• Crises calculator for a child by date of birth. Calendar of age-related crises of child development up to a year


    Many mothers periodically notice that it seems that yesterday the baby was very small, but today he himself is somehow larger, and the behavior is somehow different, and the look seems to be more conscious. We share our thoughts with our friends and husbands, but we hear in response a misunderstanding - how could a child have changed overnight?

    In fact, the growth process is far from smooth and gradual. For some time, nothing may happen to the child at all, and then only one night passes and he grows at once by several millimeters. How is this possible, you ask? The thing is that any baby grows in leaps and bounds.

    Scientists have carried out many studies, studying the processes occurring with children aged from one and a half years to sixteen years. As a result, it was revealed that such changes coincide with changes in brain radiation, established using special measurements. By the time your child reaches one and a half years of age, he has already experienced seven of these changes.

    It is worth noting that the child not only grows and changes physically, but also undergoes serious mental changes. Science has not yet proven any relationship between this phenomenon and brain waves. Moreover, growth and development leaps often do not coincide in time intervals.

    What happens to your child when his mental development takes one of the leaps?

    Such a leap forward means that your child acquires some kind of skill or ability, as a result of which there is a complete restructuring of the existing picture of the world. So, for example, in the eighth week of life, the baby begins to see patterns, which noticeably affects his behavior and condition. The changes that are taking place improve all the acquired skills, providing an opportunity to move further in their development, learning all new phenomena. Now the baby is happy to look at various small pictures - shop windows, tree branches, or mother's clothes. All this is incredibly interesting and all mothers want to take as active part as possible in such processes - somehow help, push. How to understand that right now your child is experiencing another leap in development?

    It is very difficult to miss it, because it is usually accompanied by a bad mood, extreme tearfulness, disobedience, the desire to be near the mother's breast around the clock and poor sleep. At these moments, parents begin to worry about the health of their child, or are angry at his non-standard behavior.

    It is worth noting that such phases should not cause you resentment or aggression. Until the baby reaches the milestone of fourteen months, you will experience eight such leaps. Moreover, in all babies, they occur at approximately the same time. At first, they are rather short in time and follow one after one.

    It is worth noting that babies who were born two weeks later than the established date first encounter such a crisis a couple of weeks earlier than their peers. If the child was born earlier than expected, then difficult periods will begin a little later. Such dynamics indicate a connection between the jumps and brain radiation.

    What can you do to avoid such phenomena? Nothing! Every kid must survive them, because without this it is simply impossible to grow and develop. It doesn't matter what kind of character your child has - calm or capricious, problem-free or stubborn, from time to time he will enter into a difficult period. Moreover, the more restless the child, the harder he endures the described phases, the stronger his need for mother and her attention, and the more reasons for conflicts arise between them.

    Moms can only wish patience. Do not be angry, think about how hard it is for your baby now. Quite a little time will pass, the child will become much calmer, and you will understand that the difficult stage was not experienced in vain, because now he can do much more than he could before.

    Bad behavior is primarily associated with fear, because after waking up one morning, your daughter or son understands that the world around him has changed a lot, he has become completely different. It is not surprising that all this causes the strongest anxiety, a change in appetite and a desire to be closer to those people who are familiar and dear.

    All acquired abilities will definitely help the baby in the process of learning about the world around him. At the same time, it does not matter at all how much time you used to spend on training any skill - the baby will master it only when the time comes!

    Since parents are people who know their child better than anyone else, then it is you who can not only support him, but also help, guide, set priorities, show what will be really interesting, point out what he is did not notice myself. All this will make the learning process easier, faster and more varied.

    Our children grow at a phenomenal speed, although it is hardly noticeable to the parent's eye, but if you send your child for a week or two to visit his grandmother, the child returns completely different: a little older, a little older, a little smarter.

    This speed of development is especially noticeable in the first year of life - the most responsible and most unusual. Indeed, it is in the first 12 months of life that babies turn from tiny defenseless lumps into plump, nimble toddlers. Just imagine: in the first year of life, the baby grows on average by as much as 25 centimeters! A quarter of a meter in a year! Moreover, the physical abilities of the baby are actively developing: here he deliberately moves his arms and legs, now he himself turns over from his back to his tummy, but he is already sitting, then he crawls and grabs the toys, and now he tries to walk with his legs and even tries to eat with a spoon. ...

    But not only the body is developing rapidly, the brain is also actively working. Every day, every month, the number of neural connections increases, the baby's intelligence grows with him. Of course, such a rapid development requires huge energy resources and does not go unnoticed and without a trace. Let's talk about what growth and developmental leaps are in children under one year old.

    The birth of a theory

    This very interesting assumption poured into the masses after the release of the popular science book "The wonder weeks" - joint works of two scientists of German origin Vandereit Hetty and Ploy France. These people are specialists in the field of child psychology and preschool development, behavioral biology and are recognized experts in foreign scientific circles. They have devoted 35 years of their lives to observing the behavioral responses and development of babies up to two years old. One of the studies was the observation of the development of infants from 0 to 12 months without leaving the social unit, i.e. in the family and among loved ones.

    Analyzing the results and experience of the conducted research, scientists came to the conclusion that the baby does not develop smoothly, but stepwise, abruptly, and this is most noticeable precisely during the first year of life (naturally, he is the most impetuous and dynamic). A similar theory was later confirmed by physiologists: the child's growth is not a smooth continuous process, the child grows in leaps and bounds. This is due to the high energy consumption, because in order to grow, the body requires an enormous amount of resources. Therefore, he "accumulates" strength and then bang! In one night, the child is stretched a few millimeters. This process was called growth spurt in infants.

    But Vandereit and Ploy distinguish, in addition to growth spikes, jumps in the baby's psychoemotional development. Typically, these two processes do not always occur simultaneously, but both are stepwise. And if everything is clear with growth, and the babies have grown, then what about mental development?

    The growth and development of the nervous system is a very complex and obscure process for a common man in the street, which also requires energy resources (by the way, this is an explanation why newborn babies sleep a lot). This process affects the child's behavior, he cannot understand what is happening, but he is also unable to explain to mom or dad.

    How to determine the period of spikes in growth and development

    So what are these strange growth spikes in newborn babies? Surely, every mother has come across this behavior of her child: the child's daily routine gets lost, he sleeps badly, refuses to eat, is constantly capricious and crying for no reason, requires a "pen" and simply cannot live without a mother. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Mothers are often confused, they do not know what is happening with the baby.

    They just can't understand the reason for this restless behavior. Hungry? Does your tummy hurt? Wants to sleep? Boring? Or maybe you're tired? No, it's probably hot ... or, on the contrary, cool? Particularly anxious mothers went to the pediatrician, but the babies were completely healthy. Such a state is nothing more than a growth spurt. Another. Yes, yes, they are not one or even two. But more on that later.

    Growth surges in infants begin, the symptoms of which can be confused with whims or soreness, almost from birth. And if your baby suddenly, without visible signs of the disease (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, etc.) begins to behave as follows:

    ✓ Constantly naughty for no reason;

    ✓ He sleeps sensitively and restlessly;

    ✓ Eats poorly and refuses even favorite dishes, or, on the contrary, a very tiny baby literally "hangs" on the mother's chest, constantly demands her;

    ✓ Constantly asks for hands and requires increased attention from the mother,

    Then, be sure that your baby is going through another time of crisis.

    When to expect growth spikes and how long they last

    During such periods, the baby's nervous system and brain undergoes some changes. In particular, brain waves are emitted in a slightly different way, and the processes themselves in the cortex are more intense. This can be remotely compared with premenstrual syndrome in women, caused by a change in the level of sex hormones in the body. A woman in this period is ruled by emotions, she is irritable, whiny, but cannot explain her behavior with reasonable arguments. And an adult woman - she is an adult, she knows how to express her thoughts and what she feels. And the child? Got the point? The child is small, cannot express what he feels, this feeling is unfamiliar, and everything unfamiliar is scary and incomprehensible. Where is the safest place? That's right, under my mother's wing.

    How long do leaps in growth and development last?

    Each child is different and can experience this state in different ways. But usually this period lasts from a couple of days to a week. Moreover, surprise is very characteristic. The jump ends as abruptly as it begins. After a couple of crazy nights and days, you may notice that your child has become perfect child out of the blue.

    He eats regularly and well, sleeps well and plays with himself. And, most importantly, an attentive mother will notice that after such a "shake-up" the baby learns a new skill, for example, has become or does it less often, has learned to sit and use it himself, walk more confidently, etc. The result of the leaps is the achievement and consolidation of a new skill. Now about the most important thing.

    When to expect leaps in growth and development?

    According to the theory of Vandereith and Ploy, there are 8 such jumps in just the first year of life (some of them grabbed a sedative) !!! But in fact, at the first such "shake-up" does not end (now, for sure, someone has fainted!), Obvious changes in behavior will appear less and less and completely disappear by one and a half or two years (and there the crisis of three years is not far off ...). Parenting is not easy, yes, yes))

    The table below clearly shows when to expect growth spikes in babies, a calendar of its kind. Thanks to such observations, you can (at least morally) prepare for the "programmed" whims of your child.

    A little tip: this calendar indicates the approximate periods for babies born on time. If your baby was born a little earlier, add the difference between his birthday and PDD (approximate date of birth). Accordingly, if the baby sat in the mother's belly and was born later, then subtract the corresponding difference.

    Weeks of life

    Growth spurt

    5 (1 month)

    8-9 (2 months)

    12 (2.5-3 months)

    15-19 (4 months)

    23-26 (5-6 months)

    34-37 (7-8 months)

    42-46 (10 months)

    51-52 (1 year old)

    To make it easier for moms: the period shown in the table indicates the possible time of the developmental leap, but not its duration, so exhale!

    How to behave for parents during this period

    Undoubtedly, such a period is morally and physically very difficult for parents. Constant whims and tantrums unsettle, give uncertainty and simply deprive you of strength. But, no matter how sad it sounds, such moments are inevitable and there is no getting away from it. Is it worth talking about universal patience and forgiveness?

    In such moments, a child needs a mother more than ever, do not reject him and try to give him maximum time and attention. The difficult period will pass more painlessly, if the baby is interested with you, distract him! Interesting activities in the form of walking in an embrace, pleasant songs and stroking, measured swinging or even reading books are perfect. The little screamer may be interested in interesting patterns on wallpaper, carpet, curtains. Show him what is happening outside the window, how cars drive, people walk, tree branches sway.

    If the baby is on breastfeeding then it can often ask for breasts. There have been cases that the baby sucked every 20 minutes. It is very difficult for a mother, especially when there is no one to expect help with the child. If the baby does, try feeding him first and then breastfeeding. If you find it difficult to keep this pace and you know that the baby is not hungry, try to distract him with another activity. Get a bath, let it swim, put on soothing music, take a walk in the park, weather permitting.

    Summing up

    In conclusion, I would like to say that your child is unique, unrepeatable and develops at his own individual pace. Growth leaps in newborn babies are inevitable, but it should be remembered that after each storm there is a clear sky. Look at things more positively, after the next leap in development, your baby learns a new skill, knows more, becomes older and stronger!

    Recently I talked with an experienced mother. We talked about the development of a child up to a year. I complained: "The kid is capricious all the time, the whole day in his arms ..." "No wonder, you have 19 weeks, another leap!" It turns out that babies up to a year are naughty on schedule! This is a real discovery for me!

    Regularities in the development of a child up to one year old

    In general, I became interested in this topic. And here's the information I dug up. The development of a child up to a year occurs in jumps. This applies to both physical and mental development... Studies have shown that the periodization of a child's development corresponds in time to changes in brain waves. By the way, jumps in the mental development of babies under one year old often do not coincide with growth spurts, of which there are more.

    Development stages of a child up to a year

    Difficult periods are observed in all babies at the same age. And the developmental stages of a child up to a year follow this schedule: 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 37, 46, 55, 64, 75 weeks of life.

    Child development crises do not go unnoticed. At such moments, babies are often whiny and capricious, it becomes more difficult to cope with them than usual, they literally "hang" on their mother.

    When a child learns something new during a growth spurt, he will have to get out of his old habits, and this is not easy. If the baby is already walking, he should not continue to expect that he will continue to be worn in the same way. When he began to crawl, he will be able to pick up toys on his own. With each jump, your child can do more and become more independent.

    Child development factors up to one year

    The difficult period passes as unexpectedly as it comes. For most mothers, this is a time of relief. The baby has become more independent. He is constantly busy trying what he has recently learned. And the kid is delighted! But this calm is not for long. The next leap is coming soon! Until a year, there will be many more!


    During growth spurt, babies under one year old suckle longer and more often than usual to increase the amount of milk in the mother to meet the needs of the growing baby body. What to do during a developmental leap? Just feed your baby up to a year as often and as long as he needs. This will help you increase your milk supply quickly. The breast works on the demand-supply principle, which means that the more the little one sucks, the more milk the mother produces. A few days of more frequent feedings will result in more milk supply and the infant will return to a more familiar “routine” of feedings.

    Indicators of child development up to a year

    Growth leaps up to a year can be measured in centimeters and grams. In order not to worry if my child is growing well and gaining weight, I found the following parameters.

    By the age of 4-5 months, the weight of the child doubles, by the year it triples. Each month, you can determine the "normal" increase as follows: in the first six months, the child should add 800 g each month, and for the second - 400 g.

    Babies grow on average 2.5 cm per month. In general, the baby should grow by 24-27 cm in a year.

    During the first twelve months, parents can observe growth spurts in infants. They are perfectly natural stages development of babies. It's not just their physical growth. But also mental development. True, they do not always coincide with each other (there are much more jumps in physical growth). The development of all toddlers occurs precisely in leaps. Somehow by accident, suddenly they start doing something new, which they did not know how to do yesterday. Then there is a small pause in their development, and then - the next leap.

    It is important for parents to remember that for a baby, each such leap is a difficult period, because he is just learning to adapt to new impressions and sensations for him. Many babies are a little afraid of the changes that are happening to them. Adults can also have a hard time. It takes time for mums and dads to calm their children down. Parents are obliged to help the little ones during this period of their life. When growth spurt occurs in infants up to a year, they suddenly need to be closer to their mother all the time.

    What are these races?

    Exceptionally all babies go through difficult periods. This occurs at 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 27, 46, 55, 64 and 75 weeks. Children are often naughty, cry, it is quite difficult to cope with them. Each growth spurt in infants, the symptoms of which will be indicated below, brings with it more and more independence to the little one, and he needs to get used to it somehow.

    But such difficult life periods pass as suddenly as they come. Parents can finally take a breath, because the baby is completely occupied with the newly learned skills. But this does not last as long as you want, because in the first year of life there are a lot of crumbs of such jumps.

    Breastfeeding while racing

    Experiencing growth spurts in babies, mothers should not panic. Being in the first month of life, the crumbs usually suck on their mother's breast much more long time and much more often. This is good for increasing the amount of milk so that it is enough to provide for an actively growing baby's body.

    Mom shouldn't resist. Better to feed your baby as much as he needs. Refusal in this period of a baby's life in milk will be the grossest mother's mistake.

    Everyone knows that the longer the baby suckles the breast, the more milk it will produce, which, in fact, is what he needs. In just a few days, the milk will become larger, and the little one will eat as before.

    What do babies have?

    In order not to worry once again, parents can track how their baby is developing according to the following parameters:

    • when the baby reaches 4-5 months of age, its weight should double;
    • by the first year, the weight should triple;

    • in the first six months normal increase in weight every month is considered 800 g;
    • in the second six months, 400 g is considered a normal weight gain monthly.

    While still in the mother's tummy, the baby grows by about 2.5 cm every 7 days (this is in the period from 4 to 6 months of pregnancy). During the first year of life, the growth rate decreases slightly (by its first birthday, about a quarter of a meter is a growth spurt in infants. The calendar also provides the following figures: by two years - by 8-12 cm, by three, the baby grows only 10 cm, and then the norm is an increase in growth every year by about 4 centimeters.

    Possible reasons for the violation of the norm

    The standard norm may be violated due to some changes in the development of the baby, for example, rickets, anemia, diseases of the central nervous system, endocrine system ... If the baby is breastfed, the mother must make sure that the baby has enough milk. If not, you may need to feed with a mixture.

    Development indicators of babies up to a year - height, weight, head volume and chest girth are recorded in the children's chart. They are checked against the generally accepted norm of indicators, which will allow the doctor to detect a possible deviation in time. There are many factors that affect how the weight and height of the baby changes (the specialist must take them into account).

    1. The gender of the child. Girls usually gain and grow more slowly than boys (about a couple of centimeters in height and half a kilo in weight).

    2. Heredity (if the parents were big, then it is not surprising that their parameters will be repeated by the baby).

    3. It is necessary to take into account the height and birth weight of the baby.

    4. The state of health of the baby - teething, worries, infections ...

    5. Type of feeding (artificial people gain weight faster).

    6. Congenital disorders in the work of internal organs.

    All this should be taken into account when drawing up an overall picture of the child's health.

    Recognizing jumps correctly

    When the first month of the baby's life ends, the first stage begins. This is both a growth spurt (a newborn's body develops very quickly), and a jump in the development of his senses. Now the baby is gradually drawing attention to the fact that something is changing around him, something is happening. But the fact that his senses are developing does not mean at all that the ability to process new sensations is also growing. And the result is expected - the child is scared by what is happening.

    Using his instinct, he tries to find protection from everything that is happening with his mother, and since he cannot yet say about it in words, he does what he can: he screams.

    This period differs in that the baby sleeps much worse, especially if he is alone in his crib. Calmly and without tears, a child can lie, for example, on the belly of one of the parents, even if he did not admit it before. Now he increasingly needs his mother's breast as a consolation from adversity. With his appearance and behavior, the newborn makes his mother understand that he really needs her and the greatest comfort.

    What should a mom do when a developmental leap occurs?

    The most important thing is not to be afraid of leaps in development. The first thing that comes to mom's mind is that the little one wants to eat, but she does not have enough milk to satisfy all the growing needs for food. The second is that the baby has a tummy ache. Then they take him to the doctor.

    But during this period, the most important thing that a baby needs is a mother who is always there. Only she can calm him down and give him a sense of security. Therefore, growth spurts in babies should not scare the mother, because only she is the most important person for the baby at this time.

    Help during this period is quite simple:

    • Carry the crumb on your hands as much as possible: mother's voice, smell, warmth, the habit of holding a newborn - everything is very important for him.
    • Do not stop breastfeeding, even if mom thinks there is not enough milk.
    • Soothe the little one: press it to oneself so that the butt lies on one hand, and the other mother's hand holds his head, which will lie on the bend of the elbow. This is how the baby can hear the mother's heartbeat. He will quickly calm down, especially when his mother shakes him, sings a song or gently pats him on the ass.

    Feelings of the baby during developmental leaps

    So, we figured out that all new skills and abilities are brought by each growth spurt in babies. The calendar and symptoms of what is happening during this period will help young and inexperienced mothers find out at what age their children will have the first difficult phases. After all, all children experience them at the same time (with minor amendments). There are eight such phases. And they appear in the first fourteen months after the birth of the baby.

    The main thing that a mother should pay attention to is the baby's increasing appetite. His behavior becomes demanding and capricious. Consider growth spikes in babies by week.

    The first crisis starts from about the 4th week (mentioned above). The kid learns to feel a lot of new things, but cannot yet explain his feelings.

    The second jump occurs at the beginning of the 8th week. The kid sees, hears, tastes, smells. And again, all this novelty scares him. Just as before, he really needs a mother.

    The third jump (12th week) - smooth transitions. Now the baby is learning to control his body and the objects around him. He can feel his movements, he can take a toy and move it to another place.

    The fourth jump (19th week of the first year of life) enables the baby to become aware of the world around him. Now the toddler knows that he can not just stretch the pen to his favorite toy, but also take it, turn it around, and taste it.

    The fifth jump (the beginning of the 26th week) allows the baby to understand the relationship of objects around him. He realizes what distance is. During this period, the baby can either calm down in the arms of his mother, or switch to some kind of book or toy. .

    The sixth jump occurs at week 37. This is a world of categories. The kid understands that all objects are different from each other. Begins fast development speech abilities of the crumbs.

    The seventh leap "catches up" the baby at the 46th week. This is the world of sequences. The little one for the first time in his life begins to collect something, to design something.

    The eighth jump occurs at 55 weeks (in some babies, it may begin at 51). This is the world of software. The baby already perfectly understands who his parents are, grandmothers, aunties, and who is a stranger (a doctor or a neighbor, for example). He knows how to perform simple actions, in comparison with the first jump, the baby is already almost independent. But he still needs a mother.

    Jump or Checkout?

    What are growth spikes in infants and how to behave for a mother at this time, we have already figured out. There are some important points to be made. The timing of the jumps may vary slightly. It depends on the fact that each baby is individual and its development occurs in its own way. Typically, each jump lasts two to three days. In rare cases, it drags on for a whole week. Therefore, parental patience will be very helpful.

    These periods can disrupt your entire daily routine, sleep schedule, and nutrition at once. But don't panic. You just have to go through it, giving the baby as much attention as possible these days. Mom should be calm, patient and try to fully focus on the needs of her child.

    A growth spurt in infants should be considered a completely natural process of changing physical and mental development. The table can give a general idea, but one should not forget about the features of development and others like them (this was already mentioned above).

    And further important point: mothers should recognize such a crisis in time and not confuse it with a baby checking the boundaries of what is permissible (after all, even toddlers often arrange such tests for their parents). If, judging by the developed calendar of crises, the baby is exactly at the age when the next leap should occur, this means that a new crucial period in his life has nevertheless come.

    During his first year of life, the baby makes phenomenal progress - he learns to control his limbs, acquires new skills, and, of course, gains weight and grows. Any new event or skill leaves an emotional mark on the child, which requires an exit.

    You have noticed more than once how, after vivid impressions, a child becomes capricious and does not fall asleep well. Pediatricians note that even the process of increasing growth is too difficult for a baby, and even single out several crisis episodes that occur in the life of every baby.

    The baby can start to be capricious and constantly ask for hands only to you, while there are no prerequisites for this: he is not sick, the gums do not itch, and the tummy is calm. The fact is that children under one year old have several growth spurt when their behavior changes dramatically. Such developmental crises frighten parents, and sometimes they can lead to white heat, since often the child's whims look like mockery and a test of what is permissible.

    Nevertheless, pediatricians and psychologists ask parents of children under one year old to understand that such whims are developmental crises inherent in absolutely all babies.

    Weight gain

    According to the child development standards developed by WHO on the basis of statistical data, the growth of infants in the first year of life undergoes significant changes. Until the age of six months, this indicator should increase by an average of 2.5 cm every month. After six months, the growth rate slows down slightly: the baby will grow by 1.5 cm per month.

    By the end of the first year, the child's growth should increase by 50% relative to the indications recorded by neonatologists in the hospital.

    The peculiarity of the development and growth of children under one year old is that they do not grow smoothly and evenly, but in jumps. Moreover, on average, such "breakthroughs" occur in the same periods and are associated with certain emotional difficulties.

    When does growth spurt occur?

    • The very first growth spurt is observed in children under one year old in the time interval between 1-3 weeks of life;
    • the second growth spurt will be in your baby at the end of the second month of life - from 6 to 8 weeks;
    • after a long break, the next growth spurt is observed in children up to a year at 3 months;
    • the fourth jump, on average, in babies occurs in six months;
    • the last spurt during the first year of life will occur at the age of 9 months.

    Growth jumps in children under one year old will not necessarily take place at the designated time periods, since each child develops at its own pace. Such jerks last on average for children about 2-3 days. But for some babies, such developmental crises can drag on for a week.

    How to determine that it has come?

    1. The child's appetite increases during a growth spurt. The baby will constantly demand to eat, and because of this, feedings and sleep are possible. Nursing mothers who cannot visually assess the volume of milk eaten by the baby may have the impression that their lactation has decreased, so the baby does not eat enough and constantly wakes up and asks for breast. It is easier for artificial mothers to recognize a growth spurt as they will see that there is enough baby in the bottle.
    2. The baby begins to be very capricious and cry for any reason, while you will not see the reasons for this behavior in the child. His temperature will be normal, in general appearance will be healthy, and you will not notice any other signs of illness.
    3. The usual ways of calming a baby during developmental crises suddenly stop working. Yesterday you could distract the child with a bright rattle, but today he throws it away with sobs and pulls his hands towards you.
    4. The child becomes "tame", calms down and falls asleep, only being next to you.
    5. The baby begins to sleep very lightly and at the same time falls asleep for a long time.
    6. The baby loses a sense of security, and does not allow you to go about your business. Even guests who have come to the house, whom the baby has already seen, can scare him and bring him to hysteria.

    An active growth process requires more energy and elements from the baby, from which his muscle and bone tissues are built. That is why children during the period of such jerks do not seem to gorge themselves and constantly want to refresh themselves. An adult child can voice his desires with words, and a baby has only one tool - crying. If you cannot understand the baby and feed him when he demands it, the baby will constantly be capricious and fall asleep badly.

    Another reason for the capricious behavior of children during this period of jerks is the changes in the body. Just imagine what happens inside the baby at this time - tissues grow, blood vessels and connecting elements stretch. Of course, such an active growth will give the baby some discomfort, which will result in capricious behavior and the desire to find comfort and warmth in the arms of the most dear person - the mother. You will notice that the baby calms down exclusively with you, and with dad and grandmothers, he begins to be capricious even more.

    It is important to recognize the onset of the crisis in time and not to confuse it with the usual checks of the boundaries of what is permissible among children. Raising a child is a big responsibility, and the wrong attitude to whims can leave a mark on the psyche or affect his future behavior.

    If you are too strict during the growth spurt, the baby may lose faith in you or desire your custody even more, depending on your temperament and your firmness.

    Indulging in whims, completely unrelated to the development crisis, will lead to the fact that the baby will henceforth always use tears, knowing that with their help he can achieve everything.

    If the age of the baby roughly corresponds to the average time period when the crisis should come, his behavior has drastically deteriorated in one day, and the whims pass against the background of a very good appetite, then your baby is really suffering a growth spurt.

    How to behave?

    1. Feed your baby when he asks. If the artificial man does not gorge himself on the usual portion of the mixture, dilute it again, do not be afraid that he will overeat. Breastfeeding mothers should also switch to an on-demand feeding regimen. Do not be afraid that there is not enough milk in the breast to satisfy the increased appetites of the baby, because the sucking of the baby and the emptying of the mammary glands, on the contrary, is.
    2. Drink plenty of fluids and eat a balanced diet so as not to disrupt production breast milk and provide a child up to one year old with the nutrients necessary for development.
    3. If possible, ask your loved ones to help you with the housework for this short period. You should get more rest, because constant feeding and lack of sleep will exhaust you greatly. A stressful situation can lead to a decrease in lactation.
    4. There is no need to try to immediately return to the former established daily routine, wait a little until the growth and development spurt of the child has passed, and then begin to align the schedule. The kid is now pretty hard, he needs your support and affection, and not severity.
    5. Remember that this behavior of a baby up to one year old is associated with growth and development surges. The crisis will end soon, so be patient, do not get lost on a crumb, no matter how difficult it may be for you. Stay calm, because your nervousness will definitely affect the behavior of the baby..
    6. If you want a baby, carry it in your arms at least all day. You can put the child in, so your hands will be free for household chores and the back will be slightly unloaded, while the baby will feel your warmth.
    7. Talk to your child constantly, describe what you are doing and why you are doing it. Hearing your voice, the baby will behave more calmly, as he will feel your presence.
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