• Folk holidays in kindergarten. Lesson on familiarization with the surrounding people "Folk holidays in Russia Folk holidays and festivities for children

    Folk holidays in Russia. Senior group

    Software content:

    Educational tasks: To acquaint children with traditional Russian folk holidays, to develop an understanding of their names. Learn to share impressions with others using artistic means of expression.

    Developmental tasks: Develop cognitive activity, thinking, memory, attention. Develop the speech of children, improve the skills of a coherent statement.

    Educational tasks: To instill love and interest in the traditions and customs of the Russian people, introducing them to the origins of spiritual culture. To comprehensively develop the personality of the child, to shape his spiritual world.

    Vocabulary work: ancestors, custom, carols, good news.

    Material used: Illustrations depicting festive festivities for Christmas, Shrovetide, Easter; Russian folk costumes. Postcards, calendar of national holidays. Pictures of Russian artists: I. Surikov "Taking the Snow Town" and N. Kustodiev "Maslenitsa". Audio recording "Ringing bells".

    Course of the lesson:

    Conversation about Russian folk holidays.

    Educator: Do you guys like holidays? Why? What holidays do you know?

    Well done, you know many holidays that have been known since the time of our ancestors. And who are the ancestors?

    Our ancestors - Russian people - have always honored holidays, but they celebrated them differently, not like we, modern people. Do you want to know how?

    Then let's go with you on an excursion into the past.

    How do you ask? Get on the flying carpet, close your eyes, we're going on a journey through time.

    (Children sit on the rug, close their eyes, music sounds).

    Educator: Usually, all holidays began with a solemn service in the church, and continued on the lawns, on the streets, in the field. To the music of balalaikas, accordions, they danced in circles, sang, danced, and started games.

    People dressed up in the best holiday clothes (shows illustrations) , in a special way prepared a festive treat. The beggars and the poor were given gifts, fed free of charge, and the festive ringing of bells was heard everywhere. Hear the bells ringing. (A recording of the ringing of the bells sounds).

    All holidays in Russia were divided into great, medium and small.

    Now you will find out what national holidays were the greatest and most beloved in Russia?

    Examining illustrations depicting holiday celebrations at Christmas.

    Educator: What do you think, what holiday is depicted in these illustrations? (Children's answers).

    That's right - it's Christmas. One of the most famous and favorite holidays.

    Why is this holiday called that? (Children's answers).

    On this day, the birthday of Jesus Christ is celebrated. How many of you know how Christmas was celebrated in Russia? What customs and rituals were used to celebrate this holiday? (Children's answers)

    The first custom was that people with a star went to their homes, praising the birth of Jesus Christ. And there was alsothe custom on these Holy evenings to change clothes. Mummers came in in animal costumes: goats, bears, horses. They also dressed up with evil spirits: the devil, Baba Yaga, kikimora. (Viewing illustrations)

    At Christmas, people were caroling. What iscarols? (Children's answers)

    Carols- these are songs in which they praise the owners of the house, wish them a good harvest, wealth, good. Do you know carols? Let's remember them.

    Singing carols.

    Kolyada, kolyadaOn Christmas Eve.Kolyada has comeBrought Christmas.

    The carol came

    Christmas EveGive a cow,Butter head!God grant thatWho is in this house.

    Educator: The owners presented the carolers with cookies, sweets, money.

    (Consideration of plot pictures).

    Guys, did you carol for Christmas? Tell us. (Children's stories).

    Examination of illustrations depicting festive festivities on Maslenitsa and reproductions of paintings by artists - I. Surikov "Taking a snow town" and N. Kustodiev "Maslenitsa".

    Educator: Guys, now come here and look at these pictures. What do you think, what kind of holiday is depicted on them? (Children's answers).

    That's right, Maslenitsa is the most fun pre-spring holiday. It is celebrated at the end of winter and is celebrated for a whole week. Everyone is having fun and rejoicing that winter has passed and spring is coming.

    What was Maslenitsa called? What words did they say to her? (Children's answers)

    Shrovetide was called wide, cheerful; are you my soul Maslenitsa; your sugar lips, your sweet speech; come to visit me on a wide yard - go for a ride on the mountains, lie in pancakes, have fun with your heart.

    Maslenitsa is going dearOur guest is annualOn sleds paintedOn black horses).

    What was accepted for Maslenitsa? (Children's answers).

    It was customary to make a stuffed animal, dress it up in a girl's outfit and carry it around the streets, and then put it where the fun began).

    How did the Russian people have fun on Maslenitsa? (Children's answers)

    We walked for a whole week; they played games, danced and baked pancakes.

    And why were pancakes a must-have for Shrovetide? (Children's Answers) True, the round shape and golden color were considered the symbol of the sun; he was eagerly awaited after a long winter.

    On the last day of the week, on Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness; a scarecrow made of straw was taken out into the street and burned - this is how they parted with everything bad, with all troubles and difficulties.

    And what games were played on Shrovetide? (Children's answers)

    Russian folk games are interesting, funny - "Zarya-zarynitsa", "Lapta", "Burn, burn clearly!"

    Let's play with you too.

    Physical education.

    An outdoor game "Burn, burn clearly!"

    Exhibition of Easter eggs.

    Educator: Shrovetide is noisy. And Great Lent began in Russia. People began to prepare for the greatest and most beloved holiday.

    Can you tell me what it is called? (Children's answers)

    Correctly,Easter - it was called the Feast of Holidays and the Celebration of Celebrations. This holiday has always been celebrated solemnly and cheerfully. It was celebrated for a whole week.

    Listen to the poem by A. Maikov "Christ is Risen!"

    Christ is risen!Everywhere the gospel is buzzingFrom all the churches people are knocking down,Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

    The good news, that is, the good news. On Easter night, everyone went to church, only small children and very old people remained at home. Bonfires and colored lanterns were lit near the churches.

    Returning from church in the early morning, people kissed - christianized - and exchanged colored eggs. The red egg is a symbol of Easter.

    Come see the egg display. These eggs are made of porcelain, wood, glass, clay, they were sewn and painted with beads. Chocolate eggs and sugar eggs were sold in pastry shops.

    A lot of eggs had to be made - for gifts to relatives and friends.

    So we will paint eggs for Easter.

    Now is the time to go back to the future. Get on our flying carpet, close your eyes and listen to magical music. (Music sounds)

    So we are back in the present and we are in for the pre-holiday chores. Joyful troubles. We are preparing for the favorite holiday of all children, for the New Year, and then we will celebrate Christmas.

    Summary of the lesson on the topic “Traditions of Russians.

    Russian folk holidays ".

    Software content: To foster an interest in Russian culture, to the customs and traditions of the Russian people, to develop an understanding of the names of the holidays and their meaning. Expand the horizons of children, develop their speech.

    Course of the lesson:

    Guys, we were born and live in Russia. Our country - Russia - is very rich in wise traditions and beautiful customs. Our ancestors, that is, Russian people who lived in ancient times, sacredly honored the holidays, strictly observed the customs and rituals associated with them. And they also loved to have fun at the shallows.

    Guys, do you like holidays?

    And why?

    What holidays do you know?

    Who are our ancestors?

    Our ancestors have always honored the holidays, but celebrated them not quite as they do now. Do you want to know how? Well then, let's take a trip into the past. Sit on the carpet, close your eyes and we go on a journey.

    (Music sounds).

    Now open your eyes and listen. Usually, all holidays began with a solemn service in the church, and continued on the street, in the field, on the lawns. To music, or even without it, they danced in circles, sang, danced, and started funny games. People dressed up in the best holiday clothes. Delicious treats were prepared. Beggars and poor people were given gifts, fed free of charge. The festive bells were ringing everywhere

    How did the holidays begin in Russia?

    What did people do during the holidays?

    How did people try to dress?

    What kind of treat did you cook? What good deeds did you try to do?

    The greatest and most beloved holiday was Easter. This holiday has always been celebrated solemnly and cheerfully. And they celebrated it for a whole week. Listen to the poem about this holiday, which was written by the poet A. Maikov.

    Christ is risen!

    Everywhere the gospel is buzzing

    From all the churches people are knocking down,

    Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

    Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

    The Good News is Good News! On Easter night, everyone went to church, only old people and small children remained at home. During the Easter service

    The teaching of John Chrysostom is always read, it contains the following words: “Let the rich and the poor rejoice with each other. Let the diligent and lazy have fun. Let no one cry, because God has given people forgiveness. "

    What holiday did I tell you about?

    In honor of what was this holiday celebrated?

    What is evangelism?

    Many beautiful holidays were celebrated in Russia. Guys. Today you learned a little about one of them, but soon I will tell you about many others.

    Lesson summary on the topic "Dolls from Grandma's Chest."

    Software content:

    To foster interest in folk art: to give an idea of \u200b\u200ba rag doll, to acquaint with the history of a homemade doll;

    Develop imagination, taste, creative imagination;

    Gradually bring children to the understanding of the concept of "folk toy";

    Introduce elementary handicraft techniques.

    The course of the lesson.

    1. Educator: - Let's go on a journey into the past. Let's remember

    what dolls have we visited before? / Answers of children /. And today we will meet new friends. /Is reading/.

    Like grandfather Peter

    There is no stove or pole.

    One linden board

    Oh yes, quinoa,

    One linden board.

    Educator: What is this song about? / about an old log doll /.

    What kind of doll did our ancestors come up with later? / Thatched /. Many more years passed and people came up with a rag doll. In other houses, up to a hundred of them accumulated. Dolls were not only girly fun. All children played until 7-8 years old. But only boys began to wear trousers, and girls began to wear skirts (in the old days it was at the age of 7-8), children's games were strictly separated. While the children were small, mothers, grandmothers, and older sisters sewed dolls for them. From the age of five, any girl could already do such a nursery rhyme. The face of the rag dolls was not depicted. Such a "faceless" doll served as a talisman. The amulet is like a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers. Since the “faceless” doll is an inanimate thing, which means that it is inaccessible for the instilling of evil forces into it. When the parents went to work in the field, the mother put such a doll-amulet in the cradle of the child, he looked at these little dolls and played quietly. The amulet doll was hung over the head of the bed. They believed that she drives away bad dreams. Pupae were of different colors, which developed the baby's vision.

    2. Physical education "Balls fly, palms help" (Application).

    3. Didactic game "Wonderful bag".

    Everyone who says what material the toy is made of will go out onto the carpet. / Toys made of wood, glass, clay, plastic, etc. /

    The last toy is taken out by the teacher, pretending to be from a "wonderful bag".

    What material is this doll made of? / It is made of fabric. /

    She's rag. / Children repeat /. Its name is a swaddling doll.

    Do you like this doll? Do you want me to teach you how to do one?

    4. Stages of work: photo 10, 11.

    1) Cut into square pieces of cotton fabric to the size

    15x15 cm.

    2) A piece of fabric is folded in half and rolled into a roller.

    3) The roller is pulled over with a red tourniquet.

    4) The head stands out.

    5) Put on a bright scarf measuring 8x8 cm.

    5. Independent work of children.

    Children unite in pairs.

    6. Lesson summary.

    Educator: - Guys, show your dolls? What are their names? / Swaddling dolls /.

    How else can we call our dolls? / Amulet dolls, rag dolls, folk dolls /.

    Our dolls have no eyes, mouth, nose. What are they? / Faceless /.

    I really liked your dolls. You have made them very nice. What did you like most about our trip? / Answers of children /.

    7. Playing with rag dolls-swaddling clothes "Mothers and Daughters".

    Lesson summary on the topic "The game is not empty fun"

    Goal: To intensify the cognitive activity of children, using the history of everyday life and traditions, rituals of the Russian people.

    Tasks: - to foster a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

      develop an interest in the history of their people;

      to improve the skills of performing the main types of movements in a competitive form;

      develop skills in managing their activities;

    Course of the lesson:

    Presenter: Hello guys!

    I came to you from afar.

    I am a grandmother - a Storyteller, but a keeper of keys.

    The keys are not simple, from a magic chest,

    There were fairy tales in it, but fables live.

    Opens a chest. He takes out illustrations and pictures of ritual holidays in Russia from the chest. Story:

    “One of the characteristic features of ritual games is the continuation of life, the immortality of the human race, a call for happiness, prosperity, longevity, a rich harvest, a good offspring of livestock.

    Human life has always been inseparable from the life of nature. The most favorite games were and, probably, still remain: "Kite", "At a bear in the forest", "Wolf in the forest".

    Let's play with you the game "At the Bear's Bor".

    Counting: An apple was rolling

    Past the garden

    Past the garden.

    Who will raise

    That will come out.

    A game is played, and then the Storyteller continues her story:

    “The ceremony is, first of all, the transfer of the culture of the people. The ceremony requires the observance of a certain ritual. In rural areas nowadays they say "to play a wedding", "to play a christening", "to play farewell", "to play songs", etc.

    The word “play” in the Tambov dialects stands for “to have fun”, “to joke”, “to indulge”. And we will play the game "Boyars". This game was played at weddings. "

    Children are divided into two teams (boys and girls)

    Boyars, and we have come to you,

    Young, and we have come to you.

    Boyars, why did you come?

    Young, why did you come?

    Boyars, we choose a bride,

    Young, we choose a bride.

    Boyars, and what is sweet to you?

    Young, and what is sweet to you?

    Boyars, we are so sweet.

    Young, we are so sweet. (Indicate)

    (After that, one of the guest boyars scatters and “crashes” into the target between the host boyars, trying to “smash” it. If this succeeds, then he takes with him someone from those whose hands he managed to unhook. Now the owners are guests The game continues as long as there are at least two people in the same chain).

    Storyteller - At the holidays, men loved to measure themselves with heroic strength.

      Tug-of-war game


    Storyteller - Not a single holiday in Russia was complete without a round dance.

    Like ours at the gate

    The people are gathering.

    The people are gathering

    For a merry round dance.

    Storyteller - Round dance denotes movement in a circle, chain, eights or other figures with songs, and sometimes with stage action. Russian round dances are festive and ordinary, rural and urban, daytime and evening. They are distributed according to the seasons, free days of life. These rituals, which have come down from the depths of the centuries, are one of the means by which the ancient man wanted to wake up mother nature, to speed up the arrival of spring.

    They danced in round dances either outside the village in the field, or in an empty place, and sometimes just on a village street. And we'll play a round dance game


    Storyteller - Holding each other's hands, we must always remain friendly, not only in the game, but also in life.

    But what a holiday without a Russian carousel?

    Carousel game

    Storyteller - We played with you today,

    And we learned a lot.

    Now for your homework. Ask your parents what games they played in childhood and put the attributes of these games in a magic chest, and we will play with you.

    It's time for me to say goodbye

    Goodbye to say.

    Summary of the lesson on the topic "These wise Russian fairy tales."

    Software content: To foster love for the native language, for the native land, a sense of pride in their people; foster kindness, responsiveness, willingness to help, hard work, respect for nature. Learn to use proverbs and sayings in speech, dramatize excerpts from fairy tales.

    Course of the lesson:

    Educator - Do you guys like fairy tales?


    I know that moms and dads read fairy tales to you, grandmothers and grandfathers tell you, fairytale heroes address you from TV screens. Many of the fairy tales, especially your favorite ones, you know almost by heart, and yet, you are ready to listen again and again. Let's think together, what attracts us to fairy tales? Why do we love them so much? (Children's answers). A fairy tale, guys, this is a special wonderful world where any miracle can happen, where good forces and forces of evil act, where the heroes lie in wait for various dangers, they have to overcome difficulties, but always good triumphs over evil, a strong and brave hero comes to the aid of the weak and defenseless , and such human qualities as kindness, hard work, patience are rewarded.

    And so, as they say, it was a saying, and a fairy tale awaits you ahead. Sit down side by side and let's talk to you okay.

    I will tell you a story that happened to one of my friends, a boy named Vanya. From early childhood, everyone loved him very much, did not live, pampered, tried to fulfill any desire and did not notice ... how he turned into an evil lazy boy. It didn't cost Vanya to offend the girl, pull the neighbor's cat by the tail, throw a stone at a running dog, break a tree.

    Once, running across the street, he pushed the old woman and did not even ask her for forgiveness, he did not even notice that the old woman followed him with a long, pensive look and whispered something. And this, guys, was not a simple old woman, but a sorceress. She decided to punish the bad boy and turned him into Ivashka - a dirty face.

    From a handsome well-groomed boy, he turned into a terrible freak. Passers-by looked back at him, children laughed, friends ... simply did not recognize him. No advice from smart doctors helped him.

    Such is the sad story. And here is Ivashka himself.

    Hello guys!

    Hello Ivashka!

    Guys, could you help my grief?

    Educator - Oh, Ivashka, although you deserve such a punishment, we will try to help you, because we hope that you will improve. Well guys, can we help Ivashka?

    We will help you!

    Educator - Baba Yaga lives in the neighboring forest behind a large swamp, at the edge of the forest. She certainly will advise something. Only expensive to her is very difficult. One cannot get through. We'll have to, guys, see Ivashka. Do you agree?


    (A road with obstacles: bridge, bushes, bumps, path under trees).

    (We went to the hut).

    Educator - Look, guys, the hut stands, exactly like in a fairy tale, to us, to the forest in front. Ivashka, do you remember what words need to be said to turn the hut to us?

    No, I forgot.

    Educator - Guys, do you know? Let's all say together: "Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and in front of us."

    (Baba Yaga appears, sniffs).

    Smells like a human spirit. And, is it you, Ivashka, granted?

    Grandma Yaga, what should I do? Help my grief.

    And don't tell me, I know your story, I saw all your tricks in the magic mirror.

    I will never, never will!

    Children - Help him grandmother, tell me how to get rid of ugliness.

    Baba Yaga - Well, okay, so be it, since you ask so for him, I will help. But first, guess my riddles.

      What fairy tales does Baba Yaga live in? ("Geese-Swans", "Tereshechka", "Frog Princess").

      What magic items help people in fairy tales? (Magic apple, flying carpet, running boots, ball, ringlet, comb).

    Baba Yaga - And why are you so worried about him, all want to help?

    Educator - And we, Baba Yaga, always try to help someone who is in trouble.

    Baba Yaga - Well, so be it, persuaded. I will give you, Ivashka, a magic ball. He will lead you to the land of fairy tales. Only there you will go alone. And just as the children helped you, you will help the one who will need your help. But remember that good deeds can only be done by a person with a kind and courageous heart.

    Educator - Well, Ivashka, you go, and we will wait for your return.

    Goodbye, guys!

    Goodbye, Ivashka, good journey!

    Lesson summary on the topic "Russian doll" .

    Software content:

      foster interest in folk art; to give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow folk craftsmen make toys; to acquaint with the history of Russian nesting dolls;

      develop the skills of symmetrical cutting of a matryoshka silhouette from a sheet folded in half, with a pre-drawn outline;

      develop the skills of cutting out the same applique elements from paper folded in two, three times;

      develop a sense of color and composition when building a pattern, placing it on a proposed shape.

    Materials for the lesson: different nesting dolls, illustrations with their images; white and colored paper, corrugated paper, glue, brushes, oilcloths, napkins, felt-tip pens.

    The course of the lesson.

    I. Riddle: Different girlfriends are tall,

    But they are similar to each other.

    They all sit in each other,

    And just one toy ... (Matryoshka)

    II. Examination of nesting dolls and story.

    The first nesting dolls were made over a hundred years ago. The wooden matryoshka looked like a simple wooden girl. In a large family of dolls, one is smaller than the other. Many years have passed, and the matryoshka remains the favorite toy of children.

    Earlier nesting dolls were carved from wood by hand, then coated with a layer of clay and covered with linseed oil. After the matryoshka was well dried, the master applied a pattern to the toy: some were “dressed” in sarafans, others in winter clothes, and others in patterned scarves. Each doll had its own face painted, so each matryoshka has a different expression: one is smiling and the other is sad. And each of them is holding something in her hands: a bouquet of flowers, a painted handkerchief, etc.

    Nesting dolls are good. No other country in the world makes such toys, therefore matryoshka is a symbol of Russia, of everything Russian. 111. Physical culture minute "Mill". (Appendix 1) G /. The sequence of work.

      cut the matryoshka along the contour;

      choose a way to make an applique: decorate a sundress with patterns cut out of colored paper; use the cutting method; corrugated paper;

    Finish the face of the matryoshka. V. Analysis of works.

    VI. Lesson summary. Reading the book by S. Marshak "Matryoshka"

    The child and the world around

    Folk holidays in Russia: Maslenitsa

    Senior group

    Mogilnitskaya N.P. , Oleneva I.V.

    In modern Orthodox families, Maslenitsa week is often celebrated. Do we know what this week is and how to tell the child about this holiday.

    Dictionary : Shrovetide, holiday, week, pancakes, sun, spring

    Historical background for curious parents

    In church books, the last week before the beginning of Great Lent was calledcheese ... At this time, one could eat fish, butter, milk, eggs, cheese. This week has been namedShrovetide ... The holiday was cheerful, daring - one of the most beloved among the people.

    Every Shrovetide day has its own name:

    monday - "a meeting",
    tuesday - "flirting",
    wednesday - "fracture",
    thursday - "wide",
    friday - "Mother-in-law of the evening",
    saturday - "send-off",
    sunday - "forgiven day".

    On the eve of the first day of Shrovetide, the hostesses began to bake pancakes. This custom dates back to pagan times: at that time our Slavic ancestors celebrated the arrival of spring, and the traditional pancake was not just a piece of fried dough, but a symbol of the red sun.

    Women went out to the water and asked for a month: "Month, month, your golden horns, look out the window, blow on the dough." Pancakes were baked from buckwheat or wheat flour in butter, milk and eggs. Caviar and sour cream were served with pancakes. The mountains baked pancakes, as they ate an incredible amount. “Damn it’s not a wedge, it won’t split the belly,” said the people.

    On Tuesday, girls and boys were invited to the "flirt" - to ride from the snowy mountains, to eat pancakes. Everyone had a lot of fun. On Wednesday, the mother-in-law invited her son-in-law to pancakes. The real Maslenitsa festivities began on Thursday, not without reason this day was called "wide". People had fun in booths, on ice slides, rode on swings. Fist fights, noisy feasts were arranged.

    The guys built ice fortresses with gates, inside there was a "guard". Then horsemen and footmen "attacked" the fortress: footmen climbed the ice walls, and horsemen tried to break through the gate. And the guards of the fortress defended themselves with brooms. After the end of the battle, the victors and the defeated went to feast together.

    A straw scarecrow, which personified winter, was carried along the streets on a sleigh. It was burned on Sunday. On Friday, "on mother-in-law's evenings," it was the turn of the sons-in-law to treat their mother-in-law and to show them all kinds of honors. On Saturday, for the "farewell", all the relatives gathered together at the table. Seeing off Shrovetide, "Forgiven Sunday", was accompanied by various rituals: burning a straw effigy, which personified evil, and riding on sledges decorated with ribbons, and songs.

    On "Forgiven Sunday", it was customary to ask a friend for forgiveness for Shrovetide revelry and excesses, for sins before relatives and friends - to prepare for Great Lent.

    It will undoubtedly be interesting for a modern kid to learn about such an interesting holiday, and even more so to participate in its celebration with his family.

    Almost all the elements of Shrovetide celebration can be repeated in a modern family. First of all, you should pay attention to relatives - you can visit grandparents, uncles and aunts, and also invite them to your place for pancakes. A great occasion to chat.

    Of course, together with the child we bake pancakes - both thin lace and thick yeast ones, serve them with jam, sour cream, sweet cottage cheese and cottage cheese with herbs, with caviar, with fish - with salted red, with herring mixed with feta cheese and herbs. Do not forget that the child's participation is mandatory. He really can help - serve plates, pots; pour flour; stir the dough; spread butter on pancakes, sprinkle with sugar. How many impressions ?! Moreover, you, dear parents, should remember that for a child this is not just "technical work", but in the full sense of the word development and training.

    On Shrovetide week, be sure to find time with the whole family, and maybe go downhill, ride horses or ponies with friends. And still nothing, except the weather, can prevent you from gathering friends with children and building a snow fort. It's especially great when dads will do it too.

    Forgiveness Sunday is a very difficult day in its essence. But this day can leave many unforgettable impressions and unite your family. Together with your child, you can recall unpleasant moments of communication, express your feelings about this and ask each other for forgiveness. Young children often do not understand the meaning of such a custom, but they are happy to perform it.

    There are many proverbs about Shrovetide, together with your child you can try to understand their meaning:

    Not living, but Maslenitsa.
    Ride on the slides, roll in pancakes.
    Maslenitsa walks for seven days.
    At least lay everything on yourself, and carry out Shrovetide.
    Not everything for the cat is Maslenitsa, there will be Great Lent.
    Shrovetide obeduha, money priberukha.
    Pancakes do not spoil the belly.
    This Shrovetide is coming, damn it and honey.
    No pancakes - not Maslenitsa.
    Damn not a wedge, the belly will not split.
    Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like wheels in spring.

    Remember, every proverb must be explained to the child, because this is folk art and many words will be incomprehensible to the child.

    For the moral and cultural education of preschoolers in kindergartens, Russian folk holidays and rituals are increasingly held. With the help of such events, an excellent opportunity opens up for introducing children to the sources of Russian folk culture. This is extremely important in the conditions of modern times, when there is so much a lack of kind, harmonious human relations, the unity of man with nature and an understanding of the characteristics and values \u200b\u200bof the Russian national character.

    Thus, summer folk holidays should not be ignored.

    • "Kupala" (teaching wreath weaving skills, studying plants, reading fairy tales about mermaids);
    • "Russian birch" (carrying out a ceremony with tying ribbons on a birch tree and making wishes).

    Autumn feast

    Autumn is harvest time and. Our ancestors celebrated numerous folk autumn holidays and performed ceremonies. Basically, all of them were dedicated to thanksgiving to Mother Earth for the harvest. The most significant holiday is Oseniny. The study of such traditions helps to instill in children a love for work, nature, get acquainted with the process of growing various garden crops. There is an opportunity to find out in what clothes our ancestors worked the land, in what outfit they sat at the table, and in what costume they performed festive rituals.

    • "Fair of the autumn harvest" (feast, quizzes on the topic);
    • "Defile of folk costume" (study of details of clothing of the Slavs, competition - defile).

    In the course of such events, preschoolers not only comprehend the spiritual traditions of their people, but also actively take part in mobile old games: tug-of-war, leapfrog, burners, small towns.

    It is extremely important for teachers to hold national holidays in kindergarten. Through folklore, knowledge about the cultural traditions of the people is invested.

    Video: Open lesson in kindergarten "Folk fun in Russia"

    Hello friends! We are posting an article about Slavic holidays by one of our brothers, Evgeny Tarasov.

    December 22-24 - Christmas Kolyada! For our Russian people, all great holidays coincide with important cosmic cycles. One of these days is the Winter Solstice, when the longest night falls, and after that it gives way to light. It was at this time that the Russian God Kolyada was born!

    In ancient times, the name of Kolyada was always mentioned next to the Kryshen, they were called Small Creators, in contrast to the Great Creators - Rod and Svarog.

    God Kolyada appeared on Earth to save humanity from spiritual degeneration. Vyshen-Dazhdbog and Maya Zlatogorka gave birth to the god Kolyada, just as many thousands of years ago, in their past descents to Earth, the Most High Rod and the goddess Zlata Maya gave birth to Kryshenya. Mayi Zlatogorka is the daughter of Svyatogor, king of Atlantis. Svyatogor is the Son of Rod, brother of Svarog, and Svarozhichi were brought to him by nephews.

    And the knowledge brought by Kolyada was already a combination of stellar knowledge that goes back to Kryshen (that is, the Arctic tradition of Daariya), and stellar knowledge that goes back to Zlatogorka and Svyatogor (the Atlantic tradition of Atlantis).

    Gathering 60 Supreme Aryan Magi, Kolyada began to teach them half-forgotten Vedic knowledge, telling about the Great Kol of Svarog, the Day and Night of Svarog, at the same time he established the first Calendar of Ages - Kolyada Dar.

    Therefore, Kolyada is considered to be the manager of Great changes in life and the Patron Saint of relatives (that is, observing and honoring the traditions of the Family) people and magi.

    Along with the system of restored Vedic knowledge, one of the wonderful gifts of Kolyada is the seasonal calendar of field work.

    Kolyada was revered as the descent of Vyshen. The holiday is named after him. During this holiday, young people and children sang songs, going from house to house, congratulating people, praising God.

    The name of the god Kolyada was preserved among the people. Astronomical Day of the Winter Solstice on December 22-24, the shortest day and the longest night, is considered a holiday in honor of the god Kolyada, and has recently become more and more popular.

    Carolmen dress up in clothes, depict animals, with music, with sacks in which they collect food, walk the streets, sing carols. Kolyada is a cheerful, welcome deity.

    Once Kolyada was not perceived as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called Kolyada, called. New Year's days were dedicated to Kolyada, games were organized in his honor, which were later performed on Christmastide.

    The last Patriarchal Christian ban on worshiping Kolyada was issued in Summer 7192 from the Preservation of Peace in the Star Temple (December 24, 1684 from the birth of Christ).

    The calendar of our Ancestors comes from the calendar of people who lived in the cosmic homeland of our Ancestors Ingard-Earth (Chisloboga's Circle). The very name of the Slavic-Aryan calendar came from the phrase of the god Kolyada - Kolyada Dar (or Kalyady Dar, the letters - a, o - were interchangeable in different periods), which literally means the Gift of Kolyada (gift). So the gods helped our Ancestors to comprehend the science of a wise and kind life! ..

    Earlier, before Santa Claus, there was Shchedrets, he gave everyone gifts and made dreams come true!

    The celebration of Kolyada - Winter New Year began on the Day of the Winter Solstice. Before the festival, the magician howls like a wolf (prophetic howl), driving away evil spirits. The celebration lasted from December 22 to December 31, as the grandfathers said about these days: "A day is longer than a passerine gallop."

    Then came Shchedrets - Generous evening - traditionally celebrated after Kolyada - on December 31 or from December 31 to January 1. Shchedrovki are part of the Great Veles Christmastide or Great Winter Christmastide, which are celebrated from December 24 to January 5. Shchedrets passes right in the middle of Christmastide, dividing holidays into light and dark Christmastide. After Shchedrets the Veles Christmastide continues and ends with Turitsy on January 6. A rich table, a big feast on this day meant prosperity in the coming year.

    Nowadays, practically no one remembers Shchedrets, as on December 31, the New Year is coming around the world. Since the New Year is a new holiday that does not have deep roots and its own traditions, it borrowed many features from Shchedrets. Perhaps for this reason he is popularly loved.

    For many, it remains unclear why it is customary for the New Year to set the table so that it burst, and the abundance of products scattered their eyes? On no other day of the year there is such a tradition, so why, on New Year's, do we buy up all the grocery stores and prepare many delicious dishes?

    The answer here lies precisely in the historical roots of the holiday, which from ancient times was called the Generous. The very name "Generous" - "generous" tells us that on this holiday it is customary to set a generous table, not to skimp on gifts and good deeds. A plentiful and rich table in the old days was called generous, fat, fat. As well as on Kolyada, on this day mummers of carols went from house to house, sang generous songs or generous songs and received treats from the owners.

    On Shchedrovka it is also customary to feed the brownies and the spirits of the Ancestors. Separate dishes were set for them, invited to the table. The elegant Christmas tree in the house or in the courtyard of the house has also survived to this day and suggests that in ancient times it was an integral attribute of generosity.

    A lot has been said about the meaning of Spruce, as the image of the World Tree, in various sources, as the image of the World Tree of the Rus. In addition to the fact that the World Tree in the form of a Fir in the house was a symbol of the concentration of special magical forces, in the ancient Vedic beliefs of the Rus, the Fir - the Fir tree was also a symbol of the afterlife. It was believed that the souls of the dead rest on the branches of this tree. Bringing a Christmas tree to the house, which they beautifully decorated, the Russian people invited their Ancestors to the house, who celebrated Shchedrets on a par with the living.

    Kolyada - Ancient Russian God - Great, Glorious Ancestor, and the time of his arrival dates back to many millennia ago. Being the embodiment of the Great Ancestral Spirit, he brought to people the Stellar Wisdom and the Sacred Fire of Knowledge, which people began to forget and lose in those days. Kolyada gathered around him a lot of magi-priests from different lands and passed on to them knowledge about the Universe and the structure of the Universe, helped to understand the essence and knowledge of the Path of Rule, revived the Calendar - Kolyada Dar.

    Today Kolyada symbolizes the winter Sun, the circle of which in the SVA (sky) after the solstice becomes longer, that is, the day begins to stay. The Magical Holy Deeds included a Sacred Fire burning in the center of the circle. The circle is the most ancient symbol of the Sun, Eternal Life and change, transformation of energies, eternal motion. The circle is one of the oldest symbols, which also meant the Most High. The fire blazing in the center of the circle is a new Renaissance, the Sun moving towards summer, Light and warmth, the Ancient Fire of WEDANIA. A round dance is a meaningful Holy act, each movement in which leads to the accumulation of Power and the exchange of goodness and energy with the Gods. Light and grace descends in these minutes, uniting in the Spirit and connecting with the Cosmos by the threads of the Soul, merging into a single consciousness of the Universe! It is necessary to remember and honor the Holy Memory of the Ancestors because the tree dries up without roots, and the people perish, having lost the spiritual connection with their ancestral roots.

    At present, Shchedrets is practically our Russian Winter New Year from December 31 to January 1, which coincides with the New Year in the modern world. But since the New Year is a new holiday that does not have deep roots and its own traditions, it borrowed many features from the Shchedrets. Maybe for this reason he is popularly loved ...

    Veles Christmastide is the time of the most magical days of the year. Twelve Christmastide - holy evenings, from the eve of Kolyada to Vodokres, are dedicated to the Memory of the Ancestors. This is a Sorcerous time, when the light of the new Sun is still too weak to disperse the Darkness (as it was in the Times, when Svarog was still forging the Earthly Solid), and the Gates connecting Reality and Nav are wide open. Christmastide is the time for commemorating the Ancestors, caroling, ritual atrocities, various fortune-telling, youth gatherings.

    Christmastide was divided into two halves: - the first (including New Year's Eve - Shchedrets) was associated with Kolyada and dedicated to the future harvest and the girls' fortune telling about marriage, and
    - the second (since New Year's Eve) was associated with the struggle of Veles with the demons (demons, hence the word "outrage") of Chernobog. Veles was considered the patron saint of cattle and animals. This part of the Christmastide was distinguished by a special "revelry of evil", it was necessary to fight with it under the protection of Veles.

    In general, the time of Christmastide is a rather long period, so the Rus perceived it as a break in time, a revelry of harmful forces. If the first six evenings were called "saints", then the next six - "terrible", because all the evil spirits went on a rampage and could meet anywhere. It was believed that on New Year's Eve, evil spirits (devils, like N.V. Gogol's) stole a month so that it would not illuminate their night walks with unclean spirits. After celebrating the New Year, dying passed into the rebirth and triumph of a new world, a new time. It was expressed in the desire of people to find out their fate through fortune telling. Mass fortune telling on New Year's Eve and until the end of the winter Christmastide was considered the most faithful and effective.

    Figures of cows, bulls, sheep and poultry are still baked for the Christmas holiday of Kolyada. The baked animals are put on the windows to be shown to passers-by, and in the evening they are sent as a gift to relatives. Such a gourd is called "kozuli" or "cows" and is used in a special rite of preserving and increasing wealth. But modern bagels are highly simplified ritual sheep or rams. All these animals have special fertility, and their ritual eating is an act of familiarizing oneself and one's entire family with those powers and abilities that are attributed to these animals. Figures made on this day by the very fact of their existence should influence the future.

    On Christmastide in the villages of Rusov, the most common ceremony was caroling, which has a memorial meaning. The mummers went around at night. These were children, unmarried youth. They dressed up as a goat, a bull, or a bear, pigs, mares, a crane, more often they used a sheepskin coat turned out with fur, and masks on their faces. They went from the hut to the hut in a group and sang magnificent songs to the owners with the characteristic choruses "Oh, Kolyada" to the accompaniment of an accordion or balalaika. In these songs wishes of wealth, health, harvest were expressed. Quite often the mummers came with a full basket of grain and "scattered" the grain around the hut. This meant bringing contentment and satiety into the home. The owner gave gifts to carols.

    Christmas festivities were a time of everyone's merriment. The custom of caroling has lost its ritual meaning over time and has turned into amusement, amusement. The monster dances, makes funny jokes, and looking at him is not scary, but funny and funny.

    But the carols, according to legend, are the shadows of the ancient Ancestors. They come on New Year's Eve and set out on a long journey to visit their descendants and bring from another world the guarantee of a fruitful year, prosperity and prosperity. And when we put sweets, apples or cookies under the tree, we do it as if in memory of our distant Ancestors. And the candies that we hang on the tree, decorating it, also mean a wish for a sweet life in the New Summer (in the New Year).

    And Christmas tree decorations - cows, lambs, goats - are a memory of the New Year's sacrifice: in order to avoid hunger and disasters, people organized a holiday in honor of the spirits of the underworld, sacrificing domestic animals for them.

    Revitalization of Water - Blessing of Water - Vodokres.

    January 6 - Blessed Water, Vodokres, Winter Turitsy - the day when the Navi Gates (open during the Veles Christmastide) are closed, and the world of Yavi acquires its usual orderliness. The blessing of water ends the Christmastide, which lasts from the winter solstice to January 6.

    The name of the Holiday Vodokres (Kres of Water) literally means the Revitalization of Water. The day when all the Waters of Mother Earth are sanctified by the sacred fire of the newborn Sun. The negative information that the water has collected over the year is reset to zero - and the water again becomes pristine, pure, healing ... The Spark of Heavenly Fire (Kres) from the Svarozh Forge falls into the waters of the Earth, endowing them with magical properties.

    They also believe that at this time Veles the Prophetic God sends people Zdravu - blesses all the Earth's waters, so that everyone who washed in them on this day heals from all kinds of ailments.

    There was a belief: if on the night of Blessing of Water (January 6) you come to the river and cut an ice-hole, then the water boils. On this day, water in natural reservoirs changes its properties, becomes healing. And then it returns to its normal state.

    On this holiday in Russia there was a custom to swim in an ice-hole, despite the frost. Bathing in such water gives a person vigor, health, a powerful surge of vitality. According to tradition, the Rus brought water home and sprinkled water on her house, yard, relatives, pets, gave the sick to drink, healed wounds. At this time, direct contact with the Queen-Voditsa is very important.

    The Rite of Blessing of Water - by heating a piece of Svarog iron on fire, it is solemnly, with appropriate glorifications, lowered into water, which, according to popular beliefs, acquires a special Power on this day - it becomes "can and very powerful", healing, purifying the body and soul.

    After the completion of the rite of blessing of water, all those gathered wash with water or bathe in ice holes in order to wash off "all the pains and sorrows." Those who took part in the ritual okruti (dressed in the disguises of natives of Navi) on Kolyada and during the Veles Christmastide - wash off the remnants of the Navi enchantments that connected them with the world of the Dead.

    According to popular beliefs, the water consecrated at Vodokres is considered pure - sacred, and you should not wash or rinse linen in it for 12 days. If you sprinkle the courtyard and the house with water sworn on Vodokres, all evil spirits will bypass them.

    Coal from the Sacred Fire, kindled on the Temple on this day, as well as from the fire in which ritual iron was poured, is stored for a year, being considered a miraculous amulet against fire and lightning.

    To warn their house against fire, on Vodokres the owners - the eldest in their Family man and woman - walk around the house, holding a bowl of water in their hands, while they rekut the words: “Veles and Makosh are with me, Carry a spell with water; If there is a fire, they will start to put out the fire: Don't burn - once! Don't burn - two! Don't burn - three! " Saying these words, they sprinkle water on the house three times, after which they complete the conspiracy: “The spirits of the Ancestors stand - they keep the House from fire! My word is strong and stucco! Goy! "

    The people believe that it is impossible to take water out of the house on this day - together with it you can endure cleanliness. There is a legend that at this time Chernobog himself, having turned into a beggar wanderer, goes from door to door and asks people for water. Whoever brings the ladle out to him will give him his share along with the water ...

    Winter Turks - also celebrated on January 6th. Dedicated to Veles in the guise of Tura - one of the oldest revered animals among the Rus with magical powers. In Tour, the union of Veles and Perun is embodied for the glory and prosperity of the Russian Clan. On this day, they guess for the whole next year, since the holiday closes the winter Christmastide.

    Winter Turitsy is the oldest rite of youthful initiation into men, when a young man had to show his hunting abilities, military courage and overwhelm his first large animal.

    The Rus took an example from the Turov - these formidable animals who did not take care of themselves in order to protect the herd. They tried to teach the young generation to attack and defend, to show resourcefulness and resilience, endurance, courage, the ability to unite to repel enemies, protect the weak and find a weak point in the enemy.

    For many years Tours, wild bulls, served people as a symbol of honor and courage. Goblets and horns were made of turkey horns, which they sounded invitingly in military campaigns, and even bows were made from especially large horns.

    But Turitsy is also a shepherd's holiday, at this time the community invites a shepherd for the next season, negotiates with him about work, entrusting him with a precious herd for a long time. A shepherd, a novice of Veles, he takes care of the herd and its health, and Tur helps him in this matter, protecting young heifers and cows preparing for calving in winter from all misfortunes and diseases.

    Woman's porridge.

    January 8 - Babi porridge. The midwives knew a lot about life and the Rus especially respected them. Women's porridge - on this day it is customary to honor midwives. They were brought gifts and treats, pancakes. They came with children so that the grandmothers would bless them. It was especially recommended on this day to go to the grandmothers of future mothers and young girls.

    The midwife is a distant relative in the village. Not a single homeland could do without a midwife. The grandmother helped the woman in labor. And she was, as they used to say, with her hands. Knowing the customs of the old days, the grandmother knew her business. During the agony of the woman in childbirth, she flooded the bathhouse, fished the woman in labor on the Sun. Babkanie - obivanie - pretended to be a kind word, kind herbs, kind prayers. Smelling the woman in labor, that is, igniting a birch torch and setting fire to the wormwood with the grass immortelle, the grandmother was concerned about easy homelands.

    And also, not in such distant times, mother gathered the children in the evening and taught them to praise the Rod, to sprinkle them with grain - for a long time, for happiness, for well-being. It was easier than ever to give out a slice of cake during the holiday hour, to pamper children with cranberries on honey. But mother knew: "Not every house has a loaf baked, and even so that the whole family has plenty of it." And so the children had to deserve a treat, the whole world of children should taste equally both satiety and sweets. "Serve the cow, butter head, bake on the hearth, gilded cow!" And in a child's box from every house, they carried both the big women and the maidens-brides ritual cookies, which in their appearance are akin to a cattle. And the children encouraged: “You, hostess, give me! You, sweetheart, give it! Serve - don't break! Break off a little - there will be Ermoshka. Break off a hump - Andryushka will be. And give me the middle - to be a wedding! ". And so, the child's box was heavy. And in a crowd, the slaves ran to someone's heated bathhouse, sharing the treats among themselves. It was a joyful time for games and fun. The children recognized each other and were childishly happy, remembering this wonderful winter time.

    They also watched the signs. If the day is clear, there will be a good harvest of millet. The porridge in the oven will brown - to the snow. If titmouses squeak in the morning, you can expect frost by night. But the incessant cry of crows and jackdaws promises snowfalls and blizzards.

    Kidnapping day.

    January 12 - Kidnapping Day. On that day, they remember how in the era of Kupala Veles kidnapped Diva-Dodola, the wife of Perun. During the wedding of Perun and Diva, Veles was rejected by Diva and deposed from heaven. However, then he, as the god of love passion, managed to seduce the goddess of the storm, the daughter of Dyya. From their connection the spring god Yarilo was born ...

    January 18 - Intra. Intra (Zmiulan, Indra, Indrik-beast-serpent, Vyndrik) is the son of Zemun from Dyya (Night Sky), brother of the "Lizard", and his opponent. Intra is the god of springs, wells, snakes and clouds. The connection with the water elements indicates its Navu nature. At night, the sorcerers spoke the pipes of the houses through which he entered the houses. Intra is an inhabitant of the underground, and in Old Russian legends it is said: "As the Sun is in the sky, so is Intra in Navi."

    In the Indian Vedas, Intra is the serpent king. The latter is indicated by the fact that Inderia is inhabited by snakes, and Intra himself is the husband of the Serpent Paraskeva. According to our Vedas, Zmiulan is the conqueror of the goat-Pan (son of Viy), in fact - his cousin (since. Dy and Viy are brothers).

    In Intra's deeds there is valor, baseness, honest victories, and cruelty. Despite the fact that he is the husband of the snake, he fights on the same side with Perun. Most of all he is close to people from the "Military Triglav" (Perun-Intra-Volkh). If Perun is pure "military truth", Volkh is sorcery, cruelty and dark anger; then Intra is Light and Dark, the struggle of opposites. Intra, riding a unicorn, is the patron saint of warriors, a symbol that personifies military valor and courage.

    “Sensitive Intra, hear our call!

    Take our chanting!

    Oh, we know you, ardent bull!

    Defeat the enemy, powerful Intra!

    Crush the might of the Viev tribe! "

    January 19-21 - Prosinets. A roof that spills magical Surya on the Earth. Prosinets is celebrated with Vodosvetiy - Vodokres. Today they glorify Svarga - the Host of all Gods. "Shine" means the rebirth of the Sun. Middle of Winter - it is believed that the cold begins to subside and the sun's heat returns at the behest of the gods to the Land of the Rus.

    The roof was not born by chance, but to fulfill a great mission. At that time, the Great Colds fell on the world of Reveal. People lost the gift of the gods, fire, and died out, freezing. Chernobog was the cause of these great calamities.

    The roof flew from heaven, gave people fire, and then fought on the shores of the Arctic Ocean with Chernobog and defeated him. Kryshen gave people star knowledge, taught them to brew the sacred drink Surya, saved them from physical extinction.

    The most ancient book of the Vedic tradition, containing stellar knowledge, the Rus called the Star Book of Kolyada. In the 25th millennium BC. in Russia, the first initiatory schools arose, in which the acquired knowledge was stored and developed, and the Russian Vedas were taught.

    God Roof gave this knowledge in the zodiac era Roof (Aquarius), that is, in the 25th millennium BC. And it happened in the Ripean mountains, in Belovodye. On the blissful Northern Islands, which the Vedic tradition interprets as Iriy, and as Paradise Islands, and as the Holy Spiritual World, and as other Planets. He brought people the Golden Star Book, and this book taught the Vedic faith of the Magi of all nations. Then the Clans of the Slavs-Aryans, led by Kryshen, left the North and mastered the sacred lands of Siberia and the Ripean mountains (Ural mountains), the source of the holy Pa-river (Volga) near Mount Iremel.

    From here the Rus began to settle in the lands of Eurasia. The original knowledge given by Kryshen was lost in ancient times. But then, after thousands of years, it was restored by the newly appeared god Kolyada.

    On this day, Vedic temples remember how in ancient times Kryshen gave fire to people who died from the cold during the Great Glaciation. Then he shed magic Surya from the heavenly Svarga on Earth.

    “Surya is honey that wandered on herbs!

    Surya is also the Red Sun!

    Surya - Vedic understanding is clear!

    Surya is a trace of the Most High Vyshenya!

    Surya is the truth of God Kryshenya! "

    Surya poured out on Midgard-Earth on this day makes all the waters curative, because the Rus in Prosinets on January 19-21 bathe in the Consecrated - Light waters.

    January 28 - Velesichi - Kudesy - Tambourines. Brownie Day - a day of treating a brownie. Brownie-baker, joker, cricket patron. Kudesy - Day of treating the brownie. Brownie Kuzya is a good-natured hero of your favorite cartoons.

    If grandfather-sibling on Kudesy is left without gifts, then from a kind keeper of the hearth, he will turn into a rather fierce spirit.

    After supper, a pot of porridge is left behind the stove, lined with hot coals so that the porridge does not cool down until midnight, when the brownie comes to supper. The name of the holiday - kudesy (tambourines) - indicates that our ancestors communicated with the brownie or simply had fun, delighting the ear with music:


    Eat porridge, but keep our hut! "

    Since ancient times, Russian magi, sorcerers, priests, sorcerers - knowledgeable people helped their people, with the help of their magical ability to heal, predict the future, shape the necessary events, attract good luck. Often, the knowledgeable, without going into specifics and the level of their skills, were called magicians. In their practice, magicians have used and are still using various "magic" objects - runes, stones, bowls, etc.

    However, the tambourine is the most powerful magician's magic tool! The word “sorcerer” itself comes from the name of the tambourine. The fact is that in ancient times our ancestors called the tambourine kudom. Thus, "kuddes" is to beat the tambourine and work miracles.

    The significance of the tambourine is enormous: firstly, it is a model of the universe. Traditionally, the World Tree is depicted on it, on which the entrances to the Upper (Right), Middle (Yav), and Lower (Nav) worlds are marked. Secondly, a tambourine is a means of transportation, figuratively speaking, a magician's horse in his spiritual journeys. Thirdly, it is the home for his assistant spirits. By striking a tambourine, the sorcerer summons them and communicates with them.

    Just as ordinary people have domestic animals - cats, dogs, horses, etc., so every knowledgeable person has helper spirits in the spiritual world. These are the same horses, wolves, bears, tigers, deer and even magical animals - unicorns, dragons, etc.

    In addition - the Spirits (Souls) of the Ancestors, and, of course, the Gods. After all, the essence of witchcraft lies in the ability to communicate with the Spiritual Forces of Other Worlds.

    In these worlds there are various creatures, including some who are not always blissful. In such cases, the tambourine acts as a kind of weapon for pacifying them and even fighting them. That is why some tambourines (clucks) have an image of arrows and a bow. Yes, the tambourine itself is symbolically perceived as a spiritual bow, and its sounds are arrows.

    On this day, both Veles himself and his army are revered. It tells about the origin of the Velesiches, the heavenly warriors of Veles. Usually Velesich are revered as the children of Veles, Svarozhichs, who obeyed Veles - the head of the heavenly armies. But among them there are those who descended from heaven to Earth and settled among people: these are ancient heroes: volotomania, asilka, the spirits of the ancestors, as well as the spirits of forests, fields, waters and mountains. Those of them who got into the forest - became a goblin, some into the water - water, some in the field - field, and some into the house - brownie.

    Brownie is a kind spirit. Usually he is a zealous owner helping a close-knit family. Sometimes he is mischievous, plays pranks if he doesn't like something. He scares those who do not care about the household and livestock. On this day, the brownie is fed with porridge, leaving it on the back.


    “Master father, take our porridge!

    And eat the pies - take care of our house! "

    Day of Frost and Snow Maiden.

    January 30 - Day of Frost and Snow Maiden. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are the main figures of this holiday. On that day, they revered the enemy of Perun - Moroz - the hypostasis of Veles. We can say that Frost is the winter hypostasis of Veles, just like Yar (the son of Veles and Diva) is the spring.

    Moroz is married to the Snow Queen, daughter of Mary and Chernobog. Frost and the Snow Queen have a daughter, the Snow Maiden.

    These days, tales are told about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. About how the Snow Maiden, at the whim of the goddess of love Lelia, fell in love with a person, therefore, with the arrival of Spring, she did not fly to the North. And as soon as the Sun warmed her, she melted ...

    You can continue to talk about the wonderful Russian holidays, set forth in legends, tales and fairy tales, and directly related to the soul of the people, there will still be time for that ... And this must be done so that people know, remember, and this is especially important for our youth.

    According to the last calendar adopted by the ancient Rus, on September 22, Summer began 7525 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (2016-2017 of the modern chronology). Summer 7525 from S.M.Z.Kh. corresponds to 5508 BC

    This is the 5th summer in the Circle of Years of the Slavic space age of the Wolf under the auspices of the Russian god Veles. Title - Fiery Scroll. Element - Fire. Color - Scarlet.

    Each Summer of the Old Russian Kolyada Gift - Chislobog's Circle, passes through 9 elements and in each element it receives a new color and a new understanding in relation to the worldview of a modern person, corresponding to the Dawn of Svarog over our planet-Earth (Midgard), that is, the times of twilight - the beginning of dawn on The earth, about which God Perun told in ancient times, and about which it was inscribed in Old Russian

    Scroll - symbolizes knowledge, knowledge, teaching, development of life and knowledge, the passage of time, life span - Pocon's Scroll - Destiny.

    All the Years of the Scroll indicate global changes not only in public consciousness, but also on a Universal scale. In the Summer of the Scroll, the greatest cataclysms occur, continental outlines change on Earth, islands appear and disappear, volcanic activity increases, and in order for society to easily survive, each community is given a Revelation or Warning. In the Summer of the Scroll, wars occur chaotically, and many not only people die, but also many species of various living beings.

    The Scroll of Fire - a dry year, when increased solar radiation prevails, there is abundant evaporation of water, which leads to the death of people and animals from heat and thirst; in addition, hot and windy weather are favorable conditions for fires. There are abundant invasions of beetles, locusts, etc., which devour crops and foliage in the forests. In the Summer of the Scroll of Fire, people are born with a mystical mindset, for whom Fire and fire rituals are a symbol of inner transformation ...

    It seems that all difficulties for the Russian people are surmountable, because the Rus are able to Create and Create.

    Under this sign the future will be revealed to us more faithfully and deeper than under the sign of expectations or premonitions ...

    The future is not only something hoped for, but, above all, something created. The vocation inspires us with the responsibility of duty to our family, and the creative power of the people gives rise to the power of the Russian State.

    The mistakes and failures of the past should not be embarrassing. The historical path has not yet been passed, the Russian Truth has not yet ended. The Russian way has not yet closed itself. The path is open, though difficult. Difficulties must be transformed into a creative appeal, the undone must be accomplished.

    There is a mysterious path to the achievement of the Russian Spirit. For the will and power of spiritual action has been left to us by our ancestors. Thus, the feat of creating and constructing is imposed.

    The true historical synthesis consists not so much in the interpretation of the past as in the creative performance of the future ...

    The calendar opens with autumn holidays, since according to Orthodox teaching, it was in the first month of autumn, in September, that the world was created and September was considered the beginning of the beginnings. In addition, at the end of the 15th century, the beginning of each year began to be counted from September 14, i.e. this day was a New Year's holiday. However, it was called differently - "summer entrance", where summer meant not a season, but a new year. Today from September, although the calendar year does not begin, it is the beginning of the school year and everyone's favorite holiday on September 1 - Knowledge Day. The coincidence of the beginning of the school year and the Orthodox New Year is very symbolic and carries a deep spiritual meaning.



    11 September - ivan Lenten day. It was believed that Ivan Postny was the godfather of autumn, since this day ends the summer.

    September 30th - day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. This day was not only the day of the Angel of women with these names. It was called "universal woman's name day" and was sometimes celebrated for three days in a row. Along with the joy of the holiday, it was believed that on this day women must cry and lament in order to bewitch happiness and peace into the house.


    October 27 - the day of Praskovya the mud, which was asked to get rid of loneliness. the rites of this day, like most of the October rites, are connected inmostly with family matters. So, on this day, women could learn about upcoming events in family life.



    The folk calendar defines winter from frost, and the end by drops, taking as a basis the phenomena of wildlife. December in popular belief is a turning point of the year, its peak during the winter solstice, which divided the year into dark and light halves. In the days of paganism, the wise men and sorcerers predicted in December the events awaiting people in the summer. The whole month was filled with sorcery, witchcraft, magic rituals and all kinds of mysteries.


    December 1 - the holiday of the beginning of winter was held under the motto: "What is Plato and Roman - such is the winter for us!", a holiday of folk winter games and fun. The celebration lasted for several days, covering

    December 3 - the day of Proclus ("They curse all evil spirits against Proclus") and Introduction.

    December 7 is the day of Catherine the Sannytsia. The main sign of this day is sleigh rides, which, according to popular belief, took off all worries and burdens from the soul. On this day, the girls began to guess about their betrothed, and finished fortune-telling on Christmastide in January.

    December 9 - St. George's Day , the day of Yegor Kholodny, the day of the patron saint of Russia, St. George the Victorious, is one of the main holidays in December, celebrated in our country since pagan times.

    For most readers, this day is remembered by the saying: "Here's to you, grandmother, and St. George's Day!", Said for the first time in 1607 as a reaction to the ban on passing from landlord to landowner, which was the beginning of serfdom in Russia.

    December 13 - St. Andrew's Day , the first disciple of Christ, the "Russian Church of Stone", who predicted the spread of Christianity on Russian soil. Oddly enough, but most often it was a girl's holiday dedicated to fortune-telling and prayers for a good groom, since it was believed that on this day a girl's prayer easily reaches the sky.

    December 14 - Day of Naum the Grader - the patron saint of students, the holiday of letters, the holiday of initiation into students. Education in Russia has long begun in the fall on the day of Kuzma and Demyan, and on the day of Naum the Graduate student, the students demonstrated their successes. The teacher was most often a deacon. The training took place in the home of the student's parents. The teaching aids were a primer and a whip. For his labors, the teacher received food and gifts. According to ancient custom, such a gift was often a pot of porridge, thickly covered with coins.

    December 19 - Nikolin's day, Nikola winter. On this day, the elderly and elders of the family were honored, since the cult of St. Nicholas was replaced by the pagan cult of the Family - the deified ancestor.

    December 22 - the day of Anna dark or winter coincides with the day of the winter solstice according to the astronomical calendar.

    December 31 - the day of the end of the student month followed by a month of "burning up the sun". In this regard, on December 31, a fire should invariably burn. Today, the living sacred fire of this day is embodied in modern candles and lights on the Christmas trees. It was believed that on this day the evil spirits celebrate their last fun and one must defend against it.

    For the forecast of the next year, they were guessing, leaving a shallow bowl of water on the porch on New Year's Eve. In the morning, the "forecast" appeared to be a frozen picture: the ice froze evenly - a calm year, the ice heaved up - a good year, the ice froze in waves - a year of happiness interspersed with grief, the water was frozen with a hole - a bad year.

    December ends with the New Year according to the secular calendar. According to the folk New Year in Russia, it began on March 14, according to the church - from September 14.


    January 1 - the day of the holy Christian martyr Boniface - a healer from drunkenness and a patron of people with alcohol. It was he who determined the measure of wine consumption.

    Before Christianity, this day was dedicated to the memory of the mighty hero of the Russian land, the epic hero Ilya Muromets.

    However, first of all, January 1 is the beginning of a new year according to the European calendar. In Russia, this day for the first time began to start the new year only by the will of Peter I in 1700. According to the national calendar, the year began on March 14, and according to the church calendar, from September 14. The introduction by Peter I of the date for celebrating the New Year was accompanied by a huge celebration, which was repeated annually. At first, the people looked with pleasure at the amusing fun, but many, including noble persons, began to grumble, not understanding how the sovereign could change the movement of the Sun. On the assumption that God created the world in September, those who were dissatisfied with the innovation remained unconvinced for a long time, counting the new year according to the ancient custom.

    The word "year" sounds the same in the language of the Russian, Bohemian and Vendian Slavs and means "holiday". The year is divided into four parts - winter, spring, summer and autumn. Although this was not always the case: our ancestors divided it only for winter and summer. Summer has been the current three spring and three summer months, the last six months have been winter. Later, our ancestors adopted the word "year" from their fellow Slavs, but not in the sense of a holiday, but in the sense of the whole year and summer as part of it.

    January 2 - the day of Ignatius the God-bearer , was celebrated as a home, family holiday. On this day, a prayer service was served and then, during the procession, they carried icons around the village in order to protect themselves and their goods from special evil spirits - shulikans (from the ancient Russian word "shui", which means "bad, leftist"). From the standpoint of Christianity, these are little devils. To protect against them, in the evening the owner stuck an ax into the threshold, and the hostess - a sickle into the lintel. The power of a sharp sickle and ax had to be transferred to the door and threshold in order to protect the entrance to the house from evil.

    January 7 - Nativity of Christ , the beginning of Christmastide, the many-day celebration of which ended on Epiphany, January 19.

    January 14 - Vasilyev's Day according to the national calendar; according to the church calendar, the day of one of the most prominent church fathers, Basil of Caesarea. According to one of the legends, while blessing people, he accidentally blessed a pig, so the people prayed to this saint for the fertility of pigs. This was reflected in the menu of the festive table, where the pig's head was traditionally placed.

    This day is especially famous for a unique event - the secondary celebration of the New Year, i.e. New Year Old Style. On the night of January 13-14 - on Vasilyev (generous) evening - the New Year's table was again collected, where such an abundance of baked goods was especially remarkable that the celebrants could not see each other over a pile of pies. Another sign of this evening was the last fortune-telling: girls - about marriage, family people - about the harvest of the coming year.

    January 19 - Baptism of the Lord according to the church calendar, Vodokreshchi - according to the folk. On the eve of Epiphany, January 18, they celebrated the holiday of snow and purity - Epiphany Christmas Eve. On this day, snow was collected, as water from it can heal many diseases. At midnight they went to the ice-hole for water, because it was believed that on this night the heavens open and their reflection in the water makes it a saint.

    The theme of holy water was also the main one at Epiphany. All who took part in fortune-telling, caroling and mummers' games were supposed to be cleansed with Epiphany water. Up to swimming in the ice hole, if the sin was serious. On this day, children were willingly baptized, as this could make them happy people.

    Baptism ended Christmastide, but opened the wedding season, which lasted all February until the celebration of Maslenitsa.

    January 25 - Tatiana's day , or a woman's whip, i.e. corner by the stove. This day received its name in honor of the holy martyr Tatiana (Tatiana), the daughter of a noble Roman dignitary and secret Christian, who was arrested because of her refusal to sacrifice to pagan idols. The brutal tortures to which Tatyana was subjected, either did not harm her, or during the night their traces disappeared without a trace, or the torturers themselves suffered from blows inflicted by an invisible hand. Shocked by her steadfastness, the executioners themselves converted to Christianity and were baptized in their own blood. An amazing and tragic story, but known to few.

    For most of us, Tatiana's Day is a holiday for Moscow students, since in 1755 Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree establishing Moscow University. Since then, not only Moscow students, but all Russian students have their own holiday.


    February 15 - Presentation , the border between winter and summer. On this day, all the spiritual strength and prayers of the Russian people were aimed at luring the spring and the sun. If, as a result of requests, the sun appeared, then spring responded, the first meeting with her took place. Otherwise, the severe Vlasyev frosts awaited everyone ahead.

    February 24 - Vlasyev day , and in pagan times - the day of Veles, the god of wealth, cattle and master of animals. On this day, cattle from all over the village were driven to the church and blessed with Epiphany water. However, even at midnight, women came out with a broom and a poker and "plowed" the village three times. At the same time, one of them beat into a frying pan, the others brandished brooms and pokers in honor of Veles, helping him drive death from cattle.

    Performing festive rituals in the spring, our ancestors deeply believed that they were helping the sun to warm up in full force and defeat the cold.


    March 1 - Yarilo with a pitchfork. On this day, the struggle between heat and cold begins, and Yarilo "raises the winter on a pitchfork." Yarilo was represented as a young man, an ardent loving groom. sometimes, wishing to emphasize his youth and beauty, they dressed up a girl with Yarila. They put her on a white horse, put a wreath of wildflowers on her head, gave ears of corn to her left hand, and an image of a skull in her right hand as a symbol of death. In another case, Yarilu, as a rule, at the fair, was represented by a young man with a whitewashed and rouged face in a paper cap decorated with bells, ribbons and flowers. Naturally, fresh flowers were part of the decoration of Yarila's costume or head during the holidays in his honor only at the end of April. And on the first of March, bonfires were lit, the so-called "Yarilina lights", in high places - on "Yarilina plesha". The next day, March 2, was the continuation of the Yarilin games. An obligatory rite is "snow thickening", during which the snow was harrowed, especially where it was covered with a dark layer.

    March 6 - Timofey-springsymbolizes the distinct breeze of spring. Observing natural phenomena on this day, you can predict what spring will be this year. From that day on, they were wary of evil spirits that could cause illness. After all, weakness and illness, aggravated by fasting and dank weather, contributed to the strengthening of faith in evil spirits and caused a desire to bypass it.

    10th of March -Tarasiy-kumokha.The word "kumokha" in the Old Russian language means one of the impure forces - fever. Spring fever hid at least 12 demons - diseases, which were presented in the form of terrible old women. They could be driven away by the melted March water, fun and work, walks in the healing March air.

    March 12 - Prokop's Day.Prokop finally destroys the winter crust and pierces the road.

    March 13 is the day of Vasily the dropper.On this day, medicinal pine branches were collected in the forest, pine buds were brewed and steam was inhaled, as it was considered healing.


    Yulia Voronyanskaya


    « Folk holidays in Russia»

    Health-saving technology:

    Technologies for maintaining and promoting health

    Aesthetic technologies

    Outdoor and sports games

    Musical impact technologies

    Educational areas:

    Social and communicative development,

    Cognitive development,

    Speech development,

    Artistic and aesthetic development


    Introducing children to traditional culture, creating conditions for the formation of interest in the traditions, customs of their relatives people.



    To acquaint children with traditions celebrations Day of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, with folk signs, rituals.


    To develop memory, thinking, recreating imagination (the ability to mentally imagine the times and conditions of society in ancient Rus,interest in folk culture, the need for information.

    Formation of communication skills with cultural heritage.


    Education of moral qualities, love for the native land, folk art, to folk games.

    Preliminary work:

    learning by heart carols, poems about folk holidays, proverbs, ditties, popular signs.

    Age: children of preparatory groups 5-6 years old

    Materials and equipment:

    a candle, a star, a straw effigy, a green veil, a calendar, gifts for carols.

    1. Organizational moment.


    Hello dear guests. We are glad to see you at our place.

    "For a dear guest and the gate is wide open."

    Children enter (for 3 people) under Russian. bunk bed melody. Line up in a semicircle.

    Educator: Guys, many guests have come to us today, and let's say hello to them, as in ancient times with a bow.

    2. Introductory remarks.

    Educator: Our ancestors loved and knew how to have fun. Russian people loved and love holidays... They liked to treat the guests hearty and tasty. Spoke: "Help yourself with what God sent", "The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies",

    They sang songs, danced. And you guys love holidays? And why? What do you know holidays?

    Children: Yes. The holidays are magical and fun... New Year, Christmas, Easter ...

    Educator: Well done, you know a lot holidaysthat have been known since the time of our ancestors. Who do you think the ancestors are?

    Children: Ancestors are those people who lived before us.

    Educator: Our ancestors are Russian people, they lived on Rus - Holidays have always been honoredbut celebrated them differently, not like us, modern people. Do you want to know how?

    Children: Yes.

    Educator: Then let's go with you on an excursion into the past. How do you ask? On a magic sleigh. Sit down, let's go back to the past. Go! (Music)

    On ID winter on Rus.

    3. Conversation about Christmas.

    And now, guys, we, you and our guests, ended up in Ancient Rus... Russian people have always been able to work well and have good fun. Many different holidays they had and they were divided into great, medium and small. Some were celebrated annually and on the same days, others - annually, but on different days of the month. Among these holidays people singled out the greatest and most beloved. And so that we do not get confused in them, we will create our own calendar of the ancients holidays.

    Educator: Tell me, what time of year does the year start now? (Winters).Correctly. And our ancestors began the year in winter. And the most beloved and famous winter holiday is christmas.

    Why this holiday is so called? (Children's answers).

    (The overhead light turns off, candles are lit, soft music sounds. A candle is on.)

    Educator: Christmas is religious celebration... The very word Christmas says that someone was born. The birth of a child is always good news. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem.

    The heavenly angels carried the news of the birth of Jesus. The star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky. Christmas - feast of believers in Christ... This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home warmth and family harmony.

    Do you know other traditions of this holiday? (children's answers)

    Educator: That's right, these are gifts to relatives and friends; postcards, sweets, souvenirs.

    Educator: Our grandparents really love this celebration - Nativity. It is also called winter Christmastide. Christmastide is from the word "Saint"... In that celebrated the holiday, praised, glorified Christ, New Year, future harvest. Boys and girls dressed up in animals: goat, bear, unclean force: Babu Yagu, kikimoru, etc. In groups they went home, congratulated on holiday, wished the best with special songs - carols.

    4. Perception of folklore.

    Educator: (Knock on the door. Children preparatory groups singing strollers).

    Educator: Carollers will definitely get something edible: sweets, nuts and special ceremonial cookies, they were called cozuli - they were necessarily prepared in every house for this occasion. These dough figurines should be eaten right there, after making a wish.

    Educator: So guys, what holiday in Russia was celebrated in winter? How is it celebrated?

    That's how fun celebrated... Christmas. Let's mark winter on our calendar holiday christmas.

    Educator: What time of year comes after winter (Spring)

    5. Talk about Maslenitsa.

    Who knows what holiday celebrated late winter and early spring (Maslenitsa)

    Shrovetide was called wide, cheerful. (View presentation)

    Maslenitsa - celebration seeing off winter and meeting spring. Shrovetide is so named because before Lent, Russian people ate cow butter, on which pancakes, pancakes, and flat cakes were fried. And damn it looks like the sun. The sun is a symbol of the end of winter. What are they just not ate: with butter, with honey. Maslenitsa celebrated 7 days... All days, all week people had fun, laughed, sang songs, walked, went to visit. On the last day of the week, on Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness. And a stuffed animal made of straw (Scarecrow showing) they took them out into the street and burned them - this is how they parted with everything bad, with all troubles and difficulties. During the burning of the effigy, people sang songs and had fun.

    Do you like having fun?

    Then let's play Russian folk game"Burn, burn clearly"

    Number of players: even

    Additionally: no

    The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Players join hands and lift them up, forming "goal"... The last couple passes "Under the gate" and stands in front, followed by the next pair. "Burning" becomes in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or sentenced:

    Burn, burn clearly

    In order not to go out!

    Look at the sky

    The birds are flying

    The bells are ringing:

    Ding-dong, ding-dong,

    Run out quickly!

    At the end of the song, two players, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest in chorus shout:

    One, two, do not crow,

    Run like fire!

    "Burning" trying to catch up with the running... If the players manage to hold each other's hands before one of them is caught "burning", then they stand in front of the column, and "burning" catches again, i.e. "Burns"... And if "burning" catches one of the runners, then he gets up with him, and the player who is left without a pair leads.

    Educator: So guys, what holiday in Russia was celebrated with weight? How is it celebrated?

    Educator: And on the calendar we mark one more folk holiday"Shrovetide"

    Educator: It is getting warmer and we are going out of the sleigh into a green meadow. What time of year has come after spring (Summer)

    7. Story about holiday"Ivana-Kupala"

    Educator: In the summer, our ancestors honored holiday of Ivan-Kupala. (View presentation)Kupala is the oldest thanksgiving sun, summer maturity and green mowing. Name holiday"Ivan Kupala" went from the words - to immerse in water.

    Therefore, on this day, they pour water over each other, swim in the river, make fires, sing songs, guess, lead round dances.

    8. Round dance. So we will be in a round dance with you.

    Round dance "Ivana Kupala" "Cabbage

    Educator: So guys, what holiday in Russia was celebrated in the summer? How is it celebrated?

    Educator: We continue to compile our calendar folk holidays... Summer-Ivana Kupala.

    Educator. Autumn comes after summer.

    9. A story about autumn holidays.

    In autumn on Rus celebrated the holiday Protection of the Holy Virgin, October 14. It is very revered holiday in Russia... After all, the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the Russian land, our intercessor and helper. IN the people this day was considered a meeting of autumn with winter. Called this holiday of the Intercession from the word"Cover", because during this period the earth was covered with the first snow, like a blanket. Approximately from these days, they began to drown in huts, the cattle were no longer driven out to pasture, all field and garden work was completed, spinners and weavers began to work.

    On Russ holiday The covers have long been associated with the beginning of winter and dedicated to him sayings: "On the Pokrov the earth is covered with snow, frost is dressed", "On Pokrov, autumn is before lunchtime, and winter is winter after lunch."

    Autumn Pokrovsky fairs, cheerful, abundant, bright, began on October 14. Here you could see everything that the earth thanked people for their hard work. There was a brisk trade in vegetables, fruits, bread, honey and other goods. They showed their skills craftsmen

    On Pokrov in the villages, an accordion played until morning, and guys and girls walked in a crowd down the street and sang funny daring ditties.

    10. Chastushki.

    Our children also sing them with pleasure. (Chastushki)

    Educator: So guys, what holiday in Russia was celebrated in the fall? How is it celebrated?

    Educator: This is the end of our calendar. Autumn- holiday of the Intercession... And it's time for us to say goodbye. And the calendar holidays we will definitely add new ones holidays, with which we will get acquainted further on occupations... Bye.

    List of references.

    Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Inviting children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. Educational - methodical manual. -

    2nd ed., Rev. T add. - SPb .: Childhood - Press, 2002.

    Karpenko M. T. Collection of riddles. M .: Education, 2986.

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