• How retirement points will be awarded. What are retirement points and how are they calculated. How to find out the number of retirement points


    Fate pension provision citizens of the Russian Federation since 2015 depends on the number of personal points that a person accumulates over the course of his career. But it's one thing to accumulate them, and not everyone knows how to count in 2019.

    Find out in one click how many points you earned in 2018 using.

    The full advantages and disadvantages of the new pension system will be able to feel on themselves those who started their career in 2015 and will enter it later. This is due to the fact that all stages will be completed by their time of retirement. The deadline for their completion is indicated in 2025.

    Pension points are awarded annually according to a formula developed by the Ministry of Labor. Their amount depends on several indicators that are associated not only with a person's income, but with values \u200b\u200bapproved by the government of the Russian Federation.

    Among them:

    1. Required percentage.
    2. The maximum amount of the person's earnings from which the accruals of these contributions are made.

    The Department of Labor's formula for calculating retirement points is a fraction. Everyone knows that the larger the numerator, the more significant the division result.

    The numerators of the formula are the amount of a person's insurance premiums withheld from their annual income. It is divided by the maximum possible amount of insurance payments in the current calculation period. The resulting division is multiplied by 10.

    This gives the final score for the year.

    Examples of

    The amount of the employee's annual income for 2019 will be 360 \u200b\u200bthousand rubles. The maximum amount of wages from which insurance contributions were withheld in the Pension Fund is 1 million 21 thousand rubles (876 thousand for 2018; 796 thousand for 2017). When calculating individual odds, a person can choose two options:

    • consider only;
    • include in the calculation together with the insurance part of the pension, and.

    Option 1

    The percentage of deductions of insurance premiums from the maximum salary base is 16%.

    Number of coefficients (IPC):


    Option 2

    The percentage of deductions of insurance premiums is calculated based on the mixed form of pension accrual.

    Number of coefficients ():


    It should be noted that the number of points by year is limited to the values \u200b\u200bestablished by the Ministry of Labor. Their maximum possible number will increase in stages.

    In 2017, according to option 1, it was possible to get only 5.16 points, and according to the second option - 8.26. These indicators are individual for each subsequent year and only from 2021 their indicator will acquire its constant value.

    The maximum score will be 10 and the minimum 6.25.

    How points are calculated for retirees

    The new pension reform provided an opportunity for retired citizens to recalculate. It is produced according to the following scheme:

    1. Pension rights received in previous years are converted. The conversion method depends on the period in which these rights arise.
    2. Pension accruals earned before 2002 are converted into cash. The calculation is made according to the old formula.
    3. The amount received is indexed by 10%. For each year up to 1991, 1% is added to the amount.
    4. All contributions to the Pension Fund after 2002 are summed up and adjusted for the indexation factor.
    5. The received pension capital is divided by 228 and, which is set for 2015.

    Retirees who continue to work have the opportunity to add new points to their retirement bank every year.

    How are IE retirement points calculated

    Changes in the pension calculation system also affected entrepreneurs. Since 2015, pension accruals for this category of citizens have been made according to the same scheme as for employees. When calculating the pension points of an individual entrepreneur, deductions to the funded and insurance parts of the pension are taken into account.

    Why have hundreds of people not been able to save for their retirement without a livelihood, and how do you know how many points you can earn?

    Recently, cases have become more frequent when a person lives to retirement age (women - up to 55, men - up to 60), goes to the Pension Fund for a pension, but is refused. "Didn't work," they tell him.

    In 2016, there were 396 such failed pensioners in the Saratov region, 470 in the Irkutsk region, 97 in the Vladimir region, and 44 in Mari El.

    “There have always been, are and will be rejections in the appointment of pensions,” Lyudmila Filippova, deputy head of the Pension Fund for the Republic of Mari El, commented on the situation on local TV. - But if in previous years the refusals were mainly for the appointment of preferential early pensions, then in 2016 another reason appeared. 44 people in the republic were refused due to lack of seniority or the number of accumulated pension points. "

    New rules: seniority and points

    New pension rules were introduced on January 1, 2015. If earlier, so that you will be assigned insurance pension in old age (at 55 for a woman and at 60 for a man), you had to have only 5 years of experience, but now the requirements have become tougher. It is necessary to comply (in addition to age) 2 conditions:

    1. Have an insurance experience (that is, the period of work for which the employer deducted contributions to the Pension Fund for you) for at least 15 years. True, this norm is being introduced gradually. In 2017, to receive an insurance pension, you need to work for 8 years, in 2018 - 9, in 2019 - 10 and so on. But starting from 2025, you will need to have at least 15 years of experience!

    2. Earn at least 30 retirement points. This norm is also being introduced in stages. In 2017, you need to accumulate at least 11.4 points, in 2018 - 13.8, in 2019 - 16.2, etc. Starting from 2025, in order to receive an insurance pension, you will no longer have to less than 30 points!

    Is it a lot or a little? Is it easy to earn those 30 points? And why have hundreds of people in every region not been able to save up for their retirement, left in old age without a livelihood?

    How do you know what to expect?

    The maximum amount for which you will be awarded the highest number of points in 2017 is RUB 60,300. per month. If you can boast of such an income (and official!), Then you can earn 8.26 points in 2017 (from 2021 the maximum will be 10 points). With such a high income, 30 necessary points can be earned in just 3-4 years.

    If your salary (or official income) is 2 times more modest, that is, about 30 thousand rubles, it means that points will be accumulated in 2 times less in a year: 4. And then it will take 7-8 years to collect the necessary 30 points. ...

    If your salary is at the minimum wage level, that is, only 7.5 thousand rubles, you can accumulate only 1.03 points in a year. It turns out that in order to receive an insurance pension, a person with a minimum wage needs to work 30 years!

    To find out the number of points you can earn this year, use the formula:

    your salary (i.e. all officially earned taxable income) x 8.26 / 60300 \u003d points earned this year

    When information began to appear in the media about how many people in a particular region did not receive an insurance pension, the Pension Fund made an official statement: “Insurance contributions that are paid to the Pension Fund and are recalculated into points are calculated only from the“ white ”salary. Therefore, the described problem - lack of points - can affect only those workers who receive a "gray" salary. The reasons for such situations should be sought not in the point system, but in the shadow employment. "

    First of all, people who officially receive the minimum wage (minimum wage) were under attack. Someone has all the income, and someone else is given a part of their earnings in an envelope, but contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation do not go from this “black” income, and it is not taken into account for pension. There are 5 million such workers on the minimum wage in the country today! They have to work hard for over 30 years to earn an insurance pension.

    The situation is even worse for those who have no official income at all. “If a person has been in the shadows all his life, then he really has a risk of being left without an insurance pension. An insurance pension is a compensation for lost earnings. A person works, the employer pays contributions for him ... And if there was no earnings and contributions, then what to compensate and at what expense? " - says Vladimir Nazarov, Deputy Director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting, RANEPA.

    It turns out that housewives can remain without an insurance pension, those who do not work or work illegally, that is, they receive their entire salary in an envelope or work for themselves and do not pay any contributions to the PFR. By the way, such illegal immigrants were recently counted: there were 15 million of them. Some of them managed to earn their own retirement earlier, some will still have time (if they urgently find a job with “white” earnings), but some of these 15 million may actually live to be 55 or 60 years old and be left without a pension. And the first victims, as you know, already exist.

    Of course there is a chance to earn the missing points. But for many, alas, this is unrealistic: there is no official job, a private employer pays a penny, etc. So the problems of massive shadow employment in the country really cost people sideways.

    For those who have not earned an insurance pension, only the social one is "shining", which experts call nothing other than "poverty benefit". They give the social program 5 years later than the insurance one: women at 60, men at 65. And its size is much smaller. This year the average social pension is only 8774 rubles.

    Recently, to obtain an insurance pension, it was enough to have work experience and reach the retirement age. Taking into account the changes in the legislative base, a third condition has appeared - points. What they are, how to recruit and calculate them for calculating an insurance pension. Read on for more details.

    Recent changes in the pension legislation of the Russian Federation have changed the methodology for calculating social benefits. More recently, calculations have been made on the basis of individual pension coefficients - points.

    The conditions for calculating pension payments were changed by Federal Law No. 400-F of 04.12.17. The age for retirement has remained unchanged. But every year the requirement for the length of service and the number of IPCs increases.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that people are interested in how many points do you need for retirement, and how are the calculations done?

    Given the fact that it is impossible to calculate the inflation rate, the government introduced points, which are a coefficient intended for proportional indexation of charges. The cost of PKI changes annually, taking into account the level of inflation. Thanks to this, pension payments will increase individually, depending on how much insurance contributions the pensioner has transferred over the years of work.

    Thus, only those citizens who worked officially can count on an increased pension.

    For calculations, a person needs to know the amount of funds paid by the employer in pension Fund.

    The calculation is performed according to the formula:

    iPK amount \u003d the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund / the amount of insurance premiums from the maximum wage (changes annually). For example, in 2017 this figure is 876,000 rubles. A detailed calculation is presented below.

    Of course, the main factors influencing the number of points are the size of the salary and the length of service. But besides work, points can be awarded for other periods. You can see them in the screenshot.

    IPKs are also credited for a deferral when retiring to an insurance pension. The data are presented in the table.

    To understand the issue under consideration and understand how pension depends on salary, it is necessary to give an example.

    The insurance pension deducts 16%. For example, a citizen worked in a polyclinic, receiving a monthly salary of 17,500 rubles (210,000 per year). To calculate the number of PKI in 2017, you must use the formula:

    33 600/140 160 * 10 \u003d 2.3, where

    • 33 600 - the amount of insurance premiums - 16% of the annual income;
    • 140 160 - the amount of insurance premiums from the maximum wage in 2017.

    The total will be 2.3. In turn, the maximum number of PKI in 2017 will be 8.26, which will be received by a citizen with an annual salary of more than 826,000 rubles. The maximum wage is set annually by the government. If a person does not collect the minimum wage, then he will only remain on social pension... For example, in 2017, the minimum annual salary must exceed 87,500 rubles. To date, the calculations are not difficult, since you can use the pension calculators available on specialized portals.

    It is much more difficult to take into account the period of work during the Soviet era. All information during this period was displayed exclusively in documents. Therefore, the lack of documentary evidence of contributions to the pension fund will lead to a decrease in social benefits. In accordance with the Government Decree, for each year of labor activity during the Soviet era, charges increase by 1%.

    From 2025, 30 IPKs will be required to receive a pension. Until the specified period, the number of points will increase.

    In the absence of the established PKI, the citizen will be refused to calculate the insurance pension.

    PKI table by year

    For example, a teacher with a low salary will receive 30 IPCs for 10 years of work, while a person with a high income will receive 30 IPCs for several years. It is quite obvious that points are awarded depending on the size of the salary. At the same time, the value of experience is significantly reduced.

    The cost of PKI is determined on the basis of a separate decree of the government of the Russian Federation.

    To receive an insurance pension from 2024, citizens will need to have at least 15 years of insurance experience and 30 points. The adjustment is made annually on February 1, taking into account the rise in prices for consumer goods and other services. As of July 2017, the value of a point is 78.58 rubles.

    The latest reform of the Russian pension legislation introduced a change in the procedure for calculating social benefits. The concept of pension points (IPC) appeared in the calculation method. Let's see what these are retirement points?

    Until 2015, the basis for calculating the pension was and. Now that's not enough. To receive pension accruals, you must be the owner of a certain number of points. By 2025, their number should be at least 30.

    The number of IPCs depends on the length of service, the amount of pension contributions and the age of retirement. The odds calculation method was launched in 2015. They are calculated for each year worked.

    It is not difficult to calculate your number of points. The calculation formula is a fraction, the numerator of which is equal to the sum of the citizen's annual pension contributions, and the denominator is the sum of the maximum possible contributions in the current year. However, he will do it for you.

    Click on the photo to enlarge the image:

    For example, a person earns 240 thousand rubles a year. The employer transferred his pension contributions to the budget at a rate of 10%. This is the percentage of the insurance portion of the pension. The amount of deductions from a citizen was 24 thousand rubles in absolute terms. The maximum size of the base for pension contributions, established by law in 2018, from which insurance contributions are paid - 1,021,000 rubles. (in 2017 it was 876 thousand rubles; in 2016 - 796 thousand). The total amount of deductions from it is 16%.

    The absolute value of deductions to PF will be:

    1021 * 16/100 or 163.36 thousand rubles

    In this case, the number of personal points of a citizen earned per year will be:


    As can be seen from the calculation, the number of coefficients directly depends on the size of the salary of the future pensioner and the amount of deductions from it to the PF by employers.

    The maximum number of points that a citizen can earn in a year is 10, the minimum is 1.

    Who is the point pension

    Since 2015, the accrual system applies to ALL citizens retiring from this period. People born before 1966 can only take into account the deductions for part of their pension. The younger generation can use their contributions to form their pension.

    In full, the system for calculating social benefits using the PKI will affect those who began their labor activity in 2015.

    The current pension legislation provides for the accrual of additional pension points to citizens.

    They are provided in the amount of 1.8 for those who underwent compulsory military service by conscription and for a parent caring for one child under the age of 1.5 years. Those who took care of two children before this age are added to the piggy bank 3.6 points, for three or more - 5.4 points.

    Taking care of a disabled or elderly person adds 1.8 points to the person.

    How are recalculated

    After changing the procedure for calculating pensions, many citizens have the opportunity to recalculate it. If, with the new method of calculation, the amount of the citizen's pension becomes less, then he will be left with the previous charges.

    IPK accumulated before January 1, 2015 are converted into rubles at the rate of 64.1 rubles. Each year, the value of the coefficient changes upwards. The value of the retirement point in 2018 increased to 81.49 rubles compared to 78.58 rubles last year and 74.27 in 2016.

    The number of IPCs required to receive pension accruals in 2018 must be at least 13.8 (in 2017 - 11.4; in 2016 - 9 points). All subsequent years this number will increase by 2.4 points. Thus, those who will apply for a pension in 2019 will need to have 10 years of experience and 16.2 points.

    In 2025, the experience will be 15 years, and required amount pension ratios should reach 30.

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