• Pension and additional material support of individual categories. Additional material support of individual categories of citizens. Documents for registration


    Additional monthly material support (Demo) - allowed to certain categories of citizens. This is a kind of surcharge to . Payments are made from the federal treasury. Registration, appointment and payment of surcharge controls Pension Fund Russia. Funds are accrued simultaneously with the pension.

    Demo - Social payment. This is a monetary expression of appreciation to citizens who have special achievements and merits to the people and the state as a whole.

    Whoever relies demo

    Appointments of these additional payments Regulates the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 363 of March 30, 2005. According to the document, the demo is entitled to:

    • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who received disabilities during participation in hostilities;
    • Citizens who received disability during the fighting;
    • Citizens who have state combat awards of the USSR;
    • Military who served in the Great Patriotic War in institutions not included in the main army;
    • Widow of disabled goods;
    • Blockers;
    • Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
    • Citizens awarded the Order of Lenin or the Order of Fame;
    • Citizens awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland";
    • Owners of the USSR statehood, the Russian Federation;
    • Citizens awarded the orders "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of all degrees;
    • Winners of the Olympiad and Paralympics;

    The size of additional payout in 2019

    The amount of surcharge was set back in 2005, now it remains at the same level and varies from 500 to 1000 rubles. Its size, in contrast to other payments, does not depend on the indexation.

    Supplement 500 rubles is required by the following categories of citizens:

    • Military who served in the period of the Great Patriotic War in institutions that were not nosed in the composition of the main army;
    • Widow of the military who died in the Great Patriotic War during the Finnish and Japanese wars;
    • Blockers;
    • Juvenile prisoners of concentration camps.

    Please note that the demo is appointed regardless of other payments, also does not affect it.pension size , status and income of the pensioner. Even if the citizen has the right to any other surcharges, the demo will still be appointed and will be paid.

    Demo design process

    Supplement is assigned automatically. The need for its purpose approve employees of the Russian Pension Fund, the basis for the design of the demo serve documents that are stored in the FFR archives. Thus, with the right to write a statement to write a statement.

    However, there are cases when citizens, contrary to their rights, is not appointed. If this happens, you must contact the FIU to find out the reason. It may be a mistake of specialists or the absence of documents in the Foundation archives.

    It should be noted that the appointment of the supplements of the former prisoners of concentration camps is provided by a special order. Confirmation of the right to receive a demo occurs on the basis of the data of the state "Fund of Understanding and Reconciliation". Documents proving the belonging of a citizen to this category are transmitted to the FIU.

    We add that there is a certain list of places for the forced content of people during the time of the Second World War, so if the citizen was a prisoner in the concentration camp not listed in the list, the demo is not appointed.

    Please note that citizens of Russia, from the above categories living abroad, can also receive a demo. They need to send an application for the appointment of additional payment to the Pension Fund.

    List of documents to confirm the right to a demo if it is not automatically assigned

    Federal Law of March 4, 2002 N 21-FZ
    "On an additional monthly material provision of citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special merits in front of the Russian Federation"

    With changes and additions from:

    July 7, 2003, February 9, July 24, November 9, 2009, May 3, 2011, December 28, 2013, November 28, 2015, May 23, 2016, March 7, 2018

    This Federal Law determines the conditions and procedure for the appointment and payment of additional monthly material support for citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special merits to the Russian Federation established to pensions appointed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter refrain).

    President of Russian Federation

    Moscow Kremlin

    The conditions and procedures for the appointment and payment of additional monthly material support for citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special merits to the Russian Federation established to pensions appointed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation were determined. Additional material support is appointed, in particular, the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation, citizens awarded the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" I, II, III and IV degree, the heroes of socialist labor, the champions of the Olympic Games, etc. The size of the provision is established as a percentage The attitude towards the basic part of the old-age labor pension.

    Other citizens of the Russian Federation, which have special merits to the people and the state in the field of state, social and economic activity or outstanding achievements in the field of culture, science and technology, the amount of additional material support can be established by the President of the Russian Federation.

    The federal law enters into force on January 1, 2002, and in relation to citizens awarded the Order of Lenin - from January 1, 2003.

    Federal Law of March 4, 2002 N 21-FZ "On the additional monthly material provision of citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special merits to the Russian Federation"

    The Federal Law comes into force on January 1, 2002, and in relation to citizens awarded the Order of Lenin - from January 1, 2003

    According to the definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2003, No. 444-O state of paragraph 1 of Article 1 of this Federal Law, to the extent that they are allowed to deprive citizens of the Russian Federation living outside the Russian Federation, the right to additional monthly material support for outstanding Achievements and special merits in front of the Russian Federation loses force and is not subject to applications by courts, other bodies and officials

    This document amended the following documents:

    Federal Law of March 7, 2018 N 56-FZ

    Federal Law of May 23, 2016 N 149-FZ

    Changes come into force from the date of official publication

    Federal Law of November 28, 2015 N 358-FZ

    Changes take effect on 10 days after the day of the official publication of the title federal law

    Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 397-FZ

    Additional material support, as indicated, is a kind of material support. The latter, as follows from the foregoing, is the main element of social security, including its methods such as cash payments (pensions, benefits) and natural support. Feature additional security It is his auxiliary nature in the pension system: additional material support encourages special merit or compensates for harmful working conditions, life.

    Based on its purpose, additional material support is appointed to certain categories of citizens, with the circle of these citizens of citizens much more narrow, rather than the circle of citizens who receive the main material support (compare, for example, the number of pensioners in general and some of them receiving additional material rewards as heroes Soviet Union).

    Legislation on additional monthly material support consists of separate regulatory acts that establish grounds, the size and procedure for the payment of provision. These acts can be accepted at the federal level at the level of Russia's constituent entities, because According to paragraph. "F" h. 1 Art. 72 The Constitution of the Russian Federation, social protection issues are related to the joint management of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Interestingly in this regard, one of the court cases. The prosecutor of the Voronezh region appealed to the court with a statement on the recognition of the untertowent of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Administration of the Voronezh Region dated May 4, 1995. "On additional measures for the social protection of participants in the demining groups of the territory of the region in 1943-1945", as well as paragraph 1.4 and 7.1 provisions on the procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly surcharges to state pensions to participants in the demining groups of the territory of the Voronezh region in 1943-1945, approved by the Resolution of the Region Administration of October 24, 2003

    The prosecutor referred to the substantiation of the claimed requirements of the Region of the Region and Provision, providing for the appointment and payment of a monthly surveillance to pensions only those participants of the demining groups that permanently reside in the territory of the Voronezh Region are constantly registered in the region, and the cessation of payout In connection with the departure of the permanent residence outside the region, contradict the federal legislation and the legislation of the region. By the decision of the Voronezh Regional Court of September 24, 2004, the prosecutor refused to satisfy the application.

    The Judicial Board of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on February 9, 2005 refused to satisfy the submission, indicating that federal legislation does not provide for the provision of additional material support for participating in the demining of the country during the Great Patriotic War. In this regard, the subject of the Russian Federation has the right to establish monthly surcharges to pension to these persons. At the same time, the administration of the region had the right to extend the named preds to the pension only on the residents of the region and when retrounding them at a permanent residence outside the region, to discontinue the payment of these allowances, since their financing is carried out from the funds of the region's budget.

    The federal regulatory acts in the field of additional material support can be attributed as follows:

    1) Federal Law "On the additional monthly material provision of citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special merits to the Russian Federation" of 04.03.2002 N 21-FZ and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On some issues of the implementation of the Federal Law" On the Additional Monthly Material Support of Russian citizens Federations for outstanding achievements and special merits to the Russian Federation "from 07.06.2002 N 390;

    2) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to improve the material situation of some categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" from 30.03.2005 N 363 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Rules of Payments additional monthly material support by some categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 "from 30.04.2005 N 273;

    3) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to improve the material situation of persons with disabilities due to military Injury"From 01.08.2005 N 887 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation" On the procedure for the payment of additional monthly life-lifelong material support for persons with disabilities due to military injury "from 24.08.2005 N 536;

    4) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On urgent measures of social support for specialists of the Nuclear Armory Complex of the Russian Federation" from 08.23.2000 N 1563 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On events to improve the system of measures of social support for specialists of a nuclear weapon complex of the Russian Federation" from 01.09.2005 N 549 who approved the Regulation on the establishment, payment, recalculation and indexation of the amount of additional monthly life-lifetime material support to citizens who carried out labor activities in the organizations of the Nuclear Armory Complex of the Russian Federation and military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, created in these organizations, when they were leaving their labor pension;

    5) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the list of posts of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft, work in which it gives the right to a monthly surcharge to a pension in accordance with the Federal Law" On the additional social security of members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft "from 14.03.2003 N 155 ";

    In the listed regulatory acts, the established payments are found most often as an additional monthly material support, but sometimes as a monthly surcharge to a pension (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of a list of members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft, work in which it gives the right to a monthly surcharge to Pensions in accordance with federal law "On the additional social security of members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft" from 14.03.2003 N 155). Despite the other formulation of payments in the specified resolution, it is also about additional monthly material support, because it has Additional character.

    Additional monthly material support is made independently of the receipt of other payments provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the acts of local governments (for example, pensions, subsidies, compensation, etc.). This is the essence of the feature of the complementary type of consideration.

    According to the preamble "On an additional monthly material provision of citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special merits to the Russian Federation" of 04.03.2002 N 21-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 21-FZ) its goal is to determine the conditions and procedures for the appointment and payment of additional material Security for outstanding achievements and special merits to the state to citizens of the Russian Federation.

    In accordance with Law No. 21-ФЗ, citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territory of the Russian Federation, receiving a pension, monthly life content paid by the judge, and having outstanding achievements and special merits to the Russian Federation, are entitled to additional monthly material support for Outstanding achievements and special merits in front of the Russian Federation.

    Law No. 21-FZ (paragraph 2 of Art. 1) indicates the categories of citizens who are appointed additional material support:

    1) Heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation;

    2) citizens awarded the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called;

    3) citizens awarded by the Order of Lenin;

    4) Citizens awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the I degree, citizens awarded the Order "For the Merit of the Fatherland" of the II degree, citizens awarded by the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" III and IV degree;

    5) Citizens awarded the Order of Fame of Three degrees;

    6) Heroes of Socialist Labor;

    7) citizens awarded the Order of Labor Glory of Three degrees;

    8) Laureates of the Lenin Award, Winners of State Prizes of the USSR and Laureates of State Prizes of the Russian Federation (RSFSR);

    9) citizens awarded the Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees;

    10) Champions of the Olympic Games, Champions of Paralympic Games, Champions of the Surdoolmpic Games.

    Citizens who have the right to additional material support in accordance with the Law No. 21-FZ for additional material support in accordance with other regulatory acts, on the legislation of the Russian Federation, a retirement retirement for years established by persons who have replaced positions in state authorities and the Office of the Union SSR and RSFSR, who replaced the state positions of the Russian Federation and the state positions of the Federal State Service, for additional payments to the pension established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the acts of local governments, to the salaries of the valid member and members of the correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences , The Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences is appointed either additional material support in accordance with Assive federal law, or one of the other specified payments by their choice.

    This means that the receipt of such cash payments actually deprives a citizen of the right to additional material support in accordance with the Law of March 4, 2002 N 21-FZ and that its establishment in this case is possible only under the condition that other payments are terminated. These payments include:

    a) additional material support on the basis of other regulatory acts;

    b) a service density pension, established by persons who replaced positions in state authorities and the Office of the USSR and the RSFSR, who replaced the state positions of the Russian Federation and the public positions of the Federal civil service;

    c) surcharges to pensions established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and acts of local governments;

    d) salaries for the title of a valid member and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences.

    As you can see, in the considered paragraph Art. 1 of Law No. 21-FZ does not specify that citizens should be eligible for additional material support in accordance with other regulatory acts or additional payments to the pension established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and acts of local self-government, according to the same grounds that are provided for appointing additional material support commented by law.

    It follows from this general principle - in solving the issue of establishing additional material support on the standards of Law No. 21-FZ, any types of additional material support and additional payments to pensions provided for by other regulatory legal acts, both federal and regional, regardless of grounds their destination. It requires additional material support for special merits to the subject of the Russian Federation, and a monthly surrender to a pension appointed on other grounds.

    Citizens who are at the same time the right to receive additional material support in several grounds specified in paragraph 2 of Art. 1 of Law No. 21-FZ, additional material support is established according to one of them, providing for higher size, regardless of the number of ranks and awards. For example, the Hero of the Soviet Union, which is at the same time the Olympic champion, will receive one additional material support. Also a repeated champion of Paralympic Games, despite his presence of several gold medals, one additional material support will be established.

    Another citizens of the Russian Federation, which have special merits to the people and the state in the field of state, public and economic activity or outstanding achievements in the field of culture, science and technology, the amount of additional material support can be established by the President of the Russian Federation.

    Additional material support is set in size:

    1) Heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation, the heroes of socialist labor, citizens awarded the Order of the Holy Apostle of Andrey the First-Called or the Order of the Fame of Three degrees, citizens awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the I degree - 415 percent of the size of the base part of the labor pension old age;

    2) Citizens awarded the Order of Lenin, citizens awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree, citizens awarded the Order "For Merit of the Fatherland" III and IV degree, Laureates of the Lenin Prize, Winners of State Prizes of the USSR and Laureates of State Prizes of the Russian Federation (RSFSR) - 330 percent of the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension;

    3) Citizens awarded the Order of Labor Glory to three degrees, citizens awarded the Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees, champions of the Olympic Games, Champions of Paralympic Games, Champions of the Surdoolmpic Games - 250 percent of the size of the basic part of the old-age labor pension.

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005, N 363 in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in tribute to the deep respect for veterans of the war, from May 1, 2005, an additional monthly material provision of the following categories of citizens was established:

    a) the disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, the participants of the Great Patriotic War from among the persons listed in subparagraphs "A" - "W" and "and" subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ "On Veterans ", former juvenile prisoners of concentration camps, ghetto and other places of compulsory content created by the fascists and their allies during the Second World War - in the amount of 1000 rubles;

    b) servicemen who held military service in military units, institutions, military-educational institutions that were not part of the current army, from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 at least 6 months, military personnel awarded orders or medals The USSR for the service at the specified period - in the amount of 500 rubles;

    c) the widow of military personnel who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the war with Japan, the widow of the dead disabled people of the Great Patriotic War - in the amount of 500 rubles;

    d) the persons awarded the sign of the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad" - in the amount of 500 rubles;

    e) ex-adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghetto - in the amount of 500 rubles.

    In pursuance of this Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.04.2005 No. 273 approved the rules (hereinafter referred to War 1941 - 1945.

    The indicated rules found that if a citizen refers to several of the above categories, additional monthly material support is appointed one of the grounds providing for higher size. Rules number 273 provided for (paragraph 10) that additional monthly material support should not be paid to pensioners.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.08.2005 N 887 "On measures to improve the material situation of persons with disabilities due to military injury" established from September 1, 2005. Additional monthly material support in the amount of 1000 rubles to citizens of the Russian Federation recognized in the prescribed manner with disabilities as a result of military injury, The exception of citizens who are added to the additional monthly material support in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 N 363 "On measures to improve the material situation of some categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 years. "

    In pursuance of this Decision of the President of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for paying additional monthly life-lifelong material support for persons with disabilities due to military injury" dated August 24, 2005 N 536, it was established that appealing for additional monthly material support for the established persons with disabilities due to military injury, its appointment and payment are carried out in The procedure provided for by the rules No. 273.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2003 No. 155 (hereinafter referred to - Resolution No. 155) approved a list of posts of members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft, work in which it gives the right to a monthly payback to a pension. If the previously considered Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, additional monthly material support was established for categories of citizens who lived in difficult conditions at a certain period of time (wartime). To Resolution No. 155, additional monthly material support is provided for categories of citizens on the basis of professional harmfulness.

    In the list approved by the Resolution No. 155, such members of the flight crews of civil aviation aircraft, as pilots, an aircraft commander, an inspector commander (-Instructor, a note) of the aircraft, pilot, a second pilot, pilot-observer, pilot-navigator, Chef Pilot, Navigator, Lidigner Navigator, Aerofotor Navigator, Navigator Aerial, Flagman, Side Engineers, On-board inspector engineer (-Instructor, -Naster), onboard engineer-navigator, onboard mechanic aircraft, onboard mechanics Inspector (-Instructor, -Naster), aircraft aircraft and dr.

    Additional monthly material support is established by Decree No. 155 in accordance with the Federal Law "On the additional social security of members of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft" dated November 27, 2001 N 155-FZ.

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.23.2000 N 1563 (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 1563) in order to ensure effective targeted social support for specialists of the nuclear weapon complex of the Russian Federation, as well as the continuity of personnel in this complex, in accordance with Art. 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, henceforth, before the entry into force of the relevant federal laws, an additional monthly life-lifetime material support was established upon retirement in accordance with the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" either on early retirement retirement In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991, N 1032-1 "On employment of the population in the Russian Federation" and subject to termination of labor activities in the organizations of the federal executive body, which performs the functions of state policy in the development and safe functioning of nuclear The Armory Complex of the Russian Federation, which are part of the nuclear weapon complex of the Russian Federation, and (or) in military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, established in these organizations, the following categories of citizens directly participating in the activities provided for Hemmechnos approved by the same decree:

    Citizens, awarded Order of the Russian Federation and (or) of the USSR, Laureates of the Leninist Prize, Winners of State Prizes of the USSR and Winners of State Prizes of the Russian Federation (RSFSR), Winners of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation, Prize winners of the USSR Council and (or) RSFSR, Laureates of the Government Prize Of the Russian Federation during the implementation of these activities specified in the list of activities in organizations of the nuclear weapon complex and (or) in military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, established in these organizations, and having insurance experience in these organizations at least 15 years;

    Citizens who are assigned to the old age labor pension in accordance with the sub. 1 or 2 p. 1 tbsp. 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" in the implementation of activities specified in the list of activities in organizations of a nuclear weapon complex and (or) in military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation established in these organizations, as well as citizens who remain the right to The early appointment of an old-age labor pension on the specified conditions.

    Subparagraphs 1 and 2 p. 1 tbsp. 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" provides for the following categories of persons:

    1) Men to reach the age of 50 years and women at the age of 45 years old, if they have worked, respectively, at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months on underground work, in works with harmful working conditions and in hot shops and have insurance experience, respectively, not less 20 and 15 years;

    2) Men at the achievement of the age of 55 years and women at the achievement of the age of 50, if they have worked on work with severe working conditions, respectively, at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years and have insurance experience, respectively, at least 25 and 20 years.

    The right to additional monthly material support also have citizens who retired before the entry into force of Decree No. 1563 (subject to the conditions listed in it).

    Decree No. 1563 provides additional monthly material support not only to the categories of citizens allocated by the presence of awards, the severity of working conditions, but also on the list of activities. Decree No. 1563 approved the following activities in organizations of the nuclear weapons and (or) in military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, established in these organizations:

    1) Development, testing, production, disassembly of nuclear charges and nuclear ammunition, their components and layouts containing dividing materials, radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation, as well as activities on the direct organization of these works, control over them and ensuring security ;

    2) production of dividing materials, radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiations for nuclear charges and (or) nuclear ammunition, treatment at all stages of the life cycle;

    3) storage maintenance, transportation, preparation for the use of nuclear ammunitions and their components containing dividing materials, radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation, warning and elimination of accidents with nuclear charges and (or) nuclear ammunition, as well as activities on the direct organization of these works, control over them and ensuring security when conducting them;

    4) disassembling nuclear charges and (or) nuclear ammunition removed from weapons after the warranty period of service and (or) as part of the implementation of international treaties of the Russian Federation on nuclear disarmament;

    5) disposal of dividing materials, radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation from nuclear charges after their dismantling, both in order to long-term storage, and in order to complete their nuclear-weapon sphere.

    Citizens who have the right to additional support in accordance with Decree No. 1563 for additional material support in accordance with other regulatory legal acts, on the legislation of the Russian Federation, a retirement retirement for years or a monthly surcharge to an old-age labor pension (disability), established persons, We replaced posts in the state authorities and the Office of the USSR and (or) of the RSFSR, state positions of the Russian Federation or government positions of the federal public service, additional provision is appointed in accordance with Decree No. 1563 or one of the specified additional payments by their choice.

    Thus, according to legal strength, regulatory acts regulating additional monthly material support are diverse: federal law, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time B. Federal Law and the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation are the categories of citizens, the size and foundation of the payment of additional monthly material support, and in the orders of the Government of the Calculation and Payments of Additional Monthly Material Support.

    The state, caring for its citizens, is developing bills that allow them to encourage those who have deserved or those who need it. If we talk about our grandfathers and grandmothers, protecting your breasts, then additional monthly material support (demo) is only a mizer that we must compensate them. Consider who and on what grounds it is still supposed.


    Regular payment is accrued every month from the state budget. It is appointed by the citizens of the Russian Federation, which are already getting. This category also includes people who have the right to the monthly content of the judge (established for life) and outstanding services to Russia.

    The demo is not paid when a person works somewhere.

    The money for which the citizen has the right is not to receive them because of death, is given to his heirs.

    The payment of preferential benefits is suspended if the citizen lost state ranks (awards) giving them the right to them. It may after the resumption of rights to awards.

    Citizens living in social service institutions can receive a demo in full.

    Package size

    The magnitude of the demo is influenced by the magnitude. When according to the laws of the Russian Federation, the basic pension increases, the monthly security is automatically increasing. Percentage dependence can be traced in Table 1.

    Defenders of the Motherland in the period of the Second World War are paid a demo in the amount of ten minimum pensions.

    Who has the right to receive a demo

    Additional provision every month can only receive the following faces:

    1. citizens of the Russian Federation, living in the country and at the same time receiving a pension, lifelong judicial content or heard in front of the homeland;
    2. citizens of the Russian Federation, living abroad, but having special merits and achievements before the Russian Federation.

    More details are those who have a legal justification for the demo can be represented in this way:

    • citizens listed in Table 1;
    • received the Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" I-III degrees;
    • war disabled people;
    • people who were in conclusion in the fascists (ghetto, concentration camps, etc.) during World War II;
    • persons who served during the Ministry of Internal Affairs at least six months in parts not included in the army;
    • wives of dead husbands, villains of military service in the period of the Second World War, War with Japan;
    • wives of dead disabled goods;
    • awarded with the "resident of the Blood Leningrad" sign.

    Stages of obtaining additional monthly material support

    In practice, many categories of citizens, demo are appointed automatically, as the Pension Fund (PF) of the country owns information on the list of disabled goods, former prisoners of fascists, etc. The remaining should take the following actions:

    • Collect the necessary list of documents:
      1. identity card (passport, etc.);
      2. document for benefits (certificate from the archive, medical and social expertise);
      3. notification and certificate of the death of a spouse, a marriage certificate, a disability certificate (concerns the Widow of military personnel and disabled WFM);
      4. documents confirming citizenship (for citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad).
    • Write a statement in the local PF organ and submit the necessary documents.
    • Wait for an official response from PF employees (no later than 10 days). It will indicate a decision on confirmation of the right to demo and payments for the last period if the appeal came later on the occurrence of the right to benefit. The refusal to the package of documents of the applied person must be sent during the working week.
    • After that, every month will begin to accrue payments and issued together with the pension.
    • To select a certain way of delivery of a demo (by mail, through a bank account, etc.), you should write a statement to local PF bodies.

    Payment for special merits and outstanding achievements

    It is received by persons who have important merits to Russia in these areas:

    • state;
    • public;
    • economic;
    • cultural;
    • scientific;
    • technical.

    In this case, the amount of payment may be established by the head of state. The circle of these persons can be expanded on the basis of Law No. 21-FZ.

    Saving expected citizens should present an important package of documents for destination Demo:

    • a book or diploma (faces calling the Hero of the USSR, the Russian Federation, socialist labor);
    • certificate of awards of the Russian Federation or the order book (persons who received the Order of Lenin, St. Apostle Andrei First Called, etc.);
    • laureate diploma, government decree on the assignment of the state and title of laureate (laureates of Lenin and other premiums);
    • help of the State Committee on Physical Education and Sports (Champions).

    Reference documents can be replaced by archival institutions.

    Those who have several awards or ranks, according to the Act on the appointment of additional support, can only receive one demo. But the positive moment is that it will be higher from all that they are put on a person.

    Consultation of the Pension Fund for Social Payments for Citizens of the Russian Federation:

    § 1. Pension provision of prosecutors, investigators and customs officers

    Legal regulation Pension Relations Relations some categories Citizens are carried out on the basis of other laws that expand in the circle of persons the scope of the main pension laws. Conditions, norms and procedures for pension funds established by the 1993 law are distributed to prosecutor's employees; customs officers; Employees of the Investigative Committee. In the established cases, the provisions of the 1993 law apply to family members of the specified persons.

    The procedure for calculating the length of service, the appointment and payment of pensions of employees of the bodies and institutions of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and their families approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1994 No. 942 (Ed. From 12/07/2011). Government decisions typically detail the procedure for the appointment and payment of pensions of one or another category of citizens and their families; Determine the rules for calculating the length of service, earnings, recalculation of pensions, etc. In many ways, they coincide with the rules established by the 1993 law. Differences are most often associated with the procedure for calculating the length of service. For example, the employees of the prosecutor's office for years for the appointment of a pension counts the time of study on legal specialty in educational institution Higher or secondary vocational education (having state accreditation) within 5 years at the rate of 2 months of study for 1 month service.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 1998 No. 103 (Ed. Dated January 19, 2010) approved the procedure for calculating the length of years for the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits to those who worked in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and their families. Rules for calculating the length of years for the appointment of pensions to employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2012 No. 411.

    § 2. Pension provision of certain categories of citizens not subject to mandatory pension insurance

    In the course of the pension reform of 2002, separate categories of citizens were left outside the insurance pension system. First of all, they belonged to them who, in the presence of appropriate conditions, was granted the right to receive a retirement for serving years (servicemen and other categories of employees equal to them). In the absence of such a citizen, he could not qualify for a retirement retirement for a labor pension. To provide these citizens, the right to pension provision adopted Law No. 126-FZ.

    In accordance with Law No. 126-ФЗ, citizens of the Russian Federation, held by military and other service equal to it, may establish labor pensions (including early) or labor pension for disability in the manner and under the conditions that are determined by law No. 173-FZ . At the same time, there is a transformation of the pension capital acquired during the period of the Pension Rights in the event that the following conditions are followed at the same time: 1) during the service on these citizens, no compulsory pension insurance was applied; 2) they were dismissed from service not earlier than 2002; 3) they did not acquire the right to retire the length of the years, to a disability retirement or monthly lifetime, funded at the expense of the federal budget.

    Since these persons were not subject to compulsory pension insurance and insurance premiums were not paid for them, their retirement capital is formed at the expense of the federal budget, which are transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In this case, these person acquire the status of insured persons. The value of funds enrolled on the individual personal account of the indicated insured persons is determined depending on the duration of the service that had no place earlier than 2002, and the cost insurance yearapproved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The transformation of pension rights of insured persons to the settlement pension capital is made in the appointment by these persons of the insurance part of the labor pension (labor pension).

    § 3. Pensions to citizens recognized as unemployed

    A special place in pension legislation is occupied by the Law on Employment. This law provides for special conditions for the appointment of early pension. This pension is appointed earlier than achieving the general pension age On the basis that is not provided for by law No. 173-FZ.

    The start-up pension according to the indicated law can be appointed taking into account a number of conditions: 1) the recognition of a citizen unemployed; 2) the achievement of age is no more than two years lower than those required for the appointment of an old-age labor pension (incl. Appointed early); 3) the presence of insurance experience lasting 25 years in men and 20 years in women, and in the necessary cases - the existence of an experience in the relevant types of work, which gives the right to the early appointment of an old-age labor pension; 4) dismissal from the last place of work in connection with the liquidation of the organization (termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur), as well as in connection with the reduction in the number or staff of employees of the organization (among the individual entrepreneur).

    Such a pension can be established at the proposal of employment bodies in the absence of opportunities for employment of unemployed citizens from among these persons. At the same time, the consent of the unemployed citizen is necessary.

    The pension is prescribed for the period before the occurrence of age, which gives the right to an old-age labor pension (incl. Appointed early).

    The amount of pension established by the Employment Act is determined by the rules for calculating the insurance part of the old-age labor pension. However, this pension is paid at the expense of the federal budget. The payment of pensions established by the unemployed citizens is terminated upon admission to work, the execution time of which is included in the insurance experience. After the cessation of this work, the pension is restored.

    § 4. Monthly lifetime content of a resignation

    A special type of collateral is the monthly life content of a resignation judge. This type of payment is provided for by law on the status of judges and the law on the Constitutional Court. If the judge, resigning, has a long experience of working as a judge, he is paid (according to his choice) pension on general grounds or monthly life content.

    In accordance with the law on the status of judges, monthly lifetime content may be assigned depending on one or more conditions. The right to the monthly life content is provided by the judge, which:

    1) either experiences work experience as a judge for at least 20 years;

    2) either reached the age of 55 years (men) and 50 years old (women) and has experience in the position of judge less than 20 years;

    3) either reached the age of 60 (men) and 55 years old (women), has experience in legal profession at least 25 years, including at least 10 years of work as a judge.

    The work experience at the legal profession, taken into account in the appointment of monthly life content, the time of work is included in the position of judge and other work on the legal profession:

    1) in positions that require higher legal education (state positions of the Russian Federation, state positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public service posts, municipal positions, positions in legal services of organizations, positions in research institutions, etc.);

    2) as a teacher of legal disciplines in institutions of secondary professional, higher professional and postgraduate vocational education; As a lawyer or notary.

    With the experience of a judicial work for at least 20 years, a non-taxable monthly life content in the amount of 80% of the monthly monetary remuneration (earnings) of the judge operating on the relevant position of the judge is paid. Monthly lifelong content increases by 1% for each full year of experience of judicial work over 20 years, but no more than 85% of earnings.

    With the experience of refereework less than 20 years and the achievement of age 55 and 50 years (respectively, men and women) the size of the monthly life content is calculated in proportion to the number of full years worked as a judge (at 10 years - 40% of earnings, at 15 years - 60% of earnings etc.).

    When prescribing a monthly life content in the presence of the three above conditions (age, work experience in the legal profession, work experience in the position of judge) payment is carried out in full, i.e. 80% of monthly monetary remuneration (earnings).

    The resignation of the judges who have disabled due to military injuries have the right to receive monthly life-long content and disability pensions. The appointment of monthly life content and its payment is made by the relevant government agencies. Funds to ensure dismissed judges with monthly life content are allocated from the federal budget.

    In accordance with the law on the Constitutional Court, the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which has experience in the position of judge for at least 15 years, regardless of age is paid monthly life content in the amount of 80% of the monthly monetary remuneration of the working judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. At the same time in the work experience, giving the right to obtain a monthly life content, the time of previous work on the legal profession is counted.

    (see text in the previous edition)

    The provision on the procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly life content to the judges of the Constitutional Court approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 27, 1995 No. 425.

    § 5. Insurance surcharges for pensions

    Pension reform, the implementation of which began since 2002, provided for the formation of professional pension systems. The lack of a fundamental law in this area leads to the emergence of individual laws, the purpose of which is to increase the level of pension provision of some categories of citizens in connection with the implementation of a certain long-term professional activity.

    One of these laws is Law No. 155-FZ, which provides for the establishment of additional payments to the pensions of flight crew members. Since 2011, Law No. 84-FZ has entered into force, which establishes similar surcharges to pensions of certain categories of workers of the coal industry. The establishment of a monthly surcharge to a pension is an additional guarantee due to harmful, dangerous, intense and severe working conditions having a special character.

    Monthly surcharges to pensions of these persons are established in the account of the amounts of additional contributions, which are paid by employers over the total amount of insurance premiums provided for by the system of compulsory pension insurance.

    Supplement to the pension is established by members of flight crews and workers of the coal industry under the observance of a number of conditions that are related to the duration of work in certain positions (driers). For those who worked as a member of a flight crew that gives the right to surcharge, the duration of the required experience (dried) is 25 years old in men, 20 years in women. When leaving them for the health of flight work in office, which gives the right to surcharge, the required experience is 20 and 15 years, respectively. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2003 No. 155 (ed. From 03/25/2013) approved a list of posts of flight crews of civil aviation aircraft, work in which it gives the right to a monthly surcharge to pension, and the rules for the calculation of years for receipt of extra charge.

    For people who worked directly full-time underground and open mining (with the exception of employees of leading professions), the duration of the required experience is 25 years. For employees of leading professions, such a duration is 20 years. The work experience that gives the right to surcharge to a pension includes periods of work that are counted in the experience to appoint early labor pensions in old age provided for by paragraphs. 11 p. 1 Art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ.

    The procedure for determining the size of the surcharge is a multi-stage and rather complicated. In addition, the amount of surcharge is not a permanent value. It may vary depending on the amount of actually received contributions. Supplement to the pension is paid under the condition of leaving the members of flight crews and employees of the coal industry, which gives the right to pay a pension.

    § 6. Government surcharges for pensions

    At the expense of the federal budget, an additional charge to a pension may be established, the amount of which depends on the duration of replacing the state positions of the Russian Federation or the execution of certain powers in government bodies. Such an extra charge is provided for by law No. 3-ФЗ for the members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, which at least one year performed their powers (with the exception of those whose powers were terminated early in connection with the entry into force of the court sentence). The surcharge is established to the pension appointed under the Law No. 173-FZ or by the Employment Act.

    The monthly surcharge to the pension is established in this amount so that the amount of the pension and the monthly surcharge to it is: in the execution of the powers of the State Duma deputy (a member of the Council Press) from one year to three years - 55%, over three years - 75% of the monthly monetary remuneration. The size of the monthly surcharge to the pension is recalculated by increasing in a centralized manner of the monthly monetary remuneration of the State Duma deputy (member of the Council).

    The payment of monthly surcharge to the pension is suspended when replacing the state office of the Russian Federation, the state position of the subject of the Russian Federation, the post of civil service or municipal position of the municipal service. The monthly surcharge to a pension is not established by a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has been appointed pension for long service, monthly life content, monthly surcharge to a pension in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc. (see text in the previous edition)

    (see text in the previous edition)

    § 7. Additional material ensuring special merit

    A special type of state surcharge to pension is an additional material support, which is provided for by law No. 21-FZ. The right to additional material support are citizens of the Russian Federation regardless of the place of residence. Additional material support is established by persons who receive a pension or monthly life content paid by the judge, and have state rewards or honorary titles for outstanding achievements and special merits provided by law No. 21-FZ. These citizens include:

    1) Citizens awarded the title of Hero: Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of Socialist Labor;

    2) Citizens awarded by one or more orders: the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called; Order of Lenin; the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree, or II degree, or III and IV degree; The Order of Fame is three degrees; the Order of Labor Fame is three degrees; Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" three degrees;

    3) Laureates of the Lenin or State Prize;

    4) Champions of the Olympic (Paralympic, Surdlimpian) Games.

    Additional material support is not appointed if the citizen receives other cash payments to which include: long service pension; Monthly surcharge to a pension established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation, acts of local governments in connection with the replacement of state and municipal positions; Outside of the title of a valid member and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and sectoral academies.

    Citizens entitled to additional material support for law No. 21-FZ and additional material support for other regulatory acts are appointed by their choice one of these payments.

    Additional material support for special merit in monetary terms varies depending on the basis, in connection with which it is established. Its size is calculated as a percentage of the social pension and is 415%, 330% or 250% of the social pension. Additional material support in the amount of 415% of the social pension is established by persons awarded the title of Hero (USSR, the Russian Federation, Socialist Labor), in the amount of 330% - persons awarded the title of Laureate of Lenin or State Prize), in the amount of 250% - Olympic champions (Paralympic champions , Surdlimpian) games. Citizens awarded orders are included in all three groups depending on the specific order.

    When changing the size of the social pension simultaneously increases the size of the additional material support paid. From April 1, 2013, the size of a social pension, on the basis of which additional material support is determined, is 3692 rubles. per month.

    The payment of additional material support is carried out simultaneously with the payment of the relevant pension or life content of the judge. Additional material support is not paid during the execution period of paid work. Payment of additional material support is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

    Control questions

    1. Name the main laws, in accordance with which the pension provision of prosecutors, investigators and employees of customs authorities is carried out.

    2. In which cases are appointed labor pension to persons not subject to compulsory pension insurance?

    3. Under what conditions is an early retirement to the unemployed citizens?

    4. Based on what regulations are the monthly lifetime content of resignation, and what are the conditions for the appointment of this content?

    5. In what size is the monthly life content to the judges?

    8. What are the dimensions of additional material support?

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