• Tonic for the skin of the face at home - benefit and application. Lotions and tonic for fatty and combined skin that must contain a bold leather tonic


    Each woman since childhood dreams of being attractive for the opposite floor. Without care, it is almost impossible. Healthy skin attracts views, has a person to communicate and adds confidence.

    This cosmetic It is a mandatory step in care. Tonic for oily skin We are needed to maintain the epidermis in a healthy, well-kept state. Otherwise, without proper care, acne, acne, wen appear on the face. This affects not only the aesthetics of appearance, but also on the confidence of a woman in itself.

    The facial care procedure includes three stages:

    1. Cleansing. To begin with, it is necessary to wash the cosmetics with foam to wash, or micellar water. After removing cosmetics, it is shown to wash the tool intended for this.
    2. Toning. This stage includes applying to purified skin tonic. It prepares the skin before using the cream. Helps remove residues decorative cosmetics, other leaving.

    Important! The tonic is not intended to remove cosmetics. With cleansing it will not cope.

    1. Moisturizing. Applying a night cream for face. Massage treatments.

    Without complying with this sequence in the care of the face, it will be difficult to achieve a satisfactory result.

    To use a cosmetic product, you must apply it on your cotton disk, then wipe the face, following massage lines.

    It is impossible to make movements towards the center of the face - it contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. The skin is not rubbed, only slightly wet.

    Some cosmetologists advise to apply a means with pillows of fingers, explaining this by the fact that the wool fibers are injured by sensitive skin.


    Tonic for oily skin faces have a mass gain. The benefits of these tools are confirmed dermatologically.

    The effect rendered by means:

    • removes residual carial cosmetics particles, which allows to achieve maximum cleansing;
    • washes off the overabundance of the fat produced by the skin;
    • restores the PH-balance of the dermis;
    • exfoliates dead cells;
    • neutralizes the effect of rigid water from the water supply;
    • satures the skin with antioxidants, which have a rejuvenating effect;
    • struggles with aesthetic problems (acne, etc.);
    • prepares the skin for applying a cream, soothes.

    Pluses enough to solve in favor of this cosmetics.


    Like any other cosmetic product, the tonic has a number of contraindications that need to be found before applying. This will help to avoid deterioration of the face of the face.

    Cases when tonic can not use:

    • multiple skin inflammation;
    • open wounds, face injuries;
    • allergic reaction to product components.

    With a purchased tool in the presence of these problems, you should be careful, but prepared the tonic at home, you can select the most suitable components for gentle influence.

    Video: Popular Recipe

    How to cook tonic for oily skin at home

    Independently to make the tool will be useful than buy a finished product.

    This approach guarantees:

    • individual selection of components for excluding allergies;
    • naturalness, freshness of the ingredients;
    • the harmlessness and quality of the finished means.

    A distinctive minus is that it is necessary to prepare a tonic regularly, as it can be stored in the refrigerator can not more than 3-5 days, depending on the ingredients.

    With herbs

    It has antibacterial, soothing properties. For cooking you need to take: dried leaves of calendula. Herbs pour boiling water, insist before cooling, strain. To the finished means add an apple vinegar (by 200 ml - 50 ml of vinegar).

    For the manufacture suitable:

    • mint;
    • chamomile;
    • green tea;
    • nettle;
    • parsley;
    • mother and stepmother;
    • dandelion;
    • st. John's wort

    The use of these herbs is identical to the recipe with calendula. Such a tonic is stored only in the refrigerator no more than 3 days.

    With essential oils

    Such a product has a refreshing regenerating effect. Soothes the skin and gives her radiance.

    For cooking, any essential oil will be required:

    • orange
    • grapefruit
    • lemon
    • mint, etc.

    In a glass of warm water, add 10 drops of any oil and wipe the resulting liquid face. With this group of tonic, you should be careful, since allergic reactions may appear.

    Nettle + oil

    Have to take:

    • teaspoon of apple vinegar;
    • a glass of ragger of speckle leaves;
    • 3-7 drops of orange or lemon oil.

    Ingredients mix each other. Wipe the face is necessary daily in the morning and in the evening, you can during the day.

    With aspirini

    Ensures the skin from acne, prevents the formation of new inflammation. With regular care, judging by the reviews, very effective tool.


    • 1-2 Tablets aspirin;
    • glass of water;
    • several droplets of essential oil.

    Tablet wrapped, add the remaining ingredients to it. Product mix and start using. In the case of multiple inflammations on the face, the tool must be prepared daily, and use only fresh. Perform a procedure with clean hands.

    Milk tonic

    It has a matting, dry effect. Perfect for problem skinprone to unnecessary fat formation.

    You need to take:

    • tablespoon of oat flakes;
    • a glass of milk;
    • A few drops of any essential oil.

    Oatmeal boil with milk. After cooling, add the remaining ingredient to them. You can use both in the evening and in the morning, before applying cosmetics.


    It helps to remove the burned cells from the dermis, removes excess skin fat, nourishes, has an easy, anti-inflammatory effect.

    It will be needed for cooking:

    • fresh ginger root;
    • glass of water;
    • essential oil.

    Insist the chopped root in boiling water for better returns for all useful properties. After cooling to room temperature, remove the ginger and add a little citrus essential oil to the liquid. Apply before applying a cream.

    Attention! Any of the proposed funds can be made without the addition of ether, in the case of allergies to this component.

    Review of finished funds

    On pharmacy shelves, many ready-made tonics are presented with a fairly serious variation of prices. However, even cosmetologists argue that the benefits of the means lies not in price, but in the regularity of application. No, even the most unique tool will not be effective when using it from occasion.

    Garnier Skin Naturals.

    It has in its composition salicylic acid and zinc. Judging by the description of the manufacturer, the pores narrows, matches and removes the surplus of the sala. Fights with rash problems.


    Improving tonic

    Made based on thermal water, vitamins and glycerin.

    It has a soothing, restoring action.

    Thanks to the tender texture, it delicately cleans the epidermis, giving it a healthy, shining look.

    Nivea Aqua Effect.

    The active ingredients are calendula oil and almond extract. A pleasant bonus is the absence of alcohol. Consequently, it does not overheat the skin, but only gently tones.

    In the cosmetic market there are many tonic means of different price categories and compositions. Choose a suitable product for yourself will not be difficult.

    Terms of application

    In order for Tonic to have the right impact, you should be able to use it correctly. Chaotic use of the means will not have the proper effect on skin cells, and, accordingly, the result in this case should wait meaninglessly.

    7 rules for the use of toning drugs:

    1. Select the tool is necessary in accordance with your skin type.
    2. Be sure to use regularly.
    3. It is recommended to select all the departures from one series.
    4. The absence of acetone, alcohol, camphor - will become an undoubted advantage in choosing.
    5. Apply the tonic can only be on the skin cleaned skin.
    6. In the case of burning or allergic reactions, it is necessary to wash it immediately and not to use more than this product.
    7. Consulting about leaving cosmetics with a cosmetologist.

    For a healthy skin condition, it is important to use the advice of those who know about the care of people. In modern world, many myths about the dangers - the benefits of certain means and cosmetologists can safely give valuable advice. Use of them really helps women in everyday life.

    What else is important to know for successful care?

    • Heavy skin can not be overwhelmed. It requires moisturizing no less than another type of epidermis. In winter, she can peel off, which will provoke it to extract even more skin salts. In addition, the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits also affect the appearance of the skin, you do not need to additionally deprive it.
    • Fatty skin must be protected from ultraviolet rays. To do this, you can choose a cream with a protective SPF component. It will prevent the loss of moisture and will not force the dermis to suffer.
    • Optionally buy the most expensive leaving funds. Enough, if the ruler will approach the type of skin and do not cause irritation. In leaving the main thing - regularity.

    From the article we can conclude that tonic is an inexpensive product that is significantly improving the condition of the skin. With the right selection of funds and daily use, you can achieve truly brilliant results.

    How to choose a face tonic? All tonic are divided into three types.

    You must have a very good reason to use an alcohol-containing tonic. In rare cases, dermatologists recommend their owners of too oily skin, but lately the majority is inclined to ensure that there is a very aggressive ingredient in this case. So if in the funds you see in the first place Alchohol, refrain from the acquisition!


    These tonic contain plant extracts, colors and usually possess a very rich aroma due to the content of essential oils. The temptation is great, but we still recommend that you do not use the means with glycerin: it dehydrates the skin, breaks its lipid layer and can cause peeling.


    The best, soft and gentle, efficient and extremely useful tonic skin are made on a water basis. They easily remove the remnants of makeup, support the cells of the epidermis antioxidants, and the cream after using the tonic will be better absorbed and efficiently act.


    What tonic choose

    Belebendes Gesichtswasser, Weleda

    Organic tonic, contains extracts of wild rose leaves, gamamemis and lemon. Aligns the microrelief of the skin, refreshes it, relieves irritation and feeling of strut. Suitable for all skin types.

    Effaclar Lotion Astringente, La Roche-Posay

    Conducts thermal water from the La Roche-Posay source, enriched with selenium (natural antioxidant), softens sensitive skin, relieves redness and irritation, suitable even allergic.

    Equalizing Toner, Skinceuticals

    What facial tonic to choose? This tonic does not contain fragrances and alcohols, ideal for all skin types, supports the protective level of the pH of the skin, eliminate the contamination and cleaning the pores. Contains natural extracts of gamamemis, thyme, cucumber, kiwi, aloe and daisies, very delicate and efficient.

    "Care", Garnier

    Does not contain fragrances and dyes, but rich in vitamins, hypoallergen and perfectly copes with skin cleansing from the remnants of makeup. Refreshes, soothes and does not dry the skin, serves as excellent preparation for the subsequent application of makeup.

    Toning Lotion With Camomile, Clarins

    Rescue for irritated, dehydrated skin. Chamomile extract relieves inflammation and peeling, soothes, gives an instant feeling of moisture and comfort, refreshes and moisturizes: all at once!

    Mitigating Tonic Nivea.

    Almond oil as part of the funds makes it an excellent helper dry and dehydrated skin! Excellent cleans, not tightened, does not leave sticky film and moisturizes, it smells pleasant and pleases the price.

    Normaderm, Vichy Lotion

    In addition to softening and toning actions, perfectly cleans the pores, making them visually less noticeable, preventing the occurrence of inflammation and acne.


    Extracts of white lotus and anise are powerful antioxidants that will help your skin to cope with the effects of influence on cells of free radicals. And this tonic has an exfoliating effect and helps the skin to be updated faster.

    Perfectly Clean, Estee Lauder

    Built the rice enzyme, glucosamine and bamboo, which destroy the links between dead, dull and dry cells and normalize the update process. Gives the skin a feeling of purity, freshness and comfort.

    "Perfect Shine", L'Oreal Paris

    Excellent option For dry, dehydrated and dim skin. Literally a week later, you will notice that the surface was leveled, the complexion became healthier, and the inflammatory processes decreased significantly!

    Toning lotions are creating wonders: moisturize, matured, they shoot irritation. WomanJournal.Ru chose the 10 most popular tonic.

    It is not necessary to underestimate the tonic for the face, because, according to cosmetologists, the correct daily skin care is simply impossible without a tonic lotion! It is these tools that are leading in terms of the number of important functions. First of all, they remove the remnants of makeup and cleansing agents, moisturize the skin and prepare it to apply the cream.

    For oily and combined leather, matting tonic are designed, which help to control the work of the sebaceous glands, narrow the pores and warn the occurrence of redness. Dry and sensitive skin requires softening lotions: due to the content of moisturizing and soothing components, they perfectly eliminate irritation and redness.

    In general, without tonic our skin can not do, especially in winter, when it needs special care: cold, ultraviolet rays, heating and air conditioning are not the best way to reflect on its condition. For the cold season of the year, special means of skin protection are always required.

    With the help of WomanJournal.ru, you can easily choose a means suitable for you; We have prepared the top 10 most popular tonic to care for your face!

    Elixir Ultimate Radiance, Swissline

    When the temperature on the street reaches a mark of 20 degrees with a "minus" sign, your skin first meets the cold of the cold. Therefore, it is so important in the winter period to carefully take care of the skin.

    Water plays a key role in the life mechanisms of nature and life, so after the ritual of washing, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing tonic on the face, which contains "botanical water".

    For example, the Ultimate Radiance elixir is prepared on the basis of grape water, which is valued for the maximum similarity with the properties of the organism intercellular fluid. Instantly absorbing, the remedy refreshes and moisturizes the skin, saturating it essential oils, mineral elements, vitamins and supporting cellular metabolism. After its use, the feeling of skin is taken. By the way, this elixir is applied on her face with hands and combines with absolutely any cream.

    Approximate price - 5,300 rubles.

    Rice Tonic, L "Occitane

    Useful I. medical properties Rice deserve a separate praise: it is an important source of several vitamins of the group B who are guarding the beauty and health of hair, nails and skin.

    If you do not like rice very much, you can pamper yourself with a tonic based on rice from L "Occitane. Especially this tool will like the girls with fat and combined skin. This is a two-phase agent: in the first stage, the skin is perfectly cleaned, and it matted on the second, getting rid of Surplus fat. Therefore, the skin remains fresh and surprisingly velvet. Thanks to such a tonic, it will be much less likely to be powered by the owners of oily skin during the day.

    Approximate price - 1 100 rubles.

    Moisturizing Lotion The Moisturizing Lotion, La Mer

    From correctly selected funds by 90% depends appearance Skin, especially skin prone to fatty. Most important requirement For cosmetics for fatty and combined skin - lack of oils and fats: All care products should be light, but effective.

    The texture of the moisturizing lotion from La Mer does not contain oils, so gives the skin a matte effect, regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, absorbing excess fat. This lotion is not quite similar to the usual tonic - more like milk. Ideal for completing skin care in the summer or as a basis for the makeup for winter. To activate key lotion ingredients, you need a small amount of The Moisturizing Lotion to warm up in the palms. All means of this brand will be heard by their versatility, and our lotion is no exception: it is so soft that is perfect for care for delicate skin around the eyes.

    Approximate price - 8,000 rubles.

    Tonic Cellular Refining Lotion, La Prairie

    For dry I. sensitive skin It is very important to choose a suitable tonic. The most important rule is perhaps it does not contain alcohol and possessed the soothing properties.

    Delicate, astute tonic, which softens and refreshes the skin, has a Swiss brand La Prairie. It provides a light tonic and moisturizing effect, completes the process of cleansing the skin and prepares it to assimilate funds daily care. The composition of the composition is a unique cocktail based on the cellular complex and natural components. Chamomile, ivy, hat, apple extract, cucumber extract, seaweed - all that is needed for nutrition, moisturizing and stimulating natural skin self-regulation.

    Approximate price - 3,460 rubles.

    Cleansing Tonic Clarifying EXFOLIATING TONER, LANCOME

    The famous cosmetic brand prepared for the new year many new products, one of them - cleansing Clarifying Exfoliating Toner tonic with active antioxidants, white lotus and anise.

    This tool works immediately in many directions: eliminates traces of fatigue, tones, regenerates, moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin. After removing makeup, it is only necessary to wipe the face moistened in the tonic watch. You will have to repeat the procedure until the cotton disk becomes clean. Faugh to do it nice: the means is very gentle, refreshing fragrance.

    Moisturizing Face Spray Dior Hydraction, Dior

    If you have to get into the New Year holidays to get into hot countries, then without this magnificent means from Dior, you definitely do not do! Spray, which is distributed incredibly fine and light veil, has a pile of advantages: moisturizes the skin, protects against ultraviolet rays and fixes makeup. The ideal means for solving SOS situations associated with dehydration and loss of freshness of the skin, and in an airplane or on a hot sun can not be avoided.

    However, on the return home, the spray will be useful to you: in the flooded premises, the skin suffers from dryness no less than on a sunny day. Apply the remedy in the morning after makeup to ensure its durability for the whole day and improve the brightness of the skin color.

    Approximate price - 1 200 rubles.

    Matting Lotion with Pooh Ideal Control Powder Lotion, Carita

    On the street Winter, and your skin will still glorify? Probably, the thing is that you misunderstood the skin care products or neglect the tonic. And from him, by the way, much depends. The tonic can effectively fight the premature aging of the skin, dry the bold areas and at the same time moisturize dry.

    Matting two-phase lotion with powder from Carita perfectly cleans the skin from excess skin fat. It consists of the smallest particles - "Microgging", which thoroughly and quickly clean the pores and remove small inflammation from the skin. The skin becomes matte, smooth and homogeneous. Of course, after using such a lotion should not be applied nutritious cream: Easy emulsion or cream gel will suit the best.

    Only keep in mind: in winter, all means should be applied to the skin at least half an hour before going out.

    Approximate price - 1 500 rubles.

    SERUM Vegetal Apple Oligosides Lotion, Yves Rocher

    Makeup removal and skin cleansing - an important stage On the way to beauty. During the day, the skin is experiencing an aggressive environmental impact, dull, loses its elasticity. It needs an effective tool that will allow cleaning the skin from pollution and dead cells, as well as remove all traces of makeup.

    Matis energy lotion is designed for the final stage of cleansing the skin, perfectly refreshes, tones and softens. It contains a vitamin complex that compensates for the shortage of vitamins in the skin, enhances the resistance of the epidermis and saturates the tired cells with energy. The skin becomes more susceptible to therapeutic and preventive products that are applied later. How many useful substances will get your skin from only one lotion! And there is still a cream ahead. Therefore, you should not neglect tonic in the winter.

    Approximate price - 800 rubles.

    Soothing Lotion Purity, Diademine

    Usually the skin in young girls is more likely to be addressed to inflammation and fatness. What a lady did not suffer to this problem?! Black dots - also very common trouble. Of course, only professional cleaning in the salon will help at the started stage, but after, for the prevention of further contamination, the cleansing tonic is quite suitable.

    Especially for the young skin, the Diademine laboratory has developed a series of purity with a special prebiotic technology, which is aimed at eliminating harmful bacteria and prevent their further appearance. As a result, the natural balance of microflora is restored for a long time. And the healthy environment of the skin is the key to its beauty, smoothness and purity.

    Approximate price - 170 rubles

    Tonic for oily skin It serves to purify it from dirt and residues of cosmetics after the demaciament, the narrowing of the pores, fighting and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands - the causes of the occurrence of oily shine.

    Contain in itself, as a rule, the largest amount of alcohol. It is alcohol that helps to actively purify and dry the skin. But, struggling with greasy shine and acne, should not overdo it. The skin still needs a protective barrier from harmful effects. external factorsTherefore, it is best to contribute to the normalization of the work of the sebaceous glands so that they produce so much skin fat, how much it is necessary for the skin without the formation of oily shine.

    Usually, the tonic for oily skin is worn after washing, which helps to finally clean the skin from dust and cosmetics residues. Tonic, as well as, removes the feeling of pulp and dryness, softening the skin and maturing its surface. Tonic for oily skin can be used throughout the day, but it is best to teach yourself to use it either in the morning, creating comfortable conditions for the skin, and either before bedtime so that the skin has managed to restore and get ready for the new day. Frequent use of alcohol-containing means is harmful even for oily skin and this can provoke the release of even more skin saline.

    You can apply tonic on fatty skin using cotton disc. But many cosmetologists suggest that the impact of wool on the skin contributes to her premature agingTherefore, it is recommended to apply it with your fingers with light massaging movements and after that wipe the skin with a cotton swab or a napkin.

    What tonic for oily skin offers us a cosmetic market?

    • Tonic for oily skin "Matte perfection" from Nivea eliminates the notorious fat shine And gives the skin a matte tint, while providing the skin a normal level of moisture. In the composition of the tonic there are extracts of rice and lemongrass, which contributes to the active cleansing of the skin, sightening pores and nutrition.

    • The Pure Focus bold leather tonic from Lancome effectively cleans and narrows the pores. It acts first as a cleansing agent, removing contamination and excess skin fat, and then it has a matting effect, masking small flaws of the skin, making it fresh and smooth.

    • Tonic for oily skin Mild Clarifying Lotion from Clinique does not contain alcohol, so it is suitable even for dry and sensitive skin. The composition contains salicylic acid, which actively contributes to the sightening of pores and removing the oily shine. Herbal extracts of Hammelis and Aloe Vera carefully care about the skin, softening it and giving a healthy shade.

    • AMANDE-POMME fat skin tonic from L "Occitane also does not contain alcohol, but contained in its composition apple vinegar, perfectly exfoliates dead cells and narrows pores. Despite the absence of alcohol, it perfectly cleans the skin and dries quickly, providing perfect comfort.

    As you can see, a bold leather tonic may contain alcohol in itself, but due to the complaints of cosmetologists, a new generation of such means is produced already on the basis of other effective substances suitable for "complex" oily skin. Using tonic for oily skin, you not only remove the bold glitter, but also provide the skin nutrition and freshness.

    Tonic has long been an integral part of my skin care - the obligatory completion of its cleansing.

    Tonics remove invisible remnants of makeup, neutralize the effects of washing with aggressive means, narrow the pores, dry either moisturize optionally.

    Miracles do not work, but without them I have no feeling of pure skin.

    A little about my skin: She is problematic. Not a horror horror, but nevertheless a couple of inflammation, a little bit of tracks from them, a very fatty T-zone, extended pores, dark points - all this is present.

    Therefore, all my tonic lotions are somehow intended for leaks only for problem skin. To date, I have accumulated a small collection of fiscal funds that can afford anyone. Find them is also not a problem. Among them are very cool, which I buy constantly, and outsiders. I will tell you more about each of them in order of increasing effect.

    Poisonous color and smell liquid. Fifty percent consists of alcohol and this is all said. If you apply it to the whole face, then probably you can drain the skin to the state of mummy. I did not take a risk, I put it pointwise at inflammation. The skin in these "points" began to be peeling, but that is characteristic, the inflammatory process and did not think to slow down. I know that many alcohol helps many in the composition, but in my case the remedy turned out to be useless. He spent it on disinfection of non-living surfaces and as an antiseptic for cat scratches. With the face did not work out, alas. By the way, almost all the lotions "from acne" from the assortment of supermarkets - L "Oréal, Garnier, Clearasil, Clean & Clear act on my skin about the same, that is, in no way.

    Evaluation: 2

    Volume: 150 ml.

    Price: ~ 300 rubles

    2. Tonic for face " Deep purification"For problem and oily skin Ecolab

    Structure :

    Aqua, Glycerin, Sea Water (Seawater), Organic Iris Extract (Organic Extract Iris), Organic Salvia Extract (Organic Extract Hammamelis), Sodium CocoamphoaceTate, Hydrolyzed Rise Protein (Protein Rice), Lavandula Essential Oil (Lavender Oil), Sodium Benzoate , Potassium sorbate, Sorbic Acid, Perfume.

    When you open the bottle, the first thing is the chemical smell of a cheap perfume with flowerflowers, which does not destroy several hours when used. If you are sensitive to smells, like me (I have such a headache), I do not immediately advise. I do not understand why these poorest fonders in the leaving facial water. But maybe the remedy has such an effect that it is worth coming with the smell? Nothing like that, even on the contrary. The tonic forms the likeness of the film, under which the skin does not breathe. Unpleasant feeling. Perhaps this is the effect of glycerin, but the glycerin is also in the compositions of tonic-horos, who behave on my skin much better. In addition, with this tonic, the skin becomes greasy several times faster than the usual. As for the promised anti-inflammatory effect - he is zero. And even the 95 percent naturalness is not saved with a good form.

    Evaluation: 2

    Volume: 200 ml.

    Price: ~ 170 rubles

    All means of this kind with the "powder" prefix, which I met, form white divorces of this very powder on the face. This tonic is no exception. Why do you need such a product? It will not replace the usual powder, the moisturizing cream is absorbed on top of it with difficulty, without a cream, it is impossible to do here, because the tonic sunsites the skin. In essence, it can only be used for the night, but the promised matting and narrowing of the pores at night are somehow not relevant.

    Evaluation: 3

    Volume: 100 ml.

    Price: 100 rubles

    A rare representative of the propeller family, which I like. This jar I have a second account. It has zinc, there is salicylic acid and no glycerol. There are no visual effects from it like equalizing the tone or narrowing of the pores, but it has an antimicrobial effect. If there are minor guns on the skin, he copes with them. It can be applied point to problem areas several times a day, I see the result. It makes sense to alternate it with other tonic. The skin is noticeably dry, if applied to the entire face. The smell of sweet cosmetic, weathering quickly.

    Evaluation: 4

    Volume: 100 ml

    Price: 67 rubles

    Famous Belarusian Teebaum Line for Problem Skin with Tea Tree. I have a very dual attitude to this tonic. On the one hand, it does not dry the skin at all, and if it is abundant to put it on the face and leave for the night, even the strong inflammation is very noticeably reduced (a similar effect was at the cream-concentrate of the point use of the same line). But on the other hand, it's not comfortable to use it to use it. I use very rarely in connection with this. But in particularly launched cases, it really works.

    Evaluation: 4-

    Volume: 150 ml.

    Price: 150 rubles

    These lotions from "Stoppot" I tried everything. As a result, he stopped at two. I will not say anything about the clarification, I did not find such an effect, but my skin and so light enough. The same applies to the pedestal - some particular action in this direction did not notice. And otherwise, with all its functions, he copes perfectly: cleans the skin, gives a feeling of purity, tightens the pores, almost does not smell, after it you can immediately apply cream. If you use solo, there will be a feeling of depth, but without peeling.

    Evaluation: 5-

    Volume: 100 ml.

    Price: 140 rubles

    And finally, my charm! :) I do not know what a jar in a row. Of all similar lotions of this manufacturer, it is the best. It does not dry the skin - in the summer after it I can not use any additional funds. He lighterates a little bit of black dots (salicylic acid is in other lotions, but only from this I noticed such an effect). If the skin has a dull color, a bunch of small redness plus is irritated by washing, then her lotion calms her quickly, she looks after it differently - fresh and with a more even tone. And in general, feeling clean and smooth. Nutritious and moisturizing creams after this lotion are fasterly absorbed by the skin, and BB-cream or powder smoothly fall in general this is my little wand-coronary for funny money. Whatever I tried, always return to it, especially when problems with the skin arise. And yes - he is completely odorless, everyone would take an example!

    Evaluation: 5+

    Volume: 100 ml.

    Price: about 130 rubles

    I usually buy lotions "Stoppal" in pharmacies. But recently they became difficult to find. In this case, I order online stores - there is not the entire range, but you can catch it.

    This is how my modest anti-crisis stock looks like. I will be glad if you advise your favorite means of the same sense!

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