• An invitation for two people. Anniversary invitation template. Anniversary invitation text. How to compose an invitation text for a corporate event


    It would seem that it could be easier than to compose the text of an invitation to an anniversary or other solemn event, but how many nuances and subtleties arise!

    So, let's start with a call:

    "Dear (dear, honorable) Ivan Denisovich!"

    What if he's not alone? And, for example, with his wife:

    "Dear Ivan Denisovich and Marya Petrovna!"

    And if you don’t know her and don’t know her name? Oddly enough, they most often write:
    "Dear Ivan Denisovich with his wife"...

    And the question arises: what about the spouse, not respected?
    We advise you to avoid such options of address in the text of the invitation to the anniversary. It's better to write it like this:

    "Dear Ivan Denisovich! I invite you and your wife..."

    And if Ivan Denisovich is not married, and he has a girlfriend? In this case, in order not to get into a mess, at the end of the invitation, in small print, you can attribute:

    "The invitation is valid for two persons".

    And immediately everything is clear. Let your friend choose for himself with whom he will be pleased and comfortable to spend a festive evening on the occasion of your anniversary.

    You can also refuse the appeal altogether, and start the text of the invitation with the words:

    "You are invited to...",
    and write the name of the guest on a handwritten envelope or on a business card or box if you chose a scroll as an invitation card.

    Now let's remember when to write the word "you" with a small letter, and when with a capital.

    According to the rules of the Russian language, we write "you" with a capital letter if we address one person, and we write "you" with a small letter if we address two or more. Here is a simple rule.

    But here it should be noted that the text of the invitation to the anniversary can be considered as the author's text, and then even if you write "I invite you..."("You" with a capital letter), then this will not be a terrible grammatical error.

    Let's go to the main text. It all depends on your style and imagination.
    For example:

    I invite you to the celebration of my 50th birthday, which will take place on (date, time, place, address)...
    I invite you to a gala dinner on the occasion of my birthday...
    We invite you to a gala evening dedicated to the 15th anniversary of our company...
    We will be glad to see you at the celebration in honor of the presentation of the new collection...
    I will be glad to see you on May 25, 2012 at 18:00 in the restaurant "Prague" and celebrate the anniversary date of my birth with you.
    I have the honor to invite you to a solemn event on the occasion of my anniversary...

    In the texts of the invitation to the birthday, there is sometimes such an oddity:

    I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday, which oh will be held November 10, 2012

    Dress code: smart casual.

    Please note: the direct addition after the comma refers specifically to the word "Day", and not to the word "birth". And the word "Day" is masculine, so you need to write "which".

    In this example, it is better to remove the words " to be held", and the sentence becomes more pleasant to listen to:

    I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday on November 10, 2012
    on the shores of the still very warm Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv.
    We meet at 19:00 in the banquet hall of the Dan Tel Aviv hotel.

    At the end of the invitation, as a rule, should be signature. Here, too, there are pitfalls.

    Have you ever wondered why in business letters after the words "Sincerely" is put comma, despite the fact that it is not regulated by the rules of the Russian language?
    But in business English it is required :).
    This English comma over the past 15 years has taken root in Russia so much that they are trying to attach it to other options, for example:

    "Sincerely yours i, C ergey and Irina"
    "Best regards i, A lexander"

    Do not forget that the signature in the invitation is a kind of props (stamp, seal), and, of course, in the last two examples (from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language) a comma is superfluous.
    If you still decide to put a comma in the signature, then do it consciously, based on the specific situation.

    About the dot at the end of the signature:

    At the end of the signature of the invitation to the anniversary, a dot is not put.

    One more addition.
    If you start the invitation with the words "Dear Ivan Denisovich", then in the signature it is better not to repeat "With respect" again, you can limit yourself to the first and last name.

    In modern business communication, there are various situations when partners, colleagues send messages to each other invitation letters. These can be invitations to festive events, ceremonies, workshops of various levels and scales, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, presentations, corporate parties, etc. In addition, letters of invitation can be addressed to regular customers of insurance, medical, and various service organizations. Typically, such letters contain a reminder of the need for the next professional communication and an appropriate invitation.

    The etiquette of business communication requires a response from the addressee in the form of an expression of gratitude for the invitation received, confirmation of its acceptance or an explanation of the reasons for refusal.

    Letter of invitation to the anniversary of the organization (No. 1)

    Dear Pavel Nikolaevich!

    I am glad to inform you that on May 25, 2010 the Vega Instrument-Making Research and Production Association is celebrating its 75th anniversary since its founding. Exactly three quarters of a century ago, a small experimental production laboratory was established at the Polytechnic Institute, which has grown into a diversified instrument-making association, which includes more than ten scientific, design and production enterprises.

    We are pleased to have the opportunity to invite you and representatives of JSC "Vympel" with which PNPO "Vega" has long-standing fruitful industrial relations, to take part in the celebrations that will be held on May 25, 2010 at the premises of the Drama Theater of our city.

    We know, dear Pavel Nikolaevich, about your busy schedule, but we would be very grateful if you could make a welcoming speech at the solemn meeting (beginning at 17.00) and take part in a press conference for correspondents of central and local media (beginning - at 18.00).

    We will also be glad to see you at the gala concert with the participation of Russian pop stars (beginning at 18.30) and at the gala banquet after the end of the concert.

    In the near future, our courier will deliver you 5 invitation cards (each for two persons) with inserts for invitations to a banquet, as well as a concert program.

    During the holiday from 16.30 next to the building of the Drama Theater a free guarded car parking will be open. Entrance to the parking lot is by invitation cards.

    Dear Pavel Nikolaevich! We will be happy to see you and representatives of JSC "Vympel" at our holiday!

    Instrument-making NPO "Vega" V.A. Zimin

    Letter of invitation to the anniversary of a specialist (No. 2)

    Dear Leonid Semenovich!

    I have the honor to inform you that on February 24, 2010, one of our oldest employees - the chief physician of the Central Clinic of Children's Diseases Nikolai Vasilyevich Dmitriev - turns 60 years old.

    You certainly know this wonderful Person and Specialist well, who devoted himself without a trace to the cause of preserving the health of children.

    As a very young resident, he came to the clinic 36 years ago and during all this time he has achieved tremendous professional success, won great love and respect from fellow doctors and parents of our little patients.

    Today, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolay Vasilyevich Dmitriev leads current clinical research and projects, personally performs the most important and complex operations, and actively introduces modern methods of treating childhood diseases.

    As a professor at the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the Medical Institute, Nikolai Vasilyevich pays close attention to the education of a new generation of pediatricians. Many of his students are already successfully working in the clinic.

    Dear Leonid Semenovich, the management of our clinic and our hero of the day will be extremely happy to see you at the gala evening dedicated to this significant date.

    Honoring Nikolay Vasilyevich will take place in the conference hall of the Central Clinic of Children's Diseases on February 24, 2010 at 17.00. The program of the anniversary evening includes a solemn part and a gala dinner in the large banquet hall of the Povolzhye restaurant.

    Let me also inform you that leading specialists from many medical institutions of our city and other regions of Russia are expected to attend the evening. For all guests of our clinic, Nikolai Vasilyevich will personally conduct a tour of the new surgical complex, created thanks to the highest professionalism and organizational talent of the hero of the day.

    With respect and best wishes, Director of the Central Clinic of Children's Diseases,
    dr med. Sciences, Professor S.V. Kudinov

    Letter of invitation to an international conference (No. 3)

    Dear Professor Tepler!

    It is with great pleasure that I inform you that the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Plasma Physics has finally decided on the date and place of its holding. As you and I expected during our last telephone conversation, it will take place in Moscow. Time of carrying out - from February, 1st till February, 10th of the next year. The official name is "Experimental Methods for Researching High-Temperature Plasma", which completely coincides with the area of ​​your professional interests.

    When discussing at the last meeting of the Organizing Committee the possible composition of the Presidium of the Conference, I had the honor to propose your candidacy, and it was unanimously supported by all colleagues - members of the Organizing Committee.

    Highly appreciating your outstanding services in achieving the modern level of theory and practice of studying the "fourth state of matter", the Organizing Committee instructed me to coordinate with you the possibility of your presentation with the main report at the plenary session on the first day of the conference. In addition, we would like you, as the main speaker, to speak according to the traditional time limit at the closing session and give your assessment of the work done at the Conference.

    Of course, the Organizing Committee will be happy to include in the program all individual and collective reports and messages that you and your staff consider it necessary to make at the Conference and discuss with the community of colleagues in the workshop.

    I will provide you with more detailed information on the organizational issues of the conference in the near future. An official invitation to your institute will be sent before the end of January on the letterhead of the Organizing Committee.

    If you have any questions, please call me at the phone number you know. I am waiting for your letters to my email address.

    I hope to receive a positive response from you in the very near future and see you in Moscow.

    With best wishes and friendly regards,
    Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Russia, Deputy Chairman
    Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Plasma Physics
    O.D. Saveliev

    Letter of invitation to a workshop (No. 4)

    Dear Stanislav Alekseevich!

    In connection with the signing by the Prometey concern on November 30, 2009 of a contract with a foreign Customer No. IT9706-0247 for the supply in 2010 of two sets of technological equipment T400 for the automated production of metal-ceramic products, in the Concern's Export Supplies Department from December 22 to December 24 from . A workshop is planned.

    Dear (names of guests)!
    You have a unique chance to participate in the conference, which is dedicated to the theme "How pleasant and interesting to spend the first fifty years", which will be held on (date) at (venue of the celebration). Registration of the conference participants will begin at (time of the beginning of the celebration) hours. Dear (names of guests). I will be very pleased to meet
    You (date) at (place). to mark a milestone in my life.

    I really hope that the festive evening spent surrounded by my best friends and people closest to me will become a happy and joyful event for us. I invite you (date) to a cafe (name and address). where at (exact time) the celebration of my anniversary will take place. Gracious sovereign (guest name)!
    On behalf of
    Majesty (name of the hero of the day) we have the honor to invite
    you to the anniversary gala ball dedicated to the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of
    Majesty. The ball will take place in
    Banquet hall of the restaurant (name of the restaurant, address, date and time of the event). Invitation card for two persons.

    We hasten to announce that
    You have a joyful opportunity to take part in the solemn celebration of the anniversary of the esteemed (name of the hero of the day). which will take place on (date and time) at (exact address). Please be sure to arrive exactly at the appointed time. Sincerely, the organizers of the event. I will be extremely happy to see
    You (date) at (time) at (location of the event). so that, surrounded by the people closest to me, I can cheerfully and sincerely celebrate my fourth anniversary. I promise you a delicious table
    And whoever comes, I will treat.
    We will fill the glasses with wine
    Let's remember the days of the past together!
    Today is the anniversary!
    And our house is full of guests!
    And you come today
    We won't waste time
    Let's drive away the dullness of our everyday life!
    After all, this is for everyone!
    You come to us friends
    After all, it's my anniversary!
    We'll have a wonderful evening!
    I will be glad, madly, to meet!
    Let's have fun and sing
    This is how I dream to celebrate
    Your anniversary and meet you there!
    I have birth
    And the Anniversary, as you can see, besides!
    I want to invite you, true friends,
    And have fun with you together!
    I promise to set the table for you
    And we will discover the best wines together!
    We will raise our glasses many times!
    Everything will be, I promise, honor by honor!
    Friends, I want to invite you
    And the reason is not at all simple,
    After all, today is my birthday!
    And come at exactly three!
    Let's pour some wonderful wine
    Looking forward to your birthday party!
    Come, my friend, to me soon!
    Let's celebrate the holiday together!
    I won't let you get bored today!
    I dream of celebrating
    In the circle of closest friends
    And meet you at the anniversary
    Among the invited guests!
    You don't waste your time.
    Take friends, relatives,
    And celebrate with me
    Next weekend! “Only once in a lifetime there is a meeting” - We sang a romance when we were young.
    It's my birthday tonight!
    I'm waiting for you folks!
    You, friends, come today!
    I will be happy to see everyone!
    Bring nostalgia to your heart
    We will sing like many years ago!
    For the holiday of the anniversary - on the day off
    I invite you to my home!
    Let's celebrate my birthday!
    I promise you won't get bored! 2009

    SAKURA invitation 5384

    The original invitation to the anniversary in verse - the author's text

    We invite you to use the original text of the anniversary invitation!
    Choose the right one. a bright invitation card (you can use a ready-made electronic template). write poems in it and send them to your friends who, after reading them, will definitely smile and simply won’t be able to forget about the upcoming holiday!

    30 years anniversary invitation

    Tired toys no longer “sleep”, and there have been no dolls in the house for a long time. But my beloved girlfriend is also waiting - my window is always on fire for you!
    I'm 30 tomorrow. But who will believe? Wisdom clouded my eyes.

    But youth is always knocking at the door, and the heart also believes in miracles. I want to celebrate this holiday with you, I wish my relatives to see my friends. Beloved, I want to warm myself with light, you have long been my family for me. Therefore, I cordially invite you to come and give me a holiday. There is no need for expensive gifts and fiery speeches to speak,
    You come with pure hearts and speak warm words. I would like to listen to them for hours, my head is spinning quietly from them. May this evening give us warmth, because in our life there is little so much warmth. My friends are my support in life, hurry to me, putting things aside!

    Anniversary invitation 35 years (you can also substitute 25 or 45 years)

    I looked back - 35!
    Time to celebrate an anniversary. Well, how about the anniversary
    Don't invite your friends? The closest and dearest,
    The most faithful, dear? Don't be late for the banquet
    I'll be waiting for you by six (seven, eight), you know!

    Happy Anniversary Musical Cards

    50th anniversary invitation (you can substitute 60 years)

    I'm fifty - that's the date!
    Life is rich in events
    And this day must be celebrated
    In the circle of family and friends together!
    Professional employee by vocation
    And I have other titles - Father of the family, faithful friend,
    Husband beloved by his wife.
    Worthy reasons can not be counted,
    I have the honor to invite you!

    wedding invitations from
    Houses 5384

    Short 60th Anniversary Invitation (suitable for 50th Anniversary)

    Six times ten - 60 It's time to meet, guys!
    Among other worthy dates
    This date is more solid. Six times ten.
    Right on target. I conquered peaks. And on such a serious anniversary
    There is no reason for us to be bored!

    The coolest animated birthday invitation. Videos postcard

    Funny 60 Years Anniversary Invitation Template (Suitable for 50s)

    what kind of kindergarten? Are we only sixty? And look - there are bows hanging on the pigtails again.

    We play Easter cakes, cheerfully sing songs. We know all the songs in the world and distribute toys. Nothing that from this evening we are with granddaughter
    Ami in your arms? Only with them you can find yourself in the clouds again!
    Come, congratulate and look at us!
    Wish us good health and send us to the first class!
    Today we fell into childhood, like a small child.
    Grateful for the inheritance, and I will tell you, not jokingly: Sixty is not a little at all!
    Sixty is not much at all. this is a holiday, this is a date, this is the road to eternity!

    55th anniversary invitation text

    Five and five are knocking at the door, how beautiful this number is!
    Everyone believes in happiness, happiness for themselves and children.
    We still believe in miracles, our eyes still burn,
    Though sometimes, in a rainy hour, a tear will cloud them. On this beautiful, bright day, we want to see friends,
    Let them warmly congratulate - from the heart and without fanfare,
    Do not need a bunch of gifts, nothing eulogies,
    Birthday is an occasion for a wonderful meeting with them.
    There are few miracles in our life, and it is so short. May friends always come!
    Maybe even without a call. We will be very grateful if you leave feedback on already published texts. Suggestions and wishes for the creation of new and necessary topics for you
    You can post on the forum.

    We promise to treat all comments and requests with special attention, because our site was created for people! 19/03/2015 15:
    Very interesting poems for invitations!
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    RU is copyright, so copying, reprinting and subsequent use of any content from its pages is possible only with the placement of an active link to
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    Anniversary invitation text template

    I didn’t have time to look back - this day again,
    It's time to celebrate a serious anniversary,
    Well, what do you need to make the anniversary happen? Of course, call your favorite friends!
    The most faithful, the closest, the most dear,
    The most cheerful and so dear to the heart.
    You are on my holiday, look, do not be late,
    I'll be waiting for (___) you, just know!
    Today is the anniversary - a very serious date,
    My life was rich in events,
    So, we need to celebrate this holiday,
    In the circle of the closest people - amicably.
    All the reasons to come to me do not even count,
    I have the honor to invite you today.
    Come to (____) I will be waiting for you,
    Without you, we will not start the holiday!
    Soon I will have a super anniversary,
    And it should be celebrated, guys.
    Among the many important dates in the year,
    The most solid of all, in my opinion, is this date!
    I shot my years right on target
    I lived, worked, loved and conquered peaks,
    And this is such an important and such a difficult anniversary,
    There is no reason for us to be bored.
    There are no toys and dolls in my house for a long time,
    Friends - my window is always on fire for you,
    And though wisdom has blinded my eyes,
    I am still, as in childhood, willows into miracles.
    On my anniversary I wish to see you,
    You are not just close - you are my family,
    Hurry up to give me a holiday,
    Laugh, congratulation speeches for me to speak.
    Soon there will be a holiday in my honor,
    Oh, how many years I can't even count,
    I want to see you in my house
    At this warmest and most cheerful hour.
    We will have fun, drink, walk,
    We will sing songs and remember the past,
    The golden anniversary has come to me,
    This is my main holiday!
    Today is a serious anniversary for me,
    And the mood is great besides,
    And I want true friends to be around
    I want to have fun and dance together.
    I promise to set a chic table for you,
    And we will open many bottles of wine together,
    And we will raise our glasses hundreds of times,
    I promise a holiday and fun - honor by honor!
    We have many happy days a year,
    And today is the most important - my anniversary.
    And there will be many beautiful bouquets in the house,
    But dear guests are dearest to me.
    So come on, on
    My birthday come
    And take a good mood with you,
    Your favorite music will play loudly
    We will be with you, as before, to light.
    A holiday is coming, and it is in my honor,
    There will be many bouquets, congratulations - do not count,
    And in these moments I want to see you next to me,
    So, I invite you to the anniversary now!
    Let's have fun, sing and dance
    And then for a long time to remember this holiday,
    My anniversary is loud, bright, golden,
    I want to celebrate my holiday with you.
    A little sad, but so nice
    Celebrating an anniversary with friends It would seem that it could be easier than writing an invitation text for an anniversary or other solemn event, but how many nuances and subtleties arise! “Dear (dear, venerable) Ivan
    What if he's not alone? And, for example, with his wife: "Dear
    Denisovich and
    And if you don’t know her and don’t know her name? Oddly enough, they most often write: "Dear
    Denisovich with his wife
    And the question arises: what about the spouse, not respected? We advise you to avoid such options of address in the text of the invitation to the anniversary. It's better to write it like this: "Dear
    I invite
    you and your wife. "
    What if
    Denisovich is not married, and does he have a girlfriend? In this case, in order not to get into a mess, at the end of the invitation, in small print, you can attribute: "The invitation is valid for two persons". And immediately everything is clear. Let your friend choose for himself with whom he will be pleased and comfortable to spend a festive evening on the occasion of your anniversary. You can also refuse the appeal altogether, and start the text of the invitation with words. and write the name of the guest on a handwritten envelope or on a business card or box if you chose a scroll as an invitation card.

    Now let's remember when to write the word "you" with a small letter, and when with a capital. According to the rules of the Russian language, we write “you” with a capital letter if we address one person, and we write “you” with a small letter if we address two or more. Here is a simple rule.
    But here it should be noted that the text of the invitation to the anniversary can be considered as the author's text, and then even if you write ("You" with a capital letter). then it will not be a terrible grammatical error. It all depends on your style and imagination. For example: I invite
    You to my 50th birthday celebration, which will take place (date, time, place, address).
    I invite
    you to a gala dinner on the occasion of my
    We invite you to a gala evening dedicated to the 15th anniversary of our company.
    We will be glad to see
    You at the celebration in honor of the presentation of the new collection.
    I will be glad to see you on May 25, 2012 at 18:00:
    00 in the restaurant "Prague" and together with you to celebrate the anniversary date of my birth.
    I have the honor to invite
    You to a solemn event on the occasion of my anniversary.
    In the texts of the invitation to
    Birthday sometimes there is such an oddity: I will be glad to see
    you on my 35th
    birthday, which will take place on November 10, 2012 on the shore of a still very warm
    mediterranean in
    Tel Aviv. See you at 19:00
    Dan Tel Aviv.
    Dress code: smart casual.
    Please note: the direct addition after the comma refers specifically to the word "Day", and not to the word "birth". And the word "Day" is masculine, so you need to write "which". In this example, it is better to remove the words "", and the sentence will become more pleasant to listen to: I will be glad to see
    you on my 35th
    Birthday November 10, 2012 on the shore is still very warm
    mediterranean in
    Tel Aviv.
    See you at 19:00
    00 in the banquet hall of the hotel
    Dan Tel Aviv.
    At the end of the invitation, as a rule, should be. Here, too, there are pitfalls.
    Have you ever wondered why in business letters after the words "Sincerely" is put. despite the fact that it is not regulated by the rules of the Russian language? But in business English, it is required 🙂.
    This English comma over the past 15 years has taken root in
    Russia, that they are trying to attach it to other options, for example: “Sincerely yours and
    Irina»»With best wishes,Alexander»
    Do not forget that the signature in the invitation is a kind of props (stamp, seal). and, of course, in the last two examples (from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language) the comma is superfluous.
    If you still decide to put a comma in the signature, then do it consciously, based on the specific situation.
    At the end of the signature of the invitation to the anniversary, a dot is not put.
    One more addition.
    If you start the invitation with the words "Dear
    Denisovich", then in the signature it is better not to repeat again "With respect", you can limit yourself to the name and surname. Good luck! Anniversary invitations Anniversary invitations in verse (text) An anniversary is very different from a birthday. Although it would seem that this is exactly the same holiday. But it is precisely for the anniversary that we want to prepare, as they say, to the fullest. And preparations should begin with compiling a list of guests and inviting them. If you do not want to buy banal invitations that your guests might have already received for another holiday, then you should come up with something new and interesting. You can, for example, make an invitation card yourself, and write your original text on it. If you decide to do so, then read our anniversary invitation texts in verse. We have prepared texts for a variety of ages, from 25, 30 and 35 years old, and up to 45, 50, 55, 60 and even 65 years old. All invitation texts are in verse, and they are very cool, and some are even witty. Your guests will definitely like it and they will definitely come.

    Livadia, perevoloki,
    Kadyshevka, Pustyn, Katav-Ivanovsk,

    Order: to Chapaevsk The text of the invitation to the anniversary of the City: Kinel
    City districts: Otradny Districts: Bezenchuksky
    We also work with cities:

    Podyachevo, Lyubytino, Kupchegen, Bor,
    Kambarka, Chaplygin,

    You can also order from us:

    1. Wedding invitations must be prepared in advance. Close relatives and friends who live with you in the same city, it is better to hand the invitation in person. All the rest can be sent by registered mail or telegram. Invitations are usually sent out two or three weeks in advance so that guests can prepare for the celebration and warn you if they are suddenly unable to attend your wedding. There are special invitation cards that can be purchased. If you have golden hands and inexhaustible imagination, you can make an invitation with your own hands. But the main thing is what will contain the invitation within itself. We offer several options for the invitation form:

    The most long-awaited and most important anniversary is 50 years. After all, it is at this age that people reach the middle of their lives. And for such an anniversary, you need to invite all your friends. Relatives, colleagues and acquaintances. Do you know how to call all of them brightly and beautifully? Here is a new invitation template for the anniversary of 50 years for a man. The invitation is made in dark and stylish colors with golden stars. And the invitation text itself is made in a light form, which gives the whole template an incredibly beautiful shade and style. Look at the template - you would definitely like to be sent just such an invitation!

    Anniversary invitations in verse (text)

    Anniversaries are very different from birthdays. Although it would seem that this is exactly the same holiday. But it is precisely for the anniversary that we want to prepare, as they say, to the fullest. And preparations should begin with compiling a list of guests and inviting them. If you do not want to buy banal invitations that your guests might have already received for another holiday, then you should come up with something new and interesting. You can, for example, make an invitation card yourself, and write your original text on it. If you decide to do so, then read our anniversary invitation texts in verse. We have prepared texts for a variety of ages, from 25, 30 and 35 years old, and up to 45, 50, 55, 60 and even 65 years old. All invitation texts are in verse, and they are very cool, and some are even witty. Your guests will definitely like it and they will definitely come.

    Do you want to gather all your friends, acquaintances and relatives at your anniversary? Then you need to send each of them an invitation to the anniversary. For you, we have made another version of the invitation, which can serve you to invite everyone to our holiday. This time it's an invitation in a vertical arrangement. That is, it will look like a poster or like a magazine that we hold in our hands. Liked the template? Then you can download it and it's completely free!

    Autumn anniversary double sided invitation template

    Anniversaries are different for everyone. And many people like to celebrate their anniversary according to the season. After all, every season is interesting and unique in its own way. If you were born in the fall, then this fall anniversary invitation template is just for you. This anniversary invitation is double-sided, that is, when you print it, you will need to fold it along the contour so that you get two sides. On the main side of the invitation there will be your photo, which you can insert yourself on your computer. And on the second side, you need to add to whom this invitation is addressed, and where, when and what time the celebration will be on such an occasion. This invitation template is perfect for those born in autumn. So if you were born in the autumn months, then choose it, because it is so symbolic.

    By sending invitations to an anniversary, you can not only inform guests about the place and time of the celebration, but also surprise them with an original approach.

    Organization of a holiday is an entertaining and exciting business, especially if this holiday is dedicated to the organizer. But in the hustle and bustle, you can miss important details, for example, forget about invitations.

    If you take the organization of the event seriously and in an original way, then by setting up invitations for the anniversary, you can surprise the guests by demonstrating to them the grandeur of the celebration and the importance of the upcoming event.
    Thus, friends and relatives will understand that not an ordinary feast is planned in a narrow circle, but a real holiday dedicated to a round and significant date.

    Where to begin?

    Invitations are the calling card of the event, so they should be designed accordingly. For example, if you take invitations for a wedding anniversary, you can build on its theme, color scheme, or any other memorable features.

    If the wedding was dominated by white and blue colors, then when designing invitation cards, it is better to observe this color scheme, so you can remind guests of the past holiday and return them to the day when they, together with the newlyweds, solemnly celebrated the creation of a new family.

    You can also do it if the wedding was themed. The symbols and attributes of the chosen theme will fit well into the interior when decorating the venue for the anniversary in honor of this event.

    Before choosing invitations, you need to think carefully and not rush, but suddenly they will still prevail over monotonous cardboard cards.

    It is also worth taking care of how invitation cards for the wedding anniversary will be presented. Of course, they can be sent by mail or handed over personally at a meeting, but if the decision to surprise has already been made, then you can come up with something unusual. For example, if the wedding was a biker wedding, then a biker can give invitations to her anniversary.

    Basic rules for creating invitations

    In itself, the invitation is nothing more than a piece of paper with text, but creativity and imagination can turn it into something unusual and amazing. To begin with, it is worth considering its design. An invitation is not always an even rectangle of paper; it can be made in completely different shapes.

    A collage of photographs of the newlyweds, which shows the gradual changes in their family that have occurred during the time that they are together, or a wooden plaque as a symbol of the strength of marriage gradually appearing over the years. In principle, there are no restrictions regarding the texture, color and shape of invitations, there is only fantasy.

    Appearance is only one of the components of the anniversary invitations, the second component is their content. The usual text of the invitation to the anniversary is the indicated place, time and date of the planned celebration, but here you can also be creative.

    If the toasts and wishes uttered by the guests are preserved on the video, then they can be used in the invitation, reminding friends and relatives of those warm words that they uttered that day, or arrange invitations in the form of riddles, the answers to which will be the same aforementioned date, time and place celebration of the anniversary.

    DIY invitations - creative approach

    You can either buy invitations or make your own, which will be much more interesting for both the heroes of the occasion and their guests. The advantage of the second option is that there are simply no restrictions. If you do everything with a soul, then such invitations can turn out much better and more beautiful than purchased ones.

    And even if you already have a certain idea about the design of the invitation, but it is impossible to bring it to life on your own, then custom-made invitations will be an option. Turning to any printing house, you can print exactly the option that you have chosen and come up with.

    Do-it-yourself anniversary invitations can be issued in a variety of options., for example, a scroll would be a good idea. Its advantage is simplicity and originality at the same time. First of all, the form of the invitation itself does not present any difficulties, secondly, its idea is already in itself, something unusual and distant from a rectangular cardboard sheet, and when designing paper, you can show your imagination by choosing an unusual font, color or its texture.

    Anniversary invitation original design

    Since now invitations for guests are only sent to a wedding, the very presence of an invitation to an anniversary will be something original. There are a lot of options for its design, it all depends on the wishes of customers and the capabilities of manufacturers. If original ideas have not yet visited your head, then you can choose one of the most popular options.

    • Video invitation.
      Such an invitation in itself is unusual. In order to make it, neither paper, nor ribbons, nor pencils are needed, a camera and a well-prepared text will be enough. You can send such an invitation to an anniversary by e-mail, a social network, or simply transfer it on a flash drive.
    • Thematic invitation.
      When choosing a specific theme of the celebration, respectively, the invitation should correspond to it. Thus, there are fewer options for its design, and more ideas. Having chosen the theme of the evening as a Hollywood party, invitations can be issued in the form of envelopes that are used at the Oscars with the included figurine, and they can be presented by a specially hired actor or the heroes of the occasion in a tuxedo and evening dress.
    • Staged invitation.
      By choosing this option, the appearance of the invitation itself fades into the background, and its presentation comes first. And even if no specific theme of the evening is chosen, the invitation can still be presented in an original way. Guests can be surprised, laughed at or frightened, for example, by handing an invitation at night in that corner of some alley when they return home late.

    How to avoid popular mistakes?

    In the design and delivery of invitations, there are also mistakes that occur with enviable regularity. The most common of these are grammatical errors, and in order to avoid them, you need to carefully consider the content and reread the text several times. First of all, you need to check the names of the guests, since Yulia's beloved friend will not be pleased to know that she was invited to the anniversary as Yuri and so on.

    Another common mistake is the bad design of invitations. Despite the fact that a maximum of imagination and creativity was involved in their manufacture, you still need to know the measure. Bulky, fragile or invitation cards that tend to quickly lose their shape are perhaps not the best idea.

    Many people tend to keep invitations as well as cards given to them for the holidays, so the longer the invitation remains in its original form, the better.

    It would seem that anniversary invitations are the simplest and most uncomplicated thing, but how much creativity and imagination can be shown when creating them, how many ways they provide to surprise friends and how many reasons to remember for a long time that evening when your relatives were honored to become guests of honor at solemn and important event in the life of their loved ones.

    Beautiful and original invitations for the anniversary: ​​video

    An anniversary invitation should be beautiful and original. We have prepared for you several videos that will tell you how to make original invitations with your own hands.

    It would seem that it could be easier than to compose the text of an invitation to an anniversary or other solemn event, but how many nuances and subtleties arise!

    So, let's start with a call:

    "Dear (dear, honorable) Ivan Denisovich!"

    What if he's not alone? And, for example, with his wife:

    "Dear Ivan Denisovich and Marya Petrovna!"

    And if you don’t know her and don’t know her name? Oddly enough, they most often write:
    "Dear Ivan Denisovich with his wife"...

    And the question arises: what about the spouse, not respected?
    We advise you to avoid such options of address in the text of the invitation to the anniversary. It's better to write it like this:

    "Dear Ivan Denisovich! I invite you and your wife..."

    And if Ivan Denisovich is not married, and he has a girlfriend? In this case, in order not to get into a mess, at the end of the invitation, in small print, you can attribute:

    "The invitation is valid for two persons".

    And immediately everything is clear. Let your friend choose for himself with whom he will be pleased and comfortable to spend a festive evening on the occasion of your anniversary.

    You can also refuse the appeal altogether, and start the text of the invitation with the words:

    "You are invited to...",
    and write the name of the guest on a handwritten envelope or on a business card or box if you chose a scroll as an invitation card.

    Now let's remember when to write the word "you" with a small letter, and when with a capital.

    According to the rules of the Russian language, we write "you" with a capital letter if we address one person, and we write "you" with a small letter if we address two or more. Here is a simple rule.

    But here it should be noted that the text of the invitation to the anniversary can be considered as the author's text, and then even if you write "I invite you..."("You" with a capital letter), then this will not be a terrible grammatical error.

    Let's go to the main text. It all depends on your style and imagination.
    For example:

    I invite you to the celebration of my 50th birthday, which will take place on (date, time, place, address)...
    I invite you to a gala dinner on the occasion of my birthday...
    We invite you to a gala evening dedicated to the 15th anniversary of our company...
    We will be glad to see you at the celebration in honor of the presentation of the new collection...
    I will be glad to see you on May 25, 2012 at 18:00 in the restaurant "Prague" and celebrate the anniversary date of my birth with you.
    I have the honor to invite you to a solemn event on the occasion of my anniversary...

    In the texts of the invitation to the birthday, there is sometimes such an oddity:

    I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday, which oh will be held November 10, 2012

    Dress code: smart casual.

    Please note: the direct addition after the comma refers specifically to the word "Day", and not to the word "birth". And the word "Day" is masculine, so you need to write "which".

    In this example, it is better to remove the words " to be held", and the sentence becomes more pleasant to listen to:

    I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday on November 10, 2012
    on the shores of the still very warm Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv.
    We meet at 19:00 in the banquet hall of the Dan Tel Aviv hotel.

    At the end of the invitation, as a rule, should be signature. Here, too, there are pitfalls.

    Have you ever wondered why in business letters after the words "Sincerely" is put comma, despite the fact that it is not regulated by the rules of the Russian language?
    But in business English it is required :).
    This English comma over the past 15 years has taken root in Russia so much that they are trying to attach it to other options, for example:

    "Sincerely yours i, C ergey and Irina"
    "Best regards i, A lexander"

    Do not forget that the signature in the invitation is a kind of props (stamp, seal), and, of course, in the last two examples (from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language) a comma is superfluous.
    If you still decide to put a comma in the signature, then do it consciously, based on the specific situation.

    About the dot at the end of the signature:

    At the end of the signature of the invitation to the anniversary, a dot is not put.

    One more addition.
    If you start the invitation with the words "Dear Ivan Denisovich", then in the signature it is better not to repeat "With respect" again, you can limit yourself to the first and last name.

    Good luck!
    We hope you have found something useful on this page.
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