• Face lifting in the salon name. What is lifting? Skin tightening cosmetic procedure. Face lifting. Photos before and after RF-facelift


    Procedure RF face and body lifting- a full aesthetic service for the skin on the RF SYSTEM radio wave therapy device from Termosauld (Spain). Radiolifting is the absolute leader in the field of non-surgical facelift and body shaping.

    RF-lifting of the skin of the face and body allows you to achieve the effect of rejuvenation without injections and surgical intervention. The procedure consists in the safe effect of radio frequencies on various layers of the skin, as well as subcutaneous fat. This process practically does not affect the epidermis, so you can not be afraid of side effects. In Moscow, this technique is used by professional doctors of the Perfection salon. We will offer you quality services at the best price.

    RF SYSTEM combines 4 independent techniques:

    • radio wave lifting
    • needleless LDC mesotherapy
    • chromotherapy
    • radio wave lipolysis

    The synergy of these 4 methods increases the effectiveness of the procedure with a short time and gives both instant and prolonged results.

    Results of the rf face and body lifting procedure

    RF face lifting

    RF-face lifting will help get rid of small and medium wrinkles, remove unaesthetic crow's feet, prevent premature aging... The course of procedures will delight you with positive results for ptosis. RF-face lifting will help remove sagging skin areas, forget about a double chin.

    RF skin lifting

    By activating the natural production of collagen and elastin, the procedure allows you to eliminate small scars that have arisen after acne. RF-lifting at Perfection salon will help to achieve an excellent effect on skin aging. The procedure is indispensable in case of a tendency to edema. By signing up for this service in Moscow, you will get an excellent result without unpleasant sensations.

    RF body lifting

    RF body lifting is an effective technology that allows you to remove fat deposits in various areas, get rid of cellulite, noticeably smooth stretch marks and prevent photoaging. Girls can use the procedure to tighten the skin in the décolleté area. RF body lifting is perfectly combined with other cosmetic techniques.

    During the first visit, you get a free consultation with a doctor who selects for you individual program visits. The price and number of procedures depend on the selected area.

    Indications for use

    • Atonic, aging skin
    • Static, mimic wrinkles
    • Prevention of aging
    • Modeling the oval of the face
    • Correction of problem areas of the body
    • Cellulite
    • Alopecia
    • Postoperative rehabilitation

    STOCK! 30% discount on all treatments

    Cosmetologist consultation is FREE!

    Zone price, rub. Discount price 30%
    Face 6 004 4 200
    Face, neck, decollete 9 006 6 300
    The chin 2 508 1 750
    Neckline 6 004 4 200
    Forehead, neck, or eye area 3 002 2 000
    Neck and face 7 980 5 500
    Post-acne treatment 5 016 3 500
    Stomach 6 004 4 200
    Shoulders 5 016 3 500
    Inner thigh 7 030 4 900
    The back of the thighs 7 030 4 900
    The area of ​​the buttocks-breeches 5 016 3 500
    Collar area 5 016 3 500
    Hands above the elbow 3 990 2 800
    Hands 3 496 2 500

    Premier Salon offers clients a wide range of face lifting procedures using advanced methods and techniques.

    IN modern cosmetology anti-aging techniques have a special place. Today doctors use different ways restoration of skin elasticity that does not require surgical intervention; use a variety of treatments to reduce wrinkles and restore youth. Depending on the age of the patient and the condition of his skin, the optimal method impact.

    Face lifting: hardware procedures

    Face lifting is a collective concept that combines several directions in cosmetology. Hardware techniques are the most extensive section in rejuvenation. Among the most effective procedures:

    • fractional laser face lifting- the beam, divided into beams, penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and launches in them the natural processes of restoration and renewal at the level of the dermis. With this method, it is possible to improve the structure of the skin, eliminate hyperpigmentation, restore a fresh look, and strengthen the oval of the face. The procedure does not require anesthesia. Its advantages include the ability to process a large area at a time;
    • laser resurfacing- treatment of the upper layers of the skin with an intense beam of light. Dead cells are removed, the rejuvenation process is started. The method improves local blood circulation, renews and evens out the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity;
    • microcurrent therapy- impact on skin cells and lymphatic vessels by pulses of low voltage current. The method stimulates the work of fibroblasts, starts recovery and renewal. As a result, the drainage of lymph improves, the oval of the face becomes clear, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases;
    • LPG face - massage that stimulates the work of fibroblasts. The procedure leads to a noticeable reduction in wrinkles, a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat, increases the density of the skin, and has a noticeable lifting effect. All this is due to the renewal of collagen and elastin in cells;
    • ELOS rejuvenation is a combination of current and light effects. A special apparatus deeply stimulates cell metabolism, promotes the renewal of the collagen layer. The result of the procedure is elasticity, moisture, beautiful colour faces.

    Face lifting: injection methods of rejuvenation

    Injections are as popular as hardware methods. The advantages of this facelift are instant results and long-term preservation. The proposed procedures do not require anesthesia and long-term recovery, while being highly effective.

    • Mesothreads - face bio-reinforcement using self-absorbable threads. The method allows you to perform a full-fledged oval modeling using a special needle. Threads are inserted under the skin on different layers and achieve the desired effect for up to two years. Maximum performance can be guaranteed for patients under 45 years of age. The duration and effectiveness of the procedure is influenced by a combination of factors: correctly selected threads, the condition of the skin, the professionalism of a specialist, etc.;
    • Contour plastic- literally filling the cavity under the wrinkles with special fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The concentration and composition are selected individually for each patient, as well as for a specific area of ​​treatment. A single contouring procedure provides a result for a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years.

    Face lifting using modern techniques has its advantages. Often the procedures go well with each other and with other methods of cleansing and rejuvenation. A non-surgical facelift is suitable for patients of almost any age and allows you to visually adjust the age by 5-10 years.

    All methods are low-traumatic, do not require anesthesia, have no rehabilitation period and no serious complications. There may be local redness, pinpoint marks of injections and other minor side effects that disappear on their own within a week.

    Face lifting prices

    ServiceService price, rub.
    Mesotherapy2100 - 6500
    Mesoline / Mesoline "Persistent lifting"6200
    Mesoline / Mesoline "Slim silhouette"4200
    Mesoline / Mesoline "Luxurious hair"5800
    Juviderm / Juvederm, 0.55-2 ml16000 - 31500
    Ial-sistem / Ayal-system, 0.6-1.1 ml7900 - 14100
    Dysport / Dysport, for 1 unit160
    Botox / Botox, for 1 unit350
    Hyperhidrosis treatment armpits Botox32000
    Radiesse, 1.5 ml25000
    Restylane, 0.5 - 1 ml14500 - 21800
    Surgiderm / Sujiderm, 0.8-1 ml14500 - 20000
    Teosyal / Teosyal, 0.5-3 ml8300 - 21000

    Olya Likhacheva

    Beauty is like precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


    In the life of any woman, there comes a moment when she begins to worry about age-related changes on her face. With age, the skin on it becomes thin, dry, the contours change, wrinkles on the forehead, chin deepen, cheeks and eyelids begin to sag. If earlier the only option was to do plastic surgery, which not everyone can decide on, today the same effect can be achieved with the help of cosmetic procedures, for example, you can do a face skin lift.

    What is a face lift

    This non-surgical way to eliminate signs of wilting removes excess skin, tightens the chin and cheeks. In fact, a face lift is a cosmetic procedure aimed at restoring the epidermis, preventing skin aging, and getting rid of mimic wrinkles. The procedure rejuvenates the face and keeps the effect obtained for a long time. Lifting is a substitute for a surgical facelift.

    Who will help and how

    A facelift is suitable for those who have certain skin problems. These are mainly age-related changes, but this method of rejuvenation is often used by people with other problems. The indications are as follows:

    • a large number of wrinkles, expression, age;
    • problems with skin elasticity;
    • strong pigmentation;
    • bad color;
    • the presence of a double chin.

    The lifting procedure is very effective and completely painless. It helps you get the following results:

    • increase skin elasticity;
    • deeply rejuvenate, heal the dermis, consolidate this effect for a long time, activating the production of collagen;
    • increase the amount of elastin;
    • smooth out wrinkles;
    • remove the double chin;
    • to get rid of age spots;
    • remove flabbiness, peeling, irritation, yellowness, grayness of the skin;
    • achieve well-defined contours.

    Face lift at home

    At home, a facelift is performed using cosmetic methods similar to salon ones. To obtain a lasting effect, special masks are made, massages for tightening the skin, creams with a rejuvenation effect are applied, certain gymnastics are performed, exercises for the facial muscles, and tightening devices are used. Improvement does not occur as quickly as after salon procedures, but after a while the wrinkles are smoothed out, the result obtained remains for a long time.


    Using homemade masks helps to smooth and soften the skin. Tighten it, even out the complexion. Popular masks include:

    1. Ovale Lifting by Yves Rocher. The mask has a smoothing, softening, moisturizing and nourishing effect. Perfectly evens out complexion, removes redness, does not clog pores.
    2. Orange Lift Mask by Mesopharm. The film mask acts in several directions: hides age, exfoliates the top layer, tightens the dermis.

    In addition to ready-made masks, there are recipes for special cosmetics which give the same effect. It:

    1. Egg white mask with 1 tablespoon lemon juice... A well-mixed mixture is applied for 20 minutes, washed off with warm boiled water.
    2. A mixture of banana, 50 ml of cream, 1 capsule of vitamin E. The mixed composition is applied for 20 minutes, then removed with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

    Anti-aging creams

    Light cream formulations have a good effect. Among the most popular:

    1. Total-Lift Light Cream from Swiss line. Suitable for combined, oily skin, lifts well, helps to smooth wrinkles.
    2. Swisscode from Genistein. It is a whey that is high in soy isoflavones. In terms of productivity, the action can be compared with high-tech cosmetic procedures.
    3. Le Son Noir by Givenchy. The cream containing seaweed extracts restores and protects the epidermis.

    Skin tightening massage

    The cosmetic massage is performed using a vacuum can, which promotes good blood circulation. It happens as follows:

    1. Problem areas of the skin are treated with cream or oil.
    2. The jar is brought to the skin, placed on the desired areas of influence so that it sucks (if a slight pain is felt, then everything is done correctly).
    3. Circular movements are made in problem areas.

    There are several types of facial massages. Each of them has a specific impact:

    • modeling - deeply affects the facial muscles;
    • sculptural - consists of standard methods of exposure (claps, stroking, pinching);
    • plastic - based on short, quick movements directed to the ears from the chin, nose, to the temples from the middle of the forehead;
    • Japanese - impact on areas, points of the face;
    • Chinese - general health effects on acupuncture points.

    Gymnastics and Exercise

    Not a bad option, modeling the contour of the face - gymnastics, exercises. The only requirement is to do them regularly. The types of exercises are as follows:

    1. For the chin. Performed: throwing your head up, stretching your lips, linger for 30 seconds. Do 3 sets.
    2. For lips. Elongated cheeks, lips are delayed for 5 seconds. Do this 10 times.
    3. For the cheekbones: air is inhaled, rolls from one cheek to the other. Hold as long as possible, repeat 5 times.
    4. For the forehead: index fingers move your eyebrows up and down. Do it in one minute.

    Lifting machines at home

    For RF-lifting at home for face and body, we recommend the 5-in-1 device - ReadySkin nanoSkin. It is easy to use and easy to transport. The device starts the process of collagen production in the body, which lasts for several months. At the end of the course of procedures, the result increases and the skin condition improves.

    Users note:

    • beneficial effect on muscle and epidermal tone;
    • increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
    • reducing the depth of wrinkles and reducing their number;
    • elimination of bags under the eyes;
    • reduction and smoothing of the chin and nasolabial folds;
    • improves skin color and tone.

    The Darsonval apparatus is used in many healing techniques. The electrodes inserted into the device come into contact with the skin and affect problem areas of the face. As a result:

    • the skin becomes firmer, more elastic;
    • the chin is lifted;
    • the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
    • color improves;
    • acne, scars disappear.

    The device assumes its use according to specific instructions. The rules are as follows:

    1. The areas to be treated must be clean and dry.
    2. The electrode to be installed must be pre-treated with alcohol and dried.
    3. Remove all metal jewelry.
    4. The apparatus is used in courses, in each - 10-15 repetitions.

    The ESMA apparatus is a physiotherapeutic equipment that is used for myostimulation. The device perfectly copes with swelling, "orange peel". As a result of radiation, lymph flow and blood circulation are improved. Facial myostimulation is carried out with:

    • sagging skin;
    • mimic wrinkles;
    • second chin;
    • the presence of local fat folds.

    EMLA assumes its use in several stages. One course consists of 10-15 procedures a couple of times a week. Then you can do the procedures once a month. The sequence of use is as follows:

    • make-up removal, if necessary - peeling;
    • treatment of the contact area with a special conductive gel;
    • the use of electrodes (stationary or mobile);
    • supply of current of a certain amplitude, frequency;
    • application of a mask, cream, appropriate to the skin type.

    What services can be offered by beauty salons and clinics

    Among the huge variety, it is worth highlighting some procedures that are highly effective:

    1. Radiofrequency or radio wave RF-lifting of the skin of the face. It is based on the action of a high-frequency electric field, which heats the subcutaneous tissue to a moderate temperature, while the muscles do not heat up. So radio lifting heals the face, which becomes more toned, fresh. Compliance with a safe environment does not require additional training and does not cause any pain.
    2. When carrying out a plasma lift, the patient's plasma is injected into his blood. The peculiarity is that there are a lot of platelets in the injected substance, which stimulates the process of cell renewal. With such injections, the epidermis becomes better in color, the photo is proof of this, tightens, looks fresh. The procedure is a little painful.
    3. Endoscopic lifting is a facelift surgery performed by inserting a miniature camera into micro-incisions. The whole process is controlled through a monitor. This method of face correction is not as painful and safer than the classic surgery. The endoscopic method is easier for patients to tolerate, and less recovery time is required. After endoscopic lifting, the skin looks firm and even.
    4. A facelift is also done with ultrasound lifting. The peculiarity of the method is that as a result of local heating of tissues and micromassage, blood microcirculation is stimulated. Radio wave face lifting saturates the subcutaneous cells with oxygen and nutrients, improves metabolism. Ultrasonic tightening is called non-surgical because the effect on the skin occurs at the muscle level.
    5. During thread lifting, biocompatible threads are inserted under the skin: mesothreads, thread lifting. Fixing, they do not allow the top layers to sag. This improves the plasticity of the muscles, makes the contours of the face more prominent. The procedure itself is quite simple, the duration is short, about 30 minutes. It is done under local anesthesia. After the procedure, the recovery period is short.
    6. Laser rejuvenation or thermolifting is based on deep heating of facial cells with a laser. With a strong thermal effect on the collagen fibers, the regeneration process starts. Laser lifting is able to eliminate strong, deep wrinkles, remove the vascular network, eliminate sagging skin. Care for the epidermis is the same as after other procedures: protect from hypothermia, do not apply a lot of cosmetics, healthy image life.

    There are also such methods of non-surgical tightening in a beauty salon, such as:

    1. SMAS lifting or love lifting. These circular braces provide a long-lasting rejuvenating effect (10-15 years). After completing the course, the risks of scar formation are minimal.
    2. Microcurrent correction method. Uses stimulation of muscle mass by electric current. This leads to a reduction in muscle tone.
    3. The acupuncture lifting technique involves the impact on active points with thin needles. This activates metabolic processes.

    RF face lifting

    RF lifting or revitalizing is a rejuvenating procedure that involves the use of radio frequency energy. It helps:

    • stimulate metabolic processes;
    • remove the second chin;
    • make the skin elastic;
    • achieve muscle tone;
    • smooth out wrinkles;
    • remove dryness, a feeling of tightness of the skin;
    • correct the contours.

    RF lifting procedure

    The process of carrying out RF-lifting takes place in several stages. The sequence is as follows:

    1. Preparation. Cleansing the epidermis, applying anesthetic gel, special marking.
    2. Carrying out the procedure. The designated areas are warmed up, pierced with botox.
    3. The rehabilitation period. It involves the use of soothing gels, lotions. Rehabilitation lasts about 2 months.

    RF Lifting Machine

    There are several types of RF lifting devices. There are bipolar, monopolar and multipolar models:

    1. The work of biopolar devices is based on the use of two electrodes and radio frequency energy. The microcurrent method tightens well, smoothes the skin. Option - device NV-CR30.
    2. Monopolar devices by means of dissipation of radio wave energy tone up, align the contours. The CuteyUpRF apparatus is often used.
    3. In devices that use the tripolar method, 3 or more electrodes are used, which are able to warm up the skin more evenly. The AUT-305 device is often used.


    To deal with unpleasant sensations, it is important to know what negative consequences can be from the RF-lifting procedure:

    • discomfort, itching;
    • hematomas, bruises at the sites of exposure to the device (should go away after a couple of days);
    • swelling, redness;
    • an increase in the number of age spots;
    • increased sensitivity of the dermis;
    • allergy to drugs.


    The decision to have a facelift must be deliberate. There are a number of contraindications:

    • age up to 25 years;
    • plastic surgery, after which 6 months have not passed;
    • excess weight, cellulite;
    • skin diseases, capillary diseases;
    • inflammation in the affected area;
    • open wounds, fresh scratches;
    • an allergy to the drugs used in the facelift.

    What type of lifting to prefer

    When deciding on the method of tightening, first of all, you need to understand what you want to get as a result: remove the double chin, smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin, etc. Recommendations for choosing a procedure are as follows:

    • consult with a specialist;
    • realistically assess the need for any non-surgical facelift;
    • undergo a medical examination to identify contraindications.


    The cost of procedures in the Moscow region is different, ranging from 900 to 4000 rubles:

    Photos before and after RF-facelift

    The therapeutic effects of RF lifting are due to the controlled heating of the dermis, which stimulates collagen synthesis and strengthening of the skin framework, which ultimately leads to non-invasive tissue tightening. The number of RF-lifting sessions is determined individually and can range from 5 to 10 procedures. Side effects practically reduced to zero, individual atypical reactions rarely occur. The best results of RF-lifting are achieved with moderate age-related skin changes in persons from 35 to 50 years old.

    RF-lifting is a group of techniques of hardware cosmetology, which are based on a targeted effect on the skin and underlying tissues with high-frequency electromagnetic waves. The terms "radio wave lifting", "thermolifting", "radio lifting" are full synonyms for RF-lifting. Modern systems for RF lifting can use not only radio frequency electromagnetic study, but also combine several influences: for example, vacuum and radio wave (Aluma), light and radio wave (ELOS), microneedling and RF energy (Infini, SCARLET-S RF ), which allows you to potentiate and prolong the aesthetic effects.

    The physical principles that later formed the basis of RF-lifting were borrowed from physiotherapy. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the diathermy procedure began to be successfully applied in medical practice - exposure to high-frequency currents, leading to deep heating of tissues. Diathermy causes a local activation of the lymph and blood circulation, an increase in the rate of metabolic processes, relaxation of the muscles, a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings.

    However, in aesthetic medicine, this method has not been used for a long time due to the excessive heating depth of the underlying tissues. Only in the 90s. of the last century in the United States began the development of cosmetology devices operating on the basis of high-frequency currents and allowing to regulate the depth of tissue heating. In 2002, after several years of testing, thermolifting was approved by the FDA as a method of aesthetic cosmetology. In the following years, the technology spread rapidly across Europe. Today, RF-lifting services in Moscow are offered by almost all cosmetology centers.

    Principles of influence

    Over the past two decades, RF lifting technology has evolved and underwent changes. Modern thermal lifting systems differ depending on the characteristics of the RF radiation and the method of exposure. There are the following types of RF-lifting:

    • Monopolar RF lifting- assumes the use of one active electrode in the working nozzle. The second (passive) electrode is placed on the intact area of ​​the body. The advantages of this technology are quite intensive (up to 60 ° C) and deep (up to 2-3 cm) heating of the underlying tissues and a pronounced lifting effect obtained in one procedure; the disadvantages are the passage of electric current through other parts of the body when the circuit is closed between the two electrodes. The most famous member of this group is ThermaCool, which implements the patented Thermage technology.
    • Bipolar RF lifting- provides for the use of a two-electrode nozzle. The depth of exposure is equal to 1/2 of the distance between the electrodes. The local heating temperature is not as high (up to 45 ° C) as in monopolar systems, which, on the one hand, is safer, on the other hand, it requires repeated RF-lifting procedures.
    • Multipolar RF lifting- differs in the presence of a larger number of electrodes in the nozzle (from 3 or more). In this case, only two electrodes work at the same time, switching between different poles occurs according to a certain program. Combines the advantages of mono- and biolar RF-lifting.
    • Matrix RF-lifting- it is based on the principle of using a significant number of microneedle electrodes. A variant of matrix RF-lifting is fractional thermolifting, which provides the effect of tissue volumization - 3D-lifting.
    • Combined RF-lifting- can be presented different options: from a combination of mono and multipolar modes in one system to the combination of various influences (radio frequency and laser, radio frequency and infrared, radio frequency and vacuum).

    Regardless of the technical nuances, all devices work according to the same principle. The concept of RF-lifting is based on the penetration of high-frequency pulses into the dermis and hypodermis, leading to local heating of the tissues. As a result of a controlled increase in temperature, a cascade of interrelated processes is triggered: the stretched collagen fibers are compacted, new collagen and elastin are synthesized, metabolic activity is increased, and fat cells are broken down. The result of these reactions is the smoothing of wrinkles, firming and tightening of the skin, emphasizing the contours of the body, remodeling the skin and the effect of visual rejuvenation.


    The RF-lifting technique is officially approved for non-surgical correction of age-related skin defects (anti-age therapy), tightening and toning of soft tissues, and lipolysis. Thermolifting procedures are recommended for people with initial and moderate signs of aging (30 years and older) - in this case, the most noticeable and long-lasting aesthetic results are achieved. The price for the RF-lifting procedure in Moscow is determined based on the treatment area and the equipment used.

    The spectrum of problems to be solved in the face area includes wrinkles (on the forehead, on the nose, around the mouth, nasolabial folds, etc.), signs of photoaging, ptosis of the tissues of the cheekbones and cheeks (flews, swollen oval of the face), double chin. In the area of ​​the eyelids, radiolifting helps to reduce bags under the eyes, eliminate overhanging of the upper eyelid, smooth out periorbital wrinkles. In addition, RF-lifting allows you to eliminate or reduce the severity of such cosmetic imperfections as enlarged pores, stagnant spots and acne scars, pastiness, uneven skin microrelief, etc.

    RF-lifting of the neck area is aimed at getting rid of cords in the submandibular region ("turkey neck"), transverse folds of the skin ("rings of Venus"). When treating the decollete area, the elasticity of fading skin returns. Exposure to electromagnetic radio radiation on the hands eliminates skin flabbiness, increase its tone and elasticity, remove the "crumpled paper effect" on the back surface, and make the saphenous veins less visible. With the help of fractional thermolifting, you can additionally fight hyperhidrosis in the armpit, stimulate hair growth on the head with alopecia.

    RF-lifting procedures can be performed on various parts of the body. Several sessions of thermolifting will help to strengthen the flabby skin of the abdomen, inner thighs and shoulders, remove stretch marks, and smooth out scars. One of the possibilities of the method is to carry out RF-lipolysis - the breakdown of fat cells, a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat deposits and the external manifestations of cellulite.


    Despite its versatility, RF-lifting cannot be shown to everyone. The list of indications and contraindications is determined by a dermatocosmetologist at a preliminary consultation. So, a refusal to carry out the procedure can be received by persons with implanted pacemakers and defibrillators, gold threads and any metal prostheses in the area of ​​the proposed treatment.

    RF lifting is not performed on pregnant and lactating women. Absolute contraindications are any oncological processes, general diseases (autoimmune pathology, epilepsy, severe hypertension, etc.), various neoplasms in the affected area. In case of acute infections, dermatoses, skin lesions, the procedure will have to be postponed until the signs of the disease completely disappear. Individual restrictions are possible, which are revealed at a face-to-face appointment (for example, intolerance to electrical procedures).

    The standard course of RF-lifting usually ranges from 3 to 7-10 sessions (depending on the initial condition of the skin and the complexity of the problems being solved). At the same time, the immediate cosmetic effect of rejuvenation and tightening becomes visible after the first procedures. The delayed result appears after the completion of the entire course, gradually increases and reaches a maximum after about six months. The desired result of RF lifting lasts for 2-3 years. It can be strengthened or extended if you regularly visit a beautician and carry out supporting procedures for the skin (cosmetic treatments,

    What is RF lifting? This is one of the most popular procedures to restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin. It is most effective for a facelift, as well as in the neck and décolleté area.

    This method is a lifting under the influence of high-frequency electromagnetic pulses, it also has a name - radio frequency. The basic principle is to heat the skin to a temperature of about 42 ° C, using a special apparatus, which enhances lymphatic drainage and removes metabolic products, which helps to improve appearance and the structure of the skin.

    In what cases is an RF-lifting procedure necessary?

    • Wrinkles;
    • Loose skin of the face;
    • Cellulite;
    • Stretch marks or saggy skin after losing weight or pregnancy;
    • Post-acne.

    The radio wave face lifting procedure allows you to cope with sagging skin around the eyes, in the area of ​​the eyelids and eyebrows, as well as cheeks and nasolabial folds. But she, like all others, has some contraindications:

    • Neoplasms and diseases of the thyroid gland;
    • Serious forms of hypertension and diabetes mellitus;
    • The presence of implants;
    • Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities;
    • Postponed acute viral infections;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Individual intolerance to currents.

    What effect can RF-lifting achieve?

    • Shaping, lifting and strengthening the contours of the face and body;
    • Eliminate stretch marks, flabbiness and sagging;
    • In combination with mesotherapy and biorevitalization, it promotes increased collagen production;
    • In the complex of anti-cellulite programs, it enhances the outflow of lymph, contributing to the acceleration of the result.

    The procedure is completely painless and does not cause any discomfort.

    Why is it worth carrying out RF-lifting of the face and body in the “Style” beauty salon?

    Our cosmetologists have 10 years of experience and know all the subtleties and nuances of this procedure. We will develop an individual step-by-step program for you and determine required amount sessions to achieve the desired effect.

    RF face lifting
    Whole face 20 minutes 2 500
    Face + neck + decollete 40 minutes 4 500
    Forehead 10 min 1 500
    Neck 10 min 1 500
    The chin 7 minutes 1 200
    Lower face + chin + neck 20 minutes 2 500
    Eye area "Crow's feet" 10 min 1 500
    RF body lifting
    Stomach 20 minutes 2 000
    Inner thighs 20 minutes 2 000
    Buttocks and breeches 20 minutes 2 000
    Knees and shins 20 minutes 2 000
    Collar area 20 minutes 2 000
    Lateral back left and right 20 minutes 2 500
    Boca 20 minutes 2 500
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