a soapy surface, so there is less chance of ruining the coating. After you have removed large traces of paint, wipe off the rest with a solvent. Each paint has its own one. The solvent also needs to be worked carefully so as not to damage the plastic. It's good if you immediately noticed that you have stained the window with paint. In this case, you need to immediately wipe the stain with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil, then wipe it dry. Repeat if necessary.

    If you need to clean water-based paint from plastic windows. As the name implies, this paint is water-based. Therefore, it will not be difficult to wash such paint with soap and water, and it can be easily washed off any surface.

    After the repair, a problem may remain in the form of traces of the primer on the windows and sills. You can wash the primer from a plastic window sill with warm water and a detergent dissolved in it. First you need to apply the prepared water to the primer, leave it for a while and then rub it with a regular sponge. There are good responses to the use of polyurethane foam cleaner for this purpose.

    Few people can perform a repair perfectly without splashing or staining anything. And after a major overhaul, the windows are always full of construction dirt. If this happens, there are drops of cement mortar on the windows, we will tell you how to wash the cement from the windows. First, the traces of cement must be wetted, then rubbed with a hard sponge. If you can't see the result from the sponge, try using a spatula, scraper, or just a blade. Only the sharp edge needs to be guided so as not to scratch the glass itself. After the main stains are cleaned, you need to wash off the remaining dirt with a sponge and detergent, and then rinse with water several times.

    Not only renovations, but also small children can turn windows and window sills into a disaster. Every parent knows that children are very fond of drawing anywhere, just not on paper. The smooth white sill is ideal for painting. Drawings with a black marker look especially impressive on it. How to clean the plastic window sill from the marker? A proven tool for removing marker from a windowsill is alcohol or vodka. Soak, wipe off after a few minutes. If alcohol does not work, you need to wash it with a solvent, but carefully so as not to damage the plastic.

    Professional remedies

    If the windows are heavily soiled and conventional means do not help, and you do not know how to clean the windows, or your windows face a busy street and get dirty very quickly, only professional window cleaning products will help you. They have several important properties: dirt removal, water softening and dirt repellency. Water softening - important stage, since any surface washed with soft water stays clean longer and is better washed. A professional product contains substances that wash away dirt by an order of magnitude better than ordinary store ones, and certainly you cannot prepare similar products at home. But the most interesting thing about these products is their dirt-repellent properties. After the first wash, your windows will sparkle for a very long time as if they were freshly washed, dust and dirt simply will not stick to your windows. Often, professional products cannot be applied to windows in sunny weather - in the sun they dry too quickly and unevenly, they leave streaks and it will be bad to protect glass from dust. In addition, to work with a professional detergent, you need an appropriate tool - scrapers, application coats, brushes. A simple rubbing with newspaper will not work in this case. It won't be a problem to order a professional window cleaner online. The best of them are Finnish, then German and Swedish.

    In addition to all the above methods and means, there is another option to call window cleaners, if you have the means for this. They will clean your windows with professional products to a mirror finish.

    In this article, we figured out how to clean plastic windows, how to clean windows from tape, cement, paint and other repair errors. Now you know how to clean windows from primer, glue and even a marker. It only remains to note that, according to the well-known proverb, "the one who does not litter does not clean." We recommend keeping your windows clean not from time to time (once or twice a year), but regularly. Especially if it is plastic, which absorbs all dirt, grease and odors very quickly. Plastic is not easy to wash without damaging the material itself if it is heavily soiled. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly wash dust from plastic window sills, use a plastic cleaner. If you are planning repairs, protect the windows and sills with a film, in extreme cases, cover the windowsill with newspapers so that you do not have to wash the construction dirt from the windows later.

    There are many window cleaners - folk, store, even professional. Each hostess chooses what she likes. Some do not want to use "chemistry" in everyday life, preferring to wash the windows with vinegar and ammonia, others think it is stupidity to use grandmother's means in the modern world. Whatever one may say, the best window cleaner is the one that suits you personally. Only you know what is good for you, your family and a clean home.

    Imagine that you are watching a movie in HD or Full HD quality instead of 360. The same is with plastic windows: when they are clean, the world is much more pleasant to look at. Therefore, today we tell you how to wash the windows so that there are no stains. Indeed, at home, both folk remedies and chemical compositions of directional action are used. Let's talk about everything in turn.

    How to wash windows without streaks - folk remedies

    Washing windows without streaks using folk remedies is a great way to carry out basic home care procedures in an environmentally friendly way. Therefore, we offer only the best recipes for your judgment.

    # 1. Vinegar solution

    Before the main manipulations, arm yourself with toothpicks and cotton swabs, clean hard-to-reach places between the frame and the fiberglass itself. Prepare a soapy solution, use a sponge to wash the frames, dry them from moisture. Now dilute the product: combine 3 l. water with 180 ml. vinegar. Soak a linen cloth in a vinegar solution, wipe the glass units. Dry them with a microfiber cloth or crumpled newspaper. Done!

    # 2. Starch + ammonia

    Before you wash plastic windows without streaks, you should prepare the composition and use it quickly enough. Combine 90 ml. ammonia, 50 gr. starch, 90 ml. vinegar, 3 l. slightly warm water. Add some blue and mix everything thoroughly. Pour into a spray bottle, apply to the entire glass surface. Then immediately remove the remaining compound with clean water, wipe the windows with paper towels.

    Number 3. Soap solution + magnetic brush

    We tell you the secret of how to wash the windows so that there are no streaks. Purchase a magnetic brush for cleaning double-glazed windows at home. Then prepare a solution of soap flakes and water. Spray on the window, attach the brush to the top corner. Move alternately left and right until you reach the bottom. Finally, carry out the same manipulations, but sprinkling the glass with clean water. Dry the corners, done!

    No. 4. Rubberized napkin for cars

    In the car wash accessories sales department you will find a special rubberized napkin. It is usually sold in a yellow plastic box. The effect of this crinkle is amazing. It is enough to moisten a napkin and squeeze out thoroughly so that the water does not drain. Then the double-glazed windows are wiped. There is no need to re-walk, the glass will shine and so on! Now you know another tricky method, the better to clean windows. The napkin performs the manipulation without streaks, the plastic bags will be fine.

    No. 5. Raw potatoes

    Take a few large potatoes, then rinse and cut into 2 pieces. With a cut (pulp), begin to walk over the fiberglass, collecting dirt. Next, rinse off the residue with purified water, wipe with crumpled newspaper or regular paper towel.

    No. 6. Slime for washing windows

    Considering how to wash windows, you should touch the slime. The device, which consists of a squeegee and a scraper, cleans so that there are no streaks. The improvised mop is available with a short or long (retractable) handle. According to the instructions for use at home, the scraper is designed to remove residual dirt, and the rubberized squeegee removes water. Cleaning companies use slime, no traces remain.

    Chemical detergents for plastic windows

    Composition for washing windows can be made independently from vinegar and water, but it is more advisable to use a ready-made one. Today we will review better means, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by reviews.

    # 1. "Organic People»Eco-spray for cleaning windows and mirrors

    The composition is developed from natural ingredients, has a pleasant aroma essential oils... Eco-friendly products that help to clean glass and windows without streaks. Definitely, we recommend!

    # 2. "Frosch Glass Cleaner»

    Suitable for use by categories of people who are often allergic to such products. Detergent consists of ampholytic surfactants, which are biodegradable in structure. A popular and relatively cheap tool.

    Number 3. "Mr. Muscle»

    The popular trade mark "Mister Muskul" has long been a leader in the household chemicals market. The universal composition allows you to wash the windows so as not to leave marks. Also suitable for mirrors. Copes with the most difficult dirt. In the process of application, the composition is best applied to a microfiber cloth.

    No. 4. "Cif»

    Considering the question of how to wash the windows so that there are no streaks, it makes sense to study Sif products for windows. This is ideal for home use. The preparation does not leave marks, it is suitable for glass / mirrors, as well as plumbing in the form of taps and showers. After cleaning measures, the treated surface acquires a dazzling shine.

    No. 5. "Clin»

    The product contains alcohol, which easily cleans the windows from old dirt. Suitable for absolutely all glass or mirror surfaces. Can be used as a spray or foam spray. The second option allows you to "wet" the windows for better soaking of dirt.

    No. 6. "iKeep»

    The manufacturer speaks of its products as completely safe household chemicals. Judging by the reviews, this is true. IKeep window cleaning liquid is developed on the basis of lemon and vegetable surfactants. For double-glazed windows, the composition is completely safe, there are no streaks.

    No. 7. DOM series from "Faberlic»For mirrors and glasses

    The positive feature of this drug is that it is completely safe. In addition to the fact that after washing the glass you will not have streaks and marks, the windows will also stop fogging up.

    The technology of washing plastic windows without streaks

    We figured out how to wash the windows so that there are no streaks. Now we will describe the step-by-step technology for processing double-glazed windows at home.

    Stage 1. Washing frames

    1. All manipulations must be started with wet processing of frames. First, they are treated with a selected store / folk detergent composition from the inside, after which the dirt is removed with a rag.

    2. Then wipe the frames with a clean cloth moistened with water. This will remove dark streaks and detergent residue.

    3. Next, arm yourself with a wet towel and wash the frames outside. When all the dust has been collected, take a window cleaner and spray the frame from outside. Wait, wipe with napkins, start washing the glasses.

    # 2. Washing windows - applying detergent

    If you do not know how to wash the windows so that there are no streaks, it is recommended to resort to the help of directional products. They are very easy to use at home.

    1. Select the optimal composition and spread it over the surface. Remove the substance with a sponge or glass cleaner from top to bottom.

    2. Repeat the application of the detergent. Try to remove the remnants of difficult dirt. Repeat the procedure several times if necessary.

    Number 3. Window cleaning - removing detergent

    Since washing the windows is not a difficult task, proceed with the removal of the detergent composition. You will need dry rags to get streak-free results.

    1. Wipe the window with a dry cloth from top to bottom. Movements must be performed horizontally and in one direction.

    2. If you use a glass cleaner, wipe it with a dry cloth after each use. Do not let the rags get very wet.

    3. Once you have finished removing the detergent solution, wipe the window surface again with a dry towel.

    No. 4. Window polishing

    It does not matter what to wash the windows with, they should be polished so that there are no streaks. At home, the procedure is carried out using newspapers.

    1. Take the paper and begin to actively perform circular movements on the glass.

    2. As soon as the process is completely completed, the glass will be flawlessly clean. In addition, there will be no divorces.

    Window cleaning with bars

    When thinking about how to clean windows with bars, you should use a special magnetic brush. The procedure is performed fairly quickly, and the result is streak-free.

    1. Spread the chemical onto the surface of the windows. Use a spray bottle for convenience. Fix the brush in the lower right corner of the window.

    2. The device must be held up to the stop and to the left. Move the brush to the corner of the window frame. Then lower the device down and to the right. After that, return to the starting position.

    3. Repeat the procedure to completely remove stubborn stains. Perform the procedure carefully to get rid of all contamination. If dirt remains, spray it with water from a spray bottle. Dry the windows with a dry towel.

    Regardless of what to wash the windows with, you need to adhere to the recommendations so that there are no streaks. Follow a simple home plan to remove contaminants.

    2. To avoid the formation of streaks during washing, the procedure should be carried out not on hot days and in the absence of wind.

    3. To prevent the formation of condensation, it is recommended to wipe the windows with a special solution based on glycerin and alcohol. The proportions should be taken 1 to 10. Also ventilate the room.

    4. On frosty days, a solution of salt water helps from icy glass. Also, such a tool gives shine.

    5. Always start the window cleaning procedure from the side of the room. Then you can proceed to the outside.

    6. To avoid the formation of streaks, it is recommended to wipe the glass first vertically, then horizontally.

    7. To make the windows last as long as possible, keep them free of moisture and dust. Clean up systematically.

    After considering the best way to clean windows, proceed to wet cleaning. To avoid divorces, you should adhere to simple recommendations. At home, you can use folk remedies or purchase professional detergents. It's up to you to decide.

    Instructions for cleaning windows without streaks using folk methods and special means.

    Now cleaning companies are very popular. They are famous for the impeccable quality of the services provided. Service workers in as soon as possible will clean any surfaces from old dirt. Often they are assigned to clean windows.

    Why do stains remain on the windows after washing?

    There are many reasons due to which there are cloudy spots and plaque on the glasses after washing. Even if you do everything right, divorce is possible. This happens for reasons that may not be within your control.

    Reasons for glass clouding:

    • Very hot and windy weather. Due to direct sunlight, moisture evaporates very quickly, which is the reason for stains. It is because of the high rate of moisture evaporation that you should not wash windows in windy weather.
    • Incorrectly selected cleaning agents. That is, substances with abrasive particles often scratch glass, which causes cloudiness.
    • Incorrect technique. All dust must be removed initially. That is, to carry out cleaning in several stages. Only after removing the dust layer, the surface is washed using special means.

    How to wash plastic windows streak-free with folk remedies: a recipe

    There are many folk remedies for cleaning glass. The algorithm of work is approximately the same with the use of all substances. A solution is prepared and a sponge is dipped into it. After that, the surface is cleaned with a wet sponge. Further, the solution is washed off with water. Residual moisture is removed with a rubber scraper.

    Review and folk remedies:

    • Dissolve 5 tablespoons of starch or crushed chalk in 3000 ml of water
    • In 2.5 liters of water, add 4 tablespoons of shavings of laundry soap
    • 120 g of lime is dissolved in 3 l of water
    • 3 tablespoons of tooth powder are injected into 2500 ml of water and stirred

    How to wash plastic windows with vinegar: a recipe

    Vinegar is a 9 or 6% acid solution that successfully dissolves all grease and stubborn stains from glass surfaces.


    • Pour 240 ml of water and 55 ml of ordinary vinegar into a saucepan. Inject 5 ml of dish soap and stir
    • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and shake. Remove dust with dry towel or brush
    • Now apply the product to the glass using a spray bottle. Next, use a soft cloth to clean the surface in a circular motion.
    • Then use a rubber scraper. It is necessary to carry out processing from top to bottom, as if removing the remaining solution

    How to wash plastic windows with ammonia: a recipe

    In professional products, ammonia is often introduced. It helps to remove even old dirt.


    • Dissolve 5 ml of ammonia in 5000 ml of warm water
    • Then wipe off dust and dirt from the glass with a dry cloth.
    • Wash the profiles and the window sill with plain warm water and soap
    • After that, start cleaning the glasses. To do this, immerse a sponge in a solution of ammonia
    • Wipe the windows with it in a circular direction
    • Next, use dry paper towels to remove the remaining moisture from top to bottom.

    How to wash plastic windows with newspaper: recipe

    The newspaper was used by our grandmothers to clean windows. The main advantage of the newspaper is that it leaves almost no streaks.


    • Use a dry brush to sweep dust off glass and window frames
    • Then soak a cloth in water and rinse the frames, if necessary, use dishwashing liquid
    • Next, soak a sponge in a window cleaner or one of the solutions indicated in the paragraph about folk methods
    • Wipe the surface with a damp sponge
    • After that, take a newspaper and crumple it, dry the glass in a circular motion
    • Then take a clean newspaper and wipe the window from top to bottom.

    How to clean windows streak-free with store products?

    Alcohol, ammonia and blue are specially introduced into professional window cleaners. All of these supplements allow you to achieve good results with minimal effort. It is necessary to wash the frames with water and soap, and wipe the dust from the glasses. After that, the product is applied from a spray bottle and wiped off with a paper towel.

    Funds overview:

    • Mister Muscle. There are many options that allow you to quickly deal with even very dirty glass. There are both foaming substances and liquids with ammonia.
    • Clean. The tool is sold in spray bottles. It contains alcohol and dyes. Also organic solvents to help remove dirt.
    • Sarma. The product contains ammonia and detergents. Copes well with greasy stains and insect marks.

    What rag, napkin to wipe, wipe, wash the windows so that there are no streaks?

    First you need to choose the right fabric. Microfiber and napkins with a minimum amount of lint are perfect. Now on sale you can find special rags for cleaning windows.

    Features of window cleaning wipes:

    • The pack usually contains 2 napkins. They differ in weaving
    • You need to dampen the microfiber cloth in plain water and wash away all the dirt and debris
    • The peculiarity of the fabric is that it absorbs all debris and dirt
    • Copes well with streaks and insect marks
    • After that, a second napkin is taken, it has a high content of terry
    • The glasses are wiped dry with this cloth.
    • Sponges for cleaning glass are also on sale, they also collect debris and dust well

    How to buy a rag, napkin on Aliexpress for cleaning windows without streaks: links to the catalog

    In household chemicals stores, such wipes are not cheap. This is due to the fact that the goods are brought from abroad. Accordingly, you can save money by using the Aliexpress website. a huge selection of napkins and glass cleaning brushes is presented.

    Cloth for washing windows and mirrors from Aliexpress

    How to properly and quickly clean windows without streaks in winter?

    In winter, windows are rarely washed. Warming is most often expected. You cannot wash windows in severe frost. So, all the liquid that you apply will freeze.


    • Dissolve the salt in the water. It is necessary to prepare a warm solution in which 500 ml of water and 50 g of salt
    • This liquid can be used to wipe the glass from the outside. They help defrost ice
    • Next, apply a special liquid. It can be purchased at an automotive chemistry store.
    • Then quickly wipe it off with a microfiber sponge
    • Start cleaning from the inside
    • To do this, prepare a solution of 10 parts alcohol and 1 part glycerin
    • Rub the inner surface with this solution and polish to a high shine with a microfiber sponge.

    Cleaning the windows is easy enough. Stock up on glass sponges and special cleaning solutions.

    VIDEO: My windows quickly

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