• Strollers are different from universal and transformable. This is a transformable stroller. Advantages and disadvantages of multi-module strollers


    Baby strollers are a necessary attribute for any baby. However, as you know, the price of such products is quite high. Over time, caring parents have to buy them again and again - when the child can not only lie down, but also sit. In order to save considerable financial resources, transformable strollers were invented. They help to easily overcome the period when babies are just learning to sit down and the years when they are already sitting! Naturally, you can always buy an ordinary baby stroller and simply place a pillow inside. However, we would like to say that such an improvised seat is too soft a support for the still unformed skeleton and fragile back of the baby. That is why we recommend that you pay attention to the sale of transformable strollers right away. By the way, the models that you can find in modern stores are also designed for newborn babies. You can use them at any time of the year - both summer and winter. By choosing a transformable product, you get both a “walking” option and a “cradle”.

    Thanks to the special design, the transformable stroller can easily and quickly change from one position to another. As you can understand from all of the above, the main advantage of the product is that it eliminates the need to buy an additional stroller for walking with your baby. However, this type of stroller also has several other advantages. Transformable models are more convenient in comparison with their summer counterparts. While in a transformable stroller, your child will be able to lean on the lowered backrest and not get tired, as if he were always sitting in an upright position. You can fix the backrest as needed at the moment. These baby strollers have several height positions, so that improper load on the child’s spine can be avoided. If your baby, for example, falls asleep while walking down the street in a sitting position, you can turn this model into a cradle by simply bringing it into a horizontal position.

    If you are interested in the sale of baby strollers that can be transformed, and you have already looked at the review of their manufacturers, then do not rush to go outside. Today you can buy the best model through an online store for children. You get a huge selection of a wide variety of products and at a variety of prices! You can buy a transformer stroller in a matter of minutes - just by clicking on the product you like.

    Good afternoon everyone! Do you know that the baby’s health depends on the first stroller? Parents try to organize their home sleeping area according to all the rules. They buy orthopedic mattresses and special pillows for the baby’s comfortable sleep.

    But, in fact, until one and a half years old, babies sleep not only in the house, but also on the street. When I was expecting a baby, I thought for a long time about what to buy as my first transport. Yes, so that it is convenient for the little one (first of all) and does not hit the budget too much. While studying the information, I came across universal models.

    And today I will tell you how to choose a 2 in 1 and 3 in 1 stroller. Believe me, the child will be happy and you will save money! I’ll also tell you what we ultimately chose for our daughter as her first all-terrain vehicle! Practical advice for everyone!

    When a baby is just born, he needs to be provided with maximum comfort all around. And since he spends a lot of time sleeping during walks, the place should be comfortable and decorated according to the rules. You can find out how to choose the first transport for a newborn.

    Closer to six months, the little one begins to sit down. At least he's trying. Until this moment, he should ride in a lying position, on a flat, non-sagging surface. What then? And then you need a stroller where the baby can sit and look at the world around him. You can read about how to choose it.

    So what happens? Do you need to buy another vehicle? It turns out like this. But universal models came to the rescue of parents. One option is suitable for a child from 0 to 3 years old. How so? What's the secret? I'll tell you now.

    The fact is that these models consist of several parts: a chassis and a replaceable block. You heard right. Replaceable. What modules can there be?

    • Cradle.
    • For walks.
    • Car seat.

    Tempting? Still would! One purchase and so many features! In addition to these parts, the manufacturer can offer a mosquito net, a bag, and a rain or sleet cape in the kit. I have now described the maximum possibilities. This species is divided into subspecies.

    What is the difference between 2 in 1 and 3 in 1

    We have already figured out that once you buy it, you can ride as long as the child wants it. But is it necessary to buy everything at once? If the model includes these exact parts, they are unlikely to be sold separately. But there are certain products that differ in their packaging. So what is 3 in 1? One stroller has only 3 removable modules: before six months - a recumbent one, after six months - a sitting one and a car seat.

    Therefore, 2 in 1 implies 2 components. Which? The same thing, but without a child carrier. How to choose between them? Answer the question: “Do you have a car?” No? Then why spend money? Buy 2 in 1. And if the answer is yes, or you are going to make such a large purchase soon, then feel free to consider a three-part one.

    Mechanism of action

    I won’t go into detail now about which buttons to press and how to press them. The mechanism is simple: the upper block is removed from the chassis and another one is installed. This is done quite simply. When unfolded, the chassis can also be folded. I've come across 2 methods:

    • Book folding.
    • Cane addition.

    In principle, quite compact. Another question is that the modules cannot be completely disassembled. You will need to look for additional space in the house for them.

    Reading information on forums and articles, I realized that some parents confuse ordinary transformers with 3 in 1 and 2 in 1 configurations. I confused them myself. But there are differences here, they lie in the names. Transformers mean transformation, modification of an existing part. It turns out that it is easy to change from a lying position to a sitting position and vice versa. Wherever there is such a function, it is a transformer.

    Yes, among them there are also removable blocks. The point is that the block, which folds out (from a recumbent to a walking one), is removed and a car restraint device is placed on the frame. Once removed, you can install it on a sled at home to create a mini-crib. I described the most complex modification of transformer models.

    And 3 in 1 means that nothing folds out, the modules are simply removed and replaced one with another. and decide between these models?

    As a mother, it seems to me that a modular system is better for newborns. Do you know why? You will understand from the description.

    What is a cradle?

    So, in universal models, the cradle inside looks like a plane that does not fold out. In my opinion, for newly born babies, this option is better. Anything that is transformed, even when unfolded, cannot be perfectly flat. A child’s fragile spine will not like this.

    This replacement part can be used for up to 6 months. But the figure is arbitrary. This refers to the moment when the baby begins to sit. And this happens differently for everyone. Some sit down at 5 months, and some at 8. Focus on the child. We had a regular cradle, not a universal one. Only used one winter. And when my daughter grew up, we bought a walking book for the summer. By the next winter we were almost 2.5. And I tried to make her walk better with her legs. And we went sledding!

    By type, removable cradles are divided into frame and plastic. It is believed that the latter are more reliable. But I would also divide them according to seasonal use: . It’s good to take a frame one for the warm season; I think that air exchange will be better through the fabric. And plastic ones for the winter. They are considered not so ventilated. Although, after reading the reviews, I learned that some parents are categorically inclined towards metal. Naturalness comes first!

    Sitting block

    Or a walking one, where the little one sits and looks at the world around him. The great thing is that it can be used for up to 3 years. Well, or the moment when the child does not want to sit in the stroller at all. For example, after 2.5 years we did not put our daughter there. But at the age of 3, when she saw her “wheel car,” she began tearfully asking her to take it for a ride. Here the quick purchase of a children's bicycle came to the rescue. Now my daughter doesn’t remember her first transport.

    Returning to the topic of the seated module: I was wondering, if it is considered sedentary, is it possible to sleep there? What if the child falls asleep? When the baby starts to sit down, he will still be quite small. And for about a year or a year and a half he will still fall asleep on walks. Dear mothers, you can! Please note when purchasing, the seat back must be adjustable to several positions. At least reclining.

    Car seat

    In any case, if you have a car, you cannot do without a car seat. You'll have to buy it. And there are parents who consider the presence of such a module an advantage. It can be installed both on the stroller frame and in the car. But keep in mind that by the year or year and a half you will have to take it. This is how you will grow!

    We took the car seat separately, but right away. It is designed for weight from 0 to 15 kg. But they started using it when my daughter started sitting. Just carrying a child in overalls in a car is a mockery. And without him, she simply fell out of the belts. So we got by with a carrying bag. Fastened with belts.

    The need to purchase a 3 in 1 is assessed only based on the availability of the car. And some, having a car, buy a car seat separately. (I suggest you familiarize yourself with that.) Just for trips out of town, a separate one has better capabilities. There are several positions, the belts are more comfortable, they are more functional.

    Is it clear about the modular system? But there are still general parameters that you should pay attention to when purchasing.

    How to choose?

    First, decide what components you need: a complete set or will you do without a child restraint? When you decide, it’s time to go to the store, look at the assortment and try on.

    1. Trying it on is what you need to do first. Try it, how heavy is the design you like? Where do you live, in an apartment or a private house? How high up the stairs is it? Take all these parameters into account, because it can be very difficult. Teach that you are now buying an empty structure. You will also have to carry a child in it.
    2. Dimensions. If you live high up, take a closer look to see if the vehicle will fit into the elevator car?
    3. Removable fabric upholstery for washing.
    4. The height of the handle can be adjusted in case someone taller will periodically walk with the baby.
    5. Choose one with inflatable wheels.
    6. Tricycle or ATV? There are universal models with three wheels. These are more maneuverable and easy to control. But some parents are afraid to take them for fear of turning the little one over.

    If you make the right choice, you are unlikely to need an additional stroller. Maybe a cane for hotter summers. Yes, it’s convenient in all respects. But are there any negative reviews among those who bought? I will also analyze this point.

    Negative qualities

    When my daughter was born, my husband got a similar stroller from his sister. I must say, I didn’t need it, because for walks I had a lighter regular cradle (up to six months). We had a universal one for motion sickness. And soon we finally moved to bed. We grew up)) Therefore, I didn’t see any negative sides.

    1. Those who have used it to the full say that the design is too heavy. But here you have to choose: either heavy and “all-terrain”, or impassable, but light.
    2. Price. Yes, it’s a bit high, considering that there is only one product. But, recalculating into 3 categories it will be even a little more economical.
    3. Takes up a lot of space in the apartment.
    4. And a child car seat is not for everyone. Those who often travel out of town buy this product separately. Please choose without it then. Or a regular transformer.

    In principle, I didn’t find anything criminal in the reviews. Generally, people are happy with this purchase. Yes, some parts will not be needed in six months. But, dear readers, there is no escape from this. Children are growing up! And they must do this in comfortable conditions. Do you agree?

    Tell me, have you already made your choice? What do you think? What equipment will you take? Or perhaps you have experience using such an all-terrain vehicle? Share! I'm really looking forward to your comments. And I invite you to subscribe to blog updates. All the best. See you soon!

    What are the differences between transforming strollers and 2 in 1 strollers?

    A baby has appeared in the house and parents are faced with the question of choosing a baby stroller, since this means of transportation can be used from birth to three years, the choice of a transforming stroller or a 2 in 1 stroller arises.

    At first glance, it seems that there is practically no difference between these models, because both perform almost the same functions, but let’s consider the pros and cons of each model:

    1. In transformers, the use of walking blocks serves as the base of the stroller, into which the carrying bag is inserted. The convenience of this model is that you can always put the baby in a carrier bag and calmly wait for your turn at the clinic, go on public transport, or just sit on a bench near the entrance.

    Cradles in such strollers often have a soft bottom and handles with comfortable ergonomics. They are easy to wash and do not take up much space.

    2. The position of the stroller allows the backrest to be adjusted depending on the age of the child in three modes. The bottom frame is sometimes hard, but the problem can be solved by adding a mattress for the child’s comfort.

    3. An undoubted advantage is the reversible handle, which allows the mother, depending on the situation, to carry the child facing her, or to give the baby the opportunity to explore the world by looking at everything around him.

    4. Such models are easy to fold, the covers are removable, which makes it possible to easily and quickly wash them even in a washing machine.

    5. The seat belts are tightly fixed, but at the same time adjustable to the height and weight of the baby.

    6. Removable wheels are easy to remove and wash, allowing your floor to always remain clean.

    7. Small dimensions when folded will easily fit into the trunk of any car.

    2 in 1 stroller models offer a removable cradle and guarantee maximum comfort for the baby. The cradle unit of such strollers is larger in size compared to a carrying bag and takes up more space when stored.

    It is much heavier and is often difficult to transport for women after childbirth. Of course, for many, the convenience of transporting such a cradle in a car will be a plus, and the frame here is much more serious than a carrying bag and its dimensions allow it to carry large-sized babies.

    To install the walking block, the cradle is dismantled and your vehicle looks different and there is an effect of novelty that most mothers like so much.

    Due to the frame, 2-in-1 strollers take up more space when stored and look more bulky, but at the same time, in these models the handle is conveniently located, so you don’t have to carry the child on outstretched arms, as in some transformable strollers.

    As a result, we can say that both models of strollers have both pros and cons. The advantages of transforming models include:

    Convenient descent/ascent to the floor in the absence of an elevator;

    Small dimensions during storage and transportation - the ability to quickly remove and wash all covers;

    Reversible handle.

    In 2 in 1 models:

    Inconvenient storage of the removable unit;

    The cradle is more rigid, suitable for large children;

    Updating the appearance when replacing a block.

    The most frequently chosen strollers among buyers are

    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 9 minutes

    A A

    Transformable strollers are something between and. The main feature of the transformer is that the stroller can be easily converted from a walking version into a cradle, and vice versa. For example, the side of the cradle becomes the crossbar, and part of the bottom is converted into a footrest.

    Design and purpose of a transforming stroller

    Transformable strollers have significant dimensions and are almost as heavy as a cradle. The bottom of such a stroller is located lower than the bottom of the cradle, and due to the composite design, transformers are less warm.

    The selected stroller is suitable for walking with a child aged 0 to 4 years. It folds up very compactly. Compared to strollers, transformers take up much less space, but compared to a stroller, they take up more space.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The main “advantages” of a transforming stroller:

    1. Baby's comfort. The backrest can be installed in several positions, which helps prevent the impact of improper loads on the young spine, which is still developing. If the baby falls asleep on the street, you can easily “put him down” by turning the stroller into a cradle.
    2. Compactness. When folded, the stroller takes up very little space.
    3. Allows you to save money. Since the stroller successfully combines both a walking option and a cradle stroller.

    The main “disadvantages” of a transforming stroller:

    1. The stroller of this model is quite severe.
    2. Transformers poorly protect the child from precipitation, wind, dust and dirt due to its collapsible design.

    Top 5 most popular models

    1. Transformable stroller RIKO Master PC

    The model is made in a sporty style. The stroller's configuration is designed for all occasions. The carrier envelope has a silk lining that is easy to clean if necessary. The back angle is easily adjustable, there is a removable hood with a viewing window for ventilation, as well as a foot cover, a mosquito net and a rain cover. The five-point seat belts are equipped with rigid locks, which allows mothers not to worry about their baby. The reversible handle is height adjustable. The wheels are inflatable and rotate 180 degrees. The stroller is easy to maneuver and is equipped with a two-way shock absorption system.

    Average price of RIKO Master PC model– 8,400 rub. (2012)

    Reviews from parents

    Galina: The model is convenient for transportation in narrow elevators. We have one. Quite satisfied. Everything you need is included - a mosquito net, a large basket at the bottom, and a rain cover. Made from waterproof fabric.

    Irina: Flimsy wheels. Our turntables immediately began to malfunction. And the wheel clamps are made of plastic and break quickly. It weighs a lot - 18 kg. On our model, the height of the handle is not adjustable. I'm not very tall, so I don't feel comfortable handling it.

    Dasha: Very good model. The elevator can be accessed freely. We live on the sixth floor, so this is very important to us. And it's not expensive at all. In winter it drives very well in the snow, I control it with one hand.

    2. Transformable stroller Teddy Iness PC

    The stroller is distinguished by its lightweight frame, elegant design and convenience. The spacious carrycot can be used as a crib when parents are on the go. The handles of the portable cradle are stored in pockets, which is very convenient. The stroller version can be installed facing the mother or facing the direction of travel. The backrest is adjustable and can be set in four positions. The footrest is also adjustable depending on the height of the child. There is a removable bumper that serves as a handrail. Large chrome wheels with a shock absorption system ensure quiet running and good maneuverability on any road.

    Average price of Teddy Iness PC model– 7,500 rub. (2012)

    Reviews from parents

    Pauline: The stroller has good maneuverability, rides smoothly, and the baby does not shake in it, because... There are large inflatable wheels and a shock absorption system. It rides well on bad roads, snow and slush. Easy to control. I have been using a portable cradle with a hard bottom for five months, it is very convenient. A good raincoat, a high-quality mosquito net, which also protects well from the sun.

    Margo: The fabric from which the stroller is made is dense, high quality, and bright. The model is very beautiful. There is a large basket. The stroller is not very heavy, weighing about 16 kg, but the weight is not felt, since the stroller easily goes down and up the steps.

    Alexei: The flip handle is rather weak; as soon as the basket was overloaded, when lifted by the handle, it flew out of the grooves. The brake is too tight. A backpack was included. In my opinion, it would be more convenient to use the bag.

    3. Baby Care Manhattan Air model

    The stroller is equipped with a large reversible handle. The child can sit either facing or with his back to his mother. There is a window in the roof with a zipper, which is much more convenient than plastic windows. The hood can be closed all the way to the bumper, which is very convenient if you are caught in bad weather while walking. The basket is large and roomy, it is always accessible, regardless of the position of the backrest. The hood has a large pocket and several small ones. Decorated with pleasant embroidery on the fabric.

    Average price of the Baby Care Manhattan Air model– 10,000 rub. (2012)

    Reviews from parents

    Katerina: High-quality material, inside only cotton, no synthetics. The cradle is quite comfortable, the handle is reversible. It is equipped with swivel wheels, which are suitable for walking in winter or in slush.

    Alexander: The plastic on the handle creaks and there is no way to lubricate it. The shock absorption is harsh. Although, maybe all transformable strollers have this, I don’t know for sure. And the backrest lowering mechanism does not always work.

    Peter: My wife likes the stroller. Not really for me. It fits into the trunk with difficulty. When folded it is bulky. And so, quite a good model. The kit contains a lot of useful things. And the child is comfortable in it, not like during ordinary walks.

    4. Silver Cross Sleepover Sport convertible stroller

    Sleepover is a large transformable stroller with a warm carrycot and excellent equipment. The set includes a raincoat, a foot cover, and a bag with a changing mat. The lightweight chassis made of high-quality material ensures complete comfort for the baby and his mother.

    Average price of the Silver Cross Sleepover Sport model– 12,500 rub. (2012)

    Contents [Show]

    Even during pregnancy, every expectant mother first of all pays attention to strollers. Of course, your baby’s first transport should not only be comfortable and of high quality, but also easy to use. Children's stores sell many models of different colors and functionality, but not all of them are comfortable for everyday use. What are the pros and cons of the transformer, is it difficult to assemble?

    This model of stroller is universal: it is suitable for newborns and children up to three years old, and can be used at any time of the year. The transformer does not have replaceable blocks: a cradle and a walking one. Its back and footrest are adjustable in such a way that, when taken horizontally, they allow you to place a soft baby carrier on the base. When the baby grows up and no longer needs the cradle, it can be removed and the stroller can be transformed into a stroller version where the child can sit or lie.

    The maximum permissible weight of a child for a transformable stroller is 15 kilograms. It is better to put a baby who weighs more on a bicycle.

    The transformable stroller transforms from a cradle to a walking stroller and is suitable for children from birth to 3 years.

    The sizes of strollers of this type are largely similar to each other, but may differ in some respects depending on the model.

    1. Weight (from 10 to 19 kg) and size (wheelbase width 65 cm, length 90 cm). Due to the large mass, many parents wonder whether it is worth buying a transformer. In a building without an elevator, it is very problematic to leave the apartment and go back up with a child and a stroller when a woman is walking alone. Some models are not included in the elevator due to their size.
    2. Cradle size. On average, the length of a sleeping place is 80 cm. There are transformers in which it is 75–79 cm, and in some it reaches 85 cm. The width of the carrier varies from 27 to 35 cm.
    3. Wheel diameter (average 28–32 cm). They are always large, which ensures good maneuverability of the stroller on any surface, even in bad weather. On some models, the rear ones are larger than the front ones. Wheels can be inflatable or molded rubber. Experts recommend giving preference to the second option, which, unlike the first, does not need to be constantly pumped up.

    Lightweight transformers

    Recently, manufacturers have begun to produce lightweight transformers. They are inferior in quality, but smaller than conventional strollers (length 85 cm, width 60 cm, height 100 cm) and are 8–10 kg lighter in weight. In terms of functionality, such models are also simpler: there is no height adjuster for the handle, no table for the baby, seat belts are the simplest, the frame is made of aluminum.

    A lightweight transformable stroller for a baby is less functional, but more preferable for those who live in houses without an elevator

    In addition to the stroller itself, the kit includes many necessary accessories.

    1. Carrying. It is intended for children from birth to an average of six months. Most models do not have an elastic bottom, which is not very good for the baby’s skeletal system, so pediatricians recommend buying a special coconut-based mattress. The cradle comes with a removable hood that protects the child from the wind, and handles.
    2. Bag. It is quite voluminous and roomy, fastens with zippers or Velcro, is equipped with several pockets, is attached to the handle of the stroller, and is convenient to take with you. It contains personal hygiene products for the child and other accessories.
    3. Raincoat. You need to walk with your baby in any weather. It is for this purpose that the stroller comes with a raincoat, which is a cape made of transparent oilcloth fabric. It does not get wet, is attached with buttons or secured with elastic bands.
    4. Mosquito net. Insects can disturb a child’s sleep by biting his delicate skin, so a special mesh was invented for protection. It is made of fabric and allows air to pass through well, but small holes reliably protect against the penetration of mosquitoes and midges. It is attached to the hood from the inside or outside with locks or elastic bands. Not all transformers have this accessory included, but you can buy it separately, just be sure to check the dimensions so that it fits the stroller model.
    5. Cover for legs. The accessory is easily attached using buttons and additionally protects the child from the wind in the cold season, and in the summer it can be removed.
    6. Grocery basket. It can be metal or fabric, is attached under the stroller and is quite roomy. On some models it can be removed and not used, on others this is not possible.
    7. Backrest and footrest with changeable positions. When the child begins to sit, you can remove the cradle and switch to the walking version. To support the backrest and allow you to sleep in the stroller while walking, a mechanism has been developed to change position: lying down, reclining or sitting. Often children are not very comfortable sitting without additional support, and pediatricians recommend purchasing a special elastic mattress.
    8. Seat belts. They securely secure the baby and prevent him from falling out of the stroller.
    9. Ventilation system. On many models, special openings are made on the top of the hood and at the back, which open with a zipper and are designed for free passage of air inside the stroller.
    10. Baby table. When the child sits confidently, you can attach a special table with a hole for a glass and put toys on it for the baby to play with. But not all models have such an accessory.
    11. Reversible handle with height adjustment. It is a feature of the transformable stroller and has two positions so that adults can push it in two directions: the child looks at the parents, the child looks forward. Most of the handles are not only reversible, but also adjustable in height using buttons on the sides.

    How should a transformer be folded and unfolded for transportation in a car?

    Before transporting in a car, the stroller must be compactly assembled and then returned to its previous condition. This is done easily and quickly thanks to special buttons on the sides or on the handle.

    The folding principle is the same in all transformers - a book.

    The transformable stroller folds without any extra effort

    By what principle can a transforming stroller be folded and unfolded - video

    The transformable stroller has many functions to make it more convenient for mother and baby to use. When buying this or that model, many parents are not even aware of some of the possibilities, so you should consider the most popular ones.

    Most stroller models have three positions: lying, reclining and sitting, but some have four. There is a special pedal at the back of the backrest, which you need to pull up a little, and then move and fix the base of the transformer at the desired angle. This is easy to do with one hand. If the baby falls asleep, then it will not be difficult for parents to place him horizontally without disturbing the child’s sleep.

    Backrest adjustment handle allows you to raise or lower the base of the stroller

    Unfold and fold the hood

    In strollers, the hood can be easily folded and unfolded with a light hand press in several positions: lowered completely, closed halfway, closed more strongly. On some models it slides very low. This is convenient when the child has fallen asleep so that the sun does not shine in the face.

    Transformable stroller with the hood pulled down as far as possible

    Properly placing your baby in a stroller

    The main thing for a child is safety, so it is recommended to carry him in a transformer, fastening him with belts.

    Belts in the stroller are needed for the safety of the baby

    There is a special lock on the top of the case that is easy to unfasten. This is done for the convenience of parents: there is no need to constantly remove the accessory completely to get the carrier or the child.

    Some parents complain that it is inconvenient to overcome curbs with a transformer. In fact, the main rule is that before an obstacle you need to tilt the stroller slightly towards you so that the front wheels rise above the ground, and roll it on the rear wheels. When the obstacle is behind you, return the child vehicle to its normal position, and then lift the rear wheels up and move on.

    A mosquito net and rain cover are very necessary accessories, so if they are not included with the stroller, it is recommended to purchase them separately.

    The handle control mechanism is very simple. In most cases, you need to press buttons on both sides of it or pull levers and simply flip it to the other side until it clicks. In the same way, it returns to its original position.

    The handle can be thrown in both directions

    There are models of strollers with a curved handle, which serves as a good lever for lifting the front wheels to make it easy and convenient to overcome obstacles. It is worth paying attention to this detail before purchasing a transformer.

    The curved shape of the handle on the transformer makes it easier to control the stroller

    Brakes and wheel lock

    In some models, the wheels can rotate in different directions. If parents don't like pushing the stroller in this position, they can be locked and will only go straight. Special levers are provided for this.

    You can lock the wheel by pressing the lever

    Also, most models have brakes that prevent the rear wheels from rotating and the transformer from spontaneously moving on uneven surfaces. They are made in the form of a pedal that can be lowered with your foot by pressing on it. To release the stroller brake, lift the lever up.

    Many parents are interested in the question: how to properly move with a stroller on the steps. In order to lift the transformer up the stairs, experts recommend performing the following steps:

    • raise the top wheels as high as possible;
    • rest your rear wheels on the step;
    • Place the top wheels on a step that they can reach;
    • lift the lower wheels while simultaneously pushing the stroller forward, as if driving along a step with the front wheels;
    • lower the rear wheels onto the step;
    • lift the front ones again and repeat the same movements.

    There is another way to lift the stroller - pull it behind you, making significant physical effort.

    Pulling the stroller along the steps is one way to get it up the stairs

    Not all transformers “walk” on steps. The possibility of this depends on:

    • distances between front and rear wheels;
    • width of steps;
    • the angle of inclination of the stairs.

    The stroller goes down in the same way as it goes up, only the steps need to be done in reverse order.

    The cleanliness of the stroller is not only a beautiful, aesthetic form of transport, but also the health of your baby, because dust and dirt are very harmful to the child. When operating the transformer, remember the main care rules.

    1. After each walk, you should wipe the frame, wheels, and handle with a cloth soaked in soapy water. You can use wet wipes. If the child ate in the stroller and there were crumbs left in it, they also need to be removed.
    2. It is recommended to wash all removable parts at a temperature of 30 degrees in an automatic machine on a delicate cycle or by hand. It is necessary to use children's laundry detergents without bleaching, because others can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. It is advisable to always add an extra rinse.
    3. Fabric elements that cannot be removed should be washed with a sponge and soapy water, and then rinsed with clean water.
    4. Drying the removable elements of the stroller is allowed in the open air. Do not place them on batteries: high temperatures may cause the material to lose its shape.
    5. After the fabric has dried, you can attach all the elements back to the transformer.

    To remove the wheel, you need to pull the bracket

    If you no longer need to use the stroller and want to disassemble it for long-term storage, please use the instructions. You need to remove all removable parts, including wheels, and pack them in plastic bags, then fold the transformer. When the need arises, it can be easily assembled.

    You can remove the wheel by pressing the button next to it or pulling the bracket. Installing it back is also not difficult (you can hear a characteristic click).

    When buying a stroller for a child, you need to approach it carefully. A correctly chosen model will last a long time, and the baby will feel comfortable and cozy in it, protected from wind, bad weather and bright sunlight.

    The transformer is considered a useful invention. The stroller is designed for long-term use. The design transforms into a cradle or a children's walking vehicle.


    The transformer is made so carefully that when folded, as a sleeping place for a baby, the stroller is indistinguishable from a classic cradle designed for newborns.

    The cradle is a spacious basket with long sides, a deep folding hood and a solid base that sits high on wheels. It is equipped with a shock-absorbing system that softens the shocks that are required when moving.

    The main distinguishing feature of the transformer is the ease of conversion into a stroller for walking. Thus, this children's transport is used until the child is 3 years old.

    Differences and similarities

    The transformer can be compared to a “3 in 1” model. Both are universal types. In appearance they are similar to each other. There are also design differences. The 3-in-1 configuration consists of the following blocks: a sleeping area, a stroller chair and a portable car seat.

    If a transformer turns into a cradle by transforming one block, then to transform into a universal type, one block, which is removed from the wheel base, is replaced with a second one. These blocks can be replaced in two minutes.

    Another distinctive feature is the design of the handle. In transformers it is reversible. Therefore, we transfer the child in a different direction of movement.

    Modular ones provide a variety of seating options for the person who is carrying the stroller, but for this operation the walking blocks are removed and placed in the required direction, which is not very comfortable when walking.

    1. The transformer combines two models of children's transport. This is economical because you do not need to purchase an additional walking option.
    2. Transformers have inflatable wheels of increased diameter and a strong shock absorber for use in winter on difficult sections of the road. Thanks to this fact, they compare favorably with classic options such as the cane model.
    3. In transformers, the size of the sleeping place is much larger than the size of the cradles used in “3 in 1” models. It is comfortable to place a baby in the “transitional” age category in such a stroller, and you can easily change the angle of inclination for the back. There are models on the market equipped with 5-position seat back adjustments. If the baby falls asleep, you can lower the backrest all the way. But walking models do not transform like this - they do not have a horizontal position, and the baby sleeps during a walk in a semi-sitting position.
    4. Practicality. This model is a suitable option for an older child who needs a variety of design options. For convenient transportation of twins, it is better to use a special model of stroller for twins.
    5. Cost is another advantage.

    In terms of functional features, transformable ones are ahead of other models. If you buy a classic stroller, the range of functions will be limited.

    Transformers have the following functions:

    • the chassis folds in half - convenient for transportation in a car;
    • raincoat; it opens to ventilate and provide the child with an overview - the baby can sleep on his stomach while walking and look at the panorama opening in front of him;
    • the reversible handle is height adjustable to suit your height;
    • adjustable shock absorption;
    • side pockets;
    • canopy for baby's feet with changing geometry;
    • a walking body with an adjustable backrest;
    • The front bumper bar can be easily removed - it’s easier to reach the baby;
    • shopping container;
    • portable bag. Some models are equipped with a portable cradle.

    If you take into account the ratio of cost, practicality and functionality, then buying a transforming stroller is an excellent solution

    How to choose a transformable stroller

    When choosing, pay attention to the following points:

    • mass. This indicator is clarified by the sales consultant. Roll the children's transport around the store and pick it up to draw conclusions - how easy it is;
    • what floor do you live on;
    • Is it possible to leave it at the entrance;
    • is there an elevator in the house;
    • frame material. Durable models include transformers made of steel. Plastic is not the best solution to buy;
    • wheelbase dimensions. High-size wheels are not afraid of dirt and poor quality road surfaces. Small wheels get stuck in the mud, are afraid of strong shaking, squeak and become loose. Before going to the store, measure the width of the doorway in the elevator and in your own home, compare the results with the width of the wheelbase of the stroller;
    • wheel material. Rubber wheels are considered an acceptable option for use in summer. They have excellent shock absorption, so they roll smoothly and the child does not experience discomfort. In winter they get stuck in the snow, but the plastic wheels move without difficulty. It is better to immediately ask your sales consultant about the possibility of replacing wheels;
    • shock absorption system. The soft suspension provides improved maneuverability: it is easier to turn when driving through curbs and obstacles;
    • own cradle. With its help, you can easily pick up a sleeping baby from the stroller and take it home without waking you up. If you decide to go visiting with your child, then you don’t have to worry about where he will fall asleep. The cradle has dense walls, the baby will be warm in winter during walks;
    • handle design. It is better to opt for a model that has a height adjuster: transformable strollers have a lower seating position, so tall parents can easily increase the length of the handle.

    Wheel failure
    The load when moving goes to the wheels; they are constantly in contact with the asphalt surface, so they most often deteriorate and wear out. Modern models of children's vehicles are equipped with dual wheels.

    This is done to make it easier to control the vehicle and turn it in both directions. Meanwhile, the baby can sleep peacefully. The turning function is assigned to the front wheels, and they are the ones that most often fail.

    There have been complaints that pebbles or rubble often get caught between pairs of wheels, which can interfere with their mobility or balance. Thus, it will be difficult to control the vehicle, since the wheels will not drive parallel to each other.

    In practice, this becomes the reason that the wheels “slow down” or, when turning, turn out to be uncontrollable and do not listen to you. To avoid encountering the types of breakdowns mentioned earlier, be sure to explore the area where you will use the stroller, including on “rough terrain”: on country roads, near places where repair work is being carried out, or even off the sidewalk.

    It is better to choose a vehicle for your child with large single wheels.

    Another common problem with wheels is imbalance. High-quality models do not have this. As a preventive measure for imbalance, constantly and carefully inspect the wheels, and if there is the slightest suspicion, contact a repair center.

    Despite the fact that the handle is considered the most stable part, practice and numerous cases of breakdowns prove: handles also fail very quickly. The reason is that the use of a stroller is usually unnecessarily aggressive, and such vehicles have a large mass.

    If you can no longer imagine how not to rock a child in his transport, you are trying to succeed in everything and in all cases take your baby with you in a stroller, try to handle the handle carefully.

    The brand also affects the frequency of breakdowns: low-quality plastic handles can quickly deteriorate and fail, causing you a lot of inconvenience. Even a sudden change in the weather outside will play a cruel joke here, when the plastic constantly contracts and expands, which can provoke its breakdown.


    This type of breakdown does not occur very often: the reason is that the stroller is not used for its intended purpose: if the transport is intended for a baby, and a one-year-old child weighing 10 kg is sitting in the stroller, then the frame will probably break.

    In addition, experts do not recommend that parents overload the stroller: most mothers use this children's “transport” to go to stores or shopping centers. This is comfortable, but not in all cases justified for the performance of all parts of the stroller - due to the abundance of products, it will most likely soon fail.

    Other details
    Over time, the removable rain cover, fabric elements and other small accessories deteriorate. Mothers complain that the raincoat breaks and it is better to buy a new one. Removable fabric elements are easy to clean.

    From a certain age, children are interested in looking at the world around them; a child can tear off and stain the fabric elements of the stroller. This is life, don’t scold your child, distract his attention from transport and switch him to toys for children.

    A baby stroller is an extremely important attribute that helps parents provide adequate care for their small child, which is unthinkable without regular walks in the fresh air. In order for walks to bring maximum benefit to the baby, the stroller must protect him from the effects of adverse natural factors: strong wind, direct sunlight, rain and snow, and must also be comfortable, functional and safe.

    The stroller must be safe and comfortable for the child, which is why the choice of this vehicle must be approached with great responsibility and understanding. In the huge range of baby strollers produced by modern manufacturers, 2-in-1 transformable stroller models are very popular.

    READ ALSO: How to choose a stroller for a newborn? What you need to pay attention to when choosing a baby stroller - the main types of strollers

    Transformers are universal strollers designed for long-term use (from the moment the baby is born until his third birthday). Thanks to their design features, they can be easily transformed, turning into either a cradle for newborns or a stroller for older babies.

    Depending on the type of transformation (minimal and more complex), transformable strollers are usually divided into two types:

    1. In strollers with minimal transformation, the process of transforming the stroller version into a cradle for a newborn is that the backrest is given a horizontal position, and a carrier envelope with a hard bottom is placed on top of this base (there are no clamps or latches on it, since the high sides of the stroller securely hold it inside ).
    2. In strollers with complicated transformation, this process requires attaching additional parts that make up the berth. Considering that they are attached using zippers and buttons, the operation is completed in a matter of minutes.

    Due to the fact that the transformable stroller includes a voluminous hood, a mosquito net, a raincoat and a waterproof cover that protects the baby from wind and cold, it can be used for walks with the child at any time of the year.

    What is a stroller-carrycot? This is a spacious basket with high (at least thirty centimeters) sides, a deep folding hood and a hard bottom, placed on a high wheeled structure, equipped with a shock-absorbing system that softens the shocks that are inevitable while the stroller is moving.

    Universal transformable stroller 2 in 1

    The main difference between a transformer and a cradle stroller is that it can be easily converted into a stroller. This allows it to be used for at least three years. Parents refuse a stroller-cradle that does not have such capabilities as soon as the child learns to sit well.

    • A 2 in 1 transformer is often confused with a 3 in 1 stroller (they are also called modular strollers). Both 2 in 1 transformers and 3 in 1 strollers are of the universal type. Despite some external similarities, these are completely different designs. The 3-in-1 stroller includes three ready-made blocks: a sleeping place, a walking chair and a car seat (portable).

    If a 2-in-1 transformer turns into a cradle or stroller by modifying a single base block, then to transform a universal (modular) stroller, one ready-made block, removed from the wheel base, is simply replaced with another. Thanks to the use of modern technology, this operation is so simple that replacing the block is carried out in a few seconds.

    Another fundamental point concerns the design of the handle. In transformers it is reversible. Depending on the weather conditions, a mother walking with her baby can easily throw her arm over and sit the child facing her or turn her in the opposite direction, giving him the opportunity to observe what is happening around him.

    A modular 3-in-1 stroller also provides the possibility of different positions for the child relative to the person driving the stroller, but to do this you will have to remove the stroller block and install it in the desired direction, which is not very convenient during a walk.

    Universal modular stroller 3 in 1

    Unlike the universal 3 in 1 modular stroller, the one-piece frame of which retains the same position, the 2 in 1 transformable folds up perfectly, it can be placed in the trunk of a car or enter the bus with it, if you need to travel with your baby to a remote part of the city .

    Let's read in detail: What is the difference between a transformable stroller and a modular stroller?


    • The prefabricated design of the basket in some models is the reason that they have to be additionally insulated for walks in the winter months;
    • The shock absorption system in strollers of this type is more rigid than in classic cradles. This reduces their cross-country ability and maneuverability;
    • The heavy weight (15-20 kg) forces some parents to choose a different type of stroller;
    • The high cost makes the transformer inaccessible to families with low incomes.

    Popular models

    • "Hauck." 2 in 1 transformers from the German company Hauck, which have excellent maneuverability thanks to large inflatable wheels, are designed for almost a four-year service life. A well-thought-out shock absorption system ensures a smooth ride for the stroller. The brakes are located on both sides of the front wheels. The width of the seat will not restrict even a child dressed in bulky winter clothes.

    Stroller Hauck Arctica 2 in 1

    • "Cam" Strollers from the Italian company Cam, which meet all safety requirements, are very functional and comfortable for the child. Their design provides four positions for the backrest and two for the footrest. If desired, you can carry even five-year-old children in them.

    CAM Dinamico Combi (2 in 1)

    • "Baby Care" Polish 2-in-1 transformers from the Baby Care brand, endowed with all the advantages of strollers of this type, are distinguished by their special comfort and spaciousness of sleeping space. The cradle is well insulated, and the deep hood with a visor will reliably protect the baby from bright sun rays, cold and bad weather.

    Also pay attention to the brands: “Happy Baby”, “Tutis”, “Tako”, “ALIS MATEO”, “Bebe-Mobile”, “Lonex”, “Mutsy”, “Concordia” in online stores and

    Happy Baby Ultra 2 in 1

    tutis zippy 2 in 1

    Tako laret 2 in 1

    Selection rules

    When choosing a 2 in 1 transformable stroller, first of all you need to pay attention to:

    • Weight. Having received information from the seller about the weight of the model you like, you should try to lift it right in the store and roll it around the sales floor. After this test, it will be possible to draw the first conclusions about whether such a vehicle is suitable for you. When assessing your physical capabilities, you should take into account several more circumstances: the floor to which you will need to lift the stroller; Is it possible to leave her at the entrance at least until her husband returns home; the presence of an elevator (as well as its dimensions and trouble-free operation);
    • Frame material. The most durable are steel ones, the most reliable are cross ones. It is advisable to refuse plastic ones;
    • The size of the wheels. When choosing a stroller, you should know that large wheels have the best cross-country ability: they are not afraid of poorly cleaned roads (the hardest time for walking with a baby is the period of late autumn, winter and early spring) and bumpy roads. Small wheels (besides, they will always get stuck in slush or snow) are afraid of strong shaking. Quite quickly they will begin to creak and become loose. Before you go to the store, you need to measure the width of the doorways in the elevator and in your apartment and compare the result with the width of the wheelbase. Perhaps the model you like will not fit into the dimensions of your home;
    • Wheel material. Rubber wheels are good for use in the warm season. Thanks to their excellent shock absorption, the stroller will roll smoothly without causing the slightest discomfort to the baby. In winter, they will begin to get stuck in the snow, while plastic wheels will pass through it without any difficulty. You can consult the seller about the possibility of replacing wheels;
    • Depreciation system. Preference should be given to a stroller whose basket is suspended not on springs, but on belts. Thanks to the soft suspension, the maneuverability of the vehicle is improved: it is easier to turn, overcoming curbs and all kinds of elevations;
    • Availability of a portable cradle. With its help, a sleeping baby can be taken out of the stroller and brought into the apartment without interrupting his sleep. When you go visiting with your baby, you don’t have to worry about where he will sleep when he gets tired. Thanks to the cradle, which increases the thickness of the stroller walls, the baby will be much warmer during a winter walk;
    • Handle design. It is better to choose models that have a height adjuster: transformable strollers usually have a lower fit, so it will not be difficult for tall parents to increase the length of the handle.

    READ ALSO: 5 main criteria by which to evaluate a baby stroller

    Anna: I am delighted with our Rico Driver stroller. I've been using it for almost two years. Despite its substantial dimensions, heavy weight and difficulty getting into the elevator, this stroller provided my little one with maximum comfort. In winter it is warm and spacious even in a voluminous jumpsuit, and in summer the baby is reliably covered from precipitation and invulnerable to mosquitoes. In terms of cross-country ability (over curbs, mud, snowdrifts and sand) I can compare it with a real SUV.

    Vyacheslav: I want to tell you about the Happy Baby Ultra stroller. Overall, it’s a good model: not too heavy, quite maneuverable, and it’s not difficult to leave the entrance with it. It is very good for a walk on flat asphalt, which cannot be said about going uphill on a road dotted with bumps and holes. At the same time, the front wheels turn across, after which it can be difficult to continue moving.

    Svetlana: I am very pleased with the Baby Merc stroller: stylish, comfortable, trouble-free. Each mechanism works flawlessly. I really like the design.

    Alla: I consider my Verdi Max stroller ideal and cannot find a single flaw. Beautiful, maneuverable, comfortable, functional. Thanks to the large wheels, it overcomes any obstacles perfectly. The baby is safe and very comfortable in it. I recommend to all.

    Galina: I had a good impression about the Marimex Ross brand transformer. Pros: good cross-country ability, room for the baby, convenient reversible handle with height adjustment (allows both me, the short man, and my giant husband to handle it with ease). Cons: creaks; On uneven roads it sometimes skids to the side, it’s very heavy.

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    Let's continue talking about strollers.

    Previous articles:

    How to choose a stroller without getting confused by their variety

    How to choose a modular stroller?

    Today I want to talk about what to look for when choosing a transformable stroller.

    What is a transformable stroller?

    Remember about the trousers from the classics of Soviet cinema, which with a slight movement of the hand turn... into elegant shorts? It's almost the same here. The cradle, with a slight or not so slight movement of both hands, turns into an elegant walk.

    In a nutshell, this is a stroller that combines a stroller - a cradle and a stroller. 2 in 1. But, unlike a modular stroller, the cradle and walk are not separate blocks, and the lying position is transformed into a sitting position. There are two options here: parts of the cradle can be removed or removed inside.

    What should you pay attention to when choosing a transformable stroller?

    First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of execution. This is precisely the mechanism for “transforming” the cradle into a walk. How easy is it to perform this procedure in both directions? This also includes the strength of the chassis and its (chassis) folding mechanism. This part is best left to the future dad. But if you are a car lady, then you should still fold and unfold the stroller yourself before purchasing, since you will have to do this procedure every time you need to load the stroller into the trunk, and not all strollers, unfortunately, fold easily and simply without use. brute male power.

    Secondly, it is necessary to look at the performance of the cradle. The cradle should be spacious, reliably cover the child from wind and rain, the interior should be easy to clean and it would be better if it was made of natural materials. But you should pay special attention to the bottom of the cradle: it should be perfectly flat when lying down.

    When choosing a stroller, keep in mind that the cradle will later be converted into a seat, so you should not expect from it the same strength and reliability as modular or classic strollers. The transformer cradle is most often frameless, which, of course, does not mean that the newborn will feel bad and uncomfortable in the cradle. However, try to choose the best option.

    Next, pay attention to the walk functions. The stroller should be equipped with adjustable seat belts, preferably five-point, a footrest and a bumper. And the back should be fixed in several positions, at least three, so that the child can be in a reclining position.

    Pay attention to the wheels. I have already written that they come in rotating, non-rotating, different diameters and widths, as well as plastic, inflatable rubber, and solid rubber. Decide in advance what kind of wheels you want, they all have their advantages and disadvantages. Please note that transformers are very heavy and the load on the wheels is corresponding. It will be very unpleasant if during a walk the wheel comes off, deflates, or breaks.

    Be sure to take the stroller around the store. See how convenient it is for you to drive, how maneuverable it is, what kind of shock absorption it has. However, you should not expect that the transformer will be thin, loud and light. Still, this is the heaviest stroller.

    Well, the dimensions of the stroller. Here, look at your elevator (yes, in many cases this becomes the main problem if the stroller does not fit into it), as well as the space that you can allocate for the stroller in the apartment.

    A few more little things

    Quality of finishing material. It is desirable that the interior finishing material can be removed and washed.

    Pen. Comfortable, with the ability to adjust in height. It would be nice if it were reversible.

    Convenient brake. It should be located in such a place that there is no need to run around the stroller in order to use it, not spoil your shoes, and turn on/off without much effort, but so that the stroller does not release the brake accidentally.

    Large, spacious basket with easy access. You can carry in it a bunch of everything you need for a walk with your child, your things, shopping.

    Don't forget about additional accessories: couplings, bags, cup holders, umbrellas, envelopes, wheel covers, mosquito nets, raincoats. All this seems small and insignificant (compared to the stroller), but these additions are very nice.

    Also keep in mind that the more additional functions and new features, the heavier the stroller, which is already not very light, and the more likely it is to break.

    Good luck in choosing your baby's first transport!

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