• Conspiracies and rituals for the treatment of sore throat. Prayer for a sore throat in a child Conspiracy for a sore throat in an adult


    The conspiracy against sore throat has been used by the people since ancient times, independently, as well as by traditional healers, if the conspiracy ritual is too complicated. From a scientific point of view, conspiracies and spells have nothing to do with medical science and practice.

    To treat angina, medicine has at its disposal medications, physiotherapy, and surgical methods. It is necessary to understand the theory and practice of using non-traditional methods of treatment.

    Humanity took the path of scientific and technological progress slowly and difficultly. The very concept of science was finally formed, perhaps, only in the 19th century, so rational thinking of the European type quite coexisted with irrational thinking, based on phenomena, and not on the essence of things. Where does magic, conspiracies, spells come from, what are they based on, what is their significance for the treatment of diseases?

    Differences between rational and irrational thinking

    A person experiences the world in two ways: with feelings and with reason. In the mind there is a place for rational and irrational ways of thinking. How to think and act correctly, based on the way of thinking there is no clear answer.

    Table. Differences between rational and irrational:

    Options rational thinker Irrational-unstable
    Planning Calculation and action plan for the future Changing goals, ignoring plans
    Making decisions The decision is made in advance, all the details are thought out Decisions are made depending on the situation at the moment
    Characteristic sayings, phrases “The chicken pecks every grain”, “It’s better to know than to be afraid”, “What have we achieved at this stage” “Whoever eats is brave”, “No need to bother”, “One day there will be food”
    Course of action Step by step, rhythmically Jerky, chaotic
    Sequencing From one solved problem to another Lots of things to do at once
    Reaction to changing circumstances Circumstances cannot affect already planned actions Lively reaction to new circumstances
    Life position of the question The future can also be planned, like everything else. If the world changes, you need to adapt to it
    Reading books A book is always read to the end, then another is read You can read several books, depending on your mood
    Achievements of goals Excellent knowledge of rules, traditions and ability to use them To achieve the goal, the first available circumstances are used
    Attitude to goals and methods Methods are more important than results Choose a goal, and the ways will come up
    Unsettles me Disappearance of the planned goal Lack of funds
    Flexibility Belief system firmly established Options are always possible

    As we see, rational thinking is characterized by straightforwardness and methodicality, while irrational thinking is characterized by flexibility and changing goals. What does this have to do with medical practice, in particular with witchcraft and conspiracies? For a sore throat, talk about a way of thinking, do they have anything in common?

    Ancient healing practices

    The medicine to which we are accustomed did not exist two hundred years ago, although we have heard the names of Hippocrates and Avicenna. Only when medical knowledge was formed into a system, medical institutions appeared, a state medical service was formed, in different countries according to a similar scenario.

    The bulk of the population was treated by healers, sorcerers, and herbalists. Medicines were prepared from herbs, roots, and animal substances. Each healer, giving the patient a medicinal decoction, in order to give such an action significance, accompanied it with ritual. The video shows a healer's ritual for treating a cold in China.

    In China, Tibet, India, in the North among shamans, and in Europe, our healing actions were accompanied by obligatory rituals and sentences. That is, folk healers still have echoes of these rituals, which are manifested in the fact that there are various kinds of conspiracies and prayers for certain diseases. The medicine will only work if you speak it.

    It is this combination of the real rational effect of medicinal herbs and the psychological impact on the patient that is manifested in the use of spells for specific diseases. The basis of any conspiracy is a ritual in which certain “magic” phrases are pronounced, the psychological impact of which is really great if you follow the rules.

    Non-traditional methods of treating sore throat

    When a sore throat is treated with alternative medicine methods, this means exactly the opposite; the folk practice of turning to healers and ancient recipes is traditional in our time. And if these recipes are accompanied by a prayer and a spell read by the sick person or the healer himself, then the effect of the folk remedy is inevitably stronger than even that of proven pharmaceutical drugs.

    Spells for a child's sore throat, surprisingly, have a significant healing effect, how can one not believe in mysticism. There are many such conspiracies for various types of diseases, and since they continue to be resorted to, an explanation is necessary. It's all about human nature, his brain.

    Try to talk to a sick dog or cat, it won’t work. And the child still does not understand speech well, but traditional healers know how to speak to a child’s sore throat. The word acts not only on consciousness, but also on the subconscious.

    A person controls another person through human speech, and this speech influence is manifested as follows:

    • through the meaning and meaning of words;
    • through intonation;
    • through non-verbal contour, posture and movements.

    For sore throat, conspiracies are pronounced in compliance with the following rules:

    • a special “magical” environment is created (twilight, candles, etc.);
    • the words of the conspiracy are pronounced with a certain intonation;
    • they put a certain secret meaning into words;
    • a magical action is performed (a drink or decoction is drunk in a special way, etc.).

    A phenomenon occurs that is very similar to hypnotic influence, in which a health program is instilled through words and gestures, which is perceived by the patient’s brain as instructions for execution. By and large, every doctor should have the ability to suggest, like professional psychologists, but, unfortunately, this occurs in isolated cases.

    A spell for a sore throat is used when purely medicinal treatment has not yielded results, and the mental capabilities are great, although much is still inexplicable. It is psychological influence in the form of a conspiracy that can bring success when resorting to alternative healing. What rituals do healers use when they cast a spell for a sore throat?

    Mandatory conditions for ritual treatment:

    • a sick person should be easily suggestible, preferably a believer;
    • a sick child is easily suggestible, and the conspiracy is done in the presence of parents, to consolidate the effect;
    • a sick person must perform certain actions with his own hands (stroking the throat while casting a spell);
    • the price of the ritual to fulfill the conspiracy should be symbolic, which emphasizes the selflessness of the healer.

    In addition to the direct ritual of incantation for a sore throat, traditional healers offer medicinal infusions, decoctions, ointments and other drugs, which are allegedly also enchanted.

    Folk recipes for charmed drugs

    The most common spells for a sore throat include honey (honey spell), a spell for a chicken egg, and a magic spell for children against a sore throat.

    An example of a honey plot:

    1. Brew tea from sage and plantain.
    2. Add May honey to tea.
    3. Stir honey into tea.
    4. Cast a spell.
    5. Drink tea.

    The spell is pronounced as follows: “Let the pain, acute, malicious and dull, dry up like a dry sliver! Let my throat stop hurting and peace finally come for me! Mother Nature, take your illness to the red mountain ash and the powerful spruce, but let it leave me and never bother me in the future! Let it be so! Amen".

    As you can see, a Conspiracy is a precise and correctly selected combination of words, filled with meaning, which can act on the mind and will of a person, and through them on the disease of the body.

    There is a typical ritual action, including the conspiracy itself, the folk drug and the action of using it under the conspiracy. Moreover, if you simply drink a decoction of sage with honey without saying anything, there will be no effect. There will be the usual medicinal effect of sage and honey, relieving the pain of a sore throat. Performing the ritual, according to reviews of people who used it, significantly enhances the effect of herbs.

    The use of folk recipes that really help with sore throats in adults and children, in combination with the use of a conspiracy, has a cumulative effect. It is impossible to explain this phenomenon from the point of view of modern medicine, but using knowledge of psychology and philosophical concepts, it is possible. After all, traditional healers practically combine rational medicine and irrational, but creative, principles.

    In this case, there is an impact on the psyche and the attraction of its hidden reserves for healing. In history one can find many examples when the volitional effort of a seriously ill person healed him, but here there is no mysticism or magic.

    Sore throat is an unpleasant, but at the same time serious disease. You should not treat him with disdain. Delayed or incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications. Therefore, if official medicine does not help you or your child, prayers and conspiracies will come to your aid.

    Conspiracy for a sore throat

    A sore throat spell can also be used along with drug treatment. Such measures can improve the condition of a sick person. With the help of prayer, the general condition and well-being significantly improves, pain sensations decrease, and the patient’s health improves.

    An important aspect in the use of magical spells is that they can be used at various stages of the disease. It doesn’t matter how long ago a person had a sore throat. The important thing is that they can be used without danger.

    Prayers and spells can be both simple to use and quite complex. But it is best to start with simple and uncomplicated conspiracies. Magic rituals that are difficult to perform are best left for last. If the ritual is difficult to perform, it is recommended that it be performed only by a knowledgeable person, a healer or a magician.

    This is a simple magical ritual aimed at treating sore throat and its symptoms. You can do it yourself, without anyone's help.

    • Prepare some tea. It is best to make it from a decoction of medicinal herbs.
    • Wait until the tea becomes warm.
    • Add May honey to it (or any flower honey, but always natural).
    • Stir thoroughly.
    • Cast a magic spell and drink it.

    “The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry sliver! Let my throat stop hurting and peace finally come for me! Mother Nature, take your illness to the red mountain ash and the powerful spruce, but let it leave me and never bother me in the future! Let it be so! Amen".

    It is important that the honey drink is not very hot, as it can burn a sore throat.

    A spell for a sore throat using a chicken egg is used in a very advanced form of the disease. When no other methods help you or the disease has already gone far and there is a risk of complications. Hard-boil a few chicken eggs. Cast a spell twelve times over a person with a sore throat.

    “With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I begin, the heat, the bitterness from the white throat - I drive it out. I'm kicking you out - I'm banishing you for thirty-three years. At thirty-three - the winds, at thirty-three - the sides. We know four sides, but we are never with our body in the rest. We meet messengers from there in our dreams. As soon as the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not molded, but strong. Forever and ever. Amen".

    The spell is cast without interruption and without being distracted by extraneous conversations. At the same time, you should have a kitchen knife in your hands. The blunt side of the knife must be used to make cutting movements in the throat area. The distance should be at least twenty centimeters from the throat.

    After reading the spell, you need to apply warm eggs to the sore spot. Thus, they will absorb the entire disease, and the patient will definitely recover.

    Magic spell for kids

    Angina spares no one. Little children who get a sore throat after eating ice cream are no exception. Not every loving mother will decide to treat her precious child with medications or use antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect on the baby’s body.

    Therefore, such folk methods as spells are often used in the treatment of such patients. This treatment is aimed at treating sore throat and diseases of the ENT organs. Young children are often reluctant to take medications, especially if they taste bitter.

    This plot is perfect in such a situation and will be effective. Usually it is read by the baby's mother or grandmother. When casting a spell, you must swallow saliva. This should be done by both the baby and the one who casts the spell.

    “In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, amen, amen, amen. willow, willow, take your mouth, and if you don’t take it, we will swallow it with its roots. Amen, Amen, Amen."

    A good, strong and effective prayer for treating a sore throat is the Our Father. It is suitable for treating both children and adults. It is read over a sick person and he feels much better.

    A spell for a sore throat is one of the best and most painless ways to treat the disease. Don't neglect it. Perform all the steps of the magical ritual as expected, believe in a positive result and everything will definitely work out for you. The disease will recede immediately.

    In this article we will tell you how to cope with a sore throat using sore throat spells.

    Each of us sooner or later faces such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as sore throat. In this case, the person suffers from severe pain in the throat, it is difficult for him to swallow and talk. In a word, life turns into a nightmare. And traditional drug treatment is very often ineffective.

    And here, various conspiracies, prayers and rituals can come to your aid. But we must remember that magical rituals will be effective only if they are performed correctly, without any deviations from the rules of the ritual, observing all the subtleties.

    It is not without reason that sore throat is considered a very insidious disease, which should not be treated carelessly or frivolously. After all, if you do not start treating it in time, complications may arise. Therefore, if you are not a specialist in the field of magic, we advise you to combine spells and prayers with traditional treatment. Magic rituals, in this case, will quickly help speed up recovery and relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

    A very positive thing about treating with spells is that they can be used at any stage of the disease without fear of consequences.

    Magic rituals can be simple to perform and quite labor-intensive. Beginners are recommended to use simple spells and rituals. Rituals requiring special magical knowledge must be performed by healers.

    How to get rid of a sore throat using a honey spell

    It is a fairly simple ritual and can be performed by non-professionals. Effectively helps with sore throat symptoms and promotes rapid recovery.

    You need to make tea from medicinal plants, cool it and add a couple of spoons of natural May honey. Read the words of the conspiracy and drink tea.

    A person with a sore throat sits near a fire source: a fireplace, hearth, fire. It is necessary to light a torch or piece of paper and use smoke to fumigate the patient’s head. Read the following plot:

    It can be used both in the treatment of sore throat and other painful conditions of the throat and tonsils. The words of the conspiracy must be repeated twelve times. When reading the plot, the person’s throat is touched with the handle of a knife, as if symbolically “cut.” After the ceremony, a boiled egg, which has not yet had time to cool, is applied to the throat.

    It is used as soon as you feel that something is wrong with the child, at the very beginning of the disease. In order for a child to feel better while in the water, you need to read the following plot:

    The water can be drunk or used when bathing. As a rule, after this the disease stops and does not progress further.

    Read the spell three times if you want your sore throat to subside and your health to improve. After each time you read it, you need to spit over your shoulder in the direction where the pain is stronger.

    If your throat hurts badly on both sides, spit left and right.

    A very effective spell for treating all colds and even flu. It is believed that a sore throat should go away within a couple of hours after reading it. It is carried out regardless of the time of day or night and the phase of the moon.

    For this ritual you will need a church candle and a cup of warm milk with honey. Light the candle with a match. Do not use other sources of fire to light the candle. Heat the milk and add a spoonful of natural honey to it. Now read the plot three times:

    Drink the warm milk completely. Very soon after this, the temperature will drop and the throat will stop hurting. According to people's reviews, this conspiracy is very effective and works quite quickly. It also does not cause such negative consequences as rollback or taking on negative energy.

    In this article, we told you how to cope with such an unpleasant disease as sore throat with the help of various healing spells and rituals, to alleviate a person’s condition and relieve painful symptoms. We hope that this information will be useful to you, will help you improve your health and recover from illness.

    Modern medicines are not always able to help a person, and sometimes they can even harm. The issue of treating colds becomes relevant in times of year that are unstable in weather conditions - winter, autumn, early spring. Anyone can carefully remove the virus from the body without resorting to traditional medicine. It’s not difficult to talk about a sore throat, but the results will not be long in coming.

    You need to follow simple rules for spells for a sore throat in order to be cured

    The effectiveness of a conspiracy to treat a sore throat depends on several factors:

    • It is important to follow the instructions given in the prayer or conspiracy sequentially, adhering to each step described;
    • the spell should be pronounced clearly, placing emphasis, but without resorting to long pauses;
    • If a child’s throat is sore, the mother should read the spell in the presence of the child.

    If you follow simple rules and recite magic words from memory, the expected result will come in the shortest possible time.

    Spell for tea with honey

    There is a folk method, the effect of which can be combined with a spell for a sore throat. A well-known method for treatment is tea with honey. After brewing tea, wait until it reaches room temperature. As soon as you can drink it, add three teaspoons of honey to the drink, saying the following words:

    “The acute pain dries up, my throat clears! My throat stops hurting, and peace comes to my house! Amen!".

    This text has accompanied drinking tea with honey since ancient times, but in recent years people have begun to forget about this miraculous prayer for sore throats.

    The ritual for a chicken egg is very complex, but very effective.

    A powerful spell for coma, sore throat, and any tearing pain in the throat can be read on an egg. Despite the fact that the ritual is quite complex, it is very effective. First, you will have to buy two fresh eggs from a private owner, giving money for them, without haggling, and not taking the change. These eggs should be boiled and then wait until they cool. Read the desired plot above them:

    “Virgin Mary, help! Get rid of the disease from your throat as soon as possible! The pain goes away and the sore throat goes away! Let it be so! Amen!".

    Next, take a knife in your hands and imagine that your neck is entangled with threads of disease. These threads should be cut off with a flick of a knife. After this, roll the charmed eggs over the inflamed area for about two minutes. This magical effect not only makes the illness go away, but also cleanses the body of negative energy. After the ceremony, the eggs should be buried away from home.

    On flowing water

    Water will help in quickly relieving pain. You should stand near running water - near a river, sea, ocean. In urban environments, tap water will do. It is better to read the plot at sunrise. With open water, start praying for an inflamed larynx, viral throat ailments:

    “Flow water - take away trouble! Just as the sun has set over the edge of the earth, so will my illness go away! I am strong and healthy! May my will be strong!”

    After you have read the plot for the first time, spit over your left shoulder. In total, you need to talk about a sore throat three times. After each time, it is necessary to make a movement, as if a person is throwing off a disease from the affected area, passing his palm and sweeping the energy towards the floor.

    Fire ritual

    If a sore throat becomes unbearable, you should turn to higher powers through fire. You should purchase a church candle in advance, and also prepare a glass of fresh milk with honey. First, use matches or other natural fire sources (bonfire, fireplace) to light the candle. Looking into the fire, read the prayer several times:

    “I stand before the Lord and ask for myself (and for my child)! God grant me (or the baby’s name) good health and a strong voice! The pain goes away and never comes back! Amen!".

    The next stage of the ritual for sore throat is drinking warm milk. The result will not be long in coming; relief will come within a few hours.

    To perform a ritual using a knife, you need to buy a new knife

    To prevent a sore throat, you can resort to figurative “cutting out the disease.” To do this, it is necessary to make a ritual knife - the conspirator buys a new knife with a wooden handle, stipulates the object with prayers, and asks for help.

    “I turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with a request to save a sick person from torment. It is impossible for him to live with such difficulties. May the fever and sore throat disappear forever. Bless the one I ask for. If damage was sent, then punish the one who did it. If everything happened due to natural reasons, then I wish it to go away quickly. Thirty-three parties must pick up the claim. For thirty-three years, tickling and pain should not show up in this person. Only four sides have the right to be in the human world. The rest can only appear in dreams. After the first sleep, the sore throat should disappear forever. The words are spoken from a pure heart and with pure thoughts. I don’t give anyone the right to change them. Amen".

    After the ritual, you need to apply a warm egg to your throat. When it cools down, break it far from home.

    Delicious plot for throat diseases in children

    Regardless of where the pain comes from, this ritual can be performed on a sick child. The best time for this effect is early morning. The mother must retire with the child so that no one else is in the room.

    The baby needs to be placed on your lap. In one hand, mom holds a spoon of honey, in the other, a glass of holy water. At the same time, she reads the plot:

    “Jesus Christ, Son of God! Come to the aid of your Servant, the innocent youth (name)! Most Holy Theotokos, hear my prayer, help my child recover! Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, hear my prayer coming from the depths of my mother’s heart! Amen!".

    With the help of a spell from Natalya Stepanova, you can get rid of the sensation of a foreign body

    “Not in the sea-ocean, not in the river,

    Not in a lake, not in a pond,

    Not in the channel, not in the pool,

    The bone is not in the swamp -

    Uninvited guest.

    Go like an arrow, go away

    From a warm body, from my business.

    Amen. Amen. Amen".

    With the help of a conspiracy, you can get rid of not only the sensation of a foreign body, but also actually remove fish bones or other small objects.

    In order for there to be a result after strong conspiracies for a sore throat, the reader must believe in help from above and not doubt his own strength and energy. You cannot carry out rituals and conspiracies with an empty heart - only with a great desire to do a good deed will you be able to carry out your plans. In addition, personal energy and patience will help you achieve what you want.

    In the modern world, unlike the Middle Ages, magic has become something absolutely stupid, which is treated with disdain and ridicule, but despite this, people continue to believe in the power of words, at all times, warning “not to throw words to the wind” . There are countless examples in history where people were saved directly by prayers. A conspiracy is a correct, clear combination of words that can influence a person’s aura, soul and body.

    A spell for the treatment of sore throat, performed according to the rules, will not harm

    Using spells for illness

    Conspiracies apply to everything. Adversity, mental anguish, broken heart, help in creating a happy marriage, bad - one type of conspiracy. Other types of rituals will help restore fertility, solve problems of physical health, improve sleep, memory, etc. What are the benefits of sore throat conspiracies? There are obvious advantages of conspiracies:


    A conspiracy executed according to the rules will not harm. They do not contain any chemicals, and children can be treated using this method without fear. The best is passed down to us from the past.


    You know what exactly you are doing, you are in control of the situation. All conspiracies and prayers have been tested by more than one generation.

    Always at hand

    If you feel uneasy, you don’t have to run to the hospital or to the doctors; you can calmly heal yourself at home with spells.

    As practice shows: Medicines may not help solve a particular problem in all cases., and sometimes can make the situation worse.

    It is in difficult times that a person raises his hands to God and asks for his help. The easiest and most accurate way to do this is through a conspiracy, directly addressing the forces and clearly formulating the request, even pointing to the problem area.

    Conspiracies for sore throat

    Cold weather and sore throats come outside. Oh, how I don’t want to go to school or work with a hoarse voice, fever and loud cough, and even more so to infect my loved ones with an illness. We are overcome by sore throat, and this always costs a lot of money on antibiotics and inhalers, which may not cure, but simply spoil the same microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. So, before rushing to hospitals to see doctors and shelling out hard-earned money at pharmacy checkout counters, try to talk about the problem. Maybe she will leave you on her own? The main thing is to believe in the words themselves.

    Conspiracies addressed to God

    Try to turn to God, the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit, since the Christian God is the most powerful. He listens and constantly helps those in need. Here are a couple of examples of good conspiracies addressed to the Lord God.

    Conspiracy One

    A spell for a sore throat addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos:

    “Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, blessed is the Lord among your wives, blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls. Amen. With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I begin, the heat, the bitterness from the white throat - I drive it out. I'm kicking you out - I'm banishing you for thirty-three years. At thirty-three are the winds, at thirty-three are the sides. We know four sides, but we are never with our body in the rest. We meet messengers from there in our dreams. As soon as the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not molded, but strong. Forever and ever. Amen".

    To carry out this ritual, you will need a knife and warm boiled eggs. This ritual for the treatment of sore throat is read 12 times, “sawing” the sore throat with the unsharpened part of the knife, the butt, and freshly boiled eggs are applied to the sore area.

    The second conspiracy, addressed to the Mother of God

    “Oak, oak, take from the servant of God (name) the toad with all the roots, with all the shoots, with all the five, with all the children. Mother Solomonida midwifed Jesus Christ and asked the Lord God. It’s not I who drive, it’s not I who drive, it’s the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself who drives. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    After reading this prayer, it is important to lick the patient’s forehead and spit over the left shoulder. It is important to repeat this procedure as many times as necessary until complete recovery.

    “The first time, at the Lord's hour. The second time, in God's hour. The third time, the Lord's hour."

    “You should not be here, do not drink red blood, do not break white bones, do not give tumors to the servant of God (name). Go there, the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.”

    As mentioned above, it is necessary three times, stroking and lightly pressing on the disturbing area in the process. This prayer must be read several times until the sore throat leaves you alone.

    Prayer for the treatment of sore throat addressed to the Lord

    A very effective hex for a sore throat

    This conspiracy for a sore throat is powerful in that the patient must be seated near an open fire (fire or stove), so this ritual should be performed outdoors.

    The tonsils of the servant of God (name) are conjured

    tonsils speak out from the fire,

    from evil spirits:

    you shouldn't be in a white body,

    in red blood, in a zealous heart,

    in a wild head.

    Wherever the smoke flies, that's where the sore goes.

    To perform the ritual, you need to sit the sick person in front of a fire, set fire to a sheet of paper and “fumigate” the sick person’s head, that is, circle the lit sheet in a circular motion around the head.

    Conspiracies addressed to the forces of nature

    There are also excellent conspiracies based on appealing not to the Christian gods, but directly to Mother Nature herself.

    When pronouncing a conspiracy for a sore throat, you need to choose the most effective and proven ones.

    A couple of excellent prayers addressed to the pagan gods:

    “Dawn-lightning, red maiden, pull out the roots along with the roots! You should not be here, you should not drink red blood, you should not break white bones, you should not crush tumors on the servant of God (name). Go where the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow.”

    After performing the ritual against sore throat, it is important to spit over your shoulder three times, on the side where the throat is most bothered. If you are very worried and the pain is general, then you will need to spit here and there.

    There are also excellent conspiracies based on appealing to Mother Nature herself.

    A conspiracy to treat a child's sore throat

    Parents are especially wary of their child’s illnesses, since the child’s body is sensitive to various chemicals and harmful drugs that can completely ruin the health of a young individual. But a good, proven “grandfather’s” plot for a sore throat can help your baby without causing her any damage. Sometimes getting magical elements for a ritual is not an easy task, but if necessary, you can go to a healer. But if you want to help yourself, then there is an effective conspiracy that will help not only children, but also adults.

    How to perform the ritual:

    • An adult must read the prayer;
    • It is important to choose the right day;
    • you need to prepare in advance for the ritual;
    • you need to believe in yourself.

    While reading the plot, both the child and the adult must swallow saliva. The ritual must be performed three times a day, with breaks of five hours, until the patient recovers. The given variants of conspiracies for sore throat are far from the only ones, and if necessary you can find a great variety of them, but you must remember: you need to read the conspiracy clearly, distinctly, without changing the words or making pauses.

    Remember that the human word has enormous power, use it wisely.

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