• Can you lighten your hair at home? How to lighten hair at home: Peroxide, cinnamon, honey - What to choose? Pros and cons


    Every woman values ​​her image. One of the easiest ways to maintain or change your image is to color your hair. Our article is devoted to how to properly lighten hair at home, while maintaining their health.

    The biggest problem with lightening and bleaching hair is its dryness and brittleness, as well as deterioration in appearance. Thus, it is important to choose the right remedy. All your hair care efforts should be focused on nourishing and moisturizing them. Therefore, we advise you to make your own hair lightening products on your own, from natural products, using time-tested folk methods. Their undeniable advantages are availability, as well as the possibility of using at home.

    In Ancient Greece, blond hair meant youth and health, Greek women used potash water and yellow flowers to bleach their curls, and women of Ancient Rome used a mixture of wood ash and vinegar.

    Lightening hair with peroxide

    It cannot be said that this method is the best, because it spoils the hair. However, only peroxide is able to cope with dark hair, the color of which is very difficult to change. In addition, the result is instant. For dry and thin hair that absorb moisture well, a lower concentration should be used, and for coarse hair, the concentration should be increased. Ammonia is also added to speed up the clarification process.

    How to lighten hair with glycerin

    Despite the emergence of a large number of professional cosmetics for lightening hair, even shampoos that are easier to use, folk methods have not lost their popularity. One of the effective means is glycerin.

    To prepare a glycerin mask, take 50 g of chamomile and 60 g of glycerin. Chamomile is poured with boiling water, and then insisted for 2 hours, after which it is filtered and glycerin is added. The mask is applied to the hair and wrapped in foil. Keep it for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Glycerin will lighten hair by 1 tone.

    Chamomile for hair lightening

    The most famous and simple way to lighten hair at home is chamomile infusion. It will give you a light golden hue. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers in 2 cups of water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering. The hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo, and then an infusion of chamomile flowers is used as a conditioner. Use this method 2-3 times a week, after every hair wash.

    Chamomile is also mixed with other ingredients, for example:

    1. Infusions of nettle and chamomile. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried chamomile, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nettle per 1 liter of water. Mix and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with infusion, wrap it in a towel for 15-20 minutes. For an additional effect, it is necessary to dilute the chamomile essence in a ratio of 1: 1 to moisten dry hair. After an hour, rinse your hair with a simple infusion of chamomile.

    2. For red hair, you can use the following recipe. To do this, we prepare an infusion of 150 g of pharmacy chamomile and 0.5 liters of vodka. It is necessary to insist for 2 weeks, then strain and add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Apply to hair with an aerosol for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

    3. Take 0.5 l of apple cider vinegar, 20 g of chamomile flowers, 4 lemons, 30 g of crushed rhubarb root, 20 g of calendula flowers, 50 g of alcohol, 50 g of honey. To prepare, take rhubarb and vinegar and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Add calendula, chamomile, juice of 2 lemons to the resulting broth and continue to simmer for another 5 minutes. Cool and strain the infusion. Add alcohol, honey and juice of 2 lemons. To apply to hair, dilute 1 tbsp. spoon in a little water. Infusion use before each shampooing. Keep on hair for 30 minutes

    4. Paint with saffron and lavender. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers, 4 drops of lavender essential oil, 1 lemon, saffron on the tip of a knife, a glass of water. Chamomile and saffron are poured with boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. After filter and add essential oil and lemon juice. The clarifying mixture is applied to the hair for 20-30 minutes and washed off with water.

    5. Take 250 ml of water, 250 g of rhubarb, 50 g of chamomile, a pinch of tea. For preparation, all components must be poured with boiling water and insisted for 1 hour. Apply to hair and leave for 30 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo

    Lightening hair with lemon

    How many people, so many shades of blond hair. The fashion for lightening hair with lemon came to us from the East. The dark-haired girls living there never forgot about him, as the lemon helped them make their hair more attractive. Lemon, namely the acid contained in the fruit, can lighten dark hair.

    Lemon must be used with care so as not to damage the hair. For use, lemon juice is diluted with water and applied to clean hair. In addition, lemon juice gives the hair a "magical shine". This method is suitable for girls with dark hair, as well as for maintaining light hair color. However, do not forget about its properties, dry hair.

    How to lighten hair with honey

    This method of lightening has a long history and is among the methods of lightening hair with folk remedies.

    At the beginning of the procedure, the head is washed with shampoo, with the addition of ¼ teaspoon of soda. A honey mask is applied to wet hair. It is applied evenly along the entire length of the hair, then wrapped with a film and a towel. The maximum effect can be obtained if the mask is left overnight. The honey mask not only brightens the hair, but also significantly improves the overall condition of the hair, making it healthy and very beautiful.

    Lightening hair at home with onions

    You can also use onions to lighten hair at home. This method is one of the most effective methods, but they try to forget about it because of the specific smell. To prepare, chop 2 onions (large) and squeeze the juice, add the same amount of water. Apply to hair for 1 hour. Wash your hair with shampoo. Onions will help get rid of the problem of hair loss.

    You can also prepare a mask with additional ingredients: lemon juice, a little vinegar, a little honey, grated onion. Rosewood essential oil can be added to reduce the onion smell. We stir, we wait a little. Apply to hair before washing for 1 hour.

    Kefir for lightening hair

    Kefir is classified as an absolutely safe lightening method that nourishes, accelerates growth, restores structure, makes hair silky and pleasant to the touch.

    Kefir can be used alone or in combination with other ingredients.

    Kefir is applied to dry hair and wrapped with a film and a towel. It is necessary to keep such a mask for 2-2.5 hours.

    A more complex composition includes 50 g of kefir, 2 tablespoons of cognac, 1 yolk, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 teaspoon of hair balm. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the hair along the entire length. We wrap the hair with a film and a towel. The mask is best applied at night, as it must be kept for at least 8 hours. It is necessary to wash off without using shampoo using only conditioner. After the first use of the mask, you will see the result: the hair will become lighter and silkier. The only drawback is that the mask is very difficult to wash off.

    Sunlight helps lighten hair

    Sunlight helps to lighten the hair, while making it look natural. All you need to do is spend at least 2 hours in the sun. But don't forget to put on sunscreen so you don't damage your skin. To speed up the process, spray lemon juice on your hair with an aerosol.

    Mullein for lightening hair

    Mullein is also used to lighten hair at home. To prepare the tincture, take 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh (1 tbsp dry) chamomile and mullein flowers, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Mix the flowers and pour 1 liter of boiling water, wrap with a blanket and leave for 30 minutes. Strain, add lemon juice and enough water so that the hair is completely immersed in it; they should stay wet for about 10 minutes. Mainly used for light hair.

    Mullein root is also used. Take 30 grams of mullein root extract and mix with 1 cup of warm water. After you have washed your hair, you can apply the mixture to your hair.

    Lightening hair with rhubarb root

    Rhubarb root gives hair a golden hue.

    The easiest way to prepare: take 3 or 4 tablespoons of dried rhubarb root or half a glass of fresh, chopped root, a liter of water. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Insist 8 hours, strain. First, test the decoction on strands of hair to see what color you get. If you like, you can lighten your hair. Wash your hair and rinse your hair with infusion 3 times in a row, then dry your hair without additional rinsing.

    Mix three handfuls of rhubarb root powder, the juice of one lemon, and a teaspoon of olive oil in a bowl. Add a small amount of hot water to the mixture. The dye should be applied evenly to washed and dried hair, and then wrapped with a film and a towel. Rhubarb has a strong bleaching effect, so check your hair color every 5 minutes. At the first treatment, do not keep the mixture for more than 25 minutes.

    You can also prepare a brightening mask from rhubarb and grape about wine. This mask will help you lighten your hair by at least 4 tones. For its preparation 200 gr. dried rhubarb, pour 0.5 liters of grape wine and put on fire. Boil until half of the contents boil away, strain and cool, then apply to the hair. You need to keep it for 2 hours. The course is 7 days.

    Paint with tea and rhubarb. You need to take 250 ml of water, 250 g of rhubarb, a pinch of tea. Mix the ingredients, pour boiling water, leave to infuse for 50 minutes. Apply to hair for 30 minutes and then rinse.

    Baking soda can lighten hair

    Baking soda mixed with shampoo can help lighten hair in 2 months

    1. To do this, mix 8 tablespoons of baking soda with half a glass of water, and add 100 grams of regular shampoo. Wash your hair.

    2. Wet your hair in the shower, put some shampoo in your hand and add a pinch of baking soda. Massage the mixture into your hair with movements, as you usually wash your hair. Wash off with warm water.

    Lightening hair at home with ginger

    To prepare a brightening tincture, take a few ginger roots, peel and grate, fill with water to a minimum - so that it only covers them, simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Strain after an hour. Apply the resulting decoction to the hair daily until lightening is noticeable.

    There is another effective way to lighten hair at home using ginger. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated ginger juice, the juice of half a lemon and 1 glass of natural beer, preferably light.

    For a more concentrated formulation, add the juice of a whole lemon.

    Mix all ingredients and apply to hair. Rinse off with cool water to close cuticles and boost shine. For extra hydration and lightness, apply a few drops of jojoba oil to your hair. After several procedures, the hair will acquire a golden hue in the shortest possible time!

    For the next brightening mask, you will need sour cream, fresh ginger, citrus peels, lemon essential oil. Citrus peels and ginger are pre-soaked for a day in a small amount of water. Take 200 grams of sour cream and add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting infusion and 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Carefully distribute the mask through the hair, wrap with cling film and a towel. Keep the mask for 2 hours. From the remaining tincture we prepare a rinse aid. Pour the first infusion into a saucepan and pour the peels and ginger a second time. We wait 30 minutes and repeat the procedure. After you have washed off the mask with shampoo, apply a conditioner to your hair. There is no need to rinse it off, just dry your hair

    The article will help you choose a method for lightening hair at home without the use of special dyes.

    The usual hair color sometimes bothers, and not every woman decides to spoil her hair with paint. But you can lighten your hair by several tones using exclusively natural components.

    How to lighten hair at home

    Lightening hair at home with folk remedies undoubtedly differs from lightening with paint not only in the degree of lightening, but also in the effect on the hair.

    What you need to know before lightening hair with natural ingredients at home:

    • The result can sometimes be unpredictable. This is especially true for previously dyed hair. You can get a shade that will not please you at all. To avoid this, test the chosen coloring method on a separate strand.
    • You will not get cardinal clarification. 1-2 tones - the most real result. However, some hair lends itself well to lightening and after several procedures can please you with its beautiful light tone.
    • Be prepared to repeat procedures. If your hair is light, then some recipes can give results after the first application. But, in order not to be upset, it is better to prepare mentally for the need to use the mask several times.
    • Many recipes call for the mask to be applied to the hair for several hours. If you are not the owner of great patience, then this method is not for you.
    • Hair after folk clarification, as a rule, is obedient, beautiful and soft. The only exception is home lightening with non-natural ingredients, such as hydrogen peroxide, or natural lemon, which can dry hair.

    Lightening hair with cinnamon

    Cinnamon is one of the most popular folk remedies for lightening hair. Its prevalence is due to several factors:

    • Cinnamon will make your hair thicker while using the mask.
    • Cinnamon will not harm your hair in any way.
    • Combined with other ingredients, it will lighten your hair.
    • Properly prepared and used cinnamon masks will make your hair beautiful and shiny (read mask recipes below)

    Hair mask with cinnamon for lightening

    You will need:

    • 30 g cinnamon for the entire length of medium length hair
    • 3 art. spoons of liquid honey. If the honey is thickened, melt in a water bath
    • 4-5 art. tablespoons of moisturizing balm or hair mask


    • Mix honey and cinnamon first
    • Add a balm or mask
    • Stir until smooth
    • The mask should not be too thick so that it can be evenly applied to the hair.


    • Wash your hair and walk around with a towel on your head for 5 minutes to remove excess moisture from your hair.
    • Apply the mask evenly to wet hair. Coat each strand to achieve an even lightening lighter. You can apply not only to the entire length, but also to the ends in an attempt to get a beautiful ombre
    • After applying, wrap your hair in a bag and warm it up a little with a hair dryer.
    • Wrap a towel over the bag.
    • Remove the towel after 30 minutes
    • With a bag on your head, you need to walk for at least 4 hours. You can go to bed with a mask. The effect will only increase from such a step.
    • Wash thoroughly with warm water. Cinnamon grains are washed out quite difficult
    • Can be washed with shampoo
    • Dry your hair and evaluate the result

    Important: lightening hair in this way requires several approaches (especially for dark hair). Each time the color will get lighter.

    If you don't see the lightening effect you want, don't be discouraged. Hair after such a mask looks very good.

    Lightening hair with cinnamon: before and after

    Photos of successful results

    Lightening with cinnamon before and after. The result after the systematic use of the mask for six months

    Lightening hair with cinnamon: reviews

    After reading the reviews of the girls about this method of clarification, we can conclude:

    • Lightening effect is possible, but not more than 2 tones
    • Achieving lightening dark hair will be quite difficult
    • If the first time you did not see the effect, repeat the procedure. Sometimes 5 procedures are needed to achieve the effect, and sometimes 1 procedure already gives the result.
    • Blond hair will most likely acquire a beautiful ashy shade, and the yellowness will go away.
    • The mask is very effective for the beauty and health of your hair.
    • After the first application, your hair will become soft and shiny
    • The downside of the mask is that you need to walk with it on your head for 4 hours, and it’s even better to sleep at night
    • The mask does not wash out of the hair very well. To wash off faster, you should stand in the shower and separate a small strand of hair. Rinse each strand thoroughly with water. Then you won't have any problems.
    • Even those girls who have not achieved the effect of lightening do not regret the procedure done because of the resulting beautiful hair

    Video on the topic: Lightening hair with honey and cinnamon

    Lightening hair with kefir: reviews

    There are practically no reviews on the procedure for lightening hair with kefir. The bulk of the reviews about kefir masks boil down to the fact that the hair after such masks looks very healthy.

    Therefore, if you want to try to lighten your hair with kefir, then you will not lose anything, but on the contrary, you will get beautiful well-groomed hair.

    But some still managed to achieve some effect.

    Lightening with kefir before and after photos

    Kefir mask for lightening hair

    Kefir masks are applied to wet hair.

    Recipe 1.

    The simplest and most affordable version of a mask with kefir is heated kefir in its pure form. Choose fatter kefir.

    Apply heated kefir to the entire length of the hair, cover with a bag and a towel. Keep the mask on your head for 3-4 hours. If the mask is left on all night, then the chances of lightening the hair increase. In addition, your hair will be very soft and beautiful.

    Recipe 2.

    • Half a glass of fat-free kefir
    • Juice squeezed from a lemon
    • 2 yolks
    • A little olive oil (optional)


    • Warm up kefir
    • Beat the yolks and pour into kefir
    • Add lemon juice

    Apply the mask evenly on the hair and keep it for 2-3 hours. It is not recommended to keep it longer due to the presence of lemon juice in the mask. In addition to the brightening effect, lemon also dries the hair.

    Wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

    Recipe 3.

    • Half a glass of kefir
    • 2-3 tablespoons of honey
    • A few drops of lemon essential oil
    • Warm up kefir and honey
    • Mix and achieve a homogeneous mixture
    • Add lemon oil
    • Apply to hair and keep for 2 hours

    The mask is good because all its components are very useful for hair and each individually has brightening properties.

    IMPORTANT: The first thing you need to understand before bleaching your hair with lemon is that lemon dries your hair.

    For this reason, you should be ready to actively apply moisturizing oils and hair masks after the lightening procedure.

    Although, of course, the harm from lemon can not be compared with the harm of lightening paints.

    IMPORTANT: Lightening with lemon is effective in the summer, as lemon brightens better under the influence of UV light.

    • Several lemons
    • A few drops of olive oil or a couple of tablespoons of moisturizing conditioner


    • Squeeze lemon juice and remove pits and skins
    • If you are using pure juice or juice with olive oil, it will be easier to pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
    • If you chose a mixture of juice and conditioner, then just mix in a deep bowl
    • Apply the mixture to dry hair evenly
    • Go outside and sit in the sun for 2 hours
    • After 1.5 hours of being in the sun, you can repeat the procedure for applying the mixture and bask for another half an hour
    • Rinse the mixture thoroughly from your hair.
    • Be sure to use a moisturizing mask or conditioner

    It is enough for someone to carry out one procedure to see the result (usually they are fair-haired girls), for someone even several procedures do not give an effect. It all depends on the color of your hair and its structure. Some hair say goodbye to their pigments well, others just don't want to do it.

    Therefore, the reviews are conflicting.

    Lightening hair with honey

    Lightening hair with honey is right for you if:

    • you have blonde hair
    • Do not be afraid of the red tint that may appear as a result of lightening. The result on your hair is unpredictable
    • Ready to do at least 3-4 procedures to get the effect
    • Agree to lighten only a couple of tones

    Lightening hair with honey, even if there is no lightening effect, will delight you with soft, manageable, silky hair.

    IMPORTANT: Honey will not harm your hair, so you will not lose anything when applying honey masks (see recipes below)

    bleaching with honey before and after

    Mask for lightening hair with honey

    Masks with honey are applied to wet hair.

    Recipe number 1.

    • The simplest recipe is to mix honey with water or hair conditioner until you get a consistency that you can apply to your hair.
    • Honey in its pure form, even liquid, cannot be applied evenly over the entire length of the hair.
    • Apply this mixture evenly to your hair. Hold for 30 minutes to 1 hour
    • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo
    • The effect is worth waiting for after only a few applications.

    Recipe number 2.

    • Natural honey
    • Olive or coconut oil
    • 1/2 banana, beaten with a mixer (added at your request for extra hair nutrition)

    Preparation and use:

    • Mix honey and oil in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively.
    • Add banana and mix thoroughly
    • Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes
    • Apply evenly to hair for 40 minutes
    • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo

    Recipe number 3.

    • Natural honey 2 tablespoons
    • Burdock oil in a small amount to only slightly dilute the mixture for ease of application

    Preparation and use:

    • Blend until smooth
    • Apply to hair evenly. You can use a paint brush
    • Wrap your hair with a plastic hat and towel
    • Keep the mask on your hair all night

    mask with honey and burdock oil

    The desire to have blond curls is so strong that even the fear of spoiling the quality, the appearance of the hair does not stop. Any lightening procedure, even the most gentle one, is not favorable to the hair. The result of bleaching is not only the long-awaited shade of blond, but also dry, dull, lifeless strands. How to achieve a good effect and maintain the health of the hair? How to lighten hair without harming their appearance? Consider the possible options.

    The effect of lightening on curls

    Any change in color affects the condition of the curls, especially if it is lightening. The destruction of the natural pigment occurs as a result of an oxidative process that adversely affects the entire structure of the hair.

    Under the action of a chemical reaction, voids form in place of natural melanin, and the building material keratin is significantly deformed. The rod weakens after clarification. The loosened layer of scales covering the hair ceases to provide reliable protection.

    Curls become dry, brittle, dull, defenseless.

    Important! Any impact can worsen their condition. Therefore, handling bleached hair should be extremely careful.

    Preparation for the procedure

    In order for the hair to receive a less destructive effect during the lightening process, you should prepare for it in advance:

    1. Treat curls as carefully as possible: significantly limit or refuse any thermal effects (hairdryer, straightener, sun).
    2. Do not perform other chemical actions that damage the hair (curling, dyeing).
    3. If bleaching is planned in a month and it is more desirable to prepare the hair with the help of gentle lightening at home: make masks, rinses. Choose suitable recipes with cinnamon, honey, kefir, chamomile, but without chemicals, alcohols. Alternate brightening procedures with nourishing ones. 2 weeks before aggressive bleaching, home "color expulsion" is completed.
    4. Provide proper care for the strands: nutrition, moisturizing, thorough cleansing. 1 week before the procedure, intensive care is stopped.
    5. It is better to get rid of split ends before coloring, because they are more noticeable on light strands. Your hair will look messy. If clarification is carried out in the cabin, this manipulation is permissible immediately after bleaching.
    6. The hair should not contain traces of styling, even chlorinated water from the pool or sea salt that has got on the curls can spoil the result of the upcoming bleaching.
    7. It is worth cleaning the curls 1-3 days before the procedure, a natural protective layer forms on the skin.
    8. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle: nutrition, sleep, no bad habits.

    By following these simple rules, it will become much easier to achieve the best result. With healthy, prepared hair, you can hope for a favorable outcome.

    How to lighten your hair as gently as possible

    In order for the hair to suffer less from chemical dyes, it is necessary not only to properly prepare for it, but also follow the recommendations for clarification.

    1. Highly careful choice of dye. If the hair does not need to be bleached significantly (more than 3 tones), then it is worth stopping at more delicate products.
    2. When gentle lightening of the hair is not suitable (dark initial color, rigid structure), the choice of oxidizing agent should be taken seriously. The darker, thicker the rod, the more concentrated the composition is used.
    3. Be sure to observe the time interval recommended by the manufacturer. Overdosing the paint increases the risk of burning curls and injuring the skin.
    4. If a single procedure is not enough to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to repeat the coloring, but not earlier than in a week.
    5. In order to lighten hair without harm to the hair, it is necessary to constantly monitor the process. If you experience discomfort: itching, burning, heating, you should immediately wash off the composition so that the hair after such manipulation does not leave its owner.
    6. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions for the coloring composition, strictly follow it. Do not neglect the allergy test.

    Means for gentle clarification

    For those who do not need drastic changes in appearance, suitable gentle hair lightening. For such manipulation, there are many means that delicately act on the hair.

    By using tonics, tinted shampoos you can change the color of the curls by 1-2 steps. At the same time, the composition is predominantly sparing, it allows you to safely lighten your hair. Curls acquire a new shade, shine, look healthy.

    Note, chopped cinnamon is poorly washed out of the hair - you have to rinse it thoroughly with water.

    Mask with chamomile and glycerin

    Blondes lightening recipes should be carefully selected so that as a result you do not get a redhead. Chamomile will give a light golden tint, and glycerin will make the curls elastic and shiny.

    Brew 2 tbsp. spoons of dried chamomile flowers 1 cup boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, strain. In the resulting infusion at room temperature, add 5 tbsp. spoons of glycerin. Distribute the solution evenly over the strands, insulate. Rinse after 1 hour.

    In a special section, we have selected for you many ways to lighten hair with folk remedies.

    How to choose paint for lightening

    Often women wonder if the paint spoils the hair. It can be unequivocally answered that compounds containing ammonia are not harmless to hair. The choice of means for discoloration must be taken seriously.

    Gentle products are not suitable for a radical change in image, so you should immediately take this into account when choosing. Aggressive formulations are selected, supplemented with all kinds of care components: oils, extracts, vitamins. This is how the paint will “soften” the harmful effects a little.

    Creamy texture is perfect for home use. This option will provide convenient application, even distribution. The hue will be uniform.

    Choosing professional dyes, thinking that they are the best, is not worth it. At home, it is more difficult to prepare the composition, if there is no relevant experience, you can make a mistake in the proportions, which will harm the hair.

    Paint for lightening is better to choose well-known brands, trusted manufacturers. It makes no sense to give preference to very expensive or cheap options.

    Advice. When there is no experience in lightening, it is better not to experiment on your own, but to go to a salon or at least consult a good specialist. Attractive appearance, the presence of healthy hair on the head is a paramount task.

    Many women, deciding to experiment with color, are wondering how to lighten their hair without harm to health. Careful preparation for the procedure, following the recommendations for coloring, a competent approach to choosing a product will help to achieve good results. The updated appearance will delight and inspire.

    Useful videos

    Useful tips and recipes for safely lightening hair at home.

    A method of home hair lightening without harm and chemical components.

    When planning to change the image, it is not necessary to resort to aggressive chemicals. In today's material, we will look at how to lighten hair using improvised means at home. In order for the procedure to pass without harm to the hair and quickly, it is important to follow the instructions and not violate the exposure time.

    Ways to quickly and safely lighten hair

    All of the following products can give an unpredictable shade if you plan to lighten already dyed hair. Please note that the color may turn yellow, green, blue, etc. It is considered safe to lighten only strands with a native shade.

    No. 1. Hydroperite

    1. The blonde coloring technique is quite aggressive. You can resort to it only to owners of healthy hair. You can buy tablets at the pharmacy.

    2. So, combine 2 units of the drug with 15 ml. purified water. Shake the ingredients, inject 2 ml. ammonia and 25 gr. your regular hair shampoo.

    3. Distribute the composition over all strands, if necessary, the amount is increased while maintaining the ratio. After 7 minutes, rinse and dry the curls naturally.

    No. 2. Chamomile decoction

    1. Chamomile in its composition is a natural clarifier. Purchase inflorescences at a pharmacy. Dial a glass of raw materials, mix with 1 liter. water and leave for 1.5 hours.

    2. Before you lighten your hair in this way at home, you need to filter the decoction. You need to carry out the procedure without harm to the hair quickly: apply a decoction so that it soaks all the strands.

    3. Wrap your head with a film, go about your business. Wash off after 2 hours without using foaming products. Rate the result.

    Number 3. Hydrogen peroxide

    1. Hair must be dirty, so do not wash your hair for about 2 days before the procedure. Comb the curls, grease the skin on the temples and forehead with a fat cream.

    2. Prepare a clarifier by combining 60 gr. shampoo, 60-70 ml. peroxides, 50-60 ml. ammonia, 60 ml. water. Work first at the back of the head, then at the crown, then the sides.

    3. Leave the hair in this state and watch the result. Rinse off, repeat the steps again (if a lighter tone is required). Wash off with shampoo and dry.

    No. 4. Soda

    1. Sift powdered soda. The volume should be enough to work through the entire hair. Combine loose composition with mineral water to get a paste.

    2. Treat dirty hair with it, retreating from the root part by 0.5 cm. Wrap your head, creating the effect of a steam room.

    3. In the question of how to lighten hair with soda, at home it is extremely important to maintain the correct interval. Without harm to the hair, the gruel is kept for half an hour or an hour, after which it is quickly washed off.

    No. 5. Cinnamon

    1. This option is suitable for owners of thin hair who want to get a dazzling blonde. Cinnamon nourishes and whitens strands, nourishes them from the inside and rarely gives unpredictable results.

    2. Combine the pre-sifted powder with one of the ingredients (optional): kefir / whey, cucumber juice, honey, lemon juice, coconut oil. Stir the ingredients until emulsified.

    3. Carefully walk through the hair with a brush, carry out the application, stepping back a little from the roots. Wrap your hair with cellophane, pinpoint 30-45 minutes. Wash off, if necessary, spend another session after 2 days.

    No. 6. Honey

    1. Pure honey, by its nature, is an excellent clarifier. At the same time, you will heal your hair from the inside, give it shine, get the effect of burnt hair.

    2. If the beekeeping product is candied, heat it in a water bath. Warm up some honey. Spread over clean and dry curls, rub.

    3. Pack the head with a film, detect from 1 to 4 hours. Repeated procedures, if necessary, are carried out after 3 days. To enhance the effect, you can add lemon juice and cinnamon (arbitrarily).

    No. 7. Lemon

    1. Before you lighten your hair with this method at home, it is important to make sure that the procedure will take place without harm to the hair and skin. Apply the product to the area behind the ear and rinse quickly after 30 minutes. If there is no rash, proceed to manipulation.

    2. Now start preparing the mixture. Dip 2 juicy lemons in boiling water, pinpoint 2 minutes. Then cut and squeeze out all the juice. Combine it in a 2:1 ratio with olive oil, warm it up.

    3. Distribute the warm composition over unwashed hair, warm the head with a turban (film + towel). Detect at least 2 hours, rinse and evaluate the result of clarification.

    No. 8. Kefir

    1. Thousands of reviews on forums prove the effectiveness of kefir in matters of clarification. To get a blond, you need to take exclusively a farmer's homemade (!) fermented milk drink.

    2. The method of use is nowhere simpler: apply the composition to clean hair, pack the mop with cellophane and wait up to 5 hours. Rinse off, repeat clarification in a day.

    Home remedies are not as effective as purchased ones, but they give their result. It must be understood that you will not lighten by 3 tones at a time. It needs to be systematic and regular.

    Do you want to lighten your hair? If you decide to do this in the salon, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money. In addition, you will have to set aside a lot of time for this. Also, as a rule, hair lightening products contain harmful chemicals that can harm your hair. If you want to lighten your hair, stay out in the sun as your hair gets lighter when exposed to the sun. However, this method is for those who do not expect instant results. If you want to speed up this process, use the ingredients that every housewife has on hand: lemons, honey, hydrogen peroxide, cinnamon, chamomile, olive oil, vinegar and soda.

    Lemon juice, honey, and cinnamon are three of the most popular ingredients used to lighten hair. In this article, you will find other ways to help you lighten your hair. These methods are listed in the "Other Methods" section. After reading this article, you will be able to choose an acceptable hair lightening method for you. So, to business!


    Uses of lemons

      Rinsing your hair with lemon juice is the easiest way to lighten your hair at home. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which has a whitening effect when used regularly.

      • You will most likely have to do the procedure several times to achieve the desired result and get the hair color changes.
      • If you have a few hours to spare, apply lemon juice to your hair and get out in the sun. You can find a more detailed description of this method in the article How to Use Lemon Juice to Lighten Hair. If you do not have enough time, use the tips below in this article.
    1. Buy lemon juice or make your own. You will need one cup of concentrated lemon juice.

      Wash your hair. Place lemon juice next to it. If you are using shampoo, lather your hair well.

      Apply lemon juice to your hair while it is still damp. Rub it thoroughly into the roots of your hair.

      • Be sure to close your eyes so that the lemon juice does not get into them. If suddenly lemon juice gets into your eyes, you will experience a strong burning sensation.
    2. Wait 2-5 minutes, then rinse the lemon juice and shampoo from your hair.

      • It is very important to leave the lemon juice on your hair for a while, so that you can lighten it, but do not overdo it, do not leave the mixture on your hair for a long time. Long-term exposure to citric acid can harm your hair.
    3. Apply conditioner to your hair to keep it from drying out. The citric acid found in lemon juice tends to dry out the hair. Therefore, it can harm your hair.

      Repeat the bleaching procedure once a week until you reach your desired shade. You will have to do this procedure many times to see changes in your hair color.

      Uses of honey

      1. Lightening hair with honey is possible due to the fact that it contains a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, which has a brightening effect.

        • Undiluted, hydrogen peroxide also has a bleaching effect, however, due to the strong concentration, you can damage the hair roots. Therefore, many prefer honey as a milder agent used to lighten hair.
        • Honey also has a moisturizing effect, so you are not in danger of overdrying your hair, which is not the case with hydrogen peroxide.
      2. You will need one glass of raw honey. You can purchase this honey in most stores.

        In a bowl, mix four parts honey with one part water or apple cider vinegar. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

        Leave the mixture for 30-60 minutes. Thanks to this, the mixture will be able to infuse.

        Apply the mixture to your hair. Cover your shoulders with a towel to protect your clothing, then work the mixture into your hair little by little. Work the mixture into your hair with your fingers. Do this until the hair is well saturated with honey.

        • Alternatively, you can cover the floor with a towel so you don't drip on it when you apply the mask to your hair. Honey is very sticky and difficult to remove from the floor.
      3. After you have applied the mixture, cover your hair with plastic wrap. You can use a shower cap or plastic wrap. Leave the mask on your hair for two hours to get the desired result. If possible, leave the mixture on your hair overnight.

        • If you have long hair that is not easy to hide under a rubber hat, you can twist your hair into a bun and pin it up with hairpins, then put on a hat.
        • If you leave the mixture overnight, you will get the best result. This mixture is also used for deep hair conditioning. Put a towel on your pillow and put on a shower cap before going to bed.
        • There is no need to use a hair dryer. Honey works best at room temperature.
      4. Rinse the honey from your hair. Rinse your hair with warm water and then wash it as you normally would. Pat your hair dry with a towel or let it air dry. Your hair will take on a honey hue.

        To maintain the resulting shade, use honey as a conditioner. Mix 1/4 cup honey and 1/2 cup conditioner. You can use the conditioner you like. Make sure that when mixing honey and conditioner, you get a mixture with a pleasant smell. Mix honey with conditioner well until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

        • Store leftover mixture in a conditioner bottle. You can use this mixture later.
        • Use the same proportions if you want to make a large amount of the remedy.
      5. Use conditioner after every shampoo. After shampooing your hair, apply your conditioner as you normally would. Apply a small amount of conditioner, distribute evenly over the entire length of the hair, then rinse.

        • Leave the conditioner on your hair for 5-10 minutes while you shower for more lightening effect.
        • If your hair is sticky after using honey, reduce the amount and add more conditioner.

      Uses of cinnamon

      1. Cinnamon, like honey, contains a small amount of peroxide, which makes your hair lighter. Cinnamon does not dry out hair. This method is especially good for dark hair. You can purchase cinnamon at most grocery stores. Look closely, you may have cinnamon at home!

        Moisten your hair (in the shower, over the sink, with a spray bottle) and apply conditioner. Thanks to the conditioner, you will be able to evenly apply cinnamon along the entire length of the hair.

        In a bowl, mix the cinnamon with water to form a paste-like mixture. The amount of mixture needed depends on the length and thickness of your hair. Start with a few tablespoons of cinnamon, gradually add water until the mixture reaches a paste-like consistency.

      2. Apply a paste mixture of cinnamon and water to your hair. Spread the mixture evenly over the entire length of the hair, from roots to ends. Also, apply the mixture on the inside of your hair.

        • Rub your hair with your palms to evenly distribute the mixture along the entire length. Thanks to this, it will cover the strands from roots to ends.
        • You can use a comb to spread the cinnamon evenly throughout your hair. If you decide to use a comb, dampen it to make it easier for you to distribute the cinnamon and water mixture through your hair.
      3. Leave the mixture on your hair for 4-8 hours, depending on what shade you want to achieve. If possible, leave the mixture on your hair overnight.

        • The longer you keep the mixture on your hair, the lighter the shade will turn out. Leaving the mixture for four hours, you are unlikely to see a significant difference. However, leaving the mixture for eight hours or more will result in a lighter shade.
        • Act with the least risk. Remember: you can always repeat the procedure!
        • Wear a shower cap or a plastic bag to keep the mixture from staining your clothes.
        • You may feel warmth and a slight burning sensation, don't worry, this is normal and will pass soon.
      4. When the time you have chosen is up, rinse the cinnamon and water mixture from your hair. When the hair is dry, it will have a pleasant smell.

        • If you have curly hair, use a shampoo to wash the cinnamon out of your hair.
        • If you do not get the desired shade, you can always repeat the procedure.
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