• Winter games and entertainment consultation. Consultation for parents "winter fun for the whole family". How to keep your child busy in winter


    Alina Agafonova
    Consultation for parents "Winter fun and games"

    Consultation for parents

    "Winter fun and games"

    It is only adults who may not like winter. It seems to them that it is not very good when it gets light late, it gets dark early, it's frosty outside, and sticky snow falls. And children, on the contrary, love winter.

    Winter entertainment not only brings extraordinary joy to children, but also brings health benefits. These games, do not require a lot of time, some unplanned costs or certain skills.

    With the onset of winter, special feelings arise in the soul and the desire to spend this time of the year cheerfully and joyfully. The feeling of celebration and warmth gives that charge of emotions that keeps the mood high.

    How to keep the children busy on the street? And there are plenty of games!

    The most famous, probably, street winter the game is a snowball fight! You can play alone, or you can play in teams or defend a built fortress. Or you can choose a specific target on the wall or on a tree and throw snowballs at it.

    Downhill skiing.

    From the slide, you can ride ice sleds, sledges, cheesecakes, snow scooters. Classic descent "Locomotive" breathtaking not only for children, but also for their parents... Huddling in a bunch of mala, children quickly begin to make friends with each other, bodily contact during a noisy fun games brings together.

    Snowman modeling.

    The simplest snowman consists of three snow balls. Then we decorate it. There is no fantasy here limit: hands - sticks, fir twigs, nose - carrots, a bucket, a plate, any unnecessary headdress can act as a hat. Buttons, ribbons, braid will be used for decoration. But what if a molded snowman is painted with bright colors? The snowman coloring book will not leave anyone indifferent! Mix the paint with water. We pour the resulting solution into plastic bottles... We make several holes in each lid and close the bottles with them. You can also use spray nozzles.

    So let's start: Show the children how to use the bottles - how to guide them and how hard to press them so that the liquid pours in sharp jets through the holes and so that the spray will spray the paint. Start by drawing the eyes, eyebrows and lips of the snowman, then you can "Dress" him into something smart and bright.

    Construction of a snow fortress.

    Great activity for children of all ages. You can build a fortress using a bucket and shovels, or from large snow balls. A fortress can be built not only from snow, ice is also suitable.

    If you are out of town and you have a lot of clean snow, then you can try to mold an igloo. And along the way, tell the kids why they built such houses and where they lived in them.

    We draw snow angels.

    Children love to wallow in white and fluffy snow. Do not deny them this pleasure - try to play the snow angel with your child! The main thing is to find in the yard (in the park, in the forest) a place covered with an even layer of pure snow. Found it? Fine. To do this, the child must gently fall back on his back into a soft and untouched snowdrift and begin to quickly move his arms and legs, as if about to take off. The snow will cover the baby, the clothes will become angelic white, and the hands will become like wings. Help your baby to get up out of the snow carefully without destroying the resulting trail. Look closely at the trail in the snow, doesn't it look like a figurine of an angel? It will be even more fun if you make angels together.

    You can depict other snow images in the snow. The trail of an elephant with a trunk can be obtained by lying on your side in the snow and bending your arm so that the trail from it looks like an elephant's trunk.

    Try to create your own snow images.

    Blowing bubbles in winter is another very exciting activity. If you take them outside and inflate in the cold, then the resulting ball immediately freezes and begins to be covered with a beautiful pattern.

    A game "Pathfinders".

    A wonderful game to explore the world around you. To begin with, find pictures with footprints of all kinds of animals in the snow. When you have studied them, go for a walk. It will be great if there is an opportunity to walk in the woods at the dacha. And if you're lucky, then you can see the tracks of a hare, a squirrel, a bird, or even a fox.

    Winter Games well suited for two children, and for a large children's company. Play winter entertainment can be done in the yard or in the forest, in the afternoon or in the evening, with friends and parents... The most important thing for such winter outdoor games is even a small children's company and good mood, as well as readiness for felting in the snow, which inevitably accompany all winter Games... These games specially for active children and interested parents... Play now!

    And classic views sports: skiing, sledding and ice skating, playing with snow is also fun your child and heat the child's body.

    Ask the child what time of year it is, what games children love to play in winter, what they need for winter games;

    As an excursion, go with your child to winter stadiumwhere you should pay his attention to what kinds of sports children are involved in.

    Task 1. Solve riddles.

    * Who rushes fast in the snow, is not afraid to fall? (Skier)

    * I rush like a bullet forward, only ice creaks,

    Yes, the lights flicker. Who is carrying me? (Skates)

    * We stood all summer, expecting winters.

    Waited pores - rushed off the mountain. (Sledge)

    * I was not raised - I was blinded from the snow.

    Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.

    Eyes - coals, lips - knots.

    Cold, big. Who am I? (Snow woman)

    * Roll in the snow - I will grow up,

    You will warm me up at the stake - I will be lost. (Snowball)

    Task 2. "What winter do you know sports? What does this need (you can use the pictures) athletes? "

    Task 3. Didactic game "Who needs what?" (use of the accusative case of nouns): a skier needs skis, a hockey player -, a skater -, a luge -….

    Task 4. Didactic game "Correct the mistake" (for logical thinking).

    The skier needs a sled. A skater needs skis. The toboggan needs skates. The hockey player needs a sled. In winter, children go skiing, cycling, playing ball, making a snow woman, jumping rope, playing hockey, football, sunbathing, building a snow fort.

    Task 5. Learn a poem.

    We made a snowball, made the ears later.

    Instead of eyes, we found embers.

    The rabbit came out alive: with a tail and a head.

    Don't pull the mustache - they are made of straw!

    Long, shiny, just like real!

    Task 6. Tell us about how you sculpted a snow woman.

    Task 7. Tell us about your childhood, about playing winter season.

    It is only adults who may not like winter. It seems to them that it is not very good when it gets light late, it gets dark early, it's frosty outside, and sticky snow falls. And children, on the contrary, love winter.

    Winter activities not only bring children extraordinary joy, but also bring health benefits. These games do not require a lot of time, some unplanned expenses or certain skills.

    With the onset of winter, special feelings arise in the soul and the desire to spend this time of the year cheerfully and joyfully. The feeling of celebration and warmth gives the charge of emotions that keeps the mood high.

    How to keep the children busy on the street? And there are plenty of games!

    Probably the most famous street winter game is the game ofsnowballs ! You can play alone, or you can play in teams or defend a built fortress. Or you can choose a specific target on a wall or on a tree and throw snowballs at it.

    Downhill skiing.

    From the slide, you can ride ice sleds, sledges, cheesecakes, snow scooters. The classic descent by the "train" will take the breath away not only for children, but also for their parents. Huddled together, children quickly begin to make friends with each other, bodily contact during a noisy fun game brings them closer.

    Snowman modeling.

    The simplest snowman consists of three snow balls. Then we decorate it. Here there is no limit to imagination: hands - sticks, spruce branches, nose - carrots, a bucket, plate, any unnecessary headdress can act as a hat. Buttons, ribbons, braid will be used for decoration. But what if a molded snowman is painted with bright colors? The snowman coloring book will not leave anyone indifferent! Mix the paint with water. We pour the resulting solution into plastic bottles. We make several holes in each lid and close the bottles with them. You can also use spray nozzles. And so, let's begin: show the children how to use the bottles - how to direct them and with what force to press so that the liquid flows in sharp jets through the holes, and so that the spray splashes the paint. Start by drawing the eyes, eyebrows and lips of the snowman, then you can “dress” him in something smart and bright.

    With colored paint, you can simply paint over the snow.

    Construction of a snow fort.

    Great activity for children of all ages. You can build a fortress using a bucket and shovels, or from large snow balls. A fortress can be built not only from snow, ice is also suitable.

    If you are out of town and you have a lot of clean snow, then you can try to mold an igloo. And along the way, tell the kids why they built such houses and where they lived in them.

    We draw snow angels.

    Children love to wallow in white and fluffy snow. Do not deny them this pleasure - try to play the snow angel with your child! The main thing is to find in the yard (in the park, in the forest) a place covered with an even layer of pure snow. Found it? Fine. To do this, the child must gently fall back on his back into a soft and untouched snowdrift and begin to quickly move his arms and legs, as if about to take off. The snow will cover the baby, the clothes will become angelic white, and the hands will become like wings. Help your baby to get up out of the snow carefully without destroying the resulting trail. Look closely at the footprint in the snow, does it not look like an angel figurine? It will be even more fun if you make angels together.

    You can depict other snow images in the snow. The trail of an elephant with a trunk can be obtained by lying on your side in the snow and bending your arm so that the trail from it looks like an elephant's trunk.

    Try to create your own snow images.

    Soap bubbles in winter is another very exciting activity. If you take them outside and inflate in the cold, then the resulting ball immediately freezes and begins to be covered with a beautiful pattern.

    The game "Pathfinders".

    A wonderful game to explore the world around you. First, find pictures with footprints of all kinds of animals in the snow. When you have studied them, go for a walk. It will be great if there is an opportunity to walk in the woods at the dacha. And if you're lucky, then you can see the tracks of a hare, a squirrel, a bird, or even a fox.

    Winter games are good for both two children and a large children's company. You can play winter entertainment in the yard or in the forest, day or evening, with friends and parents. The most important thing for such winter outdoor games is even a small children's company and a good mood, as well as the readiness for felting in the snow, which inevitably accompany all winter games. These games are specially for active children and interested parents. Play now!

    Natalia Sokolova
    Consultation for parents "Games and fun in winter"

    Memo for parents

    « Games and fun in winter»

    If everything is white and white outside the window, sparkling flakes of snow are circling and there is a light frost outside, then it's time for winter fun! To enjoy winter, you need to properly organize your leisure time. Winter activities for children are fun and varied: various playing in the snow, making a snowman and making a snow fortress, playing snowballs, fun riding downhill on an inflatable sleigh ... Everything that pleases the child so much and makes him remember winter children for a long time games is in your imagination.

    Winter activities not only bring children extraordinary joy, but also bring health benefits. Winter kids games outdoors is much healthier than indoor activities. In winter the child performs movements much more actively, otherwise it is easy to freeze!

    What can you do with your child in winter? It is enough to look around - the white expanses of snow are an excellent source for the development of children's creativity. With friends or parents you can do the modeling of a snow fortress. It will take a collective effort to build a solid wall of snow that will withstand any blows during snowball games... To build a snow fortress, you first need to decide how many people will hide behind its walls. When the approximate dimensions of the fortress are indicated, you need to draw the size of the building in full size on the snow.

    The fortress can be round, square, rectangular, pentagonal - it all depends on your imagination! To build a high-quality building, you need to use "high technologies": the bucket is stuffed with snow, well tamped down and one after the other "Easter cakes" are molded that make up the walls. IN constructions fortresses can also use snowballs that can be rolled out of sticky snow. And don't forget about the gate opening and loopholes! At the end of construction, the fortress can be poured with water so that it lasts as long as possible. Modeling a snow fortress instantly lifts your spirits and energizes, because there are so many interesting snow games ahead with the participation of this snow structure!

    The most popular and extremely fun winter game is snowballs. This game involves two teams that throw snowballs at each other. The snow should be a little wet and sticky, otherwise the snowballs will not be able to blind. Process games snowball fight is an imitation of firefighting. There are various modifications. For example, the use of special structures - a snow fortress, etc. You can use shields that will protect you from snowballs, or take the trouble and make a snow gun.

    Another favorite game of children is "Tsar of the Hill", which is one of the old Russians fun and popular in modern times. For games you will need a low snow slide, as well as a team of players of 5-8 people. One player must climb up and to announce: "I am the king of the hill!" All those who disagree with this statement begin to storm the height in order to defeat the autocrat and push him from the top. The one who succeeds in overthrowing the king "from the throne" climbs the mountain and becomes the next king.

    What other winter activities are popular with children? Making a snowman is a winter children's game that has come down to us since ancient times. The simplest snowman consists of three snow balls. More complex snow sculptures can be sculpted in the form of a character from a cartoon or a children's fairy tale, for example, a bear, a horse, even a Baba Yaga! Making a snowman allows you to have a great time and develop creativity. The Snowman is a fun winter character that needs decoration and attention. You will need paints, a carrot to create a nose, perhaps buttons or large bright beads, straw, fir branches, old clothes (hat, scarf, mittens) - everything that can be found at home and donated without regret to decorate a snow sculpture.

    Winter entertainment for kids doesn't stop there. There are a huge number of snow games, from simple games into snowballs and ending with whole sports (skiing, skating, hockey, snowboarding, etc.)... One of the most favorite winter activities for children is downhill skiing. Going down the mountain is always fun, especially if you go down not on ordinary hard sleds, but on modern inflatable sleds. These inflatable sleds-cheesecakes appeared only a few years ago, but have already gained popularity among children. Why? The answer to this question lies in their versatility. They glide perfectly in the snow, even if the snow cover is still quite thin. These sledges have an excellent carrying capacity, so they can ride not only a child, but also the venerable head of the family. The cheesecake sled is absolutely unpretentious in operation. They will delight the whole family for more than one winter season.

    Winter is a great time to spend time with children. Tell your child how to spend winter days with benefit and interest. Let the winter babies games will be one of the most pleasant memories in the baby's life!

    Memo for parents.

    Winter fun for the whole family

    Winter is a very fun time for children! Perhaps no other time of the year can please them with such a wide variety of games and outdoor activities. Winter gameswill definitely benefit babies. stroll in winter - it is most often active and mobile rest, it is almost always associated with a variety of activities.


    Ski trips - almost best view outdoor activities with a child in the winter. Already at 3-4 years old, your children will be able to ride for 20 or 30 minutes in a row, slide down small slides and even ride in tow. Skiing is a fascinating activity, skiing can bring real pleasure to your child, while strengthening his health. Many toddlers love to ride "Shorty", for which you do not need a ski track, which means that there are no special problems.

    Safety! Overall, this is the least safe view winter walks. However, please note if the slide you are going to ride is too steep, bumpy or icy? Try to rule out all possible dangerous situations. Of course, you should ride in a park area, either outside the city, or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city where there is no traffic.


    If your kid loves ice skates - this is for life! The most suitable period for mastering this fast and graceful sport is 3-5 years. Ice skating strengthens the foot and ankle, so it is useful for any child! Ideally, the boot should fit snugly if the child is wearing tights and one pair of woolen socks.

    Safety! Unlike skiing, skating comes with a certain risk. Do not go to the skating rink on days when there are a lot of people on it. Falls cannot be ruled out, so make sure your child is wearing tight clothing. Make sure that at least the back of the head is well protected (e.g. thick soft cloth)... Do not leave your baby a single step in order to support him if necessary and avoid falls.


    So that the winter is not wasted for the kid, he definitely needs "transport" for skiing from the mountains and ordinary walks. It can be a sled or ice. Unlike other winter activities that are associated with active movement, you need to dress warmly for a sled ride. Recently, such winter entertainment as tubing has become common. This is also a kind of sled that is used for skiing from large and long slopes.

    Safety! You can only transport a child across the road in a sled that is pushed in front of you. If they only have a tug rope, then the baby must be removed. It is undesirable to sled down the hill. Dangerous situations can arise on tubing due to the high speed.

    Downhill skiing.

    Ice slide riding is one of the favorite children's fun in winter... True, many kids up to a certain age are afraid to ride a slide, until about 3.5-4 years old, but if you take mom or dad with you, it's not so scary! Having fallen in love with this activity, the kids are ready to ride down the hill to infinity and do not want to leave it home. Clothes should not be wet, otherwise after 20 minutes. have to go to change.

    Safety! Explain to your child in advance that discipline and consistency must be observed on the slide. You need to make sure for yourself that the slide is safe, so study the area carefully before riding. The descent should not go out onto the roadway, and it is better to ride the kids from small gentle snow slides, moreover, in uncrowded places and in the absence of trees, fences and other obstacles.

    Games around the house.

    Winter is so good because you don't have to go far for entertainment! It is enough just to leave the house, breathe fresh frosty air and play snowballs. It always makes you laugh and cheers you up. Make a snowman, and you can also build a snow tunnel, or even make a whole maze! Make an angel in the snow or just lie in a snowdrift! There are many options to do. The main thing is not lazy

    Counseling for parents"Healthy lifestyle for your children"

    Children, as you know, are a product of their environment - it forms their consciousness and habits. therefore healthy image life needs to be shaped precisely from childhood age: taking care of your own health as a core value will become a natural form of behavior.

    So what is health? It would seem that the simplest answer should be that health is the absence of disease. But this is not enough to explain to the child. Health is happiness! Health is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. In the formation of concepts about a healthy lifestyle, you need to make it clear to children what needs to be done to be healthy? You need to be willing and able to take care of your health. If you do not monitor your health, you can lose it.

    The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes many aspects.

    This is the first: compliance with the daily routine.

    In kindergarten, the regime is observed, since this is one of the important conditions for ensuring the activities of a preschool institution. But at home, the regime is not always observed, you need to teach children to go to bed early and get up early.

    Secondly: These are cultural and hygienic skills.

    Children should be able to wash properly, know what it is for make: to be clean, to look good, to be pleasant, and the skin to be healthy, to be hardened to wash away germs.

    Wash your soap! Do not be lazy!

    Don't slip out, don't be angry!

    Why did you fall again?

    I will wash you first!

    About microbes:

    The microbe is a terribly harmful animal

    Insidious and most importantly ticklish.

    Such is the animal in the stomach

    He climbs in - and lives there quietly.

    The fool will climb, and wherever he wants

    He walks around the patient and tickles.

    He's proud to have so much of him trouble:

    And a runny nose and sneezing and sweat.

    Did you kids wash your hands before dinner?

    Oh, brother Fox, you look like a cold.

    Wait, you have a hot forehead.

    There must be a microbe in you!

    Consider germ-free situations with children and draw conclusions that children need to do well. assimilate: do not eat or drink outside; always wash your hands with soap and water after returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet. Ask the children to count how many times a day they have to wash their hands; eat only washed vegetables and fruits; cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief when you sneeze or cough; there are only clean dishes.

    Thirdly: it is gymnastics, physical activity, hardening and moving games... If a person goes in for sports, he will live longer. "Take care of your health from a young age." Children should know why they say that. Be sure to do gymnastics daily.

    B - fourth: food culture. Playing out the situations "On a visit to Mishutka" and "Winnie - the Pooh visiting the Rabbit", considering and discussing pictures for games: "Beware, virus", "Be healthy!" Tell children that vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D, which foods contain them and what they are for. For better memorization, you can use an artistic word.

    I never lose heart

    And a smile on my face

    Because I accept

    Vitamins A, B, C.

    It is very important early

    Eat oatmeal for breakfast.

    Black bread is good for us

    And not only in the morning.

    Remember the simple truth

    Only the one who sees better

    Who chews raw carrots

    Or drinking carrot juice.

    For colds and sore throats

    Oranges help.

    Well, it's better to eat a lemon

    Although it is very sour.

    Help build a healthy lifestyle culture games on the Basics of Safe Life and according to the Rules of the Road.

    Just talking about the importance of health is not enough; it is necessary to take daily, albeit small, but always numerous steps. Then that healthy foundation will certainly be formed, on which the beautiful edifice of human life can be built in the future. So let's start from the very early years teach our children to take care of their health and take care of it! "Movement is the basis of health"

    Everyone knows how important movement is in human life. But between knowledge and practice, the distance is often very large. Meanwhile, it is also known that people who train their muscular system, even if very small, but necessarily by daily activity, are much less susceptible to accidents and diseases. Statistical data from the practice of pediatric doctors, medical commissions and insurance companies indicate the extreme importance of movement and proper nutrition in the lives of children and adults.

    Very simple, fun tips parents on the problem: "Movement and health"

    The human brain is especially concerned with unconscious thinking, is saturated

    impressions. In the future, 80% of our activities are guided by this unconscious experience. Therefore, educating children about the needs of a healthy body, education, training, both in kindergarten and in the family, play an extremely important role. Children need to be explained the importance of not only certain actions and habits, but the main thing is to set their own example.

    Exercise in the morning, move more, exercise and exercise, lead a healthy lifestyle, involve children in active actions and they will grow up healthy and successful people. Parents for children - an indisputable authority, will take to follow.

    From an early age, teach children to take care of their health and take care of it. Joint activities unite, unite children and adults. Position parents largely determines the attitude of children to physical culture and sports. If adults lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly perform at least the simplest physical exercises with children, are mobile, easy-going, this is "Fertile soil", on which good shoots will sprout - strong, healthy children who love physical education.

    Just talking about the importance of health is not enough.

    It is necessary to take daily, albeit small, but always numerous steps. Then that healthy foundation will certainly be formed, on which a wonderful building of human life can be built in the future.

    Participate more often in physical education and sports activities in kindergarten. Children rejoice in the presence of adults and are proud of their parents. Sports Holidays, in which family teams compete, unite the family, bring a lot of joy and are remembered by adults and children for a long time.

    Arrange holidays for children at home, do not spare time and effort for this. All this will pay off with the health of your child, his active life-affirming position, further prosperity in life.

    The best days of the event are Saturday, Sunday, holidays, vacations, vacations.

    Anyone can be in command - mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, son or daughter, aunt, uncle, etc. "Periods" divide and then everyone is responsible for their own "event" your length of time.

    Do some stretching in the morning while still in bed. muscle:

    Lie on your back, legs and arms outstretched, stretch with your whole body;

    Strain your feet, socks;

    Taking your hands far behind your head, spread your palms, stretch your fingers, inhale;

    Then relax, moving your arms along your torso, exhale.

    It is good to accompany the exercise with thoughts or words, uttering them in a whisper or aloud: « Good morning! How good! I am well! Everyone is healthy! I love my family!"

    From the same starting position, putting your arms bent at the elbows under your head, stretching your legs (you can catch your socks on the headboard or hide them under a blanket folded with a roller, make several half-lifts of the upper body without lifting your legs from the bed.

    Lying on your back, straight arms along the body, or bent at the elbows under the head, raise your legs up several times, trying to make "right angle".

    Continuing to lie on your back, perform several rotational movements with your palms and feet in one direction and the other.

    From a position lying on your back, arms and legs stretched out, roll over onto one side, onto your back, onto the other side, onto your stomach.

    From the starting position, lying on your stomach, stretching your arms and legs, do "Boat", bending in the back, raise your head, upper body, legs.

    To tell: "Good! Very well!" Stand up.

    It is worth repeating the exercises from two mastiffs four times with a smile and a good mood.

    The general enthusiasm, the team coming from another room, very invigorating, unite the whole family with a common idea, and by common action, they fill everyone with positive emotions with a general cheerful mood.

    "Hello everybody! Hello everyone!"

    Joint gymnastics in a large room or hallway - what could be better! The exercises are the simplest and most accessible to all family members, from the smallest to the largest. Improvisation and imitation movements are especially good.

    Shower! From this morning procedure, all especially children will enjoy a real fun water holiday.

    Now for a delicious breakfast! After all, this is the most important meal of the day. Therefore, we do not have breakfast on the go. A beautifully set table, favorite dishes, family faces - how great it is! At breakfast we have peaceful conversations about the day ahead, including the needs of the body.

    Then all kinds of calm mobile courtyards games, which will be initiated by all family members. Grandparents will offer to play old folk games, dad and mom are in games of your childhood, children - in modern mobile games... It will be interesting and useful to everyone. Play these games, as: "Fanta", "Yes and no do not speak", "Lotto", "Burners", "Salki", "Kvach", "Zhmurki", "Hide and seek", "Cossacks-robbers", "Freeze", "Paints".

    From home - to the street, to nature.

    A walk or an excursion, a trip, a hike, visits to cultural and entertainment institutions, parks, children's attractions, theaters are required. Talking about the beneficial effects of nature and recreation on health is useful.

    You can dine at the catering point. It is pleasant and interesting, contributes to the social and communicative development of children.

    Sit on a bench and admire the sky, the river, trees, flowers, etc., breathe calmly - this is so soothing, promotes relaxation, deep rest.

    You can still actively move. Or visit a cinema. It is important that during the day the child does various exercises: stretch, and then relax the muscles, and you will have a feeling of warmth throughout your body, tighten your back muscles, bring your shoulder blades together and open, stand up straight, lower and raise your head several times and you will have a beautiful posture.

    In the evening, a general dinner at home, hygiene procedures, calmer games, family reading (better than fairy tales or entertaining stories - everyone loves them)... If you cannot watch an interesting program together without TV, but not for long, it is harmful for children.

    Children go to bed. "Good night!" It is very good if the children sing a lullaby, sit next to him with kind words - such minutes are remembered for the whole

    life, they convince the child of their own security in their significance for the family, awaken in him peace of mind, strengthen health, help to be confident and successful.

    MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 15 "Aleksandrovsk, Perm region.

    "Working with parents" consultation "Winter games and fun for young children"

    Consultation for parents "Winter Games and winter fun for young children ".

    Winter games and winter fun are very popular with children of all ages, but for little ones these are the most interesting hobbies, since this winter may be the first in their life. Therefore, the kids enjoy the snow and immerse themselves in winter games with great pleasure, while receiving a lot of positive emotions.

    First snow. After the child has seen enough, take him by the handle and walk along the snow. Show that walking in the snow your footprints remain with him, with emphasis that he crunches under your feet. Then you can tell your child about its properties: tell them that it is white, that it shines in the sun, that if you bring a snowball into the house or put it on a warm palm, it will melt. Put snow on the baby's handle (mitten) and show that you can make a lump out of it. Then you can blind the child with some snowballs and leave with him. The game develops the logic, ingenuity of the child, and also helps to strengthen trusting relationships.

    Snowman. Take a carrot from your home before going for a walk. Going outside, start sculpting a snowman, cheerfully comment on your actions: “Look, I made a small snowball, let's roll it in the snow. See, the snow sticks to our snowball and it gets big. " Blind the snowman, and let the baby find and attach his hands, stick a carrot, make eyes and mouth. Then you can come up with a name for him. On the next walk, show your child that snow can be used to mold houses, fortresses, cars, animals and people.

    With the wind. You will need a sled with a back for this game. Sit the baby on them and warn that now you will go slowly, then say: "And now I will take you faster" (accelerate the pace), then say: "Hold on, now you will go very fast" (move as fast as possible). At the same time, you can hum a funny song about winter or read a rhyme. The child will be delighted. The game develops the child's concept of speed. He will begin to understand what is fast and slow.

    Deep or not very (measure the depth). For this winter game you will need to find 2 sticks: one should be short and the other long. Sharpen the child's attention by saying something like: "Look, this big stick, it is very long, and this smaller one is called short." Then have your child measure the depth of the snow. To do this, stick both sticks into the snowdrift, and sharpen his attention to the length of each segment remaining on the surface. Allow your child to stick the sticks in the snow on their own. Then you can collect a lot of sticks, also sticking them in, depicting a forest or garden. Walking through the forest, you can say: "This is a big tree, but this small one - it has not grown yet!" Introduces children to concepts such as "short-long", "deep-shallow"
    Snowy picture. You will need a long stick for this. Find a relatively level surface and show your child that they can paint in the snow. Draw lines, draw geometric shapes, while naming them. "Look, I drew a circle, if you finish drawing the sticks, then the sun will turn out from it." Have the child take another stick and draw something on their own, or draw together complementing each other. Develops imagination well and creative skills children.

    Snow molds. For this game you will need a baby bucket, molds and a spatula. Together with the child, collect snow in a bucket and molds. Then carefully turn them over and remove the resulting figures, into which you can then add cones, twigs or other improvised materials, and then you can fill the finished products with water and show the baby the next day what came out of your idea.

    Whose tracks are these? Show your baby how to make tracks on a flat snow-covered surface. Get your footprint and ask your child to do the same. Then talk, tell: "The print of my foot is bigger, but your footprint is still small, because you yourself (yourself) are still small." Show how you can draw with footprints, walk around and draw a circle, square, or something else.

    Then wander around the park and look for animal tracks, while you can tell your little one a funny story about animals.

    Develops in children the concept of "Big-small", comparison skills, and also contributes to the development of imagination.

    Winter games and fun for children. Children are looking forward to the onset of winter. Winter brings with it the first snow and winter games and fun. This is the most fun time of the year for children. Despite the cold weather, the kids run out into the street and indulge in various games.

    What can children play outside in winter? Even in ancient times, there were many winter fun, both for children and adults. Today fathers and mothers are no longer playing snowballs with such pleasure and enthusiasm, making snowmen, considering this to be childish amusements. However, outdoor games have been and remain a favorite pastime for both kids and adults.

    What can you play outside?

    Snowballs. The simplest and most favorite game is snowballs. Children sculpt small balls out of snow and jokingly throw them at each other. Snowballs are best played when it's a little bit cold outside. Then the snow is not so cold and molds well, the snowballs turn out to be smooth and even.

    What else can you do to keep your kids busy on the street?

    We make a snowman and a snow woman. You can sculpt a snowman. A traditional snowman is made of 2-3 snow balls that are stacked on top of each other. The eyes are made from sticks, buttons, or coals. The snowman's nose is made of carrots. You can attach a snowman's hands from twigs or sticks, put a bucket on his head or make some kind of hat.
    Sledding, snow-scooters, pillows.

    In the winter period, outdoor games for children are preferable to be mobile, so that the kids do not freeze and at the same time receive relaxation, breathe fresh air. Sledding is great. To go down the mountain, the guys must not only climb it, but also drag the sled up, and this is an excellent training for leg strength and breathing. You can go sledding together for several people.

    Ice, like snow, provides great opportunities for children's imagination. You can sculpt various shapes out of ice, fill whole castles. The water will freeze in the cold and take the desired shape. To make the shapes look more interesting, add a little food coloring or thin the paints to the water. Snow can be a great area for painting, and not just with a stick or tree branches. The drawing is easily made in color with the help of the same food coloring, you just have to add it along the contour of the drawing.

    According to the same principle, crafts are made from ice without leaving the house. Take the mold you want, fill it with water, add a few drops of the desired color dye and place in the freezer. When the water is frozen, take out the mold and let it thaw a little. Take the shape out of the mold. However, to prevent the figurine from melting completely, it will have to be stored in the refrigerator.

    As a game, you can suggest finding a treasure in the snow.

    A treasure is buried in the snow on the agreed territory - a surprise toy that the kid must find. "Excavation" of the treasure should not take up a large space, as the baby will simply be lost.
    What to tell children about winter?

    You and I know that the seasons in nature replace each other, each bringing its own gifts and changes in the world around us. Winter announces its approach with cold winds, snow and frost. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer. The sun warms poorly and rarely appears, hiding behind thick clouds.

    Fluffy snow covers the snow-white carpet, shrubs, trees, roofs of houses in white clothes. Frost paints fancy patterns on the windows.

    At this time, trees and shrubs stand without leaves, only the Christmas trees remain green. They fall asleep and wake up only in the spring. Winter warms them with a blanket of snow. Trees are not cold because they have a protective layer - cork fabric that does not let the cold through. And the thicker the plant, the warmer it is.

    Winter is far from best time for animals and birds. In autumn, forest animals try to stock up and, with the arrival of winter, hibernate in their burrows until spring. There are few birds left, many of them (rooks, wild ducks) fly away to warm lands. Those birds that remain for the winter try to move closer to the human habitation. Insects also take refuge in burrows from the cold, and it becomes difficult for birds to reach them.

    Winter is a difficult time for birds, and people should try to help them get through it. In cities, many pigeons and sparrows usually winter, titmouses arrive. They can be found in parks, in yards - wherever they feel human care. To do this, it is necessary to hang feeders on trees, eaves of houses and fill them with bread, grain, seeds. You can just feed the birds on the streets. However, feeders are a more effective help, since birds can use them at any moment. It is very easy to make feeders from auxiliary materials: cardboard, unnecessary sticks, milk bags. By helping birds, we are helping nature, and therefore ourselves. The seasons bring their own unique fun. Winter is the best time for sledding, ice skating, skiing. While sledging and skiing require thick snow, ice skating requires a thick layer of ice. It is better to use a specially flooded ice rink, as the natural layer of ice on the reservoir may not be dense enough. On days when the frost is mild or the thaw comes, playing snowballs is a good fun for children. The guys make snowmen, snow towns. In Ancient Russia there was a game called "Towns", when whole castles were built out of the snow, children and adults played performances together, attacking the snow town. Sometimes, even today, adults arrange similar games for children.

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