• What destroys friendship: essays, arguments, examples from literature. What destroys friendship? I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"


    Friendship is one of the most frequent topics at the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination; arguments from the literature are found in almost all works of the school curriculum.

    However, when writing an essay, it is important not only to be able to retell the plot, but also to formulate the thesis and the problem, which often causes the greatest difficulties for students.

    What is friendship - a definition for an essay

    Friendship - close relationships arising on mutual understanding, mutual respect and community of interests.

    Partnership is called one of the best moral feelings of a person, because it involves disinterested help, sympathy, support in difficult situations.

    Without true friendship, life is nothing. True friends are not given to every person, but the one who has them is truly happy.

    Arguments from literature for an essay on friendship

    When writing a final essay in grade 11 or grade 9, you need to use arguments from fiction. At the same time, it is better to take works of Russian and foreign classics that take place in the school curriculum.

    Worth considering: the work of modern authors is not forbidden, but it should be borne in mind that the verifier may not know this work, which will make it difficult to check the essay, may lead to additional questions and deduction of points.

    Be sure to highlight in the source text the problem that needs to be correctly formulated. For example: "the problem of children's friendship and children's games", but not "children's friendship and children's games". After that, you need to write the theses, that is, the main ideas of this text.

    Several problems can be given, but the main one is one that runs throughout the text and touches on its main theme.

    Each person understands the text in his own way, so the problems of one text for different students may differ slightly. Points are not deducted for this if the problem is formulated correctly and the right arguments are selected for it.

    Examples of friendship in literary works

    The arguments are taken from the works that take place in the course of Russian literature at school.

    I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

    Highlighted in the text the problem of fellowship of opposite people. When Oblomov and Stolz were children, they had a lot in common.

    There is nothing more disinterested than childhood friendship, when the characters were curious, cheerful and eager to learn new things.

    However, with age, Oblomov more and more went into the world of his dreams and dreams, lost interest in life and ceased to be interested in what was happening around him.

    Stolz, in turn, remained an active person, he was interested in many things, he wanted to try himself in different areas.

    Despite this, the heroes maintained their warm relationship throughout their lives and after growing up remained close people, they were always happy to see each other, discuss problems or difficulties.

    M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

    The author highlights the problems of the lack of true friendship in a person's life, the inability to sincere relationships and mutual assistance.

    The main character, Pechorin, never recognized partnership, believing that one of the friends is always the slave of the other.

    Maxim Maksimych sincerely considered Pechorin his friend, while the main character himself called him only a friend. Grushnitsky, whom Pechorin, on the contrary, singled out from his social circle, did not seek to have close relations with him.

    And only Werner, it would seem, could be truly friends with Pechorin, but this did not happen either. Both heroes are too selfish and insensitive to selflessly help the other without demanding anything in return.

    F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

    The work raises a problem values ​​of true friendship and devotion.

    Razumikhin and Raskolnikov are not ideal, they can even be called antagonistic heroes.

    However, both of them know how to be friends and value their friendly relations.

    Raskolnikov, although annoyed, feeling the excessive care of a friend, appreciates it. And Razumikhin, in turn, gladly helps Raskolnikov, takes care of him and takes care of him, without demanding anything in return.

    It is more important for him to give than to receive, and in these relationships he feels happy.

    I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    The author touches the problem of imaginary, fake friendship, which quickly falls apart due to different interests.

    Bazarov, brought up in an ordinary middle-class family and accustomed to work, denies love, honor, faith and calls himself a nihilist.

    At first, he is interested in Kirsanov, who, on the contrary, shows a penchant for the natural sciences, music, and poetry. Eugene gladly agrees to go to the luxurious Kirsanovs' estate, but quickly realizes that he is superfluous here.

    A friend does not support his interests, does not help him in conducting experiments, for which Bazarov reproaches Arkady for being too soft and infantile, and their friendship quickly fades away.

    L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

    The text poses a problem true friendship, which, unlike the imaginary one, cannot be destroyed by anything and never.

    The partnership of Andrei and Pierre withstood all the tests, the heroes did not allow it to fall apart due to distrust or betrayal, they did not subject it to vicious temptations.

    Thanks to a warm relationship, Andrey and Pierre went through many difficulties and managed to make the right choice, maintaining communication for the rest of their lives.

    Examples of friendship in human history

    Perhaps the most striking example of this in Russian history is the close relationship between Alexander Menshikov and Peter the Great.

    Having met at a young age, they, despite the difference in origin, immediately became friends.

    Later, Menshinkov was an indispensable assistant and "right hand" of the tsar, and after his death he began to formally rule the state. While Peter unconditionally trusted his friend with all his affairs, including very personal ones, and turned a blind eye to many of his oversights.

    Many Russian rulers had friends and girlfriends. So, Catherine II also had a devoted friend - Countess Anna Naryshkina, who was an attorney in all love affairs of the Empress.

    She was aware of Catherine's personal relationships, carried love letters, organized secret meetings with her lovers. In addition, Anna, together with her husband, were among the organizers of the palace coup, thanks to which Catherine became Empress.

    Examples from life experience

    Examples from life can also be cited as arguments, but they will no longer be evaluated with two points, like arguments from literature or facts from history, but with just one.

    You can describe in your own words a real case from your life or the life of acquaintances or friends that corresponds to the selected problem.

    Of course, no one will check the plausibility of the stories written, and they can simply be invented. This is a good outlet for students who cannot make other arguments on the topic.

    Short stories about friendship

    It is not always possible to master a long novel; before the OGE or the USE, you can refresh your memory of short stories and stories by Russian writers, and take arguments for essays from there.

    A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

    In the work, the author puts the problem of imaginary friendship, betrayal of a friend because of the opinion of society.

    Onegin challenges Lensky, his best friend, to a duel, realizing that someone will have to die.

    The protagonist does not want to shoot with a friend, but he is afraid of public condemnation due to the canceled duel. As a result, Onegin wounded Lensky with a shot, and he died from the bullet of his best friend.

    A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

    The author of the book poses the problem of a broken friendship, which, due to a sudden outbreak of conflict, has turned into a real enmity.

    The reason for this is the pride of Troekurov and Dubrovsky, the manifestation of their rash actions and ardent characters.

    When everything could be changed, Troekurov did not want this, he wanted to teach his friend a lesson, showing his superiority.

    As a result, after a quarrel, Kirill Petrovich took his native village from Dubrovsky, and the hero could not survive the betrayal.

    A. M. Gorky "Childhood"

    The writer formulates the problem true friendship, sincerity and mutual understanding.

    The main character - the boy Alyosha - did not find a kindred spirit among the neighbor boys.

    Once he met a "freeloader" - a man who rented a room in the Kashirins' backyard, nicknamed Good Deed.

    Alyosha was immediately drawn to this man, the boy understood that the lodger was as lonely as he was. The protagonist often comes to the room to the Good Deed, they are silent, understanding each other without words.

    Sometimes a friend says words to Alyosha, which the boy then remembers for the rest of his life. After Alyosha's grandfather kicked out the lodger, the boy did not forget him. He considered the Good Deed to be the first of the good people he met in his life.

    A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

    Stands out in the story the problem of lack of friends, human loneliness in the crowd.

    A peasant woman named Matrona, who lived all her life for others: her adopted daughter, the collective farm, her neighbors, ended up being useless to anyone.

    During her lifetime, she was lonely, and after her death, the woman's relatives thought only about the division of property, crying at the wake, more by tradition than out of pity.

    "Poor people" F. M. Dostoevsky

    In his work, the author puts the problem of mutual assistance, indifference, which ultimately lead to disastrous results.

    Makar, wanting to help his beloved named Varenka, sells a new uniform and takes a salary in advance. As a result, he is fired.

    The girl, despite the difficult financial situation, also gives Makar a penny, which he immediately drinks away. The heroes blindly tried to help each other, not thinking about the expediency and consequences of such help.

    Works about friendship for children

    For essays, stories or speeches on this topic, you can take arguments from the literature for children.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

    The author talks about the problem true friendship, loyalty and emotional intimacy between the characters.

    When the Prince meets the Fox, he just wants to play with him. But the Fox replied that first you need to "tame" him, that is, every day to come to the same place and talk to him a little.

    After that, the Prince and the Fox became friends, and the fox often told his friend that the Prince was responsible for him, because he had already tamed him.

    J.K. Rowling "Harry Potter"

    The writer formulates a problem true friendship, devotion and mutual assistance that the heroes carry through their whole lives.

    Harry, Ron and Hermione meet on the train during a trip to Hogwarts. Despite their different personalities, the guys quickly find a common language and become best friends.

    Together they go through many tests, showing themselves as honest, sympathetic people, not indifferent to the troubles of others.

    Harry, Ron and Hermione have repeatedly risked their lives to help each other, saved each other from the most difficult situations and did not allow anyone to destroy their warm relationship.

    It was thanks to the solidarity of the guys that all the evil was punished, Harry was no longer in danger, and Hogwarts again became a safe place for numerous students.

    V. G. Korolenko "In bad company"

    Another children's work that touches on the problem of loneliness, and then an honest and open childhood friendship.

    The main character Vasya was lonely, he had no friends, and his father did not understand the feelings of his own son, paying all his attention to his little daughter.

    After meeting with Valik and Marusya, the hero's life changed: some meaning appeared in his life, he brought apples to Marusya and talked with Valik about various things. Vasya liked to take care of his friends, and for them he became a source of care and love, which they lacked so much.

    Thanks to friends, Vasya took a different look at his father and found a common language with his sister. After the death of Marusya and the departure of Valik from the city, Vasya's life was not at all the same as before.

    All his life he remembered friends who, with their short appearance, brought many new and joyful moments into his fate.

    Conclusion on the role of friendship in human life

    Thus, friendship is one of the most beautiful human feelings, based on trust, support, mutual assistance and close personal contact. Often it is not appreciated, taken for granted, while there are many lonely people in the world who have not known this feeling.

    Everyone should understand that true friendship is not given to everyone. Anyone who has truly made friends at least once in their life is a truly happy person.

    Each person puts his own concept in the word "friendship". For some, it is important that people are similar, for some it is more interesting to be with a person with completely different principles of life, for some, a “vest for tears” is simply urgently needed, etc.

    What destroys friendship?

    Anna, 26 years old

    The habit of envy can destroy any friendship! A person cannot sincerely rejoice if another is better than his. It was like that with all my friends. It got to the point that we had nothing to talk about, because I was afraid of offending them with my successes.

    Lyudmila, 48 years old

    Any friendship can be destroyed by betrayal! You trust a person with all your secrets, the most intimate, and he takes you with a knife in the back, moreover, at the moment when you least expect it. Therefore, I know for sure that it is impossible to discuss your problems with friends, it is better to do this with your husband, child, sister - these people will definitely not set you up!

    Igor, 25 years old

    In friendship, everyone pulls the blanket over himself, and this is what destroys it. Everyone wants to be in the forefront, so that everyone does as he wants. When two strong people meet, they cannot divide the territory and it starts: I told you that it was necessary to do it my way!

    Irina, 33 years old

    If a man gets in the way of women, their friendship is over! Proven life experience. It doesn’t even matter how much they both went through, overcame problems and helped each other. Everyone wants to be happy, and is even ready to give up friendship in favor of love. As people say: there can be many girlfriends, but one husband. Although, I'm not sure that this works in life at 100%.

    Anton, 33 years old

    I believe that two self-sufficient people should be friends, otherwise the success of one will constantly put pressure on the other and soon the friendship will end. This often happens with childhood friends. At first they grow up in the same yard, but time goes by, and by the age of 30 someone takes the post of leader, and someone could not even graduate from the university. Adult life is not playing war games on the street.

    Each person has friends with whom they want to communicate, arrange gatherings and just chat about nothing. However, fun and carelessness is not yet an indicator of the reliability of those with whom it is pleasant to spend time. True friendship is not limited to ordinary friendships.

    It happens that the one you rely on most of all fails and betrays in the most difficult moment. I no longer want to have anything in common with such a person, and there can be no talk of further friendship.

    Betrayal is the biggest enemy of friendship. It is known, after all, that “the betrayer

    One day, he will betray again.”

    Perhaps a person will repent all his life and regret that he could not resist the temptation to make a career at the expense of a friend or blabbed to everyone about what was entrusted only to him. But the old trusting relationship is unlikely to be established. A friend can only forgive and forget an insult, but friendship can no longer be returned.

    The destructive consequences for the strongest friendship are fraught with envy. Yes, envy is lurking for the time being. Until the very moment when a friend takes off up the career ladder, when he has excellent relationships with business partners, and his business is quickly going uphill.

    Very few know how to rejoice in the success of others.

    Often, an envious friend is literally eaten up by thoughts: “why is everything to him, but nothing to me, why am I worse than him.” Envy breeds anger and discontent. There are unfounded claims and reproaches against a more successful friend. A wall of misunderstanding grows out of all this, and former bosom friends gradually move away from each other.

    In the worst case, envy develops into outright revenge and meanness.

    If everything is good in your life, it is very difficult to immediately recognize which of your friends is infinitely devoted to you and who is joyful from your achievements. We must learn to understand people. It comes with time.

    Over time, all those with whom a person was not on the way are eliminated, but the most faithful and most reliable, true friends remain.

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    Reasons for the destruction of friendship. Examples from literary works.

    Life in society is inevitably connected with communication. In the process, we experience different feelings for this or that person. Some attract us, the second cause rejection or a neutral attitude. We are talking about the first - friends.

    Interestingly, in the first days of communication, their interest and magic go away. If friendship is real, then it stays with people for a long time, for life. Otherwise, it is subject to destruction. What can lead to such a situation - let's talk in more detail.

    What destroys friendship: essays, arguments, reasons

    girlfriends sit on the couch and chat cutely

    True friendship always stands the test of time. Different situations, people and events help two friends to check their relationship to each other. To understand the reasons that destroy it, pay attention to what underlies it:

    • unselfishness
    • commonality of views, interests in the narrow or broadest sense
    • respect
    • accepting another person for who they are
    • sympathy
    • sincerity

    The reasons for the destruction of friendship are:

    • Discussing a friend's life with strangers, making fun of them.
    • Ignoring requests for help or simply the need to talk.
    • Money. For example, when one of the friends borrowed the second amount, which he does not give back for a long time.
    • Other people who appear in the life of one of the friends. They insist on breaking their friendship, demand it. For example, a wife/husband can become a destroyer of their spouse's friendship with another person.
    • Weak character and inability to defend their interests, friendship.
    • Deception of one friend by the second in something serious or repeatedly in trifles, betrayal.
    • Lack of sincerity, depth of communication.
    • A difficult situation that shows the true face of people, such as a broken limb, a serious illness, the threat of arrest, etc.
    • Belief in gossip and strangers who speak impartially about the actions and words of a friend. At the same time, you do not want to communicate with him, clarify the situation, listen to him.
    • Poor communication, when one of the friends does not listen to the other, is not interested in his life, experiences.
    • Distance and time. For example, your friend left for permanent residence in another country and rarely comes. Over time, your friendship will lose the strength it used to have. Your interests and social circle will change.
    • class inequality. The naturally rich socialize and befriend their peers.
    • A radical change in lifestyle, the interests of one of the friends. For example, before they were both omnivores, now one has become an ardent vegetarian and is in a religious society.
    • Self-interest when one does something for another with the expectation of gratitude or reciprocal favors in the future.
    • Envy.

    What destroys friendship: examples from literature

    painting Onegin and Lensky

    In literary works you will find examples of the destruction of friendship due to various factors and circumstances. Let us briefly recall a few as examples.

    • Poem by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".
      Onegin and Lensky are people too different in their inner content. The open and reverent love of the second for Olga Larina aroused envy in the first. This led to a duel and the death of one of his former friends, Lensky. Although Onegin tried to explain to a friend that his choice of a lady of the heart was wrong. Due to the difference in characters, perception of reality, Lensky took it differently. There is no one to blame in this story, but everyone played a role in the destruction of friendship.
    • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".
      Kirsanov and Bazarov were separated by life. One found himself in married life and housekeeping, the other, on the contrary, was disappointed in love and resigned himself to loneliness.
      On the other hand, the charismatic Bazarov overshadows Kirsanov, which depresses the latter, makes him feel out of place.
    • The tragedy of A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri". The work presents a situation when envy and rivalry between friends create an abyss between them, destroys their bright feelings for each other.

    People can do wonderful things and destroy the most beautiful friendships. There are many reasons for the latter, but there are also moments when life itself makes its own adjustments. A quarrel, a scandal, a break in friendships are always painful. If it's not possible to fix the situation, thank the person for the friendship, learn from it, and be wiser in the future with your new friends!

    Video: 4 things that ruin a friendship

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