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    Fractional Rejuvenation, 3D Face Lifting Infini (Infini)

    Fractional radio frequency 3D lifting faces on the Infini (Infini) apparatus - the newest method of rejuvenation and eliminating various cosmetic defects without surgical intervention. The impressive features of the apparatus have already rated the leading centers of the aesthetic medicine of Europe; Now these procedures are also available to patients with clinic of German medical technologies.

    Infini Fractional Lifting (Infini) has a comprehensive effect - it is capable not only to provide a surround 3D-rejuvenation of the person, but also significantly improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

    Indications for 3D rejuvenation:

    The main testimony to 3D rejuvenation are:

    • ptosis (tissue omission);
    • wrinkles (both mimic and deep);
    • bags under the eyes, the overpoint hanging;
    • traces of pedestal;
    • extended pores;
    • dim color;
    • dirya body skin (belly, inner thigh surface, etc.);
    • scars, stretching;
    • hyperhydrosis.

    Principle of operation of the procedure 3D-lifting facial

    The procedure of 3D-lifting faces is a radio wave suspension - the impact on the skin and subcutaneous fiber of electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency range. In the processing zone there is a local increase in temperature, which contributes to the stimulation of fibroblasts and the active development of collagen and elastin.

    The technology of radio frequency lifting was invented at the end of the 20th century, constantly developed and achieved perfection when creating an Infini (Infini) apparatus. The device has two manipulations: MFR nozzle provides deep bulk multi-level lifting; SFR nozzle - fractional radio frequency grinding and surface thermalifting. In the first case, the impulse (with a depth of penetration of up to 3.5 mm) is supplied to the tips of gold-plated micronegles, providing a multi-layer impact. In the second - two-channel technology allows simultaneously to carry out thermolifting and fractional ablation (grinding) of the upper layer of epidermis.

    It is worth noting that the device of Infini provides an accurate depth of radio wave penetration and has many other advantages:

    • fast and persistent result;
    • relatively short recovery period;
    • lack of tough seasonal and age limitations;
    • a small number of contraindications.

    How is the procedure

    The use of mic champions MFR nozzle is a relatively minimally invasive intervention and does not cause a patient significant inconvenience. During the procedure, the doctor varies the depth of penetration of the microne, the frequency and the length of the pulse; Due to this multi-level exposure, the effect of 3D lifting is achieved. Each zone is processed from 1 to 3 times, each time the depth of penetration decreases.

    The duration of manipulation is 30-40 minutes. To obtain a sustainable result, you need to go through only 2-3 procedures, while the effect accumulates and keeps up to 2 years.

    Contraindications to the procedure of 3D-rejuvenation of the face

    The list of contraindications to the procedure of the 3D-rejuvenation of the person is not as large as in many analogues, since the technology provides the most controlled impact. Contraindications to the procedure are:

    • neoplasm;
    • aggravation of acne
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • fresh scars and scars;
    • silicone implants in the exposure zone;
    • heavy form of arterial hypertension;
    • viral infections;
    • pregnancy, lactation.

    Recovery period

    3D rejuvenation on the Infini apparatus (Infini) does not require long-term rehabilitation. Immediately after the procedure, a small red and swelling may be observed, which, as a rule, pass in 2-3 days. At this time, it is necessary to take care of the skin from ultraviolet rays and any mechanical impact, as well as to comply with the individual recommendations of the doctress for skin care.

    Results of 3D lifting faces

    The effect of 3D-lifting faces is visible after the first procedure (it is manifested during the month): The skin is noticeably pulled up and aligns, the color is improved.

    After the full course:

    • faces are improving (dual "chin and balls, shape is adjusted);
    • wrinkles disappear, nasolabial folds and "chances" are smoothed;
    • smoothed dark spots, scars and stretching;
    • the skin becomes smooth, elastic and shining.

    Cost of procedure

    Given the high efficiency, proven by independent clinical trials, the cost of 3D lifting is moderate enough and significantly inferior in the price of a rejuvenating plastic surgery (surgical suspender). At the same time, rejuvenation occurs as much as possible. natural way, due to the internal skin resources, which further increases the attractiveness of the procedure.

    Specialists of our clinic have all relevant certificates and great positive experience in using this technique.

    Come in GMTclinic and make sure that the technology of radio wave lifting has never been so effective before!

    What is 3D rejuvenation? How is it better mesotherapy, botox and contour plastics?

    What happens to the skin with age?

    3D rejuvenation Presums an integrated approach. Our skin loses the tone, elasticity, it becomes thinner, dery. With the age of subcutaneous fat on the face it becomes less, which is why there are chains and folds. A gravity acts on weakened skin, it is lowered even lower, and the oval of faces loses clarity. All these processes cannot be influenced by some one method. Output? In the search for solutions, it is necessary to repel from which of the aging processes are especially fast, and approach to rejuvenation from all sides.

    3D rejuvenation: How does it work?

    3D rejuvenation works in the complex. Depending on the testimony, combinations of techniques are selected, among which the contour plastic and threads can be used.

    For example, in 3D rejuvenation May include:

    • mesotherapy or biorevitalization, as well as nanoperphoration - a procedure that improves the quality of the skin and its texture;
    • botinotherapy - affects the Mimic wrinkles through the muscles;
    • - fills the volumes where necessary. You can enter a special gel that restores the cheekbone area, and it raises and smooth out the nasolabial folds;
    • nite lifting - in cases where it is necessary to raise the contours of the face.

    All procedures are selected individually, it can be like a one-time arrival in the clinic (if the techniques are combined with each other, you can make them within 1 -3 hours) and the course of procedures.

    Side effects of 3D rejuvenation

    • Bruisies. The consequence of any injection procedures can be bruises.
    • Eveniness or redness. Some women have a lightweight swelling or redness.
    • Peeling. If the complex was used, it may have to come to terms with the peeling of the skin for several days.

    Who can not do 3D rejuvenation?

    Who has serious diseasesin which any physiotherapeutic and injection procedures are contraindicated. It is heavy diabetes, bronchial asthma, oncological diseases.

    3d rejuvenation vector liftig

    3d rejuvenation vector liftig

    Contour plastic with flexible cannula is also called 3D rejuvenation. This is one of the newest trends in aesthetic medicine.

    Volumetric modeling of a person using flexible cannula is a natural and long-term result of rejuvenation!

    Aesthetic effect After volumetric modeling of a face, applying flexible cannulas, can be compared with the result after the plastic surgery.

    Unlike the procedures for rejuvenation, which are reduced to fill the wrinkles, a more modern method of correction of age-related changes has appeared - 3D rejuvenation.

    The new method, in contrast to the traditional injection techniques, allows you to restore the volumes lost with age in such problem places such as: upper eyelid, cheeky temporal, nose, chin area, lips, and hand brushes, and also allows you to adjust the features of the face, a clear young outline and lost volumes .

    This technique uses the most modern Fillers: Juviderm Ultra (Ultra), Surgiderm (Surgeders), Perlane (Perline), Restylane (Restylan), Ellanse (Elans).

    Our beautician doctors will select individually for you a surround modeling program using flexible cannulas, by type of your skin!

    3D rejuvenation will allow you to get rid of wrinkles with minimal trauma, without anesthesia. And at the same time avoid bruises and edema (even in the lip area and around the eyes).

    The method of rejuvenation of flexible cannulas is particularly attractive by allowing not to simply adjust wrinkles and folds, but also to fully simulate the face and replenish the lost volume.

    Technique of work cannulam makes it more efficiently and smoothly distribute the drug between the fabrics and allows for 1-2 punctures to enter a filler with the smallest skin damage. Flexible, stupid cannula smoothly passes between the fabrics, bypassing the vessels and fabric without damaging them. The procedure passes almost painlessly, since pain receptors are only in the skin, periosteum and vessels are not affected and do not damage the cannulas.

    • Plasmolifting (more)
    • Triniti laser rejuvenation (more)
    • Mesoni (more)
    • Mesotherapy (more)
    • IAL-SYSTEM biorevitalization (more)
    • Bioreparation Meso-Wharton P199 (more)
    • Bioarming by Filers: Surgiderm (Surgeders), (Juvenm), (Perline), (Restylan), (Elans) (more)
    • 3D rejuvenation vector surgiderm lifting (Surgeders, (juviders), (perline), Restylane, Ellanse (Elans) (more)
    • Lifting threads of polyolic acid (more)
    • Piling TSA Surfactant, MEDIA (more)
    • Cosmetic care "Jean d'Estrees" (France) (more).

    Consultation in the clinic is free

    Laser rejuvenation is an effective procedure to restore the youth of the skin. She has a lot of positive feedback. Today, clinics offer an integrated approach and unite different proceduresTo ensure a quick result. 3D rejuvenation is one of these complexes that combine three procedures at once: photorejuvenation, thermalifting and fractional laser rejuvenation. Procedures are conducted sequentially within one course.

    Results of the procedure

    Laser rejuvenation method ensures:

      full security;

      skin youth for a long time (up to 10 years);

    • fast positive appearance changes.

    Similar results can be obtained only with plastic operations. However, plastic is not as safe as laser rejuvenation, and its results must also be reinforced regularly.

    Laser rejuvenation 3D eliminates signs of cooperosis, ptosa, pigmentation. The turgor of the skin is improved, a new collagen is actively produced. This leads to natural rejuvenation and lifting.

    The procedure for 3D rejuvenation takes place in three stages, it includes:

      Photorejuvenation. This stage allows you to eliminate signs of skin photo-based. With the help of the device, signs of cooper and hyperpigmentation are eliminated.

      Thermalifting. At this stage, the face is made using the apparatus, the natural contours are restored. The specialist is working on the cheek zone and the second chin. Fabrics are reduced, the suspension of all zones is carried out.

    • Fractional laser rejuvenation. The final stage of the complex procedures. In the process, minor wrinkles are eliminated, pores are torn, the complexion becomes healthy and natural.

    For work, experts use one machine, simply changing the nozzles. The effect of the 3D procedure can be seen after the first sessions. This way of rejuvenation is very effective, he received a lot of positive feedback. Reviews were left by patients who came to the clinic with different problems. The laser method of restoring the skin of the skin gives a long-term result.

    Laser dermabrasion face 1 cat. difficulties

    Laser dermabrasion face 2 cat. difficulties

    Laser dermabrasion face 3 cat. difficulties

    Face Laser Dermabrasion 4 Cat. difficulties

    Laser dermabrasion of the face of individual zones depending on the cat. difficulties

    Laser rejuvenation (neodymium heating) face, neck, neckline for 1 min

    Nameprice, rub.

    Sign up for 3D rejuvenation

    Photos of the procedure

    Are there any negative consequences

    The laser method of rejuvenation does not have side EffectsHowever, the procedure itself has contraindications. It is not recommended for pregnancy and during lactation, as well as in psoriasis, oncological diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases. If there are inflammation on the skin in the processed zone, then the procedure will not be carried out either.

    After laser exposure, skin swelling and redness, increasing the sensitivity of the skin is possible. On the face of swelling and redness keep a day, around the eyes - up to three days. Sensitivity of the skin gradually decreases when the epidermis is restored after the procedure.

    How to go through the procedure

    Laser method rejuvenation recommends a specialist. Previously, the patient needs to be consulted in the clinic. Only a specialist can provide recommendations on the number of procedures and intervals between them. All patients who passed therapy in our clinic in Moscow remained satisfied with the results. They left their positive feedback.

    Youth is always beautiful, but the first wrinkle cut the satin skin, and women begin to raise about the outgoing youth, trying to return the previous beauty to all the famous ways. And every next year brings new and new destruction ... Is there a way out?

    "Yes of course!" "Many will confidently say, remembering both plastic surgery, and about the" golden threads ", and about many other ways of rejuvenation of the face. But is Salvation only in operational intervention? Do you know about a completely unique way to return youth, literally committed a coup in world contour plastic? It's about 3D rejuvenation!

    The term 3-D himself initially assumes that it is not about flat, but about the volume perception of the subject. What do we mean, speaking about the volume 3-D rejuvenation?

    Adrian Lima, Brazilian supermodel, whose proportions of the face are recognized as perfect

    Anyone not a flat surface has such characteristics as relief, structure and color. The person's face is no exception, and its attractiveness is largely due to the fact that these parameters correspond to the so-called, ideal.

    IN perfect person Definite proportions are always observed, the complexion of the face is smooth, the skin (surface structure) is smooth, well moistened, the pores are small.

    A first visually noticeable sign of aging becomes a loss of a volume that causes blackouts in those areas of the person, where in the ideal case there should be a light glare, in other words, instead of the volume in the zone there is a challenge.

    These are those sections of the face that make-up artists usually recommend correcting a light tone-corrector. But it is clear that the face is not a flat surface, and fix the shadow, building it where it is not created by color, but a changed relief is impossible.

    Similarly, a simple removal of skin excess, its tension with a face lifting or during the plastic age will not give the desired result. And all for the same reason - the person has a certain relief, and the young attractive face - the relief is completely defined: a smooth transition from the under-judicial zone to the "cheek-cheek" line, soft lines of nasolabious folds, chubby lips and upper eyelids. And, if we strive for the ideal, it is the relief and should be saved, or recreated.

    Thus, in the case of age and / or aesthetic facial corrections, the desire to proper relief is one of the main tasks. To solve it, we use the technique -.

    What is lipophiling? This is a new unique technique that allows you to adjust the cosmetic defects of the face with the help of injections of our own fat patients. For the rejuvenation of the face, there are enough 3-4 punctures, and the result will not wait to wait - patients are very quickly restored and after 7-10 days return to the usual image Life. Moreover, it is a practically painless method that does not require anesthesia.

    The essence of the method is that the patient takes a little its own "unnecessary" fat, for example, from the abdomen, which is introduced after special processing ,.

    During the operation, differently prepared fat is introduced into different depths, thus it makes it possible to solve the tasks of creating and form, volume (relief) and more superficially rejuvenating the skin.

    Improving the skin structure, elimination of age-related pigmentation with the help of itpofing photos before and after

    Correction of a tear groove (without plastle of the lower eyelid) aesthetic correction of the zone of the eyelid-skull photo before and after lipophiling

    You see, it turns out, it is quite realistic to return youth, and both women and men! Moreover, 3-D rejuvenation provides a long-term effect and is suitable for all skin types, and also does not have age limitations. With the help of 3-D rejuvenation, you can not just smooth out wrinkles, but also increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, restore healthy color Persons. At the same time, given that its own fat is well compatible with tissues, any complications and allergic reactions are completely excluded.

    And if you consider that the zones of exposure to 3-D rejuvenation can be not only a face, but also the neck, zone decollet, as well as hands, this unique method is indeed a miraculous means of returning youth. Moreover, the cost of the procedure is quite democratic and is available to the widest sections of the population.

    The method of 3-D rejuvenation is approved by leading specialists in Europe and is the most popular and in demand methodology worldwide. Want to be young and beautiful again? 3-D rejuvenation will create this miracle!

    The cost of dominated face rejuvenation in the Clinic of Dr. Grishkyan in Moscow

    3D surround face rejuvenation

    Name of operationCost in rubles
    Lipophiling of the Upper Century 128000
    Lipophiling of the Lower Century 128000
    Lipophiling of the middle zone of the face, including the lower eyelids
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