• The development of cognitive interests in children of the middle group. The development of cognitive interests in preschoolers. The course of the diagnostic study


    “Middle group 4-5 years old Educational area “COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT” “Cognitive development involves development ...”

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    Middle group 4-5 years old

    Educational area


    “Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive

    actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people,

    objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of the objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects, etc.), about the small motherland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home for people, about the features of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

    Formation of elementary mathematical representations Quantity and counting.

    To give children an idea that a set (“a lot”) can consist of elements of different quality: objects of different colors, sizes, shapes;

    learn to compare parts of a set, determining their equality or inequality based on pairing of objects (without resorting to counting). Introduce expressions into the speech of children: “There are many circles here, some are red, and others are blue; there are more red circles than blue ones, and fewer blue ones than red ones ”or“ red and blue circles are equally divided. ”Learn to count up to 5 (based on visibility), using the correct counting techniques: call numbers in order; correlate each numeral with only one subject of the group being counted; refer the last numeral to all counted items, for example: "One, two, three - only three circles." Compare two groups of objects, called numbers 1-2, 2-2, 2-3, 3-3, 3-4, 4-4, 4-5, 5-5. Form ideas about ordinal counting, learn how to use quantitative and ordinal numbers, answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”, “Which place?”. Form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe equality and inequality of groups based on the account: “Here is one, two bunnies, and here is one, two, three Christmas trees. There are more Christmas trees than bunnies; 3 is greater than 2 and 2 is less than 3. Learn to equalize unequal groups in two ways, adding one (missing) item to the smaller group or removing one (extra) item from the larger group (“1 bunny was added to 2 bunnies, there were 3 bunnies and also 3 Christmas trees. Christmas trees and bunnies equally - 3 and 3 "or:" There are more Christmas trees (3), and fewer bunnies (2).

    They removed 1 Christmas tree, there were also 2 of them. Christmas trees and bunnies became equal: 2 and 2). Count items from a larger number; lay out, bring a certain number of items in accordance with the sample or a given number within 5 (count 4 cockerels, bring 3 bunnies). Based on the account, establish equality (inequality) of groups of objects in situations where objects in groups are located at different distances from each other, when they differ in size, in the form of location in space.


    Improve the ability to compare two objects in size (length, width, height), as well as learn to compare two objects in thickness by directly superimposing or applying them to each other; reflect the results of comparison in speech using adjectives (longer - shorter, wider - narrower, higher - lower, thicker - thinner or equal (identical) in length, width, height, thickness).

    Learn to compare objects according to two signs of size (the red ribbon is longer and wider than the green one, the yellow scarf is shorter and narrower than the blue one).

    Establish dimensional relationships between 3–5 objects of different lengths (width, height), thickness, arrange them in a certain sequence - in descending or increasing order. To introduce into the active speech of children concepts denoting the dimensional relationships of objects (this (red) turret is the highest, this (orange) is lower, this (pink) is even lower, and this (yellow) is the lowest, etc.). ).

    To develop children's ideas about geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle, as well as a ball, a cube. To teach to highlight the special features of figures with the help of visual and tactile-motor analyzers (the presence or absence of angles, stability, mobility, etc.).

    To introduce children to the rectangle, comparing it with a circle, square, triangle. Learn to distinguish and name a rectangle, its elements: angles and sides. To form the idea that the figures can be of different sizes: large - small cube (ball, circle, square, triangle, rectangle). Learn to correlate the shape of objects with known geometric shapes: a plate - a circle, a scarf - a square, a ball - a ball, a window, a door - a rectangle, etc.

    Orientation in space.

    Develop the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself, move in a given direction (forward - backward, right - left, up - down); indicate in words the position of objects in relation to oneself (a table is in front of me, a door is to my right, a window is to my left, toys are on the shelves behind me). To acquaint with spatial relationships: far - close (the house is close, and the birch grows far away).

    Orientation in time.

    Expand children's ideas about the parts of the day, their characteristic features, sequence (morning - afternoon - evening - night).

    Explain the meaning of the words: "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow".

    Development of cognitive-research activity Cognitive-research activity.

    To continue to acquaint children with generalized methods of studying various objects using specially designed systems of sensory standards, to help master perceptual actions. To form the ability to obtain information about a new object in the process of its practical research. To form the ability to perform a series of sequential actions in accordance with the task and the proposed activity algorithm.

    To learn to understand and use models proposed by adults in cognitive research activities.

    sensory development.

    Continue to work on sensory development in various activities. Enrich the sensory experience by introducing children to a wide range of objects and objects, with new ways of examining them. To consolidate the previously acquired skills of examining objects and objects.

    To improve the perception of children through the active use of all the senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell).

    Enrich sensory experience and the ability to capture the impressions received in speech. Continue to introduce geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval), colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, white, gray).

    Develop a sense of touch. To acquaint with various materials by touch, by touching, stroking (characterizing the sensations: smooth, cold, fluffy, hard, prickly, etc.). To form figurative representations on the basis of the development of figurative perception in the process of various activities. Develop the ability to use standards as generally accepted properties and qualities of objects (color, shape, size, weight, etc.); select items according to 1-2 qualities (color, size, material, etc.).

    Project activity.

    Develop primary skills in design and research activities, assist in the presentation of its results and create conditions for their presentation to peers. Involve parents in children's research activities.

    Didactic games.

    To teach children games aimed at consolidating ideas about the properties of objects, improving the ability to compare objects by external signs, group; make a whole out of parts (cubes, mosaics, puzzles). Improve the tactile, auditory, taste sensations of children (“Determine by touch (by taste, by sound”). Develop observation and attention (“What has changed?”, “Who has a ring?”). Help children learn the rules of simple board-printed games ("Domino", "Lotto").

    Familiarization with the objective environment To create conditions for expanding children's ideas about the objects of the world around them. Talk about the items that children need in different types of activities (play, work, drawing, applications, etc.). To expand the knowledge of children about public transport (bus, train, plane, ship). Continue to acquaint children with the signs of objects, encourage them to determine their color, shape, size, weight. Talk about the materials (glass, metal, rubber, leather, plastic) from which objects are made, about their properties and qualities. Explain the expediency of making an object from a certain material (car body - from metal, tires - from rubber, etc.).

    To form elementary ideas about the change in the types of human labor and life on the example of the history of toys and household items. Acquaintance with the social world. Expand ideas about the rules of behavior in public places. To expand the knowledge of children about public transport (bus, train, plane, ship). Form initial ideas about the school. Continue to acquaint with cultural phenomena (theater, circus, zoo, vernissage), their attributes, people working in them, rules of conduct. Talk about the most beautiful places in your native city (village), its sights. To give children understandable ideas about public holidays. Talk about the Russian army, about the soldiers who protect our Motherland (border guards, sailors, pilots). To give elementary ideas about life and the peculiarities of work in the city and in the countryside (based on the experience of children). Continue to introduce various professions (chauffeur, postman, salesman, doctor, etc.); to expand and enrich ideas about labor actions, tools of labor, results of labor. To acquaint children with money, the possibilities of its use.

    Continue to cultivate love for the native land; tell children about the most beautiful places in their native city (village), its sights.

    To give children understandable ideas about public holidays. Talk about the Russian army, about the soldiers who protect our Motherland (border guards, sailors, pilots).

    Introduction to the natural world

    Expand children's understanding of nature. Introduce pets, ornamental fish (with goldfish, except for the veiltail and telescope, crucian carp, etc.), birds (wavy parrots, canaries, etc.). Introduce children to representatives of the class of reptiles (lizard, turtle), their appearance and methods of movement (the lizard has an elongated body, it has a long tail that it can shed;

    The lizard runs very fast. Expand children's ideas about some insects (ant, butterfly, beetle, ladybug). Expand ideas about fruits (apple, pear, plum, peach, etc.), vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot, beetroot, onion, etc.) and berries (raspberries, currants, gooseberries, etc.), mushrooms (butter, mushrooms, russula, etc.). To consolidate children's knowledge of herbaceous and indoor plants (balsam, ficus, chlorophytum, geranium, begonia, primrose, etc.); learn how to take care of them. Learn to recognize and name 3-4 types of trees (fir tree, pine, birch, maple, etc.). In the process of experimental activity, expand children's ideas about the properties of sand, clay and stone. Organize observations of birds arriving at the site (crow, dove, tit, sparrow, bullfinch, etc.), feed them in winter. To consolidate children's ideas about the conditions necessary for the life of people, animals, plants (air, water, food, etc.). Teach children to notice changes in nature. Talk about the protection of plants and animals.

    Seasonal observations Autumn.

    To teach children to notice and name changes in nature: it gets colder, precipitation, wind, leaf fall, fruits and root crops ripen, birds fly south.

    Establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (it got colder - butterflies, beetles disappeared; flowers faded, etc.). Involve in the collection of plant seeds.

    To teach children to notice changes in nature, to compare autumn and winter landscapes. Observe the behavior of birds on the street and in a corner of nature.

    Examine and compare bird tracks in the snow. Help wintering birds, call them. To expand the ideas of children that in frost water turns into ice, icicles; ice and snow melt in a warm room. To involve in winter fun: sledding downhill, skiing, sculpting snow crafts.

    Teach children to recognize and name the season; highlight the signs of spring: the sun became warmer, the buds on the trees swelled, grass appeared, snowdrops blossomed, insects appeared. Tell the children that many indoor plants bloom in spring.

    To form children's ideas about the work carried out in the spring in the garden and in the garden. Learn to observe the planting and germination of seeds.

    Involve children in the work in the garden and flower beds.

    To expand children's ideas about summer changes in nature: blue clear skies, the sun shines brightly, heat, people are lightly dressed, sunbathing, swimming. In the process of various activities, expand children's ideas about the properties of sand, water, stones and clay. To consolidate knowledge that many fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms ripen in summer; animals have babies.

    cognitive development.

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    Orientation in space: left, middle, right Value: large, small., smallest Quantity and counting: one and many, comparing sets and establishing a correspondence between them, comparing numbers 3 and 4, 4 and 5, counting according to a model, establishing a correspondence between the number and quantity of objects Geometric shapes: circle, square Orientation in time: yesterday, today, tomorrow.

    October Orientation in space: left, middle, right, closer, farther Size: large, smaller, small, the same size, short-long Number and count: number 1, number 2 Geometric shapes: circle, square (fixing), triangle, oval .

    Orientation in time: season-autumn, parts of the day.

    November Orientation in space: left, middle, right, position of objects in relation to oneself Value: high, low, wide, narrow Number and count: numbers 1, 2, (fixing), number 3, correlation of numbers with the number of objects, comparison of numbers 3 and 4 Geometric shapes: circle, square, oval, rectangle Quantity and counting: consolidating knowledge about the numbers 1,2,3,4, getting to know the number 4, counting according to the model, comparing numbers 3 and 4, December correlation of numbers with the number of objects .

    Size: large, smaller, smallest Geometric shapes: square, rectangle Logical task: development of attention Orientation in space: left, right, far, close, above, below, left, right, under.

    Orientation in time: seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn) Value: development of the eye (large, smaller, smallest) ordinal numbers, consolidation of knowledge about the ordinal count, independence of the number from the spatial arrangement of objects.

    Geometric shapes: Correlating the shape of objects with geometric shapes.

    Orientation in space: left, middle, right Orientation in time: fast, slow Orientation on a sheet of paper: upper right corner, lower right corner, upper left corner, lower left corner, middle Size: consolidation of the concepts "wide", "narrower", "Even narrower", "narrowest"

    February Quantity and counting: independence of number from the size of objects, ordinal counting, counting according to the model, consolidation of knowledge about numbers 1,2,3,4, correlation of numbers with numbers, consolidation of knowledge about ordinal numbers.

    Geometric shapes: consolidation of knowledge about the circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle.

    Volumetric bodies: ball, cube, cylinder Orientation in space: left, middle, right Orientation in time: yesterday, today, tomorrow Logical task: establishing the sequence of events (parts of the day), developing attention.

    Quantity and counting: consolidating knowledge of ordinal numbers, counting according to the model, establishing a correspondence between the March number of objects and a figure; independence of the number from the spatial arrangement of objects; numbers and numbers 1,2,3,4,5 Orientation in space: left, right.

    Logical task: establishing a sequence of events Value: developing an eye Number and counting: consolidating knowledge about numbers 1,2,3,4,5, ordinal counting April

    Orientation in space:

    Logic task:


    Orientation on a sheet of paper: left, right, top, bottom.

    Geometric bodies: comparison of real objects with geometric bodies Time orientation: seasons Consolidation of the material. Pedagogical diagnostics May Middle group 4-5 years Educational area "SPEECH DEVELOPMENT"

    “Speech development includes the possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

    the formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for literacy training.

    Speech development

    Developing speech environment.

    Discuss with children information about objects, phenomena, events that go beyond their usual immediate environment.

    Listen to children, clarify their answers, suggest words that more accurately reflect the peculiarity of an object, phenomenon, state, act; help to express a judgment logically and clearly. Encourage the development of curiosity. Help children communicate kindly with their peers, suggest how to please a friend, congratulate him, how to calmly express his dissatisfaction with his act, how to apologize.

    Formation of a dictionary.

    To replenish and activate the vocabulary of children based on deepening knowledge about the immediate environment. Expand ideas about objects, phenomena, events that did not take place in their own experience. To intensify the use in speech of the names of objects, their parts, the materials from which they are made. Learn to use the most common adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions in speech. Introduce nouns denoting professions into the children's dictionary; verbs characterizing labor actions.

    Continue to teach children to identify and name the location of an object (left, right, near, near, between), time of day. Help replace demonstrative pronouns and adverbs often used by children (there, there, such, this) with more precise expressive words; use antonyms (clean - dirty, light - dark). Learn to use nouns with a general meaning (furniture, vegetables, animals, etc.).

    Sound culture of speech.

    To consolidate the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants, to practice the pronunciation of whistling, hissing and sonorous (p, l) sounds.

    Develop the articulatory apparatus. Continue to work on diction: improve the distinct pronunciation of words and phrases. Develop phonemic awareness: learn to distinguish by ear and name words that begin with a certain sound.

    Improve intonation expressiveness of speech.

    The grammatical structure of speech.

    Continue to develop in children the ability to coordinate words in a sentence, use prepositions correctly in speech; form the plural form of nouns denoting cubs of animals (by analogy), use these nouns in the nominative and accusative cases (foxes - foxes, cubs - cubs); correctly use the plural form of the genitive case of nouns (forks, apples, shoes). Remind the correct forms of the imperative mood of some verbs (Lie down! Lie down! Go! Run! Etc.), indeclinable nouns (coat, piano, coffee, cocoa). Encourage the word creation characteristic of the fifth year of life, tactfully suggest a generally accepted pattern of a word. Encourage children to actively use the simplest types of complex and complex sentences in speech.

    Connected speech.

    To improve dialogic speech: to teach to participate in a conversation, it is clear for listeners to answer questions and ask them. To teach children to tell: describe an object, a picture; exercise in compiling stories based on a picture created by a child using handout didactic material. Exercise children in the ability to retell the most expressive and dynamic passages from fairy tales.

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    Continue to teach children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems; memorize small and simple rhymes. To help them, using different techniques and pedagogical situations, correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with its characters.

    Read at the request of the child a favorite passage from a fairy tale, story, poem, helping to develop a personal attitude to the work. Maintain attention and interest in the word in a literary work. Continue to work on creating interest in the book.

    Offer children illustrated editions of familiar works. Explain the importance of drawings in a book; show how many interesting things can be learned by carefully examining book illustrations. To acquaint with the books designed by Yu. Vasnetsov, E. Rachev, E.

    Charushin Introduction to fiction

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    1. Self-service in the process of dressing and undressing.

    2. Self-service in the process of washing.

    3. Assignments related to labor in nature

    4. Assignments related to household work.

    Exercise, conversation, explanation, assignment, show, explanation, training, reminder, story, nursery rhymes, watching videos, didactic games, conversation, personal example Formation of the basics of safety Safe behavior in nature.

    Continue to acquaint with the diversity of the animal and plant world, with the phenomena of inanimate nature. To form elementary ideas about how to interact with animals and plants, about the rules of behavior in nature. Form the concepts: “edible”, “inedible”, “medicinal plants.” Introduce dangerous insects and poisonous plants.

    Road safety.

    To develop observation skills, the ability to navigate indoors and on the site of the kindergarten, in the nearest area. Continue to acquaint with the concepts of "street", "road", "crossroads", "public transport stop" and the elementary rules of behavior on the street. Encourage children to understand the need to follow the rules of the road. Clarify children's knowledge about the purpose of a traffic light and the work of a policeman. To acquaint with various types of urban transport, the features of their appearance and purpose (“Ambulance”, “Fire”, Ministry of Emergency Situations, “Police”, tram, trolley bus, bus). To acquaint with traffic signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Public transport stop".

    To form the skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

    Safety of own life.

    Familiarize yourself with the rules of safe behavior during games. Talk about situations that are dangerous to life and health. To acquaint with the purpose, operation and rules for using household electrical appliances (vacuum cleaner, electric kettle, iron, etc.). To consolidate the ability to use cutlery (fork, knife), scissors. Familiarize yourself with the rules of cycling. Introduce the rules of behavior with strangers.

    Tell children about the work of firefighters, the causes of fires and the rules of behavior in case of fire.

    Used literature: Literature: R. Sterkina "Fundamentals of life safety of preschoolers", N.S.

    Golitsyna "Life safety for younger preschoolers", N.S. Golitsyna, I.M. Shumova "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in babies", L.B.

    Poddubnaya "Rules of the road" for the development of classes for the younger and middle groups, T.P. Garnysheva "How to teach children traffic rules", S.N. Cherepanova "Rules of the road for preschoolers"

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    Development of game activity Role-playing games.

    Continue working with children to develop and enrich the plots of games; using indirect methods of guidance, bring children to the independent creation of game ideas. In joint games with the teacher, containing 2-3 roles, improve the ability of children to unite in the game, distribute roles (mother, father, children), perform game actions, act in accordance with the rules and the general game plan. Learn to select items and attributes for the game. To develop the ability to use buildings made of building material in a role-playing game. Encourage children to create buildings of varying design complexity (for example, a garage for several cars, a house with 2-3 floors, a wide bridge for the passage of cars or trains going in two directions, etc.). To teach children to agree on what they will build, distribute material among themselves, coordinate actions and achieve results through joint efforts. To cultivate friendly relations between children, to develop the ability to reckon with the interests of comrades.

    Expand the scope of independent actions of children in choosing a role, developing and implementing a plan, using attributes; to develop the social relations of the players by understanding the professional activities of adults.

    Outdoor games.

    Continue to develop physical activity; dexterity, speed, spatial orientation. To nurture the independence of children in the organization of familiar games with a small group of peers. Teach yourself to follow the rules.

    To develop the creative abilities of children in games (inventing game options, combining movements).

    Theatrical games.

    Continue to develop and maintain children's interest in theatrical play by acquiring more complex play skills and abilities (the ability to perceive an artistic image, follow the development and interaction of characters). Conduct studies to develop the necessary mental qualities (perception, imagination, attention, thinking), performing skills (role-playing, the ability to act in an imaginary plan) and sensations (muscular, sensual), using musical, verbal, visual images. To teach children to act out simple performances based on familiar literary works; use well-known expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gesture) to embody the image. Encourage children to show initiative and independence in choosing a role, plot, means of reincarnation;

    provide an opportunity for experimentation when creating the same image. To learn to feel and understand the emotional state of the hero, to engage in role-playing interaction with other characters. To promote the versatile development of children in theatrical activities by tracking the number and nature of the roles played by each child. Facilitate the further development of directorial play by providing space, play materials and the opportunity to bring several children together in a long game. To teach to use figurative toys and bibabo in theatrical games, self-sculpted figures from clay, plastic, plasticine, toys from kinder surprises.

    Continue to use the possibilities of the pedagogical theater (adults) to accumulate emotional and sensory experience, children's understanding of the complex of expressive means used in the performance.

    Didactic games.

    To learn to play didactic games aimed at consolidating ideas about the properties of objects, improving the ability to compare objects by external signs, group, make up a whole from parts (cubes, mosaics, puzzles). Improve tactile, auditory, taste sensations (“Determine by touch (by taste, by sound)”) Develop observation and attention (“What has changed”, “Who has a ring”). Encourage the desire to master the rules of the simplest printed board games (Domino, Lotto).

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    Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle Continue to introduce children to parts of the body and human senses. To form an idea of ​​the importance of body parts and sensory organs for human life and health (hands do many useful things; legs help move; mouth speaks, eats; teeth chew; tongue helps to chew, speak;

    skin feels; the nose breathes, catches odors; ears hear). To educate the need for adherence to the diet, eating vegetables and fruits, and other healthy foods. To form an idea of ​​the substances and vitamins necessary for a person. Expand ideas about the importance of sleep, hygiene procedures, movements, hardening for health. To acquaint children with the concepts of "health" and "disease". Develop the ability to establish a connection between the action being performed and the state of the body, well-being (“I brush my teeth, which means they will be strong and healthy”, “I got my feet wet on the street, and I got a runny nose”). Form the ability to provide yourself with elementary help in case of bruises, seek help from adults in case of illness, injury. Form ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of exercise for the human body.

    Continue to acquaint with physical exercises to strengthen various organs and systems of the body. Literature: I.M. Novikova "Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers"

    N.S. Golitsyna, I.M. Shumova "Educating the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children"

    Month Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle September "To be healthy" (tell the children who cares for children in kindergarten). D / and "The bear is sick"

    “Tanya caught a cold” Conversation “Health and illness”

    October D / and “Wonderful bag” (vegetables and fruits), “Recognize and name vegetables”, “Guess the taste”, “Where to put the bunny harvest”

    (Golitsyna, 29, 39, 40, 52) Conversation "Vegetables and fruits are healthy products"

    November Game-situation “Why brush your teeth” D / and “Remember the movement”, “Parcel from the monkey” “My body” (Shumova, Galitsyna, 42, 43) Riddles (N.N. Avdeeva, 67) Conversation “I and other people"

    December Did. games “If someone gets sick” With parents: bring healthy items from home, make a collection of health items; arrange drawings and crafts. Board Games (First Aid) Nutrition and Health Conversation

    January Dramatization “Here is a beautiful toy - our doll Katyushka” (daily routine) Did. games “Name the sport”, “Guess the sport by the show” (Golitsyna, 28, 29, 60, 61) Conversation “Physical education and health”

    February Game situation "Mode of the day" Role-playing game "Hospital" Did. the game “Let’s put Masha to sleep” (to give an idea that strength is restored with the help of sleep. Conversation “Internal organs of a person”

    March “What am I, what is inside me” Conversation about the structure of the human body D / and “Show me where ...” “What are the habits”

    Conversation “What is useful, we know” D / and “What is possible and what is not”

    April “Human skin and care” “Proper nutrition, dental care” Conversations: “Why does a person need teeth?”, “What is good for teeth and what is harmful?” doctor?" Game-situation "Why you need to brush your teeth" Workshop: "Introduction to toothpaste and brush", "Techniques for brushing teeth." D / and "At the dentist"

    May “Everyone loves to swim” Conversation about safe behavior in water Situations “Phone 101,102,103”, “I was bitten by a bee”, “If trouble happened”. D / and "Masha in the country" "Masha and Katya at sea"

    Physical education To form the correct posture. To develop and improve the motor skills of children, the ability to creatively use them in independent motor activity. To consolidate and develop the ability to walk and run with coordinated movements of the arms and legs.

    Learn to run easily, rhythmically, energetically pushing off with your toe. Learn to crawl, crawl, crawl, climb over objects.

    Learn to climb from one span of the gymnastic wall to another (to the right, to the left). Learn to vigorously push off and land correctly in jumping on two legs in place and moving forward, to navigate in space. In long and high jumps from a place, learn to combine repulsion with a wave of the arms, and maintain balance when landing. Learn to jump over a short rope.

    To consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing, hit the ball on the ground with the right and left hands, throw and catch it with the hands (without pressing it to the chest). Learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle in a straight line, in a circle. Learn to ski in a sliding step, make turns, climb a mountain. Teach formations, keeping distance while moving.

    Develop psychophysical qualities: speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, etc. Learn to play a leading role in an outdoor game, consciously relate to the implementation of the rules of the game. In all forms of organization of motor activity, to develop in children organization, independence, initiative, the ability to maintain friendly relations with peers.

    Outdoor games.

    Continue to develop the activity of children in games with balls, jump ropes, hoops, etc. Develop speed, strength, agility, spatial orientation. Cultivate independence and initiative in the organization of familiar games. Teach to perform actions on a signal.

    See "Play activity"

    Middle group 4-5 years Educational area


    “Artistic and aesthetic development involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

    Introduction to art To introduce children to the perception of art, to develop interest in it. Encourage the expression of aesthetic feelings, the manifestation of emotions when looking at objects of folk and decorative art, listening to works of musical folklore.

    To acquaint children with the professions of an artist, artist, composer. Encourage to recognize and name objects and phenomena of nature, the surrounding reality in artistic images (literature, music, fine arts). To teach to distinguish between genres and types of art: poetry, prose, riddles (literature), songs, dances, music, painting (reproduction), sculpture (fine art), building and construction (architecture). Learn to identify and name the main means of expression (color, shape, size, rhythm, movement, gesture, sound) and create your own artistic images in visual, musical, constructive activities. Introduce children to architecture. To form ideas that the houses in which they live (kindergarten, school, other buildings) are architectural structures; houses are different in shape, height, length, with different windows, with a different number of floors, entrances, etc. Arouse interest in various buildings located around the kindergarten (houses in which the child and his friends live, school, cinema) . To draw the attention of children to the similarities and differences of different buildings, to encourage independent selection of parts of the building, its features. To consolidate the ability to notice differences in buildings similar in shape and structure (shape and size of entrance doors, windows and other parts). Encourage the desire of children to depict real and fabulous buildings in drawings, applications. Organize a visit to the museum (together with parents), talk about the purpose of the museum. To develop interest in visiting the puppet theater, exhibitions. To consolidate children's knowledge about the book, book illustration. To acquaint with the library as a storage center for books created by writers and poets. To acquaint with works of folk art (rhymes, fairy tales, riddles, songs, round dances, invocations, products of folk arts and crafts).

    Cultivate respect for works of art.

    Visual activity Continue to develop children's interest in visual activity. Cause a positive emotional response to the offer to draw, sculpt, cut and paste. Continue to develop aesthetic perception, figurative representations, imagination, aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative abilities. Continue to develop the ability to examine and examine objects, including with the help of hands.

    Enrich children's ideas about the fine arts (illustrations for works of children's literature, reproductions of paintings, folk decorative art, small sculpture, etc.) as the basis for the development of creativity. To teach children to highlight and use means of expression in drawing, modeling, and appliqué. Continue to develop the ability to create collective works in drawing, modeling, and appliqué. To consolidate the ability to maintain the correct posture when drawing: do not stoop, do not lean low over the table, towards the easel; sit freely without straining. Teach children to be neat: keep their workplace in order, remove everything from the table at the end of work. Learn to be friendly when evaluating the work of other children.


    Continue to develop in children the ability to draw individual objects and create plot compositions, repeating the image of the same objects (tumblers are walking, trees on our site in winter, chickens are walking on the grass) and adding others to them (sun, falling snow, etc.). ).

    To form and consolidate ideas about the shape of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular), size, location of parts. Help children, when conveying a plot, arrange images on the entire sheet in accordance with the content of the action and the objects included in the action. Direct the attention of children to the transfer of the ratio of objects in size: a tree is tall, a bush is lower than a tree, flowers are lower than a bush.

    Continue to consolidate and enrich children's ideas about the colors and shades of surrounding objects and objects of nature. Add new ones to already known colors and shades (brown, orange, light green); form an idea of ​​how these colors can be obtained. Learn to mix paints to get the right colors and shades. To develop the desire to use a variety of colors in drawing, applications, pay attention to the multicolor of the world around. To consolidate the ability to properly hold a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen, colored chalk; use them when creating an image. To teach children to paint over drawings with a brush, pencil, drawing lines and strokes in only one direction (top to bottom or left to right); rhythmically apply strokes, strokes throughout the form, without going beyond the contour; draw wide lines with the whole brush, and narrow lines and dots - with the end of the bristle of the brush. To consolidate the ability to cleanly rinse the brush before using paint of a different color. By the end of the year, to form in children the ability to obtain light and dark shades of color by changing the pressure on the pencil. To form the ability to correctly convey the location of parts when drawing complex objects (doll, bunny, etc.) and correlate them in size.

    Decorative drawing.

    Continue to develop the ability to create decorative compositions based on Dymkovo and Filimonov patterns. Use Dymkovo and Filimonov products to develop an aesthetic perception of beauty and as samples for creating patterns in the style of these murals (toys fashioned by children and silhouettes of toys cut out of paper can be used for painting). Introduce children to Gorodets products.

    Learn to highlight the elements of Gorodets painting (buds, cups, roses, leaves); see and name the colors used in painting.

    Continue to develop children's interest in modeling; improve the ability to sculpt from clay (from plasticine, plastic mass). To consolidate the modeling techniques mastered in previous groups; teach pinching with a slight pull of all the edges of a flattened ball, pulling out individual parts from a whole piece, pinching small details (the ears of a kitten, the beak of a bird). Learn to smooth the surface of a molded object, figure with your fingers. To teach techniques for indenting the middle of a ball, a cylinder to obtain a hollow shape. Learn how to use stacks.

    Encourage the desire to decorate fashioned products with a pattern using a stack. To fix the techniques of neat modeling.


    Raise interest in the application, complicating its content and expanding the possibilities of creating a variety of images. To develop in children the ability to properly hold scissors and use them. Teach cutting, starting with the formation of the skill of cutting in a straight line, first short and then long strips. To learn how to compose images of various objects from stripes (fence, bench, ladder, tree, bush, etc.). Learn to cut round shapes from a square and oval shapes from a rectangle by rounding the corners; use this technique to depict vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers, etc. in the application. Continue to expand the number of objects depicted in the application (birds, animals, flowers, insects, houses, both real and imaginary) from ready-made forms. To teach children to transform these forms by cutting them into two or four parts (circle - into semicircles, quarters; square - into triangles, etc.). Strengthen the skills of accurate cutting and gluing.

    Encourage activity and creativity.

    Constructive-model activity To draw the attention of children to various buildings and structures around their home, kindergarten. On walks in the process of playing, consider cars, carts, buses and other modes of transport with children, highlighting their parts, name their shape and location in relation to the largest part.

    Continue to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name building parts (cube, plate, brick, bar); learn to use them taking into account the design properties (stability, shape, size). To develop the ability to establish associative links, offering to remember what similar structures the children saw. Learn to analyze a building pattern: identify the main parts, distinguish and correlate them in size and shape, establish the spatial arrangement of these parts relative to each other (in houses - walls, at the top - ceiling, roof; in a car - cabin, body, etc.) . Learn to independently measure buildings (in height, length and width), follow the design principle set by the educator (“Build the same house, but tall”). Learn to build buildings from large and small building materials, use parts of different colors to create and decorate buildings. To teach paper design: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, combining sides and corners (album, flags to decorate the site, greeting card), stick to the main shape of the part (to the house - windows, doors, pipe; to the bus - wheels; to the chair - back). Involve children in making crafts from natural materials: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts, nutshells, straw (boats, hedgehogs, etc.). Learn to use glue, plasticine to fix parts; use coils, boxes of various sizes and other objects in crafts. Musical activities Continue to develop in children an interest in music, a desire to listen to it, and evoke emotional responsiveness when perceiving musical works. Enrich musical impressions, contribute to the further development of the foundations of musical culture.


    To form the skills of a culture of listening to music (not to be distracted, listen to the piece to the end). To learn to feel the nature of music, to recognize familiar works, to express their impressions of what they heard. Learn to notice the expressive means of a musical work: quietly, loudly, slowly, quickly. Develop the ability to distinguish sounds in height (high, low within a sixth, seventh).

    To teach children expressive singing, to form the ability to sing long, movingly, in concert (within the re - si of the first octave). Develop the ability to take breath between short musical phrases. Learn to sing a melody cleanly, soften the ends of phrases, clearly pronounce words, sing expressively, conveying the nature of the music. Learn to sing with and without instrumental accompaniment (with the help of a teacher).

    Song creativity.

    Learn to compose a lullaby melody on your own and answer musical questions (“What is your name?”, “What do you want, kitty?”, “Where are you?”). To form the ability to improvise melodies for a given text.

    Musical-rhythmic movements.

    Continue to develop in children the skill of rhythmic movement in accordance with the nature of the music. Learn to independently change movements in accordance with the two- and three-part form of music. Improve dance movements: straight gallop, spring, circling one by one and in pairs. To teach children to move in pairs in a circle in dances and round dances, put their feet on their toes and on their heels, clap their hands rhythmically, perform the simplest rearrangements (from the circle in all directions and back), jumps.

    Continue to improve children's basic movement skills (walking:

    "solemn", calm, "mysterious"; running: easy, fast).

    Development of dance and game creativity.

    To promote the development of emotionally figurative performance of musical game exercises (leaves are spinning, snowflakes are falling) and scenes using facial expressions and pantomime (a happy and sad bunny, a cunning fox, an angry wolf, etc.). Teach staging songs and staging small musical performances.

    Playing children's musical instruments.

    To form the ability to play along with the simplest melodies on wooden spoons, rattles, a drum, a metallophone.

    Introduction to art. Visual activity Month Drawing Sculpting Applique Development of children Introduction to creativity art. Decorative drawing.

    Consolidate techniques Consolidate the ability to teach children to work Continue to develop Introduce children to September drawing with a brush, sculpt children with scissors: cut children's interest in the perception of art, the ability to correctly round strip objects in narrow work. Learn to develop interest in it.

    keep it, form different sides on the same pass in modeling, develop a sense of rhythm and wash in water the magnitude. segments. Consolidate drawing impressions of a sense of taste, composition.

    brush, drain about To teach children to sculpt techniques for a neat environment. Teach Develop an aesthetic rag; techniques, sticking objects, the ability to convey features of perception.

    drawing an elongated alternate of each subject; Encourage learning with pencils; shape skills. images by color. determine the content to name objects and shading. Introduce Children Teach children how to cut their own work. natural phenomena, continue with the techniques of sculpting a wide strip, encourage the drawing of different surroundings, introduce children to objects, teach how to cut objects according to reality in oval-shaped techniques. stripe in half. the content of the drawing. artistic images.

    image Develop imagination, oval objects and creativity.

    round shape.

    Consolidate Continue Teaching children to highlight Continue to develop Encourage the expression of technical skills in forming corners, hand imagination, creative aesthetic feelings, October drawing paints. the ability to work square. Strengthen abilities. display of emotions when bring children to gently. knowledge of the round, Develop color viewing of objects in figurative transmission. Consolidate knowledge of the square and perception, figurative folk and decorative phenomena. triangular shapes. representations, the ability of applied art, to learn to create in manufacturing, to exercise in the selection to choose the content, listening to drawings, fabulous objects of color combinations. Learn images. works of musical images. Continue oval shape, transform Continue to shape folklore.

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