• Daughters 25 years from mom


    You are twenty five today
    You haven't changed.
    You still love to sleep
    And I didn't wash my face in the morning.
    As in childhood, ringing laughter flows,
    When you're having fun.
    Well, you still grumble at everyone,
    When you get a little angry.
    Daughter, I wish you happiness
    I sincerely wish
    I did not give in so that in the fight,
    She was always like this ...
    She loved so that her relatives
    Friends you are like jam.
    And joy so - seven days a week.
    Daughter, happy birthday!

    Dear daughter, dear heart,
    There is no man more precious than you.
    I wish you endless happiness
    Bright, full and flawless.

    If events are unique,
    Near people - the kindest, loved ones.
    If wealth is a full cup,
    Day by day it becomes more and more beautiful.

    Be healthy, successful, smart,
    Gently loved always recklessly.
    I wish you to stay young
    And in motherhood to be realized.

    Daughter, I congratulate you on your anniversary, on your 25th anniversary! You are already quite big and independent. But for me you are a girl that I am proud of! I wish you an excellent future, reliable and loyal friends, loyalty of loved ones, development and great achievements in your work. May your dreams come true and give the world your smile. Happy Birthday, sunny!

    There is no more beautiful flower in the world,
    Than you, my dear daughter!
    I wish in these twenty five
    You bloom brighter and brighter
    Shine like a bright star
    Achieve your goals easily!
    Go forward with a smile
    May you be lucky in life
    In a career, friendship and love,
    May your dreams come true
    Live luxuriously dear
    So that you do not know the happiness of the region!

    We admire you
    Our dear daughter.
    I studied at the institute,
    Yes, and in the personal, everything worked out.

    I have a beloved husband, friends.
    We are happy for you.
    In general, in life everything is "five",
    And you're only twenty-five.

    Congratulations on your anniversary,
    We do not regret good words.
    We want to wish a little -
    So that luck smiles!

    What a beautiful age, daughter!
    You are twenty-five today.
    You bloomed like a flower!
    I want to wish you

    Of course, a prince, as you dream,
    Career, happiness, big house.
    And whatever you want
    And most importantly, with a soul.

    My dear, happy birthday!
    You are not more beautiful in the world.
    Catch admiration in your address
    And happiness is a colorful bouquet.

    Beloved daughter
    Today is 25!
    And around a smile
    Will only shine!

    You are my joy
    The sun is in the window.
    You don't need more -
    Just smile at me.

    I wish you
    On this anniversary
    Fulfillment of desires
    And many bright days.

    Let the angel keep
    Daughter, you
    May bless
    All your business.

    In all endeavors
    Let success await.
    Dear daughter,
    You are dearer to me than everyone!

    To you, dear daughter,
    Today is twenty-five.
    And with all my soul it would be very
    I wanted to wish
    With a dream not to part,
    To reach it soon
    To smile with happiness
    So that the whole world becomes kinder.
    And every passer-by
    Gave a smile in return.
    Good friends to you
    And avoid mistakes!

    My dear daughter
    Congratulations on your anniversary!
    Let humor, love and happiness
    All bad weather conquers!

    Be healthy and happy
    And still beautiful.
    Have fun and be yourself.
    I am always, in everything with you!

    Twenty five, twenty five, twenty five,
    There is such a great time
    You can understand something important
    And lift a heavy burden.

    May it be at your twenty-five today
    The lines are composed for you
    About love in these lines again,
    And about something important for my daughter.

    For you, let the ships sail
    Different countries are opening up
    Twenty-five turns of the earth,
    Hugging the oceans

    Twenty-five is a milestone in destiny
    And spring is just at the beginning,
    And let it be, who is dear to you,
    They walked next to our daughter.

    Twenty-five to you, dear,
    Happy anniversary to you, daughter.
    Let him suggest a way out
    You are the voice of an angel.

    May happiness be huge
    The feeling warms the heart
    Let it succeed in a career
    Let them appreciate and respect.

    You are beautiful, flawless
    You are smart and young
    All doors open
    Let it always be before you.

    25 years is this age
    Made for love
    Anniversary will perform, daughter,
    Let the desire be yours.

    I wish that happy
    And you were loved
    Warmed with caress, tenderness,
    So that you bloom like a rose.

    Let along the road of life
    Youth leads you
    Let the heart beat joyfully
    And love does not get tired.


    Daughter, I congratulate you on your anniversary, on your 25th anniversary! You are already quite big and independent. But for me you are a girl that I am proud of! I wish you a wonderful future, reliable and loyal friends, loyalty of loved ones, development and great achievements in your work. May your dreams come true and give the world your smile. Happy Birthday, sunny!


    Happy 25th birthday, daughter. I wish you to shine with happiness, burn with the fire of love, shine with your beauty, surprise the world with your talents, always follow the dreams of your heart. My dear, dear daughter, I wish you all the most joyful, kind and beautiful things in life, and, most importantly, health, confidence, good mood, vigorous health and great opportunities for all your ideas!


    Daughter, you have matured
    Only, you know, for me
    Forever you will be baby
    I tell you, loving.

    Now you decide for yourself
    Where the path will lead.
    But wherever you go
    Mom is waiting for you at home.


    Dear daughter, my dear,
    You are so beautiful and this is not flattery!
    I congratulate you on your anniversary,
    How good it is that you are in the world!

    Let twenty five be the beginning
    In the life of your great path!
    Daughter, I want you to always know
    Only success awaits you ahead!

    Congratulations on your daughter's 25th birthday


    My dear daughter, happy twenty-fifth birthday to you. I wish you to always remain exactly what you want. Let the dark stripes in & nbsp; not & nbsp; be at all, but only light and joyful. Happy holidays and success in everything that you wish to achieve.


    Twenty-five years have passed
    How were you born
    Every year you bloom
    You surprise mom and dad.

    Be cheerful, energetic
    And beloved in personal life,
    So that in life day after day
    I expected success in work for anyone!


    We admire you
    Our dear daughter.
    I studied at the institute,
    And on the personal side, it all worked out.

    I have a beloved husband, friends.
    We are happy for you.
    In general, in life everything is `` five '',
    And you're only twenty-five.

    Congratulations on your anniversary,
    We do not regret good words.
    We want to wish a little -
    To make luck smile!


    There is no more beautiful flowers in the world,
    Than you, my own daughter!
    I wish in these twenty five
    You bloom brighter and brighter
    Shine like a bright star
    Achieve your goals easily!
    Go only forward with a smile
    May you be lucky in life
    In a career, friendship and love,
    May your dreams come true
    Live luxuriously, dear
    So that you do not know the happiness of the region!


    You bloom every year
    You carry tenderness and kindness
    You combine many advantages
    With you, my soul is always warm.

    To you, daughter, I wish
    Turned twenty-five,
    I was happy so that, dear,
    To meet with a smile every day.

    Fewer bad moments
    Good luck to be with you
    I also wish faithful friends
    Love is huge, unearthly.

    How to congratulate your daughter on her 25th birthday


    You are twenty five today
    You haven't changed.
    You still love to sleep
    And I didn't wash my face in the morning.
    As in childhood, ringing laughter flows,
    When you're having fun.
    Well, you still grumble at everyone,
    When you get a little angry.
    Daughter, I am happiness to you
    With all my heart I wish
    I did not concede so that in the struggle,
    She was always like this ...
    She loved that her relatives
    Friends you are like jam.
    And joy to - without days off.
    Happy birthday, daughter!


    My daughter is twenty five
    Fulfilled now.
    My emotions cannot be stopped
    I want to say so!
    You are the closest person
    For my mom,
    And you and I are friends forever
    There are no relatives on earth!
    May it please you
    Your sunny day
    May it never fade away
    In your soul is your light.
    Like all the stars in the sky
    Let your eyes shine.
    And your sweet smile
    The mouth never leaves!


    To you, dear daughter,
    Today is twenty-five.
    And with all my heart it would be very
    I wanted to wish
    With a dream not to part,
    To reach it sooner,
    To smile with happiness
    To make the whole world kinder.
    And every passer-by
    Gave a smile in return.
    Good friends to you
    And avoid mistakes!


    Beloved daughter
    Today is 25!
    And around a smile
    Will only shine!

    You are my joy
    The sun is in the window.
    You don't need more -
    Just smile at me.

    I wish you
    On this anniversary
    Fulfillment of desires
    And many bright days.

    Let the angel keep
    Daughter, you
    All your business.

    In all endeavors
    Let success await.
    Dear daughter,
    You are dearer to me than everyone!


    Your anniversary is beautiful without a doubt.
    So, twenty-five, hurray! And happy birthday!
    Beautiful, young and graceful,
    She is always ambitious in all decisions.

    You can achieve a lot in life
    The goal will come true.
    We are my dear daughter, congratulations,
    We wish you joy from the bottom of our hearts!

    Let health strengthen over the years,
    All the worst is forever forgotten.
    Keep your nose to the wind and smile more often
    Stay the same pretty!

    Happy birthday poems for daughter 25 years old from mom, dad


    Happy anniversary daughter!
    A quarter of a century has been lived.
    May it be beautiful with you
    Everything in life will turn out.

    May love and peace reign
    In your home and family.
    God bless you
    And happiness will send.

    Good people let there be
    On your way.
    Happy anniversary daughter,
    Hope and wait!


    Daughter, my dear, dear,
    You are not dearer in the world,
    You shine like a star
    I wish you long years.

    You are twenty five today
    And there were three just recently,
    I wish you do not know sadness
    Do not meet you with sadness.

    I wish the soul to bloom,
    So that you achieve any goals
    So that it does not hurt, my baby,
    To not be afraid of evil, blizzard!


    Until recently, you were a child
    Baby with a pigtail, a white bow
    And now you have become a grown girl
    A beauty, and you have talents.

    Dear daughter, you are not dearer
    And we is in a hurry to congratulate you now,
    After all, twenty-five is a wonderful age
    Everything is ahead, and everything can be fixed!


    Daughter, dear, dear!
    I wish you happiness
    Congratulations on your anniversary:
    Stay beautiful.

    May love and joy in life
    With you they move on track,
    Let the envious not meet
    And the sky will save you from troubles.

    To health and luck
    Didn't leave you.
    Congratulations on the anniversary.
    Be happy - always!


    Happy anniversary, dear daughter!
    You make us happy with success.
    We wish you even greater victories
    And love is an immense supply!

    Let your eyes shine with excitement
    Congratulations to the parade,
    All of your 25s are celebrating
    So you smile, do not be sad!


    You are twenty five today
    The years are running, the seasons are flying
    And everything seems to us again
    That you are an ignorant child.

    And on this bright anniversary
    We wish you, daughter
    Be happier and more tender than everyone
    Overshadowing the whole world with beauty!


    Twenty-five to you, daughter.
    A quarter of a century is a start.
    May the beautiful discoveries
    Your passion will not run out.

    In personal life, let everything be super
    Only you will have it.
    Become happier only
    Every moment, day after day.


    For the 25th birthday
    You, oh, daughter, I want to wish
    Earthly love and the eyes of a happy glow,
    And so that she could take everything from life that needs to be taken.

    Appreciate parents, reliable friends,
    They are the only ones with us - we will not find others like that.
    Do you remember: 25 is the debut - and go carefully
    At the beginning of a long, happy journey.


    Today our daughter is 25,
    We gathered at the same table with the whole family,
    So that you, dear, congratulate,
    We are so proud of you!

    May there be a bright path in life
    We wish you an ocean of love and a sea of ​​happiness,
    Always flowers, be beautiful
    And never know grief in life!


    Daughter, let me congratulate
    On your beautiful anniversary.
    25 you celebrate
    There is no more worthy and nicer.

    I wish, dear,
    Women's happiness to you.
    Let the strength of the spirit help
    Stand up to any fight.

    May your path be successful
    Let the money flow like a river
    He appreciates and respects
    Your labor team.


    Today you are twenty five
    And you have grown up again.
    The breeze blew to us again,
    He brought us a magical flower.
    Our dear daughter,
    No more beautiful in the whole world.
    There is no kinder and sweeter you
    Let me hug you soon.
    Let adversity go away
    Every day will be full of love
    And your wishes all come true
    And the bad is lost in the fog.
    We present congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
    We miss you every day


    Happy anniversary, daughter!
    We meet your 25 years!
    We, your parents, loving
    We know that you are not more beautiful!

    We know that you will reach heights
    You are kinder and more beautiful than everyone
    Daughter, luck awaits you
    And a great, well-deserved success!


    Yesterday we circled you on the merry-go-round,
    And admired, Daughter, the lights of the city ...
    When they had time to flash like a whirlwind,
    Are the years, our years, so much like the days?

    Our dear girl, we congratulate you
    With your twenty-five (such a little anniversary),
    We wish you love, happiness, health,
    And hurry to hug us, your parents!


    Everything will be in time, believe me!
    All dreams will come true.
    Happiness will be ahead
    Only on the holiday Birthday
    Blossom with happiness you.
    Your day will be the best
    And all the life that lies ahead.
    Happy birthday congratulations
    Your best friends
    And everything they want
    What I wish For you.


    Dear daughter, dear heart,
    There is no precious little man for you.
    I wish you endless happiness
    Bright, full and flawless.

    If events are unique,
    Near people, the kindest, loved ones.
    If abundance is a full cup,
    It becomes more and more beautiful every day.

    Be healthy, successful, smart,
    A dearly beloved always recklessly.
    I wish you to stay young
    And in motherhood to be realized.


    Dear daughter, congratulations,
    You turned twenty-five.
    I wish you a wonderful day
    Do not be in the fate of your trouble.

    And let there be no reason for sadness
    Let laughter and joy flow in succession
    And now I clearly see
    How you bloomed with feminine beauty.

    So you always stay happy
    Cheerful, sunny, with a spark in his eyes.
    Let there be initiative in hands,
    And success awaits in all matters!


    My dear daughter
    Congratulations on your anniversary!
    Let humor, love and happiness
    All bad weather conquers!

    Be healthy and happy
    And still beautiful.
    Have fun and be yourself.
    I am always, in everything with you!


    Twenty five, twenty five, twenty five,
    There is such a great time
    You can understand something important
    And lift a heavy burden.

    May it be at your twenty-five today
    The lines are added for you
    About love in these lines again,
    And something important for my daughter.

    For you, let the ships sail
    Different countries are opening up
    Twenty-five turns of the earth,
    Hugging the oceans

    Twenty-five is a milestone in destiny
    And spring is just at the beginning,
    And let it be, who is dear to you,
    They walked next to our daughter.


    I want to tell you a lot
    My own beloved daughter.
    You are twenty five today
    I am proud of you and admire very much I.

    I wish you to stay in the future
    Beautiful, smart and cunning
    So that men who are not to be counted here
    We only dreamed about your smile.

    I wish a number of sincere people
    Do not close so that your soul,
    Attention, happy days,
    I always wish you the best!


    Time moves inexorably forward
    My daughter, you are very big
    I remember the first step, your first breath,
    And I remember each case in the future.

    I sincerely wish you many better years
    That are full of youth, strength and prosperity,
    Both small and huge victories,
    And so that love was, and desire revived.


    Dear, happy birthday! Happy anniversary, beautiful 25! My baby, I wish: a guiding star to lead you along the road of happiness; to accompany kind and beauty in all matters; luck to accompany undertakings. Always stay the same beautiful, sincere, positive, charming and life-loving. Love and be loved! You are my light, sun and meaning, I am proud of you.


    Dear daughter, twenty-five!
    I know what to wish:
    The salary is huge,
    To be forever beautiful
    Swim in diamonds
    To be in the Maldives
    It's interesting to spend your evenings -
    And all this together with a nice man!


    Twenty-five years old is a great age!
    Daughter, rejoice every day.
    Let my girl become quite an adult
    I keep every day with you in my memory.

    I wish you to cry only from happiness,
    To have faithful friends nearby
    Let the bad weather go around your house,
    Be happy yourself, my daughter!


    Dear daughter, happy anniversary,
    Today is 25, congratulations.
    Find yourself in this stubborn life
    To you, my dear, I wish.

    Just do what you love
    Receive people with kindness, warmth.
    Always in your soul, let it be bright
    The heart is very joyful, light!


    Dear daughter, you are insanely beautiful
    God bless you to be happy.
    Such a bright anniversary - 25,
    I want to wish you a lot of love.

    Joy, tenderness, bright moments,
    Incredible, vivid impressions.
    See the world, and a good husband,
    To love, you always needed.

    There is no more beautiful flower in the world,
    Than you, my dear daughter!
    I wish in these twenty five
    You bloom brighter and brighter
    Shine like a bright star
    Achieve your goals easily!
    Go forward with a smile
    May you be lucky in life
    In a career, friendship and love,
    May your dreams come true
    Live luxuriously dear
    So that you do not know the happiness of the region!

    Such a bright anniversary - 25,

    My dear daughter
    Congratulations on your anniversary!
    Let humor, love and happiness
    All bad weather conquers!
    Be healthy and happy
    And still beautiful.
    Have fun and be yourself.
    I am always, in everything with you!

    Your anniversary is beautiful without a doubt.
    Yes, twenty-five, hurray! And happy birthday!
    Beautiful, young and graceful,
    She is always ambitious in all decisions.
    You can achieve a lot in life
    The goal will come true.
    We congratulate our dear daughter,
    We wish you joy from the bottom of our hearts!
    Let health strengthen over the years,
    All the worst is forever forgotten.
    Keep your nose to the wind and smile more often
    Stay the same pretty!

    You bloom every year
    You carry tenderness and kindness
    You combine a lot of merits,
    With you, my soul is always warm.
    I wish you, daughter,
    After all, it was twenty-five,
    I was happy that, dear,
    To meet with a smile every day.
    There are fewer bad moments
    Good luck to be with you
    I also wish faithful friends
    Love is huge, unearthly.

    Daughter, happy birthday!
    How much I want to say!
    Accept congratulations as a gift,
    I'll tell you how your mother is
    That you are just a golden daughter
    Dad and I are proud of you!
    Our dear beauty
    You know that we are always with you!
    Let it be like stars in the sky
    Eyes shine with happiness
    So be happier than everyone in the world
    And never be sad!

    It is necessary to celebrate on a grand scale
    We will tell our daughter in return -
    Of course, there is no dispute,
    But the main thing is that you live
    And I found happiness in my heart,
    And I was never sad
    And I didn’t look for years!

    Suddenly you have matured again.
    Like a breath of a breeze
    You are so beautiful and light.

    And they know that you are sweeter
    Not to be found in the world, rather.
    Let the trouble go around

    All your wishes come true
    Our dear beauty you are!

    Our girl has become prettier
    I barely finished university.
    She's only 25
    And don't be discouraged.
    You are a naughty girl
    Like a golden friend
    The whole family is happy
    After all, you are the only one.

    Happy birthday dear daughter
    Gently congratulations and kiss.
    And just as young and beautiful!
    At 25, believe me, there are still so many
    Ahead of achievements and victories.

    Happy birthday dear daughter
    Gently congratulations and kiss.
    Always be loved and happy
    And just as young and beautiful!
    At 25, believe me, there are still so many
    Ahead of achievements and victories.
    May the path be beautiful, long,
    Life gives you warmth and light!

    I congratulate you, daughter.

    Eternal youth, good luck, beauty.

    Let them say that 25
    It is necessary to celebrate on a grand scale
    We will tell our daughter in return -
    Of course, there is no dispute,

    But the main thing is that you live
    And I found happiness in my heart,
    And I was never sad
    And I didn’t look for years!

    Beloved daughter,
    Twenty-five to you!
    Congratulations honey
    Be true to yourself!

    Be persistent in measure
    In some ways - give in
    Be happy, daughter,
    Rejoice, love!

    Beautiful congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the daughter from mom

    You are twenty five today
    You haven't changed.
    You still love to sleep
    And I didn't wash my face in the morning.
    As in childhood, ringing laughter flows,
    When you're having fun.
    Well, you still grumble at everyone,
    When you get a little angry.
    Daughter, I wish you happiness
    I sincerely wish
    I did not give in so that in the fight,
    She was always like this ...
    She loved so that her relatives
    Friends you are like jam.
    And joy so - seven days a week.
    Daughter, happy birthday!

    We admire you
    Our dear daughter.
    I studied at the institute,
    Yes, and in the personal, everything worked out.

    I have a beloved husband, friends.
    We are happy for you.
    In general, in life everything is "five",
    And you're only twenty-five.

    Congratulations on your anniversary,
    We do not regret good words.
    We want to wish a little -
    So that luck smiles!

    Dear daughter, happy anniversary,
    Today is 25, congratulations.
    Find yourself in this stubborn life
    To you, my dear, I wish.
    Just do what you love
    Receive people with kindness, warmth.
    Always in your soul, let it be bright
    The heart is very joyful, light!

    Beloved daughter,
    Twenty-five to you!
    Congratulations honey
    Be true to yourself!
    Be persistent in measure
    In some ways - give in
    Be happy, daughter,
    Rejoice, love!

    You haven't been a girl for a long time
    My daughter.
    But funny is all the same
    Wish at twenty five
    I love you.
    Do not grieve, do not grieve
    And be loved!

    We praise a miracle - a man
    All the songs are just for you again:

    You are twenty-five today!
    Walk into life with a firm gait,
    Let the road be bright
    Love and happiness are ahead

    Serious first anniversary,
    After all, 25 is no longer a joke!
    You look back quickly -
    Years pass, like a minute ...
    So keep yourself
    And every moment is wonderful in the heart,
    Live hoping and loving
    For joy with an open door!

    Happy birthday dear daughter
    Gently congratulations and kiss.
    Always be loved and happy
    And just as young and beautiful!

    At 25, believe me, there are still so many
    Ahead of achievements and victories.
    May the path be beautiful, long,
    Life gives you warmth and light!

    Everything will be in time, believe me!
    All dreams will come true.
    Happiness will be ahead

    Blossom with happiness you.
    Your day will be the best
    And all the life that lies ahead.
    Happy birthday congratulations
    Your best friends
    And everything - everything they want
    What I wish for you.

    Happy birthday dear daughter
    Gently congratulations and kiss.
    Always be loved and happy
    And just as young and beautiful!

    At 25, believe me, there are still so many
    Ahead of achievements and victories.
    May the path be beautiful, long,
    Life gives you warmth and light!

    Happy anniversary daughter!
    A quarter of a century has been lived.
    May it be beautiful with you
    Everything in life will turn out.

    May love and peace reign
    In your home and family.
    God bless you
    And happiness will send.

    Good people let there be
    On your way.
    Happy anniversary daughter,
    Hope and wait!

    Daughter, dear, dear!
    I wish you happiness
    Congratulations on your anniversary:
    Stay beautiful.

    May love and joy in life
    With you they are moving track after track,
    Let the envious not meet
    And the sky will save you from troubles.

    So that health and luck
    Didn't leave you.
    Congratulations on the anniversary.
    Be happy - always!

    Daughter, you have matured
    Only, you know, for me
    Forever you will be baby
    I tell you in love.

    Now you decide for yourself
    Where the path will lead
    But wherever you go
    Mom is waiting for you at home.

    You, beauty, twenty-five,
    Suddenly you have matured again.
    Like a breath of a breeze
    You are so beautiful and light.

    Our daughter, happy birthday!
    Let people hear congratulations
    And they know that you are sweeter
    Not to be found in the world, rather.

    Let the trouble go around
    Let only happiness roam the house,
    All your wishes come true
    Our dear beauty you are!

    Already lived a quarter of a century.
    It seemed the girl was only five

    We congratulate you, daughter!
    You gave us a granddaughter
    And we will warm it up!

    Take a gift from us too,
    Here is what you dreamed of
    And your dreams will come true.

    Poems to tears for 25 years of beloved daughter from dad

    25 years is this age
    Made for love
    The anniversary will perform, daughter,
    Let your desires.

    I wish that happy
    And you were loved
    Warmed with caress, tenderness,
    So that you bloom like a rose.

    Let along the road of life
    Youth leads you
    Let the heart beat joyfully
    And love does not get tired.

    To you, dear daughter,
    Today is twenty-five.
    And with all my soul it would be very
    I wanted to wish
    With a dream not to part,
    To reach it soon
    To smile with happiness
    So that the whole world becomes kinder.
    And every passer-by
    Gave a smile in return.
    Good friends to you
    And avoid mistakes!

    On the day you celebrate your anniversary
    I congratulate you, daughter.
    Let everything be as you wish
    Let your life become wonderful.
    Twenty-five years is just the beginning
    Happy days for love and dreams.
    You have a lot of happiness and health,
    Eternal youth, good luck, beauty.

    My daughter is twenty five
    It was fulfilled today.
    Words, however, cannot calm me down,
    I want with love
    To say that you are not closer
    I'm so happy for you!

    Best reward for me!
    Let them please you
    The shining light of the sun
    Go through life having fun
    Open the window of your soul!

    Twenty-five, not a little and not a lot!
    My daughter has grown up completely!
    Let the road be easy
    Let there be no problems in the way!
    You shine with beauty like the sun
    Your husband worships you for a long time!
    Open the window for us souls,
    Let her create beauty!
    Daughter, I tried to raise you,
    Now teach your children
    May they only bring joy
    If you need something - do not be silent!

    Happy 25th birthday, daughter, congratulations!
    Let everything that you dream of come true
    May the light of happiness protect you
    From those people whose thoughts are dirty!
    I wish you always smile
    In spite of obstacles, troubles on the way!
    So that your beauty is not lost
    With love and good luck, you are friends!

    Happy anniversary, dear daughter!
    You make us happy with success.
    We wish you even greater victories
    And love is an immense supply!

    Let your eyes shine with excitement
    Congratulations to the parade,
    All of your 25s are celebrating
    So you smile, do not be bored!

    My daughter is twenty five
    It was fulfilled today.
    Words, however, cannot calm me down,
    I want with love

    To say that you are not closer
    I'm so happy for you!
    And to know that everything is ok with you -
    Best reward for me!

    Let them please you
    The shining light of the sun
    Go through life having fun
    Open the window of your soul!

    Beloved daughter
    Today is 25!
    And around a smile
    Will only shine!

    You are my joy
    The sun is in the window.
    You don't need more -
    Just smile at me.

    Dear daughter, you are insanely beautiful
    God bless you to be happy.
    Such a bright anniversary - 25,
    I want to wish you a lot of love.

    Joy, tenderness, bright moments,
    Incredible, vivid impressions.
    See the world, and a good husband,
    To love, you always needed.

    Dad and I congratulate you,
    Your birthday is in a hurry to us!
    We wish our beloved daughter
    Great happiness from the heart!

    May luck be to you at 25
    Come, dear, quickly,
    Don't let your eyes cry!
    Love and loyal friends.

    So that you have everything in life -
    Love, and children, and family!
    And so that life is pleased -
    With all my heart, good to you!

    Beautiful toasts to daughter for 25 years

    Dear daughter, twenty-five!
    I know what to wish:
    The salary is huge,
    To be forever beautiful
    Swim in diamonds
    To be in the Maldives
    It's interesting to spend your evenings -
    And all this together with a nice man!

    On the day you celebrate your anniversary
    I congratulate you, daughter.
    Let everything be as you wish
    Let your life become wonderful.

    Twenty-five years is just the beginning
    Happy days for love and dreams.
    You have a lot of happiness and health,
    Eternal youth, good luck, beauty.

    We praise a miracle - a man
    All the songs are just for you again:
    To you today, daughter, - a quarter of a century,
    You are twenty-five today!
    Walk into life with a firm gait,
    Let the road be bright
    Love and happiness are ahead
    Friends, girlfriends and money - a lot!

    And we want to say a lot:
    Today you are a quarter of a century
    This is not a little - twenty-five!

    Let the road be bright
    You just walk firmly on it,
    And happiness on your way!

    What more could you want? Good luck?
    Give the offenders back,
    After all, you are still our strongwoman!

    We praise our daughter - a miracle man,
    And we want to say a lot:
    Today you are a quarter of a century
    This is not a little - twenty-five!
    Let the road be bright
    You just walk firmly on it,
    There are many friends, love, wealth!
    And happiness on your way!
    What more could you want? Good luck?
    Let your house be a full cup
    Give the offenders back,
    After all, you are still our strongwoman!

    My dear, happy birthday!
    May all dreams come true!

    After all, you are an example of female power.

    And not only on your birthday!
    Bloom to the surprise of people

    And they congratulate you with me
    The whole family and all our relatives,
    They sincerely wish you happiness
    So that everything comes true for you!

    An important date - a quarter of a century,
    For anyone, a person is important.
    Congratulations on an important day
    And we give the mother's order:
    If you love - love with all your soul!
    Always be a star anywhere
    If tears are only from happiness,
    Let her husband protect from bad weather.
    Children to be respected
    Raise how you were raised
    Happy birthday, our daughter!
    There is no one in the world more beautiful than you!

    You, beauty, twenty-five,
    Suddenly you have matured again.
    Like a breath of breeze
    You are so beautiful and light.

    Our daughter, happy birthday!
    Let people hear congratulations
    And they know that you are sweeter
    Not to be found in the world, rather.

    You are twenty-five, beloved daughter!
    I remember you were a funny little lump.
    You grew like a flower, delighting your mother.
    Now she has become an adult, beautiful and feminine.
    I wish you to be strong when you need it.
    And being weak is also no stranger to a woman.
    Let kindness and love be near
    And life blooms with a fragrant garden!

    How lovely you are, my daughter!
    Not long ago she was a girl, today she is a woman.
    Today you are 25. I wish from the bottom of my heart
    So that life is good, dreams come true!
    My tender heart, be always joyful
    So that there is only good, and grief - never!
    So that the charm, beauty is enough for years!
    I wish you health, women's happiness!

    Tender words for a birthday girl on her 25th birthday

    Choosing in this life the path you want to go is not easy at all. Very often a person is left standing in front of two roads, and does not know at all what to choose. And only when some time passes, for him comes the realization that everything needs to be changed. That is why on your birthday, I want to wish you to learn how to always find the right path and path. And let bad weather and bad weather cover your eyes, try never to give up. Look only ahead, and then nothing can change you and do something wrong. And at this moment your friends come to you. I wish all of you a really good holiday, which will be so good for you to celebrate together. If you think only about something good, then you will not be so sad and sad at all from everything that happens to you.

    Birthday is a holiday that many people love so much. They rejoice every time they have to step on. But, there are those people who cannot love this holiday at all. And all because they do not want to grow old, get older and lose their youth at all. My daughter belongs to such people. She never really liked name days, and tried to avoid them. And today she is celebrating her 25th birthday. I understand how unpleasant it is for her. But, I can’t do anything about it. In any case, it is imperative to try to change everything. If you meet something that you do not like at all with a smile, then everything will change for you, and it will no longer be so sad and unpleasant. It always happens that way. When you look at something from the other side, everything suddenly changes. That's why you need to be daring and try to be better.

    Dear daughter, dear heart, There is no man more precious than you. I wish you endless, Bright, complete and impeccable happiness. If the events are unique, Near people - the kindest, loved ones. If prosperity is a full cup, Day by day it becomes more and more beautiful. Be you healthy, successful, smart, Tenderly loved always recklessly. Young I wish you to remain And to be realized in motherhood.

    Daughter, happy birthday! You are celebrating your 25th anniversary today! We wish you, dear, a kind and easy life. So that every dream that comes true leads to another wonderful dream. Strive for improvement. Never give up. Smile. Get what you want. Mutual love, health, success, kindness, luck and many, many good things!

    A real gift of fate is a beloved child. You, my daughter, grew up to be a clever and beautiful woman, a gentle and kind girl, you are romantic, you believe that miracles happen in our life. But you are by no means a rose in a greenhouse! You are brave, reasonable and hardworking, you have all the qualities for everything to go well in your life! We wish you to always keep good luck with you and know that you have a family that will always support you in everything!

    Dear daughter, when you smile, my heart is filled with light, and when you laugh, a bright light fills my soul, your happiness will make my world beautiful and sparkling. Happiness to you, my dear, love and warmth in everything.

    Our dear little daughter, cheerful! We congratulate you on the Day of Cooking! We wish that your lips always laugh and your eyes shine with happiness, that your mood is good all year round, that your pants are full of joys, and your wishes come true - one after another! Let your outfits be the most beautiful and your braids the longest! Make your mom and dad happy, be an obedient girl and get only good grades! Your loving parents.

    I congratulate you on the main holiday in your life, Happy Birthday! May you always be good! Today you have become one year older, one more moment closer to adulthood! Health, happiness, family well-being, great love and Longevity! Always make your parents happy and study well!

    Our beloved daughter, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May all your wishes come true today. Let your gentle and gentle image be filled with a dream. Always be so beautiful, gentle, kind, be healthy and happy, our dear daughter. God grant that good and reliable friends will meet on your way. Let the bird of luck often come to you. Grow up healthy, smart, determined and courageous. May the most beautiful love await you ahead. All the best to you, prosperity and prosperity.

    Our charm, our charm, our beloved daughter. Today is the brightest holiday on earth - your birthday. Please accept my warmest wishes from the bottom of your heart. Be always happy, and for a long time - please us with your beauty for a long time. Grow healthy and smart. Let all the sorrows and bad weather pass you by. May the road you have chosen be clear and straight. We wish you well, warmth, all the blessings that exist on earth. You look like a princess, so let your life be a fairy tale.

    Dear daughter! So you have matured one more year! We look at you and are proud of what you have become - beautiful, smart, independent. We look at you and do not believe our happiness - that we have raised such a wonderful daughter! We want to wish you that there are as many smiles in your life as there are stars in the sky, that joy is such that it does not fit into the universe, and happiness is so immense as our planet!

    My beloved daughter, I am proud that you combine the best qualities of a woman: kindness, affection, tenderness, and all this is complemented by amazing beauty and prudence. I wish you to meet a man who will be as perfect as you are.

    Our dear girl, let everything in life be given to you with incredible ease and luck, we wish to find ourselves a worthy and promising man to create a strong family, and we, your parents, will support you in everything.

    My precious daughter! I still perfectly remember the day when you were just born, then life for me was sparkled with new colors. I know, believe and hope that you will grow up to be a wonderful, wise and gifted girl, that you will have enough desire and strength to find your own path in this life, to find an interesting and useful activity for yourself. And you will definitely be happy! I wish you every year to become even more beautiful and wiser! Let the clouds of sadness never cover your cheerful sky, and the sun of positive and joy always shines on it!

    Beautiful birthday greetings to daughter 25 years old

    Let them say that 25
    It is necessary to celebrate on a grand scale
    We will tell our daughter in return -
    Of course, there is no dispute,
    But the main thing is that you live
    And I found happiness in my heart,
    And I was never sad
    And I didn’t look for years!

    Beloved daughter,
    Twenty-five to you!
    Congratulations honey
    Be true to yourself!
    Be persistent in measure
    In some ways - give in
    Be happy, daughter,
    Rejoice, love!

    Our daughter! Happy Birthday!
    We are today, at 25,
    We want to wish you luck
    And to become happy myself!

    You decorate the world with yourself
    Everything is more beautiful every day!
    You live, do not lose heart!
    We will begin to congratulate -

    And, of course, we wish
    So that your dreams come true!
    Let success await
    And life will be wonderful!

    Dad and I will be with you
    Dear, congratulations!
    We love you madly
    Making it flourish!

    Confident and bold
    Always go ahead
    And you act skillfully
    On the path of life!

    We wish you health!
    You're only 25!
    Everything is ahead - we know
    Cheer up!

    Everything will be in time, believe me!
    All dreams will come true.
    Happiness will be ahead
    Only on the holiday Birthday
    Blossom with happiness you.
    Your day will be the best
    And all the life that lies ahead.
    Happy birthday congratulations
    Your best friends
    And everything - everything they want
    What I wish for you.

    Happy birthday dear daughter
    Gently congratulations and kiss.
    Always be loved and happy
    And just as young and beautiful!

    At 25, believe me, there are still so many
    Ahead of achievements and victories.
    May the path be beautiful, long,
    Life gives you warmth and light!

    happy daughter's 25th birthday
    How quickly you, daughter, matured
    And over the years you have become sweet.
    And it seems that you are only five,
    And it turns out twenty-five.

    I want to congratulate you, dear,
    Happy anniversary, mischievous.
    I baked you a cake today
    And it contains raspberry syrup.

    How quickly my daughter matured
    Already lived a quarter of a century.
    It seemed the girl was only five
    And she is not five, but twenty-five!

    We congratulate you, daughter!
    With a wonderful, bright anniversary!
    You gave us a granddaughter
    And we will warm it up!

    Take a gift from us too,
    Here is what you dreamed of
    Let the holiday be cheerful, bright,
    And your dreams will come true.

    My dear, happy birthday!
    May all dreams come true!
    You will have time for everything, believe me!
    After all, you are an example of female power.

    You have happiness, there will still be,
    And not only on your birthday!
    Blossom to the surprise of people
    May April always live in the house!

    And they congratulate you with me
    The whole family and all our relatives,
    They sincerely wish you happiness
    So that everything comes true for you!

    Happy holiday, daughter, I hasten to congratulate,
    At your 25, I want to wish:
    Health, and happiness, and true friends!
    More sunny joyful days!
    Happy laughter! A sparkle in your eyes!
    So that the beloved husband carried in his arms!
    So that everything works out and everything is fulfilled,
    And so that you smile more often!

    My daughter is smart, bright!
    I want to wish you happiness.
    And let life fall asleep with gifts
    As today at your twenty-five!
    I'm proud of you, know that honey
    Forgive me for being strict.
    Be beautiful, desired, loved!
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Anniversaries have one theme,
    Compliments, congratulations and warm words,
    To you, dear daughter, we wish you happiness,
    Let all bad weather forget your address.
    At work, let everything be fine
    And everything is fine in personal life,
    Let everything you have planned come true
    And all the bad things will be forgotten.

    Today you just glow with an eagle of happiness,
    And there is a special reason for that,
    May life last long with your participation,
    Let the wishes pour in an avalanche.
    Let the constellations of love shine over you
    Kind angel protect you
    Be gentle, kind and loved
    Be healthy and happy.

    25 is a wonderful age,
    All roads are open for you
    We wish to achieve the goal without fail,
    And to be always guarded by fate.
    Dear daughter, happy birthday to you,
    Always be happy in everything
    Let the green light burn on your way
    Let the Lord protect you from grief and misfortune.

    You are twenty-five today, what a date!
    You were awkward, funny once.
    Now, beauty, everyone admires you.
    Your heart is overflowing with love.
    Happy birthday, daughter, I congratulate you!
    I wish you good luck and fruitful years.
    Let adversity pass you by the side!
    Kisses, daughter, you! I wish you happiness!

    You're twenty-five! This is a wonderful age!
    My daughter is light, young and lovely!
    Good luck in everything, crazy happiness!
    Calm, measured days without adversity!
    Let new goals conquer
    Success in everything! You wanted it!
    And let there be a reliable man nearby
    And appreciates, and tenderly, and loves anxiously!

    You are twenty-five, beloved daughter!
    I remember you were a funny little lump.
    You grew like a flower, delighting your mother.
    Now she has become an adult, beautiful and feminine.
    I wish you to be strong when you need it.
    And being weak is also no stranger to a woman.
    Let kindness and love be near
    And life blooms with a fragrant garden!

    How lovely you are, my daughter!
    Not long ago she was a girl, today she is a woman.
    Today you are 25. I wish from the bottom of my heart
    So that life is good, dreams come true!
    My tender heart, be always joyful
    So that there is only good, and grief - never!
    So that the charm, beauty is enough for years!
    I wish you health, women's happiness!

    Until recently, you were a child, -
    And now it's already twenty-five for you.
    Played quietly with a soft bear,
    Was a joy to everyone in the family.
    My dear, dear daughter,
    You have become an adult, a gentle moth.
    I wish you to be happy, bright!
    May your house be full of joy!

    Happy holiday, daughter, I hasten to congratulate,
    At your 25, I want to wish:
    Health, and happiness, and true friends!
    More sunny joyful days!
    Happy laughter! A sparkle in your eyes!
    So that the beloved husband carried in his arms!
    So that everything works out and everything is fulfilled,
    And so that you smile more often!

    My daughter is smart, bright!
    I want to wish you happiness.
    And let life fall asleep with gifts
    As today at your twenty-five!
    I'm proud of you, know that honey
    Forgive me for being strict.
    Be beautiful, desired, loved!
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Congratulations on the 25th anniversary:

    - the first serious date in the life of every person. Much is already behind us: the first steps, the first lesson, the last school bell, entrance exams. But the most important achievements are yet to come! This date is especially exciting when the daughter turns 25 - the closest and closest person in the life of each parent. Therefore, the choice of a gift, the topic of congratulations should be treated with particular importance so that this day will be remembered for a long time. Let the gift be inexpensive but memorable.

    A great idea - a photo collage that will contain photos from birth to 25 years old! And nobody canceled the birthday cake. And, perhaps, your daughter is already a mother herself, but everyone wants to return to childhood, at least for a day, despite the anniversary of a quarter of a century. Give her your love, your care, make her feel like a little and carefree girl. And this is more expensive than any gifts!

    Today you are twenty five
    And you grew up again.
    Again the breeze blew towards us,
    He brought us a magical flower.
    Our dear daughter,
    There is no more beautiful in the whole world.
    There is no kinder and sweeter you
    Let me hug you as soon as possible.
    Let the bad weather go away
    Every day will be full of love
    And your desires all come true
    And the bad is lost in the fog.
    We give a gift from the heart,
    We miss you every day!

    Beloved daughter,
    Twenty-five to you!
    Congratulations honey
    Be true to yourself!

    Be persistent in measure
    In some ways - give in
    Be happy, daughter,
    Rejoice, love!

    Everything will be in time, believe me!
    All dreams will come true.
    Happiness will be ahead
    Only on the holiday Birthday
    Blossom with happiness you.
    Your day will be the best
    And all the life that lies ahead.
    Happy birthday congratulations
    Your best friends
    And everything - everything they want
    What I wish for you.

    Happy birthday dear daughter
    Gently congratulations and kiss.
    Always be loved and happy
    And just as young and beautiful!

    At 25, believe me, there are still so many
    Ahead of achievements and victories.
    May the path be beautiful, long,
    Life gives you warmth and light!

    How quickly you, daughter, matured
    And over the years you have become sweet.
    And it seems that you are only five,
    And it turns out twenty-five.

    I want to congratulate you, dear,
    Happy anniversary, mischievous.
    I baked you a cake today
    And it contains raspberry syrup.

    And I want to give
    What I couldn't buy you before.
    What you dreamed about
    This is the gift of all your dreams.

    On the day you celebrate your anniversary
    I congratulate you, daughter.
    Let everything be as you wish
    Let your life become wonderful.

    Twenty-five years is just the beginning
    Happy days for love and dreams.
    You have a lot of happiness and health,
    Eternal youth, good luck, beauty.

    My daughter is twenty five
    Fulfilled now.
    My emotions cannot be relieved
    I want to say so!
    You are the closest person
    For my mother
    And you and I are friends forever
    There are no relatives on earth!
    May it please you
    Sunny day
    May she never cry
    Your soul light
    Let like all the stars in the sky
    Eyes shine
    And your sweet smile
    Never leaves!

    Twenty-five is a lot and a little!
    Twenty-five is your warmth!
    Twenty-five - they ran too fast
    Too much water has flown under the bridge.

    Years flashed by business and concern.
    There were joys, sorrows, and adversities.
    But today we wish to forget about everything,
    Happiness, joy, health, to live up to a hundred years!

    You haven't been a girl for a long time
    My daughter.
    But funny is all the same

    Wish at twenty five
    I love you.
    Do not grieve, do not grieve
    And be loved!

    Let them say that 25
    It is necessary to celebrate on a grand scale
    We will tell our daughter in return -
    Of course, there is no dispute,

    But the main thing is that you live
    And I found happiness in my heart,
    And I was never sad
    And I didn’t look for years!

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