• Where do socks go in the washing machine? A woman found a place where socks disappear from the washing machine, and it really exists


    We do not believe in the existence of people who would not be familiar with the problem of the loss of the second sock. You put things in the washing machine, but after washing, drying and spinning, you get only 99% of the things! Many of us have become accustomed to the idea that one of the socks must be sacrificed to the laundry gods. Many have already believed in the existence of a certain "washing Bermuda triangle", but the place where the socks disappear really exists, and this is where it is located.

    While all this time we jokingly wondered where the socks disappear from the washing machine, it turned out that this place really exists

    This find was discovered by Kathy Hinz

    What Katy said:

    "My husband and I are property managers. We currently operate a mobile home park. Like most of these complex home parks, this one has a laundry service."

    "Today my husband got tired of fighting with one of the washing machines that just refused to work properly, and decided to take it apart, starting from the bottom panel. He was shocked by what he managed to find."

    "Socks, underwear, a credit card... it was all in the bottom of the washing machine"

    "After removing the water pump that removes water from the washing machine, he found about 7 dollars in change"

    "I'm speechless! My husband has been doing this job for 25 years and has been fixing appliances for 25 years including washer and dryer. But we've NEVER seen anything like this!"

    "For those who swore that the washing machine "eats" small things, and listened to the stories of "professionals" that these are all fairy tales .. Here's the proof! So if you lose your socks again, remember that maybe your washing machine just got hungry ' finished the woman.

    Your washing machine can be powered by socks! Nose-eating monster!

    That's how it goes

    And recently, Danielle Louise Carr shared the moment she discovered her dryer was stealing socks too.

    Where do socks go from the washing machine? Put in five pairs and take out four and a half! Maybe they are stolen by a brownie or there is a cunning grinder in the unit, which insidiously selects things from the total mass and grinds them into small pieces? Everything is much easier!

    Where do the socks go?

    Believe me, not a single thing disappears without a trace! The second sock is always somewhere, lying and waiting. It's just important to know where to look. Yes, washing machines, their design features are to blame. For free rotation of the drum, the manufacturer leaves a gap between it and the casing. If you load a lot of laundry, then under the action of centrifugal force, small things are squeezed out of the total mass. In this way, small socks and handkerchiefs can go free swimming through the sewers. Although they are capable also clog the drain and cause a flood... In addition, due to the design, clothing can get into the slots of the seal.

    In the event that shedding material is clogged under the elastic band of the seal, it can ruin other things during the next wash, so it is so important to inspect the drum after each wash!

    How to find what's missing

    I've put together a list of caches that will help in the difficult search for fugitives.

    1. Rubber cuff of the hatch of loading. This is a useful thing that provides tightness, but with insufficient elasticity, it stretches and hides a small object. It will be problematic to get it, you will have to disassemble part of the unit from the side of the heating element. Stretching often occurs when the machine is overloaded, so we remember the maximum load, and the machine will thank us with a long service life.
    1. The fugitive can be found in the plum. If the sock gets stuck in the drain filter, the release process is simple: unscrew the filter and remove it. If we are talking about a drain pipe, then you will have to look for a professional to completely disassemble the washing machine.
    2. But still, most often (fortunately!) The loss is found somewhere in the corner of a duvet cover or pillowcase. Large things often hide their smaller counterparts in secluded corners.

    Don't forget to unplug your washing machine while searching!

    Don't let your socks run away!

    Now I propose move on to the main question - how to protect yourself from loss and unpleasant consequences in the form of disassembling the unit or a flood from a clogged drain . It's always easier to prevent than to fix.

    1. Since socks are paired items, then they can be tied into knots with each other several pieces at once, if the length allows.
    2. Proven and reliable method: collect all small items of clothing in a special bag for washing It has tight fasteners. As an alternative and cheap option, you can take an old pillowcase, tightly tying the hole tightly.
    3. Some hostesses advise racesputting socks in trouser pockets , but this method does not seem reliable to me, and they will wash worse.
    4. Handwash help anytime, anywhere. It is difficult to escape from the basin under vigilant supervision!
    5. Fasten products with special clips, they are sold in hardware stores. I do not recommend using ordinary clothespins - they will quickly break.

    Do not be afraid to wash on your hands, modern tools make it quite easy and fast. I will add personally from myself: it is very pleasant to watch how things become pure thanks to their own efforts!

    The question of where socks disappear in the washing machine is of concern not only to housewives and mothers. This problem has long occupied many scientists who put forward the most diverse and even incredible versions.

    At the same time, the versions that socks are converted into energy or disappear in a parallel world are no longer even considered by serious scientific minds. There are significantly more supporters of the theory that socks are much more likely to move through the drain hole to the filter mesh of the washing machine and wait until they are surprised to be found there.

    Very often, by the way, socks and other small things cause the breakdown described in when the washing machine does not drain. We advise you to read, because other possible reasons are described there.

    Modern washing machines don't eat socks.

    This phenomenon is known primarily from old models of washing machines. New washing machines - and this is emphasized by some of the major manufacturers of such equipment in their advertising - do not tend to swallow and hide socks: if you put 1 pair of socks and the same number of stockings into the wash, you will get the same amount in the end. Washed and fresh!

    You can read a lot of advice, for example, put socks in special laundry bags. This will help you avoid long searches for your favorite sock after washing in the machine, on the filter or in the drain. It also happens that the master called for a breakdown of the washing machine pulls out a twisted sock, or even two, from the drain hose of the machine.

    If the sock somehow leaked there and prevents the exit of water, the result of such a blockage is almost one hundred percent a flood in the bathroom or in the kitchen and the call of the masters. And there is no technical defect, but only an incorrectly positioned toe. But this entails significant costs - not only for cleaning the drain, but also for eliminating the results of the flood caused by the sock.

    Socks do not dissolve in the air

    Unlike some opinions, socks do not dissolve in water or air during washing. Even if we are talking about very thin stockings, they cannot dissolve in any way and, accordingly, disappear without a trace in the washing machine. But what happens to socks that disappear without a trace and where they end up from the wash, this, perhaps, will remain a mystery that will not be solved in the coming decades. And all because all the magic of washing happens behind a closed hatch, which, by the way, often happens when trouble happens with a washing machine.

    Of course, there are also completely mundane assumptions that supposedly missing socks simply do not reach the wash: they get lost on the way to the car, dragged somewhere by pets, or really “crawl” into the drain filter. Be that as it may, materialistic science should triumph: our socks do not fall into other dimensions, and they do not turn into energy!

    Well, if you found a shortage of socks after washing and no damage happened, be on the alert! After all, it is likely that, God forbid, this may cause a breakdown in the future. If a breakdown occurs, then you can safely contact our workshop, we will solve your problem quickly and efficiently.

    Call now by phone in Kyiv 383 90 60 to call an experienced master to repair a washing machine!

    © Any reprinting of this article, as well as partial or complete use of materials (information) from it in any form is permitted only with a direct link to our website

    The automatic washing machine has become one of the best inventions of mankind. She completely saved the fair sex from the need to wash the delicate skin of the fingers into the blood in an attempt to give the linen its former brightness and purity.

    The same invention caused the loss of favorite things. And if, as a rule, small gizmos in the form of handkerchiefs and socks disappear in household washing machines, even towels can disappear without a trace in industrial appliances.

    However, this fact is not particularly surprising. It is enough just to look inside this household appliance. Opening the door of the washing machine, and looking at the sparkling drum, associations immediately arise with the shark's mouth. No wonder that men's socks disappear without a trace, disheartening their owners.

    In order not to puzzle in vain over the explanation of this phenomenon, you need to figure out where socks disappear from washing machines, and how can this problem be solved?

    Washing machine owners have noticed a strange trend that their indispensable helpers in everyday life prefer men's socks.

    Perhaps this is due to the fact that the washing machine is feminine, and, apparently, nothing human is alien to her.

    And now you can begin to consider the versions of what is happening, put forward by the owners of this wardrobe item themselves.

    1. Some laundry detergents help dissolve socks in water. Moreover, as long-term practice has shown, predominantly synthetic and semi-synthetic items of men's wardrobe have a tendency to disappear. While cotton and wool products always return to their owner.
    2. A design error made by the manufacturer of this type of household appliance. There is a hypothesis that the drum, located behind the closed door of the machine, can not only wash, but also act as a teleportation chamber, transferring socks to another time dimension.
    3. The washing machine literally digests socks, draining waste into the sewer. This is a kind of payment for facilitating the work of housewives.
    4. The disappearance of socks is connected with a secret agreement concluded between their manufacturers in order to increase demand for their products. They make one sock out of a pair water-soluble.

    Unfortunately, none of these hypotheses turns out to be true. If washing powders could dissolve synthetic fabrics, then most things would disappear.

    The remaining versions, although they belong to the category of mysticism, but they shed at least some light on the greatest secret of mankind. So where do the socks go?

    Real reasons

    Luckily, washing machines don't absorb or digest socks. They don't eat them at all. Yes, and socks do not disappear without a trace. If at the end of the wash one sock is removed from the machine, then the second one is hidden somewhere inside. But this is only with a successful outcome of the case.

    In fact, there is a real explanation for where socks go in washing machines, and it is more mundane.

    1. Washing machines are really to blame for the disappearance of socks. Or rather, not even they are to blame, but the companies producing them. In order for the drum to rotate freely, a small gap is left between it and the hull skin. When the machine is fully loaded, heavy things can literally squeeze out small things. As a result, when the water is drained, they either leak into the sewer or clog the drain hose, causing a worldwide flood in the apartment.
    2. Very thin socks can get stuck between the drum seal or stick to it during the spin cycle. In this case, they, sooner or later, are found out. Unfortunately, a sock found at the wrong time can ruin the laundry put into the washing machine during the next wash. True only if it is not white.

    Ways to deal with extinction

    Socks are a pair of wardrobe items, so they are loaded into the washing machine only in pairs. Unless, of course, one sock from a pair is lost on the way to the washing machine. It's a shame, having loaded two pairs into it, get one and a half.

    There are several proven ways to deal with the loss of things during washing. First of all, these include laundry bags, which are made of mesh fabric and are used for washing small items. Such bags are closed, and therefore the probability of another loss of a sock is close to zero, and socks cannot go anywhere.

    While the bags are being searched, the socks can be loaded into the machine, previously tied to each other. In extreme cases, they can be stuffed into the pockets of trousers or shirts. However, the quality of washing in this case may leave much to be desired.

    The safest way is hand washing. Washing your socks with your hands can be an incredible pleasure, watching them regain their former freshness.

    To many of us the problem of the disappearance of socks after washing in the washing machine is familiar. There are many different reasons for this phenomenon and versions of the possible location of these wardrobe items.

    One thing is certain: if the sock was placed in such a unit, it remained in it.

    Socks lost in this way can be found if you know where to look for the most appropriate loss. Let's figure out where the socks disappear ("disappear").

    There are several main reasons for the disappearance of socks. in the washing machine during the washing process.

    These include the following:

    Socks can get caught in the rubber cuff, located next to the porthole hatch and provided by manufacturers of such units to ensure tightness. Sometimes sealing gums are not elastic enough. This can also happen if too many different items of clothing have been loaded into the washing machine. In this case, when the drum rotates, the sealing collar is greatly stretched and a small object, such as a sock, can easily fall under it.

    Thin items or small children's socks may during the washing process, get into the gap between the drum and the tank and get stuck there for a long time. A white sock stuck in the bowels of such a unit will not cause much harm. But if a black or colored thing got stuck and was not removed in time, it can, by shedding, significantly spoil the clothes put into the machine during subsequent washings. You can get the product from this place through the hole for the heating element, but for this purpose you will have to partially disassemble the washing machine.

    In addition, the product may appear when washing directly in the drum of the washing machine and from there, under the influence of strong water pressure (above 1000 revolutions during spinning), get either into the drain filter or into the drain pipe. It is not difficult to get a thing of this kind from the drain filter, just unwind it and pull out the loss. If the sock is in the drain pipe, it will be more difficult to get it out, because you have to completely disassemble the washing machine. In some cases, you may even need the help of a professional.

    One of the most common reasons for the disappearance of such things in the washing machine can be bedding (duvet covers and pillowcases), in which hosiery is often clogged during washing.

    Important! Actions aimed at removing a sock stuck in it from the washing machine must be carried out when this unit is completely disconnected from the power supply.

    Proven ways to not lose socks?

    So that every time not to ask a question, where to look for such a loss, it is advisable to adopt one of the methods listed below.


    • use for washing small wardrobe items specially provided for this mesh fabric bags, closed with a zipper or pulled together with a cord;
    • a good option is to tie socks together for 6 or more pieces;
    • wash socks in a washing machine, having previously laid them out in the pockets of shirts or trousers, but the quality of washing when using this method is significantly reduced;
    • fastening small hosiery with each other using special clips (clips), which can be purchased at a hardware store, helps to avoid their disappearance during washing (ordinary clothespins are not recommended for this purpose, the probability of their breakage is quite high).

    Advice! A guaranteed way to keep your socks from disappearing in the wash is to wash them by hand.

    When washing things in the washing machine, this unit periodically becomes clogged with various small objects. In addition to socks, it can also be coins, pins, buttons, handkerchiefs and other things of this kind. This can be indicated by the characteristic creaking sounds emitted by the washing machine during operation.

    If such items are not removed from the machine in a timely manner, over time, the accumulation of such items inside in the most unexpected places can lead to a breakdown of the unit.

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