• What medicines dissolve kidney stones. Uric acid kidney stones What to drink to dissolve kidney stones


    Removal of kidney stones is possible only with the proper combination of diet, medicines and herbal remedies. If stones are found in - one of the acceptable ways. The folk are quite diverse. A specialist will not only tell you how to crush kidney stones quickly and safely, but will also select the best treatment methods for you. But even after a successful course of therapy, the condition of the affected kidney should be constantly monitored, because the tendency to form deposits remains for life.

    What are the traditional methods of dealing with kidney stones?

    Many people ask how to get rid of. In this case, folk methods of treatment have proven themselves well. But it is worth remembering that their effectiveness largely depends on the accuracy of the diet. Folk recipes for a decoction for "washing" the kidneys must be selected based on the type of deposits.

    • A kidney stone that contains a large amount of urate can be removed. To do this, you need to use a collection consisting of equal parts of birch buds, knotweed, corn stigmas and rose hips. To two large spoons of the mixture, add 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 5 hours. Drink 0.5 cups three times a day before meals. The course is 3 months.

    • With oxalates, a traditional herbal collection is used from lingonberry leaves, St. John's wort, mint, dill and motherwort seeds. All components must be mixed and then brewed like regular tea. The scheme of use is similar.
    • If phosphate calculi are found in the kidneys, then it is worth drinking a dissolving and removing tea from such a collection: corn stigmas, birch leaves, burdock root, steelwood root (proportions 2: 2: 1: 1). The drink is prepared and consumed in the same way as medicinal tea for oxalates.

    How to remove kidney stones with folk remedies prepared on the basis of lingonberries?

    Lingonberry is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Moreover, not only berries, but also leaves are used in folk practice.

    Since the berry is stored for a long time and practically does not lose its properties, you can harvest it for future use and store it.

    What properties does lingonberry have and its benefits in the treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies?

    • The berry contains a large amount of vitamins C and B. It also contains some minerals: manganese, potassium, phosphorus and calcium;
    • It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic unique properties, so it is simply necessary for kidney disease;

    • It has diuretic properties, so it is often prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the urinary system and;
    • Improves the effectiveness of antibiotics;
    • Increases human immunity, fights viruses.

    These properties are possessed not only by the berries, but also by the leaves of this plant.

    Berries can be taken fresh, soaked and boiled, and the leaves are more often used in infusions and decoctions.

    What leaf decoction is used to treat kidney stones?

    Lingonberry leaf tea should not be drunk for more than seven days. Always consult your doctor before use.

    • 250 ml boiling water;
    • 10 gram spoon of leaves (tablespoon).

    Heat on fire for 30 minutes, then strain and squeeze. We bring the total volume of medicinal tea to 180-190 ml with boiled water.

    You can store this broth for about 2 days in a cold place. You need to consume 100 ml three times a day after meals. It is advisable to warm up the solution. As a preventive measure, this broth is consumed in 1/4 cup 1 time per day or 1 tablespoon 3 times.

    Another folk remedy for kidney stones consists of rosemary leaves, strawberries, lingonberries, as well as juniper, licorice root, caraway seeds and horsetail. All components are taken in equal portions and then brewed 1 tablespoon per 0.2 liters of boiling water. Drinking this tea is necessary for 2 glasses a day.

    Decoctions from lingonberry leaves differ in the amount of mixture and boiling time, on average it is 10-15 minutes. It is best to drink a strained chilled broth and take it at least 2 times a day.

    How to dissolve kidney stones?

    Lingonberry and its components are the best suited for a diuretic effect, as well as disinfection of the urinary tract and intestines. They also enhance the dissolution of kidney stones.

    Leaves and berries in any decoctions, infusions and raw form, supplemented with various herbs, perfectly raise immunity, reduce the risks of concomitant diseases, so there are few contraindications for taking the plant.

    Lingonberry is the best for dissolving phosphate and calcium stones, but as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, it is suitable in any case.

    Contraindications when taking:

    1) increased acidity of the stomach;

    2) cholecystitis;

    3) low blood pressure;

    4) stomach and duodenal ulcers.

    Some more excellent infusions for removing kidney stones

    Often helps the infusion, which consists of 2 parts of lingonberry leaves, roots of calamus, roots of wheatgrass and grass grass and 1 part of the flowers of tansy and horsetail. All this is mixed and taken in 1 tablespoon per 0.2 liters. It is brewed, infused for 1 hour and taken in the morning and evening for kidney disease.

    If there are no contraindications to alcohol intake, then you can take an infusion to dissolve stones from lingonberry leaves and vodka. For 3 liters of boiling water, you need to take 150 grams of leaves. We insist for 2 hours and add a check of vodka. Then we stand for 15 minutes over low heat. Taking a decoction of half a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is necessary to drink such an infusion for at least six months. It helps not only with sand in the kidneys, but even with arthritis.

    The easiest way to make a lingonberry drink is prepared as follows:

    • We wash the berries;
    • Knead and pour boiling water, adding 2 tablespoons of sugar or honey.

    Lingonberry juice is taken for various diseases, even pregnant women and small children can use it. Plain soaked lingonberries are also very useful. It is an excellent diuretic and tonic and also helps relieve inflammation.

    Soaked lingonberry:

    • Place about 1 kg of washed berries in a clean dish and fill with syrup;
    • 300 grams of sugar in 400 ml of water and a little lemon zest;
    • We place it in a cool place, covering the container with parchment.

    There are many ways to prepare berries and infusions from the leaves, so you can choose what is more suitable for taste and benefit.

    With kidney stones, it is recommended to add a special diet to folk remedies.

    Diet for kidney stones

    If you suffer from bouts of kidney stone disease, then before carrying out long-term drug treatment, fraught with possible undesirable consequences, refer to diet therapy.

    The result from it can be no worse, and the safety is much higher. This is the opinion of experts, one of whom is Stanley Goldfarb, a medical professor at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He believes that diet can help prevent more than half of the disease from recurring.

    And doctors at the Mayo Clinic estimate that 58% of 108 patients who listened to general advice on diet (in particular, drink more fluids) did not show any sign of new stone growth for five years!

    It is important to remember that the diet is designed for those who have stones in the stage of passage or growth, and this is confirmed by an X-ray examination. Successful dietary prescriptions depend on urine levels of calcium, oxalate, or other salts as determined by urinalysis. Patients first of all need to pay attention to the following nutrients: protein, sodium, oxalates, calcium and liquids.

    The type of diet depends on the type of deposits (microliths) that predominate in the kidneys:

    • urates - it is necessary to reduce the proportion of protein products (fatty meat, sausages, smoked meats, offal and legumes);
    • oxalates - it is worth giving up tomatoes, sorrel, onions and cocoa;
    • phosphates - it is desirable to minimize the amount of consumed dairy and sour milk products, canned food, vegetable juices and potatoes.

    In any case, the basis of the menu should be cereals, fruits, vegetables and lean meat. It is better not to fry food, but to cook or steam it. In addition, it is important to drink a lot - up to 2 liters of purified water per day. Sweet soda, coffee and tea should be excluded from the drinking menu. Rosehip decoction, dried fruit compote and herbal teas will bring benefits.

    Folk remedies must be carried out with caution. In which composition it is better to take berries or lingonberry leaves, it is best to consult a doctor, since with urolithiasis, a lot depends on the composition of the stones formed.

    If the composition of the stones is unknown, then the herbs are often determined empirically: after taking the brewed herb, the urine should be cloudy. This means that the stones have been crushed, and the plant has been chosen correctly.

    In any case, it is necessary to be treated under the clear guidance of a specialist - a urologist. It is he who will prescribe adequate and effective treatment. He will select the drugs that are best suited, and also prescribe a good diuretic.

    Do not ignore the symptoms of kidney stones, because if you do not start treatment on time, it can lead to serious problems in the body.

    Urolithiasis is considered a serious enough disease.

    In case of neglect, the affected organ becomes inflamed and can lead to a complete failure of its functions. In order to avoid such a fate, you need to know about methods for dissolving kidney stones.

    It can become chronic and recur. The number of stones and their location varies depending on the severity of the disease.

    The development of urolithiasis is most often caused by improper diet, drinking bad water, climate, taking medications, defects in the development of the urinary system, hyperparathyroidism, deficiency of vitamins A and D, the presence of inflammatory diseases such as pyelonephritis and cystitis, heredity.

    The main symptoms of urolithiasis include:

    1. Acute attacks of pain in the back or side under the ribs. The interval between attacks varies from 20 to 60 minutes. Over time, as the stone progresses, painful sensations spread to the abdomen, perineum and inner thigh.
    2. , the presence of traces of blood in the urine.
    3. General weakness of the body. In the presence of pyelonephritis, nausea and vomiting are observed.
    4. Chills and high fever, indicating the passage of education.

    If you have the above symptoms, you should consult with. He will prescribe additional examinations and make a final diagnosis.

    Varieties of calculi

    Based on the sources of formation and chemical composition, stones are divided into several types:

    In each clinical case, the treatment regimen is determined individually. The therapeutic complex depends on the test results and the severity of the disease. After the first warning signs appear, go to the doctor.

    Traditional treatments

    Taking medication is indicated in the presence of small stones that do not cause malfunctioning of the organ. The therapy is carried out with the use of tablet and liquid forms of drugs. Most often used:

    Urates and phosphates dissolve most effectively with the help of medication. The rest of the varieties are immune to traditional treatments. But medications can help speed up and prevent subsequent relapses.


    The use of herbs contributes to the discharge of small stones, the prevention of the formation of new calculi, and the normalization of the metabolic process. The most effective traditional methods of treatment are:

    But the use of such methods of therapy is effective only at the stage of remission of the disease. Before you start taking herbal solutions, you need to find out the size of the stones (they should not be more than 5 mm in diameter). Carefully adhere to the scheme for preparing infusions and decoctions to prevent possible complications.

    Dissolving with mineral water

    Mineral waters remove excess salt, restore the disturbed balance, and wash the kidneys. Auxiliary components that are part of the water (iron, copper, magnesium, tungsten) dissolve calculi.

    Dosing regimen: 200 ml 5 times a day for 30 days. It is necessary to drink mineral water half an hour before a meal and 2 hours after it. Recommended brands of mineral waters: in the presence of oxalates and urates - Borzhomi, Essentuki 17, Naftusya, Truskavetskaya; phosphates - Mirgorodskaya, Smirnovskaya.

    Diet prescriptions

    In order to speed up the process of dissolving kidney stones, you must adhere to a diet. Each type of formations implies its own dietary characteristics:

    1. Oxalates. Limit the number of foods with high levels of oxalic acid: lettuce, sorrel, spinach, citrus fruits, dairy products, potatoes. Magnesium carbonate is used as an auxiliary component (2 g per day).
    2. Urata. Limit foods that contribute to the production of uric acid: kidneys, liver, brains, meat-based broths. Reduce the amount of vegetable fats consumed. They use citrate solutions (uralite, magurlite) and fresh lemon juice.
    3. Phosphates. Exclude dairy products. Reduce the amount of consumed vegetables and fruits. They increase the consumption of meat, fish, baked goods, vegetable oils. Reduce the amount of fluid.

    In all cases (except for the presence of phosphates), you should drink up to 3 liters of liquid per day. This facilitates the emergence of small pebbles. The entire amount of drinking is evenly distributed throughout the day. The first glass of water is drunk immediately after waking up, the last one - an hour before bedtime.

    Preventive measures

    In order to prevent the development of such an ailment as urolithiasis, some prevention rules should be followed. Above all, lead an active lifestyle. Take about 10,000 steps a day. This will benefit not only the kidneys, but the entire body.

    Another important factor: a rational and balanced diet. Limit the amount of foods that contain oxalic acid. Add protein foods, vegetables, fruits. Do not forget about the drinking regime: drink about 2.5 liters of water per day.

    The process of dissolving kidney stones is long and requires patience. Do not self-medicate! If you have any suspicious signs, see your doctor right away. The choice of the arsenal of treatment methods is based on the type of calculi and their size.

    The doctor must conduct all the necessary tests, and then prescribe a treatment regimen on an individual basis. Do not overuse traditional methods of therapy! Some components can cause an allergic reaction in the patient, which will lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the body and aggravate the course of the disease.

    Kidney stones are, in medical terms, urolithiasis or urolithiasis. They can also form in other organs of the urinary system, differ in shape and size: from grains of sand to pebbles with a diameter of 5-6 cm. They consist of salts of human urine, have a hard, crystal-like appearance. With a diagnosis of kidney stones established by a doctor, treatment with folk remedies is usually prescribed as additional means.

    Types, causes of the development of urolithiasis

    Even modern medicine does not know the answer to the question of why kidney stones are formed. However, there are a number of factors that trigger the development of urolithiasis:

    • Heredity.
    • Malfunction of the parathyroid glands.
    • Excessive consumption of sour, spicy, spicy and salty foods; hard water rich in salts.
    • Deficiency of ultraviolet radiation, vitamins of group D.
    • Living in countries with hot climates.
    • Diseases of the skeletal system (osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, etc.), the gastrointestinal tract and organs of the genitourinary system.
    • Dehydration due to infection or poisoning.
    • Injuries.

    Depending on the cause of the formation, stones are: phosphate, cholesterol, oxalate, urate and cystine.


    Symptoms of the disease appear only after the stone begins to move. Then a person feels very strong, bright, stabbing pains in the kidney area, lower back or side, lower abdomen. Attacks of nausea, vomiting, and intestines may occur. Urination becomes infrequent or too frequent, painful. Temperature and pressure rise.

    The main symptom of urolithiasis is renal colic, characterized by sudden, cramping pain. The frequency of painful sensations is different: from 1 time in several years to several times a month. The attacks last 1-2 hours, but sometimes they can last up to a day or more. Often, after the pain subsides, there is a discharge of sand or small stones.

    Diagnosis of renal calculi

    In 85% of cases, the reasons for sounding the alarm are blood in the urine, its cloudiness and a strong unpleasant odor. When contacting a doctor, the patient is examined and interviewed. Appointed:

    • Blood and urine analysis.
    • Plain and / or excretory urography.
    • Ultrasound of the kidneys.

    For the process of removing kidney stones, there are no specific standards that would suit all patients without exception. Each patient is unique in its own way, each has its own cause of urolithiasis. A concretely taken person has a specific composition of calculus, its size, localization and shape. The functional ability of the kidneys, urine microflora and the anatomical structure of the organs of the urinary system also differ in all people. Therefore, modern conservative methods of getting rid of kidney stones are based only on generally accepted methods, which consist in the destruction and dissolution of solid deposits with the help of nutritional correction and the use of special medications. In more detail and individually, methods of expelling stone formations from the kidneys are selected together with the attending urologist after a thorough examination.

    Which kidney stones are amenable to dissolution?

    The process of dissolving stones in the urinary system is called litholysis. Urate calculi, which are based on its salts, are most effective in this process. The density of such stones is low, so they are well visualized during ultrasound diagnostics, but practically invisible on X-ray images. With 100% certainty, we can talk about the presence of a urate stone only in those patients who had a study of a calculus that was removed during surgery or that came out earlier.

    Laboratory analysis, which determines the high acidity of urine, characteristic of urate-type urolithiasis, is called pH-metry.

    Normal urine pH ranges from 6 to 8

    To clarify the composition of the calculus, the patient is sometimes given computed tomography, with which it is easy to determine the exact density of a foreign body. But more often than not, an ultrasound and radiographs are enough. If in the first of these studies a stone is detected, and in the second it is not, and at the same time the pH of urine is repeatedly shifted to the acidic side, then the presence of urate calculus in the kidneys leaves no doubt. And then a person has a chance to dissolve it. Stones of a different composition, unfortunately, practically do not lend themselves to litholysis.

    Uric acid stones are the softest of all, so only they lend themselves to dissolution

    For the successful dissolution of urate calculi, first of all, it is necessary to lower the uric acid content in the body. In other words, the acid-base balance of urine in this patient needs to be increased - urine from acidic should turn into slightly acidic. However, it is important not to overdo it here: if this biological fluid becomes too alkaline, then salts of phosphates and carbonates will begin to settle on existing calculi, and their growth will continue. On the other hand, insufficient alkalization of urine can lead to a slowdown or even a complete stop in the dissolution of solid deposits. It is optimal if the urine pH values ​​are maintained for a long time in the range of 6.2–6.6. Therefore, any litholysis must be performed under the strict supervision of a physician and regular laboratory tests. It is important to carry out such treatment in conjunction with a specially selected diet.

    Alkalinization of urine stops the growth of urates and even destroys them, since stones of this type can exist only in an acidic environment. For this purpose, patients are prescribed citrate-containing medications and an abundant alkaline drink.

    Small urate stones dissolve in at least 2 months. For litholysis of large stones (more than 20 mm in diameter), it may take at least six months, so you should not count on a quick treatment result. It is best to first crush large stones using contact or distance lithotripsy and only then try to dissolve their remaining small fragments.

    Another name for urate nephrolithiasis is uric acid.

    Stones of the oxalate and phosphate type practically do not lend themselves to litholysis, but such patients can be advised at least to adhere to a diet that does not allow existing deposits to grow and appear new.

    In the occurrence of kidney stone disease, the nature of the diet is of considerable importance. After all, vegetable and dairy food promotes alkalization of urine, and meat food - its oxidation. Among the reasons conducive to the formation of stones, one can name an excess of canned food, salt, a deficiency of vitamins A and C and an excess amount of vitamin D. The doctors pin their hopes on the medical diet in preventing the reappearance of stones that have left spontaneously or artificially removed. A special diet is prescribed for a long time, sometimes for life, because it not only helps to dissolve the existing ones, but also prevents the appearance of new stones. Patients should eat 5 times a day; you need to eat in small portions. Food that is too cold must be reheated.

    Table: dietary food and drink to dissolve kidney deposits

    Type of calculiUrataOxalatesPhosphates
    The goals of the treatment diet
    • interfere with the synthesis of excess uric acid in the body;
    • give urine a slightly acidic reaction and restore the disturbed exchange of water and salts in the body.
    • alkalize urine;
    • prevent the penetration of oxalates and compounds into the body, which are converted into them.
    • reduce urine alkalization;
    • shift the acid-base balance of urine towards oxidation (cause artificial acidosis).
    Table number according to Pevzner6, dairy plant diet5, restricting carbohydrates and salt diet14, dairy-free and meat-free diet
    Featured Products
    • raw, boiled or baked vegetables;
    • porridge;
    • dairy products;
    • pasta;
    • lean meat and fish (every other day);
    • non-acidic fruits;
    • soups (no frying);
    • yesterday's bread;
    • sugar;
    • green salad, dill;
    • non-acidic sauerkraut;
    • herring soaked in milk;
    • egg whites.
    The same as with urate stones, except for sugar. It is better to replace it with saccharin in sweet dishes. Potato dishes (boiled or baked) are especially recommended.
    • soups with meat and fish broth;
    • canned food (but not vegetables!);
    • Salo;
    • meat, poultry, fish of standard preparation;
    • vegetable oil;
    • flour products;
    • any bread (except butter);
    • pasta;
    • cereal porridge;
    • caviar;
    • beans;
    • Brussels sprouts;
    • peas;
    • sugar and candies of all kinds;
    • egg whites.
    Prohibited products
    • egg yolks;
    • legumes;
    • sausages and sausages;
    • canned food (both meat and fish);
    • meat broths and jellies;
    • sour fruits and berries;
    • lemon;
    • sorrel, spinach, celery;
    • Brussels sprouts;
    • grilled meat;
    • chocolate;
    • ice cream;
    • coffee;
    • rich pastries.
    The same as with urate stones, in addition:
    • salad;
    • parsley;
    • beet;
    • smoked meats;
    • tomato juice;
    • pepper;
    • bread kvass.
    • pastries and cakes;
    • greens;
    • vegetables and fruits;
    • dairy products;
    • pickles;
    • marinades;
    • smoked meats;
    • hot seasonings.
    Recommended drinks
    • fruit and berry compotes;
    • milk and fruit jelly;
    • weak black or green tea;
    • vegetable and fruit juices (non-acidic!);
    • rosehip infusion;
    • tea with milk.
    • rosehip and madder drinks;
    • decoction of wheat bran;
    • bread kvass;
    • lingonberry juice;
    • apple and grape juice;
    Useful mineral waters
    • "Essentuki" (No. 17, 4);
    • "Smirnovskaya", "Slavyanovskaya" from the resort of Zheleznovodsk;
    • water from the resort of Pyatigorsk.
    The same as with urate stones, in addition, "Naftusya" from the resort of Truskavets
    • "Naftusya";
    • "Arzni";
    • "Truskavetskaya".
    The amount of liquid you need to drink per day2.6-3.1 l2.1-2.6 l1.3-1.8 l

    Mineral waters for the treatment of urolithiasis at the mentioned resorts retain their healing properties at any time of the year. You need to know that drinking store-bought bottled water with similar names is far from tantamount to staying at a resort and taking medicinal water from a local source. They can be consumed in a volume of no more than 0.5 liters per day and under the control of laboratory tests of urine and blood.

    Juices that have an alkalizing effect on urine

    With stones of the urate and oxalate type, it is useful to drink the following juices:

    Alkalizing juices should be drunk 3/4 cup 3 or 4 times a day 15-25 minutes before meals.

    Table: a sample menu for people who want to dissolve kidney stones

    Food intakeTime of dayWith uric acid stonesWith oxalate stonesWith phosphates
    First breakfast7.15-8 hours
    • boiled carrots with cream;
    • curd mousse;
    • black tea (with milk);
    • biscuit biscuits.
    • vinaigrette with sour cream;
    • a piece of stewed fish;
    • bread with apricot jam;
    • rosehip broth.
    • pearl barley porridge;
    • sausage;
    • bread with honey;
    • green tea.
    Lunch10-11 hours
    • egg whites omelet;
    • herring with boiled grated beets;
    • pumpkin juice.
    • millet porridge;
    • baked meat;
    • cucumber juice.
    • Fried fish;
    • baked potatoes;
    • decoction of wheat bran.
    Dinner14-15 hours
    • lean borscht;
    • stewed chicken;
    • baked potato;
    • cucumber and parsley salad;
    • raspberry compote.
    • cabbage and onion soup;
    • boiled potatoes with dill;
    • dried pear compote.
    • oatmeal soup with meatballs;
    • baked turkey;
    • stewed cauliflower stew;
    • quince compote.
    Afternoon snack18-18.30 hours
    • baked curd noodle;
    • vegetable stew;
    • rosehip broth.
    • baked carrot cutlets;
    • boiled pasta;
    • raspberry jelly.
    • semolina pudding with jam;
    • egg whites in the form of an omelet;
    • lingonberry juice.
    Dinner21-21.30 hours
    • curdled milk;
    • rice porridge with butter.
    • tea with milk;
    • cracker.
    • pea porridge;
    • Salo;
    • grape juice.

    Herbal preparations for getting rid of kidney stones

    In addition to the diet, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs can be used to dissolve calculi. The phyto-gatherings listed below have a pronounced property to increase the solubility of solid deposits, as well as to bring them out.

    With urate diathesis, take in the same proportions:

    • horsetail herb;
    • burdock root;
    • black elderberry flowers;
    • knotweed grass.

    1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 cup boiling water over the chopped collection. Insist 1 hour, strain and drink 3 times during the day with meals.

    To stop the growth of oxalates, prepare the same amount of such raw materials:

    • leaves of bear ears;
    • hernia herbs;
    • knotweed herbs;
    • corn stigmas.

    Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour 400 ml of boiling water over it and let it brew for half an hour. After straining, drink warm instead of tea for breakfast and dinner.

    For phosphate stones, grind 1 tsp each:

    • hernia herbs;
    • juniper fruits;
    • bearberry leaves.

    Add 4 tsp to the mixture. madder root, pour all ½ liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Drink ¼ cup chilled strained broth three times a day 10 minutes before meals.

    Dissolving calculi with soda

    Baking soda can also be used as a home remedy to dissolve kidney stones. It is prepared very simply: in a glass of warm water you need to dilute ¼ tsp. soda. They drink such a solution in the morning, before breakfast, gradually increasing the amount of soda to 1/3 tsp.

    To dissolve the deposits faster, you can stir in 1 cup of water 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and ½ tsp. soda. Take the remedy throughout the day in 2 stages.

    Video: Neumyvakin about kidney stones and soda

    Chinese tea for kidney stones

    A Chinese tea called Shengshitong, which is a dietary supplement, is based on a medicinal plant and dried chicken stomach shell. It is believed to promote the litholysis of all types of kidney stones. Such tea can be drunk both during the drug dissolution of solid deposits, and to prevent re-stone formation, since it does not allow the accumulation of salts in the urinary tract. How to brew and consume the drink correctly is written on the package.

    Regular intake of Chinese Shengshitong tea helps cleanse kidneys from stones

    Video: patient testimonial on the use of Shengshitong tea

    Drugs used for medicinal litholysis

    Medicinal dissolution of stones with the help of medications can only be used under the following conditions:

    • preserved kidney function;
    • the absence of an acute inflammatory process in the urinary organs;
    • absence of ureteral strictures.

    Distinguish between descending and ascending litholysis. In the first case, the patient receives drugs by injection or takes them by mouth (orally). In the second method, the calculus, which is inside the kidney itself, is directly irrigated with medicinal solutions. Access to it is possible both with the help of a ureteral catheter, and outside, by puncture of the organ and introduction of a drainage device into it.

    Preparations for dissolving stones and alkalizing urine

    Citrate preparations Blemaren and Uralit U are used for litholysis of kidney deposits of urate composition. The first of them is produced in the form of effervescent tablets or granules in a set with a calendar and indicator paper. Blemaren contains citric acid and its derivatives - potassium citrate and sodium citrate. This remedy creates an increased level of these microelements in urine, thereby alkalizing it. It should be noted that taking too large doses of Blemaren can lead not only to the destruction of urate deposits, but also to the growth of oxalate stones on their fragments. The pharmacological properties of Uralit U are the same.

    The dissolution of urate stones with citrate mixtures occurs after a couple of months, and the entire course of treatment lasts about six months. With renal deposits of a different composition, these drugs are used as an additional tool, for example, in preparation for a lithotripsy session.

    Video: how the patient took Blemaren

    Herbal preparations

    Some of the most effective herbal remedies for preventing and dissolving stones include:

    • Cistenal;
    • Kanephron;
    • Avisan;

    Cyston contains 9 plant components. Their biologically active substances have a litholytic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect on the kidneys. The use of Cyston slows down the process of stone formation and crystallization of urinary salts. Under the influence of this drug, the substance that sticks together hard grains of sand is destroyed, which is why stones of any composition disintegrate into small fragments, which are subsequently washed out of the kidneys with a stream of urine.

    The drug Kanefron is also created on a plant basis and includes extracts in its composition:

    • centaury;
    • lovage;
    • rosemary;
    • rose hips.

    The agent has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect on the urinary tract, destroying bacteria at the cellular level. Improves blood supply to the kidneys, dilating their vessels; maintains urine pH at the required level. Promotes the rapid discharge of stone fragments after lithotripsy.

    Cistenal, Avisan, Fitolizin and Urolesan have a similar composition and effect.

    Photo gallery: medicines for litholysis

    Blemaren is used to dissolve, as well as to prevent the formation of calcium oxalate and uric acid stones Uralite U serves to prevent the formation of uric acid stones: it regulates the pH of urine and maintains a shift in the reaction to the alkaline side for a long time Cyston is a herbal preparation with anti-inflammatory action Urolesan eliminates spasms and increases diuresis Phytolysin - herbal paste for suspension preparation

    Ineffective and dangerous methods

    Each patient needs to remember that not all urate stones are able to dissolve under the influence of medications and diet. Even an experienced doctor is not always able to correctly calculate the therapeutic doses that maintain the required level of urine acidity. The stone may be of a mixed composition or not amenable to litholysis for some other reason. In addition, citrate preparations can cause a whole bunch of side effects. Therefore, long-term treatment with them makes sense only with a noticeable positive result, and there can be no question of prescribing them for yourself on your own.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy should be carried out only by a doctor. The fact that the stone has begun to dissolve can be recognized by a change in the color of urine: it becomes cloudy, sand is found in it. In dynamics, the process of urate stone litholysis can be monitored using ultrasound and urine pH-metry.

    There is a popular myth that regular drinking of lemon or cranberry juice will help dissolve kidney stones. However, doctors are aware of cases when patients who followed this advice ended up on the operating table with a perforated stomach ulcer and massive intracavitary bleeding. Citric acid, which is the active substance of citrate agents, only reduces the absorption of calcium in the small intestine, but does not at all contribute to the dissolution of any solid deposits.

    Lemon juice can be taken no longer than three days, otherwise damage to the gastric mucosa can be caused

    Diuretics and herbs for kidney stones should be used with great care. If, under their influence, an acute-angled and large stone moves on a "journey" down the ureter, then this can cause an attack of acute pain - renal colic. As a result of injury from the spines of the mucous membrane of the pelvis, its inflammation easily occurs - and this will require long-term treatment in a hospital.

    On the Web, you can find many rave reviews about the fact that someone managed to dissolve kidney stones by drinking 2 glasses a day of the usual "Coca-Cola". However, so much has been said about the dangers of sugary carbonated drinks and, in particular, "Coca-Cola" that I would not like to repeat myself. Perhaps she helped someone, but to date, official medicine does not know a single case of miraculous healing from urolithiasis thanks to this water. Still, it will be useful to think carefully, read information about it and consult a doctor before starting to try to get rid of kidney stones in such a dubious way.

    Urolithiasis and especially an attack of renal colic can bring a lot of suffering to the patient. The tactics of treatment largely depends on the chemical composition of the stones, since some of them lend themselves well to dissolution and grinding and are able to come out on their own, which helps to avoid surgery. At the same time, it must be remembered that some stones have sharp edges and practically do not dissolve under the influence of medications and folk remedies. In such cases, attempts to get rid of them on their own will be ineffective and may even pose the danger of damage to the urinary tract and complete blockage of the kidney.

    Dissolving stones

    Of all the variety of kidney stones (phosphates, oxalates, urates, cystines, struvites, etc.), urate calculi, which are derivatives of uric acid, lend themselves best to dissolution. They are formed in an acidic environment with an excess of protein-rich foods in food. Changing the diet with the exception of dishes that are a source of nitrogenous bases (meat and meat offal, rich broths, legumes, mushrooms, chocolate), a shift in the reaction of urine to the alkaline side with the help of diet and a number of mineral waters contribute to the disruption of the formation of stones.

    Since urate stones are round formations with a smooth surface, small specimens (up to 5 mm) can pass through the urinary tract on their own without causing any particular harm to the patient.

    Uric acid stones are small in size and have a smooth surface, they are more prone to dissolution than others, they can come out on their own without injuring the urinary tract

    At the same time, it should be remembered that a sharp shift in the reaction of urine to the alkaline side can lead to increased formation of phosphate stones. Sometimes there are situations when phosphoric acid salts are layered on the dissolved urate residues, which can further impede their excretion. Phosphate stones are much less susceptible to dissolution than urates.

    Oxalate stones, which are derivatives of oxalic acid, are very dense in structure and practically cannot be dissolved. In addition, due to the existing sharp edges, there is a danger that the stone, as a result of the reduction in size, will begin to move along the urinary tract and can injure them.

    Oxalate stones are irregularly shaped and have sharp edges, their advancement through the ureter can damage the mucous membrane

    Products that help dissolve stones

    This question again depends on the nature and chemical structure of the stones, because different foods are recommended for different kidney stones. So, in the presence of urates, the use of products that increase the alkalinity of urine is shown - first of all, this applies to milk and dairy products, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetable salads, freshly prepared juices. At the same time, the consumption of meat and meat offal, mushrooms, legumes, chocolate, coffee should be limited as much as possible.

    Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables helps to increase the alkalinity of urine and dissolve urate stones

    If the cause of urolithiasis was the formation of phosphate stones, the diet should be directed in a completely different direction. With this variant of the development of the disease, for its correction, a shift of urine to the acidic side is necessary, therefore, milk and a large amount of vegetables and fruits will have to be abandoned.

    The diet for phosphate stones should be represented by fish and meat dishes, cereals, legumes, chicken eggs. At the same time, one should remember the need to observe the measure in everything, and carry out medical measures under the strict supervision of a doctor and strictly following his recommendations.

    There is an opinion that in order to dissolve stones it is necessary to use an acidic drink - lemon or cranberry juice. I had a patient who followed this advice. I drank lemon juice every day for a month and ended up in the hospital with a perforated stomach ulcer and bleeding.

    Evgeny Shpot, urologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the urology department of the medical faculty of I.M. I.M.Sechenov.


    Mineral waters to help dissolve stones

    In order to dissolve kidney stones, in particular urates, it is recommended to use hydrocarbonate mineral waters, which help to reduce the acidity of urine and its alkalinization. It is believed that to dissolve urate stones, it is necessary to maintain the pH of the urine at a level of 6.2-6.6. In some cases, this state can be achieved by using the following mineral waters:

    • Borjomi is one of the most famous mineral waters, 90% composed of hydrocarbonate salts, has a mild diuretic effect, is able to remove signs of intoxication, is effective in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system;
    • Essentuki No. 4 - has a therapeutic effect on many systems, stabilizes the work of the urinary organs and the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Essentuki No. 17 - natural healing chloride-hydrocarbonate water of high mineralization, the course of treatment for it is 24-30 days.

    It should be noted that the intake of medicinal mineral waters should not be abused, the rule "the more the better" is not always applicable to them.

    Reception of medicinal mineral waters promotes the dissolution of kidney stones and their excretion from the body

    Mineral water should be consumed at room temperature, drunk in small sips, the daily rate should be divided into several doses and consumed half an hour before meals. At the first stage, sand and small stones are washed out from the renal pelvis, at the second stage, the destruction of stones under the influence of an altered acid-base balance can be noted. Reduced in size, urinary stones can go out on their own, without encountering obstacles in the way. Improving their excretion should be facilitated by the use of a large amount of liquid, not only mineral, but also ordinary drinking water.

    Medicated dissolution of stones

    The basis of medications that are designed to dissolve kidney stones, for the most part, are combinations of medicinal plants. The drugs should be taken for a long time, since the dissolution of the stones is slow. At the same time, it should be remembered that the best result in carrying out therapeutic measures can be achieved only by combining the intake of medicines with a diet and adherence to an adequate drinking regime.

    Table: Medicines to help dissolve kidney stones

    Name of the drugCompositionRelease formWhat stones does it work onOperating principle
    • lemon acid;
    • sodium citrate;
    • sodium bicarbonate.
    • effervescent tablets;
    • granules for preparation of oral solution.
    • urates;
    • stones with a combined composition.
    • lowers the acidity of urine;
    • suppresses crystallization of salts;
    • dissolves urates;
    • prevents the formation and growth of new stones.
    • reduces the concentration of uric acid salts in the body;
    • promotes the excretion of uric acid;
    • prevents the accumulation of urates.
    • centaury ordinary;
    • medicinal lovage;
    • rosemary officinalis
    • dragee;
    • solution (syrup, drops) for oral administration.
    • mixed stones;
    • phosphates;
    • oxalates.
    • increases the alkalinity of urine;
    • potentiates the action of antibiotics;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antispasmodic;
    • removes uric acid salts;
    • extract of a mixture of 9 herbs;
    • orange oil;
    • sage oil;
    • pine oil;
    • peppermint oil.
    PasteMixed types of stones
    • diuretic;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • prevents crystallization and deposition of salts in the kidneys;
    • washes away sand and small stones.
    • potassium asparaginate;
    • magnesium asparaginate.
    • displaces calcium salts from stones;
    • helps dissolve and remove stones;
    • prevents the formation of new calculi.
    • madder dye;
    • horsetail;
    • goldenrod dry;
    • magnesium phosphate;
    • korglikon;
    • salicylamide;
    • kellin.
    PillsPhosphates and oxalates
    • softens stones;
    • relieves spasm of the ureters;
    • facilitates the passage of stones;
    • anti-inflammatory effect.
    SpilledDietary supplementPills and capsules
    • stabilizes metabolic processes in the body;
    • normalizes the composition of urine.
    • fir oil;
    • peppermint oil;
    • liquid extract of wild carrot fruits;
    • hop cone extract;
    • oregano herb.
    • drops;
    • syrup;
    • pills.
    Mixed stones
    • relieves spasm of smooth muscles of the ureters;
    • forms a protective colloid in urine;
    • has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic effect;
    • promotes the removal of stones.
    • didymocarpus flowers;
    • saxifrage stalks;
    • madder stems;
    • filmy rhizome;
    • mumiyo powder.
    • pills;
    • drops for oral administration.
    All kinds of stones
    • removes uric acid;
    • by influencing mineral metabolism, it provides a violation of the chemical structure of stones;
    • prevents the growth of stones;
    • prevents crystallization of mineral salts;
    • relieves spasm of smooth muscles, which contributes to the removal of calculi.

    From the age of seven, urolithiasis, crushed SWL three times. For three years she was not tested, went to the hospital with an attack, made an excreta, the whole kidney was covered in small stones (the doctor said it would not work to break it up). The doctor prescribed "Blemaren" saw by the hour, 3 times a day filled out the table with test strips. After drinking 2 packs, we did an ultrasound scan, there are still stones, but not so many. In a month I will still drink. I want to say that sometimes, when I drank, there were pains and cramps, I drank painkillers. And the hair has deteriorated a lot, it falls out a lot, it seems to me that this is such a side effect. But the hair, I think, is not so scary compared to the pain I experienced when walking the stone. I will still take it, I hope to expel it to the end.

    Valeria V.


    Photo gallery: remedies for drug dissolution of kidney stones

    Blemaren contains diagnostic test strips in the package that allow you to independently control the acidity of urine; doctors consider this drug to be the # 1 agent in dissolving urates Kanefron is available both in liquid form and in tablets, approved for use during pregnancy
    Cyston is a medicinal preparation based on a large number of medicinal herbs, prevents the crystallization of salts and the formation of new stones Asparkam contains potassium, which is able to replace calcium salts in oxalate stones, potassium salts then easily dissolve and are excreted from the body along with urine

    Dissolving kidney stones with herbs

    Herbal medicine in dissolving kidney stones should be used with caution. The collection of medicinal herbs, shown in kidney diseases, have a weak antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, and they can be used only with the instrumentally confirmed presence of small stones (3-4 mm in size), which are able to freely leave the body. If the stones are larger, there is a risk that the urodynamics will change under the influence of the renal collection, the stone will move from its place and lead to a blockage of the ureter. When small stones are found in the kidneys, the use of decoctions of the following herbs is recommended:

    • decoction of rosehip root - you need to pour two tablespoons of dried chopped rosehip root with a glass of water, boil and cook for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for an hour (the decoction should darken); take one third of a glass of the resulting broth three times a day before meals;
    • a decoction of the herb half-fallen (erva woolly) - 2 tablespoons of the herb, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, after which it is kept for 60 minutes at room temperature (you can use a thermos in which you fall asleep grass, pour boiling water and leave for one hour); apply a quarter or half a glass three times daily before meals;
    • in a similar way, it is possible to prepare and use decoctions of knotweed, bearberry, lingonberry leaves - they all have anti-inflammatory and weak diuretic effects, the therapeutic effect is manifested precisely in renal pathology, decoctions of these herbs help to remove "sand" from the kidneys and prevent further stone formation.

    Video: prevention of kidney stones with herbs

    From my own experience, I did not have to experience the effect of folk methods in the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis, but people who are familiar with this diagnosis have repeatedly mentioned a good therapeutic effect as a result of taking ordinary baking soda. It helps only in the presence of urate stones, since it helps alkalinize urine. A daily intake of one teaspoon of baking soda, dissolved in half a glass of warm water, helped to normalize the condition and prevent the formation of new stones. At the same time, attention should be paid to the need for a long, at least two months, reception of this remedy.

    Signs of dissolving stones

    If the process of dissolving kidney stones with the help of drugs proved to be effective, then large stones can decrease in size, split into several parts and begin to move down the ureters, and then an attack of renal colic will be a sign of dissolution of stones. In addition, a change in the chemical composition of urine can contribute to increased excretion of salts and sand from the kidneys, which can be detected during a general urinalysis. The patient himself may notice a visual change in the composition of urine - turbidity, the appearance of flakes in it. The dissolution of stones can also be recorded using instrumental research methods.

    Ultrasound of the kidneys is a painless, inexpensive and quite informative method for monitoring the dynamics of urolithiasis and the process of dissolving stones

    Since kidney stones can be radiopaque (visible on an x-ray, for example, oxalates and phosphates) and those that are not detected on x-rays (urates), ultrasound is more applicable to control the removal of stones. Kidney ultrasound is used to diagnose stones and control their removal, since this technique allows you to detect stones in the kidneys of various shapes and sizes, and even sand. Observation in dynamics allows you to identify changes in stones in size and visualize their localization at a certain point in time.

    Ineffective and dangerous methods

    On the forums of "bricklayers" (as patients who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis call themselves), you can often find recommendations such as "drink a lot of Coca-Cola, or eat a watermelon all day, and then run up and down the stairs, a stone from physical exertion will come out ". The stone, indeed, can come out, however, if it is small in size and smooth edges. In the same case, if the therapy dissolving stones is carried out uncontrollably, without medical supervision, without preliminary visualization of the stone with the determination of its size and the nature of the edges, then such an amateur performance can end in failure.

    The stone under the influence of uncontrolled use of drugs can budge and block the ureter

    It is possible that a stone from the renal pelvis will begin to move along the ureter and get stuck there, and this can lead to a complete blockage of the kidney, requiring surgical intervention. In addition, under the influence of drugs, an initially smooth stone is able to split into several parts with sharp edges, and injure the mucous membrane with them. Oxalates, which have an uneven spike-like surface, are especially dangerous in such a situation. Therefore, taking drugs dissolving stones should be prescribed and carried out only under the supervision of a specialist in the field of urology.

    The use of drugs that dissolve kidney stones allows in some cases to get rid of them without surgery and crushing procedure. In addition to traditional therapy, there are also alternative methods for dissolving kidney stones. It should be remembered that medications that help dissolve stones should be part of a comprehensive therapy that includes dietary nutrition and drinking regimen, rejection of alcohol and other bad habits. Carrying out treatment under the supervision of a doctor and instrumental observation of the condition of the stones in dynamics can lead to positive results and help alleviate the patient's condition.

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