• Professional scalp hair care. My thailand skin and hair care products. Dry hair mask


    Hair is the frame of beauty, emphasizing it or, if necessary, hiding the flaws in appearance. Therefore, the hair needs daily care and care.

    It is very important to understand that taking care of your hair, like any other part of the body, you need to constantly. You cannot take care of your hair for a month or two, and then forget about it, hoping that they will be healthy for the rest of your life. Be consistent and care for your hair. In addition, during life, the state of our hair, as a result of the state of the body, changes depending on the hormonal background, from concomitant diseases, from the environment and others.

    For competent and effective hair care, it is important to correctly determine your hair type, as otherwise there is a risk of worsening their condition. Hair is divided into normal, dry, oily and mixed.

      Normal hair - elastic, moderately thin, not too dry and not very greasy, scalp without dandruff, with a slight combing, up to 50 hairs fall out.

      Dry hair - thinner, fluffier, fragile.

      Greasy hair - thicker than normal, abundantly covered with fat, more elastic, less water absorption.

      There are transitional forms between the main types of hair: moderately or excessively dry, moderately or excessively greasy.

    Obligatory care includes cleansing and daily brushing.

    Of the entire spectrum of hair care procedures, washing is the most important component as it serves both hygienic and cosmetic purposes. For healthy hair, not damaged or depleted, correct and timely washing is the minimum sufficient care procedure.

    Today, the most important fighter for the cleanliness and health of hair is shampoo... You need to choose a shampoo that's right for your type.
    The positive results of using the shampoo can be considered clean hair, the absence of fat on it, the shine of the hair after it dries, good combability and obedience, and no scalp irritation. To understand that this shampoo is not suitable for you, one or two use is enough, but in order to come to the conclusion that this shampoo is just for you, you need to use it regularly for at least several weeks. Besides, good shampoo must remove static electricity from the hair, and most importantly, replace the loss of proteins, moisture and nutrients.

    After using the shampoo, it is recommended to apply to the hair rinse or conditioner... They can be washable or indelible. The conditioner smoothes, eliminates static electricity, makes combing easier. The conditioner should only be applied to the hair, avoiding the roots and scalp.

    Rinse and conditioner have several functions: they make it easier to dry and comb through, and give hair elasticity. It is better to use the same brand of shampoo and rinse - they correspond to each other in composition, and the action of the rinse complements the action of the shampoo as effectively as possible. To restore damaged hair, special means for express treatment are intended - they "smooth", have a regenerating and nourishing effect on the hair follicle and are designed for quick and easy regenerating action. For a longer, complete and deep healing effect, there are masks - they are applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a week.


    Types of shampoo.

    Shampoos for normal hair should be soft and gentle. For washing will do light hygiene product, not overloaded with nutrients - it gently cleanses and does not dry the skin. If the hair normal type, are not painted or discolored, you can fearlessly use "universal" shampoos that have an average effect.

    Shampoos for thin hair ... These shampoos are often called voluminous. Detergents contain, in addition to mild detergents, hair-strengthening elements (eg keratin, protein or herbal extracts). They contribute to the formation of a light, rough film, create volume and maintain the hairstyle. Proteins and some urea compounds strengthen the hair shaft, making it stiffer. Accordingly, shampoos that add volume and contain proteins are suitable for fine hair. Thanks to these substances, the hair does not stick together so quickly.

    Shampoos for oily hair... Oily hair is washed with acidic shampoos containing, for example, cedar nut oil. Detergents for oily hair contain a minimum of nutrients, they do not contain any fatty additives at all. Moreover, antimicrobial and tannins are often introduced into such shampoos, which give the hair a "combing" roughness. They are incorporated into the shampoo to normalize oil production and prevent hair from sticking shortly after washing.

    Shampoos for dry and split ends... For owners of dry hair, special shampoos for this type are suitable, they usually contain a lot of fat additives and moisturizers. These formulations are supplied with lanolin or lecithin and also contain synthetic adhesives that give elasticity and smoothness. If your hair is thin or oily at the roots, but splits at the ends, it is better not to buy conditioner shampoos. Nutritional supplements can be very stressful and will stick together quickly. It is better in this case to use special shampoos for oily hair and, as often as possible, to carry out a course of treatment. Shampoos for dry hair are rubbed vigorously into the scalp to restore normal sebum production. Before washing, make partings on the head with a comb and cover the skin with a thin layer of shampoo. Use the fingertips of both hands to massage the skin strongly, rubbing shampoo into it. For the product to be better and faster absorbed into the skin, it is necessary to tie a heated towel over your head. After a while, shampoo is applied again and the hair is washed.

    Shampoos for damaged hair... Bleached or dyed hair is washed with neutral shampoos with a high content of nutrients: bone marrow, egg yolk, etc. Hair damaged by perm or lightening needs special care. It is necessary to use shampoos for damaged hair that contain proteins, jojoba oil and avocado.

    Twinnedshampoos. This is the name of shampoos that not only wash, but also have conditioning properties, that is, they smooth, normalize the hair and nourish its roots. From washing with these products, shine and ease of combing appear. But with long-term use, there can be problems. Additives such as silicones, over time, deposit on the surface of the hair, making it heavy and sluggish. If this happens, you need to temporarily use a shampoo for the normal type.

    Shampoos anti-dandruff... They contain detergents that free the scalp from keratinized particles, and additives that inhibit the formation of new dandruff. Namely: a whole complex of active substances - tonic, antiseptic, inhibiting the formation and even crushing it. Anti-dandruff shampoo is used only when it appears.

    Shampoos polishing... These shampoos save hair from excess nutritional supplements. They have enhanced washing capabilities. Their use is justified before a perm or coloring.

    Hair rinsing

    How often rinse aid is used after washing depends on the condition of the hair and on the preparation. Conventional preparations have enough strength from washing to washing. But there are products with stronger effects, such as silicones and polymers. They are introduced into rinses for severely split ends. If after the systematic use of this drug they become lethargic and heavy, you need to wash your hair several times without rinsing.

    The conditioner makes combing easier: it kind of smoothes the outer scaly layer of the hair, which becomes rough during washing. Rich in lanolin, the conditioner works well for dry and thick hair and is less effective if it is oily and thin (it absorbs too much drug, swells, and falls off and becomes soft five minutes later). In the mixed type (fatty at the roots and dry at the ends), only the ends are processed.

    In addition, there are liquid preparations in vials or spray bottles that contain light nutrients and retain moisture well. They are best for fine, easily oily hair. After using these products, the hair does not need to be rinsed (the substance remains on the head).

    When we talk about grooming, we mean healthy hair with certain features, but when these features turn into problems - it's time to start talking about remedies and professional care.

    Medical products for hair care also include shampoos, various balms and rinses, but they have a more targeted, point effect and contain a higher concentration of active ingredients. Often professional products contain natural substances that improve the structure of the hair - plant extracts and oils, ceramides, proteins, complexes of vitamins and microelements. Such additional "nutrition" allows you to quickly return a well-groomed appearance even to damaged hair. In addition, professional remedies in combination with medications help to solve many serious problems - to stop hair loss and improve growth.

    Professional medical care products and medications are powerful and, if used incorrectly, can be harmful to hair.

    Before you start getting rid of various problems, you need to consult a trichologist. Also, patients of the Clinic are offered medical assistance of cosmetologists and an interdisciplinary approach of other EMC specialists.

    How not to make a mistake in the purchased shampoo or balm, and why you should study the composition, know those who have already felt on themselves, or rather on their hair, the consequences of poor-quality products. Treatment and recovery are slower and costly. Therefore, it is better to heed the advice and recommendations of stylists on the choice of caring cosmetics for hair.

    Basic hair care products

    Long-term use of the same shampoo eventually ceases to have an effective effect on the structure, therefore, experts recommend purchasing 2-3 products of different composition and alternating them every 3 weeks.

    The ecological background, unhealthy diet, stress affect the condition of the hairline. Therefore, the strands require anxious handling when cleaning. Special detergents are used to flush out dust and dirt from being outdoors and secretions.

    Shampoo should be in the arsenal of any person. The high-quality composition allows for gentle cleaning of the hair and scalp. When choosing, you should consider the type of hair and purpose. It is also important to use quality products correctly, then you can achieve the desired effect.

    Air conditioning designed to protect hair from damage. When rinsing the head with a product, the scales close, as a result of which the hairs become elastic. Brushing the treated strands is easier. The composition may include useful components, but their number is small. Therefore, air conditioners are not suitable for restoration.

    Balm performs the function of moisturizing, nourishing and restoring damaged areas of the structure. In addition to hair, scalp care is performed. The therapeutic effect is provided due to the composition rich in vitamins and useful microelements. Penetrating deeply, the active components begin to act on biochemical processes and the cellular level. After the first application, the condition of the hair is noticeably improved. Shine, silkiness, softness appears. Time is important for the ingredients to work effectively. On the packaging of each product, detailed information on the rules for use is given.

    Masks have a magical effect on the hair structure, follicles, skin and sebaceous glands. The compositions are developed mainly on natural substances of plant origin. Often supplemented with equally healing oils that provide moisture, nourishment and protection to the strands.

    It is also reasonable to supplement the home cosmetics arsenal with a moisturizing spray, oils, thermal protection.

    What are the criteria for choosing for your hair type

    You need to purchase cosmetics on official websites or in specialized stores. So the chances of getting a fake are significantly reduced.

    Among the basic rules for choosing caring agents is the study of the composition. Unscrupulous manufacturers can use harmful substances as components, which, if used systematically, can harm hair and skin.

    Whenever a product is purchased for the first time, testing should be done to identify an allergic reaction.

    When studying the composition, one should pay attention to the sequence of the arrangement of the listed components. The closer the name is to the top of the list, the greater the proportion of this substance in the total amount of funds.

    Ideally, there should be no harmful substances among the components, such as:

    • parabens;
    • sodium lauryl sulfate;
    • silicone;
    • laureth ammonium sulfate.

    These substances are recognized as carcinogens that cause irreparable harm to health.

    Preference should be given to the means in the production of which were used:

    • vegetable and;
    • plant extracts;
    • keratin;
    • proteins;
    • lecithins;
    • fruit wax, etc.

    It is worth purchasing caring cosmetics taking into account the type of hair. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging information about the purpose of the product. You should not choose according to the principle “what first came to hand”. Due to improper use of shampoo or balm, the consequences can be the most negative.

    Top best hair care products

    Designed for weak and brittle hair. The unique formula provides deep moisture to the structure and skin, as a result of which the hair is filled with vitality. After distributing a small amount of spray, a thin film envelops each hair, filling the voids. The result is noted after the first application. The effectiveness of the conditioner is due to its powerful composition, which includes the following components: hyaluronic acid, panthenol, silicones, vegetable oils.

    The cost of a 200 ml bottle is 1080 rubles.

    Has an intense absorbing effect on the strands. The rich vitamin composition refreshes and tones the scalp, normalizes the sebaceous glands, and provides high-quality cleansing.

    The cost of the bottle is 465 rubles.

    Shampoo for normal hair Selective professional Mela Verde

    Provides gentle cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing of the hair structure and skin. After application, the strands become silky, shiny and manageable. Gentle care is carried out thanks to a new formula developed on the basis of green apple extract. The product is suitable for frequent use.

    The cost of a 1000 ml bottle is 589 rubles.

    Developed on the basis of natural ingredients, the action of which significantly improves the condition of the structure and follicles. Among the active ingredients: argan oil, myrrh extract,. The soft texture is easy to apply to the strands, does not spread during aging. For exposure, 2-3 minutes are enough, which makes the product easy to use. After application, a healthy shine appears, the structure is denser, the root system is strengthened. The mask does not have a weighting effect. The result can be assessed after the first application.

    The cost of a 200 ml bottle is 800 rubles.

    Gives the hair volume, thickens the structure without weighing it down. The composition, rich in useful minerals and vitamins, has a regenerating effect on damaged areas and creates protection from the sun's rays. Nutrients penetrate deeply, saturating the bulbs and the epidermis layer with valuable trace elements.

    The cost of a 200 ml bottle is 450 rubles.

    Ideal for daily use. An innovative formula with panthenol and avapui extract provides restoration of damaged areas of the hair structure, retains moisture, and creates protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. After application, a thickening of the diameter of the hairs is observed, a mirror shine appears. Among the active ingredients: jojoba oil, henna extracts, rosemary.

    The cost of a 300 ml bottle is 357 rubles.

    Folk remedies for hair care

    Folk remedies can be no less effective, subject to certain rules:

    • use only natural ingredients;
    • it is better to use the prepared mixture immediately after preparation (not long-term storage of some formulations is allowed, but according to the conditions of the recipe);
    • if there are products among the ingredients (dairy products, eggs, fruits, etc.), you need to choose only good quality and homemade products.

    The most popular are masks, which, due to the composition rich in useful microelements, restore, moisturize and nourish hair.

    Among the most effective components:

    • burdock and;
    • eggs (usually the yolk);
    • cream;
    • kefir;
    • decoctions of herbs;
    • or vodka, etc.

    By purpose, masks are:

    • to stimulate hair growth;
    • restoration of the damaged structure;
    • nutrition and hydration;
    • regulation of the production of sebaceous secretion;
    • from hair loss.

    In addition to masks, rinses with home-made technology are equally popular. They are mixed from decoctions, tinctures, essential oils, natural vinegar. It takes no more than 2-3 minutes to combine the ingredients, and the result will not go unnoticed by the close environment.

    Nothing prevents you from preparing shampoos and balms with your own hands. Novice alchemists are advised to use proven recipes. Based on experience and skills, after a while, you can select a combination of ingredients as you wish.

    The formulation is made taking into account the properties of the component and its ability to have an effect on the scalp and hair structure. Most often, homemade formulations are designed for a specific type of hair, although there are many universal remedies in folk methods.

    The domestic and foreign cosmetology industry offers so many products for face and hair care that sometimes it is not easy to choose the most optimal one. Advertisers unanimously claim that all these products are made exclusively from bio-components. But this, of course, is a bluff - all the same, the composition of purchased cosmetics contains a fair amount of chemistry. Therefore, it is much more useful to use folk remedies for skin and hair care - best recipes you can find out below.

    The face is a mirror of the state of our internal organs and emotions. In certain areas, the person has "representation" of almost all vital organs. Therefore, the appearance of acne, birthmarks, puffiness, redness of the whites of the eyes, peeling of the skin, loss of hair on the head can serve as a signal of the dysfunction of a particular organ.

    Folk remedies for skin and hair are made from natural ingredients, so they are anti-allergenic.

    Home Skin Care: Lotions and Toners

    The most commonly used skin and hair care products are lotions and tonics. There are many recipes on how to take care of your skin at home - here are the best ones.

    Lotions for cleansing the skin of the face.

    Add mashed strawberry, banana or orange puree to milk, boil for 5 minutes, cool. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    An effective folk remedy for oily skin care is dry white wine or green tea lotion mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons lemon juice.

    Green salad water.

    For cooking cosmetic water according to this folk recipe for skin care, green salad should be finely chopped, put in a porcelain bowl and filled with boiled water. After a few hours, squeeze and strain the juice. This water softens the skin and makes it elastic.

    Cucumber water.

    Grate a cucumber, squeeze out the juice and wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in it. Recommended for oily and tired skin.

    Toner for cleaning oily skin.

    1 tbsp. spoons of chamomile pour 12 cups of boiling water, cover and leave until it cools. Strain and wipe your face.

    Can be used as a compress: moisten a piece of gauze with hot broth, squeeze lightly and put on your face. It is recommended to take a recumbent position so that the head is lower than the legs. Such a compress for home skin care only works hot, so the gauze should be moistened several times.

    Collection for cleansing oily skin.

    1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort, 2 teaspoons of cornflower, 12 tbsp. spoons of calendula, violet tricolor and immortelle pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave until cool. Wipe your face every day.

    Collection for cleansing dry skin.

    Mix in equal parts lime blossom, chamomile, dill, sage, mint and fresh rose petals. 2 tbsp. pour 500 ml of spoons of the mixture cold water and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes over low heat, cool, strain and wipe the face.

    Tonic to relieve dry skin irritation.

    For facial skin care at home you need 2 tbsp. spoons of marshmallow root pour 1 cup boiled water, insist for 24 hours.

    Home remedies for facial skin care: masks

    Masks are an effective home remedy for skin care - here are some recipes.

    Cucumber mask.

    Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cucumber juice with 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 protein, whipped into a foam. You can apply the mixture directly to your face with a tampon, or you can apply an even layer on a piece of gauze, cover with another piece of gauze, and cover your face. Keep the mask for 30 minutes. Recommended for oily skin.

    Lemon mask.

    Fill half of the squeezed lemon with 1 egg yolk, add a few drops of lemon juice and let stand for a few hours. When the yolk dries, apply the mask to the face, and after 20 minutes rinse with water at room temperature.

    This mask works well on any skin except dry and acne-covered skin.

    Honey and lemon mask.

    Mix 12 tbsp. tablespoons of boiled water with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice. Apply the mask 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. For additional nutrition for oily skin in old age.

    Oatmeal mask.

    In 12 cups of boiling milk, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed oatmeal, stir until the mass thickens. Remove from heat and cool. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

    For oily, acne-covered skin, this mask should be applied warm.

    Yeast mask.

    Add olive oil and 12 egg yolks to a small piece of yeast. Apply for 20 minutes. Extremely beneficial for dry skin.

    When fighting wrinkles, it is advisable to apply masks based on almonds.

    Take 50 parts of grated almonds, 12.5 parts each of egg yolk and glycerin, 10 ml of alcohol, 1.0 ml of thymol and 1.5 parts of camphor. Mix everything to a paste. Apply to wrinkles before going to bed for 1.5-2 hours, then rinse and wipe dry.

    Herbal masks and tonics are used to soothe and treat problem skin.

    How to care for your hair at home with masks

    Hair is the indicator by which one can judge the state of the endocrine system, kidneys, lungs. If there is a change in the condition of the hair, namely, they did not fit in as before, the shine disappeared, they became dry or oily, something is wrong in the body.

    How to take care of your hair at home to restore its healthy look? It is useful to use egg yolk, brown bread for washing (rub the bread mass into the scalp during washing), yogurt. After washing, the hair can be rinsed with an infusion of chamomile, horsetail, nettle, birch leaves, burdock root.

    It is advisable to do hair masks at home immediately before washing your hair. And using a special brush or sponge will make the task easier.

    Honey mask.

    Mix 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Grind well, apply to hair. Wrap your head with plastic and a terry towel. Leave the mask for 20-40 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly.

    Brandy mask.

    Grind 1 yolk in 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of brandy. Apply to hair, leave for 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    Yeast mask.

    Dilute nutritional yeast with kefir, observing equal proportions, to the state of a liquid gruel. Rub into hair, leave for 30-40 minutes, rinse with water.

    "Sour" mask.

    Apply kefir, sour cream, yogurt to the hair and scalp. Wrap your head with plastic and a terry towel, leave for 1-2 hours, rinse with warm water.

    Hair loss mask.

    Take the juice of 1 lemon and mix with the contents of a bottle of camphor oil. Carefully rub the mass into the hair roots. Put on your head plastic bag and a woolen hat, leave for 5-10 minutes, and preferably overnight, wash off in the morning. With this hair mask, you can achieve the desired effect only if you repeat the treatment procedure for 2 weeks.

    Mask for dry hair.

    Grind 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil and 1 teaspoon of rum. Rub the mixture into the hair roots, wrap your head with a towel and leave for 2 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

    Mask for oily hair.

    Beat the whites of 1-2 eggs until firm and add the juice of 1 lemon. Apply the foam to your hair, wrap your head with plastic and a towel. After 10 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse well with warm water.


    For hair and scalp care, there are cleansers, cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing, hair fixing products, photoprotective products, etc.

    To cleanse the scalp, shampoos are most often used, less often soaps are used for this purpose. In most cases, they are used to achieve a therapeutic effect. So, some soaps are prescribed for skin and hair care with seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis. The existing forms of powder (powder), cream, aerosol and oil for hair cleansing have not gained wide popularity.

    The shampoo contains water, detergent (surfactant, surfactant) and various fatty additives. Soaps of various origins, as well as synthetic compounds, are used as detergents. The shampoo's detergent formulation creates a specific environment on the skin's surface. Anionic detergents create an alkaline environment (pH 8-12), nonionic - slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6). They also produce pH-neutral shampoos (pH 7), the acidity of which is caused simultaneously by two types of detergents that are part of their composition (soap and water). It was shown that cationic detergents have the greatest irritating effect, anionic detergents give this effect to a lesser extent. Non-ionic detergents are characterized by minimal irritation.

    Most modern shampoos contain conditioners (a two-in-one formula).

    which cosmetic companies use various components of a different action in the manufacture of shampoos. So, recently, shampoos have been widely used, which include dyes natural origin (chamomile, henna, basma, etc.) to give hair a certain shade. Shampoos have appeared on the market containing ceramides, tyrosine derivatives that inhibit the appearance of gray hair, as well as azulene derivatives to eliminate the yellowness of gray hair.

    For therapeutic purposes, various drugs may be included: antifungal (ketoconazole, zinc pyrithionate, tar, sulfur, selenium disulfide and disulfate), pediculocidal agents (pyrethrin, piperonyl, phenotrin, tetramethrin, etc.), salicylic acid and lipohydroxyacids, blood supply to hair follicles (minoxidil 2.5-5%, aminexil 1.5%). In addition, some vegetable oils are used (coconut, cypress, rosemary, tea and cajaput tree, etc.).

    Cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing are used to restore shine to the hair, facilitate combing and styling, strengthen thin, weakened hair and increase its elasticity, relieve static electricity, etc. According to the classification proposed by the French Federation of the Cosmetic Industry, cosmetic preparations for care hair after washing is subdivided into rinse-off (rinse-off) and indelible.

    Rinse off hair care products after washing are represented by all types of rinses, or conditioners, starting with liquid milk, conditioners, balms, combing creams with various consistencies, ending with liquid gels. The listed forms usually include basic framework (fats, alcohols, ethers, waxes), thickener (necessary to stabilize the emulsion form, a hydrophilic colloid is often used), preservatives. Cationic detergents and silicones are used as conditioning additives. Various treatments and sunscreens may also be included. Indelible products are represented by various solutions (lotion and so-called serums), foams, conditioning creams.

    The selection of shampoo, as well as cosmetic preparations for the care of the body after washing, is based on determining the type of hair (dry, oily, etc.) lanolin, beeswax, spermaceti, jojoba oil, etc.), fatty acidic (oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic, ricinolenic, etc.) and their derivatives (natural triglycerides - almond, castor, peanut, olive, oat oil, avocado oil , fatty alcohols - lauryl, myristyl, oleyl, cetyl and stearyl alcohols, fatty esters, etc.), various vitamins (A, group B, E), protein derivatives (hydrolysates of proteins, a mixture of peptides, amino acids), phospholipids, cationic detergents, cationic polymers.

    It should be emphasized that cationic derivatives are surfactants with a hydrophilic cationic group having one or two lipophilic hydrocarbon fatty chains. When a cationic detergent hits the surface of the damaged hair, bearing anionic valence, an electrochemical bond between the negatively charged hair and the cationic substance occurs, which contributes to the formation of a thin monomolecular film on the hair surface. In addition, when the specified detergent acts on the hair, an antistatic effect occurs due to a decrease in the potential difference. It is known that cationic detergents (surfactants) are ideal for normalizing the surface of damaged hair and protecting it. However, they have no effect on improving the structure of damaged hair. Moreover, the use of these components is not always comfortable due to the irritating effect and incompatibility with a number of anionic detergents that are part of shampoos. That is why new compounds compatible with anionic detergents have been developed - cationic polymers, which are able to create a special protective film on the surface of the hair, restoring its structure and strength. The first cationic polymer to hit the market in 1972 was Polymer JR (Poly quaternium 10). It was added to one of the shampoos as a conditioning ingredient. Subsequently, many new varieties of cationic polymers were released and patented. Currently, three main types are used: cationic celluloses and starches, cationic silicones, and protein hydrolysates.

    The main components of cosmetic preparations for the care of oily hair are sulfur and its derivatives (disulfite, selenium disulfate, etc.), amino acids containing sulfur (cysteine, methionine), thioesters, tar, some substances that delay the ingress of sebum on the hair, and fat adsorbents. To reduce the ingress and spread of sebum on the surface of the hair in last years began to use special lipophobic films covering the hair. They are added in small concentration to shampoos for oily hair. The most popular are various acrylic derivatives and phosphorylated fatty acids, which are both lipophobic and hydrophobic. To achieve an adsorbing effect, gelatin or casein are usually used, as well as fine starches and silicones. They not only absorb sebum, but also make it thicker, which reduces the visible manifestations of liquid seborrhea. The negative quality of these drugs is that after using them, the hair looks dull.

    Currently, in addition to traditional shampoos, various solutions and gels are offered that are applied directly to the hair roots. They are used for increased hair greasiness. These include alcohol solutions (40-50%) for daily use, lotions (solutions) used after washing, with a low alcohol content, hydrogels, including alcohols, emulsions for treating hair after washing. These agents can include hydrocolloids, clays, plant extracts, proteins, non-ionic polymers that act as adsorbents. Usually, a small amount of detergent (surfactant) is added to their formulation as an emulsifier and to facilitate water rinsing.

    In order to fix the hair in the hairstyle, forms of aerosol, foam, gel, solutions are used. Previously, hair fixatives were various natural gels containing tragacanth and other ingredients, as well as various oils.

    Various synthetic polymers (eg polyvinylpyrrolidone) are currently added to shape the hair without contaminating the hair, as well as ingredients with conditioning, antistatic action (eg cationic detergents). Various styling foams are considered the least aggressive, the most are sprays. In addition, sprays are becoming less popular today because of the danger of damaging the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

    Permanent curling was invented over 70 years ago in order to reshape hair (make it wavy), which will persist even after washing. The technology and means used for this kind of curling are constantly being modified. Regardless of the methodology, this process usually includes three stages.

    1. Hair softening by physical or chemical factors. The so-called "steam" curling is historically the oldest. The essence of the process is the destruction of hydrogen bonds between polypeptides in the hair keratin molecules, which creates a temporary shape-changing effect achieved by using curlers. Also obsolete is the method in which a solution of ammonia and sodium bisulfite or triethanolamine was used in combination with exposure to high temperature (the so-called "hot" perm). Previously, methods of curling were also popular, the essence of which was reduced to a chemical isotheric reaction. These methods are now practically not used, since they significantly damage the hair and require special preparation. Since 1945, the “cold” perm has been widely used. The process of softening hair during cold curling is provided by thioglycollates, which are capable of breaking down disulfide bonds in the keratin molecule. Currently used solutions containing thioglycolic acid and ammonium or monoethanolamine. In recent years, perm based on glyceryl monothioglycolate has gained popularity, which turned out to be softer and can be recommended for people with dry and bleached hair. It should be emphasized that thioglycolate are quite strong sensitizers. They are the most common reason the development of allergic dermatitis in both hairdressers and clients.
    2. Reshaping the hair. Achieved using curlers of various diameters. Subsequently, the hair is treated with a neutralizing solution, which fixes the new shape.
    3. Hair shaping is usually done with hydrogen peroxide, which also attacks the hair.

    Homemade perm sets usually include milder neutralizing solutions of the following salts: sodium tetraborate, sodium tetracarbonate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, etc.

    Persons of the Negroid race often use various means and methods for hair straightening. Their essence is basically similar to a perm. Men with short hair also use viscous fatty bases (pomade) for mechanical straightening of hair and gluing together.

    Currently, new forms are being created for cosmetic hair care. One of them is a moisturizer for dry and brittle hair, applied to the entire length of the hair. These creams often contain silicones that envelop the hair, help the scales stick to it, and thereby restore shine. Both UVB and UVA protectors are used to protect hair from ultraviolet rays. Special oils are used to protect hair from the effects of cold water in a pool containing chlorine. The oils contain silicone that envelops the hair. Some companies produce these products in aerosol form.


    The health and density of hair largely depends on how good the scalp is, which is why care for them should be considered comprehensively. And here folk remedies for hair and scalp care come to our aid. We will talk about them now.

    One of the most famous and effective hair care products is bran decoction. To prepare it, pour 200 grams of bran into 2 cups of water, let it boil and boil a little, squeeze them well, and add the remaining broth to the water every time you wash your hair.

    The growth and density of hair is perfectly promoted by a solution of tar, which must be applied no more than once a week, since if it is used too often, the hair will not keep curling. Today, it is not uncommon to find a ready-made cosmetic product for hair growth on sale, but it is better to use it together with olive oil, in equal proportions.

    To make your hair thicker in a very short period of time, use a good Muslim hair serum. If your hair becomes too coarse after washing with it, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

    Nettle infusion will save you from hair loss. For its preparation, it is necessary to insist one teaspoon of crushed dry nettle leaves in a glass of boiling water for twenty minutes.

    An ointment made from a glass of melted pig lard and a few drops of Peruvian balsam will help you to strengthen your hair. It is necessary to rub such a composition into the head a couple of times a week, while washing your head, when treating it with such a remedy, is recommended no more than once every ten days. This ointment is especially effective when used in childhood, since during this period the fatty layer of the scalp very easily accumulates, on which the density of the hair subsequently depends.

    Another popular folk remedy from hair loss, as well as stimulating their growth, is birch or onion sap diluted with alcohol (it can be replaced with brandy) and a decoction of burdock root. You can also rub raw onions into your scalp daily at night to add shine and strength to your hair, but keep in mind that the smell of onions is very persistent.

    If, due to any serious illness (scarlet fever, typhus and others), active hair loss has begun, it is better for the patient to shave his head, and this should be done at the very beginning of the disease. Repeat this procedure three more times with an interval of two weeks. When the patient recovers, he is advised to wash his head with rather hot water every other day (so the scalp will steam out well), and then rub the scalp with vodka on a dry one (this will stimulate hair growth). If you notice that your hair grows back unevenly, as if in bushes, you need to shave your head again.

    If your ailment is dandruff, then ichthyol or tar soap will help you cope with it, which need to wash their heads once a week.

    A mixture of refined kerosene and castor oil prepared in a 1: 1 ratio will save you from severe dandruff.

    If dandruff is due to a dry scalp, which can be seen from split ends and dry hair, rub vegetable oil into your head twice a week, whatever. You can also rub in petroleum jelly, but it is better to do this at night and wash your head in the morning. This is one of the most effective folk remedies for dandruff treatment, and it usually helps in just a few days.

    Another folk remedy for dandruff is a decoction of burdock roots. Burdock roots must be poured with water and put to simmer on fire so that the water boils a little. Cool the resulting broth, filter. It is necessary to moisten the head with a decoction of burdock roots every day. In addition to getting rid of dandruff, it also makes your hair softer and accelerates hair growth.

    In addition to auxiliaries for hair and scalp care, there are folk methods for making homemade shampoos. Here are some of them:

    1. Mix freshly beaten chicken egg and a pinch of royal borax with a little water. Wash your hair with this mixture.
    2. In 120 milliliters of cologne, melt 15 grams of soap and mix it all with 15 grams of distilled water. Store the resulting composition in a bottle, tightly closed, and wash your hair as it gets dirty.

    But let's not forget that often hair problems begin due to a lack in the human body of any vitamins or trace elements that come to us with food. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of various problems with hair and scalp, eat as much as possible with the peel of raw vegetables and fruits, eat bran and bread, asparagus, cucumbers, parsley and lettuce, beets, strawberries. It will not be superfluous, even when using traditional medicine, to take a complex of vitamins and minerals designed specifically for the hair and scalp.

    For hair and scalp care, there are cleansers, cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing, hair fixing products, photoprotective products, etc.

    To cleanse the scalp, shampoos are most often used, less often soaps are used for this purpose. In most cases, they are used to achieve a therapeutic effect. So, some soaps are prescribed for skin and hair care with seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis. The existing forms of powder (powder), cream, aerosol and oil for hair cleansing have not gained wide popularity.

    The shampoo contains water, detergent (surfactant, surfactant) and various fatty additives. Soaps of various origins, as well as synthetic compounds, are used as detergents. The shampoo's detergent formulation creates a specific environment on the skin's surface. Anionic detergents create an alkaline environment (pH 8-12), non-ionic - slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6). They also produce pH-neutral shampoos (pH 7), the acidity of which is caused simultaneously by two types of detergents that are part of their composition (soap and water). It was shown that cationic detergents have the greatest irritating effect, anionic detergents give this effect to a lesser extent. Non-ionic detergents are characterized by minimal irritation.

    Most modern shampoos contain conditioners (a two-in-one formula). Some cosmetic companies in the manufacture of shampoos use various components of a different action. So, recently, shampoos have been widespread, which include dyes of natural origin (chamomile, henna, basma, etc.) to give the hair a certain shade. Shampoos have appeared on the market containing ceramides, tyrosine derivatives that inhibit the appearance of gray hair, as well as azulene derivatives to eliminate the yellowness of gray hair.

    For therapeutic purposes, various drugs may be included: antifungal (ketoconazole, zinc pyrithionate, tar, sulfur, selenium disulfide and disulfate), pediculocidal agents (pyrethrin, piperonyl, phenotrin, tetramethrin, etc.), salicylic acid and lipohydroxyacids, blood supply to hair follicles (minoxidil 2.5-5%, aminexil 1.5%). In addition, some vegetable oils are used (coconut, cypress, rosemary, tea and cajaput tree, etc.).

    Cosmetic preparations for hair care after washing are used to restore shine to the hair, facilitate combing and styling, strengthen thin, weakened hair and increase its elasticity, relieve static electricity, etc. According to the classification proposed by the French Federation of the Cosmetic Industry, cosmetic preparations for care hair after washing is subdivided into rinse-off (rinse-off) and indelible.

    Rinse off hair care products after washing are represented by all types of rinses, or conditioners, from liquid milk, conditioners, balms, creams for combing hair with various consistencies, ending with liquid gels. The listed forms usually include a base base (fats, alcohols, ethers, waxes), a thickener (necessary to stabilize the emulsion form, a hydrophilic colloid is often used), preservatives. Cationic detergents and silicones are used as conditioning additives. Various treatments and sunscreens may also be included. Indelible products are represented by various solutions (lotion, and so-called serums), foams, conditioning creams.

    The selection of shampoo, as well as cosmetic preparations for the care of the will after washing, is based on determining the type of hair (dry, oily, etc.) For dry hair, the composition of these forms includes: organic acids (acetic, lactic, malic), fats and fat-like substances ( lanolin, beeswax, spermaceti, jojoba oil, etc.), fatty acidic (oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic, ricinolenic, etc.) and their derivatives (natural triglycerides - almond, castor, peanut, olive, oat oil, avocado oil , fatty alcohols - lauryl, myristyl, oleyl, cetyl and stearyl alcohols, fatty esters, etc.), various vitamins (A, group B, E), protein derivatives (hydrolysates of proteins, a mixture of peptides, amino acids), phospholipids, cationic detergents, cationic polymers It should be emphasized that cationic derivatives are surfactants with a hydrophilic cationic group having one or two lipophilic hydrocarbon fatty chains. When the surface of the damaged hair bears the anionic valence, an electrochemical bond between the negatively charged hair and the cathioactive substance occurs, which contributes to the formation of a thin monomolecular film on the surface of the hair. In addition, when the specified detergent acts on the hair, an antistatic effect occurs due to a decrease in the potential difference. It is known that cationic detergents (surfactants) are ideal for normalizing the surface of damaged hair and protecting it. However, they have no effect on improving the structure of damaged hair. Moreover, the use of these components is not always comfortable due to the irritating effect and incompatibility with a number of anionic detergents that are part of shampoos. That is why new compounds compatible with anionic detergents have been developed - cationic polymers, which are able to create a special protective film on the surface of the hair, restoring its structure and strength. The first cationic polymer to hit the market in 1972 was Polymer JR (Poly quaternium 10). It was added to one of the shampoos as a conditioning ingredient. Subsequently, many new varieties of cationic polymers were released and patented. Currently, three main types are used: cationic celluloses and starches, cationic silicones, and protein hydrolysates.

    The main components of cosmetic preparations for the care of oily hair are sulfur and its derivatives (disulfite, selenium disulfate, etc.), amino acids containing sulfur (cysteine, methionine), thioesters, tar, some substances that delay the ingress of sebum on the hair, and fat adsorbents. To reduce the ingress and spread of sebum on the surface of the hair, in recent years, special lipophobic films have been used to cover the hair. They are added in small concentration to shampoos for oily hair. The most popular are various acrylic derivatives and phosphorylated fatty acids, which are both lipophobic and hydrophobic. To achieve an adsorbing effect, gelatin or casein are usually used, as well as fine starches and silicones. They not only absorb sebum, but also make it thicker, which reduces the visible manifestations of liquid seborrhea. The negative quality of these drugs is that after using them, the hair looks dull.

    Currently, in addition to traditional shampoos, various solutions and gels are offered that are applied directly to the hair roots. They are used for increased hair greasiness. These include alcohol solutions (40-50%) for daily use, lotions (solutions) used after washing, with a low alcohol content, hydrogels, including alcohols, emulsions for treating hair after washing. These agents can include hydrocolloids, clays, plant extracts, proteins, non-ionic polymers that act as adsorbents. Usually, a small amount of detergent (surfactant) is added to their formulation as an emulsifier and to facilitate water rinsing.

    In order to fix the hair in the hairstyle, forms of aerosol, foam, gel, solutions are used. Previously, hair fixatives were various natural gels containing tragacanth and other ingredients, as well as various oils.

    Various synthetic polymers (eg polyvinylpyrrolidone) are currently added to shape the hair without contaminating the hair, as well as ingredients with conditioning, antistatic action (eg cationic detergents). Various styling foams are considered the least aggressive, the most are sprays. In addition, sprays are becoming less popular today because of the danger of damaging the ozone layer of the atmosphere.

    Permanent curling was invented over 70 years ago in order to reshape hair (make it wavy), which will persist even after washing. The technology and means used for this kind of curling are constantly being modified. Regardless of the methodology, this process usually includes three stages.

    1. Hair softening by physical or chemical factors. The so-called "steam" curling is historically the oldest. The essence of the process is the destruction of hydrogen bonds between polypeptides in the hair keratin molecules, which creates a temporary shape-changing effect achieved by using curlers. Also obsolete is the method in which a solution of ammonia and sodium bisulfite or triethanolamine was used in combination with exposure to high temperature (the so-called "hot" perm). Previously, methods of curling were also popular, the essence of which was reduced to a chemical isotheric reaction. These methods are now practically not used, since they significantly damage the hair and require special preparation. Since 1945, the “cold” perm has been widely used. The process of softening hair during cold curling is provided by thioglycollates, which are capable of breaking down disulfide bonds in the keratin molecule. Currently used solutions containing thioglycolic acid and ammonium or monoethanolamine. In recent years, perm based on glyceryl monothioglycolate has gained popularity, which turned out to be softer and can be recommended for people with dry and bleached hair. It should be emphasized that thioglycolate are quite strong sensitizers. They are the most common cause of allergic dermatitis in both hairdressers and clients.
    2. Reshaping the hair. Achieved using curlers of various diameters. Subsequently, the hair is treated with a neutralizing solution, which fixes the new shape.
    3. Hair shaping is usually done with hydrogen peroxide, which also attacks the hair.

    Homemade perm sets usually include milder neutralizing solutions of the following salts: sodium tetraborate, sodium tetracarbonate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, etc.

    Persons of the Negroid race often use various means and methods for hair straightening. Their essence is basically similar to a perm. Men with short hair also use pomade to mechanically straighten hair and stick it together.

    Currently, new forms are being created for cosmetic hair care. One of them is a moisturizer for dry and brittle hair, applied to the entire length of the hair. These creams often contain silicones that envelop the hair, help the scales stick to it, and thereby restore shine. Both UVB and UVA protectors are used to protect hair from ultraviolet rays. Special oils are used to protect hair from the effects of cold water in a pool containing chlorine. The oils contain silicone that envelops the hair. Some companies produce these products in aerosol form.

    People have admired the beauty of healthy hair since ancient times. Some peoples attach special importance to them. Thai hairdressers, for example, start cutting their hair only after performing a special ritual and reading a prayer. The ancient Slavs believed that the hair contains a special force that connects a person with the Universe. And the woman, who plays the role of the keeper of the hearth and family, when getting married, hid her long curls from prying eyes, so as not to bring damage to the offspring and protect herself from the evil eye.

    That's why so many folk recipes is dedicated specifically to health and hair care. The modern beauty industry has stepped much further, now you can not only build up a chic head of hair, but also create a new one surgically. Also, many drugs and care products are being developed and produced, aimed at improving, strengthening and maintaining curls.

    Choosing a shampoo

    How to care for your hair? The advice of professionals in this matter is quite extensive. The first thing dermatologists and cosmetologists pay attention to when talking about proper care for hair - this is how it is cleansed, what detergents are used for this and how the process of washing the head is carried out. It would seem that it can be complicated, but it turns out that it also has its own rules.

    Choosing the right shampoo is very important. After all, its composition is designed for certain properties of the scalp. Therefore, before choosing a detergent, it is necessary to study the recommendations for it and the components of this product. An important factor is the percentage of natural substances contained in the product. As a rule, natural-based shampoos cost a little more, but we are talking about beauty and health.

    If your hair quickly turns oily within a few hours after washing, then most likely the product was chosen incorrectly. In this case, you should not buy a shampoo with a high protein content. It is better to turn your attention to products based on herbs, such as chamomile, nettle, etc. Dry and brittle hair, on the contrary, requires more nutrients and emollients.

    Washing head

    What else is included in hair care? The advice of the professionals also covers the topic of washing. Experts say that you can't wash your hair with too hot water. High temperature disrupts the hair structure, it is very harmful to the follicles and can lead to their death. The water should be comfortable. Before applying the shampoo to your hair, you need to wet it well and let the water soak in for a few minutes. Only then should shampoo be applied. It contains chemicals, and water, penetrating well into the structure of hair and skin, softens this factor. The shampoo must be applied twice. The first application provides preliminary cleaning from external contamination.

    Next, rinse your hair and reapply the shampoo. This will cleanse the greasy coating. Then you can apply conditioner or hair balm. For a good effect, you need to follow the instructions on the bottle of the product and keep it on the hair for the specified time so that the hair roots do not quickly turn greasy. Care products should only be applied along the length of the hair, without touching the scalp. It is better to finish rinsing with cool water, which will help the swollen scales to shrink slightly.

    Oily hair can be rinsed after washing with a decoction of nettle or a solution with lemon juice, while the water should be slightly acidic. This will help avoid quickly greasy curls and add shine to them.


    A proper drying process is part of hair care. The advice of professionals is based on the fact that curls are very harmful to a drop in high and low temperatures. It is important to dry your hair with cool, but never hot air. Keeping your head wrapped in a towel for too long is also harmful, as this leads to excessive swelling of hair scales. They open up and can be injured. For the same reason, do not brush your hair when wet.


    Choosing a comb is just as important for hair health. It is always best to give preference to natural materials. They don't hurt. Natural bristle tools help the curls. It is necessary to comb the hair with smooth movements from the ends, gradually rising higher. If they get tangled, you should first untangle them, and then continue combing.

    How to care for your hair? Tips from professional hairdressers help girls to make their curls flawless. Let's take a look at the basic rules. Even to those who have long hair, periodically you need to trim the ends. Because it affects the appearance of the hairstyle and helps to heal the curls, as well as prevent them from splitting higher.

    Girls who want to use hair coloring are recommended to first change their shade by using tinting tonics. After all, even a gentle paint does harm to hair. Therefore, while there is no need for staining, it is worth keeping them. Considering that natural colors are in fashion, you can change the shade, say, to a lighter shade by regularly rinsing your hair with chamomile decoction.

    Professionals advise choosing hairstyle changes that are less traumatic for the hair. For example, you can get your favorite curls by giving up heat rollers and curling irons. Conventional soft-base curlers will do much less harm. Hair can be straightened not only with hairdressing irons. For this procedure, use a small amount of coconut oil melted in the palms. The choice of all kinds of hairpins and elastic bands is also advised to be approached with caution. Too tight "tails" can disrupt the normal blood circulation of the scalp and injure the hair follicles.


    What hair care should be? The advice of professional stylists boils down to various wellness procedures in beauty salons. Let's take a closer look at them:

    • A hot wrap is available for all hair types. It is aimed at their nutrition and health improvement. This procedure is especially recommended for dry

    • Lamination has a protective function. The special composition with which the hair is treated does not allow harmful substances to penetrate and break the structure.
    • Shielding is so called because of the film that envelops each hair. She, like a protective screen, reflects external aggressive effects on the hair. She also nourishes them and increases their volume.
    • Cysteine \u200b\u200bseal is used for fine, dry and damaged hair. It consists in applying a composition that protects, strengthens and nourishes the hair, adding shine and elasticity to it.


    The opinion of professionals regarding the conduct of wellness procedures in the form of masks is unambiguously positive. Since the hair is constantly exposed to external negative influences, it needs nutrition and restoration. Good base materials for masks are coconut, burdock, olive and castor oil... Additional ingredients are added to enhance the effect.

    For example, honey and sea salt in combination with coconut or olive oil are great for dandruff. Burdock nourishes, strengthens and stimulates hair growth. Mixtures based on fermented milk products such as kefir or sour cream are very helpful for weakened curls. They have a positive effect on hair and scalp, softening and regenerating. You can talk for a long time about the benefits of honey masks. After all, nowhere else is there such a quantity of vitamins and microelements as in this bee product. But you should take into account the characteristics of the organism. If you are allergic to honey, then you will have to refuse masks with its use.

    Henna is a wonderful natural dye and health remedy. It has strong antiseptic and strengthening properties. Penetrating into the structure of the hair, henna thickens it, and also has a beneficial effect on the roots. The only serious disadvantage of this tool is the color. It cannot be changed for several months. Often, by reacting with another dye, henna can give a green tint. But if you like the natural copper color, you can solve several problems at once - beauty and health in one bottle.

    Thin hair

    Since the curls differ in their type, the process of caring for them also has its own differences. What should be the care for thin hair? The professional advice here mainly comes down to careful care of the curls. This type of hair is the most vulnerable and therefore needs constant protection. Burdock oil masks strengthen and nourish. Rinsing hair with a decoction of chamomile, mallow or burdock root helps well. General rules about the inadmissibility of high or low temperatures for this type of hair are especially relevant. No hot water and no hair dryer! A natural bristle comb is most suitable for fine hair, given its tendency to damage. Do not forget about a variety of conditioners and balms, the action of which is aimed at protecting.

    At this time of the year, the hair is subject to particularly aggressive external influences. Heat, dry hot air and ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on curls. Avoiding exposure entirely is difficult, but cutting back is possible.

    First, you should remember the advice of mothers and grandmothers about a headdress. In hot weather, it will not only provide protection to your hair, but also protect you from sunstroke. Do not forget about moisturizing your hair with special products. In the summer, the entire body needs constant water saturation. Therefore, you need to consume as much liquid as possible. Also, do not forget about water procedures. If you can't wear a hat, you should use UV-protected care products. How to care for your hair in summer? The advice mainly comes down to protection from drying out and moisture. A mask with kefir-based cucumber juice will perfectly cope with the task. A few gentle strokes of your hair with your palms smeared with coconut oil will protect against drying out.

    Winter care

    How Professional Tips will help you preserve your curls in the cold season. As already mentioned, low temperatures are no less detrimental to hair than high temperatures, so in winter you need to hide curls under a headdress. Leaving the ends uncovered, women subject them to drying out and cutting. When entering a warm room from cold air, it is necessary to remove the hat so as not to expose the hair to steaming. This negatively affects their structure and contributes to the release of excessive greasy coating. Moisturizing and nourishing your hair in winter is just as important as in summer. Therefore, do not forget about balms and conditioners with a nutritious base.


    Now you know what hair care should be. The professional tips presented in this article will help you make your curls perfect. We wish your hair to be always shiny and silky.

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