• Skin care after 50. For aging skin


    It has long been no secret that with age, the skin undergoes significant changes. These phenomena are especially noticeable against the background of menopausal processes. Therefore, after 50 years it is mandatory. At this age, a woman should take special care of herself in order to maintain youth and beauty longer.

    What happens to the skin?

    Menopause does not have the best effect on the skin, since during this period the level of estrogen in the blood decreases. The skin becomes much thinner due to a decrease in the fat layer and is noticeably drier. Changes also occur in the structure of collagen, due to which all recovery processes slow down significantly.

    In addition to dryness, a woman may notice that her appearance is spoiled by drooping eyelids, numerous wrinkles and increased growth. Typically, it becomes flabby and sagging. If a woman remains young at heart, such changes can greatly frighten her. In desperation, she may even think about plastic surgery. But not everything is so bad. Proper facial care after 50 years will help reduce such phenomena to a minimum.

    What to do?

    Having reached a certain age, a woman must remember the basic rules and strictly follow them:

    • Do not avoid physical activity.
    • Eat properly.
    • Protect your skin from adverse external factors.
    • It is very important to drink plenty of clean fluids.
    • Forget about bad habits.
    • To support the body, you can choose a complex of biological supplements.

    Suitable cosmetics

    Women should remember that it is necessary to use only those products that are suitable for their age and suit their age. All information can be studied on the packaging; the manufacturer is obliged to provide all the data.

    For complete skin care, every woman should have a cleansing gel and milk. Under no circumstances should you use soap, as it will cause great harm to the skin. Cells are already weakened with age, so you shouldn’t deplete them even more. The skin will begin to peel and become faded and dull.

    Using gentle products, you don’t have to worry about your skin not being sufficiently nourished and moisturized. Choosing the right cream is not an easy task, but it is extremely important. It is preferable to purchase a product for dry skin. It will retain moisture and protect from drying out.

    Instant lifting

    When caring for your face after 50 years, you should be wary of newfangled trends. This is especially true for instant lifting: many products contain hormonal components that provoke facial hair growth. Creams with hyaluronic acid, algae and plant extracts or serum are considered safe.

    In the morning and in the evening

    A woman must remember the main rule: you need to take care of your face in the morning and in the evening. Along with cosmetics, you can use herbal infusions and wipe the skin with ice - this is very useful.

    When implementing reviews and advice from cosmetologists, you must take them into account. They will help you choose the right tools. After waking up, you need to apply a cream that moisturizes, and in the evening - nourishing. Masks should be applied at least twice a week to a cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes. To relax muscles, cosmetologists recommend taking steam baths or covering your face with a damp, warm towel. Women who followed all these recommendations claim that their skin became much cleaner, more toned and fresh.

    Massage events

    Professional facial treatment gives excellent results, but lymphatic drainage massage can be done on your own. To do this, the face should be thoroughly cleaned and a nourishing cream containing vitamin E and plant extracts should be applied.

    Before proceeding directly to the procedure, you need to massage your head. Fingers need to be folded into “claws” and moved counterclockwise in small circular movements. Hair should be gathered into a bun and pulled up.

    The palms are placed on the forehead so that the fingertips are in the center. It is necessary to massage towards the edges. The procedure is slowly repeated three times.

    You need to put your fingers to your temples and press. They should be held in this position for several seconds. The exercise is repeated several times.

    The palms are placed on the face so that the eyes are between the ring and middle fingers. You need to grab your face, press it a little and fix your hands. Then you can relax and repeat the procedure. Next, the fingers move to the cheeks and make tapping movements. At the end of the massage, you need to forcefully press your palms to your face and release. This will help relax your muscles.

    Secrets of our grandmothers

    Skin care should become a familiar daily ritual, so women will be interested in learning the secrets that have been passed down from generation to generation and tested by experience.

    The safest and healthiest products have always been considered to be those based only on natural ingredients. If you use them regularly, the effect will not take long to appear.


    They are prepared based on the characteristics and needs of the skin. It is better to prepare decoctions in the evening, using infusions that can be purchased at the pharmacy. They should steep for about fifteen minutes, and after cooling they can be poured into prepared containers and refrigerated. To achieve maximum effect, you can freeze the broth and wipe your face with ice cubes.


    To always have a fresh face, caring for it at home should be regular. Lotions based on natural ingredients give good results. They can be prepared from fresh cucumbers, aloe leaves or sea buckthorn. They are prepared in a 1:1 ratio and infused for about ten days. After the lotion has been filtered, you need to wipe your face with it using a cotton sponge.


    Facial care after 50 years must necessarily include various masks. They are simply irreplaceable for aging skin. You can use vegetables, fruits or dairy products. They need to be mashed with a fork or blender and applied to the skin.

    Women who have reached the age of fifty watch their image in the mirror more closely. Some of them sadly realize that the dazzling shine of their hair, soft and velvety skin can no longer be returned. But is it worth thinking, looking at yourself, that now it’s not they who can enjoy their appearance, but those who are younger? The modern beauty industry can help you take care of your skin even after 50 years and at home. Years passed, stress, poor nutrition and bad habits make themselves felt by decreased tone and dullness of the skin. Even for those who do not abuse anything, it becomes difficult to see the sad changes in their appearance. How can we help women who are wondering whether it is possible to take care of their skin after 50 years, which can push back old age for many more years? There are many ways to smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, giving the skin radiant whiteness and elasticity.

    Skin rejuvenation methods

    All the negative processes occurring in the body are reflected on a woman’s face. This is facilitated by:

    • excessive sun tanning;
    • drinking alcohol and smoking;
    • excessive consumption of strong tea or coffee;
    • chaotic nutrition and other reasons.

    For those over 50, it is important to limit yourself to products that affect the functioning of internal organs, because their unstable functioning affects their appearance.

    You should remember the rule that excessive consumption of salty, smoked, spicy foods leads to an unattractive appearance of the skin.

    But by combining skin care after 50 years with a vegetable, fruit, and fermented milk diet, you can quickly correct the situation and allow yourself to look younger.

    As a rule, women know how to care for their skin, because it is also necessary to take into account its type and condition. The general rule for a mature woman is that you should try to use natural remedies. Cosmetic masks made from banana, strawberry or honey bring extraordinary pleasure: with their wonderful aroma they lift your spirits, which has a positive effect on your psychological state. Natural remedies are used as follows:

    1. In order to cleanse the face, wipe it with foam, cosmetic milk, take steam baths or apply ice from infusions of chamomile, mint, celandine or calendula.
    2. Liquids that do not contain alcohol are used as a tonic: aloe juice, lemon, honey.
    3. Collagen masks will help give your skin firmness and elasticity, especially for those who have to care for dry skin.

    In adulthood, facial procedures are selected with special care. You can make many useful masks for those over fifty years old from natural products that are always on hand, without wasting time on trips to a cosmetologist.

    Natural masks

    Constant care will help make your skin fresh and elastic; procedures are carried out several times a week:

    • grated cucumber nourishes the skin with vitamins and whitens well;
    • a mixture of sour cream and honey tones;
    • Oatmeal promotes deep cleansing.

    Any herbal ingredients for the face at home will help you find the basic ingredients. Their effect is mitigated with the help of dairy products. In winter, honey is a saving and necessary component of masks.

    Anti-aging procedures are not limited only to external means; facial care after 50 years requires auxiliary measures. A positive result is achieved faster if you supplement the masks with facial massage sessions.

    Massage has a rejuvenating effect, as it increases blood circulation; it begins from the frontal area, ending on the chin. After the manipulations, apply a cream or mask.

    In addition to external procedures, when deciding how to properly care for yourself without the help of professionals, it is necessary to stimulate skin renewal processes from the inside. If you have a great desire to look younger than your age, pay close attention to nutrition, physical activity, and drink plain water (up to 2 liters per day). The whole range of measures that support the body will prolong beauty and health.

    Useful mask

    You need to prepare the yolk as the basis for the mixture, honey and oatmeal. Add no more than 1 tsp to the mixture. honey - it relieves inflammation, cleans clogged pores from dirt and bacteria. Add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal to the finished mixture; it helps heal inflammation and microcracks in dry skin.

    Fresh potato mask

    For the procedure, take fresh tubers, boil them with the skins on until the potatoes have cooled, soften them with milk (2 tablespoons), and add the yolk to the mixture. Before application, the cooled pulp is heated and covered the face, including the skin near the eyes. To enhance the effect, place a hot cloth on top. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water.

    How to choose a face cream

    By the age of 50, most women know about their skin type, choosing a cosmetic cream or lotion is not difficult for them, and taking care of their face at home is comfortable and easy. The main thing is that the composition corresponds to age characteristics, because at 50 years old there are a lot of problems that women do not face in their youth. The cream should contain antioxidants:

    • ascorbic acid, or vitamin C;
    • tocopherol, or vitamin E;
    • carotene, or vitamin A;
    • lycopene

    Of particular importance is such an important component as hyaluronic acid. It is found in the cells of the body and is a biological lubricant of articular cartilage. With age, a transformation of its mass occurs. The caring component for the face is also part of the skin, and with sunburn its synthesis stops, the rate of decomposition accelerates, and every year the skin rapidly fades.

    The peculiarity of hyaluronic acid is that it concentrates a huge volume of water, thanks to which it prolongs the life of cells, moisturizing them and giving elasticity. Cosmetology widely uses acid in the production of creams and lotions.

    When caring for the skin, hyaluronic acid, which is part of cosmetic products, forms a special film, so the skin is easily moisturized, retaining liquid. Preparations created on the basis of acid are anti-aging protection; they are effective even in the presence of deep wrinkles, because the action at the cellular level enhances the production of collagen and elastin. The main sources of the magic component are soy products and some plant fruits.

    Folk remedies for wrinkles

    Successfully caring for facial skin after 50 years at home is not at all difficult; you need to use comprehensive measures using lotions or masks. You can prepare them yourself using pharmacy raw materials or what you have on hand. Many varieties of vegetables, fruits and, of course, berries are suitable for this. Careful handling of the skin of the face and hands will allow a woman to forget for a long time that she has already passed 50 years. If she takes care of her body every day, moisturizing her skin and nourishing it, then her dazzling appearance will be her main weapon for a long time.

    Created 12/07/2013

    Skin aging is not only a manifestation of age, but also exposure to harmful environmental factors, such as solar radiation and polluted air. This leads to wrinkles and skin discoloration.

    At any age, good skin care begins with protecting it from these adverse factors. But after 50 years, physiology changes dramatically. Skin care also needs to be changed.

    After 50 years, the level of various hormones and growth factors decreases. Damaged cells accumulate in many tissues, with the skin being the most affected. As a result, the rate at which the skin renews itself and repairs itself becomes much slower. Hormonal changes also occur due to menopause. The production of hormones in the ovaries: estrogen and progesterone is reduced. The loss of these hormones causes a decrease in the synthesis of collagen, elastin and other components of the skin matrix. Sebum production decreases, which leads to thinning of the skin, dryness and other negative changes.

    Another skin problem after 50 years is excessive inflammation. As a rule, it is not visible to the naked eye and is manifested by abnormal activity of certain cells of the immune system. Inflammation increases the production of harmful free radicals and leads to an increase in damaged cells, degradation of the skin matrix and other problems.

    So, after 50 years, a number of visible changes occur:

    • thickening and drying of the outer layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum), leading to dry skin
    • weakening of the middle layer of the skin (dermis), which is responsible for the strength and stability of the skin
    • increase and deepening of wrinkles due to weakened dermis
    • development of uneven pigmentation, discoloration, capillary damage, redness and other defects associated with skin aging
    • loss of subcutaneous fat and weakening of facial muscles, which leads to sagging skin

    Although aging is inevitable, you shouldn't passively accept all these negative changes in your appearance. Some of them can be avoided, while others can be controlled and slowed down, thanks to proper regular comprehensive skin care after 50 years.

    An anti-aging skin care routine should begin with cleansing in the morning and evening. Do not wash your face with too hot water - it accelerates aging. Never wipe your face dry, but only lightly pat it with a towel without rubbing. Use a gentle cleanser rather than soap, and then apply a moisturizer. Moisturizing your skin is a must, especially if your skin is becoming drier than usual. Don't forget the area around the eyes (using special products) and neck. Choose anti-aging skin care products that contain vitamins A, E, C, retinol, hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants.

    Night cream after 50 years should be rich and contain mineral salts, oils, vitamins, biostimulants, and herbal ingredients.

    To tone your skin in the morning, wipe your face with ice cubes made from herbal infusion.

    It is very important to choose cleansers, moisturizers and other skin care products that suit your skin type and age category. Manufacturers have simplified the task for women and are releasing series for daily skin care according to age.

    After 50 years, it is good to use anti-aging cosmetics in courses, following the instructions. Frequent use of such cosmetics will lead to the fact that the skin simply stops reacting to its components.

    If you have oily skin, consider yourself lucky. Research shows that oily skin has fewer wrinkles. If you have sensitive skin, you should test all your products on your neck or arms before using them. A product you loved a few years ago may now cause redness.

    • Do not use hot water. This only strips the skin of its oils. Wash your face with warm water or cleanse your skin without water using cosmetic milk and a cotton pad.
    • Use creamy cleansers designed for dry skin.
    • Use moisturizing creams with a thick consistency at night and in the morning under makeup.
    • Exfoliate weekly. You can use a damp sponge and coconut oil for this.

    To keep the skin of your entire body hydrated, replace soap with gentle and nourishing shower gels. After a shower, you need to moisturize your skin with creams or oils.

    Be sure to protect your skin from the sun. It is better to avoid being outside from 10 am to 2 pm, as the sun's rays are strongest at this time. Wear a hat and glasses. Don't go outside without sunscreen. Apply it in any weather with an SPF level of at least 30. If you are outside all day, then use the cream periodically throughout the day, applying it to your hands as well. If you make sunscreen a part of your daily routine, you will be protected from more wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer.

    After age 50, it's more important than ever to cleanse your face and remove makeup before bed. Pores are significantly enlarged at this age and therefore makeup can clog them greatly.

    Exfoliate 2-3 times a week to help remove dead cells and renew your skin. In addition, use face masks after peeling, then the beneficial components of the masks will better penetrate the skin.

    Self-massage of the face will help stimulate cellular metabolism, reduce wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, and give a fresh look.

    Botox injections can reduce fine lines and wrinkles; chemical peeling - remove fine wrinkles and make the skin smooth; microdermabrasion - rejuvenate the skin and improve its tone; laser resurfacing - remove pigment spots, scars and other skin defects.

    It is necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Drink about two liters of water a day, eat right, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and grains in your diet. And, of course, do not smoke or abuse alcohol. And walks in the fresh air and physical exercise will allow your skin to glow and keep your body in shape.

    Proper skin care after 50 can help you look significantly younger. Take care of your skin every day!

    Age-related changes in the female body and the negative influence of the environment do not pass without leaving a trace on the skin. It loses elasticity, becomes covered with wrinkles and crow's feet, and stops looking fresh. To look younger and more attractive, you will need to organize proper facial skin care after 50 years at home.

    After 50 years of age, women's skin experiences hormonal changes. This is the period of menopause, when all regenerative functions are disrupted. The body is being rebuilt, which in turn negatively affects the condition of the skin as follows:

    • The epidermis becomes depleted and dries out.
    • Elasticity is lost, the skin may begin to sag, and the contours of the face may “float” unsightly.
    • Eyelids droop: both lower and upper.
    • Dark circles and even bags form around the eyes.
    • Wrinkles appear around the eyes and on the forehead, and nasolabial folds become pronounced.
    • The complexion changes, the natural healthy shade and radiance are no longer present.
    • Pigment spots, crow's feet, and unpleasant redness may appear.

    Proper facial skin care at home can slow down these changes and significantly improve skin condition. But you need to take care constantly and systematically, not forgetting about proper nutrition and a general improvement in lifestyle.

    How to take care of your skin after 50 years

    At the age of 50, the skin requires the most careful care. Restoring former elasticity and beauty without radical surgical intervention is problematic, but maintaining a healthy, blooming appearance is possible. With proper care, you will look much younger than your age.

    You will need:

    • After washing and applying toner, use day cream in the morning. It should be applied at least 40 minutes before going outside, in a thin layer. After absorption, be sure to remove excess with a cotton pad. Suitable day creams with moisturizing properties and vitamins are available from Vichy, Garnier, as well as from the budget brand “Granny Agafya’s Recipes.”
    • Use night cream in the evening. It must contain nutritional components and vitamins. It is best to opt for creams with a restorative effect. L’Oreal, Diademine, Oriflame have these.
    • Choose anti-aging products to care for aging skin. They help smooth out wrinkles, restore a healthy complexion, and restore elasticity. They contain collagen and hyaluronic acid. Yves Rocher, Eveline, Payot have anti-aging creams.
    • Make masks and peelings twice a week for additional nutrition and hydration. You can prepare them yourself from available ingredients.

    Regular skin care at home is recommended to be combined with procedures in a cosmetology salon. It is worth visiting a cosmetologist once a month. And be sure to listen to his advice, based on the individual characteristics of your skin.

    Daily care

    Every day you will need to:

    • Cleansing.
    • Toning.
    • Hydration.
    • Nutrition.

    Cosmetic products are used for cleansing: gel, foam, milk. The brands Nivea, Yves Rocher, and Clean Line have suitable lightweight products. The water should be warm, preferably filtered or mineral. You can use herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula) instead of water.

    For toning, it is worth choosing lotions and tonics without alcohol. You can make these yourself from cucumber juice and aloe.

    Moisturizing and nutrition are provided by caring creams for aging skin. Day and night, with regenerating properties, vitamins in the composition. You can also use thermal water; you can find it in the brands La Roche-Posay, Vichy, L’Occitane.

    Caring for the skin around the eyes

    The delicate skin around the eyes requires special care. It cannot be lubricated with the same creams as the rest. Do not rub or stretch.

    Skin care around the eyes after 50 years includes the following steps:

    • Makeup removal. Clean Line, Nivea, and Sephora have special makeup removers.
    • Use the serum in the evenings. It will help smooth the skin and stimulate protein production. Estee Lauder, Clinique and Kiehl's have great products for aging skin.
    • Apply eye cream. Clarins, Eva, Oriflame have light and nutritious products.

    Regular caring procedures will help smooth out wrinkles, remove dark circles and puffiness in the area around the eyes.

    Other regular procedures

    Masks, peelings, compresses and massages for home care are no less important than daily procedures. They help to get rid of a number of age-related problems.


    • Nutritious. Mix honey and oatmeal in equal proportions. Add one fresh egg yolk, cosmetic white clay, sour cream and vegetable oil (olive, grape or any other). Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
    • Moisturizing for all skin types. Soften banana, currants and strawberries. Add low-fat sour cream. Keep on the skin for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
    • Moisturizing for dry skin. Caring for dry facial skin after 50 years must be carried out most thoroughly, because wrinkles appear on it much earlier. Mix mashed persimmon pulp with honey, starch and flaxseed oil (one teaspoon each), add one egg yolk. Apply all over the face, as well as the neck and décolleté. Rinse off after 15 minutes.


    • Grind the rolled oats flakes. Mix with chopped almonds. Add a spoonful of cream and a drop of rose oil. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Apply to skin, massage gently for several minutes. Rinse off.
    • Combine coffee grounds with a small amount of cream. Apply with massage movements for several minutes.

    Toning compresses:

    • Mix crushed coltsfoot flowers, chamomile, linden, viburnum, bird cherry, and rose hips in equal proportions. All this can be collected independently in the summer, or found at the pharmacy. Pour the mixture with hot water and leave in a water bath. Cool for 30 minutes. Soak a piece of cloth or gauze in the broth and place it all over your face. Keep for 20 minutes.
    • Prepare a warm decoction of calendula. Apply compresses to the eyes. They not only tone, but also prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

    Face massage:

    1. Apply a small amount of nourishing cream to cleansed skin.
    2. Using gentle driving movements, massage your face along the massage lines upward: from the chin to the temples, from the corners of the lips to the corners of the eyes.
    3. Perform 1-2 times a week.

    To maintain youthful skin after the age of fifty, regular cosmetic care is not enough. Cosmetologists also recommend:

    • Drink more water to replenish your hydration balance. Then the skin will receive the necessary hydration from the inside.
    • Carry out hormone replacement therapy (a course of treatment aimed at replacing missing hormones in the body) if necessary.
    • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and trips to the solarium.
    • Periodically carry out detox - general cleansing of the body.
    • Smoking, alcohol, fatty foods are factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin. They should also be abandoned.

    Combining a healthy lifestyle with beauty treatments (and treatments) will help you look younger than your age. The skin will become more elastic and hydrated, and wrinkles will not be as deep and noticeable.

    If you want your skin to look healthy and radiant after 50 years, organize proper care. The cosmetics industry offers products for different types of aging skin; you will definitely be able to choose the products that are right for you. Also, do not forget about a healthy lifestyle and use homemade recipes for masks, peelings and compresses.

    Good day, our regular and new readers. Today we will look at such a current topic as facial skin care after 50 years at home.

    At this age, care procedures are significantly different from those that should be carried out in younger years. You need to understand that ordinary cleansing of the skin and applying moisturizer will not help prolong youth; more radical measures must be taken.

    Therefore, women who recently celebrated their half-century anniversary should make every effort to preserve their beauty for as long as possible.

    If you take into account all the subtleties of age-related changes when caring for your facial skin, you can stop the aging of the epidermis, remove pronounced wrinkles, even out facial contours and give the skin not only a fresh, but also an elastic appearance.

    What do you need to know when caring for your skin after 50?

    A regular care program should include the following recommendations from a cosmetologist.

    1. You need to cleanse your skin at least twice a day; soft gels or foams containing components such as hazelnut, shea, sesame or avocado oil should be used as cleansers.
    2. At night, be sure to remove remnants of makeup and dirt, otherwise you can provoke an acceleration of the aging process, the appearance of new wrinkles, irritation, inflammation, clogged pores and allergic reactions.
    3. To tone the epidermis, you cannot use lotions or tonics containing alcohol. It is better to give preference to those preparations that contain components such as silk protein, collagen and wheat germ extract.
    4. When purchasing creams, pay attention to the content of daytime creams such as vitamin E, retinol, plant extracts and UV filters. But the night care cream must contain macadamia oils, avocado, collagen and Coenzyme Q10.
    5. Remember to use age-appropriate masks twice a week.
    6. Use weekly scrubs. You can exfoliate with store-bought products or a homemade scrub. Coffee grounds and oatmeal are perfect for these purposes.
    7. When choosing a cream for eyelid skin care, pay attention to the fact that it contains hyaluronic acid.
    8. When applying cream to your face, do not forget about your neck and décolleté.
    9. Eat right, limit or completely eliminate fatty, fried, sweets, flour, alcohol, carbonated drinks and smoked foods from your diet. Try to give preference to foods such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals, legumes and nuts.
    10. If you use foundation, choose those that contain UV filters.
    11. Maintain a sleep-wake schedule. Do not forget that for proper rest and recuperation you need eight hours of sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, then take action and visit a doctor who will prescribe you sedatives or medications that normalize sleep, otherwise you risk getting bags and dark circles under your eyes.
    12. Try to avoid stress and don't get nervous about trifles.
    13. Remember to drink enough fluids daily.
    14. Pay attention to sports, do gymnastics, go to the pool - all these actions will improve metabolic processes in the body and, accordingly, prolong youth.

    Recipes for homemade lotions for skin after 50 years

    Not only salon procedures, but also folk remedies that can be easily applied at home will help women extend their youth after fifty.

    1. Grate the cucumber and aloe leaf onto a fine grater. Pour the resulting mixture with two tablespoons of vodka and place in the refrigerator for two weeks. When the required time has passed, strain the liquid, add two tablespoons of clean water and your lotion is ready. You can wipe your face with the resulting tonic twice a day.
    2. Pour two tablespoons of calendula leaves into a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain the resulting broth. You can tone your face by applying the product to a cotton pad or freeze the liquid in ice containers and wipe your skin with cubes daily.

    Masks for mature skin care

    1. Mash a ripe banana, add a tablespoon of kefir, stir and apply the resulting mixture to your face for fifteen minutes. Then wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer appropriate for your age.
    2. Mix two teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese, one tablespoon of kefir and a teaspoon of honey in a separate container. Apply the mask to your face for ten minutes, then rinse with cool water.
    3. Mix one tablespoon of oatmeal with one tablespoon of olive oil and two teaspoons of sour cream. Add egg white and a teaspoon of white clay to the resulting mixture. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for fifteen minutes.
    4. Mix one tablespoon of applesauce with one teaspoon of honey. Add five to ten drops of lemon to the mixture and apply to your face for ten minutes.
    5. Take one tablespoon of mashed potatoes, add one tablespoon of sour cream and one egg. Stir well and apply the resulting mixture to your face for fifteen minutes.

    Don’t be lazy, follow the above recommendations and tips and as a result you will get a well-groomed face even in adulthood.

    And to stay informed about how else you can take care of your skin to prolong its youth, subscribe to our blog updates.

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