• Women's stories about betrayal. I cheated on my husband. A wise thought on this topic


    No matter what steps life throws at us, the main thing is not to lose faith in yourself.

    The train was jerked violently once more and finally stopped. Lena looked out the window; the early chilly morning was enlivened only by people bustling around on the platform. She took Vasilisa’s hand, lifted a rather heavy suitcase with her other hand and slowly moved towards the exit.

    Sorry, I'm late! - Already on the platform, Lena turned around at a familiar voice. Vitya stood with a huge bouquet of her favorite white roses. After kissing his wife and daughter, he took the suitcase, and they all walked together to the taxi.

    I didn't think you'd come, we could have taken a taxi ourselves!

    Well, what are you saying... What was not enough was that you were trying to catch a car with a small child and a heavy suitcase. Besides, I’m pleased to meet you, we haven’t seen each other for so long,” Vitya smiled.

    Lena was surprised by her husband’s increased attention. They, of course, had a good relationship. But before, in order to persuade her husband to meet her at the station or somewhere else, she had to make a lot of effort. And here he is, with flowers? Maybe I really missed you...

    Cheating on your husband - a real life story

    • Bitter truth

    Home Sweet Home! - Lena deeply inhaled the aroma of her home. It felt like she was leaving not for two weeks, but for a whole year. It seemed that everything was the same, but at the same time somehow different. Some new smells and things out of place, her things.

    Did you do the cleaning?

    Well, just a little,” Vitya helped Vasilisa undress. After putting their daughter to rest from the road, the couple sat down in the kitchen to drink coffee and sandwiches. Lena enthusiastically talked about their trip to her grandmother.

    What were you doing here without us? - She looked at her husband with interest.

    Yes, so... nothing, he worked,” Vitya spoke vaguely, slowly and somehow slightly distantly. The always talkative husband was silent and scared. And he wasn’t like that even when he proposed his hand and heart to her.

    Memories of this always made Lena smile. Vitya, while still a student at the agricultural university, came to her to meet his parents. Naturally, on this occasion, a gala dinner was held, at which Vitya decided to propose to Lena and ask for the blessing of her parents. It was so unexpected that it shocked everyone.

    Therefore, Lena had to give signals to her dad so that he would agree to give his only daughter in marriage. She pushed him under the table with her foot and quietly hissed: “Say yes.” The wedding was celebrated magnificently. And a year later the Basilisk was born.

    For another three years, the young people exchanged one rented apartment for another. Due to constant travel, the child was often sick, and her daughter even ended up in the hospital several times, so Lena had to give up the thought of work and devote herself to home. Two years later, the family took out a loan for an apartment in a new building, Lena sent Vasilisa to kindergarten and got a job in one of the regional veterinary clinics. The salary was small, but stable.

    Because of the mortgage loan that hung over the family, I had to deny myself a lot of things. They bought clothes only when necessary, and Lena didn’t think about things like a beauty salon or vacation abroad. But she encouraged herself with the thought that now they had their own place to live.

    Okay, I’ll go and sort out my things,” Lena kissed her husband on his unshaven cheek.

    The room was perfectly clean. Opening the closet and starting to hang up her clothes, her gaze settled on her husband's new shirt. Maybe other wives would not have noticed this, but Lena always participated in choosing clothes for her husband. And this process was not easy, since Vitya was very particular about his wardrobe: a certain color scheme, only natural fabrics. Lena took the new thing off the hanger.

    Vit, did you buy yourself a new shirt? - She continued to examine the thing.

    Yes, why?

    Lena touched the fabric again - low-grade synthetics. My husband would never buy one for himself.

    Don't lie, where is she from? - Entering the kitchen, Lena was confused.

    They gave it to me! - Vitya tried not to look at his wife, who, on the contrary, tried to meet his gaze.

    Who? There were no holidays, your birthday is in the spring, and your dog walkers usually bring a bottle! - Lena understood that the truth that she was so eager to find out could be too painful and unpleasant, but she could no longer retreat.

    She was given by... - Vitya took a minute pause, which seemed like an eternity to Lena, - the woman I love! - And his face suddenly broke into a happy smile. It seemed like he had been waiting for the opportunity to say this from the very beginning. Lena was silent. Not that she was sure that during the eight years of their marriage her husband had no affairs, but such a frank declaration of love for another woman...

    It wasn't painful, it was disgusting. She felt betrayed and helpless. Lena grabbed the shirt and began to tear it, the fabric did not give in well, so she took a knife and began to chop the hated thing.

    What a bastard you are, how could you do this to me? — Her husband’s betrayal threw her off track.

    Do you think I did it on purpose? I just fell in love like a boy! - Vitya didn’t even try to make excuses.

    Who is she? - Lena looked around the kitchen, strewn with scraps of green fabric.

    Verochka, get off work! - The husband looked with the eyes of a beaten dog. - Listen, it happened, but I won’t leave you. Vaska is still little, but you know how much I love her...

    After the words about the child, Lena felt how tears began to choke her. She felt sorry for her daughter, what would happen to her now? Lena began to sob from insult and humiliation.

    Well, that's enough, wake up the baby! - Vitya came close to his wife.

    Did you think about her when you were having fun with that one of yours... - Lena paused. - Did you need your daughter then? - She pushed her husband away from her, how disgusted he was with her.

    “I fell in love like a boy” - this phrase could not leave Lena’s head, and she lit a cigarette. How useful were the cigarettes hidden a year ago? In a fit of anger, I wanted to collect my husband’s things, although no, not even collect them, but simply pull everything out of the closet, chop it up finely and throw it out of the balcony, and him after them.

    Or leave, take your daughter and leave. But where? To parents? Of course it is possible. But what about the apartment, the loan in which she had already invested a lot of earned money. And how much she denied herself for the sake of this home, for the sake of their happy future...

    And the child, who will need to somehow explain the separation of mom and dad... But the most burning desire was to come to Vita’s work, find this Verochka and tear out all her hair. Lena was frightened by her own thoughts, it seemed to her that she was going crazy. How else could a calm, balanced person think something like this? She always despised women who arrange showdowns with their husbands' mistresses. Now I felt like one of them - betrayed, trampled, humiliated.

    • Life hasn't stopped

    Vitya slept on the sofa in the living room; Lena simply could not lie next to him in the same bed. Fortunately, the apartment had three rooms. Vasilisa, observing the relationship between her parents, only constantly asked whether mom and dad had quarreled. Naturally, no one began to tell the child the truth.

    Lena said that dad was just sick and that’s why he was sleeping on the sofa. Vitya spent a lot of time with his daughter, sometimes it even seemed that through her he was trying to atone for his guilt. He literally filled the child with new hairpins, rubber bands, bows and dolls and brought something sweet almost every evening.

    For as long as possible, do you want your child to have caries? - Lena was shaking with irritation when she saw her husband with more cakes in his hands.

    Well, that's enough, don't be angry, I brought something for you too! - Vitya handed his wife the flowers hidden behind his back, a bouquet of three small yellow tulips.

    Give it to your lady. I think she has as bad taste in flowers as she does in things! - Lena practically hissed.

    And by the way, at 7 o’clock I will lock the door, so if you come later, you will go to spend the night where you came from.

    Lena went into the bedroom, defiantly slamming the door. But she never managed to fall asleep, so she was not at all surprised that the next day, leaving work, she discovered that she had forgotten her keys at home.

    “I’ll come see you in twenty minutes,” Lena said into the phone without greeting. - For what? I miss you! Yes, I forgot my keys at home, my keys!

    Entering the veterinary clinic where her husband worked, Lena felt very uncomfortable. It seemed to her that even the walls here knew that her husband was cheating on her. Cheating on your husband is a shame! She carefully peered into the faces of the people meeting in the corridor, and then her gaze somehow mechanically stopped at a tall blonde of about 25 years old in a white robe.

    Oh, Verochka, it's you! - Lena literally sang, intuitively figuring out her rival.

    The young nurse was taken aback by such an unexpected meeting.

    He will leave you, dear, very, very soon! - Lena grinned. Vera was silent. No, apparently, she was not ashamed, she was just afraid for her job!

    He loves me, but only tolerates you!

    Everything else was like a cheap soap opera: Lena grabbed the hair of her husband’s mistress, who tried to push her away. At this time, Vitya came out of the office and immediately rushed to take the women away.

    Are you disgracing me here? Is this what you came here for? - he shouted, pushing his wife into his office. Lena couldn't calm down. She was literally shaking.

    Aren't you disgracing me by sleeping with her? - the woman sat down on the couch, covered her face with her hands and began to cry. - I can’t live like this anymore, you know? I feel like I'm slowly starting to go crazy. That’s it, I’m taking the child and going to my parents, I’ll pay my share of the loan, and when we’ve paid everything off, we’ll exchange the apartment!

    Have you thought about Vaska? Your proposal is selfish towards the child! - Vitya was noticeably nervous and lightly tapped his fingers on the table.

    Lena felt her hands involuntarily clenching into fists.

    If I stay, I'll just kill you! - she said and left the office.

    Living with her parents was, of course, not a panacea, but Lena simply did not have the opportunity to solve the housing problem any other way. Her parents had a very specific character, perhaps that is why she got married so early. Vasilisa asked every day when they would return home. And every time Lena didn’t know what to answer.

    It hurt her to watch her daughter miss home and her dad, who, by the way, had only seen the child once in several months. Lena was filled with contempt and disgust for her husband, she felt broken, but despite this, she still wore the ring on her ring finger.

    Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of her soul, she still hoped that her husband would return, fall to his knees and beg for her forgiveness and her husband’s betrayal would turn into a bad dream, she would forgive. This thought was absurd, humiliating and naive, but she so wanted her life with her daughter to be the same as before.

    • Everything is new!

    Lena was invited to a new job - a sales representative in a Swiss pharmaceutical company. It all happened completely by accident. A friend, whose husband worked in this very company, advised Lena to send her resume there, since a vacancy had opened there. A couple of weeks later she was invited for an interview; the employers' requirements were simple - knowledge of English and medical education. But Lena did not immediately agree to the new position; it seemed to her that too many changes were happening in her life. In addition, apathy simply did not leave any strength for a new project. A phone call changed everything.

    Hello, do you have a minute? - goosebumps ran through Lena’s body, her husband’s voice sounded in the receiver. “Maybe he’s calling to apologize...” flashed through my head.

    Yes, I'm listening to you.

    I want to get a divorce! - Vitya spoke calmly and a little guiltily.

    You decided so, and Vasilisa? - it seemed to her that she might not be able to stand it and sob right into the phone.

    We want to get married! - the husband said almost in a whisper. Lena felt a tear running down her cheek. It was the end, there was no point in hoping anymore.

    Okay, I'll give you a divorce.

    They met in the court hall. Vitya came not alone, but together with this new love of his. The reason for their imminent divorce was visible to the naked eye - Vera was pregnant. But Lena was no longer surprised by anything...

    They were quickly separated. The woman returned home and practically did not get out of bed for a week, all she had the strength to do was cry. She finally took off the ring. It became easier. After a week, she realized that just a little more and she would go crazy. She forced herself to get up, called and agreed to work as a sales representative, then went to the nearest hairdresser and turned from a long-haired brunette (which she had been all her life) into a short-haired platinum blonde.

    And on the way back she accidentally ran into Verochka.

    Now it's yours! - Lena smiled, looking into the woman’s smug eyes.

    He's been mine for a long time! - came the answer. Lena did not answer. This, indeed, was no longer her man. He is the father of her child, and this is the only thing that connects them now. She almost resigned herself...

    A year later the loan was repaid. The apartment was sold. Vitya and his new wife bought a one-room apartment in a good area. Lena and her daughter also got their own home, because they didn’t want to stay with their parents. And a month later she was offered to transfer to the same position, but to the company’s central office in Stockholm. Lena agreed without hesitation; now, more than ever, she was ready for change and a new life.

    • Cheating on your husband - Expert comments

    Cheating and divorce are not a death sentence or the end of life. Unfortunately, not every marriage can survive the difficulties associated with the birth and illness of a child, moving, troubles and financial difficulties. Most often, it is because of everyday problems that family happiness is broken. And then, for many, new relationships seem to be the way out. And sometimes the feelings of two people simply pass, and then it is important to maintain friendly relations for the sake of the child and start a new life, no matter how painful it is because of your spouse’s betrayal. After all, as they say, you can’t order your heart.

    In this story, some features of the relationship immediately catch the eye, for example, the fact that the spouses are not on vacation together and the husband never met his wife at the station, despite the fact that she was with a small child and was very surprised by his attention and flowers. This is a bit strange. As if the spouses had long ago had their own personal, separate life.

    I will also suggest that the heroine got married in order to get away from her parents. But 8 years of marriage is a long time, and perhaps the spouses were tired of each other, which is why the husband’s betrayal happened. It was very important to work on relationships, talk, relax together, and have common interests.

    Perhaps if the heroine had reacted to this story less emotionally and tried to understand her husband, and not push her away, everything could have been different. But it so happened that for the husband, the affair became true love, and nothing could be done about it.

    Fortunately, the heroine was still able to find the strength in herself and start a new life. And now she has a chance to build a relationship in which she may be happier.

    Cheating on your husband - a real life story

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    The heroines of our article today, when they found out that their beloved man was cheating on them, decided to take revenge.

    Revenge for betrayal is not always the worst choice. Often it is after revenge that a person is able to think soberly. And in this case, he probably will not break up the family. Moreover, he will not feel humiliated, and to some extent he will feel better. Therefore, sometimes, revenge after betrayal is not bad, says psychologist Valentina Berzinskaya.

    Yulia, 33 years old

    When I found out that my husband was cheating on me, of course, I experienced a real shock. The first desire was to kick him out of the house and start a new life.

    But I decided to cool down. When the emotions subsided, I realized that I also needed betrayal. Otherwise, I will feel like a doormat at the front door of my apartment for a long time. At that time, my husband and I temporarily separated to give each other the opportunity to think.

    After I slept with another man, I realized that I was ready to save my family. And it was after this step that I stopped feeling disgusted to look at my husband. Because we both stumbled.

    Although my husband doesn't know that I cheated on him. But the main thing is that I know.

    If, after cheating, a girl feels that she cannot put up with the current state of affairs, but is not ready to break off the relationship, it makes sense to take a break from each other. And even, sometimes, start a new relationship. This helps to understand how much she needs a family,” says Valentina Berzinskaya.

    Valya, 35 years old

    Having learned about the betrayal, I was wildly furious for a long time. I simply could not believe that my loved one was capable of betraying me in this way.

    I began to take revenge in a state where my emotions had not subsided. No, I didn’t go looking for a new man - I decided that I would ruin the life of his mistress. It turned out that she was also married.

    As a result of my actions, all the love correspondence of the “doves” ended up with her husband. Naturally, there was a scandal and a debriefing. I feel better.

    But I didn’t stay with my husband. She took revenge and threw him out of life.

    When you want to take revenge, it is wrong to do it towards your mistress. She did not make promises of fidelity and love to anyone. The husband is to blame for the betrayal. You need to come to terms with this, and if you take revenge, then only to him. Although, it’s much better to just let go right away,” the psychologist is sure.

    Tanya, 29 years old

    I always knew that if they cheated on me, I would take revenge. Until I feel that I can let go of the situation in order to move on with my life.

    A banal story happened to us: a daughter was born, and my husband began to go for walks. And I, as often happens, saw his correspondence and found out about everything.

    Since the child was very small, and I had no savings, a scandal would not have been a solution.

    I continued to live with him as if nothing had happened. And when my daughter grew up a little and I went to work, other men began to appear in my life. Since then, I have allowed myself to fall in love and enjoy these relationships.

    My husband and I did not divorce. But there is no trust between us either. Also, since then I began to spend a lot of his money on myself. As a compensation.

    If we remove moral principles, then for many couples the solution is to simply let each other go and allow romances on the side. It keeps you on your toes, it helps you feel needed, and it strengthens relationships. Another question is that Tanya has not forgiven her husband. And this is a problem that will make itself felt in the future,” the specialist shares his opinion.

    In short, it is very easy to ruin a marriage, but if you need details, then sit back.

    Back in the eighth grade, I fell in love with a classmate whose name I won’t mention. But let it be Natalya. It was an intense love bordering on obsession. Probably, I experienced the strongest feelings in the eighth grade. I've never fallen more in love with anyone. And in terms of duration... this is the strongest love. We met until the last call. We talked about how it would be nice to start living together after school. But I graduated from school, but didn’t have time to go to university - I ended up in the army. Two years of service did their vile deed - Natalya did not wait for me and married someone else.

    In 15 years of living together with my wife, I have never cheated on her, I never even had such a thought. Recently, either the devil pulled it or alcohol was to blame, I’m not looking for excuses, but I went to the left.

    It’s not for nothing that the Irish have a proverb that you shouldn’t brag about the size of your wallet, the beauty of your wife or the taste of your beer.

    We have been living with my husband for 20 years. We have two children, 15 and 18 years old. There is complete harmony in the family. Everyone thinks that we have an ideal family, because quarrels and conflicts in our home are very rare. There had never been a crisis in a relationship before, but recently I began to notice that my husband had changed.

    Reading stories about wives cheating on their own husbands is always extremely interesting. In them we learn to look at the situation of the heroes from the outside, try on different roles, analyze and draw conclusions, try to learn life from the mistakes of others. But what if stories about an unfaithful wife cease to be someone’s story and become reality? What makes women cheat and, most importantly, what feelings do they have to live with after this? What is betrayal - the beginning of a new thing or the end of the present?

    Treason is always seen in a negative way, no matter what circumstances precede it. This is not surprising, because it implies lies, resentment and betrayal, destroys relationships, breaks destinies, and changes people’s characters. The infidelity of representatives of the fair half of humanity is especially acutely perceived - it causes contempt, misunderstanding, and condemnation. When you visit forums with women’s stories about cheating on their husbands, you immediately come across uncompromising accusations and insults against the author of the post. Let's today leave all prejudices, sighs and values ​​that are familiar to us, and try to rationally look at the motives and possible consequences of female adultery.

    Arina Veselova, psychotherapist, family psychologist, shares real stories from her own practice about female infidelity.

    Tatyana, 22 years old, married for 2 years, husband 26 years old, no children. “My husband is perfect - he will help with cleaning, take us to the movies, and cook dinner. Fulfills all my whims, I’m definitely MARRIED with him. Sometimes he is too calm, but in my mind I understand that this is perfect for family life (I’ve seen enough of passionate relationships from the outside, where you can raise your hand against your wife and insult her; I definitely don’t want that). I'm graduating from college and I needed to make a big presentation of my project on the computer. I’m not very friendly with technology (shameful in the 21st century) at this level, so we started looking for a person who would help in this matter. The choice fell on his fellow programmer. He has a girlfriend and I have a husband, so we all agreed to this freelance training without a shadow of a doubt. Anton (the name of the client’s husband – the psychologist’s note) worked late, and Kostya and I sat either with us or with him, and my husband then joined us after work. One day I came to Kostya, and he asked if I would drink beer with him, otherwise he was very tired. I agreed, but asked, just in case, maybe I should come tomorrow, and let him rest today. He refused, assured that he just wanted to relax a little, and besides, the contract was more expensive than money. We fiddled around on the computer for about 20 minutes, then he started showing his photos, turned on the music, and we started talking. That day the project didn’t come to mind, and the beer was doing its job. Suddenly Kostya asked if we were watching adult films with Anton. I answered honestly that yes, it happens. Then he, without hesitating for a second, opened the folder and launched an intimate video. He simply invited me, as if to his old friend, to check out the figure of a porn actress... I did not dare to say anything and sat in silence, watching the banal plot. Kostya was looking at me, I was looking at the monitor, but I could directly feel his breathing. In general, the stars aligned so that everything happened to us. It was wild, passionate, I don’t know what liberated me so much – the beer, the movie, the secrecy or his assertiveness. That was our last meeting, he practically didn’t help in any way, but he filled me with some kind of strength, madness, fire. I feel uncomfortable in front of my loved one, but I’m not going to tell him anything. Our relationship with my husband has strengthened, although maybe I’m just trying to make amends (I haven’t figured it out yet). Would I do it again? Probably yes, that’s why that meeting was the last.”

    Victoria, 36 years old, married for 15 years, has two sons. “I work as a teacher, so I always devote a lot of time to my appearance. Igor (husband) approves of my desire to be well-groomed, because I am the face of my class and I am not ashamed to become an example for growing girls. My husband is excellent - his money goes to the family, I can spend my money however I want. And in everyday life he is a helper, and in bed he is a lion, and as a father, there are no complaints. I’ve never thought about cheating, because I don’t have time, and I don’t want to waste energy on making contact or hiding what’s happening. We met Vladimir in a restaurant when we were celebrating the christening of a good friend’s daughter with a large group. Oh, it was hard to take your eyes off him - big, confident, immaculately dressed, arrogant, but gallant. He arrived for dinner alone, in an expensive car, so it’s no wonder that everyone was staring at him. Even then the thought flashed through my mind that, probably, I would have cheated with this, if I had even considered such a prospect. After 2 weeks, I was traveling on business and went to a cozy cafe in the city to drink coffee. Vova was sitting with a friend at lunch. He recognized me, immediately approached me and acted as if we had known each other for a long time. He told me not to go anywhere, he would be right back. They left, but after 10 minutes he fulfilled his promise and arrived alone. We sat at a table and chatted for a long time. Volodya is a very interesting conversationalist, and he did not spare compliments addressed to me. I had to leave, and he directly asked when we would see each other again. I objected, because it’s one thing if the meeting happened suddenly, and planned dates are not included in my plans, I’m still a married lady. He said “okay,” and even somewhere deep down I was upset. Another 2 days later we ran into each other in a shopping center (I doubt it was an accident, although our town is really small). He came close to me, so that I could not breathe from his passion, and offered to leave for another city. For a day, on a business trip... I agreed and was immediately scared! Why, why did I agree, how will I explain this to my husband and I will understand WHY I am going there?! “I can leave at any moment,” this thought calmed me down and gave me strength. My husband took the news calmly; I often traveled to the regional center on business. She didn’t take the car, she said that I was going with colleagues. Yes, these were the most unforgettable 10 hours of my life. Vova has a large apartment there, so we enjoyed each other everywhere. I was fascinated and frightened by his strength and experience, such men only exist in books! He wanted to take me away from Igor, but I wasn’t going to ruin anything. Yes, I’m terribly pleased to be in the center of the universe (with him I feel exactly like that), but I can’t betray my family. Sometimes I want to tell my spouse, but I can’t afford to hurt him. And the sons? They won't understand me at all..."

    Anya, 26 years old, married for 1 year. “My husband, Vitalik, puts me in practically nothing. Either I didn’t cook what he wanted, then he wants more in bed, or I need to gain a little weight. It's annoying! When I ask why he needs me so much, he says that he loves me very much, and there is nothing wrong with criticism. Allegedly, one should always accept comments from a loved one and close person with understanding, because he only wishes me the best! One evening his friends came, and he began to make fun of me in their presence. He said that I could feed him sour borscht or fall asleep after the first glass of wine. It's a shame - that's an understatement. I was so angry that I was ready to burst into tears. As a result, they got drunk, Vitalya wandered off to watch TV, and within 2 minutes he was snoring. One guy immediately went home, and the second stayed behind under the pretext of charging his phone a little. He was so gentle, holding my hand and whispering that he would always appreciate a companion like me. We had sex right in the kitchen. I didn’t think about anything, neither about my husband, nor about betrayal, I just had fun. My comrade left, and I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I remembered his caresses. I’m not ashamed of Vitalik, it’s my own fault. After a while (he again pointed at something to me), I told him about what had happened, he was taken aback and didn’t even scream, as I expected. We haven’t discussed what will happen next, we just parted ways.”

    Human nature is limitless in exploring the unknown. Female infidelity in three different variations had its own thread and led to a logical outcome. What can be said about these cases?

    Different destinies - different betrayals

    It was not for nothing that I gave examples of real infidelities of completely different wives - with different characters, status and attitude of their faithful towards them. Based on the above, can we conclude that betrayal occurs only when a marriage is falling apart at the seams? Absolutely not!

    In the first story, where the wife cheated on her husband, the suppression of hidden desires and the childishness of the girl can be traced. She is comfortable with a calm husband, but she is secretly ready to go on an adventure with any (reliable!) passionate man. She could leave when the person said that he was tired and would drink beer, or when after 20 minutes they were distracted from the project, and, of course, she should have been indignant when the friend turned on an adult video. It was not alcohol that pushed her to have violent sex with a friend of her legal companion; it only “pulled” to the surface everything that she lacked in her own marriage. From the woman’s story about her infidelity, it becomes clear that this incident brought her and her husband closer, but, nevertheless, the unfaithful woman does not exclude the fact of a repeat incident. This key formulation conceals Tatyana’s incorrect attitude towards family. What was the provoking factor - an unsuccessful parental example, distortion of family values ​​through authoritative people/books/films, previous bitter experience - is still unknown, but it is obvious that relationships in such torment will not last long.

    Infantility lies precisely in ignoring or hushing up one’s problems. Replacing unsatisfied desires will never bring true pleasure. Learn to articulate your desires, overcome barriers and free yourself from existing pressures.

    A story where an adult woman cheated on her husband with an influential man only says that she loves to be in the spotlight, to feel that he is ready to lay the whole world at her feet. Of course, each of us likes this, we love with our eyes and appreciate people by their actions. But my husband also did things - he helped, took me to restaurants, was a wonderful lover and a caring father. Why did he fade into the background?

    We all need a second wind sometimes. Who finds it and where depends only on our inner filling. Apparently, for Victoria, Vladimir became just that second wind, youth, flirtation, unbridledness. But with her mind she understood that the family, the system that had been created over a long time, should not be destroyed. In such cases, a serious intrapersonal conflict develops, which, if not resolved, will end in severe depression, which can develop into chronic neurasthenia.

    Advice: In the case of conflicting desires and reality, you need to understand yourself in order to understand and accept your true motives. Don’t be afraid to seek help from a specialist, so you will have a chance to remain not only happy, but also psychologically healthy.

    As for the story where the wife tells her husband about how she cheated on him, everything is obvious - the girl is ruled by her reluctance to continue the relationship. This can be veiled by various subtexts - to flick him on the nose (like, look, you are making fun of me, and someone is caressing), to hurt (you are like this, and I am like this to you), etc. But the main idea of ​​this story - awareness of your failed marriage. As a specialist, I usually fight for the family if there is something to save. In this story, where the wife gave herself to another in front of her husband (even if he was sleeping), unfortunately, there is nothing to fight for. Incompatibility of temperaments, disrespect, frustration, disagreement, discrepancy in moral values, unwillingness to accept oneself and each other, to work on oneself, denial of one’s mistakes, etc. – a bad basis for a happy union.

    Can a husband be blamed for cheating on his wife? Indirectly, yes. But “I deceived you because you brought me down” sounds somewhat ridiculous, you must admit. Usually, I say that it is good when such relationships end at a stage where the spouses still have nothing to share or the bitter realization has not come that you have lived half your life somehow, not the way you dreamed.

    What can be said about female infidelity? Are they as weak, driven and defenseless as they seem? Of course not! We are endowed with natural strength, dexterity and intuition; we always know exactly where we are going and how our road will end. We are wise, so it would be wrong and incorrect to attribute carnal pleasures to a coincidence of circumstances. Women are not hostages of the situation - this is a fact.

    For example, in my practice, there are also non-standard infidelities of wives from eyewitness accounts, where these eyewitnesses, in fact, are husbands. It was with their consent that sexual intercourse took place between the wife and the person who was carefully selected by the faithful. Can this be called cheating? No, it can rather be called the diversity of the sexual life of two adult, mature partners. Here no one suppresses, coerces, or blackmails anyone. Everyone saves their marriage and feeds their feelings exactly the way they want and feel. If this does not cause discomfort, moral trauma, pain and other negative emotions to the other half, why not?

    In all the stories “How I Cheated on My Husband” you can see the unique story of each woman, unlike the others. There is only one conclusion from such stories - betrayal does not save you from pain, does not rehabilitate relationships, does not glue families together, and does not replace love. Betrayal makes you feel guilty, drives you into a corner, inflicts wounds, and destroys. If you are experiencing dissatisfaction in your marriage, do not rush into the arms of another. I assure you, you will get a lot more problems than you had before! Someone else's bed feeds illusions, but usually ends in emptiness. Be happy!

    Treason is something from which no person is immune. In everyone’s life, a situation can happen when a loved one, from whom you don’t even expect anything bad, can ruin everything at one moment by showing infidelity towards his soulmate.

    Real stories of cheating can sometimes make you wonder if your loved one is cheating on you. In addition, many will decide what they need to fix in order to prevent cheating in the relationship.

    The story of an unfaithful wife

    Reviewing the real stories of his wife’s betrayal, you can pay attention to the story of one man who shared his misfortune. Like all lovers, the man and his beloved woman got married and began to live together. At the time the relationship began, the husband was quite rich, had his own small business, and there was enough money for everything that his other half could wish for.

    Several years passed, things were not going well for the man, the business practically stopped generating income, and his wife had to go look for work. It would seem that there is nothing unusual, because everyone has problems and we need to fight them together. However, less than two months had passed when the man began to notice that his wife began to stay late at work too often, and at home she behaved very unusually. Sometimes a woman came with some new things that her friends gave her, if we rely on her words.

    Soon the husband decided to have a serious conversation with his soulmate, because such a relationship would lead nowhere. After some conversation, the wife herself admitted that she met a new man at a new work place, who seemed more successful and attractive to her. This was followed by a divorce, the property was divided between a man and a woman.

    If we talk about why the wife cheated on her husband, the real story suggests that the reason was the woman’s dissatisfaction. Can you blame her? Probably yes, because when the marriage took place, words about remaining faithful both in sorrow and in joy were probably heard. To prevent a similar situation from arising in your relationship, always try to find a common language and get out of difficult situations together, making joint efforts.

    Real life stories about your wife’s betrayal will help you avoid the mistakes that other people made.

    The story of a husband who left his wife

    Real stories about betrayal can sometimes amaze with their unusual turns of events. Quite recently, an interesting story appeared on the Internet, the main characters of which were a husband, wife and pregnant mistress.

    The relationship between husband and wife was quite mutual, they loved each other. However, the man, not finding what he was missing in his soulmate, decided to find himself a mistress for a while. Everything dragged on and it turned out that the man unexpectedly became a future dad. And the whole trouble is that it was not his wife who became pregnant, but his mistress, apparently due to carelessness in sexual relations. It all ended with the man, seeing no other way out of the situation, leaving for the pregnant woman so that the child could grow up in a full-fledged family.

    Such a story about betrayal from real life gives men a reason to think about whether it is worth having mistresses, breaking the hearts of their loved ones. It is important to remember that even if you got married, you should keep it until the bitter end. You should not look for someone who seems better to you; you should bring existing relationships to perfection.

    A story about the betrayal of loving wives

    Sometimes it happens that a person manages to fall in love with two people at once. This happened in the next story about the wife. Initially, the relationship developed just fine, the marriage was already 6 years old, and a wonderful son appeared. The man was in 7th heaven with happiness with his beloved, but grief was very close.

    The wife soon confessed to her beloved husband that she loved two people at once: him and another man. The whole point is that the woman thought that everything would pass and only one single love would resume - love for her husband. It didn’t happen that way and the desire to be with two people at once never faded away. After the cheater confessed everything, the man left her, not wanting to be with her.

    Real stories of wife cheating

    Such real stories of a wife's betrayal, stories once again confirm that there is no point in cheating if you want to maintain a relationship. In any case, there is a risk that you will have to part with your loved one, no matter how much you want to. It is simply indecent to be offended in such situations, because the one who cheated is to blame, nothing more.

    Telling real stories about cheating wives , You can give another story as an example (names, as in all stories, are not voiced). It all started with the fact that husband and wife lived together in perfect harmony. There were no quarrels or insults. If they swore, it was only over trifles. But one day the wife was invited to a corporate party, where she inadvertently cheated on her husband.

    The story lasted a long time, because for a long time the woman could not admit everything. The day came when she was able to tell everything to her beloved. The man, being reasonable, understood the full value of relationships. Because of this, he was able to forgive his soulmate. After this, a long, happy and joint life awaited them. Such betrayal of a wife is a real life story.

    It is worth remembering that if people love each other, it makes sense to forgive in order to build only warm relationships in the future. Even betrayal can be forgiven, the main thing is that both people want to restore everything.

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