• An essay based on Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush" on the topic "Is Vera Almazova happy? Kuprin "lilac bush" essay-reasoning on the topic "is Vera Almazova happy What act does Vera Almazova do for her husband


    - a talented short story writer, master of the short form, whose works were popular at the beginning of the 20th century. The author's stories reflected Russian reality at the turn of the century, at a time when the tsarist regime was replaced by a new system, and active and energetic people became the leading mechanism of the state. These characters include the characters in the work "Lilac Bush".

    History of creation

    The work was written in 1894. For the first time the story was published by the magazine "Life and Art". The audience accepted Kuprin's work favorably, because it described images that were in tune with the era. The story of a young family, who was building a happy future with their own hands, fell in love with the readers of pre-revolutionary Russia. The novel reflects the biography of the author, who was educated at a Moscow institute for a couple of years, but was forced to leave the school.

    The title of the story was not chosen by chance. The lilac bush symbolizes the solution to a complex problem, which almost became an obstacle on the way to a bright future for a novice engineer and his resourceful wife.

    Vera Almazova and Nikolay Almazov

    For a girl, happiness lay in love for her husband. Ready to help her husband in any situation, she made a difficult but creative decision that helped restore her husband's reputation. The lilac bush in the story symbolizes the happiness of the Almazov family, the resolution of a complex issue; personifies the resourcefulness of young Vera and the degree of her reckless love for.

    "Lilac bush"

    An officer from a simple middle-income family, Nikolai Almazov is married to a clever and beautiful Vera. The young family dreams of a future comfortable existence, for which Nikolai enters the Academy under the General Staff. The young man was not distinguished by great talents, so the admission was not given to him the first time. Thanks to the help of his wife, who believes in Nikolai, Almazov became a student on the third attempt. The officer planned to get an education and become an engineer in order to be able to provide for himself and Vera, to achieve status and position in society.

    The study was given to the young man with difficulty. Repeatedly the young wife helped him. The officer's wife was accustomed to the fact that he often came home upset, unable to find the right solution in a difficult situation, and was ready to sacrifice what she had for her husband. The girl found solutions to difficult issues and even helped Nikolai master the admission to the academy.

    Four years of the young man's labors were drawing to a close. He was preparing for a responsible and important exam, the result of which should be a drawn plan of the area. The tired graduate student, completing his work, accidentally put a green blot on the finished plan. Having survived the first stress, I tried to remove the stain, but only increased it. Deciding to rectify the situation, Nikolai drew a large green bush in place of the blot. The next day, the student failed the exam, as the professor did not believe that a lilac bush had suddenly appeared in an area perfectly known to him. Almazov entered into a dispute, the solution of which would be a trip of the teacher to the described place for verification.

    Illustration for the story "Lilac Bush"

    Arriving home, Nikolai was devastated. The prospect of expulsion lined up before him. In this case, he would defame his honor and return to the regiment, forgetting about the possibility of obtaining an engineering degree and becoming the object of gossip and gossip. A loving wife came to the rescue. Vera Almazova made the right decision: saving her spouse from shame, she pledges jewelry and hires gardeners with the money she earned. Workers plant a lilac bush at night and lay the sod so that everything looks natural. Vera's act helps Nikolai get out of the water and makes him a winner in an argument.

    The professor, making sure that the lilac really grows on the plot shown in the plan, removes the claims against Almazov and apologizes. Nikolai returns home in triumph and tells his wife about the outcome of events.

    The marriage of the Almazovs is proof that two different people complement each other, creating a single whole. Vera Almazova is a beautiful, resourceful and energetic girl who prefers the path of active action. She subdues fate, directing her in the right direction. Making effective decisions, Vera achieves the desired result and, judging by her reaction to the upset face of her husband, she has to take such actions more than once. At the same time, the girl is happy in marriage and is glad to be useful to her husband and the future of their family.

    The characterization of Nicholas, on the contrary, portrays him as an inactive person. Describing his reaction to each situation makes it clear that he is a person prone to panic. It is difficult for a young man to get together. Almazov is acutely aware of the trials of life and is not ready for non-standard solutions. A wise wife is his main support.

    Nikolai is by no means worthless. The officer has abilities in the area where he wants to be realized, but without a faithful assistant, the hero cannot succeed. Vera becomes an assistant and advisor, for whom there are no hopeless situations.

    Vera Almazova is a typical example of how a woman makes an outstanding person and hero out of a man. She is one of those who stand behind the backs of great personalities who have achieved the heights of glory. The lilac bush symbolizes the triumph of Verochka and the Almazov family, but Nikolai revels in success, telling about the end of the story. The heroine could have realized herself, but she prefers to put efforts into her husband, making him the main one in the family and allowing him to feel like a real man.


    Kuprin's attitude to the heroes is clearly visible in the text of the story and in the descriptions of the characters. The author calls Nicholas by his full name, respecting him like a man. Being disposed to Verochka, he calls her diminutively. The writer emphasizes that Almazov's main merit is his talented wife:

    “... If there were no wife, he, perhaps, not finding enough energy in himself, would have given up on everything. But Vera did not let him lose heart and constantly maintained vigor in him ... She learned to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face ... "

    One would think that Vera is one of the housewives who wholeheartedly love her husband and only see their happiness in him. For the sake of her husband, the beauty is ready to sacrifice even family heirlooms, just to ensure career prospects and peace of mind:

    "... She denied herself everything necessary to create comfort for her husband, although cheap, but still necessary for a person busy with head work ..."

    The girl, however, did not belong to those pacifiers that simply watch the family hearth. Vera constantly participated in the work of her husband, which would not bear fruit without her help:

    "... She was, as necessary, his scribe, draftswoman, reader, tutor and memorable book ..."

    The career prospects of Nikolai Almazov are the success of his wife Vera, who provided all possible resources for her husband to achieve what he wanted. The smart girl understood that the education received by her husband would help the family to have the necessary wealth, which is important for the new unit of society.

    In those times that are described in the story, it is very difficult to determine whether women in general were happy. Their role was simple and monotonous, taking care of the husband, looking after the house, raising children. Some ladies were content with little, but there were also those who had the opportunity to hold magnificent receptions and meet interesting people. Having all the material goods, they were often unhappy, because the main thing for them was to entertain their own person. Those people who do not find it important to take care of someone often feel the weight of loneliness. And this is not an unimportant element that destroys the state of a happy woman.

    Vera Almazova, in the story "Lilac Bush", found happiness in the elementary care of her husband. Starting with the fact that she opened the door for him. Vera was very worried about Nikolai's achievements, this is due to the fact that he was a scribe, a draftswoman, a reader, a tutor, and a memorable book. And with all this, she had a happy face with a sweet smile. In fact, there are a lot of such women. Not everyone is able to notice this. They are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of their husband's achievements. But then, in society, men were considered the main ones. If these events took place in our time, then one can fully doubt that the wife would help her husband in this way. She would have no time, because she also has a job.

    You can see how Nikolai immediately dropped his hands when it turned out that there were extra bushes on his drawings. Vera was not at a loss when she realized what to do. She sacrificed her simple jewelry without regrets, just to help her loved one. This is her happiness, care, help. The main character felt needed, that someone needed her help, and she was in a hurry to help. Of course, she couldn't do without sacrifices. Indeed, in the story nowhere is it mentioned that Nikolai asked how her day went. But judging by the fact that she met his failure with suffering on her face, Vera worried about her husband more than herself.

    Still, Vera Almazova felt like a happy woman. She clearly expressed this feeling by her willingness to help her beloved husband.

    Option 2

    Reading the famous work of the famous Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Lilac Bush" you can plunge into the world of true and devoted love, which makes people truly happy.
    The main character of the story is a young, beautiful and respectable girl Vera Almazov, who instantly won the heart of every reader.

    Moreover, it is worth noting that at first glance the girl does not possess any outstanding qualities. She is the young wife of a novice officer, Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov, who is not a rich man, but honest and fair. From the very beginning of their family life, his wife was a real support and support for him in any matter, she listened to him implicitly, respecting him and his personal space. I tried to do everything possible and impossible so that her husband was happy with her every day. During his studies, she supported him in every possible way, helping him write articles and reports, giving lectures for him, preparing various drawings and so on. But, despite this seemingly ideal picture, at first glance, many readers have one single question, is Vera herself happy?

    Perhaps, in order to ask a question about happiness, you need to understand well what it is.

    By itself, the feeling of happiness is a bright and joyful feeling, without which no person can live. Probably many will agree that real happiness is very closely connected with relatives and friends, people dear to us. However, many people mistakenly believe that happiness is material wealth. As life itself shows, such people are usually the most unhappy, because they do not understand that this is not real happiness, but only its myth.

    After all, only not many people know that true and real happiness lies in the relationship of people, in their mutual understanding and so on. Only people who are ready to walk together through life, solving all emerging difficulties, remain loyal and faithful to each other and love sincere, are able to be happy. And the fundamental element in everything is love. It is this feeling that pushes us to take decisive action and not regret anything for the sake of the happiness of our own or our beloved. And by the way, finding your true love is the same true happiness.

    The main characters have this because they truly love each other. Vera loves her husband, and she is convinced that if he is happy, then she will be happy, truly happy. And her husband, Nikolai, in turn, is grateful to his wife for such love and devotion, realizing that she refuses a lot for his well-being, he sincerely tries to make her happy, giving her love, attention, care and tenderness.
    Based on all this, the reader can make one single conclusion that Vera, the young girl, the heroine of this story, is the happiest person. And with this it is worth noting that her happiness is not fake, but that neither is the most real.

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    A. Kuprin's story "Lilac Bush" immerses the reader in the world of sincere feelings, in the world of love, where one person is able to sacrifice everything for the happiness of his soul mate. An example of devotion and sacrifice is the main character, Vera Almazova, who captivates with her character from the very first lines. She loves her husband, takes care of him, helps him in everything. But is this woman happy? I think yes.

    The fact that Vera is happy with her life, happy to be with her husband, is evidenced by her behavior. In whatever mood Nikolai came home, his wife always met him with a smile, surrounded him with warmth and attention. She was able to distract him from problems with her enthusiasm, cheerful disposition. Vera did it absolutely sincerely, because she loved her husband very much. And his well-being and peace of mind was real happiness for her. She liked to help Nikolai, his concerns were not burdensome for her as a faithful companion in life. Vera willingly, from the bottom of her heart, took on the problems of her husband, giving him support. If something needed to be drawn, the woman would do it. If you need to rewrite something, Vera came to the rescue. She never showed displeasure, did not swear or shout, carried out tasks with fervor, fun and incredible diligence. Only a happy woman who truly loves her husband is capable of such endurance. Nikolai's success is also Vera's success. If everything is fine with him and he is happy with the day he lived, then she is happy too.

    It is for the sake of Nikolai's well-being that Vera helps him out, showing ingenuity and perseverance. When Almazov himself dropped his hands, his faithful wife did not even allow the thought of a sad ending. She could not look at how her husband suffered because of the incident on the exam. For the sake of his happiness, which means, for the sake of their common happiness, Vera sacrifices her jewelry to settle the problem. And she manages to save her husband's position with the help of cunning, a little deception. Vera is not interested in the ethical side of her act; it is important for her to feel Nikolai The fact that the heroine of the story found her happiness in taking care of her husband is also evidenced by the finale of the work. Vera and Nikolai are so absorbed in each other, as if no one else exists around.

    Thus, we can conclude: Vera Almazova is really happy. She is sincere in her love for her husband, devoted to Nikolai. His happiness is her happiness too. She lives by caring for her husband, immersed in his affairs, in his everyday life. The woman does not suffer from this. She loves, therefore, strive to bring joy and benefit to her husband. Her always cheerful disposition, excellent mood, active activity indicate that Vera is happy with her life.

    Together with the article “Essay on the topic“ Is Vera Almazova happy? (Lilac bush), grade 8 "read:

    To answer the question: "Is Vera Almazova happy?", You can briefly read the work, and your essay on the topic: "Is Vera Almazova happy?" I'll start with a description of her life and this is life for the sake of her husband and his happiness.

    Composition reasoning is Vera Almazova happy

    Vera Almazova is the main character of Kuprin's work. She was the wife of a poor officer who decided to enter the Military Staff Academy. This is the third attempt, which might not have happened, but, in spite of everything, Vera always supported her husband and filled his life with optimism, so Almazov did not give up. Vera is energetic, full of optimism, accepts any problem as a challenge. Finds solutions quickly, even in difficult situations, as in the case of a drawing. But at the same time, she does not live for herself, but for the sake of her beloved husband.

    Reading Kuprin's "Lilac Bush" and whether Vera Almazova is happy in the work, you cannot tell right away. We see that a woman constantly denies herself something, even the most necessary, in order to create a comfortable living environment for her husband, so that he would be comfortable and warm at home. For him, she is "a scribe, draftswoman, and reader, and tutor." Arguing on the topic: "Is Vera Almazova happy?" I would like to say that she is not, since she has completely forgotten about herself and is living someone else's life. But when we finish reading the work in full, we understand that in the essay the question "Is Vera Almazova happy?" there will be a positive answer, because happiness itself, it is multifaceted and for everyone it is different.

    Someone would call Vera's life unhappy, but Vera herself does not consider herself such. She is happy because her husband is happy. She always meets him with a happy, cheerful face, and it is unlikely that it would be so if Vera was not happy with her life and was unhappy in her marriage. But her face is shining. She loves and is ready for anything, while receiving mutual love, and she does not need more for happiness. Only to love and receive mutual feelings. The main thing for her is to understand that she is important for Almazov, that she plays a huge role in his life. And Vera is very important for an officer, he values \u200b\u200bher opinion, her advice, and therefore shares his problems and failures with her.

    Is Vera Almazova happy? Definitely yes. Would she like to change something in her life? Probably not, because she got everything from life, well, except that she lacks a child for complete female happiness, but it's just a matter of time.

    At the end of the essay on the work "Lilac Bush" on the topic: "Is Vera Almazova happy?", I would like to say much more, both are happy in this family, therefore, when they walked together, they were happy, laughed and did not notice anyone around.

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