• How to wrap a baby in a diaper. Ways to swaddle a newborn. Changing features and diaper selection


    If you have a baby, then after all the procedures, the very first action is to swaddle the newborn baby. No matter how fashionable the slogans that the child must be free in their movements are today, no one canceled swaddling. It is very important to give your baby a sense of protection. Let's try to figure out whether it is necessary to swaddle an infant and how to do it correctly so that the baby is warm and comfortable.

    Closed way

    If you do not know how to wrap a baby in a diaper for a walk or when feeding, then take on board closed swaddling method... For him you will need:

    • hat;
    • rectangular diaper;
    • undershirt.

    Then proceed according to the instructions.

    This is not a complicated arrangement at all, although difficulties may arise when fixing the diaper behind the newborn. It is necessary to ensure that it is not very convex, otherwise the fold will begin to press on the spine.

    Open method

    In order to swaddle the baby properly in an open diaper, you will need the skill of closed swaddling. This method is especially useful in the evenings if you decide to rest your baby's arms.

    If the child is still very tiny (up to one month old), then the undershirt must be with closed sleeves so that the baby does not accidentally scratch himself. At an older age, this method will be the main one. The cap will no longer be needed, since this is done for home entertainment.

    The open method is practiced when the child has already grown a little, but it is too early to release it completely, or if he has a problem with the joints of the pelvis or legs.

    Tight swaddling

    To swaddle a tight baby, you will need skill and skills worked out on the doll. Previously, this option was welcomed by pediatricians and used by midwives in all maternity hospitals. All the children were equally similar to posts and could not move either their legs or arms.

    Today, doctors are increasingly speaking out against this method, talking about the harm that this method causes to health:

    And yet, after a tight swaddling, babies often calm down and begin to fall asleep not only much faster, but also much stronger. We tell how to make a tight swaddle.

    A feature of this method is the fact that when some edge is weakened by the child's active actions or is not fixed, the whole structure will disintegrate. But, as already mentioned, this option is rarely used today.

    Wide wrapping

    If you need to swaddle the baby's legs freely, leaving everything else outside the canvas, then a wide method is used.

    Its main advantage lies in the fact that the baby adopts a frog position that is comfortable for him. He will be able to bend and straighten the handles. In some cases, this method is used for medical reasons, if a pathology such as hip dysplasia has been established.

    Wide swaddling for babies is a fairly popular option. It is advised by pediatricians, since it does not limit the child's motor activity and creates enough free space for him.

    With head

    In the first few days of life, it is necessary swaddle a baby with a head, in order to protect the fontanel that has not yet matured and prevent accidental injury. The swaddling technique is similar to the closed method.

    In order to swaddle a baby with a head, you must first practice. In this case, it is important to ensure that the diaper does not cover the baby's eyes. After 1-2 weeks, you can switch to a closed swaddling method.


    You can swaddle your baby in an envelope-shaped blanket... As a rule, this method is used for walks in winter. You will need two clothes - thin and thick (warm).

    If the warm (top) blanket is smart, then you get a pretty nice swaddling clothes for walking - comfortable and warm.

    All of the above methods require endless patience and certain skills, since it is not always possible to wrap a wriggling baby in a diaper. Several useful tips and tricks can help you cope with various subtleties while changing.

    Need to study fabric requirements.

    Elena Zhabinskaya

    A young mother faces many problems immediately after the birth of a child, and caring for him is no exception. There are many things that raise questions, one of which is swaddling. The older generation explains its necessity by the physiological need of the crumbs, but is this really so?

    In any case, after their advice, a woman begins to wonder how to properly swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step. The answer to it is obvious: there are several methods and techniques, mastering which is actually not difficult. It is worth learning about them at least in order to subsequently properly wrap the baby in a blanket before the walk. But first things first.

    People joke that swaddling is an ancient art available to everyone. It is interesting that not only our mothers and grandmothers, but also their parents, figured out how to swaddle a newborn baby.

    In ancient times, it was believed that such events protect children from the effects of dark forces. It's just that involuntary movements of the limbs of newborns are nothing more than the result of the influence of evil spirits on children. Therefore, if they are swaddled tighter, they will not attract the attention of otherworldly forces.

    Over time, opinion on this matter has changed. In the last century, the idea has successfully taken root that if a baby is swaddled at night, he will sleep soundly. Firstly, because those very involuntary movements of the limbs will not wake him up. And, secondly, because in this way he can feel calm and serenity, like in the tummy of his mother, where it was just as cramped.

    Turning to all these rules and principles today, one involuntarily becomes convinced that whatever goals the swaddling pursues, in fact it justifies the shortage of clothes for babies, which was felt in Soviet times. Therefore, the question of whether to swaddle a newborn baby today can be answered like this: no, if you can afford it. Simply because this is a relic of the past, and any non-observance of the rules in this matter is fraught with serious health problems for the baby.

    Swaddling types

    In the young years of our great-grandmothers, one and only swaddling was popular - tight. This is when, with the help of a swivel, the children were wrapped up along with the arms and legs, literally not allowing them to move. There could be no talk of any freedom for them then. This type of swaddling went down in history under other names: classic, simple, column, soldier.

    For a long time, they only used it, because there were no clothes for children, as well as disposable diapers. Therefore, they were wrapped in swaddling clothes while still in the hospital and used until the baby reached 6 - 8 months of age, when he himself could already sit on his own. Moreover, it was very convenient for the nurses, because the children then lay separately from their mothers and could demand attention to themselves, but thanks to the tight swaddling, they simply slept peacefully.

    By the way, in some maternity hospitals it is not allowed to take clothes for the baby with you from home, offering to use local diapers. Let's leave open the question of whether hospitals have the right to tell you what to wear their own child. I recommend in this case, in order not to waste extra nerves, to find out in advance how to swaddle a newborn in a maternity hospital. We will describe the most benign methods below.

    Why tight swaddling is dangerous

    If you are still in doubt about whether to swaddle your baby, you should definitely read this section. So, tight swaddling. It immobilizes the baby, depriving him of the ability to move his limbs. On the one hand, this situation promises a good night, and on the other, it is fraught with serious health problems.

    Judge for yourself: in Japan, before 1975, a huge number of cases of development of hip dysplasia were recorded. After that, the situation changed. What caused this? Until now, the conservative views on tight swaddling have been rejected, as is itself. Doctors and the media played an important role in this, after which the disease receded.

    But this is far from the worst thing. Tight mindlessly wrapping a child:

    Looking back at all of the above, one involuntarily asks the question: why swaddle a child? Moreover, not only pediatricians, but also psychologists are against it. They insist that such a restraint of movements fosters a submissive, obedient personality, in whose character passivity and a desire to feel like a victim will prevail. Do you want this for your child?

    Acceptable swaddling methods

    If, due to the lack of finances or the ability to purchase comfortable and loose clothes for the baby, a young mother decides to swaddle, she needs to study the features of this process so as not to harm. Below we will look at how to swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step.

    • Closed swaddling.
    • Open.
    • Wide.

    It deserves attention, as it allows the baby to take the usual physiological posture - "frogs", when the legs are bent at the knees and spread out to the sides.

    How to swaddle a newborn with a "frog" - the diaper is placed in a triangle, in the center of which the baby is placed.

    One corner is wound between his legs, and the other two - he is wrapped around the waist.

    • "Diaper".

    Wrap the free ends of the triangle around his waist. It doesn't matter if a boy or a girl is swaddling - the technique is the same for babies of both sexes.

    • "Envelope".

    For those families from the provinces who do not have free access not only to diapers, but also baby clothes for the cold season, there is a way out of a difficult situation - it is enough to learn how to swaddle a newborn in a blanket for a walk on the street. We will help you with this by providing the whole process in pictures with photos step by step.

    In the cold season, take two: thick and thin. The dressed child is placed on the last one and wrapped according to the principle of a closed swaddling with the head. Then they are transferred to a thick unfolded blanket.

    The legs of the crumbs are covered with the lower side, and the child himself is wrapped with the sides. At the waist, it is tied with a ribbon. Needless to say, the fourth upper corner serves as a kind of envelope hood. You can see this in more detail in the video, as well as sympathize a little with the crumb, who is clearly unhappy with everything that happens.

    • Swaddling with the head. The very same warming way to swaddle a newborn with the head. For its implementation, the diaper is spread, and the child is laid across, making sure that his head is below the upper edge. Then the free edge is wrapped around the toddler, leading by the hand behind the second side. A similar manipulation is carried out with the free edge on the other side. In general, the technique resembles a closed swaddle.

    It is worth noting that it is important to understand not only how to swaddle a baby correctly, but also what kind of diapers to use for this. In the warm season, you need to choose light ones, and in the cold season - insulated.

    Is it possible to swaddle in the heat

    It is strictly forbidden to swaddle a baby in the heat. This can cause overheating and even dehydration. At temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius, you can choose light chintz diapers. At temperatures above 25 degrees, the baby should be in one diaper, and above 28 degrees - without it at all.

    If the child has congenital muscle tone, it is impossible to swaddle him in the summer for health reasons. Swaddling is not recommended for colic, as it only aggravates the situation. In this case, it is worth relieving the child's condition by simply placing him on his stomach or taking him in his arms with his tummy towards you.

    How old

    For many mothers, the question of how many months to swaddle a baby remains open. According to doctors, it is reasonable to do this up to 3 months, later the risk of inhibition of development increases, because stiffness prevents the muscles from getting stronger, and the child himself to learn the world.

    Some pediatricians, when asked about how old to swaddle, call the figure 6 months, that is, the time when the baby learns to crawl, walk, sit.

    So is it necessary to swaddle

    Grandmothers will convince you that yes. They will give a lot of arguments in their favor, which for the most part will not have scientific confirmation. There is an opinion that tight swaddling allows the child to "get" beautiful, even long legs. Do you know what the paradox is? The fact that these processes are not interrelated in any way. Moreover, such a tightening and constraining of movements is fraught with the development of hip dysplasia, hip dislocation and serious problems with internal organs.

    And it doesn't matter how many months you swaddle the baby. Whatever one may say, but diapers are harm. The only case when their use can be justified is the lack of an opportunity to purchase ordinary children's clothing. Do I need to say that then one should competently approach the choice of the diapers themselves (take only those that are sewn from natural materials, and not from synthetics and only for the weather), as well as to the techniques of the diaper itself.

    No matter how good your intentions are, the child should be given a chance to move.

    It is much wiser, in my opinion, to find inexpensive high-quality clothes for crumbs in the largest Russian online store MyToys... I assure you, this will not hit your wallet, because there is a lot of crumbs of clothes and you do not need it - it practically does not get dirty (provided that you use disposable diapers, of course) and grows quickly. Therefore, 4-5 shirts and 3-4 cotton jumpsuits for a cool room are enough!

    Swaddling is a very important process, skills in which will be useful to a young mother during the first months of a baby's life.

    At first glance, swaddling is not difficult. But not all mothers succeed in swaddling a child so that he is comfortable the first time. There are a number of nuances in swaddling that you should definitely consider: whether you need to swaddle a newborn in hot weather, which swaddling method to choose, and so on.

    Do I need to swaddle a newborn?

    The need for swaddling was not in doubt several decades ago. But modern mothers are offered different methods of caring for a child, including those that consider swaddling optional. To swaddle the baby or not is up to the parents. But before accepting one of the points of view, it is worth considering all the advantages and disadvantages of swaddling.

    Pros of swaddling:

    1 Getting into the open environment from the womb is stressful for a newborn. In the last month, the walls of the uterus tightly covered the baby, and he was in the same position almost all the time.

    Therefore, now that there is much more space, it is difficult for a child to control his movements. Abrupt and spontaneous movements scare the baby.

    It is better that during the period of adaptation to the external world, the child is in a more familiar position. The baby is warm and comfortable in the diaper, which is so necessary for the newborn to feel safe.

    2 Newborns sleep in a diaper much better and more soundly.

    Babies who are put to bed in sliders often wake up, frightened by uncontrolled movements of arms and legs.

    3 Saving is also an important aspect for every young family. You will need a lot of diapers, but their purchase will cost much less than a large number, sliders and blouses, which, moreover, will constantly turn out to be small for a growing child.

    Cons of swaddling:

    1 Swaddling is not suitable for children with weakened muscle tone. For such babies, loose clothing or an envelope is the best choice.

    2 Newborns are advised to sleep on their tummies, and in a diaper this position becomes very uncomfortable. Lying on his tummy, the baby tries to pull his knees to his stomach, and pull the arms forward.

    3 It takes longer to swaddle a baby than just put on pants or a blouse. If the mother is in a hurry, for example, when collecting to the clinic, then it is better to put clothes on the child than to swaddle him in haste.

    To what age should a baby be swaddled?

    The time when the process of adaptation of the newborn is completed is individual for each baby.

    Sometimes swaddling is not required within a few weeks after birth, while in other cases, the baby is uncomfortable without a diaper for six months.

    Most often, at the age of 1.5-3 months, it is enough to swaddle only the baby's legs, while leaving his hands free. But there is no clear framework for the swaddling period.

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    Parents need to monitor themselves how the baby behaves without a diaper: whether he falls asleep well, whether he wakes up often. If anxiety persists in sleep, it is better to continue to swaddle the baby, and by all means make sure that the baby does not have any diseases or disorders that cause him anxiety.

    How to swaddle your baby correctly?

    Like all procedures related to newborn care, swaddling has clear rules.

    Failure to comply with the norms of the method can lead to a violation of the baby's hygiene, the appearance of psychoemotional and physiological abnormalities in him.

    A nurse in a maternity hospital should show the correct swaddling technique to a new mother. If a woman attended special courses, then, most likely, she also has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe swaddling technique. But the difficulty arises in the fact that during the courses, mothers train in swaddling on dolls, and in real life, a baby will have to swaddle, who will constantly move.

    A few rules for preparing for proper swaddling:

    1 The child is washed or bathed, and the excess moisture is gently removed with a soft towel. If necessary, treat the skin with powder or cream.

    A disposable diaper or its gauze counterpart must be worn under the diaper.

    2 Even new diapers need to be washed and ironed thoroughly. It is better if the iron is equipped with a steam generator, then the fabric will remain soft and the baby will be more comfortable. If the iron does not have this function, you can simply spray water on the diaper when ironing.

    3 It is most convenient to swaddle your baby on a special changing table. Its height allows mom not to strain her lower back, constantly bending over to the crib. Some cribs have pull-out tables and can be purchased separately.A homemade changing table can be made by re-equipping any table with an optimal height: you just need to cover the tabletop with a small mattress or soft fleece fabric.

    4 Before starting the procedure, the baby is put on a clean undershirt made of thin material, with a fastener on the back, or better on the chest.

    5 The air temperature in the room in which the procedures will be carried out should be at least +23 degrees. It is necessary to ventilate the room, but there should be no drafts.

    What are the different types of swaddling?

    There are several methods of swaddling, which have both advantages and disadvantages:

    1 Tight swaddling. With this method, the baby is swaddled with handles. Pediatricians advise to resort to tight swaddling only in the case of hyperactive children.

    This method has many disadvantages, for example:

    • The arms and legs of the baby have to be straightened by force;
    • A diaper too tight prevents proper blood circulation;
    • Psychological aspect - the child develops a habit of obeying;
    • The risk of developing hip dysplasia increases.

    You need to correctly perform tight swaddling like this:

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    Free. The most acceptable option. This method allows you to calm down the baby without forcing his movements.

    With free swaddling, the child can take the position that seems most comfortable to him.

    The principle of free swaddling is as follows:


    Wide. This method should not be confused with free swaddling: its principle is to leave the baby's legs in a wide-apart position (about 60 degrees).

    A diaper and a small pillow are placed between them. Instead of a pillow, covers with Velcro on the hangers or special panties are sometimes used.

    This is how a wide swaddle is performed with normal diapers:

    • Three diapers are taken, one of them is folded into a triangle. We put the baby on it;
    • The second diaper should be folded several times and placed between the legs of the crumbs;
    • The diaper between the legs is fixed with the ends of a triangular fabric, wrapped around the hips.
    • With the help of the third, the rest of the diapers are fixed on the stomach. The handles remain movable.

    The wide swaddling method is optimal for children with disabilities in the development of the musculoskeletal system, mild form of pelvic dysplasia.

    4 Swaddling with the head. The "envelope" method, when the top edge of the fabric is above the baby's head, and not above the shoulders, is necessary for walking.

    Do I need to swaddle a newborn in summer?

    If the baby cannot fall asleep without a diaper, you should not cancel this procedure even in the heat. In the summer, you can use only chintz diapers, no flannel. They are made from pure cotton, a very soft material that can absorb excess moisture and participate in the process of thermoregulation.

    Summer nights are not always warm enough to put a baby to sleep in the same diaper. If the weather cannot be called hot, it makes sense to cover the baby with a light flannel blanket.

    As a rule, in the maternity hospital, children are not taught to swaddle. Even on medical forums, there are no clear recommendations on this matter. Therefore, when leaving home, a young mother decides on her own whether to swaddle her baby or not. Many will say that it is no longer fashionable to wrap a baby in diapers. But before you agree and argue something, you need to weigh the pros and cons of this method. So, let's consider whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby or can you do without "diaper manipulation"?

    Why is it necessary to swaddle a baby?

    The tradition of swaddling babies dates back to the time of Hippocrates. Tight bandaging with a diaper was believed to be less disturbing to the infant from sudden noise. Being in the "envelope" the baby sleeps peacefully and shudders less with arms and legs.

    In general, our grandmothers also talk about the need to wrap up babies in diapers. They claim that such a procedure has a positive effect on the nervous system and the general mood of the baby. In addition, swaddling a newborn is a kind of protection of his body from the external environment during the period of adaptation. After all, for about 9 months, the child was in the womb and felt her warmth. And after birth, he has freedom of movement, which can frighten him, and sometimes cause serious stress.

    Disputes on the topic: "pros and cons"

    Disputes on the topic: "Is it necessary to swaddle a baby" have been going on for several decades. There is no consensus even among pediatricians. But is there any benefit from this simple procedure? Most of the swaddling advocates give their arguments:

    • the diaper softens the adaptation period after intrauterine development, as a result, the baby cries less and is capricious. Getting the same sensations as in the mother's stomach, the baby calms down and is in high spirits;
    • swaddling hands - eliminates the irritating factor, improves appetite, promotes the development and growth of the newborn;
    • the diaper helps to safely carry out hygiene procedures - cleaning the nose, ears, rinsing the eyes, face;
    • being in a diaper, the baby sleeps better. For the first 2-3 months the toddler does not control his body, he often flaps his arms and legs, from which he gets frightened.
    • the advantages of swaddling include saving the family budget. Babies grow quickly and a lot of sliders are needed, and the diaper can be used for a fairly long period of time.

    But there are also those mothers who do not know how to swaddle a newborn correctly or are afraid to hurt their firstborn. Especially if historically it so happened that in the family, from a very early age, children were taught to freedom of action. What's wrong with the "straitjacket", except for the discomfort for the baby?

    • lack of temperature control - a swaddled baby will overheat in the summer, there is a risk of diaper rash, dermatitis and other skin reactions;
    • suppression of physical activity - the diaper constrains movement and creates discomfort. If the child is not active, then there may be a delay in the development of skills and abilities. Swaddling is especially dangerous for children with muscle tone disorders.
    • the inability to carry out useful procedures - from a very early age, the baby needs care. But when a newborn is wrapped in a diaper, it will be very difficult to carry out such useful procedures as massage, gymnastics. And there is no guarantee that after removing the diapers, the baby's mood will not change.

    Swaddling types

    If you decide to swaddle your baby, then you should not delay with this. Don't believe in superstition or be nervous. Do what your mother's heart tells you to do.

    The main thing is to remember about skin health. To avoid rashes, redness and other negative skin reactions - buy diapers made from natural cotton fabric only.

    There are different ways of changing, choose only the one that is most convenient and comfortable. There are many videos and step-by-step pictures on the Internet that will help you master a simple technique in just 1-2 days. Usually, children are calm about this procedure, but if the child is very mobile, then ask relatives to help you.


    Tight swaddling means that all movements of the baby are constrained by the diaper. In this state, he cannot even move. Before wrapping the toddler with a "soldier", the arms are straightened and pressed against the body, and the legs are pulled at the seams. First, you need to tightly wrap your left hand and fix the edges of the fabric behind the back. Do exactly the same movements with the right handle. Straighten the remaining bottom edge of the fabric so that there are no folds, and wrap it up. After that, pull out the ends of the diaper from behind the baby's back and tuck it into the front pocket.

    This method of swaddling is unsafe, because strong fixation of the newborn's body can cause problems with the development of tactile sensations and the cardiovascular system.


    Free swaddling of a newborn is not much different from the previous method. The main difference is that the baby is wrapped in a diaper, but not very tightly squeezed. This gives him the opportunity to freely move his arms and legs.

    If the baby is not very active, it is quite acceptable to swaddle only his hands, and leave the baby's legs open. If it's cold, the limbs can be hidden in a warm diaper. In this position, the baby will feel very comfortable and not be capricious.

    It is not difficult to master the technique of swaddling; first you need to spread a clean diaper in the form of a rectangle. Then he will lay the baby on the cloth so that the head is higher and the arms are free in movement (if necessary). Gently pull the left corner and wrap it behind the back, then the right one, just do not tighten the fabric too tight. Align the lower part of the hem, wrap it around the legs and hide in the fabric pockets.


    If the baby has pathologies with the musculoskeletal system, then wide swaddling is used. A feature of this method is that a newborn with dysplasia is placed on a crib and only legs are swaddled. In this case, a roller of several diapers is placed between the legs so that they are in an extended position - pressed at an angle of 90 degrees. With this fixation, the baby will learn to keep his feet in the correct position.

    How to swaddle correctly

    It will be better if the mother learns the swaddling technique in advance, even before the birth of the newborn. You can ask friends who have kids or practice on a doll on their own. If you have any questions, seek the advice of your therapist.


    You will need a special table or bed to change your baby. You should have baby cream and powder on hand to treat the folds on the baby's body. Before that, the baby must be thoroughly washed, put on a clean diaper, if there is none, made of gauze and carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures.

    Prepare undershirts, blouses, socks. Baby clothes and diapers should be soft, well ironed on both sides and made of natural fabric.

    Simple swaddling

    Spread the diaper in a rectangle and place the baby neatly in the center of the fabric. Please note that the top edge of the diaper should be at the level of the neck, not the head. Now you need to press your left hand to the calf and wrap the left corner obliquely, under the baby's back. Carry out the same actions with the right hand. Now a "tail" will appear at the bottom, its edges need to be straightened and tucked up. The remaining two ends are to be hidden in the side pocket of the diaper.

    To what age to swaddle

    How many months to swaddle your child is difficult to answer unequivocally. It all depends on the child's concern. If the newborn at 1 month is fast asleep and does not twitch during sleep, then swaddling can be stopped.

    After birth, babies need time to adapt in order to better adapt to external conditions. This is especially true for active kids. In any case, in the first month, the newborn will be calmer when he is wearing diapers.

    You can wean your baby from swaddling at the age of 3 months. From this moment on, they will be needed only at night, and during the day it is advisable to wear sliders and undershirts.

    If the baby doesn't like being in a diaper

    Sometimes a wakeful or sleeping baby does not like being swaddled. He begins to cry, somersault, squeeze limbs and push the diaper. It is necessary to establish the reason that annoys the little man.

    Returning from the hospital, a young mother faces a choice. Adhere to traditional views and swaddle a newborn, as has been done since time immemorial? Or listen to the opinion of modern pediatricians that it is not necessary to do this in order to avoid impairment of motor activity and other unpleasant consequences?

    If the newborn does not have any prescriptions in terms of health, this issue is decided by the parents independently. And if this is a positive answer, you will also have to choose the method of swaddling, of which there are not so few.

    If you do not know how to swaddle a newborn in a diaper when feeding or for a walk, use the closed method. To do this, you will need:

    • vest;
    • rectangular diaper;
    • hat.
    1. Put on the undershirt so that there are no folds on the back. Otherwise, they will interfere with the newborn, and you can neither feed him normally, nor walk with him: he will be capricious.
    2. Put on a hat. If it has strings, then they will need to be tucked into the diaper.
    3. Place the child exactly in the middle.
    4. Throw one edge of the diaper under the opposite side of the baby and fix it behind the back.
    5. Fix its edges at the back.

    To properly swaddle a newborn in this way, look at the step-by-step photo: it will help to clarify the incomprehensible points.

    This is far from the most complicated scheme, although difficulties can arise when fixing the diaper behind the baby. Make sure that it is not too convex, otherwise it will press on the spine.


    To properly swaddle a newborn in an open swaddle, the skill of a closed swaddle is useful. This will be useful in the evenings when you decide to rest your baby's arms.

    If he is still very small (up to a month), the undershirt should be with closed sleeves so that he does not accidentally scratch himself. At an older age, this swaddling method becomes the main one. The hat is no longer needed, as this is done for a home pastime.

    1. Put on a vest.
    2. Fix it with a diaper.
    3. Spread the canvas in a rectangle on a flat surface.
    4. Place the child exactly in the middle so that the upper edge of the diaper is just below his armpits. Make it higher - it will rub the body and give it inconvenience.
    5. Throw one edge of the diaper under the opposite side of the baby and secure it behind the back.
    6. Do the same with the second side.
    7. Bend the bottom in the form of a trapezoid towards the baby.
    8. Fix its edges at the back.

    Open swaddling is practiced when the baby has already grown a little, but it is still too early to completely release him, or he has a problem with the joints of the legs (pelvis).


    To swaddle a newborn tightly requires skill and skills worked out on a doll. Previously, this method was welcomed by pediatricians and used by the nurses of all maternity hospitals. All the kids were equally similar to posts and could not move either their arms or legs.

    Now experts are increasingly speaking out against such a technique, talking about the harm it causes to health:

    • dysplasia of the hip joint may develop;
    • the development of motor functions is inhibited;
    • the body is overheating;
    • the lungs are compressed;
    • blood circulation is impaired;
    • poor sleep;
    • the instinct of freedom is drowned out;
    • muscles, joints, ligaments develop poorly due to passivity.

    And at the same time, after a tight swaddling, children most often calm down and fall asleep not only faster, but also stronger. So how to do it:

    1. Put on a newborn diaper (diaper).
    2. Place the canvas on a flat surface in the form of a diamond.
    3. Bend the upper edge into a triangle so that its border passes under the baby's neck.
    4. Wrap the left end of the diaper under the opposite side of the child, taking him under the arm. Fix behind the back.
    5. Raise the bottom of the rhombus up, along the line of the socks, fasten it behind the right shoulder.
    6. The remaining right end of the diaper is wrapped under the opposite side and fixed there behind the back.

    A feature of tight swaddling is the fact that as soon as some edge of the diaper is not fixed or weakens from the active actions of the newborn, the whole structure will fall apart. But, as already mentioned, now rarely anyone resorts to this method.


    If you need to freely swaddle the legs of a newborn, leaving everything else outside the diaper, this method is called wide.

    Its advantages are that the baby takes a physiological "frog" position, which is convenient for him. It can straighten and bend the handles. Sometimes this method is prescribed for medical reasons, if a diagnosis of hip dysplasia has been made.

    From clothes you will need a vest and diaper panties.

    1. Put on a vest.
    2. Fold the diaper in the form of a triangle, place it on a flat surface with an acute angle down.
    3. Place the newborn on it so that this sharp corner is in the center between the legs, and the upper edge of the triangle passes along the lower back.
    4. Wrap the sharp tip of the diaper up, passing it between the legs.
    5. Wrap the edges one by one at the opposite sides and fix behind the back.
    6. Lay out the second diaper in a rectangle.
    7. Place in the center of the baby so that the top goes along the lower back.
    8. Wrap the edges of the diaper one by one behind the back, leaving enough free space for the legs.
    9. Raise the bottom up and also fasten it behind the back.

    Wide swaddling of newborns is a fairly common method today. It is recommended by pediatricians, as it creates enough free space for the baby and does not limit his physical activity.

    With head

    In the first days of life, you need to swaddle a newborn with a head in order to protect the fontanelle that has not yet been tightened and to avoid accidental injuries. The technique is similar to closed swaddling:

    1. Put on a vest.
    2. Put on a cap.
    3. Spread the diaper in a rectangle on a flat surface.
    4. Lay the child in the middle so that his head is much lower than the upper edge of the canvas (4-5 cm).
    5. Carefully wrap the head with a loose blade.
    6. Lead it by the opposite hand, wrap it tightly and tuck it by the side.
    7. Do the same with the second side.
    8. The bottom is tucked up and fixed behind the back.

    To swaddle a newborn in a swaddle with a head, you first need to practice. Here it is important to ensure that the canvas does not hang over the baby's eyes. After a week, you can switch to closed swaddling.


    You can swaddle the newborn in an envelope blanket. Usually this method is used for walking in the cold season. You will need two blankets at once - warm (thick) and thin.

    1. Dress the child for the weather.
    2. Spread both canvases with a diamond on a flat surface.
    3. Place the child in the middle.
    4. Throw one side of both blankets under the opposite side of the baby and leave behind.
    5. Do the same with the second edge.
    6. Bend the bottom edge remaining in the form of a trapezoid towards the child.
    7. Tie the top blanket with a ribbon around the abdomen.
    8. The fourth corner of the envelope is a kind of hood.

    If the top (warm) blanket is smart, you will get a very beautiful walking swaddling - warm and comfortable.

    In fact, all these methods require certain skills and endless patience, since it is not always possible to wrap a writhing child in a diaper. A few helpful tips will help you cope with difficulties.

    To properly swaddle a newborn, young mothers (especially those with a first-born) can adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Ask the doctor who monitors the newborn about the choice of changing method. Knowing the features of his physique and health, a specialist will give the right advice.
    2. Buy a set of diapers in advance.
    3. Learn to swaddle on a regular doll before giving birth to reinforce your skills.
    4. If something doesn't work out, ask older or more experienced women to show you how. You can watch the tutorial video.
    5. Never swaddle a newborn in a bad mood: he will feel it and will worry for a long time afterwards.
    6. If a newborn cries, turns, worries and does not allow himself to be swaddled, he needs to be reassured. To do this, you need not to be nervous for the mother herself and tenderly talk to the baby, sing a song, read a nursery rhyme. The voice of a loved one works miracles.

    As you can see, swaddling a newborn correctly is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose a method according to its individual characteristics.

    It is best to learn on a large doll so as not to accidentally pinch the arms or legs of the baby. The hand quickly gets used to the movements, the necessary skill is acquired, so that after a few days, swaddling will not cause any difficulties. Its main task is to provide peace of mind for you and safety for your little one.

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