• What is needed for adult baptism. What should be a baptismal shirt for a boy What does a baptismal shirt look like


    Our dear reader, if you nevertheless thought about this question "Why do we need a baptismal shirt", then surely such a holiday as the sacrament of baptism is planned in your family.

    Therefore, this should be prepared very carefully and approached with intelligence and common sense. In ancient times, in the Orthodox Church, people were baptized more in adulthood, so the shirt was preserved until the death of a person, in which he was then buried.

    A baptismal shirt or, as they say, a more solemn baptismal outfit can be completely different, traditionally, of course, it is white in color, as it symbolizes the purity of a person’s soul, his sinlessness, that this person who is going to be baptized could not sin before the Lord God. In our time, mostly little children are baptized, it is not in vain that they say at the birth of a child that a little angel was born, the soul of the child is pure and innocent. A christening shirt can be given by the godmother, but it can also be chosen by the child's parents.

    Many may think and cannot solve this question, why do you still need a shirt for baptism. The answer is very simple - if it is not very convenient to baptize in some kind of clothes, a person should be immersed in a font filled with warm holy water, of course they are completely dipped with their heads, and a shirt is put on the person’s naked body.

    In addition to the shirt, it is desirable to purchase pouch for the first curl, where the Father, who conducts the rite of baptism, carefully places the hairs of a person cut crosswise, they should be stored, they will serve as a talisman of a person. It is necessary to keep the kryzhma and the shirt without washing it all the life in which they were baptized, according to beliefs, it cannot be washed, because droplets of peace remain on the shirt and this is considered a shrine, if a person gets sick, just to relieve and recover, you need to attach it or how to wrap a person with this shirt.

    Also if desired on the roofembroider the date of baptism and the name the person who is going to be baptized, only in the case of a name, it must be clarified with the Father, who will be baptized, since name daily life of a person do not match with the name baptized in the Church.

    What else should be added is what you need to pay attention to fabric quality from which the shirt and kryzhma are made, it should be natural, fabrics such as linen, cotton are preferred, and in no case synthetics, the human body should feel comfortable, and if it is a small child, necessarily the baby's body should breathe and be in complete comfort, which will clearly favor the calm process of the sacrament of baptism.

    The role of godparents is not a little important event, on this beautiful day for all family members the godfather carefully selects a pectoral silver cross, which is then worn under the shirt for the whole life of a person, and the godmother chooses an outfit for baptism, if the parents themselves did not have time to choose it by chance or by design .

    And yet, so that you don’t get confused, I’ll try to explain to you that a baptismal shirt resembles a nightgown for sleeping, its length should cover the knees, as the church orders, and the kryzhma resembles the shape of a diaper or sheet, they can dip into the font in that and in fact, this is decided by the Father himself, so everything should be purchased together. In general, they are dipped in a baptismal shirt, after which, instead of a towel, they are wrapped in dry kryzhma, then the Father conducts the sacrament of the rite of baptism. You can also purchase one baptismal shirt without kryzhma in this case, you should take a large bath towel with you so that after immersing a person in a font with water, a person does not freeze. The towel should also be soft, warm and preferably white of course!

    The priest conducts the ritual after mass, in the baptismal, in a place specially designated for this where there is a font with water. They can baptize both individually and several babies at the same time.

    The role of baptism in the life of every person is undeniable. For a child, this is the most important day in his life. Already today, all children are brought without much persuasion, as if a second birth occurs during the sacrament of baptism. Choosing christening clothes can sometimes be so difficult. Someone prefers simple homemade, someone - bought in a specialized store. However, solemnity in clothes should still be present. What to give preference - you decide. Let's look at: what kind of clothing is there for the baptism of children, and what to look for when choosing it?

    Choosing christening clothes

    Before purchasing clothes for your child's baptism, you must understand that you are buying not just clothes, but robes for the Great Sacrament. That is why all clothing, especially if it is bought for a baby, must be made strictly from natural and soft materials that absorb moisture. Pay attention to the cut of the finished product: it should be free, not restricting or squeezing the baby's movements, the sleeves should not squeeze the handles. It is also important that the clothing is soft and does not hurt your child's delicate skin.

    Baptism babies go from 7 to 40 days from birth. For such crumbs, special christening clothes are sewn. Note that traditionally the usual sliders and undershirts are not used for the sacrament of baptism. Properly tailored clothing should be easy to put on and easy to take off. That is why a free cut is used.

    So, let's look at the baptismal sets:

    1. Christening sets for girls, first of all, you need to choose a dress with lace or other types of trim. This is what symbolizes the purity of the soul of a little man. The canons of the church do not establish the length of clothes for girls. That is why they choose the length to the toes or slightly below the knees. However, the child's legs should not be completely closed, as the priest anoints them with Peace.
    2. Boys christening sets are selectable embroidered christening shirts, in no way inferior to any other clothing. Note that all shirts and dresses for children are worn over the head only. By tradition, the priest himself puts on christening shirts.

    From the decoration of shirts and dresses, embroidery with rhinestones, ribbons, elegant lace and other elements can be used. All embroidery or ornament must strictly comply with the canons of the Orthodox Church, since any pattern carries a certain meaning. All clothes have delicate colors, white is traditionally used, since it is considered to be a symbol of purity and sinlessness. But peach, pink, light green or blue tone, as well as any pastel colors, can be used. All baptismal clothing carries a special purity and beauty.

    For sewing baptismal sets, cambric, satin, cotton, linen, lace and lace or the finest silk are offered. Viscose thread is used for embroidery. Clothes sewn from these fabrics fit nicely to the body of the child, do not cause any irritation. In any case, clothing that does not cause embarrassment is recommended. It is better to buy separate baptismal sets, which are quickly changed after they get wet. Do not choose one-piece overalls, they are very difficult to change. There must also be warm clothing. She is dressed after the bath ceremony.

    For the sacrament of baptism, not only shirts or dresses are used, but also elegant caps for boys and bonnets for girls. Booties should be worn on the legs, they are selected in such a way that the child is comfortable. You will also need two interesting sheets and a sachet where a lock of hair or a cross is folded. Note that one sheet (the second name is kryzhma) should be warm and with a hood, since wet clothes are removed completely, and the baby should be wrapped up with his head. As a cover, you can use a simple terry baptismal towel or an embroidered diaper trimmed with lace. In such a diaper, your baby will cause sincere tenderness.

    Baptismal clothes and kryzhma must be kept in memory of the Great Sacrament. If you want to use these clothes, it is better to consult a priest about this, since according to traditions, baptismal sets are not washed and not used in everyday life, but during illness you can cover your child with them.

    We offer you different options for christening clothes for children!

    The Baptism online store offers you children's clothes for different ages of the baby. All clothes are sold both separately and ready-made baptismal sets. The presented assortment can be viewed on the website of the store. We have a variety of boys' christening shirts and women's dresses at great prices this season. Clothes for children up to 3 years are available. If you want to get exclusive outfits for your child, then we offer you the services of sewing clothes to order.

    Your children will look absolutely irresistible in christening clothes from our Baptism.ru Store. Choose the same style and the same finish. Note that simple undershirts, of course, are much cheaper. But the sacrament of baptism in your baby happens only once in a lifetime. Make sure it looks right!

    You do not have to go shopping and choose the right outfits for your baby or baby. We have a wide range of children's clothes for baptism. All the clothes you choose are delivered exactly on time and at the specified time. We are also ready to please you with a flexible system of discounts.

    This question is asked by many parents who baptize their first child. The child is still so small that it is difficult to find something comfortable and, at the same time, warm, something that can be easily removed from the baby and put back on.

    What to consider when choosing clothes

    During the sacrament, the priest will cut off a small tuft of the baby's hair, you need to be able to quickly remove the cap.

    If baptism is performed with full immersion, then you will need to remove all clothes from the baby, and then, taking him in a baptismal towel, quickly dress him.

    After baptism, the baby will be anointed: the priest will anoint the hands, legs, chest, forehead, nose, ears, eyes of the baby with myrrh, so you should not wrap yourself too much after baptism: not everything is over yet. After chrismation and prayer, the myrrh is washed off with a special sponge: after that, you can already close the baby.

    What clothes are suitable for baptism

    For the baptism of a baby, loose clothing is suitable that does not require much time to dress: a vest with laces, a hat or cap with ties, panties without galoshes. Button-on overalls that have become familiar to parents are not suitable: it takes a lot of time to fasten and unfasten them, and it is very difficult to fasten the buttons when the baby is crying. To prevent the child from being cold, it can be wrapped in a diaper or blanket.

    Today you can choose special clothes for the baptism of an infant - a set for the baptism of a boy or a girl. In the store on the site, the baptismal set for a boy consists of an undershirt or a long dress, a diaper, a bonnet, booties and sometimes panties. A christening set for a girl includes a dress, booties, a bonnet or bandage and a diaper. All clothes in the sets are very beautiful and comfortable, easy to put on and take off, made with love from natural materials.

    When to dress your child in christening clothes

    It is best to dress the child in a baptismal set at home, you can put on a blouse, overalls, and, if necessary, a warm hat. It will be possible to leave only the baptismal kit and diapers in the temple and wrap the baby in a blanket. In extreme cases, if it is very cold in the temple, you can dress the child warmly, undress only for baptism, after immersion, change him into a baptismal shirt or dress until anointing, wrap him in a blanket. After washing off the world, you can “warm up” again.

    At the sacrament of baptism, the priest will tell you what he will do, make the necessary explanations and wait until you dress or undress the baby, so do not worry if you do not know something.

    Baptism is in some way a magical rite, as well as the most important sacrament of Christian society. Parents strive to baptize their children, since since ancient times it has been believed that this rite opens the spiritual world and provides the child with protection from higher powers.

    Let's get acquainted with the rite of baptism itself and with popular models of baptismal shirts designed for children of different ages, and with brands that produce them.

    The rite of baptism

    Baptism can be performed at any age when the parents wanted it, or they gave the child the opportunity to choose their own faith, postponing baptism until a more conscious age.

    In ancient times, it was customary to baptize a child in infancy, as soon as he was forty days old, just like Jesus Christ was baptized, but, unfortunately, this tradition is rarely followed.

    To conduct the rite of baptism, parents need to choose two people, a man and a woman, who will become the godparents of the child, and from that day on they will have a subtle, spiritual connection with him. In addition, it is necessary to purchase special clothes for baptism and this is the main task of the godmother, and the godfather usually purchases a pectoral cross for a child.

    What do you need?

    In addition to the pectoral cross and baptismal shirt, you also need to pick up a towel. Often, parents use ordinary pretty suits of various colors, without resorting to buying specialized items that are direct attributes of baptism. But still, we advise you to purchase a shirt designed specifically for baptism, in snow-white color. Previously, such a little thing could only be purchased in shops at the church, which are called the church shop, but now a children's baptismal shirt is also sold in ordinary stores specializing in goods for children.

    What does a christening shirt look like for a boy?

    There are no differences in christening shirts for boys and girls, since this item is universal. As a rule, the color of such a shirt ranges from snow white to light light blue, and the cut is quite loose. As for the length of the shirt, the fashion here is very diverse and allows the use of shirts of a completely different length - from short to the waist, to long to the floor.

    The baptismal shirt can be embroidered in the form of an Orthodox cross, which is made with blue, silver or gold threads. Regarding the material from which baptismal shirts for children are sewn, it can be noted that the most preferable product is made of soft fabric that is pleasant to the child's body.

    1 year

    For a one-year-old baby, a short wraparound shirt is quite suitable, which definitely makes it easier to put on and take off things from the child. You can use a thin cotton model, decorated with embroidery, as well as a small lace on the sleeves and at the bottom of the shirt.

    2 years

    Since the child is still quite young at two years old, the same option can be used as for the baptism of a child of one year old. But you can pick up a slightly different one, for example, a mid-length, odorless shirt with a solid collar is perfect.

    3 years

    At three years old, the child is already getting a little older and you can use a long shirt, with various kinds of embroidery and decor, which is worn over the head. This option will be very convenient and practical, as well as visually looks beautiful and innocent.

    4 years

    At four years old, children often consider themselves adults and are aware of many things, so they may become embarrassed by open sexual characteristics if a short shirt is used at baptism. For a child of this age, we recommend choosing a thin floor-length cotton shirt with ties and a small neckline, as well as unobtrusive blue embroidery.


    As with any clothing for adults, among the christening shirts for boys there is a huge selection and a fairly wide range of models. The shirts do not really differ in some functional qualities, rather they have purely visual differences. Let's take a closer look at the most popular models.


    The model of a christening shirt with a hood looks like a pretty hoodie, medium or short length. The shirt is quite comfortable and has a functional use, in case the room is cold and the child's hair gets wet, then the use of a hood is useful in this case.

    With smell

    As already mentioned, a wrap shirt makes it much easier to put on a child, and then it can be taken off just as easily. This model is most preferable for small children, from one to two years old, for whom it is extremely difficult to sit still. The fact is that due to the high activity of the child, the process of putting on a shirt over the head can be somewhat difficult, since the child may begin to act up and cry.

    Middle length

    Medium-length shirts will be relevant for children of about three years old, since they directly cover the first sexual characteristics. For any functional qualities, this model does not have significant differences from the smell model.

    christening suit

    Christening suits perform the same function as christening shirts. The differences are only in appearance, and may also relate to ease of use, since the shirt is much easier to put on or take off. By itself, such a suit usually represents a triple - a short shirt, pants and a headdress in the form of a cap or beret.


    Since children's christening clothes are so popular and in demand, it is only natural that many brands are engaged in the manufacture of these things. But many of them have completely different policies and the concept of the company, so we decided to select and compile for you a list of the most popular brands representing christening clothes.


    Shupet is a brand specializing in the production of children's clothing for babies from zero to eight years. This brand divides its production into collections with the corresponding names, and also, by the way, is engaged in tailoring luxury clothes. And it is not surprising that among the wide range of this company there is a line of clothes for christening, presented in the form of light, airy outfits, symbolizing purity and innocence.


    The papitto company began its existence back in 2001, specializing in the production of goods for newborns, as well as babies up to four years old. The company positions itself as a manufacturer of high-quality goods at affordable prices, and indeed, this is quite true. The line of clothes for christening is made of soft material that is pleasant to children's skin and does not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

    The baptism of an adult has a number of features, both spiritual and organizational.

    Most importantly, there must be an understanding of why Baptism is received. Before the Sacrament, it is obligatory to undergo categorical conversations. Moreover, it is not so much the godparents who should listen to them, but the person being baptized himself.

    By the way, it is not necessary for an adult to look for godparents, because he does not need to vouch for the Lord for him, he himself understands the fullness of the responsibility that the life of a Christian implies. However, if there are church-going friends who will help take the first steps in Orthodoxy, no one will object.

    An adult must definitely prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism: to fast, at least for three days. This means do not eat meat, dairy food, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke. It is necessary to make peace with those with whom he was in a quarrel. Try to refrain from entertainment events, married also from marital relations.

    The person being baptized needs to know the basic prayers: “Our Father”, “Symbol of Faith”, “Virgin Mother of God”. It is also desirable to follow the rites of the Sacrament in order to understand the meaning of what is happening.

    Christening clothes for adults

    If we talk about the "outer" part of Baptism, then for an adult you will need:

    • christening clothes (for men it is a long white shirt, for women a long white shirt and a scarf)
    • large (if Baptism through immersion) and / or small towel (for hair or if Baptism through dousing the head)
    • spare underwear for baptism through immersion in the font
    • slippers, clean or new
    • cross on a long rope

    Let us draw your attention to the fact that in different temples there are different traditions for conducting the rite of Baptism itself. For example, there is a practice when a person being baptized plunges into the font immediately in baptismal clothes. After that, he can be wiped with a towel, throw a small sheet over his shoulders. Until the end of the Sacrament, a person does not change into ordinary clothes. (Alternatively, in this case, it is allowed to take another set of baptismal clothes with you in order to take off wet ones and change into dry ones. Subsequently, a person keeps both baptismal shirts as a “shrine” in which he received Baptism).

    In other churches, the person being baptized is immersed in the font in linen, he is blocked by a screen. After a person leaves the font, he wipes himself with a towel and puts on baptismal clothes. There are parishes in which Baptism occurs through pouring over the head. Therefore, you need to know in advance how Baptism will be conducted in your temple.

    In any case, you will need a baptismal garment. It must be white. It is a symbol of purity, coming to the Lord and faith.

    A large towel will also come in handy to wipe off after the font. And also small. It can be used by women who have long hair to lay gently over their shoulders without getting their clothes wet.

    Do not forget that during Baptism, a person should have “free access” to his feet so that the priest can anoint them with holy oil, so the option with slippers is very convenient.

    As for the pectoral cross, you can purchase it in advance. Not necessarily in this temple. You can in any church shop or store. The main thing is that the cross be Orthodox. If it is not consecrated, inform the priest about it before Baptism. He will be able to consecrate it before the ceremony.

    And yet, the most important thing in preparing for the Baptism of an adult is the understanding that the Christian life after Baptism is just beginning for you!

    Women's christening shirts

    A woman in the temple should be with her head covered and without makeup: kissing a cross with lipstick on her lips is prohibited. Clothing must be chosen modest, clean, neat. After the font, you will need a baptismal shirt - a loose-fitting ankle-length shirt with sleeves below the elbow. In many temples, the immersion itself is also carried out in it, so it is important to choose products from non-translucent fabric.

    The shirts presented in our online store "Krestilnoe" and in the showroom in Moscow are always available in sizes from 38 to 56. For the font, we recommend choosing models from softened blended linen, which has a good density, does not shine through, is pleasant to the body, allows the skin breathe freely.

    Among linen products, the Lily shirt stands out noticeably. The sleeves and hem are embellished with floral lace inserts. The neckline on the chest is decorated with a white and peach ornament with lilies, and a cross with curly lilies is embroidered on the back. To the shirt, you can pick up a linen scarf with lilies embroidered in the same range.

    Budget model made of coarse calico (100% servant) - shirt "Lyudmila". The design of the shirt is completely made in white: on the chest with an equilateral cross and floral ornaments. The edge of the sleeve and hem is decorated with openwork cotton lace. The color of the embroidery can be any, except for gold and silver, which additionally need to be covered with a lining. When wet, the fabric is translucent, so we recommend wearing underwear or a long T-shirt.

    Men's christening shirts

    In the temple, a man should dress modestly, adhering to a calm color scheme. T-shirts, shorts, tracksuits are not allowed. Traditionally, after the holy font, a man puts on a long, free-cut white baptismal shirt.

    We offer models made of natural costume linen and coarse calico (100% cotton). Fabrics well absorb moisture residues, are pleasant to the body, do not cause irritation on the skin. Shirts are available in sizes 46 to 56. A bespoke tailoring service is also available, according to your individual parameters.

    Of the linen models, the Vladimir shirt is popular. On the chest is decorated with a pattern of vines, on the back is embroidered with a flourishing cross-vine. Color embroidery with a smooth viscose thread looks expressive and harmonious on a white canvas. In the set you can pick up a terry towel "Prosperous Cross" for it.

    Economy version of coarse calico - shirt "George". At the neck it is decorated with Orthodox embroidery with a climbing vine in beige and green tones. A cross entwined with a vine is embroidered on the back. It is combined with a terry towel "Entwined cross". On the towel under the cross, you can additionally embroider the name or date of the christening.

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