• When to cut your nails in November. Lunar calendar for November: favorable days for hair dyeing and manicure. Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure


    With the end of autumn, more severe weather comes. The time has come for wool sweaters, soft blankets, home movies and fragrant mulled wine. The body tries in any way to overcome the autumn-winter blues, but more and more often gives up before the onslaught of a damp climate, colds, vitamin deficiency. All these biological disturbances are clearly reflected in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. But you really want to look healthy and young every new day. The only true helpers in this matter are an active lifestyle, rational nutrition and systematic sports. And also, effective cosmetic procedures - timely nail trimming, hair straightening and coloring in the most auspicious days... It will not work to determine them "by eye". But you can always use the lunar haircut calendar for November 2017.

    Lunar calendar of hair care (dyes, haircuts, hairstyles) for November 2017: favorable days

    The condition of a person's hair depends not only on nutrition, daily regimen and timely hygiene procedures... Important cosmetological manipulations carried out in favorable or unfavorable periods have a significant impact on the beauty and health of the curls. So, a haircut in a particular phase of the moon can accelerate hair growth or, on the contrary, slow it down. Painting done at the wrong time is likely to cause a person's energy decline and discord in his family. AND cosmetic masks or compresses used during the Full Moon period are likely to worsen the condition of the hair and lead to thinning and dullness instead of spectacular shine and splendor. It turns out that the moon can be the cause of all troubles, as well as joys! Therefore, in an effort to get a new autumn look, take a look at the lunar hair care calendar for November 2017: favorable days will help most effectively cut the ends, dye the strands and improve the scalp.

    Favorable and unfavorable days for cutting and dyeing hair according to the lunar calendar for November 2017

    General data on favorable and unfavorable days for hair care (dyeing, haircuts, etc.) according to the lunar calendar for November 2017 looks like this:

    1. The most favorable days for cutting hair and trimming the ends are November 1, 6, 9, 13-17, 21, 23, 27, 30;
    2. The most successful days for complete coloring, highlighting, coloring are November 3, 6-7, 9, 11, 13-17, 23, 26, 28-30 November;
    3. Suitable days for skin and nail care are November 3, 5-7, 9, 12-14, 20-23, 25, 27-28, 30;
    4. Unfavorable days for haircuts, dyes, cosmetic procedures - November 2, 4-5, 10, 12-13, 17-21, 24-26, 29 November;

    Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for November 2017

    There are several simple principles for taking into account the phases of the celestial body when planning the schedule of cosmetic procedures:

    • In order for hair to grow quickly and thickly, a haircut should be done on the growing moon;
    • To slow down hair growth, it is recommended to trim the tips on the waning moon. This principle is also suitable for depilation and pedicure;
    • To heal your hair, you can take a vitamin complex on the days of the young moon;
    • During the Full Moon, no manipulation should be performed. Haircuts and dyes can lead to a deterioration in general health and a loss of a large amount of vital energy;

    More clearly, these principles can be traced in the lunar calendar for dyeing and cutting hair for the last month of autumn 2017 - November.

    When is it better to cut and dye your hair in November 2017 according to the lunar calendar

    Moon calendar haircuts and hair dyeing for November 2017 by day:

    • November 1 - (Waxing Moon) is a good time for a new haircut and trimming;
    • November 2 - no cosmetic procedures are recommended, and it is better not to touch your hair at all;
    • November 3 - a haircut on this day can ruin relations with loved ones; face masks will have an amazing anti-aging effect;
    • November 4 is a bad day for a haircut, coloring will also disappoint;
    • November 5 is a good period for manicure, pedicure, hair toning with tinting agents;
    • November 6 - best time to create an updated image and for wellness water treatments;
    • November 7 - cutting and dyeing hair will worsen general health and lead to illness;
    • November 8 - any hair, skin or nail care treatments are not recommended;
    • November 9 - haircut on this day will get rid of the accumulated negativity, but slow down hair growth;
    • November 10 - an unfortunate period, paint or cosmetics is likely to cause an allergic reaction;
    • November 11 - painting in copper and gold tones will bring considerable profit;
    • November 12 is a neutral day for visiting the salon;
    • November 13 is a good day for a change of image, a haircut will bring vigor for a long period;
    • November 14 - hair care during this period will help establish relationships with a dear person;
    • November 15 - time for cleansing the face, changing the shape of nails, experimenting with hair;
    • November 16 - do not cut your nails, this will lead to greater vulnerability to ill-wishers;
    • November 17 - after a haircut or a change in hairstyle, the hair will become more magnificent, shiny and lively;
    • November 18 is an inappropriate period for nail and hair care, any manipulations will lead to negative consequences;
    • November 19 - take time to remove corns and corns, treat fungus, etc.;
    • November 20 - a haircut on this day will entail illness, hair coloring - a damaged reputation;
    • November 21 - start depilation: after removing unwanted hair, cleanse the environment of bad people;
    • November 22 - neutral day for manicure and pedicure;
    • November 23 is one of the most favorable periods in November for cutting, dyeing, highlighting and straightening hair; visiting the salon will lead to an improvement in the financial condition of the whole family;
    • November 24 is not a good day for personal care, it is better to use a minimum of cosmetics;
    • November 25 - if you are in a good mood, feel free to experiment; if bad, put aside scissors and hair masks;
    • November 26 - cutting the strands on the growing moon will lead to an acceleration of their growth in the future;
    • November 27 - the best procedures on this day - outdoor recreation;
    • November 28 - a haircut will help end a long-standing conflict;
    • November 29 - an unfavorable period for any procedures to change the image and care for hair, skin, nails;
    • November 30 - Haircut and coloring in natural colors on this day are the most beneficial for health.

    Lunar calendar for painting and cutting nails for November 2017

    Even the most successful female or male image will be hopelessly spoiled by the look of untidy and unkempt manicure. Neat hands have always been a sign of the aristocracy, and today it is a must for everyone who looks after their appearance and tries to comply with fashion trends. But even the desire to look your best should not cause daily fanatical hand care. It is worth doing regular cleaning, trimming and coloring of nails on certain days of the week and month, and not when necessary. Otherwise, you can harm your own body. For more information on suitable and unsuitable periods for painting and cutting nails according to the lunar calendar for November 2017, read in the next section.

    When to cut and paint your nails according to the lunar calendar for November 2017

    The lunar calendar for painting and cutting nails for November 2017 offers a list of favorable and unfavorable days for visiting a manicure office and carrying out various kinds of procedures:

    1. Good days for cutting nails - 3, 5-7, 9, 13, 20-21, 23, 25, 30
    2. The right time to paint your nails is 1, 3, 5-6, 13-14, 21-23, 25, 30
    3. The best periods for changing the shape of the nail plate and wellness procedures are 1, 5-6, 12, 19-23, 28, 30;
    4. Unfavorable days for nail care - 2, 4, 7-9, 11, 13, 15-18, 24, 26-29.

    Our ancestors lived according to the laws of nature for hundreds of years. They watched the heavenly bodies, going hunting, planting crops, planning family replenishment. Now we are following their example, introducing the next lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2017 with favorable and unfavorable days for hair and nails. These simple tables make it easy to plan future beauty and wellness treatments - hair coloring, root trimming, nail clipping and painting, etc.

    In the lunar calendar for November 2017 for haircuts and hair coloring, as well as manicure, pedicure, cosmetic procedures and there are both favorable days and not very good ones, or in general, when it is better to refuse the listed procedures. The beauty calendar, which is based on the phases of the moon, will help plan a trip to a hairdresser or a manicure and pedicure master, because it has long been proven that many physiological reactions of our body depend on the position of the moon in the sky.


    If the main goal is to grow hair, then you need to cut it during the growing moon (from November 1 to 3 and from November 19 to 30, 2017). If, on the contrary, you want to visit a hairdressing salon as little as possible, then it is better to choose a day when the moon is in a waning phase (from 5 to 17 November 2017). Please note that this fall is in vogue short haircut bob, sexy garcon and bob bob. Favorable days for a haircut in November 2017: November 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 27, 30.


    The end of autumn is for those brave souls who decide to change regardless of the season. Coloring will help to emphasize the skin color and enhance the shade of the hair, make the color more interesting and playful. So that the paint does not wash off longer and the hair color does not lose its brightness, it is better to dye your hair when the moon is in the growth phase (from November 1 to 3 and from November 19 to 30, 2017). Other hair care treatments, in particular nourishing and moisturizing masks, reconstruction and treatment, are also best done during the period when the moon is rising.

    It is worth noting that all shades of caramel are in fashion this fall - so you can safely dye your hair in a light golden, rich or light chestnut. Also, nowadays, ombre-style staining techniques are still very popular - color transitions from one to another. In general, in November it is useful to arrange for hair " fasting days»: Without styling products, with wraps or nourishing masks. Also drink vitamins, include in the diet foods rich in serotonin. All these procedures are best done when the Moon is in the signs of Capricorn (November 21, 22, 23), Pisces (November 26, 27, 28), Gemini (November 6, 7) and Cancer (November 8, 9). Favorable days for hair coloring in November 2017: November 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30 November.


    To make the nails less broken, exfoliate, it is also better to cut them on the growing moon. The most favorable time for any manipulation of nails is when the Moon is in the sign of Capricorn (November 21, 22, 23). Cutting your nails and doing a manicure these days is possible without fear, since the procedure will be efficient and painless, and will additionally strengthen the plate.

    It is better not to do manicure during the period when the Moon is in Gemini (November 6, 7). This time is negative for intervention in the nail plate. If you are concerned about cracks, inflammations, and other diseases of the nails or skin of the hands and feet, plan a treatment for the days of the Moon in the sign of Virgo (November 12, 13). Favorable days for manicure, pedicure in November 2017: November 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30 November.

    Cosmetic procedures

    November is good for facial cleansing procedures, peels, cleansing and scrubbing. This is best done on the waning moon (from 5 to 17 November).

    On the eve of winter, it is favorable to do procedures for rejuvenation. You can use beauty injections, which are aimed at smoothing out mimic wrinkles, giving the skin a wonderful tone and even color, and you - a wonderful mood on the eve of winter. For this the best periods are November 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16 and 25.

    Also pay attention to mesotherapy, biorevitalization, ozone therapy. By the way, on the days of the new moon (November 18) and the full moon (November 4) in November 2017, it is better to refuse both cosmetic procedures and physical activities. During this period, the body becomes sensitive to irritants and is prone to allergic and inflammatory reactions.


    The closing month of autumn is also not bad for operations. Winter is coming soon New Year, so it would not hurt to hurry up so that the diseases remain in the old year.

    Surgical interventions are best performed in the waning moon phase. This will help to avoid blood loss, infection and other complications. As always, there are certain days when you should not perform surgery on certain organs. So, it is better not to touch the stomach and chest on November 7 and 9, bronchi, arms and shoulders - November 5 and 6, stomach - November 12 and 13, kidneys - November 14 and 15. The most unfavorable day for all is November 17th.

    The lunar calendar for November 2017 will tell you the most favorable time for changing your image and caring for your hands. So that success does not leave you, use the manicure calendar.

    Well-groomed appearance and harmonious style are the key to good luck. You can use the lunar energy for your own good if you know how it will behave. The manicure calendar reflects auspicious days, in which nail care will help not only look great, but also feel on a wave of positive.

    Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure
    November 1-3: The moon continues to rise in November, and will spend the first three days in the constellation Aries. These days are filled with impulsive energy that will allow ambitious and self-confident people to succeed. A manicure is possible these days, however, the experts of the dailyhoro.ru website do not recommend choosing bright shades that can provoke aggression. It will be optimal to shape the regrown marigolds and paint in delicate pastel shades.

    November 4-5: Full Moon in Taurus on the 4th is an auspicious time for nail clipping. So you can get rid of health problems, as well as accumulated negativity. In a two-day period, you can safely use bright colors, as well as strengthen the nail plate. Baths with oils and hand massage will help you with this.
    November 6-7: these days will be under the influence of the waning moon and the zodiacal constellation Gemini. The energy of two days will be positive, so ladies should use this period to create a unique image. New design nails, as well as changing the shape of the nail plate will help get rid of shyness and fight back ill-wishers and envious people. Also, cutting and trimming the marigolds will relieve them of fragility and delamination.

    November 8-9: these days, the harmonious energy of the constellation Cancer is suitable for measured and thoughtful activity. Maintaining a positive attitude will help new color nail polish. The priority will be watery shades of green and bluish. These colors will give you the opportunity to feel more confident and will also have a great effect on your mood. Also these days, you can cover your nails with a layer of useful enamel, which will protect the new manicure and strengthen the nail plates.
    November 10-11: The constellation Leo in alliance with the waning moon will actively influence feelings and emotions, pushing for experiments. So that the overly extravagant nail design does not later disappoint you, astrologers recommend postponing the trip to the nail salon and doing home restoration of the skin of the hands and nail plate using massage and grooming products.

    November 12-13: The positive influence of the Virgo constellation on this day will help to express themselves in the business sphere. To look spectacular and feel a surge of energy, astrologers recommend resorting to a classic discreet manicure. Calm shades of varnish and rounded nail tips will help you find inner harmony and comfort.
    November 14-15: These days, luck will be on your side. The positive influence of the Moon in the waning phase, which will remain in the constellation Libra, will help to achieve success and material independence. The varnish of green and gold shades will attract monetary energy to you, and the unusual design will help to rejuvenate and cheer you up.

    November 16-18: Moon in Scorpio - not best combination for active manipulation of nails. During this period, it is worth giving them a rest and using caring baths. You can visit a manicure salon for restorative procedures, strengthening the nails and giving them the necessary shape. But it is undesirable to use varnish, especially on the New Moon on November 18. It is best to choose a colorless caring foundation that will heal your nails /
    November 19-20: Zodiac Sagittarius and the waxing moon phase these days will cause a surge of strength. Lovely ladies should take care of their image and pay attention to the nails. A new manicure using delicate shades of varnish will help to show activity, as well as win the attention of the opposite sex.

    November 21-23: The constellation of Capricorn during this period will have a positive impact on the well-being and emotions of people. The growth of the moon gives strength, so lovely ladies to maintain a fighting spirit can safely go to a nail salon to update the color or shape of nails. These days, you should pay attention to unusual and bright shades that will favorably affect your mood.
    November 24-25: the active constellation of Aquarius these days will help to find mutual language both in business and in personal life. For the meetings to be held at a high level, it is worth paying attention not only to the wardrobe, but also to the condition of the marigolds. Classic French manicure, which is always in fashion, will endear your interlocutors.
    November 26-28: these days, the active energy of the growing Moon in Pisces can lead you to think about the beautiful and lead you into the world of illusion. You can not lose your working attitude by changing the shade of varnish to a more neutral one. But it is not recommended to trim and file your nails - this can bring you trouble.
    November 29-30: The moon returns to the constellation Aries. In the last days of November, his active energy will make it possible to complete tasks and projects, however, increasing mood swings can negatively affect performance. Delicate shades of varnish will help to pacify emotions. A visit to a beauty salon will help you relax and gain strength while the master "conjures" over your nails.

    Lovely ladies should not forget that their vital energy depends on many factors. In this regard, it is very important to always be on top. With the help of the lunar calendar, you can choose the optimal days for changing manicure and choose the right colors that will help you attract good luck and well-being.

    Beautiful and well-groomed marigolds always attract attention. The lunar nail clipping calendar for November 2017 will help you choose the best day for hand care.

    Well-groomed hands are a reflection of care and neatness. It is important not only for women, but also for men to take care of their nails in order to maintain the image of a successful person. In addition, there are many reasons why clipping nails on certain lunar days is undesirable due to the possibility of getting into trouble. The site experts have prepared a detailed calendar for you, with the help of which you can avoid negativity and attract well-being into your life.

    Favorable and unfavorable days for cutting nails

    November 1-3:the growing moon in Aries is a good time for nail clipping. On November 1 and 2, by shortening the nail plate and giving it a rounded shape, you can get rid of headaches, feel more confident and smooth out conflict situations. But on the third day, you should refrain from haircuts, so as not to provoke ailments.

    November 4-5:The full moon on Saturday and the first day of the waning of the moon will be held under the auspices of the constellation Taurus. On November 4, it is advisable to refrain from cutting marigolds. 5 numbers with the help of trimming you can get attention from colleagues and superiors, say goodbye to negativity and prevent delamination of the nail plate.

    November 6-7:Moon in Gemini is a great time to establish contacts with loved ones, relatives and lovers. The energy of the constellation allows you to perform active manipulations with nails, including haircuts and shaping. If you want to get rid of obsessive custody, then give your nails a pointed shape.

    November 8-9: the influence of the constellation of Cancer these days will be ambiguous. On Wednesday, cutting your nails can lead to setbacks on the personal front, but if your relationship has become obsolete, then cutting your nails is worth it. And on Thursday, manipulations with the nail plates will help you bypass obstacles in your life and successfully complete difficult cases.

    November 10-11:zodiacal Leo and the energy of the waning moon these days do not contribute to attracting good luck, so it is better to postpone nail trimming. Trimming and re-shaping your nails can lead to bruises and cuts. Go for healing and grooming treatments.

    November 12-13:virgo's positive influence will help get rid of the negativity and negative emotions accumulated earlier. If you have serious conversations, business meetings, major purchases, or other important things to do, trim your nails. This will attract good luck. You can enhance the effect with the help of talismans that protect against the evil eye.

    November 14-15:these days the Moon will move to the constellation Libra, and on November 14 you can attract good luck to your side by shortening the nail plate and rounding the tips of the marigolds. But on the 15th, the haircut should be abandoned, preferring a manicure without trimming and filing.

    November 16-18: for three days the Moon will be in the constellation Scorpio, which makes active manipulations with nails unsuccessful. By shortening your nails during this period, you can weaken the biofield and become vulnerable to ill-wishers. This time is intended for caring and regenerating hand skin treatments.

    November 19-20: The moon continues to rise and will visit the constellation Sagittarius from Sunday to Monday. This time is filled with positive energy, which will allow you to perform any manipulations with the nail plates. With the help of a haircut, you will get rid of the brittleness and fragility of the nail, and having done a manicure, you can overcome shyness and doubts.

    November 21-23:the constellation Capricorn helps to get out of the state of apathy and despondency. Lovely ladies should use this period to develop a bold and vibrant manicure design and make it a reality on their own, or with the help of a professional nail service master. For men, grooming procedures and trimming of regrown nails will help to collect their thoughts and choose the right path to success.

    November 24-25: these days you will be at the mercy of the waxing moon and the constellation of Aquarius. Astrologers recommend refraining from cutting nails on the 24th, so as not to infect an infection. And on November 25, a haircut and trimming of marigolds will return you a cheerful mood, and you can start productive communication in business and personal spheres of life.

    November 26-28:from a three-day period given over to the constellation of Pisces, only on November 27, a nail clipping will allow you to attract good luck. On the rest of the days, astrologers recommend avoiding active manipulations so as not to provoke the capricious Fortune to unexpected turns.

    November 29-30: the last days of the outgoing autumn will again be in the power of Aries. This period is characterized by positive energy, favorable for cutting nails. You will increase your self-confidence if you cut your nails short, and you can win people over with the help of a well-chosen manicure and pedicure.

    Cutting your nails can be based not only on the monthly calendar, but also on the days of the week. Astrologers have long noticed that on certain days the energy of the stars and planets literally favors active procedures associated not only with manicure, but also with hair. Create your own unique style with the haircut calendar. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

    Hands are the calling card of every woman. Their condition is used to judge the social status and cultural level. Nails affect the health and fate of people, because it is not for nothing that astrologers, compilers of horoscopes, forecasts and palmists pay special attention to the process of cutting them and their condition. But many girls only consider aesthetic characteristics. The oracle nail clipping calendar for November 2017 helps to improve yourself, find harmony and even have an impact on fate. This procedure is considered safe only on certain days, about which you learn their articles.

    From the point of view of medicine, nails are a derivative of the skin, which reflects the state, health of a person. Their physiological function is to protect the upper phalanges of the fingers from damage, negative effects, which prevents the influence on the nerve endings. From a karmic point of view, nails are a shell that protects the aura from the penetration of negativity through the energy points of the hands.

    Manipulations with this part of the fingers, performed at the right time, can have a beneficial effect on life according to signs. To do a manicure correctly, check out the favorable days for cutting nails, according to the interpretation of the lunar calendar for November 2017 - 1, 2, 4, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30. If you synchronize the time of cosmetic procedures with the phases of the moon, then you will attract its power to your side, because this celestial satellite acts like a magnet, attracting success and energy.

    Bad days for a manicure in November 2017

    The lunar astrological calendar is very popular among the fair sex. Many already know about the power of the influence of the phases of the Earth's satellite, space on the state nail plate, hair, skin, health of the whole organism, destiny. Since all women have a desire for success in all areas of life, and one of the indicators of well-being is the grooming of the hands, you should be aware of the unfavorable days for manicure in November 2017. Such numbers are considered unsuccessful - 3, 8, 11, 17, 24.

    Complete calendar of nail clippings for November 2017

    It has long been known that the phases of the moon have a great impact on the health, beauty and fate of people. The growth rate of nails depends on the period in which the hair was cut. There is a scientific explanation for the lunar influence: this natural satellite of the Earth affects the circulation of fluids. To keep the beauty of your hands from fading, you should study the hollow nail clipping calendar in November. Doing the procedures at the right time, you will feel a surge of energy, strength, you will always look young.

    • 1 (the moon is decreasing) - if you cut your nails on this day, it will help to establish yourself in society, show your authority.
    • 2nd number - you need to trim after sunset to enhance the attractiveness and charm.
    • November 3, 2017 (third quarter) - in order to avoid failures in the future, it is better to refrain from haircuts.
    • 4 (decreasing) - a good day for a manicure.
    • 5 - refuse to cut, as there is a high probability of causing damage to your fingers, which will subsequently heal for a very long time.
    • 6 - if you cut the nail plate on this day, then they will grow much slower, but you will get acquainted with the opposite sex.
    • 7 - Hand procedures will help you sort out your own thoughts and feelings.
    • 8 - give up the haircut.
    • 9th - it is better to do a manicure in the evening to enhance the effect.
    • 10 - manicure procedures can be traumatic.
    • 11 (new moon) - on this day, a haircut will have a negative effect on fate.
    • 12 (growing) - a haircut is allowed, after which it is better to apply a discreet varnish.
    • 13 - manipulations with nails will not affect fate.
    • 14 - it does not hurt to cut the nail plate, build it up with the master, make a trip to the salon.
    • 15 - do not deny yourself the care of your hands.
    • 16 is a great day for manicure procedures, especially new experiments.
    • 17 - don't plan on using nail scissors.
    • 18th - if after a manicure you want to paint the nail plate, then do it with your usual colors and varnishes.
    • 19 (first quarter) - when painting, feel free to use bright colors.
    • November 20 (growing) - Cutting will attract new acquaintances and even finding love.
    • 21 is an auspicious day.
    • 22 - if you do manicure, it will give you a great mood.
    • 23 - manicure will attract new people to life if it is bright.
    • November 24, 2017 is an unfavorable day.
    • 25 - if you are going to do any manicure manipulations, they should be familiar to you.
    • 26 (full moon) is an auspicious day.
    • 27th number (decreasing) - it is better to refrain from planning manipulations with scissors, since there is a great risk of injuring yourself, making hangnails.
    • 28 is a good day for haircuts, home manicures, medicinal baths, nourishing masks, pedicure.
    • 29 - classic manicure will be successful.
    • 30 is an auspicious day on the calendar.
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