• Who will my cousin's husband be to me. Family ties. Who accounts for whom


    After the wedding, the bride and groom have many new relatives who have their own specific names. And in order not to get confused, who has to whom after the wedding, it is worth clarifying this issue in advance, because sometimes already in the second half of the celebration some guests begin to find out their new "titles". The website portal has prepared a short cheat sheet for you - small tables that will help you remember who is who in the family after marriage.

    For the groom: what are the names of relatives after the wedding?

    The bride's family members after the wedding become the groom's relatives. Many guys know the names of the mother and father of the newlywed even before the celebration. But as relatives of the next rank are called, they usually hear for the first time.

    Who! By whom?
    In Russian In Belarusian
    Wife's mom Mother-in-law Tseshca
    Spouse's dad Father-in-law Cests
    Wife's sister Sister-in-law Svayachanitsa
    Wife's brother Brother-in-law Shuryn
    Wife's brother's wife Daughter-in-law Bratava
    Wife's sister's husband Brother-in-law Svayak

    Interestingly, in the past, if the bride or groom did not have a father and mother, then they were replaced by planted parents. Now such a wedding tradition is a thing of the past!

    For the bride: the names of future relatives

    After the wedding, the newlywed has many new relatives, each of whom has its own historical name. And to make it easier for you to remember who belongs to whom, we have compiled a table with the names of the main family members of the groom according to the degree of their relationship.

    Who! By whom?
    In Russian In Belarusian
    Spouse's mom Mother-in-law Svyakro
    Spouse's dad Father-in-law Svekar
    Wife's sister Sister-in-law Zalka
    Spouse's brother Brother-in-law Dzever
    Spouse's brother's wife Daughter-in-law Navestka (yastroka)
    Spouse's sister's husband Son-in-law Zyats (shvarga)

    Advice: by tradition, the bride should prepare gifts for her future relatives - the groom's family - that should be presented to them during the wedding banquet. If you want to do something nice for the parents of your beloved, then be sure to include the purchase of presents in your wedding preparation plan.

    For parents: who belongs to whom in the family?

    After marriage, the parents of the bride and groom should also know who is who in their large newly formed family in order to understand how to address each other.

    For the rest of the family: who has to whom?

    For all other members of both families, the names of the relatives sound like this (here we also brought the godparents of the couple's child, because often, soon after the wedding, the spouses plan to replenish).

    Godparents do not have to have blood ties with their godson, on the contrary, they are often family friends. But it is worth choosing them with special care, because the sacrament of baptism, like a wedding in a church, is an important event in the life of every person!

    The origin of the names of relatives

    Interesting is the origin of the names of family "titles", which may also help you remember what relatives are called. Most of the names come from Indo-European and Old Indian forms, the translation of which directly hints at a person's status and relationship after the wedding:

    • Husband - according to the Indo-European interpretation, it comes from the phrase "adult man".
    • Wife - "capable of giving birth", because the woman was previously considered as the source of the birth of a new life.
    • Father-in-law - "the beginning of the race", and the mother-in-law is a derivative from it.
    • Father-in-law - from the phrase "to produce", ie "The wife's parent", and mother-in-law is a derivative of it.
    • Brother-in-law, sister-in-law - from the word "own".

    According to folk etymology, there are interpretations of the names of close relatives:

    • Daughter-in-law - "God knows who", because in ancient times, so that there was no incest, the bride was looked for in distant villages, which is why almost no one knew the girl.
    • Daughter-in-law - the next status of the daughter-in-law, which means that she is on the demolition. Another interpretation is “sons’s wife”.
    • Son-in-law - from the word "know", tk. after the wedding, he becomes a familiar and significant person. Another interpretation is from the word "take", i.e. the one who takes the bride down the aisle.
    • Father-in-law and mother-in-law - "to console", because after the wedding, the parents rarely see their daughter, and in the new house she does not always live sweetly, so the mother and father console the newly-made wife during their short meetings.
    • Father-in-law and mother-in-law - "all blood", tk. the father-in-law unites all blood relatives. Another interpretation is "your own shelter", because After the wedding, the bride was brought to a new place of residence - to her father-in-law's house.
    • Brother-in-law - "trust", because the husband's brother was considered a confidant in many matters and an assistant in solving life problems.
    • Sister-in-law - from the word "evil", tk. usually the groom's sister disliked his wife, who, in her opinion, always did everything wrong.

    At the end of the article, I would like to give two pieces of advice regarding the names of relatives after marriage:

    • When preparing for the celebration and making a list of guests, as well as the seating of guests at the wedding, sign in brackets who this person will be to you. Each time you edit the list and look at these names, you will easily remember them.
    • The question often arises of how to call relatives: by name or their relative “status”? It all depends on people's preferences! If earlier it was customary to use the names of relatives in a speech, now they are increasingly being addressed by name and patronymic. The exception is godfathers and matchmakers, who often jokingly like to address each other in this way.

    The portal site has given the names of relatives so that you know who, whom and to whom after the official marriage. Your new members of a large family will be pleased to know that you have learned their official "titles" and you respect them!

    A woman getting married, in addition to her spouse, also acquires new relatives in the person of her husband's sisters, brothers, father and mother, nephews, grandfathers and grandmothers. You have to establish relationships with them and establish contacts, if this has not happened before. They all develop in different ways: someone is happily accepted into the bosom of a new family, and someone is kept at a distance, without showing particularly warm feelings. Why it happens? In a specific situation - your answer. Most often, misunderstandings are established between female relatives, as in the case of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It often happens that another relative, the husband's sister, also dislikes a spouse. Who is her wife, who her children are - further in the article.

    Relatives and non-relatives

    Kinship-family hierarchy consists of three groups of kinship ties. They have the following names: blood by blood, directly close relatives), kinship by marriage (in-laws) and unrelated ties. Blood relatives are mother, father, brothers, sisters (relatives, cousins, their children), grandmothers, grandfathers. Marital relatives are relatives of a husband or wife. These are brother-in-law, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, and so on.

    The husband's sister: who is the wife?

    In this complex interweaving of branches of the family tree, each relative has its own name in relation to another member of the family clan. For example, the husband's sister. How is she related to her brother's wife? In the terminology of family relations, her husband's sister is her sister-in-law. Moreover, this relationship is not blood, but acquired as a result of a concluded marriage. In fact, these 2 women are relatives as long as the husband and wife remain spouses. entails the termination of family ties in this marriage. In the next marriage, new family ties are formed already in these marital relations, including between the relatives of the husband and wife.

    Husband's sister, sister's husband, husband's sister's children

    If a husband's sister is a sister-in-law in relation to his wife, then who is in relation to her blood relatives (father, mother, sisters, brothers) is a son-in-law. The family is created in order to give birth to children and continue their family. Babies are wonderful and are loved regardless of family status. Husband's sister - who is she to her brother's children? She is their own aunt. Accordingly, her future or present children will be her brother's nephews (blood relationship), and for the wife, the husband's sister's children will also be nephews, but by marriage.

    Informal relationship

    It often happens that a husband's sister does not accept her brother's wife. This is mainly due to jealousy from both the sister-in-law and the daughter-in-law (the brother's wife for his sister). In fact, two women cannot share one man, not wanting to give each other control over his life and feelings. The sister-in-law believes that the wife alienates her brother from her, but she is the most native person in the world. And the brother's wife does not want her to interfere in the life of the new family, out of habit continuing to control every action of the brother.

    Family ties can resemble the World Wide Web of the Internet. But the funniest thing begins when you try to grasp who has whom to whom and what word to call him. First, for a long time you try to build a chain in your head, for example, who is your brother's wife to your sister. By the way, by whom? Let's talk about family ties.

    Who accounts for whom

    • As soon as they do not call the one who is the brother's wife. So, they call her brother. Sometimes the wife of a brother is called a sister-in-law (son-in-law). Now, so as not to get confused. Imagine two brothers - Sasha and Lenya. Each has a wife - Sveta (Sasha) and Galya (Lenina). So Sveta and Galya are daughters-in-law in relation to each other. Likewise, the wife of one brother is a daughter-in-law in relation to another brother. That is: Galya is Sasha's daughter-in-law, and Sveta is Leni's daughter-in-law.
    • You can also say who is the wife of a cousin - bro.
    • We go the other way, who is the husband's brother to his wife. We remember our heroes, let it be a pair of Sasha and Sveta. That is, who is Lenya (Sasha's brother) Sveta (his wife). Brother-in-law - that's how we call Lenya in this case. Sasha will also be dever in relation to Gala.
    • Digging further. Who is the brother's wife to the sister. Let's imagine that Sasha and Leni have a sister - Nadia. That is, we decide the question of who Nadya Sveta and Galya (the brothers' wives) have. It's all the same brother or daughter-in-law. And Nadia in relation to Sveta and Gala is a sister-in-law. There is also a variation - sister-in-law (maybe the form reflects the nature of the relationship? - the author's thoughts).
    • By the way, the son's wife is also called the daughter-in-law. That is, Sveta and Galya will be daughters-in-law in relation to the mother of Sasha and Leni.
    • By the way, bro and bratelnik are forms that also have a certain meaning. This is the name of the cousin. And yes, a cousin is the son of your aunt or your uncle (that is, your mom's or your dad's brother or sister).

    The wife's father is the husband's father. The female version of this definition is matchmaker, the wife's mother is the husband's mother. These terms are used to define father-in-law and father-in-law, as well as mother-in-law and mother-in-law in relation to each other.

    Fathers of the newlyweds

    A wedding is the creation of a new family, a new unit of society, as well as the fusion of two clans. A secret dream has come true, the relationship is officially formalized. After the celebration, the newlyweds have a question: "What is the correct name for the newly-made relatives?" After all, now the number of loved ones is increasing. How to designate new relatives and who is the wife's father to her husband's father?

    A young spouse is obliged to call her husband's parents father-in-law. So, the husband's mother is the mother-in-law, and the father is the father-in-law. The spouse calls the wife's mother mother-in-law, and the father - father-in-law. Is there a definite term to define the relationship between the father of the wife and the father of the husband? Where did the name "matchmaker" come from?

    There is no specific answer to this question, but philologists put forward various theories. But be that as it may, the word itself sounds kind and pleasant. The rhyme “brother-matchmaker” is widely known in proverbs and verses, and indeed, in the old days it was believed that marrying children meant becoming relatives and their parents.

    New relatives - in-laws

    The wife's father is a new relative for the husband's father. This relationship is otherwise called "property", from the word "own". Therefore, if you try to strictly adhere to the terminology, it is necessary to call the relatives who appeared after the registration of the union as in-laws.

    The terms "matchmaker" and "matchmaker" are universal. Since they are suitable both for denoting some parents, and for naming mom and dad from the side of the second spouse. Some people think that new relatives are godfathers, but this is a wrong statement. "Kum" and "godfather" are appeals to the child's godparents in relation to his biological father and mother.

    When in a conversation they recall a matchmaker or matchmaker in the third person, one can say: "My daughter's father-in-law ..." or "My son's mother-in-law ...". Under certain circumstances, this option for designating relatives when communicating is much more convenient. To simplify the conversation, you can also use: "This is the mother-in-law / mother-in-law (name of the son or daughter)."

    Which of the relatives should be called?

    The closest bond is the bond between children and their parents. Dad, mom, daughter and son - those people from two neighboring generations, closer to whom you cannot find in the world. Home, parents' love - there is nothing dearer and dearer.

    In the modern world, the terminology of family ties is rarely used in everyday life. You don't often hear the definitions of "brother-in-law" or "sister-in-law". Therefore, people are constantly confused, and most people think that the wife's father is the father-in-law to the husband's father. However, this is a misnomer. Only her husband can call the spouse's father so, who, in turn, is a son-in-law in relation to his mother-in-law and father-in-law.

    The terminology of kinship ties is rather complicated and forgotten. In everyday life, people use no more than 10 of the most common definitions. Sometimes in a conversation you have to resort to verbal heaps. For example: "She is my wife's sister, he is the husband of my wife's sister."

    For ease of understanding of family ties, the Russian language has its own terms, and behind each term there are established ideas, culture of relations and family traditions for years. Although not every nation can afford such an excess.

    There are three main groups of family ties:

    • close relatives - blood connection;
    • in-laws - family relations acquired after marriage registration;
    • unrelated ties.

    Father of wife to husband

    Father-in-law is the spouse's dad for the husband. His wife is his wife's mother-in-law and mother. A son-in-law is a daughter's husband for dad and mom (mother-in-law and father-in-law), for her sister (sister-in-law) and for her brother (brother-in-law). In the event that the son-in-law suits the wife's parents, he is accepted as a family. Wise father-in-law and mother-in-law do not offend their son-in-law, they try to appease him in every possible way and treat him at a meeting. They avoid quarrels and conflicts, because the daughter will live with him.

    The father of the wife for the husband - the father-in-law - usually rarely finds a reason for dispute. A mature man does not come up with non-existent shortcomings for his son-in-law, but tries to find common topics for conversation and spend interesting time together at his favorite pastime.

    Husband's parents for spouse

    The mother and father of the husband for the young wife are mother-in-law and father-in-law. For them, she is a daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law. A young girl will be the daughter-in-law of her husband's brother (brother-in-law), his wife, her husband's sister (sister-in-law), as well as her husband. Also, all relatives call the wife of her brother-in-law, the daughter-in-law. Spouses of siblings call each other a friend - a daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law. However, the sister-in-law is the wife's sister. And the brother-in-law is her husband. In-law are those men whose wives have sisters among themselves.

    The sister-in-law is native sister spouse. In patriarchal families, the sister-in-law was in a higher position than the daughter-in-law - the brother's wife, and, as a rule, a young girl got more from her husband's sister than from her husband's mother.

    It is sometimes very difficult to understand family relationships. It used to be, when huge families for several generations lived under one roof, it was not difficult to remember who is to whom and by whom, because all these tricky terms were constantly heard. Nowadays, when relatives are sometimes scattered all over the globe and gather together only on the occasion of big events, the words "sister-in-law", "brother-in-law", "brother-in-law", "daughter-in-law", etc. many of us find it strange and completely incomprehensible. And yet, let's try to restore in our name so that we don't have to guess later on occasion: "My brother's wife - who is she to me?"

    How to call your brother's wife

    For clarity, let's imagine a specific family, otherwise we might get dizzy from the endlessly intersecting vectors of kinship. So, there were two siblings, Ivan and Vasily. Both became serious men and got married. Ivan on Marya, and Vasily on Daria. And what do you think we will need to answer the question, for example, of Ivan: "My brother's wife, who is she to me?" Indeed, who is Daria to him now?

    The older generation would answer this question that such a woman in Russia was most often called her sister-in-law, in some areas - ash, and closer to Ukraine she had a different name - brother or yatrovka.

    Each of the young wives - both Marya and Daria - have now acquired a new relative - a daughter-in-law (that is, they are each other's daughters-in-law or intercourse). By the way, not only the father-in-law with the mother-in-law can call them daughters-in-law, but also the husband's brother (that is, Marya became the daughter-in-law of Vasily, and Daria - to Ivan), and the whole husband's family.

    Who is the brother's wife from the point of view of his own sister

    And in the case when siblings live in the family, will the sister be called something differently? No, nothing new has been invented here - for a sister, her brother's wife will also turn out to be a daughter-in-law, or, in other words, a brother's. But she herself will be a sister-in-law for her daughter-in-law. By the way, in some regions she was called “sins-in-law” (probably from an excess of feelings!).

    It is interesting that in the old days cousins \u200b\u200bwere called "bro" or "brat" (that's where these proud definitions of the 90s era come from!), And their wives, respectively, were called "bros". That is, finding out: "The wife of a brother - who is she to me?", Know that relatives and cousins, as well as their wives, are defined in slightly different terms.

    A little more about the husband's family

    Sorting out who the brother's wife is, we involuntarily dug deeper, and now we can no longer fail to mention how, after the wedding, Marya or Daria will have to call her husband's brother. For Marya, Vasily (her husband's brother) is a brother-in-law, and, as you know, Daria can also call Ivan.

    But if, for example, the same Daria has his own native Stepan), then for Vasily (Daria's husband) he will be a brother-in-law or a schwager. And Stepan's son will be the shurich for both Vasily and Ivan. True, the last term is now considered completely outdated, and almost no one remembers it (but you can demonstrate your erudition!).

    Let's add a little about the relatives of imaginary and real

    And if we assume that Marya, Ivan's wife, has a married sister, then she will be considered a sister-in-law for Ivan, and her husband, accordingly, a brother-in-law. That is, it turns out that brother-in-law are family members whose wives are sisters. If we are talking about cousins, then their husbands among themselves will already be considered cousins.

    As you can see, asking the question: “What is my brother’s wife?”, We slowly sorted out the rest of the relationship. And who knows, maybe this information will help you maintain a warm relationship in a new family. By the way, an interesting experiment conducted by British scientists can serve as a vivid example of this. They gathered in a group previously unknown people, having previously informed some that they were relatives among themselves. It is interesting that in the future it was these people who established the closest friendly relations, assuring the researchers that family feelings suddenly woke up in them.

    A small parting word for those who figured out who the brother's wife is

    What is the name of the long line of relatives on the part of the wife and husband, we hope we have figured it out after all. You just have to once draw yourself at least a primitive diagram of these connections, and at the beginning of your married life it will be an excellent clue and a way to avoid awkward hitching in determining a new relationship. And after some time, you yourself will be able to answer the question of a confused newly-made relative with the air of an expert: "My brother's wife - who is she to me?"

    And you must admit that instead of building a verbal chain like “sister of my brother’s wife”, it will be much easier to name kinship with one term “sister-in-law”. In addition, not fully mastering these terms, we make it difficult for ourselves and the perception of literary works (and the authors are very fond of using these names of relatives), as well as folklore and even everyday traditions that came to us from the past.

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