• Congratulations on the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs. On the day of friendship and unity of the Slavs will be useful for festive congratulations. As it was in past years


    Andrei Purgin, head of the People's Council of the DNR

    Appeal of the Head of the People's Council of the DNR, Andrei Purgin.
    The holiday of friendship and unity of Slavs comes from the roots, traditions and customs of the Slavic people. Slavs make up the majority of the population in many countries around the world, there are about 270 million on the entire planet.

    This holiday serves as a bright confirmation that for centuries generated for centuries cannot be divided by any decrees and boundaries. We are forever unites memory and pride in the great past, for the creators and creators of our common unique culture.

    The debt of every person who respes their roots and loving his homeland is to study and sacred by the centuries-old cultural heritage of Slavic peoples, to keep traditions, values, carefully treat monuments of antiquities.

    Congratulations to all representatives of the fraternal Slavic peoples on the feast of friendship and unity of the Slavs. Together - we are a real force. The story has shown that the Spirit of Slavs does not break and not destroy. Let our love overcome all the walls and borders that stand between us. Peace you and prosperity!

    Yours faithfully,
    Chairman of the People's Council
    Donetsk People's Republic
    A.E. Purgin

    A source: http://www.novorosinform.org.

    Today there is a day of friendship and unity of the Slavs or the day of Slavic unity, as it is traditionally accepted. He originates since the collapse of the USSR. The first states that made serious steps in this direction were Russia and Belarus: they signed a number of mutual cooperation agreements on equal terms. The most widely of this date is celebrated by three friendly countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. As noted in the official congratulations of the heads of these states, this is a truly popular holiday coming from the common roots, cultural traditions and customs of our peoples.

    Unfortunately, in view of the extremely difficult situation in Ukraine, today this holiday has shown there in the fly or he just desecrated the junta. Now the place of Ukraine in this list today will have to occupy Novorossia. The regional national and cultural associations contribute a great contribution to the unity of Slavs. Thanks to their activities, the connection between the time, the original traditions, the centuries-old culture of Slavic peoples, customs and rites, are being transferred to generation to generation, the civil world and consent is strengthened. On the very day of friendship and unity of Slavs in countries, various cultural events are held, aimed at preserving and reviving the traditions and cultures of our ancestors. Representatives of the authorities, church, the public and, of course, are taking part in them.

    Slavs constitute the bulk of the population of Europe. This holiday celebrates Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenians, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians. They celebrate it, even if they live in other countries at the moment. Slavs make up the majority in countries such as: Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech Republic. Russia is one of the largest states in which Slavs make up the overwhelming part of its inhabitants.
    Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of Slavs. The activity of these organizations allows you to save the connection of times. They help from generation to generation to transfer the original traditions, customs and rites of the centuries-old culture of Slavic peoples. At the same time, the civil peace and consent occurs.

    Goals of creating and tradition for the holiday of the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs
    The day of unity of Slavs was established to rally different branches of Slavs and strengthen the connection of generations. He is designed to preserve the centuries-old friendship and the culture of Slavs.
    Where did the Slavs appear on our land? It is a pity, but no modern science is still on this question - most of the answers are called "likely." The hypotheses on this topic is quite a lot, but they all leave a lot of questions open, and the whole Slavic topic is characterized by scientists as a "controversial" and "difficult". Information about the origin of Slavic tribes is sometimes so contradictory that researchers call them "cocktail".
    The past of Slavic tribes can be traced in historians and ethnographers not further than before the VI-IV centuries of our era, and it is believed that at this time the Slavs had already lived on a rather large space - from Baltic to the Black Sea.
    Languages \u200b\u200band customs from these tribes were similar, but still quite different, and again - it is definitely unknown, where and when they managed to form. Perhaps the most famous tribes in the textbooks are the Tribe and Polyana, but the information about their lives also do not enter further than the middle of the I millennium of our era.
    What happened before that, in fact very foggy, but most scientists are still inclined to the version that the famous Russian historian and writer N. M. Karamzin adheres to: the ancestors of modern Slavs can be considered Venenov.
    The mention of the Vecedy is occurring about 2,000 years ago from ancient historians: they believed that these numerous tribes were resets, mainly in Eastern Europe - between Baltic and Carpathians. The Baltic Sea even once was called the name of the Venen Bay of the Northern Ocean, and today the archaeologists also believe that the ancestors of those who were called the Veden, lived in Europe in the Stone Age.

    Surprisingly, in one of the modern languages \u200b\u200b- Finnish, Russia is called Wielia (in Estonian - Venemaa.), And it is assumed that this name comes from the word "Vecedy". Almost the middle of the II millennium of our era, this designation was maintained in many European languages, and then gradually spread the name "Slavs": first in relation to Western tribes, and then to all who spoke in Slavic adverb.
    Eastern Slavic tribes - and there were about 200 of them, "they used to be called" Antahi ", and stood out of the general group around the VI century of our era. They were usually detained along the banks of the rivers: the Trees and the Polyana, which we have already mentioned, lived on Pripyat and Dnieper; In the lower reaches of the Dnieper, tivers and disiences lived on Prude and Dniester; On the shores of Western Dvina - Crivichi (Latvian name of Russia Krievija.); On the shores of Oki - Vyatichi.
    The most dangerous enemies of Slavs were nomads-Khazars: in the lower reaches of the Volga and Don they had a large state created in the VII-VIII centuries of our era, and they often robbed and ruined the Slavic settlements.
    It is known that the Slavs defended their lands bravely, and it was at that time that they began to call themselves "dews" or "russia", by the name of the Roma River, which occurred not far from the borders of the Khazar state. Many historians therefore believe that the words "Rus" and "Russians" originate from these names, although there is another popular version - Norman.

    We did not put on the purpose of tracing here the entire estimated story of the Slavic peoples: we are talking about a friend - about an important festival for all the Slavs - the day of friendship and unity.

    This day was established not so long ago - in the 90s of the XX century. When the Soviet Union broke up, more independent Slavic states appeared, and there was a need to establish friendly relations in the new conditions. By the way, at about the same time another state was broke out, in which many years the Slavic peoples lived nearby - Yugoslavia.
    The Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs is celebrated on June 25: The holiday was created in order for different branches of Slavic peoples to remember their historical roots, they sought to preserve their culture, as well as a centuries-old connection with each other - because Slavs in the world is not so little - about 270 million , and this is the force with which it is impossible not to be considered. According to other sources, there are even more of them - up to 350 million, as Slavs live in many countries of the world.
    Some ethnographers and sociologists explain the complexity of life in the countries of Eastern Europe in that the genetic origin of the Slavic peoples is quite different, but it is not possible to clarify this problem so far.
    In Europe, this holiday is also celebrated in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, and everywhere where there are Slavs. And of course, the largest state where Slavs make up the bulk of the population, Russia.
    However, many Slavs celebrate their holiday, even if they live far from Slavic states. Therefore, the establishment of the holiday for all Slavs of the world was the right decision - after all, we have special, only our inherent features, and they unite us, despite the distances and difficulties in communication; And do not forget that among all the language groups and cultural communities of the planet Slavs are one of the largest.
    Friendly relations between the Slavic countries are developing and supported constantly - at least Russia always seeks. Today, cultural and other events that contribute to friendship and cooperation, mutual assistance and support are being held on the day of friendship and unity of Slavs - these are concerts, contests, exhibitions, fairs, sports competitions, etc. Congratulations to each other and heads of states, and they congratulate not only the citizens of Slavic countries, but also the Slavs of the whole world. The activities of regional and regional national-cultural associations also contribute a considerable contribution to the conservation of Slavic traditions, customs and cultures in general. The activities carried out in different regions not only retain the identity of Slavic culture for future generations, but also contribute to the strengthening of the world, and this is the most important thing.

    Here you can remember that the Slavic culture, very rich and great, for a long time almost never paid attention - because today the Western culture is actively imposed, and mostly American (personally I am convinced that American culture does not exist in principle and Never existed it, like Americans of the United States can not be called neither race, nor the society, nor the people. There was a culture of the Indians, but by contacting the story you will see everything yourself).
    Meanwhile, the monuments of Slavic culture are unique - in any area: be it literature, art or architecture, and the history of the Slavs is much more older than among the peoples of countries ranking themselves to the "Golden Billion" - just this story should appreciate and respect.
    In addition, except for language and writing, most Slavs are united by a common religion and common memorable dates: for example, victory over fascism has become an essential event for the Slavs around the world, since it was against Slavs a policy of Hitler Germany.

    The issues of the origin of Slavs continue to be studied, but the fact that it is general, we are understandable today.

    Therefore, let's respect and appreciate each other, and not only in the holiday of Slavic unity, but also - after all, as if often it was repeated - we, Slavs, really brothers and sisters, and not only blood.

    Slavia is not just a house of all Slavs, it is a huge earthly space in the world since the USSR: from Anadyr to Bratislava, from the find to Warsaw, from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Sakhalin with smoking to Prague. All this is our common house. The house is almost 300 million people. The house where there is always a place for everyone. The house that serves to all of us by the Naja Ark, the house where the world must reign, friendship, calm and support for each other in difficult moments. So it was, there is and should always be. Live in peace and harmony, and let any ZhIID-Saxon Nicky dare to poke his digs into our edges. Happy holiday!

    TNF. Slav
    In the eternal battles you lived according to the laws of fathers.
    It was not broken by your spirit and under the yoke of enemies.
    Victims you brought for harsh gods.
    The enemy ripped his teeth as a flock of wolves!


    Slavs - the son of Perun, a white soldier.
    Slavs - one blood, one faith.
    For Slavic land either step back !!!

    But he managed to overcome the enemy to overcome
    Says lie and discord between the Slavic Brotherhood.
    Dirty gold washed off all fraternal blood,
    And honor and courage in exchange for wealth.

    But we were strong only by our brotherhood.
    And Serb! And Pole! And Slovenian! AND RUSSIAN!
    We are all brothers forever, one we fist!
    And the Eternal Aryan Union by replacing!

    For blood and honor! ZA KRV I CAST!
    ZA Krew I Honor! We got up !!!

    Annually Slavs around the world June 25 celebrate the day of friendship and unity of the Slavs. In total, there are about 270 million Slavs in the world.

    The most widely of this date is celebrated by three friendly countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The holiday of the day of friendship and unity of Slavs is truly folk. It comes from the total roots, cultural traditions and customs.

    Slavs constitute the bulk of the population of Europe. This holiday celebrates Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks, Slovenians, Belarusians, Czechs and Bulgarians. They celebrate it, even if they live in other countries at the moment. Slavs make up the majority in countries such as: Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech Republic. Russia is one of the largest states in which Slavs make up the overwhelming part of its inhabitants.

    Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of Slavs. The activity of these organizations allows you to save the connection of times. They help from generation to generation to transfer the original traditions, customs and rites of the centuries-old culture of Slavic peoples. At the same time, the civil peace and consent occurs.

    Goals of creating and tradition for a holiday

    Day of Unity Slavs. It was established to rally different branches of Slavs and strengthen the connection of generations. He is designed to preserve the centuries-old friendship and the culture of Slavs.

    June 25 on the day of friendship and unity of the Slavs The heads of state traditionally congratulate citizens not only their country, but also all the Slavs brothers with this significant date. The holiday forces the Slavs around the world to recall his origin and roots. Slavs are the largest language and cultural community of the peoples of the world.

    Within holidays Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs Various events are held, which are aimed at developing friendly relations between the Slavic countries.

    According to written and archaeological sources, the Slavs are already in the VI-VII centuries. They lived in Central and Eastern Europe. Their land stretched from the Elbe rivers and Oderea in the West to the driving of the Dniester and the average flow of the Dnieper in the East.

    Slavic peoples

    Currently, Slavs live on the extensive territory of South and Eastern Europe and further to the East - until the Far East of Russia. Slavic minority is also available in Western Europe, America, Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

    It is customary to allocate three branches of Slavic peoples. Western Slavs are: Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashuba and Luzhic. South Slavs include: Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Herzegovintsy, Macedonians, Slovenians and Montenegrin. Eastern Slavs: Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians.

    The problem of origin and the most ancient history of Slavs is one of the most difficult. The joint efforts of archaeologists, linguists, anthropologists, ethnographers and historians are directed to her decision.

    Modern Slavic peoples have a sufficiently solumed genetic origin. This can explain the complexity of ethnogenetic processes in Eastern Europe. These processes began tens of thousands of years ago, intensified during the great resettlement of peoples in the V century and still continue.

    Slavic languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the branch of the Indo-European family of languages. They relate to the Indo-European Languages \u200b\u200bof the Sathem. Baltic and Slavic languages, from the point of view of vocabulary, morphology and syntax, have much more similar features than any other groups of Indo-European languages. The presence of a number of similar features in the Baltic and Slavic languages \u200b\u200bmay indicate that there were balto-Slavic linguistic unity in antiquity.

    For a long time, there was no independent Slavic states. In the second half of the XIX century, Slavic peoples were part of the three empires: Russian, Austria-Hungarian and Ottoman. The exception was only Montenegrins and Luzhic.

    Montenegrins lived in a small independent state of Montenegro, and Luzhican lived in Germany. By the end of the XX century, all Slavic peoples have already received state independence. The exception was Russian and Luzhic.

    The appearance of writing Slavic peoples are obliged to Konstantin and Methodius. It was them that they ordered the Slavic letter and fully adapted him to record the Slavic speech, a huge work was done to create a book-written Slavic language, which in the future received the name of Staroslavlyansky.

    Slavs have a very rich and diverse culture. She should be proud and demonstrate to her other peoples. However, for a long time, she was not given much importance, all West was planted. As part of this holiday, cultural events are held in different countries aimed at the revival of the traditions and cultures of our ancestors.

    Each second Russian has a relative in Ukraine, each third Ukrainian has a relative in Belarus, and every fourth Belarusian is familiar with the Pole or Slovak. We are all - Slavs, and celebrate June 25 and the unity of Slavs.

    Who are Slavs

    Probably, few people do not know who Slavs are. Expand the horizons, told about some of the peculiarities of this group of peoples.

    There is no greater community in the world than Slavs. We inhabit the entire European and partially Asian continent. Our compatriots live in all corners of the world. If you collect anyone who can be considered Slavs, about 370 million people will be checked in the world.

    The Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs celebrate those who remember their roots, and who even indirectly, but honors the people. Sharing once in Europe, the people of one community shared into three groups: which are residents of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia; the southern territories of the countries of the Mediterranean coast of Europe, with the exception of the Greeks; Eastern - close to the Spirit Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians.

    History Rusich

    Now, asking the question, where the Slavs comes from his roots and unity, few people can definitely answer, as so much of different nationalities came out of one nation. Historians only suggest the true causes of settlement and division of one people, although there are still no reliable data.

    Until the modern world, individual Slavic people lived very fragmented and did not have their own territory. Until the 19th century, everyone was collected within the borders of the three largest empires. The only exception was the Montenegrins who initially had an independent state, and the Luzhicians, which occupy an autonomous district in Germany.

    And after 1945, many separate states were created, which announced their intention to write their history within the framework of independent borders. Today, the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs is the opportunity to remember that it combines different countries, different languages \u200b\u200band faith that we have some roots of a large genealogical tree that will never get under the onslaught of the invaders.

    history of the holiday

    It is difficult to determine the period when all Slavs lived on one territory and had a common language, culture and tradition. Some historians believe that this time was partially captured by the period of the formation of Kievan Rus. Anyway, Kirill and Methodius consider the birthlodes, and their activities caused the holiday of the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs. The history of equivalent people begins with the fact that these two saints of the martyr have ordered all the church letter that exists at that time, as a result of which one language arose called by Staroslavlyansky.

    Such different peoples having some roots

    For a long time, truly Slavic values \u200b\u200bchanged under the influence of Western cultures. It could not not affect traditions, beliefs and holidays. So, for example, almost all of the Slavs are Christians, but Bosnians stand out among everyone. They adopted Muslims in those times when they were captured by the Ottoman Empire.

    The day of friendship and unity of Slavs was created in order to revive what was lost by hundreds of centuries ago, remember those things in which our ancestors believed, and finally be proud of folk wisdom.

    Where and how to celebrate

    Tradition to celebrate the holiday originated not so long ago. It was customary to celebrate on June 25, the day of friendship and unity of Slavs. Every year, the People's Festival takes place in the place where the three borders of the most friendly Slavic states - Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are converging.

    Our countries have always been closely linked. And it is displayed not only on the economic component or political. The borders disconnected large families, separated brothers and sisters, grandparents. And it is a pity that recently there is an increase in tension in relations between two almost fraternal states - Ukraine and Russia. Hope was expressed that the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs 2015 will be able to reduce the incitement of the fire enmity.

    So, the festival "Slavic Unity" is celebrated every year. The venue for a general holiday is a point where the borders of three friendly states converge closest. Alternating, guests receive one of them.

    As it was in past years

    In 2013, the festival celebrated anniversary. Guests gathered in the 45th time to note the unity of the shower. The holiday was dedicated to another significant date this year - 1025 years have passed since the baptism of Russia. The event was conducted in the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation.

    In 2014, at a random coincidence, the holiday again passed the city of Klimov, which in the Bryansk region.

    But the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs 2015 was held in the town of Loev, that in the Gomel region of Belarus. His holding just coincided with the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

    Festival 2016.

    It is not clear where the "Slavic Unity" will be held this year. In theory, the host in 2016 should be Ukraine, but in connection with the unstable situation on its territory it is expected to be taken again by Klimov in the Bryansk region. It is important for us to know the day of friendship and unity of the Slavs. Photos illustrating how the holiday passes can be seen in our article.


    We are all Slavs. And this is a very rich culture and traditions of the nation. So let's not forget what flows in our blood, but be proud that our ancestors founded such mighty and strong states, created writing and opened the first schools. We are Slavs, and we are one!

    The most widely of this date is celebrated by three East-Slavic countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the Slavic peoples is deeply in history, to the creation of a general writing with saints equivalent to Cyril and Methodius, which are worshiped both in Russia and in a number of other Slavic states.

    The joint celebration of the days of Slavic writing and culture, which are associated with honoring the enlighteners of Cyril and Methodius, contribute to strengthening the links of the Slavic peoples and preserving the spiritual community of eastern and Western Slavs.

    The regional national and cultural associations contribute a great contribution to the unity of Slavs. Thanks to their activities, there are no connection between the time, from generation to generation is the original traditions, the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples, customs and rites, the civil world and consent is strengthened.

    On the day of friendship and unity of Slavs in different countries, cultural events are held, aimed at the revival of the traditions and cultures of our ancestors.

    Every year on the border of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, the monument of friendship passes the festival "Slavic unity" dedicated to the Day of Unity of Slavs.

    The festival program includes meetings of official delegations of the three republics of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the participation of leading creative teams and performers, the fair of masters of decorative and applied art.

    In 2011, the festival was held in the Bryansk region of Russia.

    In the dedicated daily and unity of the Slavs, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill, who stressed that "this holiday is informal, did not" be an informal, not "squeezed above", was participating in the His Holiness of the Border Diocese The needs of people, he reflects their globility, their understanding of what it means to be Ukrainian, Belarus, Russian. "

    In 2012, the host parties became the Gomel region of Belarus. The program of the Russian Orthodox Church visited the festival for the second time, which was held under the motto "Future to build young".

    In 2013, the Slavic Unity festival will be held in the 45th time and will be devoted to the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Kievan Rus. Take the festival will be the Bryansk region.

    Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

    Record 1 - 20 of 34

    Union and Friendship Day
    Slavs, fit with a bang!
    Let all we have what you need,
    We are brothers with you for centuries.

    Slavs, friendship treasure
    And for each other being a mountain.
    Do not allow yourself to offend
    Be for unity head!

    Let us, Slavs, the world shines
    And friendship will be on the century.
    Let never hurt
    Alien enemy to us hand!

    Unity, friendship, peace and happiness
    Decent best with you.
    Slavs are the best of the best.
    Let the worst enemy wound!

    In life, the main thing to love
    Respect and kind to be.
    Melee do not betray
    And people to adore everyone.

    And this day for friendship Dan,
    Day of unity of Slavs.
    Gently congratulations to each other,
    He wanted to health strong.

    Congratulations to all representatives of the fraternal Slavic peoples with the holiday: the Day of Friendship and the Unity of Slavs. Together - we are a real force. The story has shown that the Spirit of Slavs does not break and not destroy. Let our love overcome all the walls and borders that stand between us.

    Slavic people
    We have the roots alone
    And our fates are similar
    We are children one
    Slavic land
    And there is no more expensive for us.
    On the day of friendship and a day
    Unity of Slavs
    Shifted hands to each other
    Let in unison
    Strong hearts
    And the song flies in a circle.
    I wish me in friendship
    And the world live
    All Slavic peoples
    Do not robbed
    Let our thread
    Let it be fixed from year to year.

    Happy friendship, unity!
    We are brothers for centuries.
    And we need communication,
    It was a connection strong.

    Slavs, let well
    Will continue our days
    Fill over tasks
    They resolved!

    I urge all the Slavs
    To unity now.
    We are a big nation,
    No stronger and steeper us.

    Hand Brother Slav
    I wish to serve
    Motherland to be proud of
    Never lose heart.

    Together we are strong immensely
    Mountains at the time to turn us.
    In the friendship of our and unity
    Hidden because the big essence is hidden.

    We will live in the world all together
    Not dropping the dignity and honor.
    We are brothers in strength, spirit and blood,
    We will always be happy and healthy.

    Friendship of Slavs strong on the century,
    Let life be porous and not easy.
    We are strength and faith for your brother
    Friendship is so not destroying others!

    Slavs in a single impulse
    Let it be joyful from now!
    No one comes into discord
    And let the controversy!

    You with the holiday of all the unity,
    Perky you set up
    Families and works of loved ones
    And the days are infinitely happy!

    Slavs - glorious peoples,
    One river mighty water.
    And the unity of our countries
    Does not separate the ocean.

    The river has a beautiful choir.
    Already with quite a long time
    We have a common excitement
    And hearts are common courage.

    Slavs, brothers! This festival,
    Shows who we are.
    On the entire planet, we are relative
    And the feats of Slavs are not counting.

    Let and through the long century,
    Our unity will not leave.
    Let our children remember
    What was the glorious people.

    Let health be with us
    Check good deeds.
    I congratulate everyone on the holiday
    Successes, joy, good.

    Brothers-Slavs We will congratulate today
    We wish we only good,
    Peace and friendship, without quarrels and conflicts,
    We have time to reconcile all time!

    Common roots, our story -
    All this is very important for us,
    We will be united, because there is power in it,
    And the enemy will not break us either.

    Friendship Day, Unity of Slavs,
    We will celebrate today with you
    Friendship Day, Unity of Slavs,
    Not in vain invented this holiday by us.

    We will be friends forever, for centuries,
    And respect we will be all in the world.
    And friendship does not erase the running year,
    And the kids are proud of the friendship!

    Today, friendship and unity is devoted
    And I congratulate you with him,
    After all, friendship is not a law,
    And for unity, we do not pay anyone.

    And on this day, I still want to despite
    You harmony, idyllies, good,
    So not upset you nothing
    Happy friendship, unity of the Slav!

    All Slavic peoples, congratulations today,
    From one, because we are breed, then we are one family!
    And it does not matter, in fact, the Belarusian you are Ile Pole,
    You are Slav, it is important, the rest is all a trifle!
    Unity our power, you need brothers to be friends,
    To in the world and rest for a long time to live and not trust!

    All Slavs brothers, sisters. So long lasts.
    We love the land. We and the sun, respect the darkness and light.
    Congratulations on you today on the day beautiful and big.
    Happy day when the people of Slavic are very friendly and one.
    Let him not be able to destroy us, divide and crush
    Expressive lady, our tricky life.
    On this day, I all of the Slavs send their huge hello,
    And I wish to live happily, together, peacefully for many years.
    Have fun and live brightly, sunny, easy.
    So that a dream, like a bird, was raised high.

    In the steppes in the sun burned,
    Among dense forests lives
    Uniform mother born,
    Slavic, proud, our people.

    Pole and Russian, Ukrainian,
    Croat and Serb, as well as Czech -
    Slavs, now we will take
    In honor of our unity of all.

    Slovak and Belarus, Bulgarian,
    Each other speech will always understand
    In their veins, the blood flows native,
    By side, they all live.

    Yes, let we sometimes sometimes
    And between us fragile bridge,
    We ship now feast sorry,
    In honor of our friendship, say toast.

    Twenty-fifth June
    On green on the planet
    Wearing and dancing,
    People adults and children
    Glorious holiday celebrate.
    All Slavs are united!

    Songs all at festivals
    In Slavic languages
    Friendship to us in wreaths woven,
    What communicates for the century.
    The threads are very durable.
    Nobody to break them.
    Historical milestones
    We rushed to walk
    Only one dear!
    With our holiday, nations!

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