• The script for the ceremonial registration of birth in the registry office. Scenario for the birth of a child for parents. Gifts, flowers and certificates


    (Sounds of Mendelssohn's March)

    The newlyweds climb the stairs for the assistant leader, enter the hall. In the hall, the newlyweds stand on round rug in the center. The witnesses stand to the left and right of the bride and groom, respectively. Guests are also divided into two groups and stand to the left and right of the young. Attention! There are chairs in the check-in hall, but this is a props, you cannot sit on them! If someone sits down, the host will ask him to stand up.

    The music fades

    Host: Dear guests! Dear newlyweds! We are pleased to welcome you to this wonderful room. Today, (date), in the Wedding Palace of the city of Vladimir they are getting married (name).

    Slow romantic music starts playing

    Presenter: A wonderful and light feeling brought you into this hall - love, on the basis of which a family is born. You are entering a new and responsible stage of your life together. Kindness, loyalty, the ability to understand and forgive each other will help you to be happy spouses. Take care of the wonderful and light feeling of love, and keep the happiness of this day for many years.
    I am honored to register your marriage, but before the most exciting moment I ask you to answer: are you ready to become spouses? Take responsibility for the fate and happiness of your loved one. Is your solution (to start a family) - some of the presenters say this, and some do not - approx. ed. sincere and voluntary? I ask the groom to answer ...

    Groom: Yes.

    Presenter: Bride?

    Bride: Yes.

    Presenter: I ask you to seal your mutual consent with signatures. For this I invite the bride and groom to the registration table.

    The music is getting louder

    The bride and groom go to the table. The bride is the first to sign, so the groom pulls back the chair a little, helps the bride to sit down. After the bride has signed, the groom helps her to get up, after which he sits down and signs himself. Meanwhile, the bride is waiting for him and posing intensely for the photographer. After the groom has signed, they go to their place together.

    Presenter: Honorary witnesses are invited to the registration table.

    In the same way as the newlyweds, the witnesses go to the table, sign on the postcard and stand in their places.

    The music fades

    Presenter: May this minute be remembered, may it be sacred. From now on, you are not just a friend and girlfriend, from now on you are a husband and wife. (Poems can sometimes be different - depending on the presenter. Apparently, they have not yet fully decided which verses to read) - approx. author .. In full accordance with the Family Legislation of the Russian Federation, you are (name) and you (name) are declared husband and wife.
    From now on, you are a family, and we hope that the light of love in your hearts will warm your whole happy family life... And the source of this life is the family hearth. So this exciting moment has come when your family hearth is ignited.

    Strange music

    At this time, on the right on the wall, a flame emulator begins to blaze in a bowl suspended on the wall, whistling, it seems, from some oriental restaurant.

    Presenter: The fire of your feelings burns in it, which will fill your home with warmth and light. And the radiance of the rings will always remind you of this holiday.

    The leader's assistant approaches the newlyweds with rings.

    Presenter: Put on each other these wedding rings, together with them trusting a loved one with their peace, their love, their tenderness ...

    Solemn music sounds, something very similar to the "Marseillaise". In short, obviously the anthem of some country ..

    Newlyweds wear wedding rings to each other. First the groom to the bride, then the bride to the groom.

    The music fades

    Presenter: Now seal your union with a kiss!

    Solemn music from the same series again.

    Newlyweds kiss

    The presenter approaches the newlyweds

    Presenter: I congratulate you and present your first family document - a marriage certificate. I want to wish you happiness, love, family warmth and comfort in your home.

    Hands over a certificate

    Presenter: And now, relatives and friends, congratulate the young on a legal marriage!

    Music starts playing. There are many options: from a romantic slow-paced to rock and roll.

    The guests come up to the young and congratulate them.

    The music fades

    Presenter: And now the young will go forward, and your guests will accompany you. Happiness to you! Advice and love!

    Cheerful music plays, to which young people, accompanied by guests, go out the side door

    So this is the verbatim registration script. Sometimes it changes slightly - depending on the host. Sometimes something new is added if registration takes place on some holiday (for example, on February 14, a "tree of happiness" was set up, from where the young had to pick a leaf and read a wish for themselves). But that's how it usually happens ...

    The whole action takes 6-7 minutes from the moment you start climbing the stairs until you exit the hall ...

    Solemn celebration of newborns


    Joy and happiness fills the house when a tiny and still unintelligent person, whom they have been waiting for for so long, was born. Having a baby is a little magic.

    Last Friday, April 5, 2013, all young parents of the Sudislavl village were congratulated on this joyful event.

    Once again, a solemn celebration of newborn children under the warm name "Planet of Childhood" took place in the Sudislavsky District Youth Center.

    The organizers of this event were the specialists of the center. All young parents were met by the center's volunteers. Volunteers helped young mothers and fathers to get comfortable in a beautifully decorated, cozy room.

    The culprit "href \u003d" / text / category / vinovnik / "rel \u003d" bookmark "\u003e the heroes of the occasion, as well as their parents and grandparents, was expressed by the registry office specialist and told about the meaning of common names for the thirteenth year.

    Municipal districts "href \u003d" / text / category / munitcipalmznie_rajoni / "rel \u003d" bookmark "\u003e of the municipal district. your children. We are very glad that children were born in your families. We wish good luck and love to your families. "

    Tatyana Vladimirovna noted that improving the demographic situation is important for both Sudislavl and St.

    wounds in general and wished the parents to raise their kids as worthy citizens of Sudislavl and their country. "

    At the holiday, families were honored in which the first, second, and even third child was born. The youth center specialists invited 32 families with newborns. Took part in the celebration:

    1. The Morozov family, Alexander and Alena, with their son Daniel

    2. The Lebedev family Olga with her son Ilya

    3. The Sobolev family Catherine with her son Sergei.

    4. The Kudryavtsev family Vladimir and Natalya with their daughter Varvara

    5. Family of Sergeevs Evgeny and Oksana with their son Viktor

    6. The Kapustin family Vladimir and Elena with their daughter Svetlana

    7. The Afanasyev family Anatoly and Elena with their son Zakhar

    8. The Soloviev family Vladimir and Tatiana with their daughter Varvara

    9. The Voronin family, Alexander and Olga with their son Artem

    10. The Vasiliev family, Alexander and Marina with their daughter Maria

    11. The Simakov family Pavel and Victoria with their daughter Kira

    12. The Nikolayev family Andrey and Lyudmila with their son Artem

    13. The Popov family Alexey and Ekaterina with their daughter Anastasia

    14. The Vinogradov family Alexey and Ekaterina with their daughter Daria

    15. Sveshnikov family Nikolay and Ksenia with their daughter Varvara

    16. The Mukhin family Maria with her son Rostislav

    17. Family Andrey Melnik and Olga with their son Stepan

    18. The Belov family Denis and Maria with their daughter Varvara

    19. The Korsakov family Roman and Oksana with their daughter Anna

    20. The Yezhov family Anton and Alena with their son Vladislav

    21. The Gryaznov family Vitaly and Julia with their son Vadim

    22. The Gabov family Vladimir and Elena with their son Levushka

    23. The Popov family Daria with her son Sergei

    24. The Petrov family Andrey and Julia with their son Artem

    25. The Mashkov family Dmitry and Galina with their daughter Ekaterina

    Kind, warm and bright words were addressed to the parents and their kids from the leaders and colleagues at work, grandparents and numerous guests. The list of guests includes representatives of the following organizations:

    Head of the Human Resources Department, Closed Joint Stock Company KS Sreda;

    HR Manager of the Sudislavsky Welding Materials Plant;

    Preschool director educational institution Kolokolchik kindergarten.

    Everything that day was for young parents, congratulations and gifts, useful tips, songs, dances from the studio "Raduga". The dance studio "Smile" and the dance number of the pupils also delighted everyone present with their introduction. kindergarten "Bell".

    Gifts from employers and gifts for children from the Administration of the Sudislavsky municipal district, presented by the head of the department of culture, youth, sports and tourism, were a pleasant surprise.

    Honoring families in which children were born is a good tradition in our area and we want parents to realize at the time of registration how much the fate of their child is in their hands. We hope it works out.

    The event ended with a beautiful shared photo for a long memory of the happy time.

    Newborn Registration Scenario

    Good afternoon, dear parents, grandparents and, of course, guests!

    We are glad to see you at the solemn registration of newborns!
    May today be for you
    It will be beautiful, bright.
    And who came here now
    He will not be forgotten.
    (Applause from the guests.)
    Dear Parents!
    You opened the door to a new world,
    You are parents now
    You are no longer newlyweds.
    With happiness to you! With a newborn!
    For whom is a son's mother's delight,
    Those at the blue path all need to gather.
    (Parents with newborn boys are on the blue path.)
    And for whom there is no sweeter daughter in the world,
    We ask to get up at the path,
    (Married couples with newborn girls and guests from their side walk to the red path.)
    Dear mums and dads!
    So you became rich:
    A dear child appeared,
    Like the sun is golden in the sky.
    Let it flash.
    With your joyful light
    So that the heart of parents
    It was warm!
    (The sun on the central wall and two paths are flashing with colored lights. From behind the "sun" a group of 3-4 year old children appears in suits "for newborns" (overalls, caps). They perform a cheerful dance.)
    With this sunbeam
    The holiday knocked on the house.
    Let us today
    Congratulate these dads and moms.
    (The song "Top-top - a baby is stomping." -4 years old in blue overalls.)
    Parents today
    We solemnly meet
    And glory and honor to them
    We proclaim.
    And you, guests,
    We ask you not to rush to these rooms
    And have time to enjoy a variety of goods,
    We suggest taking a walk around the store slowly
    And buy a gift for your
    Beloved baby.
    (Guests enter a specialty store to music.)
    Between the I and II parts, the manager or leader talks with the parents, explaining to them their actions during the solemn registration.
    Part II
    At a musical signal, parents with newborns and guests ascend to the second floor: with the boys - along the stairs on the left, the railing of which is wrapped in a bright blue ribbon with a large bow, with the girls - along the stairs on the right, decorated with a pink ribbon with a bow. Walking along the blue and red carpet, parents stop in the center of the hall. The guests take the places reserved for them.
    (Solemn music sounds.)
    Spouses with babies go to the registration desk. At the table, on the mini-stage, there is a large curtain depicting a flying stork with a newborn. An employee of the registry office conducts a ceremonial registration of babies. At the end of the ceremony, parents are presented with a birth certificate as a document and a commemorative certificate.
    The commemorative certificate is a beautifully designed large postcard with a picture of a baby of one gender or another on the front side.
    In expanded form, on the left side of the postcard is written a wish to parents:
    “Dear parents! We are glad with you for the birth of your (his) daughter (son). We wish you to grow and educate her (him) healthy (s), smart (s), kind (s) and beautiful (s). "

    FROM right side postcards:

    Date of Birth___________________
    The weight
    Blood type and Rh factor
    Hair color
    Time of birth
    Day of week
    Year by horoscope
    Zodiac sign
    Maternity hospital № ’
    Polyclinic No.

    (At the request of the organizers, the presentation of gifts from labor collectives where parents of newborns work can be included in the solemn registration.)
    (Light music sounds.)
    The stork on the curtain "comes to life", that is, in a stork costume, a steward or other character appears on the mini-stage at the discretion of the organizers of the event. He holds envelopes of pink and blue.
    I wave my whole wing to you
    Take joy into your home.
    I brought a cart of gifts,
    So that the baby grows up happy.
    I'll start with girls
    Girls - chorus.
    I love girls very much
    I give them to people more often.
    As soon as I open the envelope,
    You will recognize them in a moment.
    (Calling the names and surnames of the newborn girls, the stork hands their parents the photo albums "Our Baby" in a pink envelope.)
    I'll open the envelope now
    Colors of blue
    And I'll start congratulating
    With such a name.
    (Similarly, gifts are given to the parents of newborn boys.)
    I congratulated everyone at once
    Another order is waiting for me:
    Who is a girl, who is a boy,
    Some - sister, some - brother.
    If you want the family to grow,
    Don't forget, parents, you're talking about me!
    (Music. The stork flies away.
    Dear Parents! Dear grandmothers and grandfathers!
    You have an heir in your family! It is more valuable than treasure!
    And we all need to congratulate him today.
    May it grow healthy, sweet and calm,
    Kind and courageous, generous and worthy!
    An honest and perky, courageous person,
    Let him live in harmony
    Happy twenty-first century!
    (Music is playing. Parents with newborns go to the exit, they are accompanied by relatives and guests.)
    1. Bouquets of flowers for young mothers.
    2. Memorable testimonies.
    3. Photo albums "Our baby" in blue and pink envelopes.

    Decoration: on the central wall in the foyer - the sun shimmering with multi-colored lights. There are rays from the sun, two of which are hands holding newborn babies (a boy and a girl). At the entrance to the lobby there are two carpets, one red and the other blue. At the head of the blue path are two large spherical blue lamps, from which to the end of the path there are garlands with running lights, fixed along the entire length on smaller lamps. The second track is designed in a similar way, but on it there are red lamps. There are rooms in the foyer: separately for newborn boys, separately for girls, where parents prepare babies for the ceremonial registration and receive advice from a pediatrician. At the request of the organizers, you can invite a socialized baby store for newborns, which offers the following products for guests: baby food, clothes, toys, hygiene items.
    Throughout the solemn registration there is a photographer and a video salon offering photo and video shooting.
    Part I
    (Music sounds. Guests pass in the foyer)
    Ved .: Good afternoon, dear parents; grandmothers, grandfathers, and, of course, guests! We are glad to see everyone at the solemn registration of newborns!
    Let today be the most touching day for everyone.
    And everyone who came here.
    He will not forget him all his life.
    (Applause from guests)
    Dear Parents!
    You have opened the door to a new world.
    You are parents now
    You are no longer newlyweds.
    With happiness to you! With a newborn!
    For those for whom the son is mother's delight, everyone needs to gather at the blue path. (Parents and guests with newborn boys are on the blue path).
    And for whom there is no sweeter daughter in the world, we ask you to get up by the red path. (Married couples with newborn girls and guests from their side go to
    track in red).
    VED .: Dear mothers and fathers!
    So you became rich:
    a dear child appeared,
    like the sun is golden in the sky.
    Let it flash
    with your joyful light
    so that the hearts of guests
    they were warmed!
    (The "sun" on the central wall and two paths are flashing with colored lights. Because of the "sun, a group of 3-4-year-old children appears in suits" for newborns "
    (overalls, caps). They are doing a fun dance).
    VED .: With this sunbeam the holiday knocked on the house.
    Let me congratulate these dads and moms today.
    (The song "Top-top - stomping baby" sounds. 2 girls 3-4 years old in pink overalls, with caps on their heads and a dummy on their neck, run along the red carpet and give flowers
    mothers of newborn girls, on the blue track, the same actions are performed by boys 3-4 years old in blue overalls)
    VED: We are celebrating our parents today.
    We proclaim both glory and honor to them. (Applause)
    VED .: We ask parents with newborn children to go along their path to the rooms for babies, where they can get a consultation from a pediatrician and
    prepare for the ceremonial registration. (Music is playing. To the applause of the guests, the parents walk into the rooms).
    VED .: And you, guests, we ask you not to rush into these rooms and have time to enjoy the variety of goods, we suggest you take a walk around the store
    and purchase a gift for your beloved baby.
    (To the music, guests go to a specialized store).
    (Between the I and the second part, the manager or leader talks with the parents, explaining to them their actions during the ceremonial registration).
    Part 2
    (At a musical signal, parents with newborns and guests go up to the second floor: with the boys - along the stairs on the left, the railing of which is wrapped in bright blue
    ribbon with a large bow, with girls - along the stairs on the right, decorated with a pink ribbon with a bow. Walking along the blue and red carpet, parents stop at
    center of the hall. Guests occupy the space reserved for them). (Solemn music sounds. Spouses with babies go to the registration table.
    table, on the mini-stage there is a large curtain depicting a flying stork with a newborn. An employee of the registry office conducts a ceremonial registration of babies. AT
    at the end of the ceremony, parents are presented with a birth certificate, as a document, and a commemorative certificate).
    The commemorative certificate is a beautifully designed large postcard with a picture of a baby of one gender or another on the front side. In deployed
    in the form on the left side of the postcard is written a wish to parents: “Dear parents! We are glad with you for the birth of your (his) daughter (son).
    We wish you to grow and educate her (him) healthy (s), smart (s), kind (s) and beautiful (s). "
    Registry Office
    " " R.
    On the right side of the postcard:
    Date of Birth
    The weight
    Blood type and Rh factor
    Hair color
    Burden of birth
    Day of week
    Year by horoscope
    Zodiac sign
    Maternity hospital № "
    Polyclinic No.
    (At the request of the organizers, the presentation of gifts from labor collectives where parents of newborns work can be included in the solemn registration).
    (Light music sounds. The stork on the curtain "comes to life", that is, in a stork costume, a steward or other character appears on the mini-stage at its discretion
    organizers of the holiday. He is holding pink and blue envelopes). Stork: I wave my whole wing to you, take me into the house.
    I brought a cart of gifts so that the baby grows up happy. And I'll start with girls, girls - the chorus.
    I love girls very much, I often give them to people. As soon as I open the envelope, you will recognize them in a moment.
    (Calling the names and surnames of newborn girls, the stork hands them the photo albums "Our baby" in a pink envelope)
    Stork: I'll open the envelope now
    Colors of blue
    And I'll start congratulating
    With such a name.
    (Similarly, gifts are given to parents of newborn boys).
    Stork: I congratulated everyone at once, another order is waiting for me:
    who is a girl, who is a boy, who is a sister, who is a brother.
    If you want the family to grow, do not forget, parents, you are talking about me! (Music. The stork "flies away").
    Ved .: Dear parents! Dear grandmothers and grandfathers!
    You have an heir in your family! It is more expensive than the treasure!
    And we all need to congratulate him today.
    Let him grow up healthy, sweet and calm.
    Kind and courageous, generous and worthy!
    An honest and perky, courageous person,
    Let him live in harmony with the twenty-first century!
    (Music sounds. Parents with newborns go to the exit, they are accompanied by relatives and guests).
    Bouquets of flowers for young mothers. Memorable Testimonies
    Photo albums "Our baby" in blue and pink envelopes.

    On the central wall in the foyer, the sun shimmers with multicolored lights. Rays depart from the sun, two of which are hands holding newborn babies (a boy and a girl.)
    At the entrance to the lobby there are two carpets, one red and the other blue. At the head of the blue path are two large spherical blue lamps, from them to the end of the path are garlands with running lights, fixed along their entire length on smaller lamps. The second track is designed in a similar way, only on it there are red lamps.
    The lobby has rooms decorated: separately for newborn boys, separately - for girls, where parents prepare babies for the ceremonial registration and receive advice from a pediatrician.
    At the request of the organizers, you can invite a specialized children's store for newborns, offering the following goods for guests: baby food, clothes, toys, hygiene items.
    Throughout the solemn registration there is a photographer and a video salon offering photo and video filming.

    Part I
    (Music sounds. Guests pass in the lobby.)

    Good afternoon, dear parents, grandmothers, grandfathers and, of course, guests! We are glad to see you at the solemn registration of newborns!
    May today be for you
    It will be beautiful, bright.
    And who came here now
    He will not be forgotten.
    (Applause from the guests.)

    Dear Parents!
    You opened the door to a new world,
    You are parents now
    You are no longer newlyweds.
    With happiness to you! With a newborn!

    For whom is a son's mother's delight,
    Those at the blue path all need to gather.
    (Parents with newborn boys are on the blue path.)
    And for whom there is no sweeter daughter in the world,
    We ask to get up at the path,

    (Married couples with newborn girls and guests from their side walk to the red path.)
    Dear mums and dads!
    So you became rich:
    A dear child appeared,
    Like the sun is golden in the sky.
    Let it flash.
    With your joyful light
    So that the heart of parents
    It was warm!

    (The sun on the central wall and two paths are flashing with colored lights. From behind the "sun" a group of 3-4 year old children appears in suits "for newborns" (overalls, caps). They perform a cheerful dance.)

    With this sunbeam
    The holiday knocked on the house.
    Let us today
    Congratulate these dads and moms.

    (The song "Top-top - a baby is stomping." -4 years old in blue overalls.)

    Parents today
    We solemnly meet
    And glory and honor to them
    We proclaim.

    And you, guests,
    We ask you not to rush to these rooms
    And have time to enjoy a variety of goods,
    We suggest taking a walk around the store slowly
    And buy a gift for your
    Beloved baby.

    (Guests enter a specialty store to music.)

    Between the I and II parts, the manager or leader talks with the parents, explaining to them their actions during the solemn registration.

    Part II
    At a musical signal, parents with newborns and guests ascend to the second floor: with the boys - along the stairs on the left, the railing of which is wrapped in a bright blue ribbon with a large bow, with the girls - along the stairs on the right, decorated with a pink ribbon with a bow. Walking along the blue and red carpet, parents stop in the center of the hall. The guests take the places reserved for them.
    (Solemn music sounds.)

    Spouses with babies go to the registration desk. At the table, on the mini-stage, there is a large curtain depicting a flying stork with a newborn. An employee of the registry office conducts a ceremonial registration of babies. At the end of the ceremony, parents are presented with a birth certificate as a document and a commemorative certificate.
    The commemorative certificate is a beautifully designed large postcard with a picture of a baby of one gender or another on the front side.

    In expanded form, on the left side of the postcard is written a wish to parents:

    “Dear parents! We are glad with you for the birth of your (his) daughter (son). We wish you to grow and educate her (him) healthy (s), smart (s), kind (s) and beautiful (s). "
    Registry Office

    On the right side of the postcard:

    Date of Birth___________________
    The weight
    Blood type and Rh factor
    Hair color
    Time of birth
    Day of week
    Year by horoscope
    Zodiac sign
    Maternity hospital № "
    Polyclinic No.

    (At the request of the organizers, the presentation of gifts from labor collectives where parents of newborns work can be included in the solemn registration.)
    (Light music sounds.)

    The stork on the curtain "comes to life", that is, in a stork costume, a steward or other character appears on the mini-stage at the discretion of the organizers of the event. He has pink and blue envelopes in his hands.

    I wave my whole wing to you
    Take joy into your home.
    I brought a cart of gifts,
    So that the baby grows up happy.
    I'll start with girls
    Girls - chorus.
    I love girls very much
    I give them to people more often.
    As soon as I open the envelope,
    You will recognize them in a moment.
    (Calling the names and surnames of newborn girls, the stork hands their parents the photo albums "Our Baby" in a pink envelope.)

    I'll open the envelope now
    Colors of blue
    And I'll start congratulating
    With such a name.
    (Similarly, gifts are given to the parents of newborn boys.)

    I congratulated everyone at once
    Another order is waiting for me:
    Who is a girl, who is a boy,
    Some - sister, some - brother.
    If you want the family to grow,
    Don't forget, parents, you're talking about me!
    (Music. The stork "flies away").

    Dear Parents! Dear grandmothers and grandfathers!
    You have an heir in your family! It is more valuable than treasure!
    And we all need to congratulate him today.
    May it grow healthy, sweet and calm,
    Kind and courageous, generous and worthy!
    An honest and perky, courageous person,
    Let him live in harmony
    Happy twenty-first century!
    (Music is playing. Parents with newborns go to the exit, they are accompanied by relatives and guests.)

    1. Bouquets of flowers for young mothers.
    2. Memorable testimonies.
    3. Photo albums "Our baby" in blue and pink envelopes.

    The script is taken from the Internet.

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