• Modeling the middle group of forest mushrooms berries. Abstract of the nodes for modeling in the middle group of mushrooms. Finger gymnastics "Let's go pick mushrooms"


    « Mushrooms in the autumn forest "
    Summary of GCD for modeling in middle group kindergarten

    Purpose: learn to sculpt mushrooms in a constructive two-part way.



      Continue to teach the techniques of rolling plasticine into a ball and flattening; learn to connect two parts together;

      clarify and expand children's knowledge about the autumn season;

      to summarize children's ideas about edible and inedible mushrooms;

      to activate the children's dictionary on the topic "Mushrooms" (amanita, boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom);

      improve the ability of children to listen carefully and answer questions.

    Developing:develop children's cognitive interest, attention and creativity.

    Educational:educate preschoolers respect nature, the desire to help others in difficult situations.

    Preliminary work: targeted walks in the forest, learning poems about autumn, reading works of fiction.

    Equipment: musical toy hedgehog, dummies of amanita, boletus, boletus and chanterelle, dry leaves and blades of grass; boards for modeling, stacks, plasticine of different colors according to the number of children.

    Children enter the art studio, where everything is pre-arranged in the form autumn forest.

    Guys, today I invite you to take a walk through the fabulous autumn forest. Have you ever walked in a real autumn forest? (Answers of children.)

    What can you see in the forest in autumn? (Answers.)

    And here is what is happening in our fabulous autumn forest. Repeat all movements behind me:

    The wind blows slowly ( children blow) Quiet rustling leaves ( say the sound [w]) Where leaf to leaf stuck ( clap) A miracle mushroom appeared ( raise their hands up) Who found his friends? ( shrug their shoulders) Because of the stump, the teacher takes out a toy hedgehog and voices it: "Well, of course, it's me!" ( Further, the teacher speaks for the hedgehog, slightly changing the timbre of his voice).

    Our hedgehog puffs: “fu-fu! I love mushrooms, my friends, And this fungus here. I'll put it in a box " (takes a fly agaric and puts it in a box)

    Children notice that this mushroom cannot be eaten, and if they do not notice, the teacher himself asks them what this mushroom is called, whether it can be eaten and why.

    The hedgehog complains to the children that he found only a few mushrooms in the forest, and the hedgehog kids are waiting for him at home and hope that he will bring them a lot of mushrooms.

    The teacher asks the children a problematic question: how to help the hedgehog? Children themselves offer options for help (look for mushrooms together, make them from plasticine, etc.). All options for solving the problem must be tried to be put into practice. To do this, the teacher asks the hedgehog to show all the mushrooms he has collected. Further, all together carefully examine them and name whether they determine edible or not. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that all the mushrooms collected by the hedgehog consist of two parts: the legs and the cap.

    Children are looking for mushrooms and, not finding anything suitable, decide to make them on their own from plasticine. Then, together with the hedgehog, they go to the tables and, after the teacher shows the necessary techniques for working with plasticine, they independently choose suitable color plasticine and get to work. To make the mushrooms look like they have just been picked, children are invited to decorate them with dry leaves, pine needles and blades of grass.

    Under a huge pine tree

    In a clearing in the forest,

    A pile of leaves where lies

    A hedgehog stands with a kuzavochka.

    We will approach the hedgehog

    And we will present the mushrooms.

    The hedgehog carefully examines all the mushrooms, asks if there are any poisonous among them, asks everyone what kind of fungus he made, notes what different and beautiful mushrooms they all turned out. Then the children put all their crafts in the hedgehog box, and he thanks them, says goodbye and leaves.

    The teacher once again recalls with the children what they learned today in class, notes the positive moments in the work of each child and thanks everyone for their efforts.

    Abstract of GCD in the 2nd younger group on the topic: Vegetables

    purpose: to form in children an interest in knowledge about vegetables through integration educational areas: cognition, artistic creation.


    Give basic ideas about vegetables; the color of vegetables;

    Consolidate knowledge about the place of growth;

    Develop a sense of teamwork;

    Strengthen children's ideas about harvesting vegetables for the winter;

    Form the ability to stick ready-made forms of vegetables.

    Preliminary work:

    Examining illustrations of vegetables;

    Reading the fairy tale "Puff", poems about vegetables;

    Role-playing game "Vegetable store"

    Materials: a picture of a vegetable garden; vegetables and fruits dummies; visual aid "vegetables"; blanks for application (cans, cucumbers, tomatoes), glue, napkins.

    Course of the lesson

    The teacher brings in a picture of a vegetable garden and invites the children to consider. The guys in the picture draw a vegetable garden. What grows in the garden?

    Children list (tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, radishes, carrots, cabbage, potatoes)

    Educator: right, in a word, these are vegetables. Vegetables grow in the beds, but in order for them to grow tasty and fresh, you need to take care of them, water them regularly and pull out the weeds. Let's get acquainted with vegetables? But before we continue our work, let's spend a little physical education. Guys, go to the middle of the group.

    Educator: Our physical education is called "Vegetable Garden".

    Our garden is fine

    We dug up the beds in the spring (imitation of shoveling)

    We weeded the garden (slopes, reach the floor with your hands)

    Watered the garden (show how watered)

    Small holes are not thick

    We planted cabbage (squat down, wrap your hands around your knees)

    All summer she grew fat

    Broadened in breadth and sky (slowly rise)

    And now she is cramped poor

    Says: "Move aside!" (stamp your foot at the end of the phrase)

    Now let's lay out the pictures with vegetables and see what kind of vegetable garden we have (the children call the vegetables in the pictures).

    Guys, I invite you to guess riddles about vegetables, listen carefully and guess.

    The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, who undresses him sheds tears.

    Children (bow)

    The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is in the street.

    Children (carrots)

    What's that creak? What a crunch?

    What is this bush?

    How to be without crunch

    Children (cabbage)

    Educator: Well done guys, now let's play?

    The game is called "Harvesting"

    On the floor, vegetables are mixed with fruits, your task is to arrange vegetables in one vase, and fruits in another. This must be done as quickly as possible. (funny melody sounds)

    Educator: Well done guys put everything right! Do you want our vegetables to be preserved in winter? To do this, they must be preserved in banks. Sit down quickly at the tables and fill the jars with vegetables. Guys, what kind of vegetables are we going to preserve?

    Children (tomatoes and cucumbers)

    What kind of tomato? (round, juicy, red)

    What cucumber? (green, long, fresh)

    At the end, the children look at their work. Guys today we met with you, with various vegetables and I would like to read you a poem:

    To be healthy, strong.

    You need to love vegetables.

    All without exception

    There is no doubt about that!

    There is also a taste for every benefit.

    And I do not dare to decide:

    Which one is tastier

    Which one is more important!

    Julia Ilyina
    Summary of GCD on modeling in the middle group "Mushroom"

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution №3- kindergarten general developmental type

    Tula, Mayskaya, 11 tel / fax 48-62-95


    directly - educational activities

    by modeling

    in middle group

    Made: educator group number 10

    Ilyina Yulia Alexandrovna

    Topic: « Mushroom»

    Software content:

    1. Educational objectives: to consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar objects, using the learned techniques (rolling the dough in straight and circular movements, flattening with the palms, sculpting fingers to refine the shape).

    2. Developmental tasks: develop fine motor skills hands, imagination, creative independence.

    3. Educational tasks: to bring up accuracy, perseverance.

    Integration of educational areas:





    Demo material - music with sounds of nature, dummies mushrooms, flannelegraph, dough, board for sculpting, a jar of water.

    Handout - dough, board for sculpting, a jar of water, a napkin.


    Educator: Children, guess riddle:

    "Under the pine tree by the path

    Who stands among the grass?

    There is a leg, but no boots.

    There is a hat, there is no head "

    Children: It mushroom!

    Educator: Right, this mushroom... Look, guys, where did we get to?

    Children: We got into the forest.

    Educator: Children, who can you meet in the forest?

    Children: In the forest you can find wild animals: fox, hare, bear, wolf ...

    Educator: Guys, who else lives in the forest?

    Children: Birds live in the forest.

    Educator: What grows in the forest?

    Children: Trees, grass, bushes, berries, nuts grow in the forest, mushrooms.

    Educator: And now, children, I suggest you stretch our fingers. Watch and repeat after me.

    Finger game "I will collect mushrooms»

    I take a basket to the forest, show surprise, bred

    There i'll pick mushrooms... hands to the side

    My friend is surprised:

    "How many are here mushrooms around

    Boletus, oiler, alternately bend fingers

    Boletus, mushroom, fingers on both hands, starting

    Boletus, chanterelle, milk mushroom - from the little finger of the right hand.

    Let them not play hide and seek!

    Ryzhiki, volnushki

    I'll find it at the edge.

    I'm coming home

    All i carry mushrooms with me.

    And I won't carry the fly agaric. Thumb left hand behind

    Let him stay in the forest! they threaten him.

    Educator: Well done, everyone tried! And now I invite you to play a game. The game is called "Hide and seek". Take a look: in front of you is a picture of a forest and you need to answer where you grew up mushroom... Does everyone understand? (The teacher changes location mushroom) .

    Children: The mushroom grew before the spruce, on a stump, behind a bush, under a birch.

    Educator: Well done! Do you like the game? Now, children, take the bottom mushroom and examine it... Tell me, how are they similar?

    Children: U mushrooms have a cap and a leg.

    Educator: That's right, kids! How do they differ?

    Children: Mushrooms different colors and sizes.

    Educator: That's right, kids! I suggest you blind such dough mushrooms... First you need to sculpt the leg mushroom... To do this, I take a piece of dough and divide it into two parts. I put one part aside, and roll the other between the palms forward with forward and backward movements. Like this. I got a leg mushroom... Now I take another part of the dough, put it on one palm with the other, cover it and roll the ball in a circular motion. Like this. In order to get a hat, you need to put the ball between your palms and flatten it. Like this. Now you need to moisten the junction of the cap and legs with water and connect. Like this. I got this beautiful mushroom... Children, everyone understands? Where do we start sculpting? (Once again, clarify the phased production) You can proceed to modeling.

    Independent activities of children, provide assistance if necessary.

    Educator: Children, look how much mushrooms grown in our forest. All are beautiful and different from each other. Today everyone tried and were very attentive.

    Summary of GCD on modeling in the middle group "Mushrooms"
    Purpose: To expand the understanding of children about the main signs of the season, the ability to independently find them. To generalize and consolidate knowledge about mushrooms, learn how to sculpt mushrooms.
    teach children to answer the questions posed.
    enrich vocabulary.
    to contribute to the enrichment of children's knowledge about autumn, mushrooms.
    develop creative imagination, fantasy.
    foster interest in modeling lessons.
    to consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar objects using the learned sculpting techniques (rolling plasticine with straight and circular movements, flattening with palms, sculpting with fingers to refine the shape).
    develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, creative independence.
    bring up accuracy, perseverance.
    to give children the joy and pleasure of modeling with plasticine.
    Integration of educational areas:
    Preliminary work:
    viewing the booklet "Mushrooms",
    conversation "Edible and inedible mushrooms",
    guessing riddles about mushrooms.
    doll "Queen Autumn", audio recording of the song "Autumn in the Forest", music with sounds of nature, dummies of mushrooms, a set of pictures "Mushrooms", plasticine, modeling boards, pictures of a hedgehog and a squirrel.
    Educator: Guys, do you want to go for a walk in the autumn forest? And what can you ride into the forest? (by bike, by bus, by car, by train, by train). What should you take with you when you go to the autumn forest? Then let's take a basket with us, maybe we can find edible mushrooms there. We sit down on a funny train and go to the forest.
    Children are built into a small train, move around the group and sing the song "Here is our train going."
    Educator: So we arrived in the autumn forest. And what grows in the forest?
    Children: Trees, grass, flowers, bushes, berries, nuts, mushrooms grow in the forest.
    Look how beautiful it is here, the trees put on colorful dresses, ripe berries blush on the mountain ash, nuts hang on the hazel. Let's go to the tree and look at it, the autumn leaves painted yellow, red. What is the name of this tree? What other trees do you know?
    Educator: Children, and who can you meet in the forest?
    Children: You can meet wild animals in the forest: fox, hare, squirrel, bear, wolf ...
    Educator: Guys, and who else lives in the forest, look at the tree.
    Children: Birds live in the forest (woodpecker, cuckoo, magpie, etc.)
    Educator: And what grows in the forest?
    Children: Trees, grass, bushes, berries, nuts, mushrooms grow in the forest.
    At this time, a recording of bird voices, forest noise sounds. The teacher at this time places mushrooms under the tree.
    Educator: Children, guess the riddle:
    "Under the pine tree by the path I passed through the ground
    Who stands among the grass? Found Little Red Riding Hood.
    There is a leg, but no boots.
    There is a hat, there is no head "
    Children: It's a mushroom!
    Educator: Let's play.
    Finger game "Gather mushrooms"
    I take a basket to the forest, show surprise, bred
    I'll pick mushrooms there. hands to the side
    My friend is surprised:
    "How many mushrooms are around here!"
    Boletus, oiler, alternately bend fingers
    Boletus, mushroom, fingers on both hands, starting
    Boletus, chanterelle, milk mushroom - from the little finger of the right hand.
    Let them not play hide and seek!
    Ryzhiki, volushki
    I'll find it at the edge.
    I'm coming home
    I carry all the mushrooms with me.
    And I won't carry the fly agaric.
    Let him stay in the forest!
    Educator: Look guys, what mushrooms can be found in the forest, where do they grow, where can they be found?
    Children: Name the mushrooms shown on the cards. The mushroom grew in front of a spruce, on a stump, behind a bush, under a birch.
    Educator: Well done. Guys, what kind of mushrooms you can't pick?
    Let us play the game "Mushroom Basket" while the music is playing, we will collect all the edible mushrooms in the basket. Now let's check what you put. Now we have a full basket of mushrooms, we can go home.
    Children are built into a train, sing a song and return to kindergarten, sit down at the tables.
    There is a knock at the door.
    Educator: Who came to us? Yes, this is the Queen "Autumn" came to visit us. An audio recording of the song "Autumn in the Forest" is played.
    The teacher brings the doll in autumn.
    Guys, the queen "Autumn" asks for help, walking through the forest, she noticed that there were few mushrooms left in the forest. And there is still a long winter ahead, it will be difficult for the forest animals, hungry. So the Queen asks "Autumn" to help her, take care of our little friends, stick various mushrooms.
    Children: Of course, we will help.
    Educator: And now, children, take one mushroom at a time and examine it. Tell me, how are they similar?
    Children: Mushrooms have a cap and a leg.
    Educator: That's right, children! How do they differ?
    Children: Mushrooms are of different colors and sizes, and have different names.
    Educator: That's right, children! I suggest you mold such mushrooms from plasticine. First you need to mold the leg of the mushroom. To do this, I take a piece of plasticine and divide it into two parts. I put one part aside, and roll the other between the palms forward with forward and backward movements. Like this. I got a mushroom leg. Now I take another part of the plasticine, put it on one palm with the other, cover it and roll the ball in a circular motion. Like this. In order to get a hat, you need to put the ball between your palms and flatten it. Like this. Now you need to connect the cap and the leg. Like this. I got such a beautiful mushroom. Children, everyone understands? Where do we start sculpting? (Once again, clarify the stages of manufacturing) You can start sculpting.
    Educator: Children, do not forget that mushrooms are different in color. Amanita has a red cap with white spots, a russula has pink and green caps, a porcini mushroom with a brown cap.
    Independent activities of children, provide assistance if necessary.
    Educator: Children, you made the Queen "Autumn" very happy, you have such beautiful mushrooms, now there are enough mushrooms for everyone. Queen "Autumn" says goodbye to everyone that it is time for her to return to the forest, there she still has a lot to do.
    Educator: Children, look how many mushrooms have grown in our forest. All are beautiful and different from each other. Today everyone tried and were very attentive. Let's place the mushrooms in the clearing.


    • Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects, use familiar techniques: rolling plasticine in straight and circular movements, flattening with palms.
    • Learn to sculpt with your fingers to refine the shape.
    • Lead to a figurative assessment of the work.

    Material: Presentation "Mushrooms" , pictures and dummies of mushrooms, plasticine, modeling board, model of an autumn forest, ball, dry and wet napkins


    Educator: Guys, I suggest you guess riddles (the educator uses ICT with a presentation "Mushrooms" )


    He grew up in a birch forest.
    Wears a hat on his leg.
    From above the sheet stuck to it.
    Did you find out?

    Children: It's a mushroom!
    In the soft grass at the edge
    Red ears are everywhere.

    Golden sisters
    Called ...
    Children: Chanterelles

    The dots are white on red -
    Poisonous mushroom, dangerous.
    There is no need for a conversation -
    Don't rip off ...

    Children: Amanita


    He will be born in an aspen forest,
    No matter how it lurks in the grass,
    We'll find it anyway:
    The hat is red on him.

    Children: Boletus

    Educator: That's right, these are mushrooms. Where do mushrooms grow?

    Children: In the forest.

    Educator: Children, can all mushrooms be picked in the forest?

    Children: No

    Educator: Let's remember what mushrooms are edible and inedible

    Ball game "Edible, inedible"

    Educator: Well done, everyone remembered.

    Educator: Well done! Guys, take one mushroom at a time, carefully examine them and tell me how they are similar?

    Children: Mushrooms have a stem and a cap.

    Educator: That's right, children! How do they differ?

    Children: Mushrooms come in different sizes and different colors.

    Educator: That's right, children! Today I suggest you mold mushrooms from plasticine. First, I'll tell you how to sculpt mushrooms. First, I will sculpt the leg of the mushroom, take a piece of plasticine and roll it between the palms in forward and backward movements. This is how the leg of the mushroom turned out. To make a mushroom cap, I take another piece of plasticine, put it on my palm, roll it out in a circular motion to make a ball, then put this ball between the palms and flatten it. Like this. Now I will connect the cap and the leg, so I have such a beautiful mushroom. What is the name of this mushroom? (Boletus) Guys, do you understand everything? You can start sculpting. But first, I suggest you stretch our fingers. Watch and repeat after me.

    Finger gymnastics "There was a crow across the field"

    A crow walked across the field
    She carried six mushrooms in the hem:
    Russula, boletus,

    Milk, honey mushroom, champignon,
    Who has not seen - get out!

    Independent activities of children, provide assistance if necessary.

    Educator: Guys, look at what beautiful mushrooms we have turned out. Ilya, tell us, with what movements of our palms we sculpted mushrooms? (straight and circular) Roma will tell us what parts the mushroom consists of (leg and hat) And Sasha will show you what mushrooms we have blinded (Boletus, boletus)... Children decorate an exhibition of creative works "Mushrooms" .

    Dinara Ermukanova
    Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group "Mushrooms"

    Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group

    on the topic:

    « Mushrooms»

    Software content: reinforce the ability of children to sculpt familiar objects using the techniques learned earlier sculpting(rolling clay in straight and circular movements, flattening with palms, finger sculpting) to refine the shape.

    Stroke direct educational activities:

    Educator: -Guys, to us in the group received a letter... Interesting from whom? Let's read it now. This letter was sent to us by a hedgehog from the forest. He asks for help, it's his mom's birthday. He wants to make her a present mushrooms, because she loves them very much, but does not have time. Guys, can we help? (Yes)

    The teacher reads a poem by G. Lagzdyn

    "Story mushroom picker»

    Under the aspens, under the oaks,

    Now they hide mushrooms,

    Under birches and under Christmas trees

    Under the leaves and needles,

    White-legged and good-looking

    So alike to each other

    As if in a hurry, in a terrible rush

    The russula scattered….

    The teacher suggests that children remember what mushrooms they know.

    Guys, look, I also have mushroom(gets out mushroommade of plasticine)... Let's look at what parts it consists of mushroom(hat and leg).

    Correctly. What shape does the hat look like? (damn, plate)

    That's right guys, what shape does the leg look like? (roller, cylinder).

    Physical minute

    Ah, now we will rest. We stood in a circle.

    We're kicking top, top

    We clap, clap our hands

    We eyes a moment, a moment

    We shoulder chick, chick

    Once there, two there

    Turn around you.

    The guys are going to their places. (at tables)

    2. The educator shows the sequence of work.

    -Leg: take a piece of plasticine and make a leg mushroom - roll out the roller.

    -Hat: take a piece of plasticine and sculpt a hat - roll out the ball, flatten it and pull it out to make a bowl. Be sure to make a recess for the leg in the middle of the cap.

    - We connect: two parts, a hat and a leg- mushroom ready!

    Independent activities of children.

    3. Guys, what fellows you have helped the hedgehog, now they will feast on with their mother all winter mushrooms... Children fold mushrooms in the basket.

    We will send all gifts by mail.

    Related publications:

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    So autumn has come, which means it's time to collect vegetables, fruits, mushrooms. I decided to make an application of mushrooms from cereals, available material, develops.

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