• Introduction Fallen by days from 5 months. We introduce the first lure: porridge. When it is best to enter the baby's lore


    Most children for five months are ready to taste something else other than breast milk or mixtures. When Kroch Doros before feeding in front of the parents there is a bunch of questions that we will try to answer this article.

    Many pediatricians recommend entering the baby to the diet, Starting from 5 months. What can you give to taste little childAnd what to avoid how fire is the main question for parents of 5-month crumbs. To see a smiling kid follows provide it proper nutrition. Let's deal with what kind of diet needs a child at that age.

    Kid diet at 5 months

    In 5 months, the child also gets the main nutrition in the form of milk mother. During this period, you can also add several spoons of vegetable puree. You need to feed the child 5 times a day - every 4 hours.

    We provide an approximate menu that you can use as instructions:

    • Second breakfast - puree with fruits or vegetables, half of egg yolk
    • Lunch - breastfeeding, 10 g of cottage cheese, 30 g of natural juice
    • Dinner - breastfeeding, 30 g of juice

    Second version of the menu maybe such:

    • Breakfast - Breastfeeding
    • The second breakfast is porridge that you need to cook on milk, juice and cottage cheese in the proportion of 3: 1
    • Lunch - Breastfeeding, puree made of crushed apples or pears
    • Late dinner - breastfeeding
      If the child is on IV, then the diet will be as follows:
    • Breakfast - a glass of kefir
    • The second breakfast is porridge, cooked on milk, cottage cheese and fruit puree 1: 1.5
    • Lunch - a glass of kefir or mixture, 30 g of juice
    • Dinner - vegetable puree, gender, 30 g juice
    • Late dinner - cup of kefir or mixture

    At this age, the child is already time to feed with milk porridge - buckwheat, manna or rice. You can also mix these cereals, thus increasing the usefulness of food intake. To porridge will be useful to add vegetables and fruits. For 2 weeks you will need to increase the initial portion. from 30 g to 150 g

    Video: 5 Errors Introduction Dust

    How to properly introduce lures in 5 months on breastfeeding?

    Drawing a child who is on breastfeedingshould be administered from 6 months.But if you think that already in 5 your baby corresponds to the following criteria, you can enter the diet A little earlier:

    • Kid often asks to eat
    • The weight of the kid from birth doubled
    • Kid sits with an adult and keeps the head well
    • Baby does not push hard food from mouth
    • Choo does not get sick more than 14 days

    Introduce your child's lore at GW according to such rules:

    • Feed the child only with a tea spoon (not metallic)
    • Do not give the baby big portions and do not make it eat it offered if he opposes
    • New product let's quite a bit, because the child may have an allergic reaction. In addition, small portions, with gradual magnification, allow the toddler's stomach to get used to the previously unknown food
    • Record in the notebook all the products that give the baby, as well as the reaction of the body to new products
    • Squeeze the kid on a high chair during feeding
    • After a new product, enter the following no earlier than 3 days so that the child's stomach gets used to food gradually
    • During the dust also sinking a child breast milk

    How to properly introduce lures in 5 months on artificial feeding?

    When IV, enter your lore according to a specific scheme. Doctors advise to introduce lures when you are not earlier than in 4.5 months. Let's analyze all the nuances of the administration of the feeding:

    • The child should not be sick during the introduction of dust
    • Start with juice from apples, no more than ½ C.L.
    • First feed the usual mixture, and after a new product
    • Eat kid only sitting
    • Grind foods until the child learns to chew well

    • After juice, continue feeding with fruit mashed potatoes, first also apple
    • Next, enter vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini and pumpkin
    • The child on the IV should drink boiled water
    • Fruits and vegetables let the child boiled or baked. First, let's only fruits, in 10-14 days you can add vegetables. Fruits should be given in the morning and in the evening, vegetables - at lunch.

    Video: Pring. Komarovsky E.O.

    How much should a child eat a baby in 5 months?

    The optimal version of the babes is first. fruit and vegetable pureeas well as cereal. Fruit puree should be given last time, since after a sweet mixture, the child is unlikely to want to taste a tasteless porridge or vegetables.

    Initially, the kid must be introduced at all a little vegetable puree, Literally ½ ch. l, gradually increasing the portion. To begin with, excellent options will be a zucchinic puree, this product should be given to a child at least 7 days, and after switching to a new vegetable.

    Vegetable puree in the diet of the child precedes fruit

    After a week, add to the zucchop 1 tsp Mashera from Broccoli or cauliflower. The next product can be a pumpkin. After the child gets used to each vegetable, the optimal option will be a combination of three ingredients.

    Optimal portion of vegetable puree for a child - 3 h. L 1-2 p. day.

    What porridge and how can I give in 5 months?

    Children on the GW enter the porridge no earlier in the diet than in 5 months, on Yves - 4.5 months. Rules Introduction to the porridge such:

    • To start, enter porridge without gluten content. First, such cereals are better digested, secondly, there is a very rare disease - gluten allergies. Therefore, for a start, let's rice, corn or buckwheat porridge
    • If the child is used to each porridge, you can begin to mix them After all, in rice there is a lot of vegetable protein, buckwheat - useful mineral salts and iron, and in cornpage - vitamins and trace elements and fiber

    You can use as an attitude and a special fast cooking porridge, which is now a huge amount
    • To begin with, do not add to pockets or fruit nor honey nor other additives. It can be done when a child gets used to grain
    • So that the child is better gained to the porridge, first introduce porridge cooked on the water. From the first days, let's 1 pm, then in 10 days gradually increase the portion to 150 g
    • If the child feels good, then increase the number of porridge to 10 g
    • Porridge let's in front of breastfeeding or mixture
    • From the first to the fourth day, increase the portion per 5 g, then by 30 g and from the fifth to 50 g. On the 7th day you should succeed the desired 150 g

    Porridge can be three types:

    • conventional cereals, which are crushed at home with a coffee grinder. They need to cook
    • instant porridges that do not require cooking
    • ready canned porridge with fruit, vegetables or milk

    Child food mode 5 months

    If the baby is not enough Mother's milk in 5 months, then you should try enclosure. Start with a vegetable puree, then add juices with the flesh of fruit, then try fruit purees.

    Excellent option For feeding there will also be an apple flesh - clean and carefully spooled a little pulp for the baby.

    The following products should be bananas and pears. When a child gets used to every fruit separately, you can combine them.

    Now in the stores are offered a huge selection Mashed in jars. But still, if you have the opportunity to buy ripe fruit, then better make mashed yourself using a blender. In this case, the benefits and vitamins in the finished product will be greater.

    It is possible to give a croching and shop fruit puree. At the same time, pay special attention to the timing of the suitability of the product and the integrity of the packaging

    Babies up to the year don't advise grape juiceSince he often observed allergies and intestinal problems. The rest of the fruit juices should be given from ½ C.L. Long gradually increasing the portion up to 4 ppm.

    Child menu at 5 months: Drawing scheme by day

    We offer you an exemplary optimal option for dust in 5 months. In the first week start from the zucchini:

    • Monday - 5 g zucchini and gv
    • Tuesday - 10 g of zucchini and gv
    • Wednesday - 20 g of zucchin and gv
    • Thursday - 50 g of zucchini and gv
    • Friday - 80 g zucchini and gv
    • Saturday - 120 g of zucchin and gv
    • Sunday - 150 g zucchini

    Introducing the lore for nothing to refuse breastfeeding

    Start in the second week enter a cauliflower:

    • Monday - 5 g of zucchini and 140 g cabbage
    • Tuesday - 10 g of zucchini and 130 g of cabbage
    • Wednesday - 20 g of zucchini and 110 g cabbage
    • Thursday - 50 g zucchini and 50 g cabbage
    • Friday - 70 g zucchini and 80 g cabbage
    • Saturday - 150 g cabbage
    • Sunday - 150 g cabbage

    From the third week it's time for broccoli:

    • Monday - 5 g of broccoli 140 g color
    • Tuesday - 130 g of zucchini and 10 g of broccoli
    • Wednesday - 20 g of broccoli and 130 g of color
    • Thursday - 50 g of broccoli and 100 g of zucchini
    • Friday - 80 g of broccoli and 70 g of cauliflower
    • Saturday - 150 g of broccoli
    • Sunday - 150 g zucchini

    Last week enter pumpkin:

    • Monday - 5 g pumpkins 140 g broccoli
    • Tuesday - 10 g of pumpkins and 140 g of cauliflower
    • Wednesday - 20 g pumpkins and 130 g of zucchini
    • Thursday - 50 g of pumpkins and 100 g of broccoli
    • Friday - 80 g pumpkins and 70 g of cauliflower
    • Saturday - 150 g pumpkins
    • Sunday - 150 g of broccoli

    Do not make a child, If he refuses to eat broccoli or pumpkin now. Divide meals several times or try to feed it in a game form.

    If the child refuses to try a new food for him, then you should not insist - put a tasting tasting for a while

    Important: Before entering the feeding, you will definitely consult a pediatrician.

    If your child fully ready to borrow in five months of age, then try to give the child the best, because the safer and more useful will be the proposed products, the your crhar will grow healthier. If the pediatrician insists not to hurry with a bait, then follow its instructions and continue to enjoy the breastfeeding period.

    Video: child development of 5 months

    The development of the kid goes rapid steps and day of day he needs more and more energy. Most of her, the baby receives Mom from milk, but with each month the needs of the child increase.

    Inevitable parents begin to think about an additional source of energy. How to introduce lures of 5 months so that it was correct and went to the baby to benefit?

    What is lure?

    The feeding is called nutrition that can supplement the mother's breast milk or a dairy mixture of a crumb of 4 - 6 months from the genus. This additional nutrition will help ensure its organism with nutrients, saturates with minerals, energy and vitamins. The key to good health of the Karapuz will be proper organization Introduction Dust.

    Adult food contributes to the fact that the chewing muscles of the baby will begin to develop. It will prepare it to broadband from mother's chest, creating an active stimulation of the enzyme system of the gastrointestinal system.

    Let's talk about the rules of the feeding

    There are several rules according to which a five-month-old child can start using a new food for it.

    The first dust is not worth offering in the summer.

    Food should be warm, just cooked.

    New food begin to offer a baby from 5 grams, during two weeks you can increase the portion to 150 grams. At the same time, the karapuz must be absolutely healthy.

    The second product is permissible to enter only after the body adapts to the previous one, that is, approximately every two to three weeks.

    Mom should be very closely followed by the state of his Chad. With diarrhea, it is better for some time to remove the product from the menu, and a week later, try it again.

    Three signs that crumb is ready to eat new food

    If mom has questions when and how to enter the lore in 5 months, she should know that there are three tips:

    • karapuz has already learned to sit - quite independently either while supporting;
    • the mass of the crumb has doubled (compared with the mass of birth);
    • when mom offers a toddler a spoon, he will gladly pull it into her mouth.

    If the feed is entered in optimal timeThe child can lose weight in weight, lack trace elements. The worst option is the lag of crumbs in development.

    If the lure is introduced too early, then new products increase the risk of allergies, as in the digestive system, the kid is not ready for this.

    Determine the readiness of the kid

    Before entering the lore in 5 months, it must be understood that different kids have different physiological abilities and the readiness of small organisms to take adult food. And it may vary within a few weeks. To figure out, it is possible to introduce new food into the diet, several factors should be taken into account:

    If the above features are available, child is ready for receiving new adult food. Now the question is, how to introduce lures in 5 months and is it possible to start it, should not disturb mom. We just need to start to roaming.

    The volume of necessary food for the kid

    Before sorting out how much the child should eat in 5 months, it is necessary to understand that the baby at this age should eat so much so as not to remain hungry. In six months, the karapuza lure should replace one of the feedings.

    The volume of dishes for crumbs aged five months should be:

    Meat, fish or fermented foods are better to offer older baby.

    I need to feed the crumb five times a day, breaks between meals are approximately four hours.

    In the first feeding there must be only breast milk or 150 - 180 grams of the mixture. For breakfast, the baby can be offered mashed potatoes from vegetables - approximately 100 - 150 grams and three tablespoons of a puree of fruits. But for dinner, 150 - 180 grams of dairy karya are suitable. All other feedings should include only breast milk (well, or a mixture if the crumb is an artificial).

    I don't need to feed the baby through the power, because such food does not benefit. If the mother strictly adheres to standards, and the child can still eat, allowed to increase the dose. When asked how much the child should eat in 5 months, you can answer this: the volume of food that crumb is used, depends on its age. As well as weight.

    Support for artificials

    As for the child, enter the lore in 5 months on artificial feeding? It is necessary to know in advance that the daily rate of the kid's attitude at the age of five months is not more than five grams.

    The digestive system of crumb that feeds on a children's mixture is much faster to adapt to adult foodthan a gastrointestinal gastrointestinal tract, which Mom feeds his breasts.

    The first portion of the feeding should be approximately 5 g (this is one teaspoon) of liquid consistency or vegetable puree. A week or ten days, the dosage of new food should be incremented to 100 - 150 g per day. As a result, the introduced food can completely replace one of the full feedings with a mixture.

    To correctly pick up a five-month crumb, it is necessary to comply with such conditions:

    Food for feeding to prepare only from one product for easier tracking for allege.

    • Additional nutrition to offer the baby in front of the daily feeding milk mixture, which will allow you to watch the adoption of a new dish by the body.
    • If the tolerability is good, it is permissible to increase the dosage twice every day before the mark reaches the level 140-150 grams (this is for mashed potatoes).
    • The next new dish is allowed to offer the kid only in two weeks of successful dust.
    • You can not force the baby to eat a portion, which is more than prescribed, it is better to try to offer the same dish only a few days later.

    Important information! From how correctly the first lure is introduced, addictive baby will depend on thick nutrition and the formation of its taste preferences. Therefore, there is a need to offer lures in a small amount to be able to track the reaction to each reception unusual for the crumb of the product.

    What are the features of the attitude of the artificial?

    The kids who have short-demand weight, the best dish for feeding will be a dairy porridge. As the main component indicates gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, rice or corn. They contribute to the rapid weight gain and will not act by destabilizers of the intestinal work.

    For those kids who develop normally, it is permissible to offer puree from zucchini, pumpkins, baked green apple or broccoli. It will be an anti-allergenic dish that contributes to the filling of the body of crumbs with nutrients and vitamins.

    In the portion of vegetable puree or milk village, pediatricians recommend adding about three grams of cream or vegetable oil. A variety in the menu will be cottage cheese (its fatness should not exceed 1%), which is useful for the development of muscles and bone tissues. No need to add salt, sugar and any other nutritional supplements to baby food, because they will give an additional and unnecessary burdens on the kidneys and the pancreas.

    I felt breast

    How to properly carry out lures of 5 months with breastfeeding?

    The main meal of Karapus at this age should be breastfeeding. When preparing the crumbs to do your mother, you need to introduce it with new products, slowly go to adult food. Each pediatrician will say that new products are permissible to give only small portions. The choice of these products should be very competent and careful.

    What can be entered in lures in 5 months with breastfeeding? Experts on this issue are definitely: vegetable puree and porridge without milk. True, the doctor Komarovsky, known to most moms, believes that it should begin to begin the feeding of the baby with fermented milk products. It argues his words simply: most of the dairy dishes are closest in its composition to the mother and mixtures milk. An important factor protruding the "for" fermented milk food, the doctor calls the skill of fervent bacteria to suppress different intestinal infections and destroy harmful microbes.

    How to start the first lure?

    Parents are obliged to competently organize the acquaintance of the baby with unusual food for him. At the same time, the following rules must be followed:

    • Make up the menu it is necessary, choosing a one-component composition.
    • The first lure must be introduced in the first half of the day, because it is that way there is an opportunity to trace what the reaction will give the body of the kid.
    • Dishes that offer a child should be just cooked.
    • The consistency of the dish should be semi-liquid and homogeneous.
    • The lore is unacceptably started if vaccination is planned or the baby's vaccine made on the eve.
    • The initial amount of the new proposed dish should not be more than one teaspoon. Then a whole week to offer a dish, increasing the portion daily twice.
    • When the kid get acquainted with one new product, the second to introduce no earlier than the week or two after the first.

    It can be called a full-fledged dust when the portion that the baby eats at a time will reach approximately 100-150 grams. Prior to this, mom should continue to feed the crumb of milk or a mixture.

    An approximate amount of dust in 5 months in the table presented below:

    We begin additional feeding

    It should be remembered that juices are the most allergenic product that will irritate the mucosa and stomach. Therefore, juices and different purees from fruits are best to enter only after the kid's body is fully adapted to nasham and vegetables.

    It has long been known that there should be a full and varied baby food. Porridge and vegetables are the very products that will be just ideal for the baby began to get acquainted with new tastes. It is very important to understand that if the baby slowly gains weight or suffers from frequent unstable stool, then the mother should begin to roaming him with the bumps.

    If the weight of the Karapus is normal or even in excess, if the crumb is inclined to spoils, it is necessary to offer vegetables in the form of a puree.

    Vegetables that are suitable for the introduction of the first dust

    Experts believe that a vegetable puree is suitable for the beginning of the dust. It is quite suitable for a child for 5 months from the child, because it is in vegetables that have a lot of useful substances that are beneficial to the correct functioning of children's digestion. You can take a zucchini, carrots, several types of cabbage, except for white-baked.

    Imagine correctly in the diet of Karapuz puree from vegetables this way:

    • If the mother prefers a ready-made mashed potatoes in jars, one-component homogenized species should be selected for starters.
    • Take one teaspoon puree, a little to warm up so that it was warm, and give a crumb before morning feeding. If a child, having tried his mashed potatoes, immediately spoiled him, his mother should not worry, because time it is necessary to get used to new food. It is necessary to continue attempts for a few days in the morning and do not forget to register the baby with breast milk or mixture.

    If a child, not capricious, ate food, which he was proposed, it is necessary to double the portion for the next feeding. Portions should be such: 1, 2, 4, 8 teaspoons. When their volume reaches 150 grams, one of the feedings can be carried out only in the form of vegetables.

    Only when the crumb has mastered one vegetable, you can move to another.

    Cooking purees at home

    Those moms who love to stand at the stove and indulge the households of their own prepared food, gladly bearing the preparation of delicious dishes even for the youngest family member. But if they are going to cook the dish independently, you need to stick to certain rules.

    Prepare any dish should only be made of ripe, fresh and environmentally friendly vegetables. They need to be well flushed and remove the peel before cooking.

    Vegetables designed for puree need to boil or bake. Perhaps preparation in the double boiler - the fruits lay in boiling water.

    Because the puree consistency should be very gentle, then boiled vegetables are needed either wipe through a sieve or grind several times in a blender. For little karapuza is unacceptable in food fibers and lumps.

    Vegetables need to dilute with breast milk or vegetable broth.

    Vegetable oil can be added to the vegetable puree. Start with one droplet, and then bring the amount of oil to one teaspoon for a portion.

    The dish for kids is disturbed.

    Mashed, which is already ready to use, should be warm and semi-winged.

    If there is a question how to cook puree from pumpkin, you can use these prompts.

    In conclusion

    We looked at how to introduce lures for a five-month kid and what to pay special attention to it. It is important to remember that the child at this time should be absolutely healthy, and the newest food suggested, warm and just cooked.

    Drawing in 5 months - where to start? By this time, the kids were already familiar with the fruit masses and juices, accustomed to. It's time to teach a child to porridge, oil and egg yolk. If the crumb is on breastfeeding, with the addition of porridge and vegetable puree, it is possible to wave, but the baby on the artificial milk nutrition is already needed.

    A blessing is considered to be any food, in addition to breast milk or dairy mixture. Additional food is essential for the correct development of the body of the infant and saturation of its missing nutritional components.

    Support provides:

    • enrichment of the diet of microelements;
    • power supplement with vitamins;
    • additional energy supply for active activities.

    The microelements necessary for active development contribute to the development of not only the physical data of crumbs, but also mental abilities. However, the lure should not replace the milk mixture or breast milk.


    The rate of nutrition of kids on breast and artificial feeding does not have a clearly verified scheme. If one baby eats boiled yolks for four months and confidently captures porridge from the spoon, then the other and for five months is not ready to take solid food. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the digestive system.

    It is forbidden to give lures if:

    1. the child is sick or recover from the disease;
    2. the baby made a preventive vaccination;
    3. breast has no swallowing reflex;
    4. the child has a poorly formed digestive system.

    It is impossible to introduce new food into the diet of infants without a board with a precipitated pediatrician.

    Rules of administration of Prikorma

    You need to enter the first lure correctly, observing the faithful proportions of the dish and the feeding time of the baby. It should be started with a vegetable puree diluted with water or breast milk. Giving the new kind Food is needed in the first half of the day, but not with the first meal.

    Why can not be launched with breakfast? Because the baby just woke up and is not ready for surprises. Entering a new kind of food is better from the second breakfast, when the child has already played and hung out. Inconsider it with a spoonful puree from zucchini or zucchini, but not persistently. Giving food forcibly not correctly: this will cause problems with feeding in the future.

    When the baby mastered the vegetable mixtures, you can enter a gluten-free porridge on the water. For the first acquaintance with porridge you can dilute it breast milk Or a mixture: the usual taste will help the baby faster with a new dish.

    Menu kid at 5 months

    What kind of lure can be giving a baby at five months, where to start? If the baby has not tried the fruit yet, you should enter freshly prepared juices and puree in the menu. If the child is already familiar with fruit, vegetables should be introduced. Then you can offer kasya.

    However, this scheme is conditional, because the development of kids and the adaptation of the digestive system has its own characteristics.

    If the crumb is poorly gaining weight, it is wiser to enter porridge. If the baby has a tendency to a weight sampling - you should start with vegetables.

    In general terms, the menu of the 5-month kid looks like this:

    1. breast milk or mixture;
    2. fruit mixtures;
    3. vegetable puree;
    4. a glitulous porridge;
    5. egg yolk.

    There is no big diversity, because the main task of this period is to adapt the digestive system to the absorption of new types of products and the formation of chewing-swallowing skills.

    Fruit juices and mixtures

    Babies on breast and artificial feeding should receive fresh fruit daily. Acquaintance with fruit begins with juice: the baby gives a few droplets to the tongue to get used to the new taste.

    The first juices should be half diluted with boiled water. Gradually, the volume of juice consumption is adjusted to the required: 50 grams per day. Usually, the baby offers juice from a green apple without pulp. In parallel, they give an apple puree, silent on the grater. For the first dust of a single coffee spoon. Every day the portion increases, gradually aroused up to 30 grams.

    The next dust of the new kind of fruit (banana or pear) can be given in a week when the body's adaptation is over to the apple. Banana or pear is mixed with an apple and treat the baby. You need to add a pear into the usual, put on one spoon every day. The portion of any new lure increases by reducing the volume of the usual dish.

    Fruit mixes should be prepared in purely washed and scrapped with boiling water dishes. It is unacceptable to use a metal grater for fruits.

    If the digestive system of infants is not ready for receiving the juices of fresh fruit, you can offer a baby on breast or artificial feeding a compote from fruits - dry or fresh.

    Vegetable mixes

    The child's lore in 5 months should contain vegetable mixes. Vegetables - a source of various minerals necessary for the construction of cells of the growing organism. Vegetables give a feeling of satiety and beneficial (soothing) act on the psyche of kids.

    What vegetables can be given to the baby? For a 5-month child, the fruits of green color are useful:

    • broccoli;
    • zucchini;
    • polka dot;
    • zucchini;
    • cauliflower.

    In 5 months, you can pack the baby with a potato mashed potatoes with the addition of a spoon of the shaken butter or several drops of olive. Instead of olive, it is possible to add vegetable oil, but in olive more benefits.

    The norm of the first dust - a coffee spoon. If the baby is on breastfeeding, dilute vegetable puree chest milk. If the baby is on artificial feeding, dilute the potatoes with a milk mixture.

    Important! The consistency of the first dust should resemble breast milk (or mixture), you can subsequently prepare a more thick dish.

    Porridge for the child

    The benefits of gravestone crops for nutrition is invaluable. Grass - energy source for mobile fidget. They contain indispensable amino acids, a complex of vitamins and a wide variety of trace elements.

    If the kid slowly adds in weight, let me porridge every day. Some nutritionists argue that the child's lure in 5 months should begin with a porridge, as they provide satiety and good growth of the body. Porridge is introduced into the ration of babies on artificial feeding a little earlier than for babies on breast nutrition. If the kid on breastfeeding is well adding in weight, kasc mask can be delayed to six months.

    Cooking porridge is needed only on drinking water, adding a croup into an almost boiling liquid into the pulp. For five-month babes, caski from the cereal flour of the finest grinding. For this, the croup is washed, dried and grinding on a coffee grinder. Ready flour can be stored in a sterile glass jar.

    • buckwheat;
    • corn;
    • millet.

    Kaskas can make liquid consistency (for a bottle) and more thick - for feeding from the spoon. But the very first lore porridge should be liquid and resemble breast milk or mixture.

    Breast milk is indispensable, but gradually the child must be acquainted with adult food. It develops chewing reflexes, improves the production of enzymes in the stomach and saturates the body with the vitamins necessary for development. When the crumb is fed artificially, the doctors are allowed to offer a 5-month-old child. Baby at that age it is recommended at a weak weight set, permanent constipation And the lack of mother's milk.

    In order not to injure the gentle stomach, the new nutrition must be entered carefully, gradually and carefully monitor how the baby reacts to it.

    How to enter your lore?

    The bait is called any food that replaces the mixture or mother's milk. What is it useful? By providing a child with important trace elements, it is better to saturate and stimulate the development of mental abilities.

    In five months, the restless crumb need more beneficial substances to know the world with pleasure. Look at it. According to behavior, it can be understood whether it needs in additional nutrition.

    • The signal to the fact that the child is 5 months old for the child, is the fact that the baby in the intervals between feeding behaves restlessly and often requires the chest.
    • When the crumb holds it firmly in the handles, objects and curiosity considers food in a plate.
    • If he confidently sits on a feeding chair and does not stand up food, falling into his mouth from the spoon.
    • When the first teeth begin to cut down.

    Young mothers are interested in how to correctly enter the lore in 5 months. The main requirement is to do it gradually, starting with 2-3 droplets of the juice from fruits, half a part. Puree from vegetables or porridge. Do not add sugar to food and mix products with each other. In order for the baby faster, the unfamiliar dish, the food can be diluted with maternal milk or a mixture.

    Supporting a 5-month-old child is desirable to give dinner to catch to watch his reaction. Perfect time is the second breakfast. Breasts have already actively played and wants to eat. In such a state, it is easier for an unfamiliar dish.

    Each toddler is individual, so before entering the babbing babies, consult a pediatrician. Perhaps the digestive system did not have time to develop enough, and the crumb is not yet able to absorb solid food. The doctor will hold a full inspection and will give recommendations how to roam the child.

    The specialist insists to wait with the introduction of new dishes if:

    • the baby recently had a cold or infectious disease;
    • a few days ago he was vaccinated;
    • there is an absence of a swallowing reflex;
    • the digestive system is not ready to take new products.

    In other cases, you can gradually diversify the diet of the child, without damaging the full breastfeeding. Do not forget that it is possible to enter your lore from 5 months only a small spoon. Such feeding stimulates a swallowing reflex and does not cause a breast.

    Juices and fruit puree

    In five months of age, children stop sleeping often. Usually they wake up at 6 am, eat 5 times a day, play and interrupted twice. Where to start lore during this period and how many food can be given at a time? If the kid drank only milk mom, introduce it with fruit juices. It is best for this apple green color. The fruit is well absorbed by the rapid stomach and rarely causes allergies.

    Initially, you need to give a try to kid 2-3 drops of juice, collecting them with water 1: 1, and watch it for its reaction. When the stomach disorder is missing and redness on the skin, the next day increase the amount of such food twice. By the end of 5 months, the baby will be able to drink 50 ml of fresh juice.

    If you are interested, what other drinks are allowed to cook for a child's dust for 5 months, try compote from dried fruits. There are many valuable substances that strengthen immunity. Such a drink is useful for kids with constipation. It normalizes the intestinal operation and facilitates the chair.

    • To prepare it, wash 2 pieces of kuragi, raisins, prunes.
    • Throw out boiling water and fill with 200 ml of hot water.
    • Insist 2 hours, strain and sweat the baby after dust, starting gradually.

    Children like apple puree. To him, too, you need to teach gradually. So that it is well absorbed, bang the fruit in the oven.

    • Wash it, cut into half and completely remove the core.
    • Put in the oven and bake on slow heat for about 15 minutes.
    • Wait until the fruit cools, carefully remove the flesh with a children's spoon and fright.

    In this dish, a lot of pectin, iron, phosphorus, calcium. It improves digestion, immunity and stabilizes the metabolism. To begin with, give the child to try half a part of l. Gradually add the amount of puree and bring it up to 100 ml.

    Some moms begin to introduce the first dust before 5 months, and the baby is already familiar with the apple. Then try to treat it with a banana or pear puree. Must be obliged to comply with the rate of dust. Never enter several new products at the same time so as not to overload the stomach. The minimum break between the breakdown of different dishes should be at least a week.

    Vegetable dishes

    The child in 5 months can be given vegetable puree. Divide it with breast milk or boiled water. Starting lures better with potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower. Carrots or pumpkin preferably cook from 6 months. Bright vegetables often provoke allergies.

    The rate of feeding for vegetables is the same as for fruit puree. It is half a part. first day. After the quantity, increase in smoothly until it reaches 100 g per feeding.

    Children have different taste preferences. When they do not like this or another dish, do not insist. Try to interest them with another meal, and "rejected" vegetables or fruits prepare a few weeks again. Perhaps this time they will come to them.

    Many are interested, is it possible to introduce a 5-month-old baby to the purchase of canned mashed potatoes? This choice parents must do themselves. If you decide to buy baby food, do it in the special department of a major supermarket or in a pharmacy, carefully studied the expiration date.

    Safer and more useful to find the time and cook a vegetable puree a child yourself than to buy dubious canned food. This is done simply and quickly.

    • Take a vegetable, for example, cauliflower, cut off a piece of it, wash and put the cooking under the lid of 15 minutes.
    • After slightly cool down and wipe through a sieve or take a blender. The finished puree is to spread breast milk so that it becomes a homogeneous liquid consistency.
    • Doctors recommend at first do not mix different vegetables, but prepare a separate zucchini, cabbage or carrot. So the baby is easier to get used to unfamiliar taste.

    When the crumb adapts to several types of vegetables, they can be boiled together, beat the blender and breed the decoction in which they were cooked. Usually, the infants begin to feed in six months.

    Is it possible to give porridge?

    After 3 weeks after the start of feeding, the vegetable puree can be introduced with porridge porridge. They are a rich source of calcium, iron and other necessary elements. Breasts most suitable:

    • buckwheat;
    • rice;
    • corn grits.

    Baby's lore in 5 months can be started with buckwheat. This product should be boiled on the water.

    • Thoroughly review the kernel, wash and completely dry.
    • Push them into the coffee grinder and sweep into the powder.
    • A large spoon of the resulting flour leaks in 100 ml of boiling water 10 minutes.
    • Welcome, dilute with breast milk and use.

    Children's cereals are easy to prepare in another way. Cooking ordinary buckwheat or rice, take them with a blender in a lush mashed potature, dilute mom's milk or water and feed the baby.

    Sample menu

    Purchase a comfortable feeding chairs. If it is not, it is allowed to plant crumb to knees, but it is not too convenient. Before entering the lure, make sure that the child is absolutely healthy. Porridge, vegetables and fruit purees need to be offered before breastfeeding. The entered product is not allowed to prepare the future and give twice a day.

    The main rule that should be followed is a sequence of actions. Do not hurry, enter a new product when the kid is fully adapted to the previous one.

    During this period, it is important to keep track of the chair. If the crumbs appeared a disorder or rash, eliminate the diet of the diet for a month or two, eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.

    For a child in 5 months, a table with an exemplary menu is presented below. It clearly shows what the rate of the dust should be at this age.

    The data are given taking into account the fact that the baby gradually got used to the products and tolerates them well.

    Before the introduction of the porridge other features of the dust in 5 months - that you can give the table below will tell:

    Do not forget after donning, be sure to give a bachet chest or a cloth. The fluid should flow into its body in unlimited quantity.

    You need to enter the ads by all the rules. It forms the future taste addiction of the child. Therefore, it is important to teach it to a healthy food that will strengthen his immunity will make a strong and hardy.

    Five months - age when parents of a healthy kid begin to plan an introduction to the diet of the diet. If so far, all the needs of the crumbs are fully satisfied with breast milk or adapted milk mixture, now the diet should become more diverse, to respond to the demands of the growing organism and provide it with all necessary resources.

    Introduction Your child on artificial feeding is beginning from 4.5-5 months, on breast - from 6 (see also :)

    Child diet at 5 months

    According to the standard commissioning scheme, the diet in children-artificials is beginning to expand earlier than kids who are in breastfeeding, namely in 5 months. At this age, their digestive system is already ready for acquaintance with new food.

    In contrast to the GW, when IV has no problems, there is no problem, since the amount of the mixture during feeding can be adjusted and, if necessary, do more. As a result, the lure can be postponed on more late timeEspecially in cases where the crumb does not want to eat anything but the usual mixture.

    In the case of breastfeeding, the starting feed is usually for 6 months. However, in five months old, the baby may not have enough breast milk.

    If the crumb is crying and continues to look for the chest, after it is completely one, then it may be a signal that it is time to start entering the first lure (we recommend reading :). Meet the pediatrician.

    Vegetables as the first dust

    For healthy child With normal weight or for overweight crumbs, pediatricians are advised to start lore in 5 months from the rubbed vegetables. They contain many useful elements that contribute to the improvement of the work of the GCT.

    The first for feeding can be used puree from vegetables.

    For first samples, it is better to stop your choice on zucchini or any cabbage variety, with the exception of white-baked. Due to the fact that at the initial stage, the child eats them in minor quantities, then for convenience it is preferable to buy ready-made single-component homogenized purees in jars.

    The input principle is standard. The initial volume of the proposed puree should be the floor of a teaspoon. In the absence of a negative reaction, and if the crumb has eaten the entire portion, the next day it can be enlarged. Thus, for the week, the volume will gradually grow until 150 grams reach. After that, the vegetable puree can replace one of the feedings.


    Liquid cereals are chosen as the first dust in cases where the child has a shortage of weight. The basic rules of administration remain unchanged. Important moment - Initially, to give a crumb of cereal, not containing gluten. This protein can cause abdominal pain and digestive problems. It is best to start with buckwheat, rice or cornframe, manna and oatmeal worth introducing no earlier than 8-9 months.

    Cereal - second lure after vegetable puree

    Also, you should not cook porridge on milk. Whatever useful this product was, in the children's body, enzymes are not yet produced, which split the starch contained in milk. To acquaint crook with milk better, not earlier than 9 months of age.

    It is better to give your preference to give a ready-made dry porridge. They are produced, given all the needs of the children's body. The basis of their manufacture is environmentally friendly raw materials. Plus, they have a constant composition enriched with vitamins, prebiotics and other useful elements.

    Juices and fruits

    Unfortunately, neither juices nor fruits are suitable as the first dust. Juices are the strongest allergens. In addition, they can provoke irritation of the intestinal mucosa. To give them to drinking at 10-11 months, after the crumb will try porridge, vegetable puree and meat.

    The menu of the child at 5 months is not yet distinguished by a wide range of dishes. This is a completely normal situation, since the intestine has not yet been prepared for digesting heavier meal. For this reason, in the diet of a child of 5 months there are no butter and other fats of animal origin.

    Sugar, salt, spices, cookies, meat and fish are also excluded from it. The only thing that is allowed to add in the puree is some vegetable oil, breast milk or mixture.


    Crook power mode directly depends on the type of feeding

    One of the main issues of building the food regime in a five-month age is, how many times and in what quantity it needs to be fed. These volumes are directly dependent on the type of feeding. Children who are fed artificially mixtures, due to their higher caloric content, less food is required.

    Below are two tables of children's food regime at 5 months a day for artificial / mixed and breastfeeding. Data on the volume of products in them is indicated for already cooked dishes.


    Artificial feeding:

    The daily food rate is 900 ml, which do not include water, herbal tea or compote. They are given on demand for the entire day.

    According to the graphs, it is possible to make a general conclusion: the child's nutrition in 5 months consists of five feedings. The sixth night feeding is not excluded, possibly associated with the baby's hunger.

    Principles of administration of Prikorma

    In order for the introduction of the attachment to the maximum safe as possible, it must be done correctly, observing a number of elementary principles:

    • start feeding from one product;
    • the next unfamiliar product is administered only in the absence of allergies or other negative manifestations to the previous one;
    • 5-7 days - the time required so that the child is accustomed to a new product;
    • porridge and vegetable puree are introduced, starting with half a teaspoon;
    • each time after feeding the child, it is necessary to recover with breast milk or a mixture, but it is not forcibly done;
    • time for a new product sample - morning;
    • it is advisable to keep a diary input feeding with a menu, volumes and a baby's reaction (we recommend reading :).

    Introduction of any new type of food should be started with one product

    Having started entering the enclosure from one product, it should be primarily its quantity to bring to the norm, and then add the following products. Using the example of a vegetable puree, you can first start from the zucchini and for 6 days to increase its volume, and only after this add half a teaspoon of broccoli or cauliflower. Next continue to increase the general portion. The optimal option is a vegetable puree consisting of three components. Subsequently, they can be replaced with other types of vegetables.

    An example of a weekly menu

    Below is a table with an exemplary kid menu at 5-6 months. It presents a diet for children who are already familiar with all vegetables and porridge. If necessary, each feeding is accompanied by subsequent pectoral milk or adapted milk mixture.

    All porridges should be boiled on the water or add milk or mixture to them, which is kid eats. In the puree you can add vegetable oil.

    Menu for a week:

    Day of the weekFirst breakfastSecond breakfast (porridge)Lunch (Vegetable single-component puree)DinnerSecond dinner
    Mondaybuckwheatcookbreast milk or milk mixturebreast milk or milk mixture
    Tuesdayfigcauliflower (recommend reading :)
    Fridayfigzucchini (recommend reading :)

    Recipes for children's feeding


    Rice porridge for infants

    You can cook porridge for dust in two ways. In the first case, you must make a flour from the cereals. This will require a coffee grinder. With it, it is necessary to grind the cereals, pre-passing, flushing several times and dried on napkins or paper towels.

    Next, the resulting cereal flour is gradually added to the boiled water or decoction of vegetables. This should continuously stir the future porridge. Then continue to cook it up full readiness, Continuing periodically stirring, in order to avoid the formation of lumps and burning porridge.

    The second method is reduced to the fact that the usual gruse is poured by the desired amount of water and simply cooked. After that, it is passed through a sieve or crushed into a blender. Depending on the water ratio taken and the cereals, porridge can be obtained more liquid or vice versa by semi-nap:

    Puree from vegetables

    It is very important that there are no lumps left when cooking a puree for infant

    Before cooking vegetables for mashed potatoes, they should be prepared. To do this, they need to be warm and cleaned. Painted they are washed again under hot water. It is desirable to throw them with boiling water or even leave in it for 1-2 minutes. Past such preparations of vegetables should be boiled on a weak heat under the lid in a small amount of water until they are ready.

    The next step is to rub the cooked vegetables through a sieve or grinding them in a blender, adding the beam in which they were cooked, and vegetable oil. Everything is mixed and brought to a boil.

    Vegetable decoction

    To prepare vegetable decoction takes:

    • vegetables - 50 grams;
    • water is 100 ml.

    Vegetable, which is entered by a child, for example, broccoli, potatoes, or zucchini, you need to wash well, clean and cleaner. Then put it in cold water And cook on a weak heat under the lid until it is ready. After that, with the help of sterile gauze, strain and let go boil again. Next to pour into sterile container. Vegetable decoction can perform as an extra drink between kid food.

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