• List of vaccinations required for admission to kindergarten. What vaccinations need to be done for admission to kindergarten What vaccinations need to be done before kindergarten


    A grown-up child needs not only the love and care of relatives and friends, but also communication with peers. A little person is interested in everything around him, he seeks to explore the world, tries everything to the touch, to the taste. A preschool institution is called upon to ensure the full development of the baby in society.

    The process of preparing a child for kindergarten is exciting for every parent. The kid must learn to do without parental help, to cope with some actions on his own. New contacts bring pleasant emotions and acquaintance with different viruses. Making the mandatory vaccinations for admission to kindergarten can reduce the risk of morbidity.

    Medical scientists tend to divide the era of health care development into periods before and after the introduction of massive vaccine prevention programs. Indeed, in practice, it has been proven that vaccination is the most effective preventive method of combating many, including very dangerous, infectious diseases. Unfortunately, the Internet with access to a wide variety of information in this matter "worked" not for the good. Failing to separate the "wheat from the chaff", being charged with an anti-vaccination attitude, some of the parents began to unreasonably refuse vaccinations. Are they right?

    At an early age, the formation of the immune system is just beginning. Various viruses can cause irreparable harm to a fragile child's body. Some serious illnesses that can make a child disabled can only be protected by vaccination.

    Parents fear that immunization with vaccines will create an additional burden on the child's body. However, modern drugs consist of dead and weakened viruses or bacteria that do not pose a danger, on the contrary, they protect against complications. The importance of getting vaccinated before going to kindergarten is great. If, due to illness, the baby missed the calendar vaccination, it can be done after recovery.

    Benefits of vaccination:

    • no complications;
    • the formation of immunity;
    • protection from disease.

    Parents can draw up a written refusal to vaccinate, but then all family members are at risk of illness.

    What vaccinations are needed for kindergarten

    Having entered a child care facility, the baby is faced with a huge number of infections. Due to the fact that his immunity has not yet fully formed, he often begins to get sick. Certain viruses and bacteria are especially difficult for them and give complications. Vaccination will help reduce the risk of infection and develop immunity. However, only parents decide whether or not to vaccinate their child.

    In Russia, the list of vaccinations for a kindergarten consists of:

    • mandatory: BCG from tuberculosis, from hepatitis B, poliomyelitis, DPT, from measles, rubella, mumps;
    • additional: from influenza, pneumococcal, hemophilic, meningococcal infections.

    All vaccinations should be completed by age two. If for some reason the vaccination was not carried out, then it will be done in kindergarten.

    Polio, whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria

    Two-year-old children should have received the polio vaccine and DPT already. It is known that whooping cough is a dangerous disease to health, vaccination against it is the most difficult and painful. But the only way to prevent the onset and spread of this disease is with a vaccine.

    Rubella, measles and mumps

    Often, parents do not attach importance to the importance of this vaccination, explaining their choice by the fact that the baby himself must recover from childhood diseases. They do not take into account that these infections cause serious complications, for example, inflammation develops from measles and spreads to the brain. After it, the child can become disabled for life. Mumps has a negative effect on the reproductive system, especially in boys.

    The vaccine includes 3 antigens and is given at one time. If the baby has suffered one of three diseases, then the corresponding component is excluded.

    Hepatitis B, tuberculosis

    Hepatitis can be contracted sexually, as well as by transferring the blood of a sick person to a healthy person. Vaccination against hepatitis B and tuberculosis is quite easy for a child.

    The hospital staff transfer information about the vaccinations from the child's medical card to a special vaccination certificate and pass it on to the kindergarten staff. It is with the nurse of the preschool institution, who enters the data on the newly introduced vaccines into it. If medical contraindications did not allow the child to receive the necessary vaccinations, then he should be taken without them.

    It is impossible to protect a child from all infections. Close contacts of healthy and sick babies, shared toys are the cause of infection. Therefore, before admission, parents additionally vaccinate children:

    • from hepatitis A. It is very easy to get infected with this disease, which negatively affects the liver. After vaccination in kindergarten, you may experience slight malaise, fever;
    • from meningococcal infection, which leads to meningitis, a disease in which the lining of the brain becomes inflamed;
    • from the flu. There is no natural defense against this disease. Before getting a flu shot, parents need to consult a pediatrician, since there are contraindications.

    Do they take to kindergarten without vaccinations

    Any parent can refuse to take preventive vaccinations, and this cannot be a ban on visiting kindergarten. A preschool educational institution is obliged to accept a child, even if he does not have any vaccinations. If there is a threat of an epidemic of an infectious disease, then the kindergarten has the right not to accept unvaccinated children.

    In practice, children without vaccination are tried by any means not to be admitted to kindergarten, citing the lack of a vaccination certificate. Parents should file a written complaint with the head of the kindergarten or the Department of Education.

    Vaccination law

    The control of vaccinations provided for in kindergarten is based on the following legal documents:

    • The Law "On Immunization" - Art. 5, Art. eleven;
    • Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Art. 26;
    • Constitution of the Russian Federation - Art. 43;
    • Law "On Education" - Art. 5 hours 1;
    • Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Does the head of the kindergarten have the right to deny parents the admission of an unvaccinated child

    Parents are responsible for the life and health of their baby, only they decide whether or not to vaccinate children for the kindergarten. The Law "On Immunization" states that refusal of vaccinations is not a reason for not accepting a child in a preschool educational institution.

    If the refusal of vaccinations is documented, then you can safely defend your rights, referring to the law. After that, the management of the kindergarten has no right to refuse to visit an unvaccinated child. A deviation from the rules may be temporary measures associated with the epidemic and mass diseases of children.

    Where to complain if the child is not accepted to the kindergarten

    Sometimes the management of the kindergarten refuses to accept an unvaccinated child. In such a situation, it is necessary to write a complaint to the district administration or the prosecutor's office. It should describe the current situation. It is important to show the received documents, a medical card or a certificate, where the refusal to issue a card from the clinic is recorded.

    An audio recording of a conversation with the head of the kindergarten, recorded on an analog dictaphone, is perfect as evidence in court.

    The statement must be clear and concise. After parents contact the administration or law enforcement agencies, employees of these departments must contact them to resolve the issue.

    If the case comes to trial, then the decision will be made in favor of the parents and the child. After the decision is made, a written court order is issued to the parents. It is necessary to contact the head of the preschool institution with him, who must immediately arrange the baby in the kindergarten.

    How to place a child in kindergarten without vaccinations

    Vaccination is a thing that pediatricians and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation strongly recommend to do, but not at all mandatory. The ban on visiting kindergarten for unvaccinated children is a gross violation of the Law "On immunization of infectious diseases." This is almost as serious as a violation of the Russian Constitution.

    Stages of preparation of documents

    Preparing for a visit to kindergarten, you should decide in advance all organizational issues, communicate and establish contact with the management of the kindergarten.

    You need to prepare the necessary documents:

    • birth certificate;
    • referral from the institution where they were in the queue to visit the kindergarten (GORONO, the site of public services);
    • vaccination certificate or written refusal of vaccinations;
    • health certificate and permission to visit this institution.

    Before obtaining permission, you must visit your local pediatrician. He will give directions for tests and a list of specialist doctors to go through. The results of the examination are recorded in the medical record. The last signature is put by the pediatrician, who notes that the baby is healthy and can attend a child care facility.

    Vaccinated and unvaccinated children have the right to attend kindergarten equally without restrictions. If the staff of a preschool educational institution interfere with this unvaccinated baby, then his parents should contact the appropriate authorities.

    The most important thing is the health and peace of mind of the children. Let the visit to kindergarten bring them and their parents only positive emotions and leave pleasant memories for years to come.

    Even if you have the opportunity to raise your child at home until the very first grade, it is still not worth it. In order for a child to develop correctly, he needs to contact other babies. For this, it was invented kindergarten.

    Before sending your child to kindergarten, you must collect all the necessary documents... These include a certificate of all mandatory vaccinations. If the parents refused to vaccinate the child for some personal conviction, the leaders of the children's institution may refuse to accept such a child. In this case, parents will have to look for a private kindergarten, where the presence of such a certificate is not so important.

    Vaccination must be carried out in a timely manner so that the body has the opportunity to form immunity. It is important that parents bring their child for vaccinations on time and do not miss them.

    Availability all vaccinations makes it possible to prepare the baby's immune system for the influence of various microbes. In addition, they help protect the body from dangerous diseases.

    List of mandatory vaccinations for kindergarten.

    1. Poliomyelitis, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria.

    These vaccinations must be completed by two years of age. It is common knowledge that vaccination against whooping cough is considered quite difficult and painful. However, parents should remember that whooping cough is very dangerous. diseasethat can harm the health of the child. It is quite common, so it is best to reduce the risk of it with a vaccine.

    2. Rubella, measles and mumps.

    Some moms and dads refuse this vaccine. They explain this by the fact that the baby must be ill with them. However, they do not take into account that such diseases can be serious effects... For example, measles can develop inflammation that spreads to the brain. Some children remain disabled after illness. And with mumps, the reproductive system may suffer, especially for a boy.

    Vaccination is done once, while combining all 3 vaccines. Experts do not recommend dividing it, since it will be more difficult for a child's body to transfer several parts. If a child already had one of three diseases, then a certain component is excluded from vaccination.

    3. Hepatitis B, tuberculosis.

    Hepatitis is transmitted by contact with organism healthy person blood sick person, as well as sexually. The vaccine is tolerated by the child quite easily.

    The hospital does extract from the child's medical card, which contains all the information about the vaccinations received. Their presence is noted in a special card, which later goes to kindergarten. This card will be kept by the nurse, who will enter the new data on the vaccinations in it. If the child has not been vaccinated for medical reasons, he must be admitted to a children's institution.

    If the parents want to keep the baby safe, you can get an additional vaccination before entering kindergarten. Doctors advise to vaccinate against hepatitis A.

    In a child care facility, a child can easily catch this disease. Hepatitis A negatively affects liver... After vaccination, in some cases, an increase in body temperature or slight discomfort may occur.

    Meningococcal infection is considered quite dangerous, which causes the occurrence meningitis... This disease is accompanied by inflammation of the lining of the brain.

    By the onset of autumn, you can get vaccinated against flu... Children have no natural defenses against this disease. The main thing is, before implementing it, do not forget to consult your doctor. Perhaps this vaccine is contraindicated for your baby.

    All vaccinations must be carried out in advance so that the body has time to develop immunity. It is better to comply with all vaccination dates and, if possible, not to miss them.

    Having the necessary vaccinations can prepare a child's immunity to the effects of a variety of microbes. They also protect the body from serious diseases.

    Mandatory vaccinations for the kindergarten:

    • Poliomyelitis, tetanus, whooping cough, and diphtheria.

    These are compulsory vaccinations that must be carried out by the age of 2. Many people know that the whooping cough vaccine is very difficult and unpleasant. But do not forget that this disease is extremely dangerous for the life and health of the child. Pertussis is quite widespread and it is not worth the risk, but it is better to protect yourself with a vaccine.

    • Rubella - mumps - measles

    Some parents refuse this vaccine. They motivate this by the fact that the child must have had them himself. But it is worth considering the serious consequences of these diseases. If infected with measles, severe inflammation can occur, affecting the brain, and some will remain disabled for life. And mumps has a strong effect on the reproductive system, especially in boys.

    This vaccination is given once, as a combination of three vaccines. You shouldn't divide it into several parts. It will be much more difficult for the body. If the child has already had one of the listed diseases, the corresponding component is removed from the vaccine. Immunity after the disease will form independently.

    • Hepatitis B and tuberculosis

    The main method of transmission of this type of hepatitis is the direct ingestion of the blood of an infected person into the human body, as well as sexual relations. The hepatitis B vaccine is easy to carry.

    The clinic makes an extract on the basis of a medical card, which indicates all the vaccinations received. They are entered in a special card, which must be transferred to a child care institution. It will be kept by the nurse, who will then herself monitor the further vaccination of children. If a child has a medical withdrawal from vaccinations, such children must be admitted to kindergarten.

    If parents want to protect their child as much as possible, it is necessary to carry out additional vaccinations before visiting kindergarten. This will allow children to avoid many dangerous diseases.

    Doctors recommend that you must be vaccinated against hepatitis A. In the kindergarten, ideal conditions are created for infection. Hepatitis A has a very powerful effect on the liver. After vaccination, in exceptional cases, you can find a slight increase in temperature or malaise.

    Meningococcal infection is very dangerous. It causes meningitis, which is characterized by severe inflammation of the meninges. Vaccination is carried out from 6 months of age and no serious reactions occur. If only a slight redness of the injection site.

    In the summertime, a large number of ticks can be found. They are gradually moving to cities and can be found almost everywhere. As a result of their bite, tick-borne encephalitis can occur, which has very serious consequences. To protect your child, you need to be vaccinated, which contains an exclusively non-living virus.

    Without a document on vaccination against a number of diseases, they may not be taken to an educational institution. Unimmunized babies are at risk of contracting a severe virus or bacterium. Therefore, it is useful to know what vaccinations are needed for kindergarten and what to do if they do not want to apply to an educational institution without a certificate of prevention.

    Why vaccinate your baby before entering kindergarten?

    The approved schedule includes the prevention of diseases that are common in the country. At the request of the parents, the child can be vaccinated against a number of other pathologies.

    List of required

    The list of mandatory vaccinations is rather big. It is important to strictly follow the schedule developed by the Russian Ministry of Health.

    Over time, some of the diseases disappear, so immunization against them is excluded from the plan. For example, this was the case with, which previously claimed many lives, but today it practically does not occur.

    At the moment, for registration in kindergarten, parents need to provide a certificate of vaccinations done against such diseases:

    Some educational institutions may also require a certificate of other vaccinations. It is important to understand that immunization is mandatory only against the diseases listed above.

    Prevention of other pathologies is carried out at will and the absence of other vaccinations cannot be an obstacle to registering a baby in kindergarten.

    The danger of tick-borne encephalitis is the development of paralysis. The disease can lead to disability. In kindergarten, children go for a walk. On the street they can be bitten by a tick. They are vaccinated against infection with encephalitis from the age of two.

    Almost 40% of children attending kindergarten are carriers of hemophilic infection. The bacterium often causes acute respiratory infections, bronchitis,. It happens that the pathology proceeds in the form of a purulent type. Babies under the age of five are especially susceptible to infection.

    Meningococcal disease was introduced to Russia as a result of the influx of people from regions with an unfavorable epidemiological situation. Pathology provokes inflammation of the meninges. Meningitis is especially dangerous for kindergarten children.

    Prevention involves a single injection of antigenic material. For this, they are used that are well tolerated by the child's body.

    Hepatitis A is often referred to by doctors as the disease of dirty hands. In the kindergarten, a child with close communication with other children increases the likelihood of contracting jaundice.

    In view of the possible severe complications of the pathologies listed above, it is better not to ignore the vaccinations recommended by the pediatrician. This will maximize the protection of the child from morbidity in kindergarten.

    Will the child be taken to kindergarten without vaccinations?

    Parents who decide not to vaccinate their baby are interested in whether they will take their child to kindergarten without a certificate of mandatory vaccination. Much depends on the leadership of the educational institution.

    Most institutions insist that the baby undergo immunization before registration. There are also kindergartens that can easily take an unvaccinated child.

    Here you need to understand that an unvaccinated infected child can go to a preschool institution with a loyal attitude to the prevention of viral and bacterial pathologies. Therefore, visiting such kindergartens is characterized by an increased risk of morbidity.

    What does the new law say about the lack of vaccinations in a child and the rules for admission to kindergarten?

    Previously, the law provided for the admission of only vaccinated persons to kindergarten. Without a certificate of vaccinations, the child was not taken to educational institutions. But recently there have been certain changes in the legislation.

    The new version of the law "On Immunization" says that everyone has the right not to do mandatory and recommended vaccinations. should not be a reason for not admitting a child to a preschool institution.

    For registration in a kindergarten, a certificate from the local clinic is mandatory, which contains the results of the examination, the conclusions of all specialists and the state of health. This document is sufficient to confirm the safety of the child.

    The law "On health protection" says that without the consent of a person, doctors have no right to carry out any preventive or therapeutic manipulations. Article 33 says that from the medical staff.

    What should parents do if a child is not taken to kindergarten without information about vaccination?

    If a baby is refused to be admitted to kindergarten without information about vaccination for no good reason, then this is regarded as a violation of the law. Parents can challenge the decision of the director (manager) in court. To do this, you need to file a lawsuit for violation of the rights of a minor.

    What should parents do if the doctor refuses to sign a medical card?

    A medical card is required upon admission to kindergarten. Such a document is a confirmation that the child is healthy and does not pose a danger to the team. The card is drawn up and signed by the pediatrician of the local polyclinic. It happens that the doctor refuses to issue such a document.

    Parents should follow this algorithm:

    • request a written justification for refusing to sign a medical card;
    • make a claim addressed to the head of the clinic;
    • wait for an official response to the complaint (the maximum allotted time is a month);
    • if the answer is not satisfactory, then contact the higher authorities (health committee, Ministry of Health, prosecutor's office).

    If the child is not vaccinated against polio, can he attend kindergarten during the immunization with the live vaccine?

    Polio is a viral disease that affects the spinal canal and causes paralysis. The pathology is quite contagious and can lead to disability. For the prevention of poliomyelitis, vaccinations are given at 3, 4, 5, 6, 18 and 20 months.

    The first two injections are performed as well. The peculiarity of the latter is the presence of a live weakened virus.

    Such vaccinations, although in isolated cases, are still capable of causing poliomyelitis. Weakened persons are especially susceptible to development.

    The danger of OPV is that poliomyelitis can develop not only in a person who has received a dose of antigenic material, but also. Therefore, it is best not to take an unvaccinated child to kindergarten within two weeks of starting OPV vaccination.

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    Will the child be taken to kindergarten without vaccinations? Answers in the video:

    Therefore, vaccinations for kindergarten are optional. Parents have the right to write a refusal to vaccinate their baby. Such a child should be taken to kindergarten. If the educational institution does not accept the non-immunized, then you need to go to court.

    When it comes time to send your beloved child to kindergarten, a lot of worries, problems and questions arise. How to choose an institution, educators? How to set up a child psychologically? What kind of doctors to go through? What tests should I take? What vaccinations are needed to enter the kindergarten? Let's try to deal with the last of them - will the child be taken to kindergarten without vaccinations?

    Ideally, if the child has all the necessary vaccinations upon admission to kindergarten

    Are parents required to agree to all vaccinations?

    The attitude of modern parents towards vaccinations is ambiguous. Some strictly comply with the requirements of medical institutions, others are categorically against the vaccination of children. Both are right in their own way. The problem of such diseases as tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis is still quite acute, and the risk of contracting them is quite high. Nevertheless, the quality of the vaccine today is questioned by many, and the side effects from them are not yet fully understood.

    The vaccination procedure is a very responsible event. It requires the high professionalism of a pediatrician and a nurse who deals directly with injections. The doctor needs to take into account the general state of health of the child, know about his congenital pathologies and diseases, if any. It is important to notice the existing contraindications in time:

    • increased body temperature;
    • possible allergic reactions;
    • the psychological state of the child (the presence of stressful situations, fright or hyperexcitability);
    • lack of adaptive life situations, for example, a change of residence or climatic changes.

    It is important to know: if parents refuse to be vaccinated, then they must sign a statement about this fact and provide it to the pediatrician. In the statement, you can refer to the laws of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, which clearly spells out the possibility of refusing medical intervention.

    Doctors are required to give the child a medical card without vaccinations, as well as give a certificate with permission to attend a preschool. Provided that the child is healthy and can be in contact with other children.

    When a healthcare professional refuses to do this, be sure to take a written document from him confirming his refusal. It will come in handy in case of contacting higher health authorities. However, as a rule, doctors themselves know that they have no right to force you to vaccinate a child.

    List of vaccinations that are needed for admission to kindergarten

    Before applying to kindergarten, the child undergoes a medical commission, the results of which are entered into a special card. A completed vaccination certificate is also included there, if the parents agree to the vaccination.

    There is a calendar of preventive vaccinations, which was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, it provides for the following types of vaccination:

    • BCG - vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis;
    • DPT - from whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus (we recommend to read:);
    • Pentaxim or Infanrix - from poliomyelitis;
    • Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella (we recommend reading :);
    • Prevenar - from pneumococcal infection (we recommend reading :).

    Vaccination calendar

    Does the head of the kindergarten have the right to deny parents the admission of an unvaccinated child?

    Responsibility for the life and health of children lies entirely with the parents, only they can decide whether to get vaccinated or not. Refusal to vaccinate is not officially a reason for a child not to be admitted to a kindergarten. This is stated by Federal Law No. 157 "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases". It states that a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to refuse vaccination if he is a minor, the decision is made for him by one of the parents.

    If the parents have refused vaccination and have the necessary documents on hand, you can safely defend your rights in a preschool institution. When the manager does not want to take a new pupil and demands to provide a certificate of vaccination of the child with marks of vaccination, you can refer to the law and provide papers.

    In this regard, the staff of preschool institutions cannot but arrange an unvaccinated child. The only exceptions are cases of mass diseases or epidemics, but these measures are temporary.

    Where to complain if the child is not admitted to the kindergarten?

    However, sometimes the management of kindergartens, where parents are so eager to get, despite the clearly spelled out points of the law, still goes against them and refuses to accept an unvaccinated child. In this case, you can apply to the district administration and even to the prosecutor's office.

    Explain the current situation there. Show all the documents that you received, including a medical card, or attach a certificate of refusal to issue a card from a polyclinic, if any. It is also a good idea to have an audio recording of the conversation with the head of the kindergarten with you. It is better to record on an analog voice recorder rather than digital, then it will have more weight in court as evidence.

    Make the text of the statement concise, clear and succinct. After your appeal, the administration or law enforcement officials will contact you to resolve this issue.

    You can be sure that in the event of a trial, the court is always interested in protecting the child and will decide in your favor. After the decision is made, you will be given a written court order, with which you need to appear before the manager, and you will certainly be accepted.

    Stages of preparing documents for registration in a child's kindergarten without vaccinations

    Ideally, the solution to such a sensitive issue should be peaceful. To do this, you need, first of all, to establish contact with the leadership of the kindergarten. After making sure that you are hired, you can write an application.

    In the period of preparation for kindergarten, it is necessary to visit the future preschool institution, talk to the head and ask all the exciting organizational questions

    The next step is to prepare the necessary documents, which are listed in the regulation "On preschool primary institution":

    • birth certificate;
    • referral from GORONO, if you queued up on the website of state services, then a printout from this website;
    • an extract from the child's health card, permission to visit the children's team;
    • instead of the required vaccination certificate - a written refusal of vaccinations.

    To get a medical statement, go to your local pediatrician, where you will receive a list of tests that need to be passed, and a list of specialists who carry out the examinations. All medical examination data is entered into the medical record. At the end, the doctor will write a conclusion that the child is completely healthy and can attend kindergarten. The last step will be the stamp of the head of the pediatric department.

    What is the bottom line? A child without vaccinations is clearly entitled to attend kindergarten. When the employees of the leading positions of the polyclinic or preschool institution interfere with you, contact the higher authorities. With all this, do not forget about the most important thing - about the health of your children and their peace of mind, try to achieve your goal peacefully. Let the kindergarten bring you and your children only pleasant emotions.

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