• Gifts from bills for men. Beautiful and comic poems to a gift of money. Poems to gift money funny


    The birth time of the tradition to give money on a variety of holidays is years of restructuring. Previously, it did not exist at the USSR. The exception was gifts for wedding celebrations, because even with the developed socialism, newlyweds experienced serious economic problems.

    The rest of the questions about how to give money, did not occur. But the end of the 20th century changed everything. Of course, problems with material agents, unfortunately, did not disappear. Just people stopped thinking about, as a rule, unnecessary souvenirs and all that the habit was bought as presents. After all, it may happen that the gifted counts the last rubles in the wallet, and he also presents some nonsense. Then it would be better to give him a certain amount in the convective. We will try to figure out how to give money to a man to be originally and unusual.

    What to take into account when giving

    So, the decision is accepted and instead of all sorts of lotion-toilet waters-wallets will be given a money amount. But how to do it right? How beautiful to give money to a man? Of course, you can not think about how it was accepted earlier - to lay bills in a small converter and solemnly all this. And yet, it is better to give so that the present of the gift is, perhaps, even more important than the gift itself. After all, money is only money. This present does not have a special care, it is impossible to feel what a close person thought when he prepared him. But if you give rustling bills original, the result will be practical, and pleasant. The birthday girl will definitely be not only glad, but also pleasantly surprised.

    Present presents girl

    Give some amount for a birthday man can be very beautiful. The magnificent solution will be a bouquet created from the bill. It is done by the same principle as in childhood we made paper flowers. The base of the bouquet will fix with a bright ribbon on any design, which will be a stem. You can use a real bouquet for a man with nested bills.

    A converter in which there will be poems to such an unusual bouquet. Even the most serious man will be delighted by such a gift.

    Flower gift

    Another one an unusual way Prevent ordinary money will be a cash cake. Make it will not be difficult even newcomer. The currens of the required nominal are twisted with rolls and are located in a circle. Then they need to be tiered by a ribbon. It will be the foundation of a festive cake. Now make another part of the cake - a smaller diameter - and put it on the base. The third part installed on the second will be even less. And now you can not restrain your fantasy. Such a cake can be decorated with flower, install beautiful candles on it. All this is presented on the dish in the most solemn moment of the festival.

    The following option is expensive candy. Even if the birthday girl does not like sweet, such a birthday greeting will not leave him indifferent. A beautiful candy box is bought in wrappers, each sweetie unfolds and wraps into the monetary bill.

    Creative approach

    How cool to give money to the anniversary of a man so that he was not only nice, but is very fun? There are several options that are few people know about, but, nevertheless, they are able to deliver a great joy and a lot of pleasant impressions to a beloved man.

    Air balloons. If the newborn suits the holiday at home, then during the decoration you can fill out opaque balloons with cash bills and spend the prepared balls on the room. If the holiday passes on the street, then the balls can be sprawling, strengthening them on the branches of trees, pillars or some other suitable supports. And the birthday girl can give a comic pistolatics or bow to a hundred arrows. And to propose to try the weapon immediately on the spot, using balls instead - balls. He will like it when there would be a pre-prepared monetary signs. Thus, you can give money for the birthday of both a young man and is in solid age.

    Money train. If the birthman is young, then the original presentation is suitable for him. On the room you can decompose the children's railway. When a birthday party will enter, you can run a toy train that will bring to newborn cash bills. Similarly, you can also use a radio-controlled machine.


    Mystery hidden in ice. Another answer to the question of how to organize the money for the birthday of a man, will be able to hide bills in an ice ball. And when the time of cocktails comes, you must put the ball on the dish in front of the birthday girl, put the hammer in the hand and suggest split this ball. Here you can "kill two hares" at the same time: the newborn will receive a gift, and guests are ice to create cocktails.

    Play with package. Under the ceiling of the room where a party passes, hang a bag with money. At the right moment, shove carefully for the prepared rope so that the package fell into the hands of the celebration. And it is possible to come even more creatively: one of the guests pronounces toast, and at the moment when everyone is going to connect the glasses, a real cash rain lifted on the newborn.

    For Men of Answer

    How to give money on the anniversary of a man who celebrates five or six decades since the birth? After all, it should be not only fun, but also solid.
    Excellent option - Creating a cash tree. In this gift you can find a lot of meaning. A person's life is fifty, sixty or even seventy years of hike on a fully formed strong tree, which will not bend problems from winds, failures and surprises.

    Money tree with your own hands

    The tree makes it possible to grow new branches that grow up in different directions, stronger, become longer, greasy, yellow. And all this is only due to the powerful root system and the trunk. Therefore, in a male understanding, such a tree (besides, filled with bills) will be quite symbolic, solemn and very beautiful.

    How to organize money to a man, if he does not love creative? In this case, it will be extremely the original box or a chest in which the bills can be laid as a treasure. All together will look very solid.
    How to organize the money in the anniversary of a man, if he is in the soul - captain? And here you can come up with something original. Prepare unusual postcardcomprising a ship (it will be made from banknotes) and coins. The background you can choose a marine map fragment. You can decorate such a postcard with brands, pieces of the twine ... Coins used when decorating a postcard, better take dollars or euros. The masts of such a vessel will be bills, rolled into a dense tube, and sails and feed make their banknotes more. The money card can be glued with small pieces of scotch. They will keep tightly and will not harm when the birthday girl decide to rejuvenate them and spend.

    And how else to give money to a man to be pleased? You can beautifully arrange a large envelope from the usual Watman sheet, which should be folded in half.

    To draw a big brand on it, fill in the Count "From Who", inventing how ordinary information should be presented non-standard. In the Count "Who" need to add as many compliments as possible newborn. But inside the banknotes will be lying, which the donator preliminaries on the smallest bills.

    30 ideas as you can give money beautifully

    Well, if the birthday boy ordered a certain thing in advance, or at least you know what the presentation he will definitely be happy. And what if you do not know? In this case, there is a multifunctional gift that will always be to the place, you will enjoy any person, and it will be very necessary! As it has already become clear, this gift is money. We will tell about how to unusually give money to any holiday - a wedding, anniversary or birthday, what are the options for filing such a surprise, as well as what traditions are accompanied by this presentation.

    Gift out money for birthday

    Take cash simply in the envelope - too usary and officially. Fortunately, there are more interesting options for filing such a surprise:

    • Wallet. As you know, the wallet is taken to give with cash inside. Choose a beautiful wallet that will appeal to the birthday girl, to invest in it and present the present;
    • Candy Box. The filling in your box will be original. Instead of candies, we put paper signs there. To begin with, translate bills into smaller to make more of them, then turn them with a roll, and fill the box to the top;
    • Cigarette case. Great surprise for smoking man! In this souvenir, two gifts are obtained in one - and the portrait itself, and its contents - with which we will have, again, finance. Repeat them again into the tubes and stretch carefully inside the box.

    Money gift to newlyweds for a wedding

    As you know, it is customary to give money to the wedding. You can, of course, give something, in your opinion, the necessary young spouses, but there is a possibility that they consider differently and will not appreciate your mental impulse. Therefore, better - starting financial capital.

    There are some interesting ways to prevent such a gift to newlyweds:

    • Piggy bank. It is preferably a transparent piggy bank. Fill it with coins to the edge. You can either exchange a large bill on small, and fill the piggy bank, or exchange to coins - this method is even more interesting;
    • Cake from money. The method is beautiful, but requires some skills and patience. How to do it: first Make a frame for a cardboard cake. Then prepare bills by turning them into the tubes of different widths. For the first level of the cake, the base should be wider, for the second level - thinner. Then secure them on the frame with the help of bilateral scotch. It should be done carefully so as not to damage the money. On top of the cake can be put big beautiful flower, or put the figures of newlyweds. Cake edges reaplate with glitter or ribbons;
    • Umbrella. It will symbolic to give the spouses an umbrella, asking them to open it and stand up under it, as a sign that they are hiding together with external adversity. To the spokes of such an umbrella, in advance, tie paper signs on ribbons in advance, and at the moment when the newlyweds will reveal the gift, the effect of money rain will be!;
    • Bag with money. You can either sew the bag or buy in a special gift shop. Excuse your bill into smaller, roll them, and put into the bag. If you want to surprise young - change part of the money on a trifle, then the bag will be very fun.

    Money tree in the form of a present

    Beautiful and symbolic gift is a money tree. It is a symbol of wealth and well-being, moreover, this is also a plant adorning the room. Usually it is given at once with the first fruits - carefully fixed on it with paper signs.

    Tell me how unusual To present such a present a birthman or newlyweds:

    1. Secure bilateral scotch with rolled bills under the leaves of money. Try to attach them as much as possible that the tree looks blooming and raised the mood;
    2. Put an empty pot from the ground in front of the birthman, let him in the hand of seeds, let him plan them and poke himself;
    3. Close the Birthday of the eye, and let him at this moment say some kind of magic phrase, like: "Abrakadabra!";
    4. Apply the empty pot to the present blooming tree;
    5. You can open your eyes - the tree has grown and brought the first fruits!

    Cash canned

    Another interesting way to give finances is to roll them in a jar. The main thing is to come up with a funny signature.

    1. You will need: an ordinary glass bank and a piece of fabric to reap the cover;
    2. First of all, make more more photocopy of your bills - the bank must be filled to the edges. Do not forget to somehow mark the real bill so that it does not get lost;
    3. Roll into the tube, and fill with them;
    4. Close the lid, you can even truly roll it out. Place a piece of fabric on top of the lid - it can be satin fabric, a rough baggy, or "mesh" - exclusively to your taste. Tie it with ribbon or twine, depending on the selected style;
    5. Outside the jar, glue the etiquette with a funny signature, for example: "Cauliflower" - and you will certainly see a smile on the face of the birthday room.

    Surprise inside treats

    Perhaps this is the most interesting way to prevent money, because the birthday name does not know that he is waiting for him. Consider several options for such a souvenir:

    • Kinder Surprise. Chocolate egg - already in itself, in principle, a gift, especially for the girl. Especially if there are many kinders. If you want to please her doubly - to invest money inside this hotel. It's easy enough to do it: carefully remove the wrapper, break the kinder in half on the seam or cut down with a hot knife, get a container for toys and replace it with a folded bill. Then collect the Kinder Surprise back: To glue the halves of the eggs, you need to spend hot spoon along it. After neatly wrap back to the wrap. There is a lot of compensation, but the birthday girl will appreciate it;
    • Treasure inside the cake. To do this, it will be necessary to fold the cash in a small container (for example, a capsule from the kinder surprise) and put it between the korzhs in the cake. Make it carefully, and so that the container immediately It was discovered when cutting the cake.

    And here is the video tutorial how to make such a kinder surprise with such a stuffing correctly:

    9 more ideas as you can give money

    1. Objects of money look original and interesting:
    • Rose from money for a woman;
    • Ship sailor in his professional holiday;
    • House of money for housewarming;
    • Cake from money on birthday;
    • Medal of money;
    • Etc.;

    So you can list to infinity, everyone can make anything with their own hands.

    1. Balloons are one of the main and favorite attributes of the decoration on any holiday. Balls can be issued as your heart. So why not give money in it.

    1. Sweets can be given a box of chocolates, only instead of candies will be bills

    1. If you really want to give bed linen, then give it out of money. Let be hidden with joy.

    1. If you do not want to think for a long time - give just a bag with which you can carry out a bunch of desires.

    1. Funny and unusual will give to your friend toilet paper from bill.

    1. Album with money. For a collector, it will be a valuable gift.

    1. For adventure lovers, you can buy a chest in a pirated style. Fill it with coins, rhinestones, jewelry and all different colors and size for the entourage. On the chest you can hang the castle.

    So, as you can see, there are many ways to unusually give money. Some of them are simple, other more complicated in performance, but also more interesting in their effect. The most important thing is your fantasy and warm words pronounced in the presentation of this gift.

    Video: a few more cash ideas

    In this video, Lily Fedorova will show some more original ways:

    But another original and funny idea from Alina, how to make a smiling face, pulling the birthday girl who will suddenly receive a bill:

    It is mistaken to assume that the money is given to those who have gone to a dead end in search of the present. Of course, sometimes such an idea really helps. Men always fully plans, there are secret dreams and goals, to the implementation of which needed funds. By choosing this present, you bring it over to their implementation. The main thing is to know how cool and originally give money to a man for a birthday. If only a special envelope comes to mind, it's time to get better options!

    Ideas for presenting money close

    If you have to congratulate your father, brother or husband, you should not limit fantasy. This is the case when creative only on hand! Here's how cool and original to give money to a close male for a birthday:

    • Corona from bill. You just need to make a cardboard base, and then with the help of a clips to attach every bill. So you will form an unusual crown. For a larger effect, come up with congratulations, a decent king, whom you are going to crown.
    • Box in box. On the principle of matryoshki, you need to put a present in the smallest boxes or, for more effect, attach money from the outside at the bottom. For the culprit of the celebration did not immediately find a gift. And then pack every small boxes in a little bigger. The more Tara - the more interesting! While your close person will open the box one after another, encourage it. And even better - put in every sweet incentive bonus.
    • Socks with surprise inside. To do this, you will need to buy ordinary socks, and then put inside by banknote. When the case is done - it remains only to pack them in a beautiful box and sign "Magic socks".
    • Book with money. Buy a product of your favorite author or some useful directory. But before hand, put money between the pages. The book itself can be packed in paper and decorate a ribbon. So you will have a doubly useful present.
    • Money in candy box. Suitable any box. The main thing is to roll money into the rolls, it is beautifully tied with ribbons and gently put into the box. If you are perfected and patient, you can buy a box of sweets and wrap each candy in the bill.
    • Cash rain. Buy an umbrella for a man where to pre-invest banknotes. Hand a gift and ask him to reveal. It will be the case when a person falls under the cherished money rain.
    • Pizza delivery. You will need an assistant to play out. Make the view that I ordered pizza and ask the birthday room to pay. At the moment when it is suitable for the door, the box will be revealed by providing the opportunity to be surprised.

    Money is not just paper. They possess special energy. They cannot be neglected, but at the same time should not be over-exalted. Also consider that the boss and representative of the higher authorities is not always appropriate to give money. There is a risk that this is perceived as a handover.

    Money for anniversary

    Often this gift is chosen on the anniversary. Such an event requires a special effect and solemnity. Here's how we advise you cool and inquiry to give money to a man for a birthday in this case:

    • For 30 years. Take a mailbox, to put several valuable or practical presents there, as well as supplement a gift for a pack of money for the realization of goals. Not bad will look a bouquet of bill. To do this, the money is folded first by the harmonica, then in half, the edge is glued with a sticky ribbon to attach to the skeleton. Further the stems of "colors" are placed in the container - a jar, a vase or boxes.
    • For 35 years. At this age, a man has already taken place in life, found himself, but at the same time in him there is still a striving for adventure. The spirit of youth pushes him to the search for funny and fun. At this date, a man can be called and say that under the door the valuable cargo. He will open the doors and find a suitcase on the threshold, full of money. If a man smokes, you can buy a new cigarette card for him, fold the bills in the tube and put in there.
    • For 40 years. You can present a big horn of abundance filled with valuable bills, or buy a shirt and in the outer pocket to invest in cash. You can also attach bills to the diary in the leather binding, attaching them to the pages of the clips.
    • For 45 years. It is appropriate a cash bouquet or garland of money, ribbons, beads and folded harmonica bills.
    • For 50 years. At such a date it is necessary to hand a beautiful and symbolic present that ensures well-being and symbolizing wealth. The best option is in the form of a tree of coins. Burlap sticks on a cardboard base, three-layer napkins are folded with stripes, and the harnesses are formed - quickly dropping and removed from the water. Sketch draws on the burlap and harnesses stick on it. Coins are attached to the ends of the stems with the help of glue-gun. Sponge moistened in acrylic paint, cover the entire application, after which the stamps of bronze paint.

    You can also purchase a box that is stylized under the chest or a suitcase, and put the valuable treasure there. Or give a piggy bank filled with many coins. It will be implicitly looked from the billboard, folded in the form of a house and bonded with each other clips.

    Spectacular money delivery options

    But such ideas are suitable if you want to make the moment of delivery unforgettable. Here's how cool and originally give money to a man for a birthday:

    • Ball with money. In a transparent ball, pour confetti, putting bills, inflate and present this bright gift of the perpetrator of the celebration.
    • Bank with money. Take the usual liter bank, put the bills there, roll, decorate with paper and sign some joking inscription.
    • Bucket with money. Buy a toy bucket, fill it with a bulk material and insert several bills there.
    • Card with bills. Buy a postcard, glue bills to her and draw at the end of the light, giving them a kind of festive candles.
    • Injection of happiness. The monetary bill of a large nominal value is stacked in the syringe, the needle is removed and disposed of. Then such a syringe is packaged in a beautiful box.
    • Bottle with money. Purchase a bottle of tasty wine and arrange it with money, tapping a festive ribbon from the neck.

    Present with humor

    And how cool and in the original way to give money a man for a birthday, so that this moment makes him smile? Such ideas will be useful:

    • Collage of money. You can lay out a favorite type of transport or some separate figure, arrange in the frame and present the perpetrator of the celebration.
    • Monetary composition. You can embroider a cross with a cross, and at the end of each branch neatly jogging bills. But the most chip is to decorate each branch by the Council, what to spend one or another part of the money. For example, "Wife on a fur coat", "myself on beer", etc.
    • Decorative cake. It all starts with a cardboard basis, after which the bills are laying up with a tube into three tiers.
    • Cancer. In several envelopes, put bills, on the front side to sign recommendations for the purpose of the deposit, then decorate all the cardboard cover with the inscription "Saving".
    • Carpet from money. The bills are put into transparent files, and these files fasten together, forming a large rectangle. For a better effect, the ribbon is sewn around the edges.
    • Money in a piece of ice. Such a gift is suitable as a gift if the birthday is celebrated in winter.
    • Chocolate with a surprise. The original packaging is removed, leaving sweetness in foil. Then make your original packaging named the culprit of the celebration and wishes. Under the package is put on the bill.
    • Food bills. You can cut a bun, cake or bread and attach bills there. But do not forget to finally wrap the money by cellophane or foil.

    Before presenting a gift in the form of money, find out how a person belongs to a similar gift. Some may consider that you just did not have enough fantasy for something more. But if you are not sure of the preferences of a person and do not want to disappoint his unnecessary thing, money is a good option.

    Pleasant ideas

    Among the ways how cool and originally give money to a man for a birthday, such options will work well:

    • Pouch with moneytied with a ribbon and decorated with appliqué;
    • Money in boxbonded with each other so that they dragged themselves with one long garland;
    • Bills in piggyback pigsmade of felt;
    • Indoor plant with attached bills between leaves;
    • Money right in a bottle with alcohol;
    • Covers In a box from under the jewelry.

    Some more options finally

    But how can I have fun and originally give money to your beloved man or a friend for a birthday, if you want to give the present a greater surprise effect.

    • Gift Certificate. So you will prevent money not directly, but in the form of a valuable opportunity to acquire some kind of thing or survive new impressions. A gift certificate for a visit to your favorite store will make it possible to make pleasant purchases.
    • Unexpected surprise. Wrap a big nominal value in the bill of smaller, and then place a gift in a beautiful festive box. The string will look like the packaging, the stronger the effect.
    • Letter from an unknown foreign sender. You can pack money in the envelope, sign it foreign language And stick foreign stamps, and then prevent a man under the guise that he came from somewhere from afar.
    • Kinder surprises with money inside. You need to buy sweets - it's better more. Gently printed, disconnect the halves of the egg, take out the toy out of the box and put money there instead. Then make everything in the reverse order.

    Now you have a lot of cool ideas in stock, and the celebration's culprit is simply doomed to survive bright emotions!

    How to give the original money on the anniversary - create an emotional frame and cause impressions of interesting boxes and packages. You will also learn how interesting to give money on the anniversary and arrange real holiday For birthday and guests.

    Often, we fall a chance to visit the event that is timed to the solemn anniversary. And on how you give the present, the recipient's response will depend. Sometimes instead of the subject surprise, guests give money. But how to properly prevent them, beat such a gift and pick up the case - learn later.

    Let's return to the traditional species wrap a gift - packaging. They are:

    • Paper;
    • Cardboard;
    • Decorated with butterflies and hearts;
    • In different colors.

    But such decorations are more often used for those presents that are not related to the task to give money. And now it has become relevant as the wedding, do interesting ideas For donation of bills and coins.

    Some of these packages can be presented as a borrowed plot - packaging from products McDonalds will be interesting to their external speciesAnd edible things are surprised by the combination of the present and its outdoor species. You can also put money inside the box from under anything other, not related to simple decorations for a surprise wrapper.

    Compositions from bills

    As you already understood, from the money, you can also create a composition - the same origami in the technique of neat plexus bill without using glue and nails. So how to give money on the anniversary original, learn later from the photo list.

    Such a necklace can be given to anyone, but only female. Girls and adult ladies would be nice to get such a necklace that looks more expensive than the largest diamonds.

    In addition, it is quite simple to make it, and only ribbons and fantasy will be needed for work. How to put them in a pigtail from ribbons - see the video in this article. There are still many interesting unused ideas for presenting money.

    An interesting butterfly, looking at which, it is impossible to even immediately understand - from which it is made. Let it be just a presentation of a gift with warm and good words wishes, With the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bright moments of life.

    After such a toast, you can hand a gift with a solemn exclamation - flush, like a bird or a monetary butterfly. Or just say that it is not idle, but green.

    Beautiful picture in embroidery, where the frame made of threads, tapestry and beautiful flowers. The combination of wood and money is ideal, because these two subjects are great fit to each other.

    An important guest's anniversary birthday can be decorated with such a gift without the use of glass, only frames. Let each branch give him 100 units on the bill.

    Excellent new ideaHow an extraordinary use transparent files for folders. Insert each bill in the file, bend. On the other hand, insert another bill. The end of the file is attached to the tape to the base - a blanket, a spice or something else.

    Most the best way This is atlas or silk. You can easily sew or glue files. As you have already noticed, the author of this work has tried and created a drawing on the so-called carpet.

    Gift 2 in 1 - Because within the present itself, as a rule, souvenir, money mascot, and from above - beautiful cash registration. True, the jubilee can immediately and do not open a gift, believing that the most valuable is stored on the surface.

    Warn what kind of money are real, not a handful for humor. Otherwise, the entire plot holiday can fail.

    If there was a monetary shovel, then all their owners would be millionaires, at a minimum. And here the guests decided to give a homemade tool with a beautiful design.

    Now the thing is useful in the farm, and in vacation. It is not necessary to believe in vain that you will easily repeat such a gift. We need: Snorzka, dexterity of hands and no ... Desire to squeeze one bill.

    Simple ways

    And here is the most interesting section of the article describing how to unusually give money on the anniversary, but use simple ways. Simple, therefore, bought or those on which you did not spend a lot of time on thought. Here you will find a lot of combinations of femininity, elegance, originality and simplicity - all in one.

    Moekhanger did not bypassed a Russian man, so "converting" even in children works on perfectly. Coins of foreign states are also quite well appreciated in the traditions of the country, so the caskool with reserves can be useful to a man to buy differently, and a woman - to acquire different little things.

    Cake, where the equivalent is drawn inside the lying dollars, it is just a drawing. Emotions and adrenaline are already excavated. Inside golden color, similar to gold, beautiful candy coins. And all this is decorated with mastic in gold.

    The beautiful shine that the confectioner achieved does not dry out. And all because guests will refuse to eat this beauty until you find a gift inside.

    Money can be put under the bottom of the cake, and they will very much like artificial. In the quality of avoiding awkwardness and howl, just cut the anniversarily that the most tidy in the form of bills.

    Also a simple moment, how beautiful to give money on the anniversary, so that the birthday room gets it and opened. Nothing is invented without noticeable - simple ideawhich is easily embodied, gives back to the practice of creation with their own hands.

    An ideal map where bills can be inserted under the color gamut. If you decide to give dollars, put them in some way so as to create forest coverage and plains.

    Ask a birthday room to guess what is shown there - the correct option will mean that the gift is obtained completely. Although, he will be fully fullent.

    An excellent reason to move the birthday room to cash savings. If he had long dreamed of something to buy something, but it did not get started to start, then let him be a memo from the donor with the liner inside.

    A great moment when there is where to start to save money on vouchers, sea and fishing. Woman, we believe, will immediately find them.

    The postcard has a candle cake with the front side. Ask for them to light, and then let me know that inside a very valuable gift - on the back inner side will be the same fresh, but one consists of monetary bills.

    The main thing is to arrange the candles so that they are on different sheets, and the jubilee is guessed by feelings that there is still something inside. As they say, he received a cake, blow candles, and the present then.

    There were ideas for creating a locker with shirts for every day. There is a similar meaning, but the price of each category of days is increasing, especially for the weekend.

    An ordinary bottle where the instructions for use is hidden. It would seem why?

    And the fact that there are green men with autographs. If you think about all the signatures on the papers and documents without notarial reinforce - are not genuine, so why are the money they are considered how the equivalent of gold? Strange something happens.

    And this is an alternative to produced tablets from nerves - injection with a dose of happiness. How much do you need at the moment, so much and across. It would be interesting if the donor had a medical barbecue - it would turn out that the doctor came to the rescue and handed anesthesia for the whole evening, but it is compatible with alcohol.

    Ficeward a gift

    Fun and champagne, snacks and tables of different salads - all this is trite and predictable. Guests will sneak to the places, everyone wishes happiness and health, and then dance. But we are not from those who wish the beautiful challenge to say good congratulations, on the contrary. Snailing the nerve so that the round date was truly memorable.

    When all guests are assembled, everything will go according to plan. We need only one approximate to the birthday man. He needs to be reported that the courier will come with your gift.

    Balls in advance in the hallway, it will be more beautiful and good for all came guests. The atmosphere of the holiday is always bright and air.

    If there are children at the celebration, fight them to play, or wait for them to leave.

    When your turn come to the toast, call the "Delivery" and keep the connection. At this point, he will be able to rise to the floor. (If there is an intercom, interrupt it, to open the door. Tell me, your surprise should be delivered to bring).

    After the end of the call, the guests will wait for the arrival of the courier. But this moment is delayed, and therefore the time of the cake. Plan this with the people who have collaborated. Serve cake, blend candles. Full darkness that needs to be fixed. Quickly jump to the door, saying to guests that they themselves fix everything.

    Open the door, and the courier will come to you with the delivery of a gift. These will be "robbers" who need to sell stolen. The bag is quenched to the table or the jubilee of the hand, and they will leave. The main thing is that everyone moves ridiculous, did not scare people, children.

    Guests will be a little horrified, but then they will be interested in a bag that threw you robbed the bank.

    Understanding that the draw was a success, congratulate the jubilee and ask you to read the inscription. Bag of money from the first national bank from America.

    Tip: Such a gift is better to do those birthday languages, whose birthday is celebrated in 45-50 times, no more. For older people, it will be difficult to assess such a present, especially who has a weak heart.

    Have you already taken a note about how to organize your anniversary in the anniversary, or do you want sharp sensations? If you like it, make surprises for the benefit of the birthdayniks, please and surprise them.

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