• What a wash wrench is better. Problem skin: choose a gel for washing. Cleansing Soft Gel Ishac from Udazh - Uriage Hyseac Gentle Cleansing Gel


    The face prone to acne and inflammation, constantly emerging black dots on different areas of the skin, traces from unsuccessful acne - all this is well familiar with the owners of the problematic skin of the face. In the care of such an epidermis, the purification stage is very important. Properly selected gel for washing for problem skin is able to save a person from many problems.

    Gel for washing and his task

    When choosing a means for washing, it is best to turn to a beautician who tested the skin correctly will determine its type and select the cleansing gel for the face based on components that do not injury epidermis and do not cause explicit irritation.

    The gel must perform the following tasks:

    The price of means is often depends on the popularity of the manufacturer. Not the fact that the more expensive gel, the better it is. Sometimes affordable, but not too advertised cosmetics, is not inferior in its composition expensive means of well-known trading firms. Let's try to figure out the better wash if your skin has a problem.

    Review of the best chamfering gels

    1. First of all, I would like to pay attention to the gel for washing Skin Care Gel from Mulsan Cosmetic. It is suitable for any skin types, because it has a natural composition. The gel contain hyaluronic acid, vitamin B5 and almond extract. They help improve the work of the sebaceous glands, saturate the skin with oxygen and refresh the complexion. With regular use, the skin becomes more healthy, rash, inflammation and redness. Gel for washing can be used in the morning, and in the evenings. The peculiarity of products from "Music Cosmetics" is that its shelf life is only 10 months. This is due to the composition, because natural components cannot be stored for a long time. You can buy the goods in the official online store. Cost: 399 rubles for 200 ml.
    2. The famous Clearasil trademark offers the best gel creams in the composition that can take a worthy place in the bathroom as not only gel for oily skin Persons, but also as a means for combined skin with frequent inflammation in the T-zone and forehead. The formula of the gel "3 in 1" performs three functions at once: carefully cleans, exfoliates the burned upper layer and treats inflammatory skin processes, due to its main component - salicylic acid. The only drawback of the gel is not a very pleasant smell of the main component of the means.
    3. Among the expensive gels for washing for fatty and problem skin, it is worth highlighting a pharmacy tool from Vichy. "PURETE THERMALE" - this is the trade name of the gel, really effectively copier with all the tasks: the gel is suitable for sensitive skin, does not leave the film after use and flips all pollution, including salts of heavy metals, which is particularly valuable in industrial cities. Vichy cosmetics are sold only in pharmacies and its price is quite high. It is worth a recognition that wash the "Purete Thermale" gel is completely safe.
    4. The famous manufacturer of cosmetics Nivea offers its solution. Created by the firm means for fatty and combined skin - cream gel for daily washness PURE EFFECT. As part of the gel - magnolia extract, warming epidermis. The heating begins the extension of the pores and the exit of them outward plugs, which is why the tool can be attributed to the category effectively coping with deep purity. After washing, the skin loses the greasy shine, becomes matte and smooth. The gel has a pleasant smell and no less pleasant value: unlike the Vichy, the agent is quite affordable by price. Lack of gel: after use remains unpleasant feeling Films on the face and feeling of skin struts.
    5. If you have acne, and you are looking for a worthy washness that does not add new acne, it is better than "Immuno propeller" you can hardly find. The gel not only cleans the skin, affecting it deeply, but also treats acne. "Propeller Immuno" has gained its popularity among adolescents whose skin is prone to acnewed rash due to age. Drying the available acne does not give to appear new, effectively removes deadly particles of the epidermis and realizes in the depth. Disadvantages: not all. Problem dry skin - not for "propeller", gel can enhance dryness and cause irritation. Effective for daily washing of oily skin. It is inexpensive, consumption is very small.
    6. No less good gel from Yves Rocher "Pure Calmille". Itifies gently on the skin, eliminates redness, does not cause irritation, it smells wonderfully. The only drawback is quite expensive.
    7. The leaders among facilities for troubles for problem skin should include a gel asset from Floresan - Organic. Gel eliminates acne, acne and oily shine, cleanses the pores, eliminates the fat shine. Washbaska is enriched with iodized marine Soluthat enhances the efficiency of using the gel for the treatment of acne and pedestrian. Affordable price And only positive feedbacks play not the last role in the harness evaluation.
    8. The French firm-producer of cosmetic and caring funds La Roche-Posay has developed specifically for daily washness of problem skin cleansing gel "Effaclar". The main component of the gel is thermal water. It is carefully acting on the epidermis, thanks to the absence of soap, alcohol, parabens and dyes. Removing excess fat, makes the face fresh and clean. Scheduled, thanks to very little spending.
    9. Another gift for people with problem skin is made by Pierre Fabre. Therapeutic gel for washing "Avene Cleanance", which helps to get rid of acne even the most desperate. The gel eliminates redness and irritation, soothes and effectively cleanse the skin, regulates the production of fat. As part of the gel - pumpkin extract and thermal water. Hypoallergen, economical, is in demand. There are practically no shortcomings.
    10. Gel "Pure Skin Active" from Garnier can be considered an effective means of acne. The main active substances are absorbed coal and salicylic acid, which implies an effective deliverance from inflammation. Gel perfectly foams, economical, well dry acne, makes skin soft and smooth. Affordable price, good reviews.
    11. The line of the brand "Clean line" includes a gel for washing for the problematic skin of the face. "" Known in the country and abroad as a firm producing products based on vegetable components. Gels and foams for washing of problem skin are perfectly coping with their tasks, thanks to their storms: chamomile, calendula, yarrow and others who are known for their bactericidal properties. Washbasks are very light, gentle, carefully clean even a very contaminated face, but not very well wash off.

    Who is puzzled by the choice of a suitable washbasin for problem skin and did not find answers to their questions, we offer to watch a video review of several well-known means:

    Korean cosmetics from acne and inflammation

    Separately, it is worth staying on the novelties that the Korean makers of cosmetics offer. Korean cosmetics has already taken a rather strong position on russian market, offering a wide range of facial, body and hair care products. From most means for the problematic skin of the person developed by other countries, it is distinguished by accessibility and naturalness. The range of means for problem skin is quite unusual, Korea offers fundamentally to get rid of black dots, without resorting to laser procedures.

    For quick I. effective removal Comedonov producers of Korean cosmetics produced special supere-cleaning napkins. They are placed in a hermetic jar with a lid in the amount of 30 pieces. The use of napkins is simple: extracted from the jar using a tweezer the napkin is superimposed on the cleaned skin, tightly pressed, covered with cellophane and left for exposure to 15-20 minutes. The action of the napkin is based on the dissolution of the comedones and the complete cleansing of the face.

    Another customer recognized tool from the manufacturers of Korean cosmetics - Cleansing Penka Acence Anti Blemish Foam Cleanser. She exfoliates dead cages, dissolves traffic jams and relieves inflammation. Acting very delicately, well cleans the skin from dirt and fat located on its surface. Contains papaya extract and gypsophole root, salicylic acid, raspberry extracts, ivy, lemon and bamboo stems. It is easy to foam in the hands, just as easily washed off.


    Universal gel, which would suit everyone, does not exist. It, like any cosmetic toal for problem skin, should be chosen based on individual characteristics. If it is not possible to do it yourself, it is worth contacting the cosmetologist for help, because incorrectly selected face care products can harm the skin. Good luck to all cosmetics And beautiful, healthy skin!

    The formation of skin defects can adversely affect the human life and deliver discomfort, especially for female. There are a large amount of funds, including gels from acne.

    The means in the form of gel possess the properties quickly penetrate the problem zone and reduce inflammation. Also, the helium structure does not clog the pores, and reduces the likelihood of side symptoms.

    To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to properly determine the cause of the rash and choose a means that will not only mask inflammatory education, but also reduce the re-education of skin defects.

    Types of gloves for washing from acne

    There are several types of chalk care gels. When choosing a means, it is necessary to pre-examine its components, and determine which species is necessary to solve the problem.

    Allocate the following varieties of helium-based funds:

    1. Amphoteric - Means that carefully cleaned and restore damaged areas of the skin. Such drugs do not irritate the skin and reduce the likelihood of adverse symptoms.
    2. Anionic - Preparations are intended for insignificant problems. The components do not penetrate deep into the epidermis layers. When using such funds, it is necessary to take into account that they are overly dried skin and are more suitable for fatty type.
    3. Cationic - Can deeply penetrate the epidermis layers and allows you to quickly reduce the process of inflammation. However, in some situations, allergy and irritation symptoms may appear.
    4. Non-ionic means - are considered the most common type of face gels. Such funds do not differ high cost and are most often found. Preparations can cause allergic reactions, and practically do not have a therapeutic effect.

    Preparations may have a mixed composition, and be directed to eliminate and disguise defects.

    Also, gels differ in the following subspecies:

    • tonic;
    • cleansing;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antibacterial;
    • to narrow the pores and eliminate the oily shine.

    When choosing combined drugs, take into account the type of skin and predisposition to allergic reactions.

    What tasks must perform gels for washing

    Depending on assigning a means to eliminate acne, it must perform the following tasks:

    The quality of the gel from acne does not always depends on the cost, the basic condition is a correspondence with the specified qualities that are specified in the instructions.

    Select gel

    When choosing a means, it is necessary to proceed from the type of skin and the reason for which the spindles were formed on the skin.

    When choosing a gel, it is necessary to consider:

    When choosing a means, the consistency of the drug is of great importance.

    Gel from acne should have the following form:

    The means for eliminating acne should be well flushed and not clog the pores. The substance should spread well on the skin and does not cause a uncomfortable feeling after applying.

    Age features of the skin

    To achieve visible results, the correct selection of funds depending on age-related skin changes is of particular importance.

    The following factors should be taken into account:

    When choosing a means, we need to pay much attention to the individual features of the skin and the reasons that caused such a deficiency.

    To eliminate the problem, a special role has proper application The drug and preparation of the epidermis before the procedures.

    Leather wash rules

    The use of gel for problem skin requires compliance with the following rules:

    It is forbidden to apply gel on for a long time without careful washout. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to delete decorative cosmetics. Do not allow to enter the substance to eliminate acne on the mucous membranes, in case of such a contact, rinse the damaged area with a large number of running water.

    Gel varieties

    Among the wide variety of funds should be allocated:

    The incorrectly chosen gel very often causes the deterioration of the condition of the skin and can contribute to the formation of dryness.

    Gels with salicylic acid content

    The presence in the gels for washing the component of salicylic acid makes it possible to effectively deal with skin defects. This component is most commonly used and allows you to cope with a large number of problems, including acne.

    Preparations with salicylic acid possess the following features:

    • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, reduce the release of subcutaneous fat;
    • have a high level of antibacterial effect on the problem zone;
    • contribute to the elimination of dead skin particles;
    • deeply penetrate the layers of the epidermis and purify the pores;
    • eliminate inflammatory education;
    • reduce the risk of repeated acne;
    • contribute to the elimination of gumons.

    Most often, such gels for washing contain additional components of medicinal plants for the care of problem skin.

    Gel Review

    Among the large number of gels with salicylic acid, it is necessary to highlight:

    Contains in its composition the components of medicinal plants and salicylic acid.

    The drug has the following advantages:

    • Does not contain dyes and flavors.
    • Effectively dries the formation and eliminates the fat shine.
    • Cleans the skin and has antibacterial effect.
    • Suitable for all types of epidermis.

    Among the shortcomings it is necessary to note the possibility of feeling dryness after use.

    average cost 90 rubles.

    Read also

    Gel for washing against acne from Evelin

    This company produces a whole series of treatments for problem skin.

    The gel has a pleasant smell and refreshes the skin after the first application.


    • Deeply cleanses the problem skin.
    • Economic in use.
    • Refreshes and tones the skin.

    Among the disadvantages it should be noted that the drug is not suitable for sensitive skin and can contribute to the appearance of irritation.

    Price 120 rubles.

    Garnier gel for washing against black dots and acne

    Deep penetrates the layers of the epidermis and affects several problems.

    It has a convenient dispenser that prevents excessive consumption.


    • The result is noticeable after several applications.
    • The effect is maintained for a long period.
    • It has a special dispenser and does not tighten the epidermis after use.

    The substance is made for all skin types and does not have drawbacks, in addition to individual cases of increased sensitivity of the skin.

    Cost 180 rubles.

    Gel Clearsil Daily Care

    It has antibacterial effects and deeply penetrates the epidermis layers, cleaning the pores and reducing inflammation.


    • It has a high level of cleaning, it has the property to matting the skin.
    • Prevents further development of infection.
    • Reduces the fat shine.

    Not used for sensitive skin and in the presence of damage.

    Cost 250 rubles.

    Gel for washing Loreal

    It has medicinal plants and is designed to eliminate a large number of problems.


    • Matches the skin.
    • Cleans the pores.
    • Eliminates dead particles.
    • Reduces inflammation.

    Among the disadvantages it should be noted that the use of funds is not appointed with a large number of acne and sensitive skin.

    Cost 320 rubles.

    Read also

    Overview of Washing Gees against Acne

    Among other popular drugs that are used to eliminate acne should be highlighted below the gels.

    Niveya Gel for Problem Skin

    Applied for sensitive and dry skin. It has properties to reduce inflammation and soothe damaged areas.


    • Promotes soft exfoliation and cleansing.
    • Moisturizes the epidermis.
    • Does not contain alkalis.

    Among the flaws of the gel, it is necessary to highlight bad foaming. Also, the drug is not used if you need deep cleaning.

    Cost 230 rubles.

    Gel against acne from the company Clean line

    It is an inexpensive means, but it is used for all types of epidermis and has a deep property to penetrate into the pores and clean them from contamination.


    • Quickly eliminates inflammation.
    • Does not find it with prolonged use.
    • Available at the price.

    Among the disadvantages should be allocated to apply all the skin care series to achieve a quick result.

    average price 60 rubles.

    Gel from acne Himalaya Herbals

    It has the property to penetrate the pores and to have the healing effect directly in the inflamed area. Does not contain alcohol and applies to all skin types.


    • Soft cleansing.
    • Does not cause allergic reactions.
    • It has a comprehensive effect on the problem zone.
    • The result is noticeable after the short use of the gel.

    The shortcomings in this means are not detected.

    Cost 260 rubles.

    Green pharmacy

    Acne gel contains a complex composition of medicinal plants that not only eliminate inflammatory formations, but also take care of the skin.


    • It has natural vegetable components.
    • It has careful cleansing.
    • Suitable for integrated skin care.
    • Does not contain alcohol and parabens.

    Disadvantages are poor foaming.

    Price 100 rubles.

    Bioderma Gel to eliminate acne

    Refers to expensive drugs that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.


    • Used for sensitive epidermis.
    • Moisturizes and restores damaged areas of skin.
    • Does not contain alcohol and alkalis.

    The disadvantages include the high cost of the gel for the care of the problem type of epidermis.

    Price 1000 rubles.

    Korean gels for washing

    Recently, the use of Korean cosmetics against acne is gaining great popularity.

    The main popular drugs should be attributed to:

    1. Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Cleansing Foam - Gel for washing is designed specifically for deep cleaning of the epidermis. The active component of the means is a volcanic ash, which is effectively struggling with the lack of epidermis and eliminates the inflammatory process. The disadvantage of such a drug is the high cost and the possibility of reaction in people with increased skin sensitivity. Cost 1200 rubles.
    2. Washing gel from Holika Holika Designed to reduce inflammatory education. Allows you to dry and. Designed for integrated care for problem epidermis. The disadvantage is the possible appearance of an allergic reaction and irritation. Price 900 rubles.
    3. UNPA BUBI BUBI FACE BUBBLE PEELING GEL -. It has the property to calm the skin and eliminate inflammation. The active ingredients prevent the recovery of the problem, and is suitable for long-term use. Failure, no instructions in Russian and high cost. Price

      From the point of view of classical dermatology, the skin of the skin is the skin ... with problems. It was originally considered the skin of dry, fatty and combined types.

      Dry skin catastrophically lacks skin fat, which causes:




      Fat I. combined leather, on the contrary, produces Sebum in excess, which threatens such problems as:

        uneven relief;

        bold shine;

        extended pores;


        inflammatory elements;

        traces of pedestal.

      Today, cosmetics manufacturers call "problematic" fat and combined skin types. We will adhere to this point of view.

      How to wash money

      For effective action, they need contact with water.

      1. 1

        Mixing the remedy with water and foaming it, we remove dirt, dust, fat particles, purify pores.

      2. 2

        Then all this should be washed away.

      The composition of the washbasin includes two main groups of cleansing components.

      • Substances dissolving fat and connecting pollution. These include all kinds of so-called Peav. (surfactants).
      • Exfoliating substances: acid (glycolic, dairy, salicyl) and abrasive particles.

      It is the surfactant that the task of purification is especially good: form a thick foam, give a feeling of freshness and purity, but some of them are unsafe. This is primarily the sodium lauryl sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate. They act too aggressively, damaging the hydrolypide mantle of the skin, which can cause dryness and peeling, cause dehydration and premature aging.

      To reduce the concentration of surfactants, manufacturers use their combinations. Or use softer substances, for example, based on amino acids.

      Types of funds

      The effective means for washing the fat and combined problematic skin of the face should clean and combat the imperfections, without damaging the hydrolynidal mantle of the skin.

      For use when washing, the following products are designed.


      Penetrating deep into the pores, perfectly cleans the skin from fat and contaminants. However, it is capable of disrupting a lipid barrier, which can lead to dryness and irritation. Carrying components will help minimize risks, such as vegetable oils, extracts, minerals, vitamins, biologically active additives.


      The same gel, only in a different form. Thanks to the technological package with the dispenser, the tool foams already at the time of the feed, which allows to achieve the most careful cleansing.

      Despite the weightlessness of the texture, with pollution copes perfectly. Suitable for sensitive problem skin.

      Hydrophilic oil

      This agent entered our beauty arsenal on the wave of hobbies asian skin care system, in particular two-stage cleansing. Hydrophilic oil is also valid in two stages.

      1. 1

        It is distributed over the dry skin of the face with massage movements to dissolve pollution, fat and decorative cosmetics.

      2. 2

        Wash off with plenty of water, and then wash it with a gel.

      Review of funds

      Soft face gel cream "Absolute Tenderness", L'Oréal Paris

      Upon contact with water, this product turns into weightless carefully cleansing foam. Suitable dry and sensitive face: jasmine and roses extracts soothe and moisturize.

      Cleansing skin gel with acne and age-related changes BLEMISH & AGE CLEANSING GEL, SKINCEUTICALS

      Contains three types of acids: salicyl, capril-salicylic and glycolic. They struggle with all skin imperfections, simultaneously rejuvenating it. Along with acne and black dots, fine wrinkles will disappear.

      Hydra Power Expert Hydra Power Gel, L "Oréal Paris

      The product is intended for cleansing men's skin. The combination of active detergent components with menthol effectively removes dead cells, prevents the appearance of comedones and acne. After use, there is a pleasant feeling of coolness.

      Gel + Scrub + Mask 3-in-1 "Clean Leather", Garnier

      Salicylic acid struggles with black dots and inflammation, zinc dries acne and regulates the production of fat. Eucalyptus extract has an antibacterial effect.

      Cleansing foam, giving shine, Pureté Thermale, Vichy

      The formula based on thermal water delicately removes pollution of all types, not irritating the skin and without damaging its protective barrier.

      Gel for deep purification for oily skin Gel Pure Focus, Lancôme

      Thanks to salicylic acid and exfoliating microparticles reduces the production of sebum, tightens the pores, removes the fat shine.

      Ultrastent gel with brush against acne "Exppo Pro", Garnier

      Salicylic acid struggles with bacteria, eliminates acne and bold glitter, plant extracts help skin restoration. Applicator with soft bristles provides cleansing on a deeper level and helps prevent rashes.

      Cleansing Makeup Pure Ritual, Helena Rubinstein

      Thanks to the exfoliating components, glycolic acid, white and black rice, foam extracts ensures skin cleansing from all types of contaminants, helps reduce the pores, leveled the skin, improves the complexion.

      How to choose a problem for washing problem skin

      Proper cleansing - the key to the health of the skin, convince us dermatologists. Therefore, to the process of choice, the funds must be considered with full responsibility. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin, its problems and needs.

      Fatty problem skin

      Bold shine, closed pores, black dots, pimples are found all over the face.

      Fatty problem skin is less sensitive to surfactant, it is important to clean it thoroughly. Useful antibacterial, dried, regulating fat production substances:

        salicylic acid;

        sage extract;

        eucalyptus extract;

      Combined problem skin

      In the T-zone, the skin is fat, susceptible bold gloss and imperfections. And in the U-zone - dry, prone to peeling. Difficult care is required.

      For T-zone, the 3-B-1 means is suitable, which combines:

        cleansing gel properties for washing;

        abrasive particles for optimal pore cleansing;

        components for the prevention of black dots and acne.

      For the U-zone, the foam with moisturizing and caring components is preferable:

        aloe vera;

        black currant oil;

        Fatty skin do not remake. However, it is quite possible to adjust its bad behavior, which is expressed in the showroom demonstration of the greens and the tendency to clog the pores, is quite possible. Need only competent care implied proper cleansing. But to begin with, we define signs of fatty skin.

          The sebaceous glands produce a secret - from here an excessive shine, which is difficult to control. Makeup keeps badly, the tones "float" in a couple of hours after applying.

          Acne and comedones for oily skin are common. Excess Cebuum does not have time to go to the surface and accumulates in the pores where they begin to multiply propionibacteria acne, pathogens of an extremely unpleasant inflammatory process.

        The main sign of oily leather - excess shine © iStock

        The oily skin can exacerbate different factors such as external and internal. Among them:

          hormonal changes;

          an unhealthy diet with a predominance of flour, oily, sweet;

          illiterate care;

        Washing need fat skin twice a day © iStock

        Fatty face care

        Basic fatty skin care consists of several stages.

          Washing. Do not forget about him and, even if they are very tired, be sure to clean the skin before bedtime: Night "Mask" from tonal cream Only aggravate the problems of oily skin.

          Toning. The tonic will refresh the skin, the pore susit, restore the PH-balance and will make the epidermis more susceptible to active components Moisturizing means.

          Moisturizing. If the cream clogs the pores, prefer the gel texture of the tool. And dense cream moisturizing masks replace tissue.

          Exfoliation. The frequency of this procedure is 1-2 times a week. Experience with scrub (not suitable for skin with open inflammatory elements) or acids with acids stimulates cell renewal, facilitates the yield of sebum to the skin surface.

        We are unlikely to open America, if we say that the beauty of the skin begins with such a banal, at first glance, actions like purification.

        "Our skin is constantly in contact with the environment, so it is necessary to understand that it is not sterile, but inhabited by a variety of bacteria, mushrooms and viruses. This is normal. A combination of microorganisms living on the skin forms microbi phones that are individual for everyone. "

        Even if you do not use decorative cosmetics, they are delayed on the face:

          remnants of cream and serum;

          skin fat, dead cells;

          dust particles.

        This "rattling mix" does not improve the state of the epidermis, and therefore it is better to get rid of it.

        "To prevent pollution, the appearance of comedones and acne, be sure to clean the skin of the face - regularly and carefully," says Alexander Prokofiev, a dermatovenerologist, a medical expert of La Roche-Pozay.

        Fools for washing Apply twice a day. © iStock.

        Cleaning rules

        Make a process delicate, but more simple rules will be effective.

          Wash no more often than two times a day, otherwise the skin will begin to produce sebum to produce. Adjust the water temperature: ideally it should be slightly warm. But the contrasts and temperature differences may well lead to skin problems. Any necessarily wash off, including.

          After washing, we carefully blocked the face with a towel, not rubbing the skin. By the way, instead of a towel from the fabric it is better to use a disposable paper.

          Do not forget to complete the cleansing, wiping the face with a tonic with a cotton disk. The tonic will remove the remnants of the Demakijage, will restore the pH level and narrow the pores.

        Stages of purification

        Cleansing skin B. different time The day is not essential, but still different.

        1. 1

          In the morning - a minimum program: a foam or gel for washing plus tonic.

        2. 2

          In the evening, make up the removal of makeup. In addition, in the evening it is good to do cleansing masks.


        Before starting to wash, remove the makeup. You can do it with:

        The formulas for demacidia are dissolved with decorative cosmetics and remove it from the surface of the skin.


        If you want this process as comfortable as possible, choose the product according to the skin type. For dry and sensitive, cream, foam or mousse are suitable. For oily - gel.

        Deep purification

        Clay masks and scrubs with abrasive particles apply no more than 1-3 times a week depending on the type of skin.

        Toning is a mandatory skin cleansing stage. © iStock.

        How to choose a means for cleansing

        Criteria of choice of at least three: efficiency, comfort when used, skin type. And the main one is the last.

        1. 1

          Oil textures are suitable for dry skin. Use milk or cosmetic cream with moisturizing components.

        2. 2

          The combined and oily skin shows a gel or foam with a slight exfoliating effect. For it, as a rule, acids are responsible.

        3. 3

          Recently, even micellar water is created for various skin types.

        Types of cleansing agents

        To eliminate contaminants from leather, many products of different formats are now developed. Here are the main.

        Penka for washing

        Suitable for normal and combined sensitive skin, as it contains components that provide moisturizing without disturbing the PH-Balance.

        For oily, combined and normal skin Without signs of sensitivity, foams can be too soft, as they do not have sufficient potential for deep purification.

        Best foams for washing according to the editorial office site


        Title means Act Type of skin
        Cleansing foam, giving shine skin Pureté Thermale, Vichy

        Mildly cleanses the skin from contaminants without disturbing the natural protective barrier. Restores the fresh color of the face, suitable for removing makeup.

        for all skin types
        In contact with water, the gel turns into a velvety foam. Suitable for removing makeup. for all skin types
        The gel texture when contacting with water turns into a gentle foam, which is careful, but thoroughly cleans the skin without destroying the protective barrier. for normal, combined, prone to fatty and oily skin

        Micellar water

        Great for making makeup, including eye makeup. There are micellar formulas for sensitive skin.

        Best micellar water according to the editorial office site

        Make-up removal

        Title means Act Type of skin

        Eliminates including waterproof makeup.

        for sensitive skin

        Micellar water for fatty sensitive skin, prone to the appearance of imperfections "Clean skin", Garnier

        It has a light matting effect.

        for fatty sensitive skin, inclined to the appearance of imperfections

        Removes makeup from face and eyes. It does not cause redness and feeling of depth. Moisturizes the skin. Does not contain alcohol and oily components.

        for sensitive and prone to allergies of the skin of the face and eye

        Makeup Makeup Makeup Lotion Pureté Thermale, Vichy

        Effectively cleanses, removes makeup from face and eye, soothes the skin.

        for all skin types

        Shower gel

        Establishments with gel texture are more suitable for combined and oily skin. They are perfectly coping with pollution, remove excess sebum, provide matting.

        Best gels for washing according to editorial board

        Purification with water

        Title means Act Type of skin
        Soft Gel Cream for Washing "Absolute Tenderness", L'Oréal Paris Effectively removes makeup and cleans the skin, giving it freshness. Does not cause dryness. for dry sensitive skin
        Refreshing Pureté Thermale Cleansing Gel, Vichy Removes all kinds of contaminants and softens the effect of rigid tap water. for all skin types
        Miceller cleansing gel, garnier Makeups, cleans and calms the skin of the face. for all skin types
        Cleansing gel for washing Ultra Facial Cleanser, Kiehl's Mildly, but effectively cleanses the skin from contamination and makeup. Does not overcourse, does not tighten the skin, retains its PH balance. for all skin types

        Hydrophilic oil

        The cleansing agent consisting of emulsifiers and oils, when contacting with water turns into milk. Dissolves all types of makeup without disturbing the hydrolyphic film.

        Top Hydrophilic Oils According to Editor's website

        Oil textures


        Well cleanses the pores, lines the skin surface, has a noticeable detox effect. But even the mild scrub is not recommended to use too often. The optimal option is 1-2 times a week.

        Best scrubs For the face of the editorial office site


        Skin cleansing devices

        Ultrasound gadgets can be used daily for careful cleansing and easy skin massage. For these devices, several types of nozzles have been developed that help solve different problems and are suitable for different types Skin, including sensitive.

        Cleaning Mia Cleansing Apparatus Mia 2 6 times better than with ordinary wash, cleans the skin from makeup, including in hard-to-reach places. Fits both women and men even with the most sensitive, as well as prone to Kuperose and acne leather. In case of skin diseases, a preliminary consultation is needed with a dermatologist.

        Keep in mind: natural oils, pronounced faddles and dyes do not go for sensitive skin.

        Masks for deep cleansing apply no more than once a week. © iStock.

        Salon face cleaning

        In the cosmetologist's office you will be offered several methods of cleansing, consider their features.

          Manual cleaning

          The most common way is manual cleaning. It is carried out mainly in cases where hardware techniques lose in efficiency. For example, on comedes, white echoes, sebaggers. The cosmetologist removes them with the help of special tools, such as metal spoons and loops.

          it mechanical cleaningWhen the beautician uses various brush nozzles, choosing a patient suitable for the skin type and, depending on the problems that solve.

          Vacuum cleaning

          Special nozzle literally sucks pollution from the pores.

        Among the main contraindications to any kind of facial cleaning:

          inflammation and rash;

          diseases, including skin (for example, eczema, dermatitis, herpes);


          vascular mesh and cooperosis.

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