• Drawing on the theme of winter fun. Lesson in drawing in the preparatory group "our winter fun" teaching material on drawing (preparatory group) on the topic. Topic: "Our winter fun"


    Drawing on the theme of "Winter fun"

    purpose: Create conditions for transferring movement in the drawing. Development of the ability to conceive the content of your drawing and bring the idea to the end. Continue painting using all known drawing techniques

    Equipment:White paper, watercolor, brushes; musical work by V.A. Mozart's Sleigh Ride.

    The teacher, together with the children, recalls winter fun (sledding, ice skating, skiing; playing snowballs; modeling a snow woman, etc.). Reads short poems

    offers to guess riddles.

    Snow, snow is spinning

    The whole street is white!

    We gathered in a circle

    Spun like a snowball.

    All face and hands

    He covered me with snow ...

    I'm in a snowdrift - grief

    And the guys - laughter!

    I. Surikov


    Walking runners

    Same length

    Through the meadow to the birch

    They pull two strips ...

    Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but walking.

    What a ridiculous man

    Made my way at twenty

    first century?

    Carrot - nose, in hand -

    Afraid of the sun and heat.


    I was clapped with a shovel

    They made me a hunchback

    They beat me, beat me.

    They poured icy water

    And they all rolled down afterwards

    From my hump in a herd.

    (Snow Hill.)


    Today you will be drawing on compressed paper. To do this, first you need to crumple and squeeze the paper, then straighten the sheet and apply a drawing on it.

    Children complete the task.

    In the middle of the lesson, finger gymnastics is carried out.

    Finger gymnastics

    "We went for a walk in the yard"

    One, two, three, four, five, We went for a walk into the yard.

    Bend the fingers one at a time. They "walk" on the table with the index and middle fingers.

    They sculpted the Snow Baba,

    "Sculpt" a lump with two palms.

    The birds were fed with crumbs,

    They "crush bread" with all their fingers.

    Then we rode down the hill,

    Lead the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left.

    They also lay in the snow.

    They put their palms on the table with one side or the other.

    All came home in the snow, ate soup and went to bed.

    Shake off their palms. Movements with an imaginary spoon, then hands under the cheek.

    At the end of the GCD, the children make a small spray to complete the drawing.

    Then the drawings are analyzed. Each picture is discussed: what is depicted on it, what it turned out to be displayed, what needs improvement. At the end, the children recite poems about winter and winter fun.

    Fixing the material:

    favorite sport».


    Composing stories from personal experience on the topic "My favorite sport" with children of senior and preparatory subgroups. Purpose: to create conditions for

    drawing up a story, based on the plan, include in the story a description of the appearance of the characters, their characteristics.

    Encourage you to come up with different developmental episodes.

    Didactic material: "Winter views sports"," Summer views sports».

    Exhibition "Winter Fun" Doll Roma

    I. Organizing time (Motivation):

    Guys, look what Roma brought us! This is a real medal and diploma that was awarded for participation in sports competitions

    II. Main part (Implementation):

    Tell me, what types sports you know?

    Children's answers. (hockey, football, figure skating, athletics).

    You already know that all kinds sports can be divided into two categories. These are summer and winter views sports.

    List the winter ones.

    Children's answers.

    Name the summer ones.

    Children's answers.

    Guys, each of you can get the same medal and become real athleteif will be engaged sports, and first of all, will do exercises every day.

    2. Physics.

    Every athlete before starting workouts, he does a warm-up. Stretches and warms up the muscles. I suggest we warm up too.

    Warm up.

    "Step march"

    Walking with a marching step.

    I hold my back correctly.

    I am friends with physical education.

    We're kicking top, top

    We clap, clap our hands

    We eyes a moment, a moment

    We shoulder chick, chick

    One here, two here

    (body turns to the right, to the left)

    Turn around you

    One sat down, two - we got up

    They sat down, got up, sat down, got up.

    And then they set off at a gallop

    (jumping in place)

    Like my bouncy ball.

    One, two, one, two

    (exercise to restore breathing)

    So the game is over.

    Well done boys! You did a good job.

    3. Conversation. (Drawing up a story based on a plan, including a description of the appearance of the characters in the story, their characteristics)

    Tell me about what types sports we spoke?

    Children's answers.

    What new have you learned today?

    Children's answers ..

    Guys, let's take a look at your drawings. Tell us why this particular view sports you have chosen... How do you like him?

    Children's answers.

    4. Game of low mobility.

    And now I suggest you rest a little and play your favorite game"The sea is worried once, ..."

    Need to come up with athletedealing with a certain type sports and guess the desired look sports.

    The sea is worried once

    The sea worries two,

    The sea waves three

    Sports figure freeze!

    Guys, tell me why we need to study sports? Children's answers (to be healthy, to improve health, etc.) What categories can be divided into types sports? (winter, summer)

    What else did we do in class?

    Fixing the material:

    To arrange an exhibition of paintings. "My favorite type of spot».

    On a walk, play an outdoor game "The sea is worried once ...".

    Exercise children in the ability to pull themselves up on the bench.

    Game "Hit the target".

    Make a didactic lotto game "Types sports».

    Together with the children, make an album "Different types sports».

    Summary of a drawing lesson for the preparatory group
    Topic: "Spring motives"
    Purpose: Using the emotional experience of children in art classes. Techniques of unconventional drawing techniques.
    Tasks: To form in children a warm, reverent attitude towards inanimate images of nature, the ability to feel its beauty and perfection. To convey in the drawing the joyful mood associated with the arrival of spring. Teach the draining of paints.
    Material: album sheets, cotton swabs, watercolors, brushes No. 3, No. 1.
    Preliminary work: observation of children for the phenomena of spring nature on walks. Reading poems about spring, looking at illustrations, paintings, postcards.
    Course of the lesson
    1. - Children, did you notice what has changed in our office?
    - A bright sun shines in the morning. It is warm and tender. And what is your mood? (joyful, cheerful)
    - And why? (spring has come) Children come to the window and observe what color the sky is, what the horizon has become, the snow in the distance is darkening.
    - Because there are thawed patches.
    - What are thawed patches?
    - Snow melts in some places and black spots appear.
    - Let's remember how you walked in the morning kindergartenthat they saw something special, and maybe heard.
    - The sun is shining, it warms, puddles appear on the sunny side.
    - Buds appear on the trees.
    - Birds chirp (what) .- Have you noticed what the air has become? It is special, springtime, fresh.
    - Nature comes to life after the winter cold.
    Reading the poem "Spring" by I. Tokmakova.
    Spring is coming to us with quick steps,
    And the drifts melt under her feet.
    Black thawed patches on the margins are visible.
    That's right, very warm feet in the spring.
    2. Invite the children to draw a picture of spring.
    - How can you portray spring in an interesting way?
    Show progress:
    Moisten the sheet with a cotton swab, then add blue paint to the upper part (the color should blur with spots). Draw the lower part with red paint (the sun rises). Immediately on the damp background, draw the branches of the bush. The image is blurry in the picture.
    -Early morning, foggy, the air seems to sway, warmed by the sun's rays.
    Draw the buds (white paint) with the index finger (smear). 3. Children do the work on their sheets. Make sure that children draw a smooth transition of colors.
    4. Analysis: children look at their drawings, talk about their impressions. They choose the most successful works for what they liked.

    Attached files

    Purpose: depict a winter walk - children in different poses, winter nature, snow; independently compose the plot and composition of the picture.


    • consolidate the skills of working with wax crayons and paints over the drawing;
    • think over the plot and independently compose the picture;
    • depict the figures of children sledding, ice skating, skiing, sculpting and playing snowballs, in winter clothes;
    • transfer the foreground and background of the composition (further-closer) by changing the size of the object and subject;
    • to show winter nature with graphic means - snow, drifts, bare branches of trees, bushes;
    • revive the drawing by adding individual details, for example, a bench, a house, animals (dog, cat, bird) and others;
    • convey in the drawing the mood reflected in the music, the joy and pleasure of winter fun.

    Means and materials: large format paper, thick brushes, wax crayons, watercolors, music recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Trepak" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" and "Maslenitsa" from the piano cycle "The Seasons"; toys on sleds, skates, skis, in hats and scarves.

    Drawing lessons in the senior group:

    Guys, look out the window, winter is in full swing - a lot of snow, frosty, sunny. Do you think winter is a fun season or a sad season? Let's listen to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, a famous Russian composer, and find out how he sees winter? (Sounds "Maslenitsa" from the cycle "Seasons");

    What do you hear? The music is cheerful, vigorous, joyful, playful, perky and festive. You can hear how they laugh, play, everyone rejoices in winter. What else does the music tell you about? It's great to roll and tumble in the snow, not being afraid to get dirty, jump into the snowdrifts, make a snowman, throw snowballs, slide down an ice slide, build snow fortresses. What else can you do with such music in winter? Guess riddles and find out:

    “By car without a motor, without a steering wheel and without wheels

    I rush along the snowy hill boldly, right from above, down the slope "(sledges).

    (A toy in winter clothes is put on a sled).

    "I rush like a bullet, I go forward, only the ice creaks,

    Yes, the lights flicker. Who is carrying me? (Skates).

    (We put on skates for the next toy).

    “I can't feel my legs for joy, I'm flying down the snowy hill.

    Sport has become dearer and closer to me, they helped me with this ... (skiing). "

    (We put the toy on the skis).

    Today you and I must tell everyone how we can have fun in winter, only we will tell not in words, but in pictures.

    We begin to draw with crayons, so it will be more convenient to depict ourselves and our friends against the background of snow. But first, listen to another excerpt from the music of PI Tchaikovsky ("Trepak" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" sounds). How are they similar? With energy and enthusiasm, the fact that in both passages the music reflects the same feelings and emotions. Simply in music, as in drawing, this can be expressed by various means - notes or paints.

    To make it easier to imagine and portray people on sleds, skates, skis, look at our toys. Think about what you will be wearing, how you will move, where you are. If in the distance, in the background, then the figure and object should be drawn less, and what is closer - in the foreground, we draw larger, larger, more clearly draw the details.

    What is the nature around us in winter? You can draw snowflakes, drifts, black bare trees, bushes, or something else.

    After the main drawing, add details. Maybe a dog runs after the sled and barks or a crow sits on a tree, or maybe a cat is approaching a bird, there is a lonely park bench or a snow-covered house in the distance. Think for yourself what you can see around you on a winter walk and draw it.

    Now we will paint the snow around, the blue sky, the bright yellow sun - if you play during the day, and in the evening the sky turns purple, the sun turns red at sunset. Remember that paints do not cover the crayons, so you can paint all over the sheet.

    Summing up the drawing lesson:

    Look at your drawing - what you like the most about it, what in your opinion turned out best. Come up with a short story for him. And let those who wish come out and present their picture with a story in front of the group.

    Abstract GCD for drawing

    in senior group "Our winter fun"

    Software content:

    to teach to draw a figure of a person (child) in winter clothes (overalls, conveying the shape of body parts, their location, proportion, to teach to convey simple movements of arms and legs, to lead children to convey the image in an unconventional way (with the help of a hand);

    keep learning to use in drawing different materials: lead pencil, crayons, watercolor.

    reinforce the technical skills of drawing with materials.

    develop the ability to convey in the drawing your attitude to winter games;

    instill a love for a healthy lifestyle and sports.

    Material: a reproduction of V. Surikov's painting "Taking the Snow Town", illustrations depicting winter sports; A4 paper; simple pencil, oil pastels, watercolor paints.

    Preliminary work:

    • viewing reproductions by V. Surikov "Taking a Snow Town", illustrations of winter landscapes;
    • didactic lotto game “Clothes in any weather”;
    • observation on the site for the games of children;
    • drawing with various art materials.

    Course of the lesson:

    At the beginning of the lesson, children are invited to look at a reproduction of a painting, an illustration depicting winter games, and listen to an excerpt from the poem by Alexander Pushkin "Winter Morning".

    “What happens to nature in winter? What colors are prevalent? Do you like winter? For what? What games can you play in the fresh frosty air in winter? Do you like hiking in winter? What is the best way to dress outdoors in winter so as not to freeze? What mood do you get during the winter games?

    After the children answer the questions, offer to compare the two drawings. Who is depicted on them? What are the children wearing? How do they differ from each other? Find out if they themselves could draw the same funny children on a winter walk?

    Physical education "We will build a snow house"

    We went out into the street


    Snow covered!

    (hands up, to the sides)

    Here we will take the shovels,

    (work with shovels)

    And we'll shovel all the snow.

    Let's plow the path

    To the very threshold.

    (stamp their feet)

    Making round snowballs

    (make snowballs)

    And huge lumps.

    (show a big lump)

    We'll build a snow house


    We will live together in it.


    Offer to carefully look and listen to the story about two palms that help children draw!

    1. Place your left palm in the center of the sheet of paper. Take your thumb to the side. Press the ring and little fingers together, close the index and middle fingers more tightly and take them slightly to the side.
    2. A check mark should form between your ring and middle fingers. Press your palm firmly against the sheet of paper so that it does not move.
    3. With your right hand, circle your palm with a simple pencil, do not press the pencil strongly against your fingers.
    4. 4... Remove the left palm from the sheet, close two lines.
    5. Turn the sheet to 1800. Asking the children “What is it like? ".
    6. Draw two arcs on top (hood).
    7. FROM right side you need to draw a second hand. Children decide for themselves where it will be directed: up, down, to the side or to the left on the overalls.
    8. We draw what we did: ovals - boots; oval plus finger - mittens; scarf; eyes; nose; mouth.
    9. You need to circle the finished drawing with wax crayons, they are not afraid of watercolors. You need to use different colors to make the jumpsuit bright, noticeable, with many small details (zippers, pockets, collar, cuffs, reflectors, etc.)
    10. Then add the plot: snowflakes, a shovel, a snowman, etc. at the request of the children.
    11. The final part of the work is painting with watercolors.

    The teacher invites children to draw their favorite pastime in winter. The drawing should convey the mood.

    Then the drawings are combined into a mosaic panel for the content: skiing, ice skating, sledging, snowballing, etc.

    Tips for the educator

    In the previous lesson, invite the children to draw a winter landscape.

    Display reproductions of paintings about winter.

    Summary of classes in the senior group

    Topic:"Oh winter, oh winter, games and fun"

    Educational area : "Child and Nature"

    Software content: clarify children's ideas about winter fun (sledding, skiing, the ability to dazzle and decorate a snowman); consolidate the knowledge of children about winter.

    Develop the ability to compose a descriptive story about winter, develop visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements with speech, activity; to form the skills of dialogical coherent speech.

    Foster the need for healthy way life; cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen to the answers of comrades.

    Equipment: illustrations "Winter fun", doll Snowman, prizes, pictures - snowflakes, mnemonic pictures.

    Preliminary work:

    Consideration of a series of illustrations about winter phenomena in nature, subject pictures, subject and winter landscapes.

    Observation of natural phenomena on walks, skiing of schoolchildren.

    Carrying out cognitive research work with snow. Introducing children to the qualities and properties of snow.

    Reading fiction on the topic.

    Course of the lesson:


    Psycho-gymnastics: "Let's hold hands together ..." (M. Yu. Kartushina)

    Let's join hands together

    And we will feel warm.

    Let's turn around, smile -

    Like our sun.

    We guys are friendly - yes - yes - yes.

    We're not boring at all - yes - yes - yes.

    The mood is excellent - yes - yes - yes.

    Everyone is ready for classes - yes - yes - yes.

    Well, then let's get started - yes - yes - yes.

    Introductory note: In class I ask you to speak clearly and clearly, we try to pronounce all the words correctly.

    2. Organizational moment.

    V-l: Guys, a guest came to us today, but Mother-Winter bewitched him. And in order to disenchant him, you need to guess the riddle.

    Listen to the riddle:

    What a ridiculous man made his way into the 21st century

    Carrot nose, broom in hand

    Afraid of the sun and heat, who is it?

    D: Snowman.

    Hello guys! I learned that today you will be talking about winter games and fun, so I got ready.

    Guys, Snowman is right, today we will talk about winter games and fun.

    What is the snowman made of? Children's answers.

    Word game "What snow?"

    (Purpose: to find words-definitions)

    What can you say about the snow, what is it? (children pass the snowball from hand to hand, naming definitions).

    You know, the snowman brought us pictures about winter, but evil Winter decided to confuse you by adding extra ones. Help the snowman, choose only those pictures that relate to winter.

    Didactic game "When it happens"

    Children choose the pictures they want and compose a story about winter.

    And why did you choose these pictures? Tell us. (Answers of children.)

    In winter, the sun shines rarely and little. There are dark clouds in the sky. Cold wind is blowing. The ground was covered with snow. The trees are bare. Rivers and lakes were covered with ice. Frost. People put on warm clothes. Children go sledging, skiing and skating.

    - And also winter is a time of children's games and fun. Our guest Snowman wants to know what you know about winter fun. I brought you funny pictures, but look, they are also bewitched. These are all the pranks of winter. But we are not afraid of her, because we can breathe correctly when it's cold. Let's show you how this is done.

    Breathing exercises

    It is cold outside and therefore it is necessary to breathe correctly (through the nose), then we will show you how to breathe outside in frosty weather (they breathe through the mouth) and in conclusion we will blow like a strong winter wind and blow off the witchcraft of winter.

    Now, guys, let's see what the Snowman wanted to show us and talk about how, what winter fun awaits us in winter.

    But for this you need to solve riddles:

    I was not raised - I was blinded from the snow.

    Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.

    Eyes - coals, hands - knots.

    Cold, big, who am I?

    Who is in the picture?

    What are the children doing? - What kind of snowman is it?

    - They fly down the hill themselves,

    And they don't want to go up the hill,

    It is necessary to climb the hill for the rope

    Pull back each time.

    Look at the picture, what are the guys doing?

    Do you think you need to be careful when skiing down the mountain?

    (From the mountain on a sled, you must carefully ride so as not to fall and not damage yourself., Do not push)

    -It's hard for us to walk in them

    On the asphalt in summer

    But it's easy to slide on ice

    We do this in winter.

    - Look at the picture, who do you see in the picture?

    - How are the guys dressed?

    - What are the children doing? Where can you go ice skating?

    (To skate, you need a special area.) What should this area be covered with? And tell me, what kinds of sports do you know where you can skate?

    -Wooden two horses

    Down the mountain they carry me.

    I have two sticks in my hands

    But I do not beat the horses, I feel sorry for them.

    - That's right, it's skis.

    - Look at this picture, who is drawn in the picture?

    - How are the guys dressed? What are the guys doing?

    (The guys put on sportswear to make skiing comfortable.)

    What kinds of sports are there related to skiing?

    We play war in winter

    We are building a fortress from the snow.

    And what are we going to fight with? Every warrior should know!

    Guess you, my friend. Round ball ... (snow).

    Yes, winter is a time of funny children's games and fun. And now we will play with you, we will warm up our legs and arms.

    Physical minutes "We made a snow woman ..."

    We sculpted a snow woman (Children show three


    So that it was not more beautiful (they run a finger over the face)

    They collected all the snow with shovels (show the movements of the shovel)

    Have not forgotten anything.

    First they rolled a large lump (show a large circle)

    And this lump was pressed tightly.

    The second one was smaller ("draw" a smaller circle)

    On the first he sat down boldly (squat)

    And the third was the head (show the head)

    And I was waiting for my fate (propping up their heads with their hands)

    The face was decorated with a carrot (depict a carrot)

    Drew a mouth deftly (touch your mouth)

    We looked in profile and full face (head turns)

    A bucket was put on the head (movements with both hands from above


    Decorated it with a feather (one hand up)

    Broom stuck for order

    We worked together with the whole yard (join hands).

    Snowman, we are having so much fun, why are you so sad?

    Because the evil Winter has bewitched my friends, the snowmen.

    Don't worry, Snowman, we will help you, we will disenchant you.

    Game "collect a snowman"

    Purpose: development of thinking, fine motor skills.

    Guys, you need to use geometric shapes to depict a snowman.

    Look, Snowman, our guys have coped with the witchcraft of Winter, and on a walk we still blind your friends from the snow.

    So Mother Winter's leprosy has collapsed.

    Guys, look at some kind of snowflake suddenly appeared with us, so it is with a letter. Winter, asks for forgiveness for her actions, but she is sad because we said hurtful words about her, we consider her cold, gloomy and prickly. But is it fun in winter? Why?

    Children: It's fun in winter because you can go downhill, ice skate, ski, sled. In winter, you can play different games, snowballs, sculpt snow buildings, snowmen.

    Yes, we talked a lot about this in class today. How we made our guest happy today (played, collected snowmen, remembered how to breathe correctly in the cold, solved riddles)

    Yes, the fun season is Winter. She invigorates and amuses us. So that Winter will believe us that we are happy with her, let's read poems.

    Winter fun

    Sanya - sleds, Liza - skis,

    Kolke - hockey sticks and skates.

    Came for the kids

    Good days.

    Snow in the forest and in the alleys,

    And the river was covered with ice.

    Dress warmly -

    And running into the street!

    Skates shine, ice rink shines,

    Fluffy snow sparkles

    Put on your skates, friend,

    Try to ride.

    Let the frost pinch you -

    See, don't be scared.

    Let it freeze to tears -

    Do not give in to him!

    Don't back down, slide forward

    Fly faster than a bird.

    Angry frost lags behind

    From those who are not afraid!

    I offer the children a little warm-up to the music.


    So our lesson is coming to an end. I suggest you give Winter your snowflakes-moods. Look carefully, they are different - funny and sad. Think about your mood, what kind of snowflake you would like to give her.

    (Children choose snowflakes and attach them to a slide-shaped board)

    Look, we got a real fun snow slide!

    Guys, for the fact that you answered well today, were active and attentive in the lesson, the winter sorceress presents you with a surprise - a sweet treat. She thanks you for knowing so much about winter and winter fun.

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