• How to get dragonstone in skyrim. In the world of Skyrim (In the world of Skyrim). Dragonstone: Skyrim - Explore the Universe


    The next day I sat on a bridge near Riverwood and admired the beauty of this world.
    Turning around, I saw Lina running towards me with a smile on her face.
    -Ah, hello Lina. Are you going somewhere?
    -Yeah. I was asked to go to Jarl Balgruf. Guards would definitely not hurt here.
    - The guard can hardly do anything. This is not a gang of bandits.
    -By the way, you can come with me.
    -I am for, otherwise it will be like with Helgen. -After these words, we laughed.
    - Okay, let's go.
    And we hit the road. Passing several farms, the large gates of the city stood in front of us. One of the guards came up to us and said in a stern voice.
    -To stand. Due to dragons, the entrance to the city is closed. Entry only for official needs.
    “I have news about the dragon attack on Helgen.” Lina said confidently.
    “Okay, but look at me.” He replied, opening the gate.
    The city was full of life, despite the incident with the dragon. The townspeople went about their business, the children ran through the streets laughing merrily. As we walked to the palace, a tree caught my eye. It was large and appears to be dead. But it's not just standing in the middle of the square. Nearby stood a large statue of a warrior, and nearby a monk was yelling about Talos. Why he was not captured as a traitor for worshiping Talos, I still do not understand. When we entered the castle, the jarl was sitting on the throne and talking to a man. To him he spoke to Proventus. Suddenly, drawing a sword, a girl in leather armor came up to us. Her skin was blue. I do not know what this avatar is, but she is serious.
    -What is this arrogance? Jarl Balgruf does not receive guests.
    -We have news from Helgen. About the attack of the dragon. - I answered.
    -Well then it is clear why the guards let you through. Come on, Jarl Balgruf will want to talk to you.
    A man in rich robes sat on a throne in front of us, examining us intently.
    - So you are witnesses to the attack on Helgen? And there really was a dragon?
    -Helgen destroyed. The dragon burned it to the ground, and then flew towards Whiterun. - intervened in the conversation Lina.
    - In the name of Ismir ... Ayrilet was right. - After that they talked about Riverwood and the war. Then we went to Farengar, he is their court magician. After all, magic exists in this world. While they chatted about Windy Peak, I looked around his laboratory. A rather strange crystal caught my eye. It was pinkish and there was something inside. There is not a creature, but a cloud of gas or the like.
    A few hours later, we stood at the main gate of the temple. On the way there were only bandits and wolves, everything is as usual, we barely opened these huge doors and went inside. Having carefully examined the temple, we ran into only bandits, until we came to some kind of trap. Right in front of us, one of the bandits simply pressed a lever in the middle of the room and fell down dead with a dozen small arrows in his back.
    -Nothing complicated. I have already bypassed such traps. ”Lina said with her head held high.
    -And how to turn it off.
    -You see? Over there. -She pointed to
    Two large heads, on which were depicted a snake and probably some kind of dolphin. - Do you see that crack between them? There should be another head there. That one ... - she pointed towards the gate, where a head with the image of a second snake lay nearby.
    Then she went to three pillars with three symbols each. Snake, bird and dolphin.
    -Now you just need to deploy the columns in the same order as the heads.
    - In general, it is understandable. - Although, in fact, nothing is clear.
    She twisted these stones a little and pressed the lever. The lattice was lifted and we could continue our journey. And then there is nothing to say. A bunch of living dead called draugr, a huge spider, deadly traps and a moron avatar. Everything is like everyone else, every day I come across this. To go to the sanctuary, we needed to solve another riddle with some kind of golden claw that the avatar had. That is, a dark elf. I learned this when Lina kicked the corpse of this freak. He tried to kill us, don't think that we are monsters who kick everything and everyone. Here we were in something like the main hall. A huge stone with symbols, a chest and a hefty stone coffin were the only ones that filled this room.
    I started climbing in the chest. A bubble with some kind of liquid, a couple of coins and a large luminous polyhedron. I don't think it was the same dragonstone. But here's what alarmed me. Lina did not run ahead of me to the chest, but stood by those symbols, examining them and whispering something under her breath. I went up to her and asked.
    -Hey, Lina. Everything is fine?
    Without waiting for an answer, I also began to examine these symbols. Suddenly, several of them flashed with a bright light and my head began to spin: "Foos".
    We were interrupted by the crash of the coffin behind us. We both turned and drew our weapons, preparing for another fight.
    Another draugr jumped out from there, only he was not like the others. A horned helmet and a sword sparkling with bluish light set him apart from the rest.
    Not having time to start the fight, he shouted "fus-ro-da" at me, after which I was hit by a force wave and I flew to the rock with the symbols. Without wasting not a second, I tried to find my sword among the stones. It flew out of my hands when I fell. Lina somehow fought back from this something, and her attacks were useless. If I manage to hit from the back, it will bring us victory. Throwing away the search, I rushed to the open chest and began to look for weapons. Without pointing anything better, I grabbed the polyhedron and kicked the draugr over the head with it. We took a breath for several minutes until Lina noticed my weapon.
    -Do you even know what you nailed the draugra?
    -No. What?
    -This is the "Guiding Star of Meridia", it belongs to the Daedric Princess Meridia. You better not joke with this thing.
    Suddenly I heard a woman's voice: “ New hand touched the mark. Listen. Listen to me and obey. Devilry penetrated into my temple. The darkness that you will destroy. Return my guiding star to Mount Kilkrit. And I will make you a cup carrying my cleansing light. "
    - Hey Duncan. Are you okay? You seem to have disappeared for a few minutes.
    -Yes. Everything is fine. Meridia seemed to be talking to me.
    -Dike, I'll guess. She asked you to take this stone to Mount Kilkrit?
    -Yes. How did you guess?
    -There is her temple. Okay, let's go to Whiterun, and there you’ll hire a cab and go to Solitude, ”she said, pulling the long-awaited find from the coffin.
    -Good. Let's go.
    And then there is nothing to say. I had to pay one hundred coins to get us off immediately. This is the "Skyrim minibus" type. I could give a twenty, but I would have to wait until the full is typed.
    Lina and I had to split up. She went for the award, and I went to Mount Kilkrit. I hope there will be no more dragons ...

    Start the quest “Windy Peak. We can say that this quest is one of the initial ones: you are sent to warn Jarl Balgruf in Whiterun. When you transmit the message, the jarl will ask you to speak with Farengar Secret Fire, his court mage. Farengar will explain to you that he is looking for Dragonstone and will direct you to Windfall Peak. Thus, a marker will appear on the map by which you will come to Windy Peak.

    • If you have already completed the Golden Claw quest, then it may turn out that the Dragonstone is already in your inventory, since in this quest you will follow the same path as in the Windy Peak quest. You will not be able to sell or discard the Dragonstone from your inventory, so it will definitely stay with you until you give it to Farengar at the end of the Windy Peak quest.

    Get to Windy Peak. The fastest way to Windfall Peak is south of Whiterun. You will need to find a trail from the northern slope of the mountain that leads to the very Windy Peak; there are the least dangers on this path. Most often, players follow the path from Riverwood: here you need to cross the bridge to the north of the village, and then turn northwest, following the winding path that leads to the peak. However, along the way, you will meet aggressive forest animals (most often they are wolves) and several bandits near an abandoned tower.

    • Be careful when approaching the peak as you will encounter half a dozen bandits at the entrance. In the open space of this location, enemy archers will have a great opportunity to fill you with arrows, so join the battle near the columns that will cover you while you deal with the bandits in close combat.
  • Enter Windy Peak. When you descend into the mound for the first time, you will notice that there are many human remains and spiteful rats all around. Sneak further and you will hear the bandits discussing someone named Arvel who escaped with some kind of golden claw. If you have not started the "Golden Claw" quest yet, it will start right now. Kill the bandits and move deeper into the mound.

    Solve the pillar puzzle. Moving forward, you will eventually meet a bandit with a torch who runs into a room with a puzzle inside. Let him pull the lever and he will die from the darts of the triggered trap. Now go forward and study the symbols around (one on the ground, two on the wall). Pay attention to the animals that are depicted on the columns and turn them in the desired pattern towards you. From left to right, these symbols should appear as follows: snake-snake-whale. Pull all the levers you want and continue on your way.

    • Be careful when you go down the spiral staircase, as bad guys will start running out at you. Stay at the top of the stairs so that they cannot surround you, and you would kill one malevolent at a time.
  • Kill the giant spider. After a while, you will find yourself in a place covered with cobwebs, while someone will call for help. Walk carefully to the back of the room. You will see that someone is entangled in the web. A frosty spider will come down from above, with which you will need to fight. Kill the spider and talk to the trapped man who turns out to be Arvel the Swift.

    • If you find it difficult to fight the spider, back out through front door rooms. The spider cannot go through this door. Heal with spells or ranged weapons and kill the spider from afar. Remember that the spider can still poison you. Dodge when the spider stands on its hind legs, as this means that it is about to spit poison at you.
  • Free Arvel the Swift. Talk to Arvel to ask him about the location of the claw, and he will agree to show you how everything works in exchange for you freeing him. Use melee weapons or magic to destroy the cobweb that binds him hand and foot. Arvel will fall down and then quickly run deeper into the mound, trying to escape from you. He will be stabbed to death by a restless draugr or stumble upon a wall of thorns by stepping on a trap plate. Kill the draugr and loot Arvel's body to retrieve the Golden Claw. As soon as you have the claw, go deeper into the barrow, bypassing the traps and killing the draugr.

    Enter the sanctuary. You will soon find yourself in front of a closed door with stone rings revolving around a keyhole. Open your inventory, select the Golden Claw and examine it. Turn it so that the claw is facing you and study the symbols that are depicted on it: bear-moth-owl. Rotate the rings around the keyhole to make this combination, and the door will open a door, behind which is the entrance to the Shrine of Windfall Peak.

    Collect the Dragonstone. Upon entering the sanctuary, you will find yourself in a spacious room with waterfalls and a protruding wall inscribed with strange symbols. You will hear voices that will sound louder as you walk towards the wall. When you come close to the wall, the screen will darken and one word on the wall will glow bright white, and thus you will learn the Word of Power from the Wall of Words. As soon as you learn the Word of Power, the sarcophagus behind you will open and a high-level draugr boss will emerge from it. Kill this draugr, and then search the body - there you will find the Dragonstone.

    Dragonstone in the game "Skyrim" will be required when you go through the next quest called "Windy Peak". You can get this element only after you go to Whiterun and ask a magician named Farengar about the Secret Fire. He will immediately demand this artifact from you, after which he will tell you where you can look for it. You can find the indicated element at Windy Peak, but it is not so easy. Even knowing where the item is, you still have to use your ingenuity. However, today we will help in solving this issue and tell you in detail how to get this artifact.

    Dragonstone: Skyrim - Explore the Universe

    The first thing you need to do is go to the mountains. On your way there will be a large number of bandits, who can most often be seen near the temple. After you are able to defeat all opponents, you should go to the monastery. Be extremely careful: there is a small group of bandits in the temple, which will try to ambush you.

    If you act carefully, you will be able to find out some information about the Golden Claw, which previously disappeared without a trace from one of the Riverwood merchants. Since your main task is to find the dragon stone, you don't have to waste your time. Just get rid of these bandits. Otherwise, it will be quite problematic to continue searching.


    When you have defeated all opponents, you need to continue moving through the ruins, where a difficult puzzle will await you further. Columns are involved in it. In order to complete this task, you will need to place the stones correctly. This must be done in the following combination: snake (twice) -fish. It is possible to quickly complete this puzzle only if you are extremely careful. Before entering the collapsed fragment, you will be able to see several signs. You should definitely remember them. Next, click on the special lever and go down the spiral staircase. Attention: three opponents will be waiting for you in this area. They will need to be destroyed in order to continue the journey further.

    In fact, in the game "Skyrim" the dragonstone is not so easy to get. To do this, you need to go a long way, as well as spend a certain amount of time. When you go down the stairs to the very bottom, you will notice the entrance to the room. He himself will be covered with a thick layer of cobweb, which must be got rid of. Then you can get into a spacious hall. In this place, you will encounter a large spider. He must also be defeated. If your character does not have good protection, then it will be extremely difficult to fight a dexterous and cunning spider. He is capable of causing great damage.

    Return trip

    After passing through the hall, you can meet with Draunr the Lord. This is your main goal. After you defeat him, you can select the dragon stone. Remember that this opponent is considered the strongest. Therefore, the task at hand will not be solved so easily. Further, the dragon stone will need to be brought to the magician who is in Whiterun.

    When completing the "Windy Peak" quest in Skyrim, the player will certainly need to pick up the Dragonstone. The task is taken from the court magician in Whiterun, this jarl is called Farengar Secret Fire. Dragon stone - a constituent element of the main storyline of the game.

    Mage Farengar will ask you to get the notorious Dragonstone, while he will inform you that it is on Windy Peak. To pick up the Dragonstone, you go to the side where the mountains are. It is unsafe there, because bandits are hanging around the temple located in the mountains, whom you need to kill. Clear the area and enter the temple. Surprise - a group of bandits is also staggering inside. Therefore, be extremely careful. First, overhear what they are talking about, and they are talking about the Golden Claw, which disappeared in an incomprehensible way from a merchant from Riverwood. Kill bandits using the surprise effect.

    Head further through the ruins, a puzzle awaits you there. Its essence is to arrange the kamki in a precisely defined order: snake - snake - fish. To cope with the task, consider very carefully several signs that are above the entrance, as well as on the collapsed fragment.

    Push the lever and go up the spiral staircase. You will have to clear your way, because you will be hindered by three species of rascals. After getting rid of the creatures, you will find a room at the very bottom, but the entrance to it is tightly covered with cobwebs. Do not be afraid and remove the cobweb, then enter the room. Here, a huge spider will jump on you from somewhere above. It can give you a lot of serious problems, especially if your game character is not pumped enough.

    Having coped with the spider, enter into a conversation with Arvel the Swift. He will ask to let him go, and in exchange for this he will promise to give away the Golden Claw he had. But as soon as you release him, he, along with the Golden Claw, will try to escape. You can do different things, for example, catch up with the traitor and personally kill him. Or you can let him escape, because he still won't be able to go far: he will be overcome by a group of draugr, which he will inevitably run into on the way. The second option is preferable, because in a fight with draugrs, Arvel will take some of their health away from them, and this is only for your benefit. The fugitive will die in any case - from you, from the draugr, or he will fall into a trap from where he will not get out.

    When this happens, you need to take the Golden Claw and the Diary from him, and then move on. You will meet the draugr, kill them and climb to the next tier, where you will find another puzzle. Check out Arvel's diary: it says that you can solve the problem after carefully examining the Golden Claw.

    After solving the puzzle, go into the large burial hall, there is a wall of dragons, where the word of power is inscribed. There is a sarcophagus near the wall, and Draugr the lord will appear from there. He is your goal because Dragon stone - him. Eliminate Draugr, take the stone and return back to the quest giver. And you can return the Golden Claw to the merchant. We hope that after reading this guide, you will not ask a question how to pick up dragon stone in skyrim game.

    The need to pick up the dragon stone in Skyrim arises during the quest "Windy Peak" - it is taken in Whiterun from the court magician Jarl named Farengar Secret Fire and belongs to the main storyline.

    The magician asks to get this very Dragonstone, at the same time informing that it can be found at Windy Peak.

    Go towards the mountains, where you will have to kill bandits who hang around near the temple. When you clear the area, enter the temple, inside which you will also face a group of bandits.

    If you wish, overhear their conversation - they talk about the Golden Claw that disappeared from the merchant from Riverwood, and if you don't want to, you can immediately get rid of them, you still can't do without it here.

    Once you have finished, follow the ruins further, where you will find a puzzle with columns. It must be solved by arranging stones in a strictly defined order - snake-snake-fish. To do this, carefully examine the signs above the entrance and on the collapsed fragment.

    Then you need to press the lever, then follow the spiral staircase, clearing your way through the resistance of three species of rattle. And below you will enter a room, the entrance to which is covered with cobwebs - get rid of it, you can enter the hall. After that, a hefty spider will come to you from above, if your character is not very well pumped, then this animal will be able to deliver colossal problems.

    In any case, the spider must be eliminated, and then talk to Arvel the Swift - he asks to let him go, in return he promises to give the claw. However, letting go of him, quickly make sure that he betrayed you - trying to escape away with the claw.

    After which you can either catch up and kill personally, or let him escape - it will not go far anyway, it will run into a group of draugrs who will defeat him one way or another. But he can take away part of their health, which can and should be used.

    True, in pursuit of an adversary has its own plus - with a developed stealth skill, you can quietly kill them with a bow, or even sneak past them without disturbing them, so decide for yourself what is best. One way or another, the fugitive will inevitably die - either from you, or from the draugr, or fall into a trap.

    We need to take the Claw and the diary from his body. Then go further, again you will run into the draugr, destroy them, climb to the second tier, where you will see another little head. And Arvel's diary says that the answer to the puzzle can be found by carefully examining the Golden Claw.

    Opening the door, you will see a spacious burial hall with a wall of dragons on which the word of power is written. Having absorbed it, the Draugr-lord will awaken from the sarcophagus near the wall, who will be our main goal, because the Dragonstone is with him.

    By the way, instead of the overlord at high levels of character development, Draugr, the main military leader, may come across, in general, the opponent will be worthy in any way.

    After eliminating the draugr, take the stone from him and return to the quest giver. After completing the quest and having in possession, you need to assign a claw, and you can return it to the store, as its owner wanted.

    Get a piece of armor from Jarl Balgruf as a reward for your work, the enchantment and type of which will depend on the level of your character.

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