• How to teach a five-year-old child to write numbers and letters? What if the child does not want to write a homework? The child does not work in writing


    Do not more than 15 minutes a day


    The letter is a complex skill that requires the agreed work of the muscles of the hand, developed spectatic memory, spatial perception, care and perfection. Master all this immediately the preschooler is difficult. Therefore, take a rule: a little peeped - rested. Overload badly affect the development of a children's body.

    Do not torfer


    Studies show Young Children's Knowledge of the Symbolic Nature of Writingthat children begin to see the difference between words and drawings for three years, regardless of whether they can read or not. However, at such an early age, the kids are not yet ready for the letter: their brain will form the necessary skills only to 5-7 years.

    You can check the readiness for the letter like this:

    • Give a paper sheet of paper and offer something to draw.
    • Ask to paint a piece of pattern.
    • If the kid will constantly turn the sheet of paper and with difficulty changing the direction of the line, it means that it is not ready to write letters.

    Do not force


    If the child does not want to learn the letters, do not rape it. Bare better exercises, developing small motility, spatial thinking and memory.

    There is no formal requirement to "be able to write" to the future first grader. At the age of 5-7 years, it is worth a preference to preparing the hands for learning a letter in school.

    Marina Suzdaleva, Psychologist, teacher early Development, author of books for parents, creator of the project "Club passionate mothers"

    Submit information in the game form


    Do not turn classes in obligatory, and yourself in a strict teacher. Training a preschooler must remind an entertaining game.

    According to Marina Suzdaleva, it is necessary to exclude any negative emotions, assessments and criticism.

    Do not learn handwritten letters


    This is asked for parents of teachers. primary classes. The fact is that ways of writing letters in the textbooks will differ.

    Parents will be taught to connect and write letters in one way, and the requirements for the program will be others. And the child will have to retrain.

    Love Chulkov, Neuropedagog-Psychologist, speech therapist, writer, primary school teacher, manual developer for children, parents and teachers

    If the parents and, most importantly, the baby still has a desire to master calligraphy, make it possible to develop the elements of the letters. Such exercises can be found in recolts for preschoolers.

    Preparation - 3-5 years

    Develop a shallow motor

    To learn how to write, the child needs to have a developed fine motor. This means that he must easily manipulate small objects and perform Do Fine Motor Skills Contribute to Early Reading Development? Actions requiring coordinated eye and hand work. For example, sculpt from the dough or draw.

    To prepare the hand of the preschooler to the letter, try the following exercises:

    • Cut out the shapes of paper on the contour.
    • And paint with colored pencils, wovers and paints.
    • Sculpt the dough and plasticine.
    • Create appliques.
    • Collect models from the designer.
    • Work with mosaic.
    • Knish and embroider with a cross.

    Exercises need to be performed regularly in a convenient child pace and together with adults.

    By the way, when the fingertips of the hands are moving, the activities of the frontal and temporal parts of the brain responsible for speech are intensified: children with developed motility speak better.

    Teach the table

    Moreover, before the baby starts writing. Then he will be too passionate about letters and will not be able to control his body.

    Remember that the wrong position at the table leads to a violation of blood circulation and diseases of the spine, delays the development of the chest.

    Every time the child snaps at the table to eat, draw, read or do something else, control its position.

    The baby must sit straight, without relying the breast on the table. Shoulders at one level. The head is a little tilted forward. The distance from the eye to the table is not less than 30-35 cm. Hands lie so that the elbows appear to be a little behind the edge of the table.

    Both legs stand on the floor and bent in the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Left leg (if the guy is right-hander) or right (if left-hand) can be slightly nominated.


    Show how to keep a pencil

    To begin with, take thick trothed pencils: it is easier to explain how to put your fingers. When you go to the round, you can use the simulators-nozzles for the right letter.

    It is best to show the child, how you hold the pencil yourself, and note the handle or felt-tip pen on the children's fingers of the place where the tool should be located.

    Some teachers to improve the handwriting require that the tip of the pencil is directed to the right shoulder in the right hand or the left left.

    You can also make a simple exercise. Take a pencil index and thumb right hand In the place where the paint ends. Left hand grabbed the opposite edge and turn the tool.

    If your fingers go, correct them. Move the child then will be very difficult. Watch that the baby does not compress the pencil too much. In the interruptions make finger gymnastics.

    Many teachers converge in the opinion that it is advisable to instill a letter skill with a pencil, and not the fountain pen. The child will not be afraid of his mistakes (you can erase the unsuccessful option with an eraser), as well as learn how to control the degree of pressure.

    Teach to navigate the sheet of paper

    A child must master spatial thinking and be able to navigate on a sheet of paper. This will help him further read the size and location of the letter on the line, understand the number of elements included in it, choose the slope and scope. Master this skill will help graphic dictations.


    Slide the alphabet

    Before writing, the child needs to learn the alphabet and. For this, there is a lot of technician: Alphabet and Buvari, Zaitsev cubes, "wrappers" and "Teremki" Vosobovich, dynamic cubes Chaplygin. Select a way that suits your child.

    Training elements and printed letters - 5-7 years

    Draw your fingers

    You can see the letters, drawing them on the razor foam, the cereal, scattered on the contrary, dwarked with glass, in the air, chalk on asphalt or finger paints on paper. Letters can be folded from seeds and sculpt from plasticine. By saying the letter, you need to call the corresponding sounds and remember the words, on her beginning.

    It is important to bind the letter with the subject to which it starts. And correctly call the name of the letter and the sound that it means. For example, the letter is called "EM", and sounds - "M" or "MJ".

    Love Chulkov, Neuropedagog-Psychologist, speech therapist, writer, primary school teacher

    Write elements of letters and numbers in the album for drawing

    Start by mastering the elements: vertical and horizontal sticks, circles, ovals and others. Tasks can be found in manuals for preschoolers or invent yourself.

    Draw a sample of the item and ask the child to repeat. If he is mistaken, explain why you need to do this. For the first experiments, it is better to make a separate album for drawing, so that the child does not distract the distinguished.

    Her and most of the kids are given the upper element of small letters "B", "B", the lower element of the letters "y", "s", "d", "c", "u". To teach writing a small letter "g" from top to bottom, as well as hooks of letters "T" and "sh" is also important.

    Love Chulkov, Neuropedagog-Psychologist, speech therapist, writer, primary school teacher

    Perform exercises in recurrences for preschoolers

    Direction, position in space (right-left, top-bottom, lower above, forward-back).

    Effective development of letters skill is also unthinkable without the ability to concentrate and allocate attention. All this concerns only the "technical side" of the letter.

    In parallel, there is a development of spelling and grammatical skills, which successfully fall on the developed phonmematic hearing, the ability to perform a sound-letter analysis of the word, a wide vocabulary and competent oral speech of the child.

    Often parents care: why the child has difficulty writing numbers or letters, why the handwriting is bad, the letters jump on line, etc.
    In recent days, it so happened that several very different people have started such conversations. And since I started writing, I will collect everything here

    So, you noticed that your child has difficulty writing individual letters, letters in words, numbers. I am not talking about the situation when the child turns the letters or replaces some letters by others, writes pretexts together with the word, divides the word on the wild parts, does not see the end of the sentence, etc. No, now I am talking exactly that everything is written in a croo-space in a notebook.
    What could be the causes

    Small motility is not very developed, muscle spasms, injuries brush, etc.
    Oddly enough, this happens quite often. If the spasm is not very strong, we almost do not notice it while the child is small. Well, think, it does not accept the buttons for a long time, but it does not like lightning, etc. As a rule, to a significant load in writing, all this seems random. But if the problem exists, as soon as the child starts to write regularly, he may have pain in hand, weakness, controversy, etc. Or maybe just not to get what you need.
    Most often, teachers say: he writes badly - you need to write more. So, in this case, it is categorically contraindicated!
    The hands are undeveloped or the wrong motility should not be loaded with a large volume of the letter, but on the contrary, constantly take breaks, shake hands, massage, iron, etc. Only short loads.
    At the same time, we begin to train different (I emphasize - different) types of petomotor movements, activity, etc. Embroidery, beads, designer, drawing, modeling, lacing, knitting, quilling, macrame, etc. Everything that the child likes is attracting, pleases and delivers positive, although through some difficulties. Do not let the difficulty immediately up. No need to hurry anywhere. And all very small portions. Maybe your child will help kinesiotapes, special dressings, elastic bandage, etc. But it is necessary to decide with doctors, with those who can estimate the condition of the hand.

    Problems with visual perception, orientation on the plane
    That is, the child does not relate, where items should be, the location of each other relative to the row, cells, etc. Most often, the letters then crawl, then bounce, tails and wands will be shifted in different places, etc.
    On this occasion there is a system of exercises for development and correction, this is the direct task of neuropsychological correction. There are ready-made benefits that are courses and techniques of work on such difficulties.

    This can also include problems with "scale". When children are just starting to write, their letters and numbers of a huge size, almost one letter on the A4 sheet. And it happens just because the child is not very able to transfer the image that he has in his head, on a sheet. That is why when children learn to write, not to limit them well, give to write as a convenient child. And the more he will be improved in this skill, the less and carefully will become his signs. And only if the letters decrease to 1 centimeter (approximately), we will invite it to write in large cells, show the line, show how to orient your letter or digit on the line, from the walls of the cell. And only then, when it becomes easy, worked out, moving onto the lines! Yes, yes, yes, the string will appear later. And the slopes are all the more. The complexity should increase very gradually, as the skill is mastered. And only then when we see that the child copes, it turns out to be written so, we will begin to complicate the task: reduce the cells, remove the slopes, etc.

    Problems with control and control
    It happens like this: the child knows how it is necessary, his hands can be like this in principle, and from time to time everything works beautifully, but as soon as the child distracted, tired, thought about how and what to write, where to write, and then He begins to write crooked - oblique - do not understand what. That is, the child does not keep track of the writing process. This is also from the area of \u200b\u200bneuropsychological correction, but they will need completely different exercises. They, too, are all known, understandable, they are easy to find, they own many.

    One more possible reason - badly formed images of letters
    That is, you can find out the letter, he calls well: this is, it's 5. But when he needs to reproduce himself, it is difficult: where is the wand? Where is the tail?
    If the problem is in this, we return to the beginning, letters and numbers. And not in the cutting, we write, but on the big board, on the barns threads, we supply the rough letters, take the mobile alphabet of Montessori, etc. There is a huge number of ways and benefits that help better remember the image of the letter numbers. I myself very much like the rough letters, and then a spiny tablet, wrote about it and showed

    The most important reason is the lack of motivation
    That is, the child everything is fine with the skills, he can write beautifully, smoothly, neatly, but at the same time he has no reason to do, apply effort to be good. For him, this is not value, he does not need it. And then it should be seriously thinking what to do.
    There is a simple option: to accept how dotential, to come to terms, that the child writes somehow, and maybe later, when circumstances will somehow change, he also will change something. For example, my own husband flew on the International Olympics in Physics, because he could not read that he himself recorded during measurements. It was very disappointing, but the lesson went for the benefit - he began to control how he writes.

    You can try to "glimmer" a child in your faith: to carry the beauty of letters, calligraphy, etc.
    You can buy and manipulate, most often do at school. Well wrote - here's a reward: sticker, score, praise. I wrote badly - here's a punishment: a bad assessment, sad sticker or her absence, you will write 10 times, you will write until you write beautifully. I will say briefly, I personally - against such methods.

    The good news is that small difficulties associated with vision, motility and control, with age, are most often compensated for themselves, if there is no real serious root cause. This is usually happening by 10-12 years. The child suddenly begins to write better, cleaner, carefully. It is clear that not everyone happens. Therefore, if you notice that some kind of "pieces" look at the child, he is under 10 years old, you can start doing this right now. In this question, of course, it is better not to wait "to disperse or not", but to start helping as soon as it became clear. And even better, to start learning the child with writing and reading immediately, taking into account all these nuances, is not in a hurry.

    It's great if you find a neuropsychologist who knows - can - can, and special classes will appear. You can try yourself. This is not the highest mathematics, ready-made exercises, tasks and complexes are, published in bookbooks-bookbooks and them can be used. The main thing is to give the time to the child to master what it does not yet. And if nothing happens at all - do not be afraid to seek personal help. Most often, all this is quite easily solved.

    All patience and good luck

    We all come from childhood, we all went to school. And each of us who is with trepidation, who is proud of who remembers these years with horror. Many things were during this period and good, and interesting, and cheerful, and not very. But an integral part of the school program is to perform homework, and we all have our own experience in this area. But now this experience is gained by our children and they do not want to do these hated lessons. Even if you know the price of the course work, you can always help your child cope with the homework.

    One of the reasons why schoolchildren do not want to perform homeworkIs lazy. Yes, ordinary laziness. This is where everyone is sophisticated as can! From the banal "nothing asked", "Teacher got sick", "Tomorrow only singing, reading and physical education" to masterpieces of lies, when even the child himself begins to believe what he says. In fact, in each person there is a natural laziness, only one is struggling with her, others swim downstream, not much straining. After all, laziness, by and large, not so bad, even there is an opinion that all the benefits of modern civilization are achieved thanks to this quality of human nature. But a lie is a serious problem. And it's not only possible to fight with it, but also need.

    Another reason for the reluctance to perform homework, maybe the child did not understand the lesson theme, did not care for everything that is necessary for its execution. In this case, it is necessary to explain that the homework is self-preparation, checking your knowledge. If the schoolboy understood everything in the lesson, then he will easily fulfill everything, if not, then you should approach the teacher and ask to repeat once again. After all, there is nothing shameful and amusement. Alternatively, you can make parents with the children with the children, try to understand a difficult task or incomprehensible topic.

    As a result of the above-mentioned reasons, many schoolchildren write off their homework. Here, from the height of life experience, it is possible to explain that firstly it is uncomfortable, since someone needs to ask, and then be obliged, secondly, you can simply do not have time, the change is short, third, teacher Can see and punish. It is much easier and safer at home to make lessons.

    It is very important not to force a child, not to offend, not say that he is a lazy that does not know anything and does not know how. We just need to explain that each of us has their own duties, and you want or not, but you need to do it. And for a schoolboy, one of the most important duties is to study and perform homework.

    Do you know the situation when the child is taught to write on the stroke, and the result is not visible, the child can not learn to write? At the same time, the baby is restless, inattentive. Perhaps he even has a diagnosis of "motor dismissal syndrome" or "ADHD". With such diagnoses, there is often a violation of visual-spatial orientation and constructive Praxis. Junior schoolchild It has long been learned to read, but the letter is very lagged. Or you know more familiar when the baby took a pencil very late in his hand and when his peers write letters with might and main, he only learns to paint? His fingers are most likely weak, and the movements are non-coordinated. Or, on the contrary, the knob of your child is constantly in Hypertonus (for example, when), and it does not give him to learn to write. Also interfere with the process of writing can writing spasm.

    Not in vain in the children's program preschool institution There is no such subject as a letter, but there is a preparation of your hand to the letter. It is assumed that the child comes to the first class already ready for learning the letter. But the child with the features of development may not be mastered by defined AMI on time, and in the 1st grade still at the preparatory stage, need to develop small muscles of brush, attention, visual-spatial representations and constructive Praxis. Pedagogue elementary school Writes a pencil letters in the working notebook, so that the child will blame them. The schoolboy is offered to take a handle in his hand instead of a pencil, because by age is already put on to write a pen and certainly in school notebook. And nothing has changed. To move it from the place, you need to figure out what exactly does not give your child to master the letters skills. For what reason the difficulties arise and what to do about it? How to teach a child to write? We will try to help this, considering separately each problem and ways to overcome it.

    1. Poorly developed small motility of fingers. My fingers are lacking forces to keep a pen and pencil. The child holds them wrong, while the movement of the hand is not coordinated. The baby goes beyond the letter, for the contour of the object when painting.

    2. Violated visual-spatial orientation. The child does not focus on a sheet of paper, cannot figure out where the upper right corner, and where the lower left. And, therefore, it will not be able to write, for example, a printed letter A, leading the line first into the lower left corner, and then to the lower right.

    3. Deficit of attention. The child is not able to focus on what it does. It may be that hand leads the line in the notebook, and at this moment look at all at all.

    4. Violated constructive Praxis. When writing to get the letter, you need to collect together many hook sticks. A child who does not know how to build something from the designer, cubes, sticks, matches to cope with such a task very difficult.

    For development small Motoriki And strengthening children's fingers we use, of course, finger games, a finger theater, playing with beans, peas, other natural bulk materials.

    Having learned to capture a big and index fingers, a pea, a bellish or a highlight, the child will be much easier to take a pencil into hand and hold it. Benefits for such games can be made independently or pick up among breed materials. For example, in the caproic lid, you can make holes for peas and fill in peas or beans to the jar. Perfect for these purposes, a tin can with a kapron lid from inexpensive coffee. You can somehow affect the bank itself. I was lucky, I found a ready-made jar with holes in a lid, designed to store letters from Flexiki. You can also lower the beans and raisins in plastic bottlehaving previously done from her "doll" and cutting "Rotik". So, the child learned to take the pincentic capture small subjects . It's time to offer him the task of more comprehensive clothespins. Putting them on a pre-carved circle of colored cardboard, you can make a "sun", if you work well. From this task, your fingers, of course, get tired. Do not forget to give them rest. After several months of such exercises, the child with even weak fingers will be able to take a pencil into her handle and start painting. Please contact the baby immediately capture the pencil correctly. To help him this may be the so-called "" - a special nozzle for a pencil and handle. It is produced for right-handers, left-handed for children with cerebral palsy. The nozzle not only teaches the correct handle correctly, but also protects the hand of the child from premature fatigue. (Photo4) The child began to "climb" on paper and paint ... Let him give him large simple coloring, to begin with the volumetric circuit. You can save money on such coloring, making them yourself. To do this, it will be necessary to buy a glitter in the stationery store with gold or silver glitter and smear the contour of ordinary coloring. Despite the fact that the kid is already holding a pencil and copes with coloring, his fingers still need exercises. At this stage, the little ball is perfect, placing in the children's handle. Such balls of different colors are sold now in every store toy. We offer the child five times squeeze the ball with hand as much as possible and throw it to you. Then you squeeze the ball five times and pass it by the child. So, the kid's handle became stronger and more confident. He is already paint, without leaving the volume contour of the picture. The glitter is no longer needed. We will provide the child the opportunity to color now drawings with a regular contour. The only condition - they should be simple and large enough, but not so much so that the child is tired while coloring to the end. If your baby does not want to take on drawing and painting, but I am pleased to watch how you do, let him observe and paint the infinitely much. Sooner or later, his handle will still dyate to the pencil. To paint and games with the "Freaky" it is useful to connect the laying of plasticine. Try at the very beginning not to frighten the child with the complexity of tasks. Sculpt the sausages and balls, just calling the colors, exactly as much as it is interesting to the child. Even a simple plugging of small pieces of plasticine from the Big Bruke is already the strengthening of fingers. The moment comes when you can offer a child to make your first pencil route for special training tracks. (photo6). At first, I also offer to make their contour volume, using the glitter. After ordinary tracks, go to large letters within which there is a dottee. (photo7). Gradually, reducing the size of such letters, in the end, refuse the contour at all and leave only the dotted line. Now it is already ordinary recipes for preschoolers with printed letters. Work out writing letters, both printed and uppercase, help touch tracks (photo8).

    For the development of visual-spatial orientation Special "dictates" are used when the child is asked to put a match, a skip or any other trifle into the right upper angle of the album sheet, then into the left lower, in the center of the sheet, etc. With the same purpose, you can use the mosaic.

    There are graphic dictations for notebooks in a cell, where you need to count the number of cells in a certain direction, resulting in a picture (photo9) is also useful, holding a hand of a child in your hand, writing printed letters, pronouncing the direction of the movement of the handle or pencil. By the way, I want to note that at first a child learns to write with a pencil, then he gives him a gel pen that does not require push, and only then-ball. For the development of visual-spatial orientation, special exercises of the type "Fix in red flags are used, turning to the right, and yellow-left". To start learning a child to navigate in the sides and directions you need much earlier than let's start learning the letter. First, the right and left limbs of their body are being studied, then they are clearly showing the book on the page, as the Pushkin Cat, the scientist goes to the right, then to the left.

    For the development of concentration and sustainability Activities are used that are capable of holding the attention of each particular child. For example, sticking letters and numbers, alternate reading-sticking-coloring. Apply the exercise-to follow the second arrow. If the child has a problem with a letter because of the deficit of attention, it is necessary to help him, accompanying his voice moving his voice. Commenting clearly, loud, expressive: "Wand up, a wand down, hook." We teach the child to after writing the letter he called it. Then he will try to keep his attention, and not automatically drive handle on paper. If you are talking about a dobum, and the baby writes sticks, then you suggest: "From top to bottom! Top down!" Such a game will help here.

    First, the child is asked to find the desired letter and put it on top of the same letter in the word. Then the circle with the letter we are looking for and put down at the bottom, under the letter existing on the card, thus creating your word in the bottom row. You can check that when performing this task aimed at mastering a writing speech, the child will not be distracted. Promote the development of attention and ordinary exercises for the language - articulation gymnastics.

    For the development of constructive praxis The child, of course, get acquainted with a different kind of design, ask for a geometric shape from matches or county sticks, the letter, to find the necessary elements for a specific letter on paper. Then-connect points among themselves. First, we propose to connect two points, then several. At the same time we work out and coordinate the movement of the hand, and the concentration of attention. If the movements are very poorly coordinated, then the points approach gradually, in the end, reaching the fact that they turn into the dotted line for which the letter or its element is written. At the same time, we remind you a child that you need to move clearly from point to point.

    It should be noted that violation of the written speech, which we are talking about this article, is motor disgrave.

    And most importantly, although my opinion is personally. If the child is already reading and can fold the words from the letters of the magnetic alphabet, then you should not slow down its development, conducting an unthinkable amount of time on writing letters. Squeeze it at the computer and let it print. After all, printing is also a written speech. You can print exercises, dictations, letters. In the end, 21Wek in the yard!

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