• How to care for your neck after 50 years. Masks for the neck against wrinkles and skin aging. Sun protection


    A woman's neck gives out age, and if you do not take care of her, then after 50 years you will have to forget about sweaters with a U-neck and neckline, and drape with a scarf.

    The easiest way to take care of your neck skin is to take care of the same as for your face if you have dry or normal skin.

    If the skin is problematic and oily, then you need to try not to dry the skin of the neck.

    How to care for your neck after 50 years

    At night, when applying the cream on the neck, you need to self-massage the décolleté and neck area. Here are some massage techniques:

    • We move along the skin with two palms, do not press on the thyroid gland, in the direction from the chest to the chin.
    • Raise your chin up and lightly pat the chin and neck with the back of your hand, from your chest up.
    • Place the thumbs on the jugular fossa, grab the neck with our palms on both sides, then massage with gentle pressure for three minutes.
    • The sides of the neck are gently pinched, moving from the base to the ears, for one minute.

    We make contrasting compresses for the chin and neck once a week. We take a linen towel, a glass bowl with a cool saline solution. Roll up the towel along its entire length, wet the middle in the solution, bring it under the chin and pull the ends of the towel up with effort. We slap the wet part on the neck and chin. Let's repeat 15 times. After the procedure, wash your chin and neck with cool water and apply a lifting cream.

    How to care for your neck skin after 50

    Wash your neck skin properly

    First, the skin of the neck should be cleaned of impurities. In order not to injure or damage the delicate skin of the neck, you cannot do this with a washcloth. It is necessary to use special gels, foams, lotions, which contain mild products. Then apply a nourishing cream containing zinc to the neck. It will help heal small cracks and wounds, and fight skin diseases. The cream is applied by tapping, not rubbing in, so that the skin does not stretch on the neck.

    Cosmetic baths for the skin of the neck

    It is useful to do special baths for the delicate skin of the neck 3 times a week. We brew 1 table. spoon of calendula flowers 200 ml of boiling water, we insist for half an hour. With a cotton swab, which we moisten in a warm infusion, tap on the neck for 2 minutes. Then apply a cosmetic scrub or cream with jojoba oil. The composition of cosmetics for the neck should contain glycolic and salicylic acids, they restore the elasticity of the skin.

    If pigmented dark spots appear on the neck, then you can apply a napkin on these spots for 4 minutes, previously soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

    Sleep properly

    In order for the skin of the neck to retain its elasticity for a long time, it is necessary to remove the stuffed, high pillows from the bed. Sleeping on these pillows will lead to the premature formation of deep folds, wrinkles and a double chin.

    Fighting a double chin

    To prevent the formation of a 2nd chin, you need to do exercises, they will make the muscles elastic and elastic, strengthen them.


    • Let's take a pen in our teeth and "write" 15 numbers of the alphabet in the air or draw geometric shapes.
    • Stretch your neck as far as possible, tighten your neck muscles and smile. Let's repeat 10 times.
    • We put our palm on the forehead, tighten the neck muscles, as if we are trying to resist the pressure of the hand. Let's repeat 10 times. Put your palm on the back of your head and also tighten your neck muscles.

    We do not carry out any procedures without examining the thyroid gland and without consulting an endocrinologist, otherwise it is possible to provoke tumor growth of the thyroid gland.

    But with all this, do not forget about our neck. After all, she gives out the age of a woman. Therefore, you need to carefully look after your neck and monitor your neck skin after 50. You need to love yourself and not be very upset about age-related changes. Frequently wash your bust, décolleté, neck with cold water, do swimming and gymnastics. And when the time comes, buy a lot of beautiful neckerchiefs, learn to drape them, pinning them with expensive pins and brooches.

    Our neck loses its tone over time, and the skin becomes flaccid.

    The skin begins to sag, wrinkles or even a double chin appear. Of course, each of us would like to keep our neck young and attractive.

    Indeed, as far as beauty is concerned, miracles are impossible here. Unless we turn to a plastic surgeon for help. But it is possible to suspend age-related changes. There are simple tips that can restore skin tone, and at the same time make it younger.

    This is much easier to do than it might seem at first glance. True, for this you will need to show great willpower, be patient and perform the necessary procedures regularly.

    So what is worth doing? We are sure you will find these tips helpful.

    1. Daily massage will keep your neck young and fit

    We do exercises for a flat stomach, firm buttocks and slim legs. But what about the neck? We often forget about her.

    • Try to move from theory to practice as soon as possible. Apply a moisturizer to your neck every night before bed.
    • Then perform an upward neck massage from the collarbone to the chin.
    • It is very important to carry out movements in this direction: this allows you to improve blood circulation.

    2. Oils for neck rejuvenation

    As for the tone and elasticity of the skin, there are essential oils, the use of which brings good results.

    Usually, over time, we notice that the skin of the neck becomes thinner and less elastic.

    Sometimes it is enough to press lightly on the skin in order to notice that it does not immediately return to its shape.

    • The main reason for this is collagen and elastin deficiencies.
    • We recommend that you improve your nutrition in order to take better care of your body from the inside. Also, try using some essential oils regularly for beauty care.
    • Lemon essential oil is high in vitamin C. It is a powerful antioxidant whose benefits for our skin should not be underestimated.
    • Sage essential oil will help to make the skin of the neck more toned and softer.
    • We also recommend looking for carrot seed essential oil in specialized stores.

    It stimulates cell regeneration and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

    Use a few drops of these essential oils for the neck massage described above.

    3. Ripe banana and olive oil mask

    Now you will learn how to cook it.


    • 1 ripe banana
    • 1 egg white
    • a teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)


    • This mask is pretty easy to prepare. It is necessary to thoroughly mix all the indicated ingredients, obtaining a homogeneous gentle puree.
    • Apply the mask to a clean neck and leave it on for 15 minutes. When the indicated time has passed, wash it off with plenty of water. The result will not leave you indifferent.

    4. Use an exfoliant regularly

    Not only our face, but also our neck needs regular cleansing of dead cells. For this we need to use an exfoliant.

    • Deep cleansing of the neck promotes skin regeneration, activates blood circulation, removes dead cells and impurities. Thanks to this procedure, the oxygen supply to the epidermis of this delicate area of ​​our body is improved.


    • Juice of 1 lemon
    • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal (50 g)
    • 1 tomato


    • The first step is to get fresh lemon juice. Then cut the tomato into slices and mashed it.
    • Then add the oatmeal to the container with these ingredients.
    • Stir the tomato puree, oatmeal and lemon juice well. You should have a smooth paste that needs to be applied to the skin of the neck for 15 minutes.
    • When the specified time has passed, wash off the mask with water.

    5. Don't forget about vitamin E

    There is hardly any doubt that it is vitamin E that is the most faithful ally of our skin. It protects it from premature aging and the negative effects of free radicals. Thanks to vitamin E, we will be able to keep our skin elastic for a long time.

    6. Ice

    Have you heard of ice cube therapy? When it comes to beauty care, don't forget about natural remedies.

    Try ice therapy for your neck 3 times a week. To do this, you need to put three ice cubes in a handkerchief and massage your neck with them. The procedure will take you only 10 minutes. This will allow you to:

    • Activate blood circulation in the neck area
    • Calm inflammation
    • As a result, your neck will regain its tone and look more attractive.

    Well, do you want to try one of these procedures today? Remember that it is in our power to preserve the beauty of the neck and protect it from age-related changes.

    It's never too late to take a step towards change!

    Sagging skin, wrinkles on the neck and décolleté - most women notice these unpleasant signs of aging after forty years. But even at a younger age, the delicate skin in these areas often leaves much to be desired. Do not rush to go to a beauty salon for expensive procedures - your trouble can be helped on your own, at home.

    As you know, it is the neck that gives out the true age of a woman. A well-groomed face with perfect makeup can glow with youth, but one glance at a flabby neck and wrinkles in the neckline of a blouse is enough to understand: this lady is older than she would like to appear.

    Why is the skin on the neck aging so quickly? There may be several reasons for this:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • overdrying and insufficient nutrition of the dermis;
    • weak work of blood vessels;
    • negative impact of the environment, including direct sunlight;
    • poor quality food, lack of physical activity, smoking.

    It is never too late and not too difficult to stop the aging process - natural masks, which are quite possible to prepare at home, will help.

    Care features

    There are certain rules for caring for the neck and décolleté area with the help of tightening masks. If you want to get a good result and consolidate it for a long time, follow these simple recommendations:

    1. Masks should only be applied to well-cleansed, scrubbed or slightly steamed skin.
    2. Care for the neck and décolleté should be regular, and not occasionally - at a young age, weekly masks are enough, after 30 years they should be done twice a week, after 40 - three times, and after 50 - take daily anti-aging courses.
    3. It is recommended to apply the mask strictly along the massage lines - from the bottom up and from the center to the periphery.
    4. During the procedure, it is important not to expose the skin to mimicry and keep your head high so that the wrinkles are straightened.
    5. It is necessary to wash off the composition of the tightening masks abundantly so that the skin remains absolutely clean; It's also a good idea to rinse it with a decoction of herbs or wipe it with cosmetic ice cubes.
    6. A side effect of this natural lifting can be excessive skin degreasing - do not forget to nourish it with your favorite cream.

    Beauty recipes

    The neck and décolleté are very delicate areas on the body of every woman, respectively, and attention to them should be no less than to facial care. Folk cosmetology has preserved many wonderful recipes for this, and some of them have come down to us from very ancient times.

    Cleansing, nourishing and tightening masks

    The lifting effect for the neck and décolleté does not occur by itself. For a full-fledged skin tightening in these areas, regular gentle cleansing is required: moisturizing and deep nutrition. It is important to take into account the age, skin type and other features when selecting components for a mask.

    Coffee shop

    A very simple and effective neck scrub that not only cleans but also smoothes the skin. Coffee procedures can be done for women of any age.


    • sleeping coffee grounds - 1 tablespoon;
    • fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon.


    1. Mix the components and rub the resulting mass along the massage lines into the skin.
    2. Rinse off in the shower when the mask starts to dry out a little.


    Masks with lactic acid products are very useful for rejuvenating a fading neck and décolleté - especially after the age of 50. The bonus of cottage cheese is that this product not only smoothes wrinkles, but also perfectly cleanses the skin at the same time.

    Citrus ingredients work effectively in conjunction with curd to create a quick and irreversible lifting effect.


    • lemon and orange - one medium-sized fruit;
    • fatty homemade cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons with the top;
    • sour cream with a high percentage of fat - 1 tablespoon.


    1. Thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water, grind citruses in a blender to a state of gruel - you do not need to peel off the peel.
    2. Add cottage cheese to the fragrant mass and beat until the grains are eliminated; add sour cream.
    3. Apply to the neck and décolleté area.
    4. After twenty minutes, wash off with water.


    Ordinary inexpensive edible gelatin is a source of the most valuable building material for cells - collagen. But if gelatin-based film masks are effective for the skin of the face, then fatty nutritional components are usually introduced into the compositions for neck rejuvenation and the structure of such masks resembles jelly.


    • food gelatin - 1 tablespoon;
    • heavy cream - 1 tablespoon;
    • boiled milk - 0.5 cups.


    1. Stir the gelatin granules in cold milk and leave to swell.
    2. After about an hour, add cream to the mass, mix well and distribute with a wide cosmetic brush over the skin of the neck and décolleté.
    3. After twenty minutes, apply a wet napkin or towel over the mask, soak and remove the mask.
    4. Wash with herbal decoction and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

    Creamy oatmeal

    Intensively nourishes the skin and quickly restores its lost elasticity.


    • oat flakes - 1 glass;
    • unboiled fresh milk - 0.5 cups;
    • homemade fatty cream and butter - 1 tablespoon each.


    1. Grind the oatmeal into flour on a coffee grinder, heat the milk.
    2. Steam the oatmeal powder with milk and immediately add the cream and butter to the mixture, mix well.
    3. Keep the mask for a quarter of an hour, then wash and massage the skin.


    Vitamin natural masks are suitable for all skin types - the rich composition of fruits and berries has a beneficial effect on the delicate dermis of the neck and décolleté, activates renewal at the cellular level.

    For such masks, you must take necessarily ripe, or even better - overripe fruits (peaches, grapes, bananas, kiwi, avocados, apricots, etc.).


    • ripe fruits - 200 grams;
    • fat milk - 0.5 cups.


    1. Wash, peel and place the ripe fresh fruit in a blender.
    2. Add milk and blend the contents of the blender until smooth.
    3. Relaxing in a lying position, apply a fruit and milk mass to the skin, after half an hour rinse it off with a shower.
    4. The mask can be done two to three times a week.


    The composition is very effective for "reanimation" of sagging, aging skin after fifty years.

    It is better not to use dry yeast for this mask.


    • baker's yeast - 1 tablespoon;
    • warmed milk - 2 tablespoons;
    • natural honey - 1 tablespoon;
    • olive oil - 1 teaspoon.


    1. Mash the yeast with a spoon and pour over it with warm milk, stir with honey.
    2. Cover the mixture with a towel and leave for half an hour to ferment in a warm place.
    3. Add olive oil to the dough, mix, spread on the neck and upper chest.
    4. The yeast mask will dry out in 15–20 minutes - then it will need to be thoroughly washed off.


    A very popular daily mask that deeply nourishes the skin and improves its elasticity.


    • medium-sized potatoes - 1 tuber;
    • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon;
    • olive oil and glycerin - 1 teaspoon each;
    • chicken egg yolk.


    1. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel, not letting them cool completely, and knead a little.
    2. Beat peeled potatoes with the rest of the ingredients quickly with a blender.
    3. Spread the resulting homogeneous mass warm on the décolleté and neck area.
    4. Leave to act for twenty minutes, rinse gently.



    • fresh pumpkin puree - 0.5 cups;
    • starch - 1 tablespoon.


    1. Grind pumpkin pieces in a blender, mix evenly with starch.
    2. The duration of the mask is half an hour, then the skin is rinsed with plenty of water and patted with a soft towel.
    3. After the mask, you can wipe your neck and décolleté with a fresh cucumber - this will improve the hydration and elasticity of the skin.


    The classic home lifting recipe, with regular use, guarantees youthfulness and freshness of the skin. The mask is most effective for women between the ages of thirty and forty.

    Any unrefined vegetable oil is suitable for this composition, but peach or sea buckthorn will give the best results.


    • liquid honey (flower or lime) - 1 tablespoon;
    • raw yolk;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.


    1. Stir the ingredients and beat the mixture lightly.
    2. The composition can be kept on the skin from a quarter of an hour to half an hour, depending on how quickly it is absorbed.


    The mask is suitable for women between the ages of 35 and 50. It is not so expedient to apply it earlier and later.


    • lemon fresh and vegetable oil (almond or flaxseed) - 1 teaspoon each;
    • egg white;
    • glycerin - 5-7 drops.


    1. Cool the egg white and beat it well; squeeze juice from lemon scalded with boiling water.
    2. Gently combine all components of the mask and apply it to cleansed skin of the décolleté, neck and lower chin.
    3. For half an hour, while the procedure lasts, you need to be in a relaxed state - it is undesirable to talk at this time.

    Japanese ointment

    The famous oriental recipe for the beauty and youth of the neck and décolleté.

    For girls under thirty, it is enough to apply this mask for fifteen minutes twice a week; women who have crossed the half-century milestone should do the procedures daily, in courses of three weeks with ten-day breaks.


    • fatty homemade sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
    • coconut oil and lemon fresh - 1 teaspoon each;
    • egg white.


    1. Beat the cooled protein until firm.
    2. Without stopping whipping, add the rest of the ingredients in small portions.
    3. Carefully, with movements from the bottom up, apply the ointment to the neck, you can wrap it up slightly.
    4. During the procedure, you need to try to keep your head high and not lower it so that the skin on the neck is taut.

    Wraps and appliques

    The technology of wraps and applications allows the active substances to realize their properties not superficially, but more deeply, which is especially important for smoothing wrinkles on the neck - both transverse and longitudinal.

    With sea salt

    For the procedure, ordinary table salt is also suitable, but sea salt is an order of magnitude more effective; salt application is useful to combine with massage. Salt applications can be done at any age.


    • sea ​​salt - 2 tablespoons;
    • warm water - 1 glass.


    1. Dissolve the salt in water, if a precipitate appears, drain the solution from it.
    2. Fold the gauze in four, moisten in warm salt water, squeeze and apply to problem areas.
    3. After five minutes, repeat the procedure, heating the saline solution and re-wetting the gauze in it.
    4. The compress can be changed in this way up to five times.

    With honey and milk

    A very effective wrap that helps to quickly smooth wrinkles on the neck and décolleté.

    This recipe is a modernized version of the beauty formula of Queen Cleopatra, who took daily baths with the same composition.


    • high-quality honey and olive oil - 2 tablespoons each;
    • fresh milk - 0.5 liters;
    • chamomile broth - at least a liter.


    1. Mix in equal proportions olive oil and honey - the products must be of very high quality.
    2. Spread the honey-oil mixture on the neck and chest, cover with cling film on top to improve absorption.
    3. After half an hour with warm milk, slowly rinse the skin, gently massaging it at the same time.
    4. Let the rest of the milk soak in for five to seven minutes, then wash with chamomile broth.

    With vegetable oils

    To improve the result, vegetable oils can be infused with your favorite medicinal herbs in advance.


    • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
    • vegetable oils of your choice, for example, rapeseed and sunflower - 1 tablespoon each.


    1. Prepare an oil mixture and heat it to about forty degrees.
    2. Soak a long wide bandage in a mixture of oils, squeeze out a little and wrap your neck with it.
    3. Cover with cling film on top, insulate with cotton wool and wrap with a scarf.
    4. After half an hour, wash your skin with hot water.
    5. It is enough to do the procedure once a week.

    Masks as part of daily neck care - video


    The thin and sensitive skin of the neck and chest, in contact with aggressive or overly active substances, is easily irritated. Therefore, when preparing to conduct a course of anti-aging masks, you must first pass a test for the individual tolerance of their components.

    To do this, it is enough to take a small amount of the ready-made composition of the tightening mask and apply it in an inconspicuous place - for example, in the upper part of the neck, under the ear. Whether this composition suits you, it will become clear after 15–20 minutes - redness should not appear at the test site.

    You can't talk about the neck without remembering the décolleté area. These areas of the body speak of age much more eloquently than the face. The structure of the neck skin is similar to that of the eyelids:

    All this means only one thing - taking care of the neck and décolleté area requires special delicacy.

    The first signs of neck aging become noticeable after 35-40 years. And there are explanations for this.

    1. 1

      Constant stress on the cervical spine

      We nod, tilt our head, turn and stretch our neck - so that the skin and muscles in this area practically do not rest, constantly stretching and twisting. And if the muscles cope with the load, then the skin loses over time.

    2. 2

      Using smartphones and tablets

      Research by scientists has already proven that too frequent use of smartphones and tablets to check mail and correspondence in social networks leads to a loss of neck tone. While watching the gadget, we lower our head (and we can stay in this position for hours), provoking the appearance of wrinkles not only in the eye area (crow's feet), but also in the neck.

    3. 3

      The habit of sitting in one position

      It's not just an addiction to gadgets that is responsible for skin deformation. Wrinkles and folds on the neck occur when we sit for a long time with our heads tilted - when reading, writing, while eating, etc.

    One of the reasons for neck skin aging is constant tension. © iStock

    How to care for your neck skin

    To keep the skin in the neck and décolleté area beautiful and elastic, regular care is required, including the same steps as a beauty ritual for the face: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, protecting.

    In the morning

    1. 1

      In the shower, completing the water treatment, go with a stream of cool water along the neck and décolleté. This simple trick helps to strengthen tissues and regulate microcirculation.

    2. 2

      Exfoliate your neck with a facial cleanser once a week - exfoliation will help maintain elasticity. Apply the scrub with light, smoothing strokes.

    3. 3

      Don't forget about hydration, which your neck and décolleté need at any time of the year. If there is no special tool for this area, a regular one will do.

    In the evening

      When removing makeup, be sure to cleanse the neck skin with micellar solution or milk. You will see that it accumulates dirt on it in a day no less than on the face. Don't forget to use toner or lotion afterwards.

      Apply a nourishing night cream two hours before bed.

    And even at night

    Special creams have been developed for the skin of the neck. © iStock

    How to care for your neck at different ages

    The first signs of aging may appear on the neck after age 30, so start caring for this area as early as possible.

    After 30 years

    It is frivolous to think that at the age of 30 there can be no question of any. It is at this age that you should accustom yourself, when caring for your face, not to forget about the neck and décolleté area.

      Look for creams and serums with retinol. It "thickens" the skin and reduces the severity of pigmentation (if any).

      Remember to use sunscreen on sunny days.

    After 40 years

    At this age, the first signs of aging appear: wrinkles become more pronounced, and the skin of the neck gradually loses its elasticity.

    1. 1

      Use a special firming and firming treatment for the neck area and for a wrinkle reduction and smoothing effect.

    2. 2

      Do not forget to protect delicate skin from ultraviolet radiation.

    3. 3

      Add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the skin, circulation and cardiovascular system. They are found in fatty fish, flax and walnut oil.

    Prevention of loss of neck skin tone - contrast shower. © iStock

    After 50 years

    Loss of neck skin tone, folds and creases are the problems most often faced by women during menopause. There are several recommendations for prevention.

      Exfoliate your neck and décolleté regularly to strengthen and stimulate cellular renewal.

      Moisturize and nourish the delicate area daily with antioxidants, vitamin E, liposomes and hyaluronic acid.

      Apply serums with hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and C.

      Don't ignore masks. Cream, fabric, alginate - they all provide a noticeable moisturizing and tightening effect.

    Neck Care Review

    Day care

    Apply after washing

    Name of funds Application rules Active ingredients
    Lifting care for face and neck Revitalift, L'Oréal Paris After thorough cleansing, apply to face and neck with gentle circular motions. proretinol
    Day SPA treatment Aqualia Thermal, Vichy Apply in the morning to cleansed face and neck. hyaluronic acid, aquabioril, Vichy Spa thermal water

    Night care

    Effectively moisturizes the skin. fragmented hyaluronic acid, shea oils and waxes

    Prevention of neck skin aging

      Don't slouch! Keep your back straight, as if you are being pulled up by the crown of an invisible force - your shoulders are pulled back, your chest is raised.

      Smile! Try to smile as wide as possible. This causes the platysma to contract, strengthens it and tone the tissues that support the breasts. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

      Massage your neck and décolleté daily while showering- stroking in a circular motion under a cool stream of water with a medium pressure tone and tighten the skin.

    Taking care of herself, almost every woman takes care of the youth and appearance of the skin on her face. Creams, masks, scrubs, peels are not a complete arsenal of cosmetic products for face care. But do not forget that the neck is as important a part of your body as your face, it requires the same careful attitude, care and attention. Neck and décolleté treatment is a complex procedure consisting of exercise, massage, choosing the right sleeping pillow and choosing cosmetics. If you take care of the condition of the skin on your neck for a long time, you will soon be able to show this part of the body in bold cut-outs of dresses without fear.

    In this article, you will learn basic tips on how to keep your neck looking young and elegant, as well as some simple natural skin care products for this area that you can apply daily.

    Neck and décolleté care

    The neck should receive daily care as well as, in the end, the whole body as a whole - regular exfoliation and constant hydration. However, the neck requires personalized care. We recommend using the same procedures for the neck skin that you use for the face. Neck care after 30 and neck care after 50 do not differ much, the main rule here is a combination of cleansing and moisturizing.

    1. Weekly peeling.

    The first step to maintaining smooth, firm skin on your neck is to regularly exfoliate. We suggest performing this procedure only once a week, as too frequent procedures can irritate your skin, especially if your skin is dry or sensitive. Any or a combination of these natural products can be used to remove dead skin cells:

    • cucumber;
    • oat flour;
    • banana;
    • Brown sugar.

    Mix these ingredients with a little almond oil or aloe vera gel for a gentle neck massage. Perform this procedure gently, slowly, without pressing or stretching the skin too much. Movements should be directed from the chest to the chin. Then rinse with cold water to close pores and moisturize neck and décolleté.

    1. Deep cleansing.

    How can you provide a deep cleaning of the neck? Use a clay mask if you have oily or combination skin. You can apply the mask to both your face and neck. We recommend using green or pink clay and then poultice.

    So, to make such a mask, you just need to mix the clay powder with water, you get a paste that can be applied to both the face and neck, nothing will flow. To mix the clay, use earthen pots, glass or wooden bowls, but not metal ones, as this can minimize its medicinal properties. Apply the clay to your face and neck, but do not touch the areas around the eyes and lips, let it dry for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water and then moisturize your skin with cream.

    1. Moisturize daily.

    How to moisturize your neck? With the same lotion you use on your face. Again, it must be borne in mind that the skin of the neck and décolleté is thin, quite sensitive to all external influences (dry air, wind, ultraviolet light), since it practically does not have subcutaneous adipose tissue, muscle tone is reduced, blood circulates more slowly. That is why the signs of mature age of a woman appear, first of all, on the neck and on the décolleté. We recommend using these highly nutritious foods:

    • olive oil;
    • almond oil;
    • linseed oil;
    • fat milk cream.

    Any of these natural remedies will be very helpful in providing deep hydration to the skin around your neck. You should only use these oils twice a day: when you wake up and when you go to bed.

    1. Regular massage.

    Unfortunately, the neck undergoes daily stress due to poor posture, prolonged use of the computer, bad mood, etc. To avoid the effects of these strains, we recommend using any suitable moisturizing oil and gently massaging your neck for at least 5 or 10 minutes a day.

    Massage the neck with both palms, pressing slightly on the area under the chin, towards the jaw line. This will improve blood circulation and remove toxic substances. With your thumb and forefinger, press the jaw line and smoothly stretch your hand from top to bottom, pressing lightly on the skin.

    1. Relax before bed.

    Bruxism- so in medicine they call a condition in which a person involuntarily clenches or grinds his teeth. And such a habit can significantly affect the appearance of the neck, worsen its appearance. To fix this, you should do jaw exercises that will help you release all the tension that builds up during the day, eliminate the sagging of the cheeks. Also remember that at night you unconsciously clench your jaw, so it is very important to take a few minutes before bed to do a massage for general relaxation. Try sleeping with a relaxed jaw and a slightly open mouth, like small children do.

    Remember, proper neck skin care must be regular!

    Therefore, it is necessary that cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing this part of the body enter into habit.

    Applying these little secrets to caring for your neck and décolleté at home every day, you will be surprised when you see clear positive changes. At the same time, not only the condition of your skin will improve, but also the very perception of the world, and the attitude towards yourself.

    Be healthy and beautiful!

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