• Plots to trade open the entrance to the stall. Conspiracies for trade. Effective spell for good trade


    A Whisper to Trade is a short conspiracy that can be spoken at any time. This kind of conspiracies came to us from antiquity. Previously, women read different whispers, doing the usual homework, so that everything came out okay and smoothly. In essence, a whisper is voicing your desire.

    What is the difference from conspiracy texts

    A whisper and a conspiracy should not be confused. Whispers can be uttered whenever your heart desires, but conspiracies are tied to a specific day of the week and time of day. Also, the whisper is not read on objects, water, and so on, but is pronounced in order to convey their desires to the higher forces. Not only the text itself is important, but also the correct pronunciation:

    • you need to clearly pronounce every word;
    • the better you learn to focus on the end, the faster the action will manifest.

    People working in the field of trade know very well that there are "fishy" days when there is no end of customers, but sometimes there is no bargaining and that is all. In such a case, whispers are needed for a successful trade. Think of a product that is not for sale and imagine that a person finally arrives wanting to buy it, then whisper in an undertone.

    Before the start of the working day

    Before the start of the working day, they usually read whispers of a successful trade for a good profit. To do this, all goods should be overshadowed with the banner of the cross and say:

    “I am a merchant, my buyer is a fine fellow. I have a product - it has money. A person does not bargain, does not find fault, whatever I offer, he likes. "

    Turning to face the sun, cross yourself three times. Open a store and you will see how literally in the morning customers flock to the store in a crowd. When the first person comes in and takes one of the bargaining items, turn away and say:

    "Look, turn it over and just buy it right away."

    It is very important to have time to say this while the person is holding the thing in his hands. Such a whisper awakens people's interest in your product, even if it is exactly the same two meters away, it is a few rubles cheaper.

    After sale

    “Money to money. Buyer by buyer. Our goods are on sale, money is strictly calculated. "

    It is best if the first buyer gives you money on account. This means that your whispers of a successful trade in the store before the start of the working day worked and today you will be lucky in your trade affairs all day. In order to set the right mood for the whole day in the morning, just wake up, look out the window, at the rising sun and say the words:

    “I went out into the street, wherever I went, they couldn't refuse me anywhere. I am a merchant with a crown on my head. As soon as people come to a full store, it will immediately be empty. My product is good, its price is not one penny. "

    How to lure customers

    Whispers for successful trade will help lure more customers to the store and quickly sell your products. Whispers of a successful trade are especially relevant, when very few people come and for the most part are only interested, not buying. To correct your desperate situation, before starting your working day, go out on the porch, clap your hands and rub your pockets with them with the words:

    “Oh yes, merchant, what a fine fellow. I sold all the goods, I collected a bag of money. He traded in the bazaar, but over-traded everyone. "

    After that, go to work, because soon clients will come running to your point. Following each person, say:

    "I bought the product, showed it to my friends, one came, now bring two friends."

    So that the store is always crowded, passing by a large anthill, look at it and say:

    "How many ants there are in the anthill - so many people in my store."

    If on a certain day very few buyers appeared at your outlet, then before leaving the workplace, say:

    “Slowly and surely. I go to success measuredly, today one buyer came, tomorrow the second will lead. Money will find its way to me ”.

    To have good revenue

    You can perform a ritual with Thursday salt. It is harvested before Easter, on Maundy Thursday, and is consecrated in a church church. Going to work in the morning, throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder and speak in a whisper:

    “As the treasury is full and the bins are full, so calm my heart. May it always be so. "

    So that luck never turns away, and the revenue becomes even greater, at night, looking at the starry sky, say in a half-whisper: “How many stars are in the sky, so much money is in my treasury. As the month passes clear over them, so I want over my buyers and offer the goods. Nobody bargains as much as I can say. They don't know what to do with money, let them just carry it to me. "

    When you start cutting cabbage, say the following:

    “I cut the cabbage with a knife, add money to my wallet. Gold flows like a river to me, and goods bring only joy to people. Customers in the store are like wasps in a nest of aspens. "

    How to sell a stale item

    People say that each product has its own buyer. In order for this buyer to come as soon as possible, you should stroke the stale thing with your hand and say:

    “When a buyer came in and was stunned, when he saw the goods, he bought everything at once. Both the goods are good and the seller is good. "

    To sell a defective product, utter this whisper:

    “I went to the bazaar, a swarm of wasps followed me. I sold all my goods. You took the goods and gave me the money. "

    How to sell cattle

    People trade in various goods. Many people sell livestock. To sell pets faster, read this whisper while looking directly into the animal's eyes:

    “As I raised, cared for and cherished you, so now other people's hands will take you and will also take care of you. As the well is full of water, and in the fields of grass, so you will know neither thirst, nor hunger, nor cold. "

    In order not to give the animal into the wrong hands, during feeding, say the following words:

    “As I pampered you, so other people's hands will pamper you. As honey bees have sweet honey, you will live sweetly. "

    How to sell real estate

    Selling real estate often causes problems. Not everyone is able to sell their homes or land at once. There are also whispers to sell real estate quickly. When you wash your home before selling, say the words:

    “How sweet and loving it was for me to live here, so buyers will not be able to pass by calmly. They will go into the house, the first will look, the second will be interested, the third will buy. "

    There is also a belief that says:

    "Whoever walks around his house three times in a matter of days will find a buyer."

    This whole ritual is performed in a special way. Do not forget to whisper magic words. When stopping in every corner, bow to your home and thank you for the happy moments you spent there.

    The possession should be bypassed clockwise, saying:

    “As I lived happily, so others will live happily here. As before I could not live without this place, so now others cannot. They will come, look and buy. "

    So that evil, picky people do not come, they read this whisper:

    “I am a merchant, well done, I have God's crown over me. Only kind people come to me. Don't leave without a purchase. They do not bargain the price, they do not knock down, for what I sell, for that they buy ”.

    You can also whisper into the open window:

    “Like a breeze, it flew by, plucked leaves from the trees, carried them around. So my message was scattered. The buyers hurried, they quickly bought my house. "

    How to trade exclusive

    Today, at the peak of popularity are exclusive items made with my own hands... The work is quite expensive and not everyone will understand how difficult it is to do these things. Often, aspiring salespeople fail in such businesses. Here whispers will come to the rescue for a successful handicraft trade.

    Final part

    The profitability of the whole business depends on good trading. For a long time, noble merchants have used conspiracies and whispers that attract money, buyers and help solve everyday problems. With the help of such simple rituals, you can significantly increase sales and make your business more profitable.

    The main thing in such rituals is faith and the ability to clearly articulate your desire. While uttering a whisper, you need to think about how your wish will come true. With special words, you send a signal to the universe. If everything is done correctly, the higher powers will definitely mark your efforts and fulfill all your desires.

    It is not necessary to memorize the texts given in the descriptions by heart. You can ask the Universe for what you need. The main thing is to pronounce the words clearly. Thoughts are material, and like is always attracted to like - always follow these rules in trading and your business will be profitable.

    Magic, conspiracies, rituals came to us from antiquity. This knowledge was kept secret and passed on only to close people. With the help of ancient rituals, people asked for help in their affairs from higher powers. Mothers asked for good luck and protection for their children, warriors - for victory in battle. Merchants performed rituals for good trade. But in order for the conspiracy to be effective, it is important to follow some rules for conducting rituals.

    1. Believe in the power of the rite.
    2. Purchase necessary things for rituals only on Thursday.
    3. Conduct the ceremonies one at a time, in secret.
    4. Conspiracies are done early in the morning or late in the evening.

    Now the conspiracy can be carried out by anyone. Consider the most powerful conspiracies for successful trading.

    A strong conspiracy for successful trading

    Salt often acts as a magical attribute in conspiracies, the creation of amulets.

    You should buy salt on Thursday and say the following words over it:

    “At least on foot, at least on horseback,
    People come to me
    Here they are always welcome.
    All goods, but I pay. "

    All the salt that they talked about should be placed in a container and brought to work. Grab some salt with your right hand and throw it sharply over your left shoulder. This ritual should not be seen by anyone, so it is important to do it either early in the morning or late in the evening.

    It is noted that all ceremonies to improve trade are performed on the growing moon.

    A conspiracy to sell a business

    Situations often arise in which it is required to sell an existing business. There can be many reasons: no trade, moving to another city, country. There are many rituals and ceremonies aimed at successfully selling a business. A prerequisite for success is, of course, acceptable cost and purity, transparency of all papers. The buyer should receive all information about the product. Conspiracies are of two types - black and white. Which one to resort to, everyone chooses for himself.

    White conspiracy to sell a business

    To carry out the ritual you will need:

    • four candles;
    • cotton green thread.

    Wrap each candle with a thread, light it. Draw a circle on the floor with chalk, such that you can stand in it. Place 3 candles on a line at equal distances. Take the fourth in hand and stand in the middle of the figure. Be sure to hold the candle in your left hand. After completing these actions, they say the words:

    “I created it myself, did not give offense. He lived it, protected it. The time has come, the time has come to say goodbye. New owner, find, show up. Be like a dear, keep, take care. Pay me some good money. As I ask, so be it. Key. Language. Castle."

    It is good to say the words at least three times. It is useful to wait for the candle in your hands to burn out completely.

    Black ritual for a quick sale

    This rite is used to sell not only business, but also other real estate. To perform the ritual, you will need: simple, small cloth bags, herbs (thistle, rose, rosehip), any coins in the amount of four pieces.

    Arrange the herbs in bags, add coins there, make a knot. On the growing moon, go to the intersection of two roads, put bags under your feet and say the words:

    “I sewed myself, I assembled it myself, I laid it out myself. A man will come, give me the money, I'll put it in my pocket and leave in silence. Take possession of the new owner, do not pity me, do not remember me with a bad word. No sooner said than done, not altered by anyone. "

    Conspiracy bags are laid out on 4 sides in the premises for sale. You need to do this secretly from everyone, no one should see the bags with the charmed grass.


    There are many conspiracies that get rid of competitors. There are amulets from the envy of competitors, from their evil eye.

    Conspiracy to eliminate rivals, envious people

    Bad sales, failures in business and business sometimes indicate that ill-wishers have damaged you. You need to defend yourself rather.
    Pronounce the words in the morning and evening.

    “The great domina was built on sacred ground,
    The Guardian Angel is entrusted with safety.
    Who will enter this house with a dark soul and an evil thought,
    My conspiracy will take him away from the horomina! "

    Ritual to eliminate competitors for salt

    It is necessary to carry out a conspiracy ritual on salt and then put it all to a grain of competitors in an office or retail outlet in the market, store. Therefore, it makes sense to carry out the ritual for salt in a bowl, jar, so as not to drop a single grain.

    It is this rite that is done for the waning month. Of course, appeal to the higher spirits never goes unnoticed, and to minimize the response, it is advised to turn to magicians.

    Words spoken over salt to eliminate competitors:

    “Great Ebisu, I appeal to you, help, protect. Help me find good luck, and the one who is plotting bad and nasty, punish me. Take away from him everything that he would not have success, turn away the buyers, let him live and toil. Let him live and suffer. I speak salt, so you will find a path to him, to my enemy. Let everything that he wished for me be returned to him with the trinity. "

    Rituals, talismans to attract buyers

    Considering any business, we can safely say that everything depends on the buyers. There are many powerful conspiracies that can help attract customers to the point of sale.

    First sale ritual

    One of the most ancient rituals advises, after the first sale, to take bills and fan the entire product with them, while pronouncing the following words:

    "You give us money, we give you goods."

    And try not to spend this first proceeds on change. This is a ritual for one day, performed daily.

    Coin ritual

    In order to attract buyers and visitors, it is required to glue 5 or 10 ruble coins under the threshold. It is believed that this will open the way for financial flow and the owner will not have an end to customers, as well as provide stable cash receipts.

    A conspiracy so that the buyer does not leave without a purchase

    Pay special attention to buyers. Of course, you need to be polite and friendly, because a smile is a guarantee have a good mood not only for you, but also for those around you. It is important to treat with understanding all those who come for the goods, it is in your power to make sure that not a single buyer leaves without a product.

    When a visitor enters, pay attention to him, smile and imperceptibly, rubbing your hands, pronounce in a whisper or mentally the following words:

    “Look at my product, you need it, take it quickly, it's so cheap. He looks at you, you can't do without him. From you money, from me goods. My product is good, you won't find it better anywhere. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    A conspiracy to sell large quantities of goods

    There is an effective ritual for a successful wholesale trade. Prepare a container of consecrated water in advance. They say such words to her:

    “All deeds, Lord, will be created only you know how. Nothing escapes your eyes. You are the Master of everything, I count only on you, I hope only on you. Teach me, your sinner's servant (name), how to fall into the swamp - not to fall into the abyss and not to attack the scoundrels. I exist only by sales, they give me my daily bread and water. Heavenly forces, support me and teach me how to do my deeds, help me get money, bring good luck, ward off losses and losses. Amen."

    Cross the container, remove it from sight. If possible, sprinkle water on the threshold through which the buyer enters.

    Ritual for a successful big deal

    There are also conspiracies for a quick and profitable big deal. They help speed up the sales process, protect you from honest people... Call for luck in the operation.

    A universal rite of passage for a major transaction

    The following ritual is considered very powerful and effective. Facilitates the acceleration of the transaction, finding the buyer within thirty days. They prepare seven thin church candles and wait for the waxing moon. Prepare chalk.

    Draw a circle, small, sit in the center, place the candles in a circle and light them. Think only about your desire to get rid of beneficial property. Then say these words out loud:

    “Let my home attract buyers. I really want to sell everything as soon as possible. Anyone who walks in here will immediately want to buy this house. So that all the trades were in my favor, and the money went to me immediately. Let the church candles burn, burn out, they promise me luck in my affairs. As the candles burn out, I will bury them in the ground, so that the buyer can sell my house for a profit! Amen!"

    Wait until the candles are completely burned out, collect everything, wrap it in a white sheet and bury it under a birch tree in a quiet, unpopular place.

    Rite of passage with money

    Strong rite on good sales performed with a banknote. This ritual is performed every day, except Saturday. Try to avoid days when they fall on 13, 22 and 27. Prepare a paper banknote, red thread, cotton.

    The ritual must be performed so that no one sees, it is better after sunset. Take a paper bill of fifty or one hundred rubles. Measure the length of the coin on a string forty-nine times. Trim. Wind the cut thread around your left hand. Pronounce the words of the ceremony while wrapping the wrist:

    “I have coins, I trade, I profit, I am lucky, I have a deal. And you buy, you goods, you change. May it be as I say, may no one destroy my words. Amen."

    Protective conspiracies

    It often happens that envious people perform rituals, and income falls, poor sales. It is useful to defend against the envy of competitors and the evil eye. They carry out ceremonies on their own so that the goods do not stale and the buyer does not leave without a purchase, so that competitors cannot jinx their income.

    Ward for good trade

    You will need a small piece of red cotton cloth, thread, various dried flowers and herbs (bay leaves, rosemary, lemon balm, fennel, oregano, St. John's wort). Having prepared everything you need, on the first day of the new moon, they begin to create a talisman. A bag is being sewn, try to calculate it so that the work is finished in the evening, at sunset. The finished talisman is hidden from human eyes in a safe place for a day. On the second day in the evening, herbs are poured into the bag. And they say these words:

    “I collect the weed in a bag for good luck, I ask the Great Spirits for help, so that they can help and protect, so that there is profit and does not dry up. As she said, so it will be. "

    They say these words all the time that the weed is put in a bag. Leave the amulet for 3 nights on the window so that the light of the moon falls on it. You can wait for the full moon, so the talisman will receive maximum strength and energy. Keeping this money bag is always good for you or in personal belongings, to hide it from prying eyes, avoiding the evil eye.

    Signs for a successful trade

    Many successful businessmen do not ignore signs, and this contributes to their prosperity and enrichment:

    1. It is not necessary to give change into the hands of the buyer, but to put it on the table, cabinet, counter and accept payment also not from the hands.
    2. The received banknotes from the first sale are carried over the entire product.
    3. Try not to trade in the evening.
    4. Do not lend money from the store checkout.
    5. Do not allow other sellers to touch the product in the market or in the store.
    6. There should be no holes in the clothes so that the cash flow does not pass by.
    7. Summarize trading just before sunset.
    8. Do not cheat buyers, do not cheat.

    Conspiracy effectiveness and consequences

    For rituals and rituals that relate to white magic, it is important to keep the mind bright, not think about the bad and not hide anything from the buyer. Only if you sincerely believe in your words, good luck will come, and the Higher powers will help to solve problems, bring prosperity to the house. The vendor performing the rituals must be honest and strongly believe in the effectiveness of the rituals and talismans. The most effective will be conspiracies in the evening and all alone. You should not tell anyone about the rituals performed. From this, part of the power of the conspiracy disappears, and magical energy flows away.

    Particular attention is paid to the order of the creation of the rite. Strictly follow the order of the event. They repeat the words exactly, without changing them or adding new ones. Unauthorized change of the ritual threatens with loss of money, the deal may be thwarted. If you doubt your own abilities, contact professional magicians.

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    How to attract customers to your store? This is possible through conspiracies, prayers and rituals to ensure good luck. This will allow you to attract buyers by developing your business. A spell, a mantra, a prayer are methods that even a beginner can do, but each such independent ritual gives no less effect than an appeal to a professional magician. In this case, only white magic is used, so there is no need to fear the consequences. Calling on the white forces for help, you will not harm anyone, your only goal is successful trading. Follow a few rules when conducting such a ceremony.

    How to read conspiracies correctly

    Successful strong conspiracyto attract good luck is an effective magic that does not tolerate mistakes. And therefore, in order to lure buyers, you need to adhere to general rules to achieve the ultimate goal.

    • To read the conspiracy to attract customers to the store, you must choose the right day for reading it. It can be either Wednesday or Sunday. We need a growing moon, since the light energy of the moon is able to increase cash flow.
    • To ensure that money is attracted, you need to avoid mistakes in the text of the conspiracy itself when reading, therefore it is recommended to re-read it silently before pronouncing. And of course the surest way is to learn it by heart.
    • You should tune in to wealth in your thoughts. Success bypasses those who think about debt and problems. You should believe in luck, radiating it.
    • You can not use conspiracies with evil purposes, otherwise you can get absolutely negative results. You cannot perform rituals for the failures of competitors, you should ask with good intentions - and then you will get help.

    A conspiracy to attract buyers. On the first profit

    This conspiracy is suitable for those who have recently started working by opening their own institution - it can be a store or a beauty salon, or another type of business. Immediately after receiving the first proceeds, you need to collect bills by making a fan out of them, and then waving this fan over your own place of work or over a shop window, saying:

    "Mine is money, and yours are goods" or "Mine is money, and yours are services."

    You should not waste your very first proceeds, and also not use it for change. You could see how sellers fanned their goods with the first bills received from the buyer. But this method does not work for everyone. This is because they are using this money for subsequent day trading. And the secret of this method is to fan the goods with this fan for a month. After 30-31 days they can be spent.

    How to attract customers to your store. For the first client

    This method is suitable for people who have recently started their own business or are planning to start. To carry out such a ceremony, you should purchase some kind of delicious food, which should be of sufficient quality and expensive. You need to put it on a plate and pronounce the conspiracy:

    "I call clients with a treat, it will be sweet to you, and business will lead to money."

    A charmed treat should be offered to the first visitor as a treat. You should try to make him as happy as possible with the goods or services. Thanks to the positive attitude of the first client, it will be possible to attract many other grateful visitors.

    To attract customers to the store

    This option is suitable when you need to attract a buyer. Any coin should be taken yellow colordip in any essential oil. It is better if this oil has a bright and pleasant aroma. Then you should go beyond the counter, to where the buyers are located, uttering a conspiracy:

    “Let thousands of paths lead visitors to my store. Take money, send luck! Let good luck come, bring a lot of money, increase profit. "

    Then you should throw the coin down, making it ring, and say: “Acquired. Paid! ". You can't lift it - let it lie, attracting money to the store. It's a good sign if one of your buyers picks it up.

    A conspiracy to attract customers to your clothing store works well.

    On salt to attract customers

    This conspiracy can be used by everyone, starting with the manager looking for clients and ending with an ordinary seller who receives a certain share of the store's turnover.

    Going from home to your workplace, you should take a handful of salt. When there is a couple of meters to the office or store, you need to throw it back over yourself, uttering a conspiracy.

    "I will sprinkle the salt
    I sow the gold-plated salt
    For fairy dust
    From the beginning to the end
    And from the end back to the beginning
    The buyer leads.
    In a circle of salty lures
    It makes everyone buy.
    Good to you, and money to me. Amen"

    When this is said, you need to keep walking without looking back. The effect will be quick.

    When you are throwing the salt, you need to very clearly imagine that the salt grains are shining with a golden light. Try to keep this image in your mind throughout the trading day.

    An ancient conspiracy for honey

    It was popular with merchants in the past - then it was widely believed that honey was able to lure customers like flies.

    First, you need to purchase a jar of natural honey, be sure - real and high quality. You should drip a couple of drops of it near the entrance to your store or office and pronounce a conspiracy.

    “Everyone loves the delicious honey that bees give people. I, (name), strongly believe that customers will also love my store. As bees fly to flower nectar, so customers will be drawn in line to my store. "

    On poppy for sellers

    This conspiracy is suitable for both a professional seller and an ordinary man in the street who wants to sell something.

    You must purchase a pack of poppy seeds. An important condition: that the amount for its purchase does not require change. Then it should be defined with lunar calendar good day, take this poppy and read a prayer to St. Nicholas over it.

    The shopkeeper should sprinkle the poppy seeds near the counter, near the customers. When you need to sell real estate or vehicles, you need to scatter them near the front door or car. It is necessary for a potential buyer to step on them. During spilling, one should say:

    "Stepped on a poppy - bought"

    For a comb

    On the day when the moon is growing, you should purchase a comb made of wood or bone - however, plastic will not work. Every day, going to an office or commercial establishment, you should comb your hair near a large mirror in which you see yourself in full growth, 33 times, saying:

    “Smooth road to my doorstep. Let the buyers come running, they are helped here. Good for visitors, a bucket of money for me. There are no tangles on my head, and I have no debts. "

    When combing your hair, even if your hair is short, you need to imagine that you are combing the length of your hair, which travels down the road to your store or office. Just as with salt, you need to keep this image as long as possible. If in your imagination the hair starts to glow with a greenish or golden light, then this is very good and the effect will be quick and bring you profit. If you do this on a regular basis, then you will lay an energy path to your place of sale and customers will go to you for purchases without even realizing why they are drawn to you.

    February 7th for all year trading

    This rite was used in the past by merchants to conduct successful trade throughout the year. It was on the 7th of February in ancient times that money was solved.

    You will need a sugar cube and an oven equipped with a blower. In the absence of a stove, care should be taken to find a private home that has one. Can be rented.

    Before dawn, you should throw sugar into the blower, then melt the stove using aspen firewood. After the flame ignites, you need to express the text of the conspiracy:

    “Fire-fire, you don't touch my sugar.
    Blow the wind, Burn the fire, Come the guardian of the month of Urai.
    Give your good strength to work.
    As from the end of the century you have kept the merchants.
    You hear the secret word and keep silent.
    So help me the merchant,
    Bless my trade.
    Uraya. Uraya. Uraya. Firmly".

    Having taken out a lump of sugar, it should not be cleaned of burning. You need to carefully wrap it in a piece of bright fabric and take it to work. It should be placed in such a way that this sugar does not attract attention. The flow of buyers will increase by a year. After 11 months, the ceremony should be repeated, and the sugar left over from last year should be buried under some fruit tree. It can be dissolved in water and also poured under a tree.

    Nowadays, not everyone has the opportunity to find a stove. But people who wanted to use this method for themselves chose a different path. Here's what they began to do: they found an aspen, chopped off chips from a large branch and made a small fire in an ordinary kitchen. We placed them near an open window and used open fire and air currents for this ritual. They succeeded and trade became lively and constant.

    Of course, you need to be safe in this work. Use a metal tray or large dish on which you will stack your fire.

    To the anthill to improve sales

    To attract buyers, you should go to the forest (not in winter, since the snow will not allow you to find the anthill).

    From the top of the anthill, you should take a handful of sticks, put them in a cloth bag. Then go to the store and sprinkle them on the product that you plan to sell, saying:

    "Let as many buyers come to me as ants live in an anthill."

    Do this easy ceremony for the growing moon.

    Surrender conspiracy

    Often, buyers do not want to take the change, which is given as change. You can use this to attract new visitors. You should take the unacceptable change home by reading the conspiracy three times:

    “The month is young and average and full! Make wealth out of kopecks. "

    These coins cannot be wasted, they must be put in a separate pocket of the wallet, carrying them with you. Then you will be able to attract monetary success.

    A strong ritual for a successful trade

    It is held during the waning moon. It is required to take a rag, brush off the dust that has accumulated on the counter or on the table, reading the conspiracy three times:

    “Dashingly unsaleable, bypass me and my goods! Run away from me through the waters, forests and swamps, don't take anyone with you, take dead crayfish and lie down under the snag. May I not know poverty, the goods will not stale, poverty goes away, and a rag sweeps away troubles and failures! "

    The rags must then be thrown into a reservoir, preferably in one where the water is still. When returning home, you must not turn around or talk.

    Prayer for successful trading

    Trading is not a sin at all, so you can visit a church to pray for successful trading.

    You can pray to any of the saints, but more often Orthodox people who are engaged in trade turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker. You can read the following prayer to him.

    “O Nikolay, our mentor, kind, merciful, pious, magnanimous. Hear me, I pray for help in trading. My destiny is labor and obedience to the Almighty. Protect from falling, give reason and strength. Save from enemies and guide you on the right path. Protect from temptations and let our diligence be rewarded. I hope for your help, I fall to your face. Save from adversity, so that you do not disappear (a) in the abyss of passions and sins. I pray for the salvation of my soul and hope for mercy. "

    Trade is the basic economic concept of buying and selling goods and services. Selling cars, living space or personal belongings is common. The main desire is to sell the item and make a good profit. Fortune does not always turn towards desire, sometimes it seems that she turned away. Do not despair, try a strong sales conspiracy that will help attract customers and quickly say goodbye to stale goods.

    In this article

    Features of rituals

    Follow the rules for performing rituals:

    1. Cleanse yourself before the ceremony. The mind should not be filled with bad thoughts.
    2. Cleanse the body, relieve tension.
    3. For ceremonies, clothes made from natural fabrics are needed - clean and comfortable.
    4. Meditate until the mind is clear. Do breathing exercises to improve your focus. Discard thoughts that distract from desire.
    5. Anoint Yourself Suitable essential oil... Take, for example, patchouli oil and lightly press on your forehead with your fingers, drip on your hands, hair, face.
    6. Clear the space. Make sure you are not disturbed. When the space is purely physical, cleanse it spiritually by burning incense, sprinkle with salt or holy water.
    7. To perform the ritual, you will need a consecrated space. Draw a circle to guard against the interference of negative spirits and energies, an altar to focus the initiation on a particular deity or element, or some combination of the two. Perform the ritual in a circle or in front of an altar.
    8. Call on the divine. Verbally invoke a higher power to bless the spell. It could be a prayer to invoke the help of a deity or power. The invocation can also include gestures, music, dancing, or ritual candlelighting.
    9. Focus your energy on desire. Visualize the object of the spell and imagine light pouring out of you into it. Imagine your wish. The brighter you see these energies in the mind, the more real they will be.
    10. Speak the spell clearly and confidently.
    11. Say thank you to the higher power you have called.

    Trade plots and rituals

    In ancient times, merchants were considered one of the richest estates. Caravans in the desert, navigation. The whole world was in their hands, and they traded it.

    Here you can only talk about luck. But any successful business has its roots. The secret is magical interference. Has helped in the past and will help now. By reading conspiracies and rituals for a successful trade, you can return your luck and make a good profit.

    Rite of passage for a successful course of affairs

    Through this ceremony, you will attract customers and increase your income. For the ceremony you will need:

    • a new rag;
    • good mood.

    Start your day wet cleaning. Soak a cloth in holy water and wipe the workplace, counters, saying the words three times:

    "Famously beggar, famously unsold,
    Don't touch me, don't touch my goods!
    Get away from me, get away from here
    through the water, through the forest, through the swamp,
    Don't call me with you
    take the dead cancer
    lie under the snag.
    So as not to know poverty for me,
    my goods do not lie low,
    I send poverty and poverty away,
    I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag!
    Power, water, tongue. Amen!"

    After the ceremony, throw the cloth into the pond.

    Fast trade conspiracy

    A customer came to the store and chose things for a long time, but hesitated to buy.

    Come up to him. Say hello, and smiling, say:

    "Take it, it's cheap!"

    Conspiracy for good trade

    If you have low prices, a good product, and no one takes it. Read the good trade plot. Put on clothes the color of the sun, pick up millet, pour it from hand to hand, saying:

    "Gold-gold, be friends with me,
    like ice with water
    Like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!
    I'm not a huckster - a morgue,
    and the merchant is a fine fellow,
    I sell for honor,
    I hang in excess, measure with powder,
    I cut with an increase, pour with the remainder.
    Have a treasure in my barn, yes,
    yes, there is ergot in everything, without protesters, without ruin,
    No burnout and no burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.
    Take care of the merchant conscience,
    and fate will be favorable to your business "

    For successful trading

    As bees fly to sugar, customers can be lured.

    Speak honey:

    “As bees swarm near the hive,
    so to me, the seller,
    all the buyers agreed,
    the product was praised,
    they snatched large boxes from their hands,
    full of bins. Amen"

    Put a few drops on your wrist and go trade.

    Conspiracy for wholesalers

    Take holy water and sprinkle on the item you want to sell in large quantities. Read the conspiracy to sell things:

    “Holy angel Michael,
    we trade under your protection.
    Save, save and protect us
    servants of God (names) with their prayers to the saints.
    Help to start and make a successful and profitable trade.
    In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen"

    For a good deal

    A good deal is the key to success. Not a big rite will help to accomplish it. Required attributes:

    • water;
    • red or yellow fabric.

    Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in liquid. Soak a cloth in it and wipe your face, pronouncing the spell:

    “Don't knead the stone with your hands,
    you can't count the stars with your eyes,
    My strong word cannot be removed from me.
    I am a young merchant, I carry a golden crown with me,
    Like bees fly to honey
    so everyone looks at my product.
    They want to take it for themselves. Amen"

    Take a rag with you to the deal. Whenever you go to an event like this, take it with you. Perform the ceremony once every 40 days.

    So that there is a profit

    To carry out the ritual for profit, you will need the following attributes:

    • mud from a farm with livestock;
    • burnt coal.

    In the morning, at six o'clock, take the coals and mix with the mud. Throw over the threshold of the house, saying the words three times:

    “How these animals walked and ran a lot,
    so I wouldn't count the profits,
    work can't be redone "

    Muslim conspiracies for trade

    Muslim countries are famous for their bazaars. Silks, carpets, gold, silver, they all have unmatched value. Selling and luring is in the blood of eastern merchants. There are several secrets: bargaining and conspiracies. The suras of the Koran are most often used, they say in a full voice a prayer for trade:

    “Oh Allah!
    Give prosperity (grace) scales and things,
    which were weighed on them "

    We work with clients

    Sometimes you go into a small store for the sake of curiosity. A cute seller meets, smiles, offers goods, if he hasn't bought anything, he wishes have a nice day... And how not to return to this store after that. And it happens the other way around, you can't buy it - they throw curses. Trade is, first of all, working with people. Attitude is important. Always hunting to return to the place where it is good. And so that the flow of customers does not stop, add a little magic.

    How to attract customers?

    Nuances and attributes for conducting a ceremony to attract customers:

    • the rite is done on the 3rd or 6th day of the week;
    • at sunrise;
    • the spell is pronounced in full voice;
    • believe that the ceremony will help;
    • need a rag;
    • need holy water

    Soak a cloth in water and rinse all corners in the room with the words:

    “Get away from my product and from me
    famously unsold and stranger poverty!
    Get away from my workplace
    along the river, along the land, through the forest.
    Lie under a forest snag,
    Don't call me to your place!
    I sweep away all the failures with a rag
    I send poverty away -
    forest, river, water and land!
    My goods do not lie, but are sold instantly,
    because the power is in water, purity and language.
    I invite buyers, I offer goods. Amen!"

    After that, throw the rag into the river or burn it.

    So that the buyer does not leave without a purchase

    You do not always need to rely on your own strengths and the ability to trade - these are important qualities, but do not hesitate to turn to higher powers.

    They will always help and will not leave you in trouble. So that the buyer does not leave you without a purchase, read the prayer:

    “The Lord God gave people wheat.
    She spikes with an ear
    She feeds young and old,
    beggars and boyars.
    Kings and princes eat it,
    I bow to this ear too.
    How do you, ear, give wheat
    Get hold of one grain:
    One, two and three.
    Holy Trinity, help,
    Cover me from poverty, protect me.
    Cover all my laris tenfold.
    Let my money be born, multiply
    As an ear in a field is born, multiplies,
    It grows by night and day
    Doesn't let people die of hunger:
    Beggars and princes, bars and kings
    And to us, Orthodox merchants.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen"

    For buyers to shop

    Features of the ritual:

    • ritual cannot be performed on Saturday and Sunday;
    • you can not spend on the 13th, 22nd, 27th;
    • the ritual is performed alone.

    Required attributes:

    • paper bill, of any denomination;
    • red thread.

    Take a bill and measure its length with a thread 49 times, cut with a knife. In the store, wrap doorknob this thread, pronouncing the conspiracy:

    “I have money, me trade.
    All to me. And you - goods and delivery. Amen"

    We start talking goods

    In shops or in the bazaar, you can watch how sellers, after the first buyer, fan the goods with money. Many do not attach any importance to such actions, but this is a kind of ritual. The right words will complement it and bring prosperity and successful sale of things.

    How to speak a product?

    When you go to work, remember to say the following words:

    “I'm going to trade!
    Good fellow to meet!
    A good fellow will come and take my goods!
    No loss, for profit, on the threshold!
    God will help me in this!
    Conditions will be created!
    Lord, bless this tree for money:
    for gold, silver and copper!
    Money is hidden in the ground, silver is hidden,
    fired up, tempted, cleansed from the earth in the seventh.
    You, Lord, keep us, keep us
    from this generation and in the age of centuries! Amen!"

    Sell \u200b\u200bstale goods

    To carry out a ritual for the successful sale of "stale" goods, go to the forest. Find an anthill, take out some insects and put them in a jar.

    Take it to the workplace, pouring out, pronounce the conspiracy:

    “There are many ants in that house,
    there are so many buyers for my product
    send me, Lord. Amen"

    Baptism of goods

    One of the strongest rituals for selling a product is its “baptism”. Certain rules must be followed:

    • conduct a ritual before the start of the working day;
    • be focused and not distracted;
    • perform the ceremony once every seven days;
    • you cannot stutter while reading the words of the spell.

    Of the attributes, you only need a mirror. Passing the counters in the store, present the goods with the sign of the cross, saying:

    “I baptize goods, I baptize for sale!
    To see your product as in a mirror,
    So prettier and the client liked it!
    So that the first one comes to buy, the second to buy,
    The last one - also bought!
    And no one left me without a purchase! "

    After the ritual, put the mirror on the shelf, among the goods.

    Conspiracies on objects

    Items retain magical energy. Words are a program, what you say on them will work.

    Ritual for money

    Autumn is a great time of the year. Trees change their outfit, and this is the most favorable period for carrying out a ritual for money.

    Find an aspen, hug like an old friend and shake slightly, saying the conspiracy three times:

    “How true it is that Judas hanged himself on an aspen,
    and how many leaves fall at my feet,
    so let me have money
    just as much and how true! "

    On your way home, buy a broom. Place it near the threshold, with a whisk up with the words:

    "My word is strong!"

    Talk to change

    "A penny - the ruble protects." Often after a purchase, people leave a trifle. To make these pennies turn into a large amount and attract buyers, perform a ceremony.

    Take the change left by the buyer home, and whisper a plot to them:

    “A full month, average month and young!
    Give me a treasure from a penny.
    How my mother gave birth
    swaddled in the first diaper,
    So you too will give me a great treasure! Amen!"

    Repeat 3 times. Wrap the change in red cloth and put it in your wallet - now, this is your talisman.

    Rite of passage with kitchen salt

    Magical traditions require the use of salt in spells and rituals. For centuries it has been known as a valuable ingredient. Regular table salt can help you attract customers and get rich. Stop in front of your place of work and throw a pinch over your left shoulder, saying:

    "I read a conspiracy for trade,
    I'm talking about salt!
    Where the salt will fall
    there clients will come to me!
    No one will come out without a purchase,
    everyone will leave happy! Amen!"

    Poppy for conspiracy on trade

    A beautiful plant contains many secrets and mysteries. Medicinal, culinary, and intoxicating properties are not the whole list. In the Middle Ages, sorcerers, with the help of a plant, helped merchants in the sale of goods.

    Nowadays, you can also use magic ritual on a poppy. Take a few grains of a flower and throw it in the store, saying:

    “There is one island on the sea-ocean,
    on it is the land where the Lord God, the Mother of God lives
    and I'll go there, I'll come closer to them,
    bow lower and say lower:
    Mother of God, you lived on earth,
    she took her bread in her hands,
    paid for him with money,
    what I wore in my wallet.
    They won't give bread without a penny, they won't weave a thing,
    they won't sell candles in the church.
    Give me Lord God so much money
    how much poppy is on this floor. Let it be so!"

    Fixing the result

    The result always depends on the person himself. If you neglect the rules of the rituals, you can harm not only yourself, but also your customers. Follow the clearly indicated scheme and do not engage in amateur activities. And then, the result of the work will be good trade and an influx of clients.

    Prayer for the envy of competitors

    Human envy is a vice that takes possession of the minds at the sight of wealth. The consequence is anger and enmity. They can send an evil eye, a curse.

    To protect yourself from this, and not to interfere with the sale of things, prayer from competitors will help.

    "Oh my God,
    I stand before you
    I ask you to keep me tight
    protect with this amulet.
    I ask the holy army to protect Me from evil spirits:
    Ivan the Long-suffering, Ivan the Theologian,
    Ivan the Postitel, Ivan the Baptist,
    Ivan the Headless, Michael the Archangel,
    Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archangel Gabriel,
    Praskovyu the Great Martyr.
    Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia.
    I stand under your protection
    For you to defend me.
    In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

    In order not to jinx income

    To save income and goods from the evil eye, the following ritual will help. Stand facing the rising sun and read the conspiracy:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    I, the servant of God (name), will go into the open field, in home clothes
    I will pray earnestly to the Lord God.
    A heavenly angel is coming towards me.
    Neither evil, nor envy, nor resentment of the Angel of God touches.
    Evil is neither his hands, nor his body, nor his face,
    Neither deed, nor words concerned.
    The anger of enemies flies away from him.
    So it would be for my money
    Didn't touch, didn't touch
    Neither evil people nor envious eyes
    Not a dashing person.
    They would not oykat, neither ahah, nor inquire,
    They were neither tried nor judged.
    How are you, angel of heaven, blessed by the Lord God,
    Holy strength forever endowed,
    So it is with me 3 holy powers:
    One is always ahead
    Another behind
    And the third - every minute with me.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

    Magic rituals are used to fulfill desires and achieve certain goals. Conspiracies are read under certain conditions, with the right attributes and mood. Conspiracies from Vanga are considered one of the strongest. A trade conspiracy is suitable for attracting new customers, improving the financial sector, getting rich quick. Even the simplest slander will help get rid of competitors and envious people.

    The power of conspiracy magic

    Magic is used to improve all areas of human activity. Effective rituals are performed to attract a certain good or to destroy negative energy.

    The effectiveness of the ritual depends on the sincerity of the desire.

    Areas of application of the conspiracy

    A conspiracy to rescue people employed in trade or in a bazaar, in any trade pavilion or in a salon will come in handy.

    The easiest way to use magic is to create that enhance the work of the conspiracy or protect a person from external negative influences.

    A conspiracy is the easiest way to improve your financial situation, get a desired position, or attract success in a new business.

    Business people use the ritual to:

    • Strengthen your business. It can be any service or trade business. No matter how many competitors there are, the business will succeed.
    • Protect your business. To prevent troubles, sudden malfunctions, protective conspiracies are used that help escape from the evil eye (in the future, the action of the evil eye will return to the sender).
    • Harm competitors. These are no longer white, but black rituals that are used for harm and have certain consequences.

    Any book used to perform the rite warns that you cannot target someone else's or harm someone who treats a person and his business with good. In this case, magic will serve against the conspirator and his business will quickly collapse.

    Good trade conspiracies

    The strongest conspiracies for good trade are used before starting a new business or on an existing enterprise. Manirub (prayer address to the saints, patrons of merchants) or slander is read by heart. The selected ritual is performed on a specific day, after which it takes time for it to work. There is no need to perform several rituals at once. For bad trade, competitors conduct separate rituals that are not relevant to the business of the conspirator.

    Conspiracy magic works from attributes prepared in advance, from the forces of nature and human desires, as well as from the energy that is in all surrounding objects. Money from trade has its energy, and if the energy flow is properly adjusted in the workplace or in the store, new money will be attracted to money.

    Stages of conducting rituals for good trade:

    • without fail, you need a trade pavilion or retail outlet;
    • the conspirator must cleanse himself of negative thoughts that lead to failure;
    • prepare attributes that will allow the ceremony to be carried out correctly and feed it for a certain period of time;
    • it is necessary to carry out the ritual On a decreasing one - rituals cannot be carried out, otherwise the businessman will lose even more.

    Special or universal rites are held for excellent trade. They differ in attributes or conditions of conduct. To make the ceremony work, additional amulets are used: coins, talismans.

    Effective rituals for money can be performed both in the workplace and at home. But after the ceremony, the amulets are brought to the workplace.

    Preparing for a conspiracy

    White magic requires respect for itself, so the ceremony is not carried out without preparation. A ritual without preparation can only harm the conspirator. Magic is used only on the condition that a person trusts the powers that he turns to. Before any ritual, a prayer is read, which helps to protect the conspirator and protect him from losses in the future.

    In order for the trade to go successfully, first they prepare a place for the ceremony, then the conspirator himself is tuned in internally, and only after that he takes care of the place to which new customers need to be attracted. If a slander requires it, the ritual is carried out at the outlet so that the magic works better.

    During preparation, you need to take into account how long magic will take to achieve a result.

    Home preparation

    The main cash flow is in a person's dwelling. If a lot of negativity is collected in the house, its owner will not be successful.

    Before carrying out monetary rituals, when you need to attract money or tools for their accumulation (clients, new partners), it is necessary to cleanse the living space.

    House cleaning includes:

    • throwing away all the garbage (to get something new, you need to get rid of everything old - this is a universal universal law);
    • general cleaning, which is best done on the waning moon - during this period, cleaning the house will bring success and help in the implementation of new plans;
    • reading in every corner of the house (if possible, all family members read the prayer).

    After cleaning the house, water is poured under the old dry tree: the dead tree will take away all the negative.

    Ancient rituals are best done in your own home, because every corner in the house is charged with the energy of the owner and the spell will work faster. Monetary rituals are performed alone. You can't call helpers or tell someone about the way to attract good luck. Use for the ritual that part of the house where the owner is most comfortable.

    Preparing your own energy

    After cleaning the house, the conspirator must perform a cleansing ritual. To do this, you need to wake up before dawn, go outside - the more fresh air the better. For the ceremony, it is necessary to wear new light-colored clothes: it is better to choose a shirt made of natural fabric of a loose cut. On the street, turn towards the future dawn and read the prayer "Our Father". After that, ask for help, protection and blessing.

    In these minutes you can imagine that trading is going well and that new clients are appearing. When the auspicious image takes root, you need to bow to all 4 cardinal points and wash your face and hands with morning dew, imagining money going into your palm. After returning home, you should read the prayer "Our Father" again and do your usual things.

    Marketplace preparation

    The final step in preparing for the ritual is to cleanse the place where the trade takes place. It is important that no one knows about energy purification.

    What does this cleaning give:

    • allows you to remove the accumulated negative;
    • simplifies the trading process - even without additional rituals, cleaning can improve business;
    • cleaning and prayer strengthens the belief that the future ceremony will work.

    Without cleaning the retail space, the results of the ceremony will be insignificant. Cleaning is carried out in the same way as cleaning a house on a waning moon. After sunset, you need to clean using salt water (just dilute the water with salt). During cleaning, do not change the water or cloth. Every corner is washed, after which water is poured under a dry tree. In a cleaned room, or an appeal to the patron saint follows.

    The ritual on the street ends when the store owner throws a pinch of salt over his left shoulder and says:

    "I seal, close, no more evil can get here!"

    Attributes for Conspiracy Magic

    Shopkeepers also use simple and quick rituals to enrich themselves. On the day of arrival, the threshold of the store is sprinkled with millet, and the owners of beauty salons read slander on the comb. Such rituals are performed every day or every few days - they bring a temporary improvement in affairs.

    Serious rites of passage for a successful or unsuccessful trade require certain attributes. A coniferous tree (twig) is used to make a good deal. They perform a ritual for good luck on the growing moon.

    Cleansing rituals are performed using old rag or a new broom. Candy is used to attract customers, a thermometer is used to defeat competitors, and incense (eucalyptus oil, spruce or vanilla) is used to attract random customers. On a profitable week, rituals are held that use money.

    The customs of the Old Believers, simple rituals and ceremonies with prepared attributes in the aggregate will bring material success to merchants.

    The Conspiracy for Good Trade is read in the workplace. In such a room, the energy of incoming money is collected. Each spell has its own duration: to make the conspiracies work longer, they are reinforced with homemade amulets.

    In the workplace, such amulets should fit into the overall concept, because the less they stand out, the better they will work.

    Effective workplace conspiracies that will come in handy for any trader:

    • on the water;
    • on documents (any documentation related to the activity);
    • for amulets.

    Good trade cannot be attracted if the store has old debts that carry negative energy and harm the whole business. Immediately after cleaning the premises, you need to pay off the bulk of the debts.

    For good trade, an amulet is chosen that is associated with the store (a thing that emphasizes the general concept). The workplace conspiracy must be read by heart.

    An effective conspiracy for successful trade in the workplace reads holy water. To do this, you need to go to church and endure the entire service. It is important that the water is brought in by the store owner or senior salesperson (water brought by a stranger is ineffective). Prayers and quick conspiracies they read about a successful trade in the presence of buyers (in a half-whisper) or when no one is around.

    The effect of the ritual:

    • attracting clients;
    • solving problems with government agencies;
    • attracting investors.

    Conspiracies with water for a successful trade help both the owner and the people who work for him. The first effect of a spell appears on day 2-3.

    Carrying out a ceremony

    During use a new white or transparent vessel. You need to buy a vessel yourself, without taking change for it.

    Above a vessel filled with water, it is necessary to read a hex, imagining how new customers come to the store:

    “Lord, help the servant of God (name) in the bargaining, in the purchase, in the sale. Help in exchange and profit. Protect the servant of God from poverty, from loss. Let everything darken in the eyes of the envious, but in my eyes everything will become light. As bees are looking for honey, so I feel the profit, so clients come to me. The money is floating. The words spoken under the lock are soot, I lock them with a lock, I do not allow anyone to open them. Amen".

    After that, all the corners of the store or workplace are sprinkled with water. Water should not be spared - it will lead to good and profitable trading.

    Conspiracy on working papers

    A strong conspiracy for good and fast trade is read after sunset on store purchase documents or license agreements. You need to stay alone at the workplace and utter the words in a half-whisper so that no one, even a bystander, would hear. Additionally, a church candle is used sprinkled with holy water.

    The ritual helps to promote the business if the product stagnates on the shelves or the company's services are not sold, and also attracts regular customers.

    A prerequisite for the rite to work is that the seller must be friendly to everyone who comes (even if a new client does not buy anything, he may return in the future).

    Carrying out a ceremony

    The ceremony is performed at the cash register or in the place where the money is kept. Put on the table important papersand a candle is lit next to it. The conspirator needs to imagine how he is enriched: the clearer the image, the more new clients there will be. Presenting future profit, you need to put your palms on the papers and say three times:

    “I am calling, calling. Come success, enter as into your house, as you enter your monastery slowly. I close the papers, the profit runs to them. I close the failures, now they can't get out, don't spoil what they could do. Let it be so. Amen".

    For successful trading, you need to read the plot slowly. After that, the candle must be extinguished with your fingers. Hide the conspiracy documents in the table: for the next two weeks, no one, except the conspirator, should touch them. It is better to keep the conspiracy documents close to the proceeds.

    As soon as the ritual works, the conspirator lights the candle again and lets it burn completely, after which he thanks the higher powers for their help. Profit should not be taken for granted, and if possible, the proceeds should be used to help those in need or their families - then it will be permanent to arrive.

    Amulet conspiracy

    A conspiracy for a successful trade, read on an amulet, is valid for at least 2-3 months. The amulet left in the store will attract new opportunities and allow you to forget about monetary crises. Fast trading conspiracies help in markets where there are few regular customers.

    It is better to use an amulet that can be hung on the wall, making a decorative element out of it. A coin or bill as an amulet must be kept in a safe place.

    You cannot use the same talisman for two different rooms. You cannot tell strangers about the power of the amulet.

    Carrying out a ceremony

    The selected item is cleaned well. If possible, the amulet is bought by the new store owner or senior seller. During the growing moon after sunset, you need to open a window and put a glass of water, an amulet and a few pieces of fresh bread on the windowsill. An amulet is placed on the bread, sprinkled with water and the words of the conspiracy are read:

    “The profit is mine, my food. Profit helps me, enriches me. Let everything that has been lying for a long time be sold, let nothing remain. My profit is my bread. Let it be so".

    Conspiracies for good trade are read three times, after which a piece of bread is eaten and washed down with water. After that, the amulet is left in the room, and the conspirator goes home - on the way, you cannot talk to anyone or turn back.

    Such a strong conspiracy to trade helps to charge any amulet.

    Conspiracy with money

    For good trade in a store, it is better to use money as the main attribute. People say that money attracts new money. For rituals, any bills are used (the main thing is that they are in use). Conspiracies for successful trade should be read on the days of the waxing moon.

    Effective Rites:

    • for change;
    • on the first profit.

    The first part of the ritual is carried out imperceptibly in front of the client, the second - after the client leaves, if you need to read the delivery slander. Immediately after the ceremony, one of the charmed bills must be kept as an amulet and carried with you in your wallet until the store's business goes uphill.

    Delivery plot

    The money left over from the buyer or the money that needs to be given to him can be talked about to get even more profit. To do this, select the one that the seller liked. If it is impossible to carry out the ritual in front of the client, you can talk about the money left by the buyer accidentally or on purpose (usually it is a penny or small money).

    After the ceremony, coins or small bills should not be given away - so the store owner will give his luck. Additionally, a protective ceremony is carried out.

    Carrying out a ceremony

    The first step in the morning is to prepare the cash register. The seller comes with food prepared: bread and butter. Food is left at the machine, and an hour later, a part of the hex is read on a piece of bread and butter:

    “Food, I cry for you, I eat you, I eat you. May there always be a lot of food, may I not need anything. Let the profit come to me. Let it be so".

    You need to eat a piece of bread and wait for the first customers. If a couple of coins remain after them, a second hex is read on them:

    “The coins came to me, and they are in a hurry for them. Money to money, pockets are empty so that there never will be. Amen".

    When you need to give change, the seller thinks to himself:

    "Devils will not take profit, they will bring me even more."

    They say the words quietly so that the client does not hear.

    First profit conspiracy

    An effective rite is carried out on the first profit - this is the income that will charge all the money in the store. To do this, use a tree: chips or twigs. The seller conducts the ceremony on his own, if his salary depends on the profit.

    Such a ritual:

    • protects a new outlet from losses;
    • protects from competitors;
    • attracts growing capital.

    For the ceremony, the first coin that fell into the hands of the owner of the new store is used. They read a slander at home, so the first profit must be taken out of the workplace and returned to the cashier in the morning.

    Carrying out a ceremony

    For the ceremony, you need to buy the seller hides the first coin in a secluded place at home and goes to bed. At dawn, you need to stand at an open window, close your eyes and imagine the amount you want to earn in the near future (the goal should have time limits). To himself, without opening his eyes, the conspirator says:

    "As water went to the banks, so money floats to money."

    After that, he opens his eyes, puts the coin in a saucer, covers it on top with a piece of wood, and then pours the coin with liquid honey, saying the magic words:

    “The tree stands indestructible, a gold coin goes to it. She calls, calls for money. The water follows, all that is left to the shores comes - the chests are filled with gold. As honey is sweet, so my life will be sweet. Amen".

    The spell is repeated nine times. The conspirator closes the window and brings the sweet mixture to work. The honey that covers the coin, covers the walls and the cash register. You need to apply a small amount of honey so that no one will notice it. The remaining coin and sliver is stored under the cash register to attract money.

    Protective conspiracy

    Protective Conspiracies Carry out a rite on coffee, tea, or any drink that the vendors must drink. Such prevention is carried out once a month. The liquid is slandered:

    “Evil go away. Do not droop into our house, into our monastery ”.

    They put protection through amulets for a lucky and safe trade. Old Believer rituals with brooms or garbage will provide a lively truck without consequences. Protective magic comes in handy in a store, market, office and retail outlet.

    Protection from competitors is established from day one with an amulet at the door. You can not put protection in the middle of the room: evil must be suppressed at the entrance. It is better to install an amulet that protects against any negative impact. If necessary, double protection is used. Two amulets not only protect against enemies, but also prevent them from entering the store.

    Wormwood is used to cleanse the living space, which needs to be set on fire, and the entire room is stoked with smoke. Such measures help in cases where enemies often come to the store. Scented candles are also used, charmed for the growing moon:

    “Evil has no place here - everyone who enters through evil will suffer himself. Forces of nature, forces of heaven, all that is sacred, take care of us. Save us and keep us safe. Amen".

    Complex measures will send evil back to the ill-wisher.

    Harm to competitors

    When it is necessary to harm competitors, they use the rites of black magic. They are not used every day, and you need to be careful with it. First of all, the conspirator brings into the house an item that was taken from a competitor's store. After the ritual, it must be returned, so you cannot damage or beat the thing during the ritual.

    The competitor's thing is taken out to the intersection at night without witnesses and assistants. The thing is sprinkled with earth, and a candle is lit next to it. Speak the words of the conspiracy:

    “I wish you no harm, but I will not wish you well either. Everything that comes to me does not come to you, everything that I don’t need is a gift for you. Don't live in joy, live in troubles and worries. I will seal my words and lose the keys! "

    They take the thing with them, and the remains of the candle are buried at the intersection. While the conspirator returns home, he cannot turn around or enter any room other than the house. In the morning, the spoken object must be quietly returned to a competitor. Such an attribute will begin to attract small but annoying troubles. Every day there will be more and more of them.

    Garbage conspiracy

    A good luck conspiracy in the trash trade serves as a defense for any organization. To do this, use the garbage collected during the day.

    Conditions under which the ritual can be performed:

    • garbage that no one except the seller touched;
    • garbage without receipts, torn money, food and liquids;
    • garbage from other packages.

    With the help of such a ritual, it will be possible to cleanse the room and remove bad luck. The ritual is performed during the day by the seller or shop owner.

    Carrying out a ceremony

    A defensive slander on a successful trade is read at any convenient time. The conspirator needs to sweep the store, pretending that all the dirt is the problem that plagues the store. After that, they say a handful of garbage with the words:

    “Meta, meta, I sweep out trouble. I protect myself and my business. I don’t want to see meta, meta, dirt here. As the garbage came, so it went away. Amen".

    The spoken garbage is collected in a bag and immediately taken out of the room. Throwing away the garbage bag, the conspirator adds:

    "What went away never came back."

    After that, you need to return to the store. The protection provided begins to manifest itself immediately: minor troubles go away, things improve.

    Another protective rite that will come in handy for cleaning the shopping pavilion. Such a charmed object is used every day - it cleans up random or sent negative. For the ceremony, they buy a new item and store it only in the room where the profit needs to be protected.

    The effect of the ritual:

    • competitors will have problems;
    • unreliable partners or customers will stop coming to the store;
    • unscrupulous workers will quit.

    If after the ritual negative events begin to occur, the conspirator should take any changes positively: if people leave, they harm the cause.

    Carrying out a ceremony

    The owner goes to the market on his own and buys a new broom without taking change for it. After that, in the back room in the store, he washes the broom with clean water, saying:

    “Take revenge with a broom, take out all the bad things. Sweep every day, endure evil. Do not let any more troubles, neither in the morning nor at lunch. I sweep over the threshold, I close the entrance. "

    The broom is spoken for three days in a row, after which it can be used for daily cleaning. Useful to arrange general cleaning at the end of each month and revenge with a broom in the direction of their competitors (this is how they return everything that they send to the conspirator).

    Consequences of a conspiracy

    A conspiracy to trade successfully, if done correctly, has no consequences. When using magic, it is important to concentrate on the good that it can give. If you focus on the negative, which will go to competitors, the magic will work wrong.

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