• Medical interruption of pregnancy in early terms: in priority safety. Pregnancy interrupt methods and optimal deadlines for this


    Despite the abundance of contraceptives, the abortion of pregnancy remains one of the popular medical manipulations. Therefore, so relevant the development of methods that leave the least damage after themselves in the body. Abortion of pregnancy with the help of tablets was studied from the second half of the last century and in 1988 the first license for this activity was obtained in France. In Russia, medication abortion on early timing We started practicing only ten years later.

    Essence of the procedure

    By receiving in a certain sequence of necessary drugs in the early periods of pregnancy (up to 6 weeks), artificial miscarriage is provoked. This is possible while the fruit is not enough formed and the fruit egg is poorly attached to the walls of the uterus.

    Advantages of the method

    Any abortion has a multilateral influence on the body. Changes occur in genital organs, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and other organism systems. How the abortion will be made, it depends not only on the desire of a woman, but also from the state of its body. But if there are no contraindications, then the drug is proposed, the most sparing from the most commonly used.

    Comparison of medication and surgical methods of pregnancy interrupt

    Indicators / Methods Drug Surgical
    Vacuum Aspiration Kyuezhezh
    The effectiveness of the method (%) 95-98 95-99 95-97
    Surgical intervention + +
    Perforation of the uterus + +
    Grass cervix +
    Menstrual violations + + +
    Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs + + +
    Hematometer (blood cluster in the uterine cavity) + + +
    Infertility +

    Among the main advantages of the drug abortion, women allocate the opportunity to be at home, use in early pregnancy, minimal uterus injuries, smaller risk of infectious complications, lack of manipulations that carry a certain share of risk and complications (the consequences of anesthesia, hepatitis infection, HIV, etc.).


    If you bring together a list of contraindications for abortions in general and specific contraindications for medical abortion, then an impressive list will be.

    • intolerance to the used drugs;
    • inflammation of the genital organs or scars on the uterus;
    • infectious diseases;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • severe cardiovascular diseases;
    • serious dysfunctions of liver and kidney, including chronic adrenal failure;
    • smoking and age older than 35 years;
    • inflammatory diseases of the tract with chronic recurrences;
    • anemia or violation of blood flowing;
    • lactation;
    • discontinued long-term reception of hormonal contraceptives;
    • the difficult course of obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma with the admission of glucocorticoids;
    • porphyry (hereditary disease, expressing infringement of pigmentation).

    Preparations used for abortion in early time

    For medication abortion, a number of funds have been developed, including:

    • "Mifeprex" (contains the active substance of the mifepristone),
    • "Mytholian" (active substance Mifepristone),
    • "Pencrofton" (active substance Mifepristone),
    • "Mifegin" (micronized mifepristone),
    • Mizoprostol.

    The classic drug abortion is used strictly under the supervision of the doctor!

    All of them contribute to miscarriage. The active substance of the drug initiates the disconnection of the fetal egg from the wall of the uterus and the output of it with abundant dischargesimilar to menstrual. Mostly used "Miphristone" on the first day of reception of the drug and Mizoprostol, with the next visit to the doctor in 36-48 hours.

    The action of "Mizoprostol" is significantly reduced by smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day.

    Mifepristone bursts the connection of the fetal egg from the uterus wall, slightly increases its tone and reveals the neck, creating conditions for interrupting pregnancy. Mizoprostol increases the activity of the uterus and an egg with a spinned endometrial is removed from the cavity.

    Conducting scheme

    An outpatient procedure is carried out in several stages on the early (up to 6 weeks) of pregnancy timing:

    Side effects

    A third of women tolerates a procedure with minor discomfort or in difficulty. In annoying women, especially those experiencing previously pain in menstruation, can develop pain syndrome, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. However, the usual painful use cannot be used - the abutient effect of drugs taken in the ambulance can be blocked.

    To reduce pain, methods of folk therapy can be used - peace, dry heat, hot drink. As a last resort, "but-shpa" or "drootaverine" are used. The realization that the chosen abortion method is the most sparing out of existing and leading the least of all the consequences should also be supported in this short-term period of pain.

    Remember that the reception of most pills from pain during the process of reveling the fetus can lead to not the best consequences.

    Determining performance

    After 36-48 hours after an abortion, a control ultrasound is conducted, detecting cases of hematometrs (blood stagnation in the uterus), and after 10-15 days, the control inspection and re-ultrasound is to ensure the effectiveness of the manipulations conducted and the absence of complications.

    The possibility of non-efficiency of the procedure

    In 3-5% of cases, a partial removal of a fetal egg occurs. With the first pregnancy, the risk of incomplete abortion is higher. It is recognized on control inspections and ultrasound. The consequences are eliminated by a surgical abortion.

    With an increase in pregnancy, the ability to preserve pregnancy increases, but the total number of such cases does not exceed 1%. The preserved pregnancy is detected at the inspection and ultrasound 1-2 weeks after an abortion. In such cases, vacuum aspiration is recommended.

    Negative consequences

    Any interruption of pregnancy cannot pass without consequences for the female organism, but the drug - the most sparing out of all, as it is carried out in the early deadlines and does not provide for surgical interference, traumating the neck and the uterine cavity.


    • Blood stagnation in the uterus (hematometome). Preparations that enhance the reduction and eliminating spasm of the cervix are used, and in the absence of the result, the contents are sucked by the vacuum aspiration method. If inflammation developed, the aspiration is postponed and the course of antibiotic therapy is carried out.
    • Strong bleeding during abortion. With an excessive blood loss, the likelihood of which increases with an increase in the period of pregnancy, it is possible to use scraping (curette) of the uterus.
    • Infectious complications are much less common than after surgical interruption of pregnancy. To reduce the risk, before the procedure you need to pass a bacterioscopic examination.

    Late complications

    • decrease in immunity;
    • hormonal imbalance (most often disruption of the menstrual cycle, less often - weight gain);
    • psycho-emotional problems;
    • dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract and vagina (as a rule, is a consequence of a combination of three complications above);
    • breast dysplasia.

    The best method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is the use of contraceptives. If you get to resort to its interrupt, then the most sparing method is medication. He has fewer consequences in the short term, and it is not worth a long time to speak, since health problems are not only who made abortions, and to accurately determine the past catalyst of the current diseases is unlikely to be able to.

    Not many girls, having learned about pregnancy, are ready to become parents and be responsible for the little man. But for successful motherhood it is necessary that the conception is planned, and the child is desirable. If the pregnancy in the women's plans was not included, and the conception was random, then girls tend to make an artificial interruption. Someone addresses the LCD, and someone is trying to interrupt pregnancy in early terms folk remedies. How efficient and safe similar methods are whether they are worth using, probable complications and other subtleties will consider below.

    A serious approach to planning will help avoid unwanted conception.

    Pregnancy must be desirable for both parents who prepared in advance and planned such a responsible step. Then the hatching will not be in a burden, but the changes in the body will only be delighted.

    If a woman finds out about pregnancy, which is not desirable for her, it begins to look for ways to get rid of such conception. Not everyone is treated for professional medical care, many use the folk methods of interrupting pregnancy. The most secure periods of interrupting people are considered the first 5 weeks. The miscarriage is precisely in such timing has the minimum probability of developing adverse complications. Fertilized cell still as it should not be fixed to the endometry and does not have a special protection before the impact of negative factors, which complicates the preservation of the toaling and increases the chances of interrupting.

    Various factors such as overheating and nerve stress, infection, etc., also have some medicinal herbs, and there are also some medicinal herbs, and there are also some medicinal herbs. Therefore, they have long been applied to perform a domestic abortion. Such techniques allow you to do without surgery, because the fruit comes out natural way Together with bleeding. But it is difficult to control such processes at home, bleeding can be too strong, which is dangerous with blood loss or incomplete fruit yield, fraught with purulent and infectious complications. Traditional techniques in this regard are still safer.

    How effective such methods are

    The decision to make an abortion always remains for the patient, but before you resort to the folk remedies for the abortion of pregnancy, it is worth considering that the reverse path after such actions will not be. If the interrupt process is not quite successful and the fruit will continue to develop, then this can lead to the birth of a disabled child. In addition, during the home abortion, complications or interrupts may not develop. Therefore, deciding to such a risky act, it is necessary to be ready for probable problems and not resort to such methods in the later duration of the toal.

    Before drinking, consultation with the doctor is obligatory

    To avoid the absence of an abortive effect or the development of any complications, it is necessary to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy and determine its term. In addition, you need to competently approach the choice of the home method, study it, familiarize yourself with the reviews of those who used a similar way to break the pregnancy. It is also necessary to take care of your own security, so one of the households be located nearby, and at hand, there was always a phone to call the ambulance.

    After such an interrupt, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination and make an ultrasonic scan of the uterine cavity to know for sure that the miscarriages occurred and there is nothing inside, otherwise the development of complications cannot be avoided.

    Home interruption of medicinal plants

    Alternative medicine has many recipes that help carry out pregnancy with folk remedies without the use of surgical intervention. Predate enough to perform a domestic abortion are used medicinal plants with an abortive effect. Such herbs work in different directions, they can provoke the development of the uterine body tone or stop the livelihood processes of the fetus, which will further lead to spontaneous interruption.

    In order to call, placing plants can be applied in the form of infusions, enema or bravery. As a rule, they contain poisonous components, therefore have a toxic effect. Therefore, when using such interrupt methods, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosages.

    • Anise. Means for pregnancy interrupt often include this plant, because it provokes the development of uterine bleeding. Anisa grass has long been applied to lacrimi with the aim of breaking to wear and get rid of the unwanted fetus. Two large lodges of crushed dry raw materials poured half liters of boiling water. Boiled for 3 minutes, and then insist for another half hour. When the infusion cools, it is filtered and drinking 50 ml to meals for 20 minutes.
    • Barberry. With an abortitive purpose, the alcohol infusion of foliage of this plant is used. Two large spoons of raw materials insist two weeks in 100 ml of alcohol or high-quality vodka. The container must be removed in a dry and dark place. As the medicine excerpts, the medicine will turn yellow, and then acquire a brown tint. Take a barberry tincture of 25 droplets three times a day, you can dilute them with water. Often, a similar tool is used as emergency contraception.
    • It is common that abortion by folk remedies can be carried out with the help of the well-known aloe. It would seem that such a harmless plant, which is often treated even children. However, when it is used, active reductions of the uterine muscles begin, which leads to the expulsion of the fruit egg. For an abortive effect, the plant must be taken as a juice. A single portion is the juice of one medium-sized plant. On the day you need to take a means 4 times. You can also simply chew leaves.
    • Oregano Another medicinal plant, more famous for its healing propertiesnot an abortive action. To interrupt the nipping, it is necessary to prepare aqueous infusion of 0.5 liters of boiling water and 2 large spoons of dry plant. As a result of the use of such a beverage, bleeding begins and the fruit is expelled.

    Other herbs

    Must be verified in the absence of allergies to a plant

    Swamp rod. The finished dried plant can be purchased in pharmacies. A glass of steep boiling water brew a teaspoon of dry grass and boil for a minute, and then insist one and a half hours under the lid. It is necessary to take such infusion three times a day for two large spoons before meals.

    Tansy. From this plant you need to prepare a strong decoction. Pijma provokes the emergence of uterine contractions, which lead to the expulsion of the fetus. Two small spoons of plant flowers are poured with a glass of steep boiling water. After cooling, infusion is taken before eating 3 p / d to 50 g. When pronounced grasp painfulness, Reception stop. In some girls, after taking the means, there were no pain, but simply bleeding, similar to menstruation.

    The above-described pregnancy interruption methods may have hazardous consequences, therefore, it is not necessary to resort to them once again, because there are more qualified abortion methods.

    Breaking pregnancy using tablets

    There are many drugs that can provoke the development of miscarriage. Usually their effectiveness is explained by the ability to block progesterone production, which makes the further development of pregnancy impossible. Such pills will help successfully interrupt the conception only with a small amount of tolerance (up to 5-6 weeks), i.e., take them from the first day of delay.

    The most famous of this category of preparations for domestic abortion is Mifgyne. Specialists argue that the abortive efficacy of the drug is 100%, and the likelihood of adverse reactions is insignificant. Also widely used for drug interruption Pencrophthon, and its effectiveness is also high enough, if you take it up to a 6-week length of to wear.

    Usually, after a few hours after taking the drug in the patient, there is a pulling pain in the abdomen and there are bleeding, which indicates the beginning of the abortion. After about 3-4 days after a similar procedure, a woman must be held ultrasound to eliminate complications. If during the interrupt the woman felt a sharp deterioration in well-being, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

    Additional interrupt methods

    With poor well-being, you should seek medical care

    There are other ways of home interruption of unwanted conception, but they need to be extremely careful, since such methods can lead to very dangerous consequences, up to irreversible infertility or lethal outcome. Yes, specialists are extremely negative about such hazardous experiments with their own health.

    Some girls, having learned about conception, begin to actively carry gravity, overloading the body and trying to provoke a breakdown of pregnancy. Indeed, lifting weights causes the voltage and spasms of the uterine muscles, which can provoke a miscarriage. Various jumps are also attributed to physical overloads, including from height, but only it is not known how much you need to jump and how. Therefore, in practice, such methods rarely end with a successful interruption.

    Among the most famous home interruption methods, the following can be distinguished:

    1. Bath with mustard. This method is considered one of the oldest, and quite dangerous. You need to dial a hot bath and add mustard powder into it and mix well. Take such a bath about half an hour, when necessary, adding hot water to maintain the desired temperature. Under the influence of mustard and hot water, blood circulation is increased, the pressure in the uterine television increases and abortion processes are launched. If you still decided on such dangerous way Interrupts, next to someone should be, because because of hot water, it is possible to loss of consciousness or the discovered bleeding will be too abundant. In such cases, it is necessary to call a doctor.
    2. Bay leaf. Also enough old methodbased on the reception of laurel beam. The packaging of the leaves is sealed with a glass of steep boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. The decoction is drunk in one apparatus, and the remaining leaves wrap in the gauze and insert into the vagina overnight.
    3. Iodine solution. To interrupt this method, you need to heat the glass of milk and pour 10 droplets of iodine. Drink need to immediately drink. The method often leads to fetal fetus, and then its rejection. But practice shows that after such an interrupt, the fruit egg is not always brazed, so the woman still has to make cleaning the uterine body. In addition, if after using this method, the breakdown will not happen, the child is likely to be born with congenital pathologies.

    Home interruption methods are quite risky, and can also lead to very dangerous complications.

    Probable consequences of independent abortion

    Among the most frequent consequences of folk abortion methods are the lack of result. A woman drinks some decoction and waits for miscarriage, and it does not happen. Well, if the effect is completely absent, then the development of the fetus will continue without any deviations. It is dangerous if such events lead to a fetal fetal or an egg will not be completely completely. Then it will begin shorter processes and infection will occur.

    Also, uncontrolled bleeding, vegetable poisoning, irreversible infertility, and even fatal outcome becomes frequent complication of domestic abortions. Therefore, it is better to take care of contraception in advance so that then you did not have to look for the handling methods of disrupting unwanted to wear.

    Abortion in the early terms is the cessation of the development of the fruit egg and its expulsion from the uterus spontaneous or artificial means. Consider the reasons, features and consequences of this.


    According to statistics, each eighth pregnancy, and only from those who are known to doctors are interrupted by naturally, without intentional intervention, reception of abortive and toxic drugs, etc. But how many women do not come to the doctor immediately, as they learn about What is in the position, and then, understanding that there was a miscarriage.
    And statistics on the amount of miscarriage of the worse than the older woman, because the spontaneous abortion on early term occurs most often due to random, but serious chromosomal deviations. The risk of their occurrence is especially great in women older than 35 years.

    Another reason for failure can be progesterone failure. Progesterone is the main hormone required for the development of a fetal egg. In order to prevent the prevention of miscarriage, if a woman has regular pain in the uterus, bleeding, spontaneous interruption of pregnancy in early terms has repeatedly happened, it is prescribed progesterone preparations for intake and (or) vaginally. The second method of modern doctors consider the best. Thus, progesterone is well absorbed. Moreover, it is important if a woman has toxicosis accompanied by vomiting.

    Immunological reasons. In some diseases, the immunity of the mother himself rejects the fruit, as if protects against it. This is an antiphospholipid syndrome, the formation of antibodies to progesterone, chorionic gonadotropin. In this case, pregnancy requires serious medication support.

    And finally, the third cause becomes infection. It may be chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and other infections. If they fall into the uterus, they have a negative impact on the endometrium, lead to the detachment of the fruit egg. Knowing that it frequent cause Spontaneous abortion in the early stages, doctors advise to plan a pregnancy. And this means, even before the start of sexual life without means of protection, you need to hand over the smears and blood on various infections. And if any of them is revealed - treated, and only then think about conception. By the way, infections are threatened not only early miscarriage, but also the advent of the child with severe congenital diseases.

    Artificial abortion

    Get rid of pregnancy at your request, any adult Russian woman can on the period of up to 12 weeks. Interrupt pregnancy can be three ways. The first two are well known to many women. These types of abortions are held in the early deadlines for a long time And everywhere. This is a vacuum aspiration and the so-called uterus cleaning, a classic abortion. BUT B. last years Another type of pregnancy interruption is also acquired by a great popularity. The choice of an abortion method depends primarily on the period of pregnancy, and in the second place from the material possibilities of a woman. Negative consequences of abortions in the early stages, of course, is. And it is independent of the method of interrupting pregnancy. However, they are much smaller from the medication method.

    Pharmacological abortion

    With the help of tablets, you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy in the event of its term not more than 6 weeks (it is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. A medical abortion is held in the early deadlines at home, which is its undoubted advantage. Although the doctor will at least have to visit a minimum. For the first time, when a small examination, ultrasound of the uterus will be carried out to clarify the location of the fetal egg and the period of gestation, as well as the issuance of drugs. And the second time already after miscarriage, after 7-14 days to make an ultrasound again and make sure that he ( miscarriage) was complete.

    The advantage of abortion on early stage In this way, this is non-interference in the uterus. That is, it is excluded that the uterus is performed by an acute surgical instrument during cleaning, there will be no infectious complications. No narcosis is needed, and the woman is experiencing relatively small pain that can be removed using painkillers.

    Many women are interested in which abortion pills in the early deadlies are called to buy them on their own. These "mifepristone" and "misoprostol" (existing substances), but, fortunately, they are not sold in pharmacies. Very serious preparations that have and side effects. If a woman will take them later than permissible time, it can open strong bleeding, and miscarriage to be incomplete.

    Of course, a medical interruption of pregnancy is not free. But risk your health, acquiring drugs from the hands, taking them, not knowing the exact same period of pregnancy, the fact that the fruit egg develops precisely in the uterus, and not somewhere in the uterine tube, it is not worth it.

    Vacuum Aspiration

    This surgical intervention is called a mini-abortion on early. The mini prefix is \u200b\u200bused because there is no need to extend the cervical channel and scraping the uterus walls. It is performed without any restrictions, in the case of good results of the smear (lack of an inflammatory process in the field of vagina and cervix), confirmed uterine pregnancy for a period of less than 7 weeks (20 days of menstruation delay). Although a vacuum abortion in the early time it is possible to perform a little later. However, for this you already have to use the cervical expansion. And therefore the anesthesia is necessary. Very painful procedure.

    If the term allows, a vacuum abortion in the early period is carried out right in female consultationAfter painkillers, which usually put intramuscularly and in the neck of the uterus, they can also make the injection of antispasmodics. All procedures are literally 5-7 minutes. In the process, the woman can feel pain of pulling nature, as it happens during menstruation. After the procedure, they usually advise a little lie on the couch, and after going home.

    In very rare cases, a woman has to repeat the procedure in a few days due to the fact that the abortion was incomplete. Bleeding after mini abortion is almost never abundant. It lasts no more than 5-7 days.

    Kyuptage uterus

    Under this definition, the most famous surgical abortion is hidden, which is performed with the expansion of the cervix and the scratching of its cavity. It is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions and now, in most cases, under general anesthesia, as the procedure is very painful, local anesthesia does not help to relieve pain.

    A woman is heading for the cujage of the uterus if you wish to interrupt pregnancy from 7-8 and to 12 weeks. And first, it is necessary to give tests. And in the case of general anesthesia, a conversation with anesthesiologist is also obligatory.

    At a time, when some women pray and dream of the appearance of a baby in the family, others do not know how to get rid of the tiny life already originated under their heart. With ease they are solved on abortion, regardless of its term and self-election.

    But the abortion made one day can cross the full life of the failed milstic life. In addition to the fact that she will kill his own child, it will greatly harm their health: depression, infertility, the development of gynecological diseases is only a few most likely consequences of abortions. But, according to statistics, each third woman is absolutely not thinking about possible troubles, going on "cleaning".

    An abortion is very difficult to justify. Neither unfinished studies nor temporary material difficulties nor the construction of a career can serve as a valid reason for killing a small helpless little man. Those who are resolved for this step should clearly understand that they are not just interrupting one of the natural processes of their body, but also deprive the lives of another person.

    To date, it is allowed to make abortions until the 12th week of pregnancy. After this period, it is not possible to officially interrupt pregnancy - the risks are too large. Women provide a choice of the type of abortion, and more precisely - the choice of weapons, which they will kill their child: medicines, vacuum or surgeon knife.

    Surgical interruption of pregnancy.

    Interrupt pregnancy after 8 weeks Perhaps only in a surgical way. It lies in the mechanical scattering of the fetus from the uterus of the uterus using a special tool. In fact, there is a breaking of the fragments of the torn calf child from the uterus, because it is not possible to remove the fruit of the fruit.

    The danger of the procedure is that it is impossible to predict its consequences. In many cases, patients occurs strong bleeding. Sometimes surgical abortion becomes infertility. But most often in women who survived the abortion of this species, serious hormonal and gynecological problems begin.

    Vacuum abortion (abortion).

    Vacuum abortion is less traumatic procedure than surgical intervention. It is carried out on a period of 4 - 6 weeks with the help of vacuum suction, under local anesthesia. The time for which the fruit egg is completely removed from the uterus, does not exceed 7 minutes.

    After the vacuum abortion of health, women threatens a menstrual cycle failure. It is necessary for some time to strictly stick the diet and make medications prescribed by a gynecologist.

    There are cases when after a vacuum abortion, the pregnancy did not go anywhere and continued to develop. Therefore, this method cannot be called quite reliable.

    Medical interruption of pregnancy (abortion).

    Organize miscarriage at an early term by receiving certain drugs can drug abortion. This is the least traumatic way to get rid of the continuation of the kind.

    Those who decided on an abortion of this species can not worry about their reproductive function. Reception of drugs provoking miscarriage will not affect the ability of a woman to have children in the future.

    This is this the method of interruption of pregnancy I certainly will negatively affect hormonal health. Due to the fact that all natural natural hormonal processes are disturbed, the strongest failure occurs. In this case, the probability of the development of benign and malignant tumors is increased at times.

    The dose of the drug is calculated by the doctor individually for each individual case. Amateurity here is unacceptable here, since the incorrect dosage of the abortion can lead to an incomplete removal of a fetal egg.

    Medical abortion, as well as any other, spend in the hospital under the supervision of the doctor. If an obstetrician gynecologist proposes to acquire an abortion and abortion on his own, at home - this is an unofficial, nowhere registered procedure, on which the doctor simply finds it, risking the health of pregnant. If there will be complications after such a "home" abortion, a doctor to avoid responsibility will prevent the view that is not invalid to the happening.

    The drug abortion has a number of contraindications: the age of a woman is over 35 years old, more than 6 weeks, allergies to the components of an abortion agent unconfirmed by ultrasound examination pregnancy.

    The worst version of the abortion is an Abortion in late terms. It is very dangerous for women's health. Negative consequences in such cases, as a rule, cannot be avoided. Late abortions are allowed only on medical testimony - if severe fetal developmental defects are found or a serious threat arises for the life of the mother. In these cases, artificially caused delivery is carried out. A child can even be born alive, but after a while to die.

    The consequences of abortions.

    Even if, after an abortion made a woman, it will be possible to avoid problems with physical health, then there will be big problems on the morally emotional level. The deceptive feeling of relief and freedom that arose immediately after and, soon disappears. Woman begins to edit Himself for the perfect act. Every new day becomes unbearable torture. She draws attention to all pregnant women, thinks that he could have walking "with the tummy" and rejoice in his position.

    After a while, the failed mommy begins with an unhealthy interest and envy to look into the baby carriages, representing how it could look and her unborn child killed by her.

    Emotional problems will not be avoided by anyone. Being a mother is the main purpose of each woman laid at the level of instincts and absolutely independent of social status, material opportunities or education.

    New studies have proven that the abortion made by the mother affects the mental state of the children they subsequently. They grow unsure in themselves, at the subconscious level they are alarming and inexplicable sense of guilt. Children suspect that they do not need their parents, feel unprotected. At the same time, they may not even guess that their mother in the past made an abortion.

    How many other underwater stones are lurking in the terrible procedure for killing a unborn baby, called abortion, known only to experienced mothers who have experienced this procedure. Is there a minute carelessness of health and life - to solve only them. Choosing between reliable modern contraception and terrible consequences of the murder of a unwanted child, a reasonable woman will stop in the first version.

    Not for every woman pregnancy is desired. Some after unplanned conception are solved to preserve the child, and for someone it seems impossible. Modern medicine has different ways Interruption of pregnancy. But it should be remembered that such a procedure does not pass without a trace for the body and is an extreme measure.

    Deadlines for artificial cessation of pregnancy

    The time allowed for an abortion is regulated by the orders of the Ministry of Health. At the request of a woman, a pregnancy is interrupted in the period of up to 12 weeks. This is due to the fact that the placenta begins to form later and its separation from the walls of the uterus is accompanied by massive bleeding.

    According to social testimony, pregnancy is interrupted up to 22 weeks. Earlier, they were the foundation of the mother in places of imprisonment, the disability of her husband or woman and others. But according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2012 N98, only rape remained from all the testimony.

    For medical reasons, pregnancy can be interrupted at any time. A list of diseases in which it is impossible to carry, determined by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. It includes various infectious pathologies, somatic, genetic and oncological diseases. The decision to perform the manipulation with informed consent of the woman takes a special consultation of doctors.

    What interruption methods are used under a short time?

    Methods of interrupting pregnancy in the early time differ from later. Developments in this area are increasingly seeking to reduce injuries and consequences. The sooner the woman decides to carry out the procedure, the better for it: the walls of the uterus are not yet so stretched, hormonal shifts did not reach the maximum level.

    Apply three main ways:

    1. Vacuum aspiration.
    2. Abortion (scraping of the uterus).
    3. Medical interruption.

    None of them can guarantee the absence of hormonal pathologies after getting rid of pregnancy.

    Regardless of which pregnancy interrupt methods will be used, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination.

    The list of mandatory methods includes:

    • general analysis of blood and urine;
    • inspection in mirrors and two-handed research;
    • smear to the degree of purity of the vagina;
    • , hepatitis B, C;
    • coagulogram;
    • blood group and rear factor;
    • Small pelvis.

    Therapist is also needed to take into account common diseases that may affect the procedure. A conversation with a psychologist is recommended to try to dissuade a woman or provide mental support.

    Vacuum Aspiration

    Methods for interrupting pregnancy in a small period are safer in terms of the development of complications after them. In a female consultation without hospitalization, you can perform vacuum aspiration. It is carried out on the period of up to 5 weeks of gestation, which are installed by the date of the last menstruation and according to the ultrasound.

    If you take a delay for countdown, you can perform a mini-abortion to 21 days with a regular cycle. The optimal period is considered to be 14 days. Previously, the vacuum is not performed: the fruit egg is very small and may not get into the catheter. If delaying the implementation of aspiration, it threatens complications.

    Manipulation is carried out without anesthesia. On the gynecological chair is treated with vulva antiseptic and the intelling of the vagina, mirrors are inserted. The neck of the uterus is captured by bulletin tongs, probing the uterine cavity with a metal probe. The cervical canal is not expanded, and the plastic catheter is immediately introduced - the tube connected to the aspirator. For 3-5 minutes, the contents of the uterine cavity are sued. This is accompanied by unpleasant pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

    Vacuum Aspiration

    After manipulation, the patient is placed on the bottom of the belly with ice heating, offered to lie down on the couch within an hour. After that, she can go home.

    At home, it is recommended to take 3-5 days of antibiotics, for example, macropane, doxycycline. This is especially true for women with a low degree of purity of the vagina. To restore the hormonal background, the next day you can start taking combined oral contraceptives. Installing the intrauterine spiral immediately after an abortion is impractical: under the influence of the cutting of the uterus, its loss may occur.

    For a month, the sexual rest is observed, a visit to the baths, saunas, solarium, lifting weights is contraindicated. The menstrual cycle is restored for 3-4 months.

    If, after vacuum aspiration, the temperature rose after a few days, there was pain in the stomach, bother with amplifying bleeding, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

    Complications can be:

    • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
    • placental polyp;
    • an unsuccessful attempt of an abortion;
    • hormonal disorders.

    For control, after a few days you need to perform an ultrasound of a small pelvis. Compliance with the Doctor's recommendations increases the chances of a prosperous outcome.


    This method is allowed for use up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Previously, a woman is examined in a female consultation, after which it is hospitalized in the hospital.

    An abortion is the scraping of the uterine cavity using curetles and deleting endometrial along with the embryo. This manipulation is carried out under anesthesia. Therefore, an anesthesiologist is talking before surgery with a patient to eliminate contraindications for the introduction of narcotic anesthetic substances.

    In the morning, it is impossible to eat. Before the operation you need to empty the intestine and bladder, take a shower and shave your hair in the crotch.

    A woman is lying in a gynecological chair. After the dacha, the doctor inserts the mirrors into the vagina, captures the cervix and probes its cavity. With the help of hegara expansion, the cervical canal is gradually dilated. Then proceed to the scraping. Use curetles of various sizes, gradually peeling the endometrium that flows over the spoon of the lower mirror. Start from the walls of the uterus and finish with corners. Gradually, when scraping, a crunch appears, which speaks of the full separation of the fetal egg and the shell. Bleeding should decrease, the uterus is reduced.

    The blood loss during the scraping is up to 150 ml. Some clinics are manipulated under the control of ultrasound to avoid complications.

    The patient will be from anesthesia and transported to the ward. Those who have a rhesus-negative blood, in the postoperative period is carried out immunization with antipes D immunoglobulin. It is necessary to avoid the conflict between the blood and child blood systems at subsequent pregnancies.

    An intravenous drip administration of oxytocin is prescribed to improve the contraction of the uterus, antibiotics for the prevention of inflammatory processes. The duration of stay in the hospital is individually and depends on the state.

    After surgical interrupt, sexual rest is also needed, restricting physical exertion and overheating for a month. From the next day, you can start taking hormonal contraceptives to help restore the menstrual cycle.

    Blood selection lasts a few days, gradually brighten, become mucist-succained. When strengthening or the appearance of red blood, you must consult a doctor.

    Medical interruption

    Developed methods of artificial interruption of pregnancy with drugs. They are used under the period of gestation to 49 days, or 7 weeks, if you count on the day of the last menstruation. This method is safer than surgical, complications are developing only in 3% of cases. It can be:

    • incomplete abortion;
    • bleeding.

    The best results can be achieved on the period of 3-4 weeks, when the fertilized egg has not yet tightly attached to the wall of the uterus. Medical abortion has less psychotrambulating effect, does not create the risk of infection. It is recommended to apply in rhesus-negative women to eliminate the immunization of fetal antibodies.

    Used drugs have a spectrum of contraindications, therefore the pharmaceutical method is not used for the following states:

    • period of more than 8 weeks of pregnancy;
    • acute genital infections;
    • after a long treatment with corticosteroids or in case of insufficiency of adrenal cortex;
    • heavy form of bronchial asthma;
    • template to thrombosis.

    Smoking women, especially over 35 years old and with heart pathology, have high risks of blood coagulation and thrombosis. Therefore, they have this method of pregnancy interrupts apply with caution.

    Before the procedure, a woman passes a standard examination, consulting the psychologist. Medicase abortion is carried out in the gynecologist, hospital or private clinic. Hospitalization is not required for him. But after taking medication, a doctor is recommended for 2 hours.

    In the presence of a doctor, the patient drinks 200 mg of myfepristone. This is a hormonal drug that binds to receptors and blocks its action. Endometrium stops growth, the fruit is dying. At the same time, the sensitivity of the myometrium to oxytocin is restored, the uterus begins to shrink and reject the embryo. After 48 hours, it is necessary to adopt misoprostol inside or hemepost vaginally. This is analogs of prostaglandins that enhance the cuts in the uterus and expel the fetal egg rejected. Endometrium is not injured.

    Normally, after taking the drug begged. It should not be very strong. If a woman has to change the gasket every 30 minutes, it is a reason to apply to the doctor. No secretions for 2 days speak of an unsuccessful interruption attempt.

    The following states are pathological:

    • an increase in temperature above 38 degrees;
    • intensive abdominal pain, sometimes gives to the lower back;
    • silver smell of selection.

    After 2 days, with the help of ultrasound evaluate the result. When conserving the fetal egg and incomplete interruption make vacuum aspiration or scraping. If everything went well, after 10-14 days the woman needs to come to inspect her doctor.

    Menstruation must begin in 5-6 weeks after receiving tablets. But you should bother about contraception after a medication abortion, you can get pregnant again a few days after the end of bleeding. To normalize the hormonal background, optimally use combined oral contraceptives during this period. They reliably protect against conception and help install the cycle.

    Interrupt in 2 trimester

    At 11 weeks of pregnancy, screening ultrasound is conducted, which allows you to identify heavy defects of the child's development, calculate the risk of Down syndrome and other pathologies. Some congenital deformities can be adjusted after delivery, and some of them are incompatible with life. Even Down syndrome, in addition to mental retardation, causes impaired heart formation, which lead to congenital heart failure. Therefore, with suspected development anomaly at 17 weeks, an additional ultrasound is performed, after which it is possible to decide on the need to interrupt pregnancy.

    The second trimester use the following methods:

    • introduction of prostaglandins;
    • replacement spindle water 20% sodium chloride solution;
    • hysterotomy;
    • combination of several ways.

    Artificial abortion at the later date is accompanied by high risk Development of complications, and also greatly injured the psyche. After it, a long recovery period is needed, during which you can not be pregnant. Optimally to wait 1-2 years, to surveys and prepare for the subsequent conception to eliminate the reasons that led to pregnancy pathology for the first time.

    How to prevent dangerous manipulations?

    If unprotected sexual intercourse occurred, use means, for example, postinor. It is drinking throughout the day after sexual intercourse to cause hormonal changes that pregnancy will not develop. But this tool knocks down hormonal rhythm, so it cannot be resorted more often than 1 time per year.

    Separate attention deserve folk ways Interrupts of pregnancy at 1 week and later. Some women enjoy them in the hope of hiding their position from others or from the desire to save on a campaign to the doctor. This approach may apply unpleasant consequences in the form of incomplete abortion, massive bleeding or infection. In most cases, such manipulations are accompanied by the development of infertility.

    Women should remember that abortion is not a way to plan pregnancy. This is an emergency method that is used in exceptional cases. It is better to reasonably approach the selection of a prevention method already at a young age than to regret later about your mistakes.

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