• Leonid Panteleev - Fenka: A Tale. Review of Panteleev's fairy tale “Fenka Description of the main character Fenka Panteleev


    Panteleev Alexey Ivanovich (Panteleev L)

    Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev

    (L. Panteleev)

    It was in the evening. I was lying on the couch, smoking and reading the newspaper. There was no one in the room except me. And suddenly I hear - someone is scratching. Someone barely audible, softly knocking on the window glass: tick-tick, knock-knock.

    "What, - I think, - is it? A fly? No, not a fly. A cockroach? No, not a cockroach. Maybe the rain is dripping? No, what kind of rain is there - it doesn't smell like rain ..."

    I turned my head and looked - I couldn't see anything. He got up on his elbow too. I listened - as if quietly.

    I went to bed. And suddenly again: tick-tick, knock-knock.

    "Fu, - I think. - What is it?"

    Tired of me, I got up, threw the newspaper, went to the window and - goggled his eyes. I think: priests, what is it for me - in a dream, or what? I see - outside the window, on a narrow iron cornice, standing - who do you think? There is a girl. Yes, such a girl, about which you have not read in fairy tales.

    She will be smaller in height than the smallest boy with a finger. Her legs are bare, her dress is all tattered; She herself is plump, pot-bellied, her nose is a button, her lips are somehow protruding, and the hair on her head is red and sticks out in different directions, like on a shoebrush.

    I didn't even immediately believe it was a girl. I thought at first that it was some kind of animal. Because I have never seen such little girls before.

    And the girl is standing, looking at me and with all her strength drumming on the glass with her fist: tick-tick, knock-knock.

    I ask her through the glass:

    Girl! What do you want?

    But she does not hear me, does not answer and only points with her finger: they say, open it, please, but open it quickly!

    Then I pushed back the bolt, opened the window and let her into the room.

    I say:

    Why are you, silly, climbing through the window? After all, my door is open.

    I don't know how to walk through the door.

    How can you not ?! You can go out the window, but you don’t know how to go out the door?

    Yes, - he says, - I can't.

    "So, - I think, - the miracle Yudo came to me!"

    I was surprised, took her in my arms, I see - she was trembling all over. I see - is afraid of something. Looks around, looks at the window. Her face is all tear-stained, her teeth are chattering, and there are still tears in her eyes.

    I ask her:

    Who are you?

    I, - he says, - Fenka.

    What kind of Fenka?

    Such is ... Fenka.

    And where do you live?

    I do not know.

    Where are your dad and mom?

    I do not know.

    Well, I say, where did you come from? Why are you shaking? Cold?

    No, - he says, - it's not cold. Hot. And I'm trembling because the dogs were chasing me down the street.

    What kind of dogs?

    And she told me again:

    I do not know.

    At this point I could not bear it, I got angry and say:

    I don’t know, I don’t know! .. And then what do you know?

    She says:

    I want to eat.

    Oh, that's how! Do you know that?

    Well, what can you do with her. I put her on the sofa, "sit down," I say, and I myself went to the kitchen to look for anything edible. I think: the only question is, how to feed her, such a monster? He poured boiled milk on a saucer for her, cut the bread into small pieces, and crumbled a cold cutlet.

    I come into the room, I look - where is Fenka? I see there is no one on the couch. I was surprised and began to shout:

    Fenya! Fenya!

    Nobody is answering.

    Fenya! And Fenya?

    And suddenly I hear from somewhere:

    Bent down - she sits under the sofa.

    I got angry.

    This, - I say, - what kind of tricks are these ?! Why aren't you sitting on the couch?

    And I, - he says - do not know how.

    What about? You know how under the sofa, but you don't know how on the sofa? Oh, you are so and so! Maybe you don't know how to sit at the dinner table?

    No, - he says, - I can do it.

    Well, sit down, I say.

    He put her at the table. He put a chair for her. He piled a whole mountain on a chair to make it higher. Instead of an apron, I tied a handkerchief.

    Eat, I say.

    Only I see - he doesn't eat. I see - sitting, poking around, sniffing with his nose.

    What? - I say. - What's the matter?

    Silent, does not answer.

    I say:

    You asked for food. Here - eat, please.

    And she blushed all over and suddenly said:

    Do you have something tastier?

    How tastier? Oh you - I say - ungrateful! You, well, need sweets, or what?

    Oh no, - he says, - that you, that you ... This is also tasteless.

    So what do you want? Ice cream?

    No, and the ice cream doesn't taste good.

    And the ice cream is tasteless? So much for you! So what do you want, please tell me?

    She paused, sniffed up her nose and said:

    Do you have some carnations?

    What kind of carnations?

    Well, - he says - ordinary carnations. Iron little ones.

    Even my hands shook with fear.

    I say:

    So what do you mean you are eating nails?

    Yes, - he says, - I love carnations very much.

    Well, what else do you love?

    And also, - he says, - I like kerosene, soap, paper, sand ... just not sugar. I love cotton wool, tooth powder, shoe polish, matches ...

    "Fathers! Is she really telling the truth? Does she really eat nails?"

    "Okay," I think. "Let's check."

    He pulled a large rusty nail out of the wall and brushed it off a little.

    On, - I say, - eat, please!

    I thought she wouldn't eat. I thought she was just joking, pretending. But before I had time to look around, she - once, once, brittle, brittle the whole nail chewed. She licked her lips and said:

    I say:

    No, my dear, I'm sorry, I have no more nails for you. Here, if you want, - papers, please, I can give.

    Come on, - he says.

    He gave her paper - she ate the paper too. He gave a whole box of matches - she ate matches in no time. He poured the kerosene on a saucer - she drank the kerosene too.

    I just look and shake my head. "That's a girl, - I think. - Such a girl, perhaps, will eat you yourself in no time. No, - I think, - we need to drive her in the neck, be sure to drive her. Why such a bogeyman, such a cannibal !!"

    And she drank kerosene, licked the saucer, sits, yawns, bites her nose: it means she wants to sleep.

    And then, you know, I felt sorry for her. She sits like a sparrow, cringing, ruffled - where, I think, to drive her so small at night. She is, after all, such a birdie, and in fact, dogs can bite. I think: "Okay, so be it, I'll kick it out tomorrow. Let me sleep at my place, rest, and tomorrow morning - goodbye, go where you came from! .."

    I thought so and began to prepare her bed. I put a pillow on the chair, on the pillow - another small pillow, from under the pins I had one. Then he put Fenka down, covered her with a napkin instead of a blanket.

    Sleep, I say. - Good night!

    She immediately began to snore.

    And I sat a little, read and went to bed too.

    In the morning, as soon as I woke up, I went to see how my Fenka was doing there. I come and look - there is nothing on the chair. Neither Fenichka, nor a pillow, nor a napkin ... I see - my Fenichka is lying under the chair, the pillow is under her feet, her head is on the floor, and the napkins are not visible at all.

    Here is a free electronic book Fenka the author whose name is Alexey Panteleev... In the library ACTIVE WITHOUT TV, you can download Fenk's book for free in RTF, TXT, FB2 and EPUB formats, or read online book Panteleev Alexey Ivanovich - Fenka without registration and without SMS.

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    Panteleev Alexey Ivanovich (Panteleev L)
    Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev
    (L. Panteleev)
    It was in the evening. I was lying on the couch, smoking and reading the newspaper. There was no one in the room except me. And suddenly I hear - someone is scratching. Someone barely audible, softly knocking on the window glass: tick-tick, knock-knock.
    "What, - I think, - is it? A fly? No, not a fly. A cockroach? No, not a cockroach. Maybe the rain is dripping? No, what kind of rain is there - it doesn't smell like rain ..."
    I turned my head and looked - I couldn't see anything. He got up on his elbow too. I listened - as if quietly.
    I went to bed. And suddenly again: tick-tick, knock-knock.
    "Fu, - I think. - What is it?"
    Tired of me, I got up, threw the newspaper, went to the window and - goggled his eyes. I think: priests, what is it for me - in a dream, or what? I see - outside the window, on a narrow iron cornice, standing - who do you think? There is a girl. Yes, such a girl, about which you have not read in fairy tales.
    She will be smaller in height than the smallest boy with a finger. Her legs are bare, her dress is all tattered; She herself is plump, pot-bellied, her nose is a button, her lips are somehow protruding, and the hair on her head is red and sticks out in different directions, like on a shoebrush.
    I didn't even immediately believe it was a girl. I thought at first that it was some kind of animal. Because I have never seen such little girls before.
    And the girl is standing, looking at me and with all her strength drumming on the glass with her fist: tick-tick, knock-knock.
    I ask her through the glass:
    - Girl! What do you want?
    But she does not hear me, does not answer and only points with her finger: they say, open it, please, but open it quickly!
    Then I pushed back the bolt, opened the window and let her into the room.
    I say:
    - Why are you, silly, climbing through the window? After all, my door is open.
    And she answers me, I remember, in a thin, thin voice:
    - I don't know how to walk through the door.
    - How can you not ?! You can go out the window, but you don’t know how to go out the door?
    - Yes, - he says, - I can't.
    "So, - I think, - the miracle Yudo came to me!"
    I was surprised, took her in my arms, I see - she was trembling all over. I see - is afraid of something. Looks around, looks at the window. Her face is all tear-stained, her teeth are chattering, and there are still tears in her eyes.
    I ask her:
    - Who are you?
    - I, - he says, - Fenka.
    - What kind of Fenka?
    - Such is ... Fenka.
    - And where do you live?
    - I do not know.
    - Where are your dad and mom?
    - I do not know.
    “Well,” I say, “where did you come from?” Why are you shaking? Cold?
    “No,” he says, “it's not cold. Hot. And I'm trembling because the dogs were chasing me down the street.
    - What dogs?
    And she told me again:
    - I do not know.
    At this point I could not bear it, I got angry and say:
    - I don’t know, I don’t know! .. And then what do you know?
    She says:
    - I want to eat.
    - Oh, that's how! Do you know that?
    Well, what can you do with her. I put her on the sofa, "sit down," I say, and I myself went to the kitchen to look for anything edible. I think: the only question is, how to feed her, such a monster? He poured boiled milk on a saucer for her, cut the bread into small pieces, and crumbled a cold cutlet.
    I come into the room, I look - where is Fenka? I see there is no one on the couch. I was surprised and began to shout:
    - Fenya! Fenya!
    Nobody is answering.
    I again:
    - Fenya! And Fenya?
    And suddenly I hear from somewhere:
    - I'm here!
    Bent down - she sits under the sofa.
    I got angry.
    - This, - I say, - what kind of tricks are these ?! Why aren't you sitting on the couch?
    - And I, - he says, - can not.
    - What about? You know how under the sofa, but you don't know how on the sofa? Oh, you are so and so! Maybe you don't know how to sit at the dinner table?
    - No, - he says, - I can do it.
    “Well, sit down,” I say.
    He put her at the table. He put a chair for her. He piled a whole mountain on a chair to make it higher. Instead of an apron, I tied a handkerchief.
    “Eat,” I say.
    Only I see - he doesn't eat. I see - sitting, poking around, sniffing with his nose.
    - What? - I say. - What's the matter?
    Silent, does not answer.
    I say:
    - You asked for food. Here - eat, please.
    And she blushed all over and suddenly said:
    - Do you have something tastier?
    - How tasty? Oh you - I say - ungrateful! You, well, need sweets, or what?
    - Oh no, - he says, - what are you, what are you ... This is also tasteless.
    - So what do you want? Ice cream?
    - No, and the ice cream doesn't taste good.
    - And the ice cream is tasteless? So much for you! So what do you want, please tell me?
    She paused, sniffed up her nose and said:
    - Do you have a few carnations?
    - What kind of carnations?
    - Well, - he says, - ordinary carnations. Iron little ones.
    Even my hands shook with fear.
    I say:
    - So what do you mean, you eat nails?
    - Yes, - he says, - I love carnations very much.
    - Well, what else do you like?
    - And also, - he says, - I like kerosene, soap, paper, sand ... just not sugar. I love cotton wool, tooth powder, shoe polish, matches ...
    I think:
    "Fathers! Is she really telling the truth? Does she really eat nails?"
    "Okay," I think. "Let's check."
    He pulled a large rusty nail out of the wall and brushed it off a little.
    - On, - I say, - eat, please!
    I thought she wouldn't eat. I thought she was just joking, pretending. But before I had time to look back, she - once and again, brittle-brittle the whole nail. She licked her lips and said:
    - Yet!..
    I say:
    - No, my dear, I'm sorry, I have no more nails for you. Here, if you want, - papers, please, I can give.
    - Come on, - he says.
    He gave her paper - she ate the paper too. He gave a whole box of matches - she ate matches in no time. He poured the kerosene on a saucer - she drank the kerosene too.
    I just look and shake my head. "That's a girl, - I think. - Such a girl, perhaps, will eat you yourself in no time. No, - I think, - we need to drive her in the neck, be sure to drive her. Why such a bogeyman, such a cannibal !!"
    And she drank kerosene, licked the saucer, sits, yawns, bites her nose: it means she wants to sleep.
    And then, you know, I felt sorry for her. She sits like a sparrow, cringing, ruffled - where, I think, to drive her so small at night. She is, after all, such a birdie, and in fact, dogs can bite. I think: "Okay, so be it, I'll kick it out tomorrow. Let me sleep at my place, rest, and tomorrow morning - goodbye, go where you came from! .."
    I thought so and began to prepare her bed. I put a pillow on the chair, on the pillow - another small pillow, from under the pins I had one. Then he put Fenka down, covered her with a napkin instead of a blanket.
    “Sleep,” I say. - Good night!
    She immediately began to snore.
    And I sat a little, read and went to bed too.
    In the morning, as soon as I woke up, I went to see how my Fenka was doing there. I come and look - there is nothing on the chair. Neither Fenichka, nor a pillow, nor a napkin ... I see - my Fenichka is lying under the chair, the pillow is under her feet, her head is on the floor, and the napkins are not visible at all.
    I woke her up, I say:
    - Where is the napkin?
    She says:
    - What napkin?
    I say:
    - Such a napkin. Which I just gave you instead of a blanket.
    She says:
    - I do not know.
    - How do you not know?
    - Honestly, I don't know.
    They began to search. I'm looking, and Fenka helps me. We are looking, we are looking - there is no napkin.
    Suddenly Fenka says to me:
    - Listen, don't look, okay. I have remembered.
    “What,” I say, “do you remember?
    “I remembered where the napkin was.
    - So where?
    - I ate it by accident.
    Oh, I got angry, screamed, stamped my feet.
    - You are such a glutton, - I say, - you are an insatiable womb! After all, you’ll eat my whole house that way.
    She says:
    - I did not mean to.
    - How is it not on purpose? Did you accidentally eat a napkin? Yes?
    She says:
    - I woke up at night, I was hungry, and you left me nothing. It’s our own fault.
    Well, of course, I didn't argue with her, spat and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. I made myself scrambled eggs, boiled coffee, spread sandwiches. And Fenke cut the newsprint, crumbled some toilet soap and poured it all with kerosene on top. I bring this vinaigrette into the room, I look - my Fenka is wiping her face with a towel. I got scared, it seemed to me that she was eating a towel. Then I see - no, he wipes his face.
    I ask her:
    - Where did you get the water?
    She says:
    - What kind of water?
    I say:
    - Such water. In a word, where did you wash?
    She says:
    “I haven't bathed yet.
    - How did you not wash? So why are you wiping yourself off?
    - And I, - he says, - always like that. I dry off first and then wash.
    I just waved my hand.
    - Well, - I say, - okay, sit down, eat quickly and - goodbye! ..
    She says:
    - How is it "goodbye"?
    - Yes, - I say. - Very simple. Goodbye. I'm tired of you, my dear. Leave as soon as possible where you came from.
    And suddenly I see - my Fenya will tremble and tremble. She rushed to me, grabbed me by the leg, hugs me, kisses me, and at the very eyes of her eyes the tears are still flowing.
    - Do not drive me, - he says, - please! I'll be good. You are welcome! I ask you to! If you feed me, I will never eat anything - not a single carnation, not a single button without asking.
    Well, in a word, I felt sorry for her again.
    I had no children then. I lived alone. So I thought: "Well, this little pig won't eat me up. Let, - I think, - stay with me a little. And then it will be seen."
    - Okay, - I say, - so be it. I will forgive you for the last time. But just look at me ...
    She immediately cheered up, jumped, purred.
    Then I went to work. And before leaving for work, I went to the market and bought a pound of small boot nails. I left about ten to Fenke, and put the rest in a box and closed the box with a key.
    At work, I thought about Fenka all the time. I was worried. How is she there? What is he doing? Have you done something?
    I come home - Fenka is sitting on the window, catching flies. She saw me, was delighted, clapped her hands.
    - Oh, - he says, - finally! I'm so glad!
    - What? - I say. - It was boring?
    - Oh, how boring! I just can't, how boring!
    He took her in his arms. I say:
    - You probably want to eat?
    “No,” he says. - Not a bit. I still have three nails left from breakfast.
    "Well, - I think, - if there are three nails left, then everything is in order, it means that she hasn't eaten anything extra."
    I praised her for her good behavior, played with her a little, then went about my business.
    I had several letters to write. I sit down at my desk, open the inkwell, and look - my inkwell is empty. What? After all, I only poured ink there the third day.
    - Well, - I say, - Fenka! Come here!
    She comes running.
    - Yes? - is talking.
    I say:
    - Do you know where my ink has gone?
    - What?
    - Never mind. Do you know or don't you know?
    She says:
    - If you don’t swear, then I’ll tell you.
    - Well?
    - You won't swear?
    - Well, I won't.
    - I drank them.
    - How did you drink? !! You promised me - I say - you promised ...
    She says:
    “I promised you wouldn’t eat anything.” And I did not promise not to drink. And you, he says, are again to blame. Why did you buy me such salty nails? They make you thirsty.
    Well - talk to her! Again I am to blame.
    I think: what should I do? Swear? No, swearing won't help matters here. I think: she needs some kind of work, some occupation to find. It is she who is doing nonsense out of idleness. And when I make her work, she will have no time to play the fool.
    And the next morning I give her a broom and say:
    - Here, Fenya, I am leaving for work, but for now, get busy: clean the room, sweep the floor, wipe the dust. Can you do it?
    She even laughed.
    - Eva, - she says, - unseen. Why not be able to do this? Of course I can.
    In the evening I come and look: there is dust, dirt in the room, papers are lying on the floor.
    - Hey, Fenka! - I shout.
    She crawls out from under the bed.
    - Yes! - is talking. - What's the matter?
    - Why didn't you sweep the floor?
    - How is it why?
    - Exactly: why?
    - And what, - he says, - to sweep it?
    - With a broom.
    She says:
    - No whisk.
    - How is it not?
    - Very simple: no.
    - Where did she go?
    Is silent. The nose sniffs. It means that the matter is amiss.
    I say:
    - Did you eat it?
    “Yes,” he says. - I ate it.
    I fell into a chair. I even forgot to get angry.
    I say:
    - Monster! But how did you manage to devour a whisk?
    She says:
    - I honestly don't even know myself. Somehow imperceptibly, one twig at a time ...
    - Well, what, - I say, - should I do now? Should I order an iron whisk for you?
    “No,” he says.
    - What is "no"?
    - No, - he says, - I'll eat iron too.
    Then I thought a little and said:
    - Okay. I know what I'll do to you. From tomorrow I will hide you in a suitcase. I hope you won't eat your suitcase?
    - No, - he says, - I won't. It's dusty. Wash it - then eat it.
    “Well, no,” I say. - Thank. Do not. Better to let it stand dusty.
    And the next day I put Fenka in a small leather suitcase. She didn’t cry, she didn’t squeak. She just asked me to drill a few holes for air.
    I took the scissors and made three holes. And since then Fenka has been living there, in my suitcase.
    Of course, it has grown a little during this time: it was with the thumb, now with the index finger. But she lives well. Even cozy. Now I made a window there, in her house. She sleeps on a small sofa. She dines at a small table. And even a small, small - like this - there is a TV set there.
    So don't feel sorry for her, Fenka. Better come and visit me sometime, and I will certainly introduce you to her.

    One evening the narrator was at home alone and heard a strange scratching. He began to look for the source of the noise and saw on the ledge outside the window a tiny girl no larger than a finger. The narrator let her into the house and began to question her. It turned out that the baby's name is Fenka, who her parents do not know, but got here, fleeing the dogs on the street. Fenya asked for food.

    The narrator left the girl on the couch and went to the kitchen. He made a supper for her in the form of milk and crumbled bread with a cutlet. During this time, Fenka managed to hide under the sofa, the narrator explained to her what to eat at the table. The girl refuses cooked food, she doesn't even want sweets and asks for carnations. It turns out that Fenka does not eat ordinary food and eats building materials, paper, household chemicals - a variety of items. The baby eats a nail, matches, drinks a saucer of kerosene and goes to bed in the bed arranged for her.

    In the morning it is discovered that Fenka has eaten a napkin, which she used to cover herself for the night. The narrator prepares breakfast for her and asks to leave: he does not like that the girl can eat everything in his house. But Fenka, with tears in his eyes, begs not to drive her out and promises not to eat anything without asking.

    The narrator agrees. Leaving for work, he leaves the girl with carnations, and when he comes home, he sees that nothing more has been eaten and praises Fenka. He soon notices that there is no ink in the inkwell. It turns out that the girl drank them because her dinner was too salty, and she did not promise not to drink.

    The next day, the narrator decides to keep Fenka busy in order to distract her from thoughts about food, and instructs to put things in order in his absence. But the girl did nothing and ate the whisk. As a result, the narrator decides to hide it for a day in a small suitcase, which eventually turned into a real cozy house. Fenka began to live in it and even grew up a little.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is that without certain moral rules, the ability to be responsible and keep this word, it is difficult to live and have good relationships with people around.

    Picture or drawing of Fenk

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    It was in the evening. I was lying on the couch, smoking and reading the newspaper. In the room
    there was nobody but me. And suddenly I hear - someone is scratching. Someone
    barely audible, quietly knocking on the window pane: tick-tick, knock-knock.
    "What, I think, is this? A fly? No, not a fly. A cockroach? No, not a cockroach.
    Maybe the rain is dripping? No, what kind of rain is there - it doesn't smell like rain ... "
    I turned my head and looked - I couldn't see anything. I got up on my elbow -
    also not visible. I listened - as if quietly.
    I went to bed. And suddenly again: tick-tick, knock-knock.
    "Fu, - I think. - What is it?"
    Tired of me, I got up, threw the newspaper, went to the window and - eyes
    goggled. I think: priests, what is it for me - in a dream, or what? I see - for
    window, on a narrow iron cornice, stands - who do you think? There is a girl.
    Yes, such a girl, about which you have not read in fairy tales.
    She will be smaller in height than the smallest boy with a finger. Legs
    she has bare feet, her dress is all tattered; she herself is plump, pot-bellied, nose
    button, some protruding lips, and the hair on the head is red and sticking out in
    different sides, as on a shoe brush.
    I didn't even immediately believe it was a girl. I thought at first that what
    some kind of animal. Because I've never had such little girls before
    And the girl is standing, looking at me and with all her might with her fist
    drumming on glass: tick-tick, knock-knock.
    I ask her through the glass:
    - Girl! What do you want?
    But she does not hear me, does not answer and only points with her finger: they say,
    open it, please, open it soon!
    Then I pushed back the bolt, opened the window and let her into the room.
    I say:
    - Why are you, silly, climbing through the window? After all, my door is open.
    And she answers me, I remember, in a thin, thin voice:
    - I don't know how to walk through the door.
    - How can you not ?! You can go out the window, but you don’t know how to go out the door?
    - Yes, - he says, - I can't.
    "So, - I think, - the miracle Yudo came to me!"
    I was surprised, took her in my arms, I see - she was trembling all over. I see - afraid
    something. Looks around, looks at the window. Her face is all tear-stained,
    the teeth are chattering, and there are still tears in his eyes.
    I ask her:
    - Who are you?
    - I, - he says, - Fenka.
    - What kind of Fenka?
    - Such is ... Fenka.
    - And where do you live?
    - I do not know.
    - Where are your dad and mom?
    - I do not know.
    “Well,” I say, “where did you come from?” Why are you shaking? Cold?
    “No,” he says, “it's not cold. Hot. And I tremble because behind me
    now the dogs were chasing down the street.
    - What dogs?
    And she told me again:
    - I do not know.
    At this point I could not bear it, I got angry and say:
    - I don’t know, I don’t know! .. And then what do you know?
    She says:
    - I want to eat.
    - Oh, that's how! Do you know that?
    Well, what can you do with her. I put her on the sofa, "sit", I say, and
    i went to the kitchen myself to look for anything edible. I think: only
    the question is, what to feed her, such a monster? I poured boiled water on her saucer
    milk, bread, cut into small pieces, cold cutlet crumbled.
    I come into the room, I look - where is Fenka? I see there is no one on the couch.
    I was surprised and began to shout:
    - Fenya! Fenya!
    Nobody is answering.
    I again:
    - Fenya! And Fenya?
    And suddenly I hear from somewhere:
    - I'm here!
    Bent down - she sits under the sofa.
    I got angry.
    - This, - I say, - what kind of tricks are these ?! Why isn't it on the couch
    are you sitting?
    - And I, - he says, - can not.
    - What about? You know how under a sofa, but you don't know how on a sofa? Oh, you are so and so!
    Perhaps you don't even know how to sit at the dinner table?
    - No, - he says, - I can do it.
    “Well, sit down,” I say.
    He put her at the table. He put a chair for her. He piled a whole mountain of books on a chair -
    to be higher. Instead of an apron, I tied a handkerchief.
    “Eat,” I say.
    Only I see - he doesn't eat. I see - sitting, poking around, sniffing with his nose.
    - What? - I say. - What's the matter?
    Silent, does not answer.
    I say:
    - You asked for food. Here - eat, please.
    And she blushed all over and suddenly said:
    - Do you have something tastier?
    - How tasty? Oh you - I say - ungrateful! To you, well,
    do you need sweets?
    - Oh no, - he says, - what are you, what are you ... This is also tasteless.
    - So what do you want? Ice cream?
    - No, and the ice cream doesn't taste good.
    - And the ice cream is tasteless? So much for you! So what do you want, tell me
    would you please?
    She paused, sniffed up her nose and said:
    - Do you have a few carnations?
    - What kind of carnations?
    - Well, - he says, - ordinary carnations. Iron little ones.
    Even my hands shook with fear.
    I say:
    - So what do you mean, you eat nails?
    - Yes, - he says, - I love carnations very much.
    - Well, what else do you like?
    - And also, - he says, - I like kerosene, soap, paper, sand ... just not
    sugar. I love cotton wool, tooth powder, shoe polish, matches ...
    I think:
    "Fathers! Is she really telling the truth? Is she really
    eats nails? "
    "Okay," I think. "Let's check."
    He pulled a large rusty nail out of the wall and brushed it off a little.
    - On, - I say, - eat, please!
    I thought she wouldn't eat. Thought she was just joking
    pretending. But before I had time to look back, she is - one, one, fragile, fragile, the whole nail
    chewed. She licked her lips and said:
    - Yet!..
    I say:
    - No, my dear, I'm sorry, I have no more nails for you. Here,
    if you want - papers, please, I can give.
    - Come on, - he says.
    He gave her paper - she ate the paper too. Matches gave a whole box - she and
    i ate matches in no time. Poured kerosene on a saucer - she and kerosene
    I just look and shake my head. "That's a girl, - I think. - Such
    girl, perhaps, and you yourself will be eaten in no time. No - I think - it is necessary
    to drive her in the neck, be sure to drive. Where am I such a bogeyman, ogre
    such !! "
    And she drank kerosene, licked a saucer, sits, yawns, nods:
    sleep means you want.
    And then, you know, I felt sorry for her. She sits like a sparrow -
    shriveled up, ruffled, - where, I think, looking so small at night
    drive. She is, after all, such a birdie, and in fact, dogs can bite. I AM
    i think: "Okay, so be it, I'll kick it out tomorrow. Let me sleep well,
    will rest, and tomorrow morning - goodbye, go where you came from! .. "
    I thought so and began to prepare her bed. I put a pillow on a chair,
    a pillow - another pillow, a small one, from under the pins I had. Later
    put Fenka down, covered her with a napkin instead of a blanket.
    “Sleep,” I say. - Good night!
    She immediately began to snore.
    And I sat a little, read and went to bed too.
    In the morning, as soon as I woke up, I went to see how my Fenka was
    is doing well. I come and look - there is nothing on the chair. Neither Fenka nor a pillow
    no, not a napkin ... I see - my Fenichka is lying under the chair, the pillow under her
    feet, head on the floor, and napkins - so that one is not visible at all.
    I woke her up, I say:
    - Where is the napkin?
    She says:
    - What napkin?
    I say:
    - Such a napkin. Which I just gave you instead of a blanket.
    She says:
    - I do not know.
    - How do you not know?
    - Honestly, I don't know.
    They began to search. I'm looking, and Fenka helps me. We are looking, we are looking - there is no napkin.
    Suddenly Fenka says to me:
    - Listen, don't look, okay. I have remembered.
    “What,” I say, “do you remember?
    “I remembered where the napkin was.
    - So where?
    - I ate it by accident.
    Oh, I got angry, screamed, stamped my feet.
    - You are such a glutton, - I say, - you are an insatiable womb! After all, this is how you
    you will eat my whole house.
    She says:
    - I did not mean to.
    - How is it not on purpose? Did you accidentally eat a napkin? Yes?
    She says:
    - I woke up at night, I was hungry, and you left me nothing.
    It’s our own fault.
    Well, I, of course, did not argue with her, spat and went to the kitchen for breakfast
    prepare. I made myself scrambled eggs, boiled coffee, spread sandwiches. And Fenke -
    cut newsprint, crumbled toilet soap and on top of all this
    i poured it with kerosene. I bring this vinaigrette into the room, I look - my Fenka
    wipes his face with a towel. I got scared, it seemed to me that she was eating
    towel. Then I see - no, he wipes his face.
    I ask her:
    - Where did you get the water?
    She says:
    - What kind of water?
    I say:
    - Such water. In a word, where did you wash?
    She says:
    “I haven't bathed yet.
    - How did you not wash? So why are you wiping yourself off?
    - And I, - he says, - always like that. I dry off first and then wash.
    I just waved my hand.
    - Well, - I say, - okay, sit down, eat quickly and - goodbye! ..
    She says:
    - How is it "goodbye"?
    - Yes, - I say. - Very simple. Goodbye. I'm tired of you
    darling. Leave as soon as possible where you came from.
    oskazkakh.ru - site
    And suddenly I see - my Fenya will tremble and tremble. She rushed to me
    she grabbed me by the leg, hugs, kisses me, and at the very eyes of her eyes
    - Do not drive me, - he says, - please! I'll be good. You are welcome!
    I ask you to! If you feed me, I'll never be anything - not one
    a carnation, I won't eat a single button without asking.
    Well, in a word, I felt sorry for her again.
    I had no children then. I lived alone. So I thought: "Well, don't
    this little pig will eat me up. Let - I think - stay with me a little.
    And then we'll see. "
    - Okay, - I say, - so be it. I will forgive you for the last time. But
    just look at me ...
    She immediately cheered up, jumped, purred.
    Then I went to work. And before leaving for work, I went to
    market and bought a pound of little shoe nails. I left about ten
    Fenke, and put the rest in a box and closed the box with a key.
    At work, I thought about Fenka all the time. I was worried. How is she there? what
    does? Have you done something?
    I come home - Fenka is sitting on the window, catching flies. Saw me
    was delighted, clapped her hands.
    - Oh, - he says, - finally! I'm so glad!
    - What? - I say. - It was boring?
    - Oh, how boring! I just can't, how boring!
    He took her in his arms. I say:
    - You probably want to eat?
    “No,” he says. - Not a bit. I've got three more nails from breakfast
    "Well, - I think, - if three nails remain, then everything is in order,
    so she hasn't eaten anything extra. "
    I praised her for her good behavior, played with her a little, then
    went about his business.
    I had several letters to write. I sit down at my desk
    i open the inkwell, I look - my inkwell is empty. What? Because I
    only the third day he poured ink there.
    - Well, - I say, - Fenka! Come here!
    She comes running.
    - Yes? - is talking.
    I say:
    - Do you know where my ink has gone?
    - What?
    - Never mind. Do you know or don't you know?
    She says:
    - If you don’t swear, then I’ll tell you.
    - Well?
    - You won't swear?
    - Well, I won't.
    - I drank them.
    - How did you drink? !! You promised me - I say - you promised ...
    She says:
    “I promised you wouldn’t eat anything.” And I did not promise not to drink. And you, -
    says - again they are to blame. Why did you buy me such salty nails?
    They make you thirsty.
    Well - talk to her! Again I am to blame.
    I think: what should I do? Swear? No, swearing is not the point here
    help. I think: she needs some job, some occupation.
    It is she who is doing nonsense out of idleness. And when I make her work,
    she will have no time to play the fool.
    And the next morning I give her a broom and say:
    - Here, Fenya, I am leaving for work, but for now, get busy: clean up
    sweep the room, sweep the dust. Can you do it?
    She even laughed.
    - Eva, - she says, - unseen. Why not be able to do this? Of course I can.
    In the evening I come and look: there is dust, dirt in the room, papers on the floor
    lying around.
    - Hey, Fenka! - I shout.
    She crawls out from under the bed.
    - Yes! - is talking. - What's the matter?
    - Why didn't you sweep the floor?
    - How is it why?
    - Exactly: why?
    - And what, - he says, - to sweep it?
    - With a broom.
    She says:
    - No whisk.
    - How is it not there?
    - Very simple: no.
    - Where did she go?
    Is silent. The nose sniffs. It means that the matter is amiss.
    I say:
    - Did you eat it?
    “Yes,” he says. - I ate it.
    I fell into a chair. I even forgot to get angry.
    I say:
    - Monster! But how did you manage to devour a whisk?
    She says:
    - I honestly don't even know myself. Somehow imperceptibly, one at a time
    twig ...
    - Well, what, - I say, - should I do now? An iron whisk for
    you, or what, to order?
    “No,” he says.
    - What is "no"?
    - No, - he says, - I'll eat iron too.
    Then I thought a little and said:
    - Okay. I know what I'll do to you. From tomorrow I'll be you in
    hide the suitcase. I hope you won't eat your suitcase?
    - No, - he says, - I won't. It's dusty. Wash it - then eat it.
    “Well, no,” I say. - Thank. Do not. It's better if it's dusty
    worth it.
    And the next day I put Fenka in a small leather suitcase. It
    nothing - did not cry, did not squeak. Only asked me to drill
    several holes for air.
    I took the scissors and made three holes. And since then Fenka has lived there,
    in my suitcase.
    Of course, it has grown a little during this time: it was with a thumb, now -
    with index. But she lives well. Even cozy. Now I and the window are there
    did, in her house. She sleeps on a small sofa. Dines for a little
    table. And even a small, small - like this - there is a TV set there.
    So don't feel sorry for her, Fenka. Better come to me sometime in
    guests, and I will certainly introduce you to her.

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    Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev

    (L. Panteleev)

    It was in the evening. I was lying on the couch, smoking and reading the newspaper. There was no one in the room except me. And suddenly I hear - someone is scratching. Someone barely audible, softly knocking on the window glass: tick-tick, knock-knock.

    "What, - I think, - is it? A fly? No, not a fly. A cockroach? No, not a cockroach. Maybe the rain is dripping? No, what kind of rain is there - it doesn't smell like rain ..."

    I turned my head and looked - I couldn't see anything. He got up on his elbow too. I listened - as if quietly.

    I went to bed. And suddenly again: tick-tick, knock-knock.

    "Fu, - I think. - What is it?"

    Tired of me, I got up, threw the newspaper, went to the window and - goggled his eyes. I think: priests, what is it for me - in a dream, or what? I see - outside the window, on a narrow iron cornice, standing - who do you think? There is a girl. Yes, such a girl, about which you have not read in fairy tales.

    She will be smaller in height than the smallest boy with a finger. Her legs are bare, her dress is all tattered; She herself is plump, pot-bellied, her nose is a button, her lips are somehow protruding, and the hair on her head is red and sticks out in different directions, like on a shoebrush.

    I didn't even immediately believe it was a girl. I thought at first that it was some kind of animal. Because I have never seen such little girls before.

    And the girl is standing, looking at me and with all her strength drumming on the glass with her fist: tick-tick, knock-knock.

    I ask her through the glass:

    Girl! What do you want?

    But she does not hear me, does not answer and only points with her finger: they say, open it, please, but open it quickly!

    Then I pushed back the bolt, opened the window and let her into the room.

    I say:

    Why are you, silly, climbing through the window? After all, my door is open.

    I don't know how to walk through the door.

    How can you not ?! You can go out the window, but you don’t know how to go out the door?

    Yes, - he says, - I can't.

    "So, - I think, - the miracle Yudo came to me!"

    I was surprised, took her in my arms, I see - she was trembling all over. I see - is afraid of something. Looks around, looks at the window. Her face is all tear-stained, her teeth are chattering, and there are still tears in her eyes.

    I ask her:

    Who are you?

    I, - he says, - Fenka.

    What kind of Fenka?

    Such is ... Fenka.

    And where do you live?

    I do not know.

    Where are your dad and mom?

    I do not know.

    Well, I say, where did you come from? Why are you shaking? Cold?

    No, - he says, - it's not cold. Hot. And I'm trembling because the dogs were chasing me down the street.

    What kind of dogs?

    And she told me again:

    I do not know.

    At this point I could not bear it, I got angry and say:

    I don’t know, I don’t know! .. And then what do you know?

    She says:

    I want to eat.

    Oh, that's how! Do you know that?

    Well, what can you do with her. I put her on the sofa, "sit down," I say, and I myself went to the kitchen to look for anything edible. I think: the only question is, how to feed her, such a monster? He poured boiled milk on a saucer for her, cut the bread into small pieces, and crumbled a cold cutlet.

    I come into the room, I look - where is Fenka? I see there is no one on the couch. I was surprised and began to shout:

    Fenya! Fenya!

    Nobody is answering.

    Fenya! And Fenya?

    And suddenly I hear from somewhere:

    Bent down - she sits under the sofa.

    I got angry.

    This, - I say, - what kind of tricks are these ?! Why aren't you sitting on the couch?

    And I, - he says - do not know how.

    What about? You know how under the sofa, but you don't know how on the sofa? Oh, you are so and so! Maybe you don't know how to sit at the dinner table?

    No, - he says, - I can do it.

    Well, sit down, I say.

    He put her at the table. He put a chair for her. He piled a whole mountain on a chair to make it higher. Instead of an apron, I tied a handkerchief.

    Eat, I say.

    Only I see - he doesn't eat. I see - sitting, poking around, sniffing with his nose.

    What? - I say. - What's the matter?

    Silent, does not answer.

    I say:

    You asked for food. Here - eat, please.

    And she blushed all over and suddenly said:

    Do you have something tastier?

    How tastier? Oh you - I say - ungrateful! You, well, need sweets, or what?

    Oh no, - he says, - that you, that you ... This is also tasteless.

    So what do you want? Ice cream?

    No, and the ice cream doesn't taste good.

    And the ice cream is tasteless? So much for you! So what do you want, please tell me?

    She paused, sniffed up her nose and said:

    Do you have some carnations?

    What kind of carnations?

    Well, - he says - ordinary carnations. Iron little ones.

    Even my hands shook with fear.

    I say:

    So what do you mean you are eating nails?

    Yes, - he says, - I love carnations very much.

    Well, what else do you love?

    And also, - he says, - I like kerosene, soap, paper, sand ... just not sugar. I love cotton wool, tooth powder, shoe polish, matches ...

    "Fathers! Is she really telling the truth? Does she really eat nails?"

    "Okay," I think. "Let's check."

    He pulled a large rusty nail out of the wall and brushed it off a little.

    On, - I say, - eat, please!

    I thought she wouldn't eat. I thought she was just joking, pretending. But before I had time to look around, she - once, once, brittle, brittle the whole nail chewed. She licked her lips and said:

    I say:

    No, my dear, I'm sorry, I have no more nails for you. Here, if you want, - papers, please, I can give.

    Come on, - he says.

    He gave her paper - she ate the paper too. He gave a whole box of matches - she ate matches in no time. He poured the kerosene on a saucer - she drank the kerosene too.

    I just look and shake my head. "That's a girl, - I think. - Such a girl, perhaps, will eat you yourself in no time. No, - I think, - we need to drive her in the neck, be sure to drive her. Why such a bogeyman, such a cannibal !!"

    And she drank kerosene, licked the saucer, sits, yawns, bites her nose: it means she wants to sleep.

    And then, you know, I felt sorry for her. She sits like a sparrow, cringing, ruffled - where, I think, to drive her so small at night. She is, after all, such a birdie, and in fact, dogs can bite. I think: "Okay, so be it, I'll kick it out tomorrow. Let me sleep at my place, rest, and tomorrow morning - goodbye, go where you came from! .."

    I thought so and began to prepare her bed. I put a pillow on the chair, on the pillow - another small pillow, from under the pins I had one. Then he put Fenka down, covered her with a napkin instead of a blanket.

    Sleep, I say. - Good night!

    She immediately began to snore.

    And I sat a little, read and went to bed too.

    In the morning, as soon as I woke up, I went to see how my Fenka was doing there. I come and look - there is nothing on the chair. Neither Fenichka, nor a pillow, nor a napkin ... I see - my Fenichka is lying under the chair, the pillow is under her feet, her head is on the floor, and the napkins are not visible at all.

    I woke her up, I say:

    Where is the napkin?

    She says:

    What napkin?

    I say:

    Such a napkin. Which I just gave you instead of a blanket.

    She says:

    I do not know.

    How do you not know?

    Honestly, I don't know.

    They began to search. I'm looking, and Fenka helps me. We are looking, we are looking - there is no napkin.

    Suddenly Fenka says to me:

    Listen, don't look, okay. I have remembered.

    What - I say - do you remember?

    I remembered where the napkin was.

    I ate it by accident.

    Oh, I got angry, screamed, stamped my feet.

    You are such a glutton, - I say, - you are an insatiable womb! After all, you’ll eat my whole house that way.

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