• The captain's daughter is a problem of loyalty and betrayal. Composition on the topic: “Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. What questions to think about


    One of the topics of the final essay on literature for 2020 graduates may be the topic “Loyalty and betrayal”.

    By mistake, when writing a work, schoolchildren begin to consider and compare these two concepts - fidelity and betrayal - exclusively from the point of view of romantic relationships. In fact, they are very broad and versatile. Loyalty is not only steadfastness in feelings, but also the fulfillment of one's duties and duty, responsibility, steadfastness, devotion and constancy. And betrayal is not only a violation of fidelity to a loved one, but in general betrayal, infidelity, treachery, apostasy.

    In the essay, as recommended by FIPI, loyalty and betrayal should be compared as opposites, and they can be considered from any point of view: ethical, philosophical, psychological. Those students who do not confine themselves to meager reasoning, but also give a variety of life, historical and literary examples in the essay, have a chance to increase their grade. The latter will be simple: loyalty and betrayal are found in the plots of many works. Will increase appreciation and use of citations. Moreover, one can quote both the thinkers of antiquity (“Only once do we lose life and trust” - the ancient Roman poet Publilius Sir), and modern authors. For example, we can cite the words of the bard Vladimir Vysotsky: “In this world, I value only loyalty. Without it, you are nobody and you have nobody. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.”

    What could be your essay on the topic “Loyalty and betrayal”? You can consider these two concepts in the broadest sense, but you can only refer to the love sphere. Perhaps someone will want to write about loyalty to their homeland and treason, while another will decide to describe these feelings towards friends or just a person who has trusted you. The specific topics of such an essay can be as narrow as possible: about loyalty and betrayal in relation to oneself, one's goals, moral principles, religious beliefs, and also, for example, about the loyalty of pets to their owners.

    An approximate list of literary works and carriers of problems in the direction of "Loyalty and treason"

    Direction Approximate list of literary works Carriers of the problem
    Loyalty and betrayal A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin" Tatyana Larina– true to her love, true to her husband, true to herself.
    A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Petr Grinev(faithful to his father's mandate), captain Mironov(faithful to duty) wife of Captain Mironov(faithful to her husband) Masha Mironova(faithful to her love and ready to defend her), Shvabrin (betrayal of duty, friendship).
    M. Yu. Lermontov "The Fugitive" Fugitive who left the battlefield is worthy of only contempt.
    A. I. Kuprin. "Garnet bracelet" Mr. Zheltkov(faithful to love).
    M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" Yeshua Ha-Nozri(loyalty to one's convictions) margarita(fidelity to one's love).
    A. N. Ostrovsky. "Thunderstorm" Katerina(fidelity to one's love, betrayal of her husband).
    F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment" Sonechka Marmeladova(loyalty to one's convictions, disinterested help to others).
    N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Taras Bulba, Ostap- Loyalty to comradeship, loyalty to the motherland. Andriy- betrayal for love.
    L. N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Zhilin- fidelity to duty, home, hope only for yourself. Kostylin- cowardice and expectation of help from others (a letter to the mother asking for a money transfer for ransom).
    I. Bunin "Dark alleys" Hope(fidelity to his love for Nicholas).
    A. Green "Scarlet Sails" Assol(loyalty to a dream).
    M. Sholokhov. "Destiny of Man". Andrey Sokolov(loyalty to the Motherland, to oneself and one's ideas of honor).

    Other directions of the final essay.

    The love of Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina is tragic in many ways. Onegin did not take seriously the recognition of the heroine in love, and only a few years later he spoke about his feelings. But by that time Tatyana was already married. The heroine still loved Onegin. It would seem that she waited for reciprocity. But Tatyana Larina is a faithful and devoted wife. She acted according to, remaining faithful to her husband, whom she did not love. Her deed deserves respect.

    A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

    Loyalty to one's Motherland is the moral principle of Pyotr Grinev. When Pugachev captured the Belogorsk fortress, the hero had a choice: go over to the side of the enemy, recognizing the sovereign in Pugachev, and save his life or die without betraying his country. Petr Grinev chose the second option. He was ready to give his life, but to keep his dignity. The act of the hero is an example of true loyalty to one's moral principles, military duty and the Motherland.

    N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza"

    The feelings of Erast and Lisa were sincere. But, when the girl gave herself to Erast, the feelings began to fade. Lisa is a faithful, devoted girl who knows how to truly love. But Erast was different. He betrayed Lisa. After losing his money, he married a rich widow, and Lisa said that he was leaving for the war. The girl could not survive: not seeing the point in living, she threw herself into the pond.

    L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

    Natasha Rostova wanted to run away with Anatole Kuragin, although she had a fiancé - Andrei Bolkonsky. The girl was ready for treason because of her inexperience, youth and gullibility. This act does not make her a terrible person. What happened brought Natasha Rostova a lot of torment, she realized the fallacy of her act. Remaining faithful to her lover was a test for the girl.

    N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

    Taras Bulba is a man true to his word, to his state. He does not tolerate betrayal, boldly fights with enemies. Andriy, his youngest son, betrays the Cossacks. The concept of fidelity for Taras Bulba is more important than family ties. He kills his son, not wanting to come to terms with his act. The outlook of Taras Bulba is an example of fidelity to one's moral principles, one's Motherland, one's comrades.

    Loyalty is a trait of noble people. This is the ability to be faithful to the last, no matter what the circumstances. You can be faithful to your homeland, family, just cause, loved one, friend. The complete opposite of faithful people are traitors who have chosen their own well-being, they do not care about the fate of their country or loved ones. They are able to stick a knife in the back, divulge someone else's secret, weave a conspiracy against those who trust them.

    Many works of Russian literature raise the theme of loyalty and betrayal. Writers are trying to convey to the reader what guides a person who is capable of treason. These themes are key in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

    The main character Pyotr Grinev is an example of honesty and loyalty to the oath. He is incorruptible even in the face of death. Despite all the hardships and trials, commandant Ivan Kuzmich Mironov and his wife Vasilisa Yegorovna kept their loyalty to the state and the oath. The symbol of fidelity to a loved one is Masha Mironova. She faced a difficult choice - to save her life by marrying the traitor Shvabrin, or to remain faithful and wait for Grinev. Masha is so devoted to him that she withstood everything and asked the Empress to have mercy on him.

    An extraordinary personality in the novel is Emelyan Pugachev. He helps Grinev and Savelich along the way, they remain a stranger to them, and receives a hare sheepskin coat as a reward. Later, recognizing Peter, he pardons him, despite the fact that Grinev refused to give him an oath. But it turned out that Pugachev remembers his good deed. Pugachev is a negative character, but he also, to some extent, remains faithful to his ideas, even though he goes against the Empress. In addition, we must pay tribute, Emelyan Pugachev fulfilled all the promises that he made.

    Treason and betrayal in the novel is personified by Shvabrin. For his own benefit, he betrayed the Motherland, defiled the officer's honor and betrayed the people who fought with him.

    But life and circumstances sooner or later put everything in its place.

    And although it is still hard for faithful and honest people, they endure many trials for the sake of what is sacred to them, but in the end their nobility will be rewarded. Traitors, although they live well for the time being, for the time being, will be forced to answer for their misdeeds.

    Cool! 7

    The famous story of Pushkin A.S. "The Captain's Daughter" captures the reader from the first term. In this work, the fates of heroes with different aspirations and characters are intertwined, and sincere and pure love flares up against the backdrop of a passing rebellion.

    One of the best representatives of the nobility of that era is Grinev Petr. Peter's childhood passed, just like that of his peers who lived in provincial cities. Grinev received the basics of education from Savelich, who was aspirant on his father's estate. Under his guidance, by the age of twelve, the teenager learned Russian and could tell a lot about greyhound males. The Frenchman Beaupre took up further education of the child; he was specially brought from Moscow.

    Already a young man, Grinev goes to the service of Her Majesty, at the behest of his father, in order to defend his fatherland. At seventeen, he already knew the value of the words honor and conscience. This period became a very important episode in the life of Pyotr Grinev. Being in the fortress of Belgorod, he is fascinated by writing poetry and an event occurs that influenced his whole life, Peter fell in love with Masha Mironova.

    Nobility for Grinev is not an empty phrase, the young man is ready to die in a duel with the scoundrel Shvabrin just to prevent the scoundrel from discrediting the name of his beloved. The continuation of the story convinces even more of a sense of duty and devotion to his homeland. His refusal to go over to the side of Pugachev, who came to the fortress, is based on the fact that Grinev has already sworn allegiance to the empress and, as a real officer and nobleman, cannot break this word.

    A very striking episode of Pushkin's work becomes, without the slightest delay and hesitation, the coming to the aid of Masha, who was held captive by the scoundrel Shvabrin.

    But still, describing Grinev as a positive character, Pushkin does not for a moment allow us to consider that the hero of the story is ideal. Despite the fact that Pyotr Grinev treated Savelich very well, he always saw him as his servant, not allowing him to forget his family tree. Like all nobles, Grinev enjoyed all the privileges of his rank granted to him, and did not think about the injustice of serfdom, which made the serfs practically slaves. Sympathy for ordinary people in the work is also not to be found. The only person whom he really did not treat as the lower class was Pugachev. Of course, you can understand and forgive a lot of the hero, attributing the shortcomings to youth and ardent love for the girl. Otherwise, why did the genius of Pushkin have to put so much effort and time into this work, revealing to the readers the soul of Grinev.

    Even more, in the positive image of Peter, the nobleman Shvabrin convinces another character in the story. This is a vicious, vindictive and vile person, ready to sacrifice everything, even his feelings for his beloved Masha, to achieve his goal.

    Not possessing any outstanding virtues, strength or resourcefulness, Peter conquers with his sincerity and nobility. The image of Peter Grinev, revealed in detail in the work, will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated reader.

    Even more essays on the topic: "Pyotr Andreevich Grinev":

    Probably, there is no such person who would not know the name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Everyone knows that Pushkin was the most famous outstanding writer, a great man, whose works were read, are being read, and will be read.

    A.S. Pushkin was fond of studying Russian history. He was especially attracted by stories about peasant riots and uprisings.

    The story "The Captain's Daughter" is a vivid example of a historical work. The story tells in detail about the events of the 18th century, about the peasant war, headed by Emelyan Pugachev.

    "The Captain's Daughter" was written in 1833-1836. The plot of the story is captivating, and the characters are remembered for a long time and remain in the hearts of readers.

    One of the main characters is Pyotr Grinev. I liked this character of The Captain's Daughter more than anyone else.

    The epigraph of "The Captain's Daughter" is the Russian proverb "take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age" and Pushkin chose this proverb not by chance. These words accompanied Pyotr Grinev throughout his life.

    Pyotr Andreevich was brought up from childhood according to strict rules and regulations. His father was a moral man and wanted to instill in him the qualities of a true patriot, to teach Peter to live according to the laws of honor and conscience. And in spite of everything, Grinev Jr. became such a person and remained so to the end. He was kind and romantic, noble and generous. Getting into various life situations, he behaves with dignity, as befits a Russian officer. Peter will never betray anyone, neither his girlfriend, nor his friend. for the homeland, for the native and close to his heart, he will give anything.

    Grinev was undoubtedly the positive hero of this novel, you need to learn from his actions, take an example from him. And if in our time there were more people like him, then life would become easier.

    Source: www.allsoch.ru

    Pyotr Grinev is the main character in A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". The reader goes through the entire life path of the protagonist, the formation of his personality, reveals his attitude to the ongoing events, of which he is a participant.

    The kindness of the mother and the simplicity of the life of the Grinev family developed softness and even sensitivity in Petrusha. He is eager to go to the Semyonovsky regiment, where he was assigned from birth, but his dreams of life in St. Petersburg are not destined to come true - his father decides to send his son to Orenburg.

    And here is Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress. Instead of formidable, impregnable bastions, there is a village surrounded by a log fence, with thatched huts. Instead of a strict, angry boss, there is a commandant who went out for training in a cap and a dressing gown; Instead of a brave army, there are elderly invalids. Instead of a deadly weapon - an old cannon clogged with debris.

    Life in the Belogorsk fortress reveals to the young man the beauty of the life of simple kind people, gives rise to the joy of communicating with them. “There was no other society in the fortress; but I didn’t want anything else, ”recalls Grinev, the author of the notes. Not military service, not reviews and parades attract a young officer, but conversations with nice, simple people, literature studies, love experiences. It is here, in the “God-saved fortress”, in the atmosphere of a patriarchal life, that the best inclinations of Pyotr Grinev grow stronger.

    The young man fell in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress Masha Mironova. Faith in her feelings, sincerity and honesty caused a duel between Grinev and Shvabrin: Shvabrin dared to laugh at the feelings of Masha and Peter. The duel ended unsuccessfully for the main character. During the recovery, Masha looked after Peter and this served to bring the two young people closer. However, their desire to get married was opposed by Grinev's father, who was angry with his son's duel and did not give his blessing for the marriage.

    The quiet and measured life of the inhabitants of the distant fortress was interrupted by the Pugachev uprising. Participation in hostilities shook Peter Grinev, made him think about the meaning of human existence. An honest, decent, noble man turned out to be the son of a retired major, who was not afraid of the formidable appearance of the leader of the "gang of bandits and rebels", dared to stand up for his beloved girl, who had become an orphan in one day. Hatred and disgust for cruelty and inhumanity, Grinev's humanity and kindness allowed him not only to save his life and the life of Masha Mironova, but also to earn the respect of Emelyan Pugachev - the leader of the uprising, the rebel, the enemy.

    Honesty, straightforwardness, loyalty to the oath, a sense of duty - these are the character traits that Peter Grinev acquired while serving in the Belogorsk fortress.

    Source: www.litra.ru

    The work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" written in 1873 contains a story about the honor and duty of a young officer Petrusha Grinev. From the first chapters of this story, one can see how responsibly Petrusha behaved in repaying his debt to Zurin. The parting words of the father for Grinev were not in vain, the feelings of the protagonist are filled with love for the fatherland and duty to the empress.

    Peter, not afraid, appeared before Pugachev, allowing him to decide his fate himself, thus he received Pugachev's respect and his pardon. Pugachev also helped Pyotr Grineev with the proceeds of Maria Mironova, repaying him with a favor for a favor. Even the dirty tricks of Alexei Shvabrin did not break the strong spirit of Pyotr Grineev. His betrayal and slander gave a taste of the injustice and cruel life of a young officer. But even here Peter does not give up, recognized as a traitor and accomplice of Pugachev, he boldly accepts punishment.

    Fortunately, Greneev's beloved Maria Mironova decides to go to the Empress herself to prove the innocence of her beloved. The usual simplicity and sincerity of Mary helps her to defend the honor of her lover and the fate of the main characters is quite happy.

    I think this story speaks of the honor of duty and the right to choose. Using the example of the main characters, A.S. Pushkin makes it clear that a person is not always free to control his own destiny, but the choice always remains with the person and his future fate depends on the decision he makes.

    Source: znanija.com

    Pyotr Grinev is the main character of the story. He is 17 years old, he is a Russian nobleman who has just entered the military service. One of the main qualities of Grinev is sincerity. He is sincere with the characters of the novel and with the readers. Talking about his life, he did not seek to embellish it. On the eve of the duel with Shvabrin, he is excited and does not hide it: "I confess that I did not have that composure, which almost always boast of those who were in my position." He also directly and simply speaks of his condition before the conversation with Pugachev on the day he captured the Belogorsk fortress: “The reader can easily imagine that I was not completely cold-blooded.”

    Grinev does not hide his negative actions either (an incident in a tavern, during a snowstorm, in a conversation with the Orenburg general). Gross mistakes are atoned for by his remorse (the case of Savelch).

    Grinev's soul has not yet hardened in military service. He shuddered at the sight of the mutilated Bashkir, captured while distributing Pugachev's leaflets. The singing of the Pugachevtsy makes a strong impression on him: “It is impossible to tell what effect this simple song about the gallows, sung by people doomed to the gallows, had on me. Their formidable faces, slender voices, the dull expression that they gave to words that were already expressive - everything shook me with some kind of poetic horror.

    Grinev was not a coward. He accepts the challenge to a duel without hesitation. He is one of the few defending the Belogorsk fortress, when, despite the command of the commandant, "the timid garrison does not move." He returns for the straggler Savelich.

    These actions also characterize Grinev as a person capable of love. Grinev is not vindictive, he sincerely puts up with Shvabrin. He does not tend to be malicious. Leaving the Belogorsk fortress, with Masha freed by order of Pugachev, he sees Shvabrin and turns away, not wanting to "triumph over the humiliated enemy."

    A distinctive feature of Grinev is the habit of paying good for good with the ability to be grateful. He gives Pugachev his sheepskin coat, thanks for saving Masha.

    Loyalty. What it is? This is the moral basis on which the human world rests. This is devotion to one's principles, duty, Motherland, one's land, parents, friends and loved ones. The opposite concept is treason. A person changes, first of all, to himself, not withstanding the test of moral strength. For loyalty and treason, people are tested primarily in relation to their duty, to the Fatherland. This is especially evident in the years of severe trials, in the years of war.

    Let's look at some examples from the literature.

    In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is about a popular uprising led by Pugachev. Almost all storylines of the story are connected with this. The main character is Pyotr Grinev, a young officer who serves in the Belogorsk fortress. When the fortress was captured by the Pugachevites, he was faced with a choice: to die, but remain faithful to the oath, to the Fatherland, or to stay alive, but betray his duty, betray those moral principles that were laid down in him from childhood. “Take care of honor from a young age,” the father instructed his son, seeing him off to the service. And Grinev saved his honor, remained faithful to his oath and was ready to die, but not go over to the side of the impostor. And Pushkin speaks of treason in his work. Shvabrin, also a young officer, swears allegiance to Pugachev so as not to be hanged. He betrays his military duty, his oath to faithfully serve the Tsar and the Fatherland. Of course, who wants to die young. But betrayal is a disgrace, contempt of people, and it has never made a person happier.

    M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" speaks of loyalty to human and military duty. The main character, Andrei Sokolov, endured many trials: he fought, was captured, lost his family, but even in the most difficult moments of his life he managed to remain a man and a faithful defender of his native land. Loyalty does not live in every heart. Recall the episode, which tells about how the prisoners were kept in a barn, in inhuman conditions. And one of them is ready to betray the others, point out the communists and Komsomol members to the Nazis in order to survive, to curry favor with the enemies, to save his life. He does not stand the test, betrays his duty, would become a traitor, if not for Andrei Sokolov, who kills the traitor. The author wants to say that only such qualities as loyalty and courage help people to keep a person in themselves.

    The story of V. Bykov "Sotnikov" also speaks of loyalty and betrayal of one's human and military duty. The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. Two main characters, Sotnikov and Rybak, face death: they fall into the clutches of enemies. Courageously keeps Sotnikov. Beaten, tormented, he does not agree to go to the service of the Nazis, remains faithful to his comrades-in-arms, the military oath, and the Motherland. Courage, courage, loyalty to his native land help him to remain a man to the end. And what about the second - Rybak? He was already afraid when he left a comrade on the road, who alone was shooting with the policemen. And only the fear of the partisans made Rybak return. He became a traitor in the face of death: he agreed to go to the police to save his life, and even became an executioner: he knocked out a stool under the gallows on which Sotnikov stood. Loyalty and treason manifest themselves most clearly in war.

    Thinking about loyalty and treason, rereading the works of Russian writers, I came to the conclusion that loyalty, devotion to the country, love for the Fatherland is the key to courage, honor, the preservation of human dignity, and treason is shame, cowardice, the path to betrayal.

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