• What to do to sell the house faster. Conspiracy ritual for the sale of a house. Conspiracies for a successful home sale to get a good price


    Magic is an integral part of life already long time... People turn to the Higher Forces for help in solving many problems, both mental and material.

    When it becomes necessary to quickly sell any thing, some resort to the help of otherworldly forces to increase the chances of a good deal, attracting paying customers and accelerating the process itself.

    Prayers and conspiracies for a quick sale are read in such cases:

    • when the property need to sell in a short time;
    • while striving get the most possible amount money;
    • documents very long period not issued;
    • when no sale for a long time.

    Rituals differ in technique and final goal, it has been proven that the ritual will only work in case his will be done personally by the seller... Such actions are charged by the power of the growing moon, this is the most favorable period.

    An example of a conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment

    In this case, a candle ritual is perfect. You acquire 7 candles, they must be mandatory church, at midnight indoors you form of them circle, sit in the center and start visualizehis a wish... Tuning into it read 7 times the following words in a row:

    1. “Let the walls of the house and the roof attract people, I want to sell this house as soon as possible.
    2. So that as a buyer came here, I wanted to buy it right away.
    3. So that the auction was all in my favor, the money went to me.
    4. I will light the church candles, and they will help me.
    5. As the candles repay, so will I betray them to the earth! To make it profitable for the client to sell his house!
    6. Amen"

    The candles should necessarily burn out completely, the wax is collected on a white sheet and buried under a female tree, for example, under an aspen. It has been verified that a profitable deal for you will take place within a month.

    An example of a conspiracy to quickly sell a house

    Sometimes a buyer for real estate is waited for a very long time, in some cases the transaction may not take place at all, even hiring a specialist in the field of trade does not help you. In this case need to to attempt attract to yourself buyer with help special conspiracywhen it does work, your chances of a successful sale will increase dramatically.

    It takes good conspiracy wash the floor in all rooms without exception, water no need to pour out, it is she who will be the main element of the ceremony. On her slander three times the following words:

    1. "I give you to good handsso that there is no boredom. Bring yourself a new tenant - a good fellow, and let me go. Amen!"
    2. The water is poured out all alone at midnight, make sure that no one is witnessing your actions.

    An example of a conspiracy to quickly sell a car

    Sale any property is a household task for many people. To make it happen faster and the way you want it apply next ritual... Make it clear to yourself right away that magic does not affect the consciousness of a certain person, and will not force him to buy your car without his desire to make this deal, she can only call on large quantity buyers, and the rest is your task.

    • show your car only during the day;
    • sprinkle the thing with holy water;
    • be completely confident with the success of the transaction.

    For the ritual you will need church water and fine saltto be purchased on the last day of the week. Pour in a small amount salt in the left hand and drip a few drops of water, then squeeze into a fist and we speak the following words:

    “As people cannot live without salt, all dishes are salted, so even if people could not live without (the name of the thing), so that they would sell easily and quickly. With holy water my conspiracy is sealed. Amen".

    After pouring out salt on a sheet of paper and leave to dry on the windowsill. When the salt is completely dry, sprinkle it on the item that you plan to sell, while saying: "Salt is for food, and the merchant is for goods." The rest of the salt should be used for cooking.

    Versatile conspiracy options for real estate sales

    there is ritualswhich can be applied like for real estate saleand for movable property:

    1. It is carried out with spruce needles, for this they are talked about and hidden in the product that they want to sell. They take needles, hold them in a clasped hand, then open their palm and whisper the following words: “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Pin a needle to the buyer's merchant! Let him run - hurry, carry money! A piece is good to him, I have a bag of fat! Amen!". Words are very powerful and guarantee a fairly quick sale of property. The main thing is to have time to pick up the Christmas tree needles before handing over the goods or the car, they must be thrown away. New needles must be spoken for each product.
    2. For the sale of any real estate magic words slander on a broom... They are pronounced at 3 am, and in the morning at dawn they sweep the floor. “As I sweep the rubbish, I sweep it, so I nail the buyers to myself. The first will come, the second will come, the third will buy, take it for himself. Amen". Actions are repeated three days in a row.

    In the process of selling a home, many face various problems: buyers ask for a price cut, potential clients refuse the deal for no particular reason, or put forward unacceptable conditions. Of course, every owner wants to sell an apartment or house as soon as possible, but what if you can't do it? Folk signs will help to cope with this problem.

    Reasons for stagnant sales

    Even great efforts do not always lead to the result that was expected.

    If all efforts have not yielded the desired result, then the reasons may lie not in the owner, but in this:

    • Doesn't want to let go of the brownie.
    • Not all tenants are ready to part with the house / apartment and move to a new place of residence.
    • Poor energy prevents change from happening.

    If there is a suspicion that one of these factors is the cause of the failure in the sale, then measures should be taken to eliminate them, using the signs that people have used since ancient times.

    Brownie to help

    Each dwelling has its own owner, assistant and caretaker - this is a brownie.

    You can ask him for help in selling a house or apartment.

    Walk around the house counterclockwise three times.

    At each of the four corners of the house, you need to stop and bow with the words:

    Brownie-father, my hostess!
    I bow to you to the ground -
    Help me sell my house (my apartment)!
    Merchants came from all sides to sell my house (apartment) without bargaining, without looking after, they gave the money, they took my horomina.

    In the case of the sale of an apartment, they do the same, but inside the home.

    It also happens that the brownie is harmful, or does not want to part with the tenants. In the first case, you need to appease him - leave milk, porridge for two days.

    If you liked the treat, then you can sell your home without any problems. Also, once a month, every first day, the brownie is left with sweets.

    At the same time, you can mentally tell him that good people will buy housing, they will take care of it, keep it clean, cook deliciously, etc. At the end of your story, you need to say the following words: “My master, treat yourself! Help me hurry up! Amen!"

    ATTENTION! Milk poured in the evening cannot be poured out just like that - the brownie does not like thrifty owners. It would be better to give it to the cat or dog the next day.

    12 will take a quick and successful sale

    If agreement with the brownie is reached, but stagnation is still observed, then you can use simple signs.


    Every day you need to imagine how housing is sold, how you get money for it, how you buy something new with it.

    It is necessary to feel all this, to believe that it really is, to experience the joy of the deal, as if it had already happened.

    For a positive attitude, you can use affirmations (a kind of mindset for the best). With the repeated repetition of these phrases, a certain positive image is formed in the mind, but you yourself need to believe in what you are saying. For 21 days, the following phrases should be repeated:

    I enjoy the sales process immensely!
    I can sell anything!
    I start my business easily and with pleasure!
    I am a sales master!
    I'm organized!
    I'm effective!

    Rituals and conspiracies for sale

    Certain rituals can also help in the sale of a house or apartment, which do not require any colossal investment of time and finances. Here is some of them:

    Cleaning floors

    Half a bucket of clean water must be placed in a secluded place so that no one can see it.

    Three days later they wash the floors with this water and, washing the corners, say goodbye to the house, let it go, renounce it.

    It is better to do this at a time when no one is at home, and ideally the owner (hostess) should wash the corners.

    Pre-sale ritual

    On the new moon, you need to sweep the floors and, collecting the litter in a scoop. Take it to the intersection of two paths or footpaths. Pour out trash with words "Trash for whom, but money for me!"

    On pennies before the sale

    You should lay out a penny in each corner of the house and say the following words: "Let the money return money!"

    In a day, you need to collect coins and distribute them to the poor.

    After that, you need to buy a candle in the church, bring it home, light it and say: "As God's fire flared up, so merchants will run to it!"

    The grain conspiracy

    You need to collect grains, the number of which will be equal to the number of corners in the house. At night they turn their backs to the front door and, holding the seeds in their hand, say the following words on them:

    “Baotiroma, help me quickly find a buyer and sell this property. Yes, so that the buyer pays a good amount. You do your job, and I brought you something to eat "

    After that, you need to go around the house counterclockwise and, having reached the corner, put grain there with the words "To the delight of Baotirome." So they go around all the corners, repeating this phrase one time.

    As practice shows, magic is universal remedy to solve almost all everyday tasks. Through proven witchcraft conspiracies, which were passed on by our ancestors for more than one generation, you can not only discourage or attract a boyfriend, but also quickly sell a house or summer cottage.

    When magic will help

    For a long time, connoisseurs of the secret art, popularly called sorcerers or wizards, knew many ways to quickly sell a house, plot or product. Conspiracies have always come to the rescue and saved people from unnecessary things, without causing harm and working for the good. There are many ways to make a great deal and attract your client quickly and profitably, without unnecessary delay.

    True, it is worth remembering that resorting to magical help is worth it as a last resort and without intent to harm anyone. If the decision arose suddenly and you want to sell the house quickly and profitably right now, conspiracies may not help. Everything takes time. It is worth doing a ceremony for the sale of a house or land plot if:

    Broom ritual

    It is necessary to resort to a conspiracy to quickly sell a house with a broom at night on the waning moon, before that having bought a new indoor broom and not taking change for it. To do this, it is necessary to say 3 times on the broom at 3 o'clock in the morning: “As I, the mistress of the house, sweep the litter out of it, clean it, so I invite customers-customers to me. They will come, they will praise and take my house, and I will live in another house, not grieve. Amen".

    It costs 3 consecutive nights to repeat the ritual. It is better to learn the words of magic "communication" with a broom by heart and it is desirable to be alone in the house. Talking to your assistant, you need to symbolically sweep the corners of the whole house clockwise with them, moving towards the threshold.

    Rite of passage with water

    The ritual conspiracy on dirty water is especially powerful. For magical manipulation, the performer of the action will need:

    • bucket;
    • water from a stream or well;
    • new doormat.

    It is recommended to do the witchcraft rite in the waning phase of the moon. The time for cleaning the floors does not matter. To begin with, you need to wash the floors in all rooms of the room with a new rag, without changing the water. Then you need to read the following words into dirty water: “Four corners, my domina and the brownie, I renounce you, I disown, from doors, from locks, from all corners and the brownie that lives in them, as such. Whoever brings me money for you, he will take you to himself. Amen".

    The recantation spell must be read 3 times over the bucket, squatting. Then it is recommended to pour a bucket or container with dirty water behind the house and always onto the road. Coming back, go without looking back and without speaking to anyone on the way.

    Honey conspiracy for a deal

    Another popular conspiracy to sell real estate. The following attributes will be required:

    A powerful ceremony begins with the fact that on each of the prepared red threads, 5 knots are tied, and the threads themselves are tied to the handle of the front door, from the residential side. Then a glass of honey and a brush are taken in hand, and then a strong incantation is recited from memory: “As strong bee honey is, the sale is so easy. The deal is successful, for everyone's joy, for our prosperity. As honey is sweet, so our life will become sweet and joyful. May it be so".

    The first time the words are read, standing facing the dwelling, then the owner-seller walks clockwise from the door and in each room, dwelling or not, says the same spell and drips a drop of honey with a brush into the center of the room. Returning to the threshold, you also need to drop a drop of honey on each knot on the red threads. After which it is recommended to wait an hour or two.

    After the time has elapsed, take the scissors in your hands and cut the threads that are already well saturated with honey into small pieces, saying: “What bothered me, it has passed, that the bad has come here, it has already gone. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. " After collecting all the fragments of the threads and removing the remnants from door handle, you need to go outside to the place where the trees grow, and bury the cut there.

    You should not choose a wasteland or dried trees for this, then the ritual will not work. When returning, do not communicate with anyone, but when entering the house, wash your hands and face with cold water.

    On apples and a pin

    The apple ritual is performed when there is a buyer. You need to buy 7 red apples in advance. Agree with clients to inspect the premises in the morning, before 16:00. Apples can help you close the deal. An hour before the meeting, open wide all the windows in your apartment or house, and put a plate of apples on the table. Then the words should be said: “The windows in my upper room are light, the thresholds in my house are gilded, the pillars in my chambers are twisted. Admire and bargain. Amen".

    After the news that the purchase has been made, it is necessary to distribute apples to the children, but in no case eat them yourself. If, for some reason, the sale fell through, then careless customers need to quietly spit after, and they will definitely return.

    Our ancestors also used a plot to sell a house and a plot of land using an ordinary pin. For the ceremony you need:

    • 0.5 cups of rice;
    • 0.5 cups of sugar;
    • 0.5 cups of salt;
    • new pin.

    At noon on the waning moon in a whole, unbroken plate made of natural material, mix sugar, salt and rice and stick a pin there with the tip down. At the same time, say the following: “For luck, for well-being, I sell my house (plot). Good, kind people. For myself, a servant of God (name), I will buy something else, better and more spacious. May it be so! Amen!".

    After the spell, it is necessary to remove the bowl with all the contents in a secluded place where prying eyes would not see it. In this case, the required client will appear in a few days.

    How to use keys

    Good helpers in the sale of real estate can be ordinary keys that unlock the front door to the premises being sold. For the ceremony, you will need a saucepan or an iron bowl with plain water and keys. Divination is recommended any day before noon, except Wednesday and Sunday.

    To do this, you need to remain completely alone and concentrate on the desired result. The keys are placed in a saucepan and brought to a boil in it, after which the fire turns off and the plot is read. Special words must be spoken on the water and the keys in it until the liquid cools down. The magic conspiracy sounds like this:

    “As (to name what is being sold) does not exist without a reliable lock and without an iron key, so people cannot live without (the name of what you want to sell). Just as people do not live without food and water, they cannot do without (name of the object of sale). Amen".

    Water after the witchcraft ritual should be poured onto the street in a deserted place... The keys can be used further. Buyers will appear in a few days when the rite is in full force. This technique is also suitable for the sale of real estate at a distance.

    Distance trades

    Another means that will definitely help to sell a house in another city is a prayer appeal to a burning church candle. To do this, you need to wait for the waning moon and stay alone in the room. Calm your thoughts and aim at the desire to sell, light a candle and speak into the flame:

    “My God, I am pure before you. The plowman plows, the blacksmith forges, the merchant sells his goods. Father prays for all of us, for me and for my sinful soul. The blacksmith goes to the forge, the buyer carries the money. The reaper is reaping in the field, the buyer (name what is on sale) will take from me. Amen". The more you want to get rid of what you have, the more often it is recommended to conjure a candle flame in this way. The result will not be long in coming.

    One of the most powerful rituals with 100% return on the quick sale of something is considered to be a ritual on the growing moon. To do this, every morning at women's days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - it is necessary to say simple words: “I am a merchant, always a great fellow. My product is good, I will sell it to everyone not for a penny. Money to money, me - your money, you - my goods. May it be so". The spell is recommended to be pronounced a certain number of times, namely 3, 7, 9 or 12.

    Taking advantage of magic rituals, it must be remembered that higher powers always require gratitude. After a successful deal, for example, you can give to the poor near the church or give sweets to the children. Next time, the desire will definitely come true faster.

    Used a ritual with a broom for the sale of a summer cottage. Shallow it symbolically. It worked. Recommend!

    I have long wanted, but could not sell my parents' house in the village. I tried everything and suddenly came across a headline about how to quickly sell a house. The article promised a 100% result - and so it happened. The ritual with the keys helped.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    Various conspiracies and rituals have long ceased to be a rarity, including those that help sell real estate with a plot of land. There are a number of cases when magic does not just simplify the situation, but literally cannot do without it, even if the price is set fairly, and the house is very nice; you can also face a situation where it is vital to make an urgent and profitable deal. Regardless of the reasons, the topic remains very relevant in the modern world. Therefore, in a wonderful way, a conspiracy to sell a house, summer house or plot comes to the rescue, which acts quickly and decisively.

    Olga Ilanovskaya's plot to sell an apartment

    Especially for the sale of the apartment, the famous Siberian healer, Olga Ilanovskaya, strong conspiracy for sale of a house. It does not require various kinds of investments from the practitioner and anyone can do it, which makes this rite so convenient.

    • slice of bread;
    • conspiracy text;
    • the right time.

    Immediately after sunset, you need to go to the kitchen, taking a piece of bread.

    Then they say the following three times:

    “Whispers to the side, I ask the Brownie for help. Give our dwelling delights, so much so that everyone likes it, but buyers stood in line. Yes, all buyers will be happy with this housing and you, Domovushechka, will treat you well. Help me this way. "

    After completing the conspiracy, the bread must be left in a secluded place.

    Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova for the sale of real estate

    Siberia is rich in magicians, thanks to which there is a strong conspiracy and ritual to sell a house from another healer from the same region - Natalia Stepanova.

    To carry out a conspiracy, you must have:

    • bucket;
    • water;
    • mop or doormat.

    It is necessary to clean the floors in all rooms and hallways.

    Squatting over the dirty water left in the bucket after cleaning, they say:

    "Four corners,

    my domina and brownie,

    i deny you

    from doors, locks,

    from the four corners and the brownie.

    Who will bring me money for you,

    he will take you for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Conspirated water is taken out into the street and poured out of the bucket onto the road.

    It is essential that the practitioner does not meet anyone along the way. Otherwise, the conspiracy will need to be repeated.

    A strong plot to sell housing

    This strong conspiracy to quickly sell a plot or house is more difficult to implement than the previous one, but you can expect more from it. Magic will reward the patient. Therefore, if you urgently need to sell real estate, it will show itself as very fast.

    To carry out the ceremony, the magician will need:

    • glass vessel;
    • sugar;
    • salt;
    • pin.

    The ceremony is performed as follows:

    All ingredients must be mixed in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. The volume of each of them should be about 125 milligrams.

    Having mixed all the ingredients, you need to stick a pin with the sharp end down into the center of the resulting mixture. In doing this, you need to slander the following:

    “I sell not to evil people, but to good people for happiness and prosperity what I do not need. For myself, the servant of God (name), I will acquire what I need (you can name the amount you are counting on). May it be so! Amen!".

    A conspiracy is being carried out exclusively on the waning moon, this ritual cannot be carried out on the waxing moon. This is justified by the fact that in this context the property seems to the owner unnecessary - something to get rid of. After the sale of the dwelling, it is necessary to give alms to six people who especially need it - such are found in every person. This will help increase the effectiveness of the results that rituals provide. The owner takes the vessel from the house with him, and then bury it in an unsociable place at dawn.

    Rite of passage for the sale of a house with a land plot

    There are situations when the owner needs to sell not only living space, but a house with a whole land plot. Some practitioners believe that such rituals have their own characteristics. So, according to this rite, it is necessary to carry it out only at night with the waning moon.

    To carry out the ritual you will need:

    • three branches plucked from any woody plant in the area to be sold;
    • candle;
    • matches;
    • vessel with water.

    It is performed as follows:

    The first step is still to pluck three branches. They should be taken from a tree or bush that grows in the area of \u200b\u200binterest. You cannot take branches from plants growing on the border or anywhere in the neighborhood.

    A candle is lit, after which it must be surrounded with collected branches, speaking:

    “You grew up with me, grow up with a different owner. To the joy of you and me, you care, I - prosperity. May it be so! Amen!".

    Conspiracy branches are placed in the water or sit at the edge of the site.

    There is a very significant moment in this practice - the house on the plot must be tidy and clean. Well-being does not hold dirt in high esteem. Putting order in the home, you need to slander:

    “Money for me, home for the buyer. I sell the house, and my happiness is with me always and everywhere. Amen!".

    Pagan rite for the sale of property

    Oddly enough, ancient pagan rituals are still popular among the people. In this, people are patronized by Veles - the Slavic deity of trade, livestock and wealth. This ritual is quite voluminous and to someone it may well seem complicated. In order for the deity to help in the sale, you still need to try, because magic works only when the magician shares his resources with higher powers to obtain a result. However, it has established itself as the most effective pagan conspiracy to successfully sell a house and land, giving a quick result.

    To carry out the ceremony you will need:

    • three candles;
    • real estate documents;
    • treba;
    • bowl of water.

    It is performed as follows:

    First of all, you need to understand that in the context of this rite, each candle should have its own function. The first of them is assigned directly to Veles, the second to Chur-Churila, and the third to trade. The magician places the last one in the center, and next to it he puts documents and a container filled with water.

    Having put everything in its place, the practitioner reads praises, and then an appeal to the deity:

    “Velese, listen, do not reject the verbs of my mouth. I bow my heart to You, I gain Your help by faith. Be kind to me, bless my labors, so that the works of my hands get along well, all the obstacles from me are discouraged, the chiefs so that they do not be angry, they contribute to my affairs, so that money does not become scarce, but it comes to my wallet, my strength is strengthened, health is preserved. I ask Thee not from greed, but from female weakness. Do not reject, Batyushko, the woman's prayer, I am not asking for the master's fate, but I ask - help me in my labors, but success accompanies me. Abide, Velese, with me in goodness, so I will praise Thee in joy. Goy! "

    After reading the appeal to the "cattle god", one reads a conspiracy on the very sale of land and property:

    “I will go out, (name), from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go to the far side to the trade city. Merchants sit in that trading city. Their trading houses and taverns are made of stone and wood. I will go to the merchant people and ask about the secret words of the merchants. In the city of that trade, Veles the mighty manages everything, he listens to the prayers of the trade people and helps them in their business. I will approach (name) to Veles priest, bow to the belt. Veles father, I baked a fresh loaf for you, fragrant, with cinnamon, sweet, I want to appease you. I brought you drunken beer that smells of herbs. Veles father, help me, (name), in trade, help the house soon and sell it profitably. Help, deliver from envious people and haters, from sorcerers with their secret evil word, from a sorcerer and from a gypsy and a gypsy. Grant me an honest sale of the house, no deception, no intoxication. Let people come to me from all over the world to buy my house. Veles father, give me good luck, bring a generous and rich buyer to me soon. Let me take the full price (name the amount) for the house, let me not sell it for cheap. Veles father, help me in the sale of the house, give me the price (name the amount) for the sale of my house. I sell corners, walls and ceilings, windows and doors, hearth and thresholds. With the help of the mighty father Veles, I will soon conclude a profitable and honest deal, (name the amount) I get for the sale of my house, (name where) I move. Help me, Veles Father, do not leave me, (name) alone with this case. Without you, Veles father, I cannot cope myself. You alone bring good luck, you alone know what is good for me and what I want. I sell my stone house to the boyar, I give it to you, Father Veles, delicious, lush, sweet loaf. Goy! Glory to Veles mighty! Goy! Glory! May it be so!".

    Then three times you need to whisper into the water:

    “My deed and my word, I will whisper to the water, You are the key-water, Sister of Gods, you run between the steep banks, you do not stop, you help everyone, you don’t know peace, you hear and remember everything. Cast your spell on my house, hide the flaws of the house, show all the good things in my house to the buyers. Fill Voditsa with the strength of Veles, help me, with your strength and the strength of Veles, bring a buyer to an honest and generous house to me. Just as people cannot live without you, voditsa, so they cannot be without my house. As the water runs in the rivers, so the buyers run to me. As there is a lot of water in the sea, ocean, river, let there be so much money from the sale of the house in my wallet. Money to me, home to the buyer. I sell the house, I give away everything bad with it, and my happiness and good luck are with me always and everywhere. May it be so!".

    Having spoken water, the vessel is taken in hand. Then they say the following again:

    “As the water flows, it splashes as if the stars in it seem as if the stars cannot be counted as if the water cannot be scooped out, as if Veles the wise knows everything and knows, so Veles, father helps me. in white, as if the stars shine do not go out, so let people come and visit me and come around, yes with money, but with not little money, but well-coordinated, he buys my horomina, gives me money, and takes the house for himself. let them find their hand, let them not bypass my doorstep, let the deal be harmonious, I will not forget the tacos of the grace of Veles, father. As for the help of Veles, my father, I rely on water to water my key house. Let the water sister lead the buyer, the buyer brings me the money for the house. Come, the buyer rich and generous with money, the granddaughter of God (name) is calling you, as if Veles's strength and help are with me. Lady sister Put your charms on my house, hide all the shortcomings, Show all the good things in my house to buyers. I will sprinkle the house with water, and I will stick the buyer to my house. Whoever sees my house, will think about it, just look at the house and part with the money. The money is uncounted, but for the house they have been given to me, then Veles's charms, witchcraft charms, they are gold to me, but they are a hassle to people, water is a witness, if the house is sprinkled with water, then everything will be done, it will be fulfilled with a word, and my wallet will be filled with money. May it be so. Veles, father, help the house to sell quickly and profitably, you need money (name the amount), no less. "

    In order for the desired come true, it is necessary to continue the rite, saying further:

    “I stand on the west side, At dawn,

    To help I call the power of the Native Gods,

    Veles Father and Lega, his guardian,

    Glory to the Native Gods! Goy! Glory!

    I will bow to Veles Father in the belt, I will turn to him with a prayer for help,

    Veles Father, a tight sadness sucked my zealous heart, blackened it with black need. I don't have the necessary wealth in my house, (name your problem), that's why I'm not sweet either day or night. I, the granddaughter of God (name), will light a candle, I will put it down,

    Veles father, I ask you, put your great strength around me,

    District of my house, District of my arrived,

    Cheat and secret word.

    As the light of the Sun is visible from afar,

    So my luck is visible to the world.

    Luck is a wall

    Around the business, around the sale of my house.

    Veles father helps me,

    People send me a house to buy,

    From dawn to dawn, my buyers are generous

    They go briskly, they want to buy my house, they argue with a friend for my house, they are in a hurry to buy it,

    (name the amount) for the sale of a house in my wallet flows like a river.

    Father Veles helps me with the sale of the house,

    My work strengthens me firmly.

    Veles father is my hope and support,

    The guardian lay down to support me,

    Veles father walks across the sky,

    Bags with money and good luck,

    The bags have opened

    Money and luck fell.

    I, the granddaughter of God (name), walked along the bottom,

    I collected money, took my luck

    I took it home, lit the candles,

    Candles, burn, Denyuzhki, and good luck come to me!

    The wax on my candle melts and melts, so my need decreases, and prosperity arrives May it be so! "

    But this does not end there either. After reading the conspiracy for success in the sale of real estate, you need to read the prayer to Veles: “You are the crown of all work and earthly lives, Veles, our God! Let my heart be filled with joy from what was created, For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts. May my deeds be manifested by good fruits and glory to my family! Bless Velese, so be it! "

    Upon completion of all readings, you need to release the accompanying Forces, thanking them and Veles for their help in their work.

    The water that was spoken during the ritual should be sprinkled on the house and land. Upon completion, there should be a little more water that needs to be poured onto the road that people regularly walk on. The more pedestrians there are, the more likely it is that the water will attract some of them.

    This rite can be done on the growing moon, in this case the phase does not matter.

    Rite of sale with a broom

    Not every plot to sell a house and land requires a lot of effort from the practitioner, a lot of ingredients and reading. long texts... In some cases, especially if the house is good, and the magician's requests are decent, you can do with simpler rituals that are easy to carry out at home. These include this conspiracy to quickly sell a house and land, which is mainly implemented with a broom.

    To carry out the ritual, the magician will need:

    • a broom bought in a store;
    • salt (optional).

    It is performed as follows:

    The conspiracy is extremely simple. Having bought a broom in the store, you need to wait until the third hour of the night. When the given time comes, the practice is required to begin revenge in the house, saying:

    “As I sweep the dirty linen out of the house, so I call merchants to myself. They will come, they will take my house, and I will live in another house. Amen".

    Additionally, in cases where the magician believes that this may not be enough for certain reasons, you can speak salt to make it more likely to help. Such rituals are usually performed if the house has some flaws, and it is expensive to sell the hunt. To do this, on the same night, salt is placed under the moonlight on the windowsill, speaking it seven times with the words:

    “White salt, pure salt, salty salt! How the light of the month hits you, So that buyers come to me! So that only the rich and the haves go, So that they carry money so they do not spare! As I spill this salt, the buyer will come to me immediately. Amen!".

    After talking salt, the practitioner goes to sleep. In the morning, salt should be scattered throughout all the rooms of the dwelling.

    Coffee bean plot

    There are other quite simple conspiracies for the successful sale of a house. Its advantage is that it directly affects everyone who crosses the threshold of the house. In addition, it is performed at any time of the day - it is not necessary to wait until the full moon comes in order for the magic to work.

    To carry out a conspiracy, practice will need:

    • a large church candle;
    • matches;
    • three roasted coffee beans.

    The ceremony is performed as follows:

    The first step is to buy a candle in the temple closest to your home. It should be the largest of all sold - if the conspirator wants the conspiracy to help him, you cannot skimp.

    Having all the necessary ingredients, you need to retire with them in the house away from prying eyes.

    At this stage, you need to light the purchased candle with matches, placing it on the table, and put coffee beans in front of it. Setting fire to the wick, the practitioner utters a slander:

    “Fire of holy light, will go everywhere, under my dwelling. But as he comes, it will remain so. And anyone who comes in will obscure his eyes, and everyone will like the home. Oh, yes, it will sell quickly, quickly, but for the money it will be long. Amen, amen, amen. "

    Then the candle is extinguished and hidden, and the coffee beans are placed under the rug at the entrance to the dwelling.

    Poppy plot for real estate sale

    There is more than one discussion in which people tell who and how they helped to use the rituals associated with the poppy to sell houses and other real estate. Speaking about proven methods, this conspiracy to sell a house and land should be highlighted.

    To carry out the ceremony, you will need:

    • a vessel with consecrated water;
    • a vessel with poppy seeds.

    The conspiracy is carried out as follows:

    It is necessary to put on the table two vessels containing consecrated water and poppy, respectively.

    From a vessel with poppy seeds, you need to take the contents with pinches and pour into the holy water, saying the following:

    “As I throw you a poppy, so I ask for money.

    Buyer come, buy my apartment.

    Mac will help me in everything, selling an apartment at a good price.

    In my hand I hold a magic poppy, as I said, so be it. "

    It is necessary to continue pouring until the vessel in which the poppy was originally contained is empty.

    The vessel with the resulting mixture is left in the dwelling until it is bought. After the sale, the contents are poured under the tree, thanking the poppy in advance for their help.

    There is another significant point in this conspiracy - you need to read it only from memory. Otherwise, the magic of this ritual will not give any result.

    Prayer for the sale of a house to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Prayers, like rituals, have long been used by people for various needs. Thus, Muslim worship plays a special role in the sale of property. But here we will talk about prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker - very effective method rather sell the property. This saint is the most revered among Orthodox Christians, because he will always come to the aid of a person in need of her, and the result will be quite quick.

    To pray a person will need:

    • a candle bought in a temple;
    • matches.

    The prayer is read as follows:

    The prayer is conventionally divided into two parts: initial and final. To read the first one, you need to go to the temple, put a candle to the Miracle Worker and say the following:

    "Pleasant Nikolai, bless me on successful sale apartments (houses) and sent down buyers generous, honest and not poor. Thy will be done. Amen".

    At the next stage, the supplicant goes home, lights a candle in front of the icon, which depicts St. Nicholas, and the prayer begins ends with the words:

    “Miracle worker Nikolai, I appeal to you with a prayer. Send me a bargain, honest and generous buyers. Let the client like the apartment (house) and the sale will be successful. Thy will be done. Amen".

    To get an early benefit from the sale of property, a prayer is read every day. It is also recommended to contact the Wonderworker before the direct arrival of a potential buyer.

    Plot for the sale of real estate on keys

    Conspiracies and rituals that allow you to make a quick and profitable deal on the sale of property are by no means uncommon. Moreover, a good part of such rituals allows you to sell your home for more than it is objectively worth. But all these conspiracies to sell a house and a plot do not have such a high probability of success as this method. However, this rite will allow the property to be sold quickly, showing how effective it is, only if the asking price is fair.

    For a conspiracy, practice will need:

    • keys to an apartment or a house with a land plot that you want to sell;
    • conspiracy text;
    • lock.

    It is performed as follows:

    Despite the fact that the conspiracy is quite strong, it is realized absolutely elementary. You just need to read the words of the conspiracy on the keys:

    “As a blacksmith needs to forge, a plowman has to plow, a merchant has to trade, to a priest to pray for an honest love, And I have to go to church and be baptized, So is a good, rich and generous buyer. Come to my house, pay for it and settle in it. Amen".

    Selling a house or land is not easy. Usually they turn to a realtor, who starts placing ads and looking for buyers for money, but this can last a long time, emptying the pockets of the seller. In the world of magic, there are special conspiracies for the sale of houses and land, thanks to which real estate will be sold much faster.

    General rules for the performance of the rite

    The performer should be in a calm mood, since the conspiracy will help to sell the house quickly and profitably only if during the ritual the person will not experience negative emotions. In order for the ceremony to have its positive effect, you must also adhere to a number of other rules:

    1. The ritual is performed only by the seller;
    2. The fact that a conspiracy to sell has been carried out cannot be reported to anyone;
    3. The full moon period is most favorable for such rites;
    4. It is better to perform the ceremony on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
    5. The performer must perform the conspiracy with faith in the words and actions of the rite;
    6. The conspiracy should not harm anyone.

    A conspiracy to sell a house or a piece of land belongs to the category of trade magic and is considered a white rite, which, in turn, will not harm the performer, unless the performer violates the above rules.

    Universal conspiracies

    There is a universal conspiracy to quickly attract a buyer and make a good deal to sell a house or land. Its difference from narrowly targeted spells is that special training is not required to perform such a spell.

    A conspiracy is carried out using a red thread. The ceremony is performed on Sunday evening. This requires a church candle, a small wooden stick and a skein of red thread. At the moment of whispering the spell, all windows in the house must be closed. In the largest room, place a table in the middle and light a candle on it.

    The walls of my roof will attract new people. Selling the house as soon as possible! As soon as a buyer enters here, the owner will leave my home! So that a person is kind when he bought, he gave me a lot of money with a generous hand! He will settle here with his family, he will not have heavy whips in his life! Amen!

    As soon as the text of the spell is read, it is necessary to take the melted wax from the candle and use it to seal the free ends of the thread on a wooden stick, so that the thread does not come loose over time. The resulting charged amulet must be hidden in a secluded place, and after the necessary transaction is completed, the amulet is destroyed in fire.

    Sale of a cottage or house

    This conspiracy can be performed on table salt. In the world of magic, salt is considered a kind of catalyst that absorbs energy well, bringing the most positive result. To perform the ceremony, you must:

    • Table salt package;
    • Four white candles;
    • Brush and deep dish filled with water.

    Before the start of the magical action, candles are placed in the corners of the house and set on fire. Next, you need to go clockwise around the house and at regular intervals pour salt on the ground, saying the phrase: "Salt help, solve my affairs!" As soon as the package is empty, you need to walk around the house being sold counterclockwise and, using a brush, sprinkling water on the walls of the house, pronounce the words of the spell:

    Four walls, four corners! I renounce you! The new owner will appear on the doorstep, I will evaporate! I will refuse to lock doors and windows! I'll hand over the keys and disappear right away! My will is strong, but my faith is strong! Amen!

    After the ceremony has been completed, the wax from the candles must be collected in a piece of clean white cloth and hidden under the porch of the house. The package is not removed from a secluded place even after the house in the country is quickly and profitably sold.

    Fast conspiracies

    This category of conspiracies provides a quick opportunity to sell stagnant property, wherever it is, even in the most remote village. To carry out a quick conspiracy to sell a house and land in a village, you need to collect land in a shallow container from Wednesday evening and stick a candle in it.

    The candle is lit and the words of the spell are spoken:

    In a remote corner, on the home side, the house stands with earth! House and land without an owner are insignificant! Find the person to whom all this will be useful! I lock my words with a lock, I lose the keys on the site! Amen.

    It is important that the candle burns out completely, and the wax covers the ground poured in the container. After the candle has completely burned out, the earth must be moved with wax and poured out at the nearest intersection of roads.

    For a quick sale of an apartment, you can use a grain of rice plot. To do this, you need to take three handfuls of rice cereal and pour it into a deep container, after which you need to light a church candle and go around all the rooms of the apartment being sold, reading the magic words:

    Native walls have become strangers! I reject you, I'm leaving! I want to transfer you to the new owner! As soon as the candle burns out, the next day the new owner will come running!

    During the casting of the spell, the wax should drip onto the rice grits. As soon as all the rooms have been passed, the container with cereals must be hidden near the entrance to the apartment. After the deal is completed, the container is taken from the apartment and thrown out in a deserted place.

    Strong rite on blood

    In order to perform a strong rite of passage for the sale of land, a house or an apartment, you need to prepare for it. Three days before performing the magical act, every evening you need to go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, pinning a safety pin into the pillowcase. Before falling asleep, the performer must visualize the final result of the ceremony as much as possible, imagine the features of the buyer, how the performer receives money and signs the documents on the sale of property.

    After three days in the morning, you must visit the sales facility and, injections ring finger left hand with a pin, which was pinned to the pillowcase at night, smear with blood front door into the room or, if it is a land plot, a gate. This is followed by a spell:

    Blood let me do what I want! I want my house (plot of land) to be sold quickly. I leave a part of myself as a pledge! Please provide me with a money lesson! The buyer will be rich and generous, the money will be deposited on time! I ask the higher powers to provide me with this valuable lesson! Amen!

    After the spell is cast, you need to go to the nearest church and give alms to those in need. Then the performer must go home and not talk to anyone until dusk.

    Prayer for sale

    To sell real estate, prayer for the sale of the house and land will help. Orthodox saints will also help in such a matter only if the intentions of the person calling for help are pious and are not aimed at causing harm to a potential buyer. The prayer service can be performed both at home in front of the icons of saints and in the church. To quickly and profitably sell a house, a prayer must be addressed to Saint Spyridon:

    Saint Spyridon, patron saint of trade, hear my sinful soul! I pray for help in selling my property! Don't leave me in trouble, come to the rescue! Give me a comfortable life and peace! At God's throne, say a word for me! Deliver from wicked people, evil and evil spirits! Your eternal name will shine, amen!

    The seller should also not be neglected general rules trade. It is important to show the buyer the product from the best side, while honestly and frankly tell about all its shortcomings, so as not to harm your energy biofield. Subject to all the rules, the transaction will go through quickly and profitably for both the contractor and the buyer.

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