• Which shampoo is best for a 9 year old girl. How and what to wash hair for children! Note to parents…. We wash my head according to the rules


    Due to the fact that children do not really like to wash their hair with shampoo, manufacturers of children's cosmetics every year more and more go to tricks and more and more often produce the most real masterpieces of hygiene products. All kinds of shampoos and bath foams today you will not find on store shelves. Dozens of colors and smells, hundreds of bottle shapes and thousands of different stickers - all this variety just to attract children's attention and sell as many baby hygiene products as possible. However, if for children another new shampoo with a Luntik sticker or in a bottle in the form of Smesharik is joy and pleasure, then for parents it is another problem, which sometimes even the most scrupulous mother in matters of benefit and safety cannot solve. What shampoo to wash a child's head with, how to choose a truly good manufacturer and what to look for when buying hygiene products for children - we will try to understand this article.

    For a child - baby shampoo!

    This thesis should become a slogan for those parents whose children have not yet turned 14 years old. Dermatologists categorically state that only a special baby shampoo should be used to wash a child's head, the composition of which is significantly different from that of adult products. The strictest requirements are applied to baby shampoos, because the scalp of children is very thin and does not have that fatty and acidic film that protects against the penetration of foreign and pathogenic bacteria into the body that adults have. In addition, children's hair is much thinner than that of adults, so it breaks faster, becomes thinner and loses its structure under the influence of aggressive substances that are often found in shampoos. Therefore, when buying shampoo for a child, read its composition and follow the rules written below.

    Composition of baby shampoo.

    The composition of the shampoo for the child should not contain dyes, strong fragrances, harsh aromas, preservatives and aggressive biological additives. The entire composition of the components must be natural and include only safe herbal supplements, such as: celandine extract, calendula, chamomile and the like.

    Remember that the right baby shampoo always contains glucosides and betaines - this is the foundation that differentiates baby hygiene products from adults. These are natural ingredients that make the shampoo not very foaming, soft, not causing allergic reactions and not irritating the scalp and mucous membranes of the child's eyes.

    In no case should you use a baby shampoo if it contains keratin and itceramides - these are chemicals that are part of adult shampoos that protect hair from the effects of frequent hair dyeing, as well as from the effects of perm.

    Avoid shampoos that enhance hair shine, condition or add volume. These functions of shampoos indicate the presence of additional chemicals that baby hair does not need.

    Rules for choosing baby shampoo.

    If you are interested in the question of what shampoo to wash your child's head with, first of all look at the label, which must be in Russian. Everything should be clearly spelled out on it: date of issue, expiration date, instructions for use, shampoo composition, Russian certification mark, phone number and address of the manufacturer.

    What shampoo to wash the head of a child who is not a year old? If you buy a shampoo for a newborn - pay attention to the availability of information on safety and testing. In addition, shampoos must indicate the age of the child for whom this or that product is intended. If this information is not available, then the shampoo can only be used by children over 3 years old - keep this in mind.

    All products intended for children under 3 years old should be as natural as possible, without dyes, without a pungent odor, practically colorless and not very foaming. A large amount of foam indicates that the shampoo is too aggressive and irritating and that it will sting the eyes a lot.

    Be sure to use only a shampoo with a neutral PH level.

    Do not succumb to the scent of shampoos. Agree that some strong odors, even in adults, make you want to taste something that smells good. What can we say about children. You have to be very careful with such favorite smells of all children as: strawberry, banana, cola and caramel. Better for your peace of mind and the safety of your child, buy a shampoo that is not very fragrant, which would not provoke a desire to try it.

    Remember that strong odors and bright colors are proof that shampoos contain dyes and fragrances that are harmful to the child's body.

    Agree that it is important for all parents what shampoo they use to wash their child's hair. At the same time, it is important not only to be confident in the safety of the shampoo, but also to have convenient packaging. Therefore, buy bottles that are comfortable to hold in your hands. If you have a newborn baby, remember that during water procedures, you will have to hold the baby with one hand, and with the other you manage to open a bottle of shampoo and pour it onto a washcloth. If your child washes himself, then he will perform these actions himself, and it should also be convenient and simple for him to open, close the bottle and use it.

    Try to buy baby shampoo only in large shopping centers, and even better at pharmacy kiosks.

    Only a pediatric dermatologist can give an accurate and complete answer to the question of what shampoo to wash a child's head with, who, only after examining the child, will draw conclusions about the condition of his scalp and the structure of his hair and recommend one or another composition of a hygiene product.

    However, even following all of the above rules and studying in detail the shampoo label, before buying and using it, all mothers should remember that even natural shampoos can be harmful to the baby if used more than three times a week. Ideally, to keep the baby's head clean and tidy, just wash it with shampoo once or twice a week, and on other days just rinse it with warm water.

    What shampoo to wash the head of a child? Safe, natural and of high quality! To do this, it is enough to consult a dermatologist, buy a shampoo with the correct composition and ignore the colorful label and the delicious smell. Today, the range of hygiene products for children is quite wide and varied. The task of the shampoo manufacturers is to sell and the parents to choose. Therefore, be careful, careful and thorough when choosing a baby shampoo for your baby.

    At about the age of 10-12, the body of a teenager begins to actively mature. This affects both the psychological state of young people and their appearance. An increase in a certain amount of hormones entails significant changes in the structure of the skin and hair.

    What changes occur in the adolescent body

    In the skin during this period, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases significantly. The sebum becomes larger, the glands cannot cope with its excretion, and the pores become clogged. As a result - the appearance of inflammation, acne, abscesses and intense oily sheen.

    The exact same process occurs in the structure of the scalp. It becomes oily, acne and pimples can appear under the scalp. The very structure of the hair during adolescent changes in the vast majority of cases becomes dry and brittle. The general picture is as follows: hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends. In addition, itching and dandruff can aggravate the situation.

    How to care for your teen's hair

    General and accessible rules for hair care will significantly improve the situation:

    • it is necessary to minimize the use of curlers, straighteners and drying with very hot air, which severely damage the already dry vulnerable hair structure;
    • if possible, try to avoid the use of aggressive paints containing ammonia;
    • if you are in the sun for a long time, you should wear a hat;
    • when visiting the pool, you should not forget about a swimming cap and thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo in the shower;
    • since the scalp often becomes oily during teenage changes, you need to wash your hair more thoroughly. To do this, you should soap your hair twice. Before you wash off the shampoo, you need to hold it on your head for 5 minutes to active ingredients split the fat, and the medicinal ingredients of the product penetrated deep into the skin;
    • for shampooing and hair care, do not use products that contain a large amount of oils;
    • split ends need to be trimmed more often;
    • hair toiletries should be washed with hot water and soap or cleaned with ammonia once every 1-2 weeks.

    Children's hair is different from adult hair, it is soft and thin, so you need to take care of it in a special way. In our article I want to tell you about how to wash children's hair so as not to damage them.


    So, in order for the child's hair to have a healthy and beautiful appearance, several rules should be followed:

    1. Always use warm water to wash children's hair, no more than 35-38 degrees. Rinse your hair after washing boiled water, which you cook and cool in advance.

    2. Comb your hair before washing, using a soft massage brush is recommended. Be sure to moisturize your hair before shampooing it.

    3. Thoroughly wash only the scalp, and do not rub the entire length of the hair. It is enough that the shampoo is distributed on all hair by itself while washing it off with water.

    4. Wash your child's head with gentle hand movements. Try to apply and distribute the shampoo with your fingertips, in light circular motions. Massage your scalp for three minutes.

    5. By the way, it is not necessary to reapply shampoo on children's hair.

    6. To add shine to your hair, rinse it with a pre-prepared herbal tea. You can also use slightly acidified water as a rinse aid. But in no case at the end of the procedure do not rinse children's hair with a jet cold water... This cannot be done! The capillaries of the scalp of children do not react well to cold.

    7. After washing, wrap the baby's head with a soft terry towel. Let the baby hair dry on its own. Avoid combing wet baby hair.

    8. It is recommended that children wash their hair using baby shampoo no more than once a week. If you need to wash your hair more often, use herbal decoctions.


    The choice of baby shampoo is very important. Pay attention to it being gentle, with a neutral PH. That is, the shampoo that will not irritate the eyes. The PH of the baby's scalp is 6.5. This indicator corresponds to the child's age from birth to 10 years.

    How to wash your child's hair so as not to harm it? It is better to opt for a detergent for children, which can wash not only the hair, but also the child's body.

    By the way, according to the regulatory documents of Russia, there is no definition of what a baby shampoo is. And about the age category, too, nothing is indicated in the standards. Therefore, manufacturers of children's cosmetics themselves prescribe at what age it is possible to use a particular product. If the age from which it can be used is not indicated on the product label, this means: for children from 3 years old.

    What ingredients should be present in the composition of baby shampoo and which ones are not desirable, let us consider in more detail using the example of several brands of shampoos.

    · BabyLine - Germany.

    · Sanosan - Germany. Shampoo for babies.

    · Foam shampoo, Austria, Baby (Styx).

    · Hydrophilic chamomile oil for babies for baths Original ATOK (ave. Czechia).

    BabyLine shampoo for baby hair, made in Germany, has mostly positive reviews. However, in some cases, the mothers of the children noted dryness of the scalp. The advantages of this cosmetic product are that the hair becomes soft and acquires a pleasant chamomile aroma. But, it is worth noting that the composition of such a shampoo is not ideal. The cost is 195 rubles.

    Undesirable shampoo ingredients:

    · Synthetic perfume;

    · Methylparaben and propylparaben. In good quality shampoos, these ingredients are replaced with essential oils and enzymes, plant and milk, vitamins.

    Sanosan shampoo for babies contains avocado oil. The natural ingredients in the shampoo help soften the hair and help heal irritated skin. It is important to remember that high-quality baby cosmetics are made using natural oils, but cheap shampoos have mineral components. The cost of Sanosan shampoo is about 150 rubles. Detergent surfactant component. In principle, the shampoo is good. Hair after its application does not get tangled, becomes soft. However, it contains a synthetic fragrance and five types of parabens.

    For example, Baby (Austria) foam shampoo contains fewer parabens and synthetic fragrances. Therefore, it is better for them to wash the child's head so that hair grows. The consistency of the shampoo is very thick - it is consumed sparingly. It has a pleasant scent, slightly sweet with the aroma of coconut and lavender with chamomile. Washes perfectly, hair does not tangle after use. You can purchase it exclusively in pharmacies or in a specialized store that sells Styx cosmetics. The cost of the shampoo is 500 rubles.

    The composition of the product:

    • Purified water;
    • Sodium laureth sulfate is a surface detergent ingredient in a cosmetic product. It is not able to penetrate into the dermis, so it does not enter the bloodstream. But it is important to remember that those shampoos containing surface surfactants should be well washed off the scalp;
    • Betaine Cocamidopropyl is a mild cleaner. Prevents hair electrification, helps to reduce the irritating effect of SLES. It is obtained from coconut oil, or rather from its fatty acids.
    • Sodium chloride. Has an astringent effect, used externally in medicine for the treatment of inflammatory ulcers, abscesses. wounds;
    • Glycerol;
    • Coconut Glycoside. Prepared from dried coconut pulp. The substance is soft, therefore it foams well;
    • Bisabolol. Received from essential oils lavender and chamomile, which are good at relieving irritation and inflammation on the scalp;
    • Sodium hydroxide is an alkali, due to which the PH of the shampoo is normalized to neutral;
    • Farnesol is a natural preservative and aroma fixer. The composition of this soft component contains essential oils, thanks to which the secretion of the skin is controlled, and also has a softening effect.

    Also, if you are wondering how to wash your child's head for hair growth, a special delicate shampoo, without surfactants, is ideal. This is a hydrophilic baby chamomile oil from Original ATOK. They can wash both the head and the whole body of the child. The cost is 800 rubles. This cosmetic product contains essential oils of blue and yellow chamomile, millennial. As well as vegetable oils: soy, jojoba, and almond. E, A-vitamins, soy lecithin. The composition is gorgeous!

    During the bathing procedure, you should only use one detergent, as the effectiveness of the second may decrease.

    Proper care of baby hair is very important, because their beauty and health depend on it. And yet, it is important to teach the child from childhood to take care of himself. Using the right detergent for baby hair will help clean it. When choosing a baby shampoo, always pay attention to its composition. By the way, a shampoo bought at a pharmacy is not always a guarantee of excellent quality. Read carefully the composition of the shampoo!

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    1. The water temperature should be no more than 36-37 degrees. It is advisable to rinse your hair with boiled water, so it must be prepared in advance.
    2. It is very important to comb your hair and wet it thoroughly before applying the detergent.
    3. During washing baby hair it is necessary to cleanse only the scalp, without touching and in no case, without rubbing the hair along the length.
    4. The washing technique should be gentle and gentle. It is important to apply and distribute the detergent gently in a circular motion with your fingertips for 3-4 minutes.
    5. Children's scalp does not require repeated application of shampoo.
    6. Do not forget to finish the procedure of washing your hair with a rinse made from herbal infusion or boiled water acidified with lemon juice (1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). If an adult scalp is recommended to be rinsed with cool water, then it is not permissible for a child's scalp! Enlarged capillaries of the scalp do not react to the cold in the best way.
    7. After washing and rinsing, the hair should be lightly patted with a towel. They must dry on their own. Never comb wet hair!
    8. Use special baby hair shampoo no more than 1 time per week! And in between, use decoctions and herbal infusions for washing.
    9. Baby skin needs to be cleansed regularly, preferably every day!

    What shampoo to wash the head of a child

    This is perhaps one of those questions over which every mother racks her head. The first thing to consider is the softness of the shampoo. And on its softness, i.e. neutrality of PH, indicates the phrase "does not pinch the eyes." The PH of the scalp of a child from 0 to 10 years old is close to neutral: about 6.5. It is this indicator of the acid-base balance that does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye.

    It is even better if such a shampoo is intended for washing not only the scalp, but also the body. In Russia, according to regulatory documents, what is a baby shampoo is not defined, and division by age is not provided. Therefore, manufacturers themselves indicate at what age their product can be used. Please note that if the age is not specified, then this shampoo can be used only after reaching the age of 3.

    Let's see what should be in a baby shampoo, and what shouldn't be in it using examples of some shampoos. I have tried

    • BabyLine (Germany),
    • SANOSAN for babies (Germany),
    • foam shampoo Baby (Styx, Austria).
    • hydrophilic baby chamomile bath oil Original ATOK (Czech Republic)

    Children's shampoo for hairBabyLine (Germany) dried out the scalp after a year of use. Of the pluses, I found only two: after it, the hair remained soft and smelled very tasty of chamomile. However, it is far from perfect.

    The price is about 190 rubles.

    From unwanted components it contains:

    • synthetic perfume;
    • methylparaben and propylparaben (in high-quality shampoos, this component is replaced by milk and plant enzymes, vitamins).

    SANOSAN shampoo for babies (Germany) contains avocado oil. The inclusion helped to restore the scalp of my daughter after the BabyLine shampoo. IN cosmetics Vegetable oils are always used of good quality, and mineral oils are used in cheap production.

    The price is about 150 rubles.

    The softest surfactant option was chosen as the detergent component. In general, the shampoo is not bad, the hair does not get confused, it remains soft. But its composition is not perfect either:

    • synthetic perfume;
    • 5 types of parabens.

    Baby foam shampoo (Styx, Austria) was chosen by me due to the fact that, in my opinion, the composition of SANOSAN for babies is overloaded. The foam shampoo suits us perfectly, we use it for about a year. It is consumed economically due to its very thick consistency. The smell is pleasant sweetish with notes of coconut, lavender and chamomile. Hair does not tangle, cleans very well. Sold only in pharmacies or specialized stores selling Styx cosmetics.

    The price is about 500 rubles.

    Here is the composition of the foam shampoo:

    • water;
    • sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). It is a shampoo's active surface cleaning ingredient. It does not penetrate the dermis, and therefore does not enter the bloodstream. The only thing is, shampoos containing surface surfactants must be thoroughly washed off the scalp;
    • cocamidopropyl Betaine (derived from coconut oil fatty acids, mild cleanser, prevents electrification of hair, reduces irritation from SLES, conditioner);
    • sodium chloride (increases the viscosity of the drug, is used externally in medicine for inflammation, treatment of ulcers and abscesses);
    • glycerol;
    • coconut glycoside (soft foaming substance obtained from dried coconut pulp);
    • bisabolol (derived from chamomile and lavender essential oils, relieves inflammation and irritation);
    • sodium hydroxide (this is an alkali that normalizes the PH of the shampoo to neutral. Detergent);
    • farnesol (it is a mild component of some essential oils that naturally controls the secretion of the skin, softens and relaxes it. It is a natural preservative and aroma fixer).

    But there are times when for frequent washing of the child's head it is necessary to use a delicate surfactant-free detergent. Then I would recommend a hydrophilic baby chamomile bath oil Original ATOK (Czech Republic). It is also, like the previous one, intended for washing hair and body. When bathing a child using ATOK hydrophilic oil, do not use other detergents. This will reduce its effectiveness.

    The price is about 800 rubles.

    The composition looks like this:

    • essential oils of blue chamomile, yarrow and yellow chamomile;
    • vegetable oils: jojoba, soybean and almond;
    • soy lecithin.

    Taking care of children's hair, you not only make them strong and beautiful, but also bring up in the child respect to yourself. A properly selected shampoo will help to solve a very important task of cleansing for baby skin. Pay attention to the composition of your chosen detergent. And remember that purchasing a product at a pharmacy does not guarantee its safety!

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