• Epilation lunar calendar. Hair removal lunar calendar Favorable days for hair removal in April


    In the lunar epilation calendar for 2017, all 12 months are presented, indicating three types of days:

    1. Highly efficient, marked with "+". During this period, you can safely remove hair on different parts of the body and face. They will grow back more slowly, thinner and more invisibly.
    2. Neutrals, represented in the calendar by "+ -" signs. At this time, you can do hair removal at home and in a professional salon, shugaring, although it is still recommended to postpone the event to a more favorable period. The procedure will be painful, and the hated hair will appear again in a few days. It is undesirable to shave off the hairs, as the first tiny hemp will grow back much faster than usual.
    3. Ineffective, marked with "-". It is better to postpone a visit to a specialist or home hair removal for a more favorable period, since in accordance with the lunar calendar, the result of the procedure will not last long, and the session itself will bring a lot of unpleasant sensations.

    All you need to do is look at the table for the current month and find the nearest favorable date for epilation. Many women's reviews confirm that getting rid of hairs on favorable days increases the effectiveness of the procedure several times and allows you to achieve the most positive result.

    If, unknowingly, you had to carry out the procedure on a not recommended day, then you should not worry. This will not bring any terrible consequences, it will only slightly worsen the condition of the skin. During this period, the risk of irritation, allergies, microtraumas and ingrown hairs is increased.

    Does the moon affect hair removal?

    The influence of the moon on the development and life of all living things on earth is undeniable. Astrologers have recorded that outbreaks of infectious diseases spread faster during the growing month. The satellite controls not only the ebb and flow of the seas, but all the water on earth. And all life on the planet for the most part consists of this moisture.

    Our ancestors noticed hundreds of centuries ago that the lunar cycles are reflected in the state of the human body. There is a pattern that men are more affected by the young month, and women, on the contrary, are more affected by the full moon.

    Depending on the biorhythms of the satellite of our planet, mood changes, on some days you feel tired and apathetic, on others - unprecedented cheerfulness and strength. Man is part of the cosmos, therefore he lives according to its laws. The study of the lunar phases helps people live in precise balance with themselves and with the Universe. Awareness of this leads to harmony of soul and body, to the ability to maintain a balance of physical and mental health, to achieve a natural balance of internal and external beauty.

    When and how to start epilation procedure?

    On the growing moon, it is undesirable to remove hair, as it will grow back very quickly again. But for the waning month, it is just time to get rid of everything old and superfluous. This also applies to worn-out clothes or frayed furniture, as well as a couple of pounds gained, body hair, wrinkles, pimples and other unnecessary things.

    The period is considered the most favorable for procedures such as hair removal, skin peeling, manicure and pedicure, liposuction. Unless the hair on the head is advised to be cut for the new moon or the growing month in order for them to grow faster and stronger.

    To simplify the procedure as much as possible, reduce pain skin and achieve long-term results, it is better to start epilation in the waning moon phase, located in the constellation Capricorn. And if on favorable days you take a photo or in the salon, you will be able to forget about annoying body hair forever.

    The girls, who every month look at the lunar epilation calendar, are convinced of the high efficiency of the schedule. They confidently declare that hated hairs are removed more easily, and new ones grow much more slowly if the procedure is carried out on favorable days.

    It is not recommended to engage in your body during solar and lunar eclipses. It is believed that they can badly affect a person's consciousness, which will lead to errors. On these days, the general state of health is disturbed, the risk of infections and colds is increased, the mental state is unstable.

    Hair removal calendar 2017 by months

    The most effective days of the year each month can be calculated independently in accordance with the phases of the moon, but this will take a lot of time. It is also important to consider which zodiac sign the moon is in. The constellation Capricorn is considered auspicious. It is much easier to use the ready-made calendar for 2017, which has already marked the most favorable time for the procedure. The habit of periodically looking at the lunar calendar will help to achieve harmony and comfort during caring activities.

    January 2017

    First month on the calendar, busy holidays and weekends, is conducive to caring procedures. Winter is the best period for epilation in a specialized institution, as the treated areas of the body are protected from the sun's rays. This time is also favorable for getting rid of hair at home.

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    February 2017

    On Valentine's Day, you want to spend an evening with your loved one. But to be fully armed and look stunning, you need to start preparations in the morning or the night before. Do not forget about the International women's day next month. Just at the end of February, the most favorable time to get rid of the legs and bikini area from excess hair.

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    March 2017

    The first month of spring does not yet allow you to enjoy the warmth and put on thin tights, but this is not a reason to neglect epilation. Smooth skin will cheer you up even in rain and bad weather, when you have to while away the evenings under a warm blanket.

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    April 2017

    The sun is shining brightly, which means that it's time to put your down jacket and warm trousers in the closet and put on smooth legs in a charming skirt. But for starters, it doesn't hurt to look at the epilation calendar. You should prepare in advance for the May holidays, which are traditionally held in nature. Indeed, at the beginning of the month, favorable days are not expected.

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    May 2017

    How to resist and not wear a new one summer dresswhen everything is bathed in the sun? But for this you need to tidy up the legs and armpit area by choosing suitable date for the procedure in the current calendar month.

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    June 2017

    The most favorable day for skin hair removal on the calendar is June 18th. It is believed that after epilation the hairs will not grow back for several weeks or months. Even astrologers cannot explain the reason for this phenomenon, but many women around the world have already become convinced of its truthfulness from personal experience.

    However, this phenomenon does not apply to shaving or depilation with a cream, only the removal of hairs from the root is meant.

    But if you didn't manage to do the procedure on the 18th, don't worry. Any days marked with a "+" sign in the lunar calendar are also great for epilation in 2017.

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    July 2017

    The beach season is in full swing, so don't forget about the bikini area. Thanks to the lunar calendar, it will be possible to keep the whole body in full "combat readiness".

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    August 2017

    The month when it's time to take a vacation and head south. The calendar will help you choose the period for cosmetic procedures.

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    September 2017

    The last chance to walk your legs without tights before the onset of cold weather, which should not be missed.

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    October 2017

    No wonder there are so many favorable days for epilation in October, because a real woman remains irresistible at any time of the year.

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    November 2017

    In the last autumn month, it's time to visit a beauty salon and start a comprehensive fight against body hair. When the skin of the face is not exposed to sunlight, it will not hurt to also get rid of the tendrils above the upper lip.

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    December 2017

    It is better to start preparing for the New Year in advance. The epilation lunar calendar will help you to plan your days profitably not only for cosmetic procedures, but also for shopping trips to find gifts for loved ones.

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    1. Take a look at the epilation calendar for 2017 and choose the nearest date among the favorable days of the current month. This will allow you to achieve the maximum result of the procedure and achieve a long-term effect.
    2. The day before after water treatments, apply a scrub to the skin. Abrasive particles will exfoliate dead cells of the epithelium, due to which the hairs will be pulled out much easier. Instead of a scrub, you can take a bath and rub your skin thoroughly with a hard washcloth. Remember to lubricate your skin with a moisturizing lotion before bed.
    3. Never start epilation in a bad mood, even if the date is favorable on the calendar. The procedure requires concentration and calmness, so try to get all distractions out of your head first. Relax, have tea, listen to your favorite music, take a bath with aromatic oils.
    4. Make sure the hairs have grown back enough and are at least 3-5 mm long.
    5. Be sure to steam your skin before the session. So the epidermis will soften, and the hairs will more easily detach from the bulbs. This measure also reduces discomfort.
    6. If you have a low pain tolerance and need to remove hair in the bikini, underarms or other sensitive area, use a special pain reliever. Creams, gels and aerosols with lidocaine and other anesthetics will turn the painful procedure into a pleasant pastime. Read the instructions for using the drug. Usually it should be applied under an occlusive dressing - a special film that prevents moisture evaporation and drying of the product. You can use regular cling film instead. To achieve the maximum anesthetic effect, it is necessary that the active substance is well absorbed into the skin. Therefore, the cream is applied for 1–2 hours, after which it is washed off with warm water and depilation is started.

    Remember to do a sensitivity test before using the pain medication. Spread a small amount of product on the fold on the inside of the elbow. If after an hour there is no redness, burning or rash, then everything is in order. For girls with an allergy to local anesthesia, such creams are contraindicated. Instead, you can wipe your skin with ice cubes before the procedure.

    1. In the process, stretch the skin with your fingers, so the device captures the maximum number of hairs.
    2. After all the manipulations, it is important to use an antiseptic and regularly moisturize the skin to prevent keratinization of cells and ingrowth of hairs, avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays, and use sunscreen when going outside.
    3. Do not carry out the procedure during your period and in the first half of your menstrual cycle, even if the most effective day falls on the calendar. During this period, the pain threshold decreases and the risk of bleeding is increased.

    For many years, thousands of astrologers have tried to unravel the mysteries of the Universe, to find out the relationship between human life and space. And only in our days people have been able to use lunar biorhythms and phases to their advantage. Modern women have learned how to select the ideal days for epilation in the calendar, saving valuable time and achieving maximum results.

    And although some of the fair sex consider caring for themselves in accordance with the phases of the moon only superstition, most girls are convinced of the effectiveness of this method.

    Hair removal is a delicate issue that should be approached responsibly. In addition to choosing the best way to remove body hair, you should pay attention to the lunar epilation calendar. The epilation lunar calendar will allow you not only to find out the day when it is better to resort to this procedure, but also to get the desired result without negative consequences.

    The moon has some kind of power over the Earth, and therefore all living things. The ebb and flow of the seas, changes in the emotional state and other factors - all this is subject to the lunar influence. Therefore, many people, going to a hairdresser, necessarily turn to the lunar calendar, which helps to ensure good hair growth. Epilation also refers to such an action, which should be carried out only when the Moon recommends it. If you carry out hair removal on an unfavorable day, then nothing terrible will happen, but the process itself can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

    Why do many women take into account such subtlety as observing the lunar calendar before carrying out the depilation process? This is due to the fact that many reviews show the effectiveness of observing the lunar phases. Women noticed that epilation on the recommended days allows achieving not only efficiency, but also the most positive result. There are women for whom astrology is alien, so they do not even worry about it.

    Astrologers believe in the powers of the moon and therefore recommend paying attention to the phases in which the night star is located. For example, during the waning of the moon, a living organism gets rid of everything superfluous. It is during this period that epilation is recommended, but thanks to the lunar calendar, you can choose the right day.

    The lunar calendar is a kind of schedule that lists the recommended, unfavorable and average efficiency dates. All a woman needs is to open the calendar and find the current month in it and find the closest date from a number of recommended ones.

    On any day of the presented dates in 2017, you can do hair removal and be completely sure that the process will not bring negative consequences.

    Important information that every woman should have is the date of June 18th. Hair removal on this day allows you to get the most positive result. But this does not include shaving procedures, since the phenomenon is appropriate for epilation methods in which hairs with bulbs are removed.

    When to start hair removal in 2017

    To achieve the most positive and lasting result from epilation, it is required to carry out the procedure in the waning moon stage in Capricorn. A woman should remain so at all times and under all circumstances. To achieve the maximum degree of effectiveness from a particular depilation method, you need to know the recommended dates in 2017.

    If you carry out depilation on the recommended days and June 18, then you can forget about annoying vegetation for a long time and even forever. Days that are moderately favorable allow hair depilation, but only in extreme cases, when it is necessary. If you can wait, it’s better to wait until the next day allowed. If the procedure is carried out during unfavorable days, then the procedure will be accompanied by such negative factors as soreness, rapid growth of hairs, the appearance of ingrown hairs and the appearance of irritation.

    What is the depilation lunar calendar for 2017 for each month of the year, we will find out in more detail.

    Epilation calendar for January 2017

    The chart below allows you not only to get rid of excess vegetation, but also to do it painlessly and for a long time. An epilation schedule is drawn up based on the lunar phases, which include both favorable and unfavorable days.

    The schedule for January is as follows:

    Epilation calendar for february 2017

    If you are not alien to referring to the lunar calendar, then it is important to have information not only about the phases of the moon, but also about the signs of the zodiac in which it is located. This will allow you to get the maximum possible positive results of the control of excess vegetation.

    So that you don't have to sit and count the favorable and unfavorable days, they are already presented in the finished form in the table for February 2017:

    Epilation calendar for March 2017

    The lunar calendar 2017 will help to effectively get rid of vegetation on the body. It will help to get beautiful and smooth skin that will distinguish you among thousands of women. For the procedure to be as favorable as possible, you need to refer to the lunar calendar for March 2017:

    Epilation calendar for April 2017

    To overcome excess hairiness on the skin, you should choose the most appropriate and effective method... There are a sufficient number of methods for hair removal and depilation, which are due to the characteristic features. In order for these features to give positive results, it is necessary to carry out epilation on such days in April 2017:

    Epilation calendar for may 2017

    Unwanted vegetation on the body can be removed with a shugaring or razor, laser or photocell, iodine or peroxide. But all these methods will have low efficiency if the procedure is carried out on unfavorable days of the lunar epilation calendar 2017. The favorable days of May 2017 include:

    Epilation calendar for June 2017

    Probably not a single girl noticed such a phenomenon when, after one depilation procedure, the hair began to grow back literally the next day, and their repeated removal promoted their growth after 1-2 weeks. All this is proven by the relationship with the moon. Significant effectiveness from depilation can be obtained if the procedure is carried out mainly on favorable days. For June 2017, these days are:

    Epilation calendar for july 2017

    Each depilation method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are due to the peculiarities of a particular technique. The use of the lunar calendar 2017 for hair removal helps to minimize the imperfections and improve the quality of depilation. In order for epilation in July 2017 to be as painless and effective as possible, you need to know the following dates:

    Epilation calendar for august 2017

    Different phases of the moon are capable of miracles. Finding the moon in different phases either helps to accelerate hair growth, or vice versa, slows down their growth. This is confirmed by many studies. You can be convinced of this fact, for which in August 2017 it is necessary to resort to the procedure on such days:

    Epilation calendar for september 2017

    Take proper care of your skin at the end of the depilation procedure. The skin needs gentle and proper care, for which it is necessary to give preference not only to moisturizing creams and disinfecting drugs, but also to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. In September 2017, you can remove hair on the following days:

    Epilation calendar for october 2017

    Cleansing the skin with the peeling procedure on the eve of depilation will greatly facilitate any chosen depilation method. Will have a beneficial effect on hair removal and compliance with the lunar calendar. For October 2017, favorable and unfavorable days include:

    Epilation calendar for November 2017

    If you refuse to carry out the hair removal procedure on unfavorable days, then a positive result in the form of beautiful and smooth skin will be ensured. In order to be convinced of this, you should check the effectiveness on yourself. In November 2017, you can check the effectiveness on the following days:

    Epilation calendar for December 2017

    Treat any waxing method responsibly and constructively. Follow all the prescriptions and recommendations not only for the main stage of the process, but also at the preparatory stage. In order for depilation to take place with maximum success, it should be carried out on clean skin. Give a significant role to certain days of the lunar calendar. In December 2017, depilation can be carried out on the following days:

    Try using the lunar calendar to find out not only its effectiveness, but also its power. Take good care of your skin, learn how to wax correctly, and control the phases of the moon. This in combination will certainly help to get a 100% result of efficiency and positive impact.

    • 1. Moon phases and hair removal
    • 2. Interesting tips
    • 3. Rules for using the lunar calendar for hair removal in 2018
    • 4. The best time for epilation, sugaring, shaving, epilator according to the lunar calendar in 2018

    Moon phases and hair removal

    Astrologers have long discovered a pattern: on the waning moon, the body seeks to get rid of excess, including hairs, so it's a great time for epilation. The growing moon has the opposite effect in the form of active growth and thickening of the follicles.

    New Moon is the time to prepare the skin for procedures, the body is susceptible to scrubs and masks, but in terms of hair removal, the moon is in the growth stage. With the beginning of the full moon, a slow decrease in the satellite begins, of course, they remove excess vegetation these days, but experts warn that these days the pain threshold rises, and the usual procedures deliver more discomfort, so it is better to do depilation on favorable days.

    When determining favorable days for 2018, it is necessary to take into account not only the position of the moon, but also the sign of the zodiac in which it is located. It is better to do hair removal on the waning moon, when it is patronized by Capricorn.

    You should refuse procedures if the month is under the influence of the sign of Virgo or Leo. But Aries and Taurus are considered completely neutral constellations.

    June 18 deserves special attention - on this good day, all methods of depilation, that is, complete hair removal from the root, give a long-term result, however, classic shaving does not fall under the "magic" effect of this date.

    Rules for using the lunar calendar for hair removal in 2018

    There is no need to calculate favorable days, experts have already taken care of them and have compiled a lunar epilation calendar for January and subsequent months of 2018. It is enough to open the required period and find the right time for the procedure.

    1. Highly efficient.
    2. Medium efficiency.
    3. Ineffective.

    It is advisable to do hair removal according to the lunar calendar on days with high efficiency, otherwise the procedure will be painful and the hairs will grow back quickly.

    The best time for epilation, sugaring, shaving, epilator according to the lunar calendar in 2018

    MonthHighly efficient periodAverage efficiency periodIneffective period
    January7-16 1,2 17-21, 27-30 3-6, 22-26, 30
    February11-13 4-10, 14, 15-17 1-3, 18-22, 27, 28
    March11, 12 17, 22-25, 31 1, 2, 18-21. 25-30
    April1-13 19-22, 27-30 14-18, 23-26
    May1-10, 30, 31 4,5 11-15, 21-23
    June1-7, 12, 29, 30 13-15, 20-28 8-11, 16-19
    July1-4, 28-30 10-13, 18-27 5-9, 14-17
    August6-9, 27, 28 14-26 1-5, 10-13, 29-31
    September3-5, 30 2,1-24 1, 6-10, 25-29
    October1-3, 8 27-30 9-21 4-7, 23-26, 31
    November4-7, 24-26 8-18, 23 1-3, 19-22, 28-30
    December2-6, 23, 24, 29-31 7-1, 20-22 1, 16-19, 25-28

    Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in the magical power of the moon or not, however, thousands of women have already tested the amazing effect of the Earth's satellite on the body and have proven the correctness of the lunar calendar during epilation and depilation.

    Useful Tips

    In April 2017, Venus will turn from retro to straight and will do several extremely negative aspects with Saturn, so this, like the previous month, will not be suitable for serious plastic surgeries.

    Anything related to the beauty industry, shopping for things and cosmetics will be welcomed some obstacles on his way. Remember this, be careful to sign up for any procedures in beauty salons and go shopping.

    Read also:Astrological forecast for the signs of the Zodiac for April 2017

    ATTENTION! Most dangerous days for serious procedures aimed at a radical change of the image, as well as complex procedures for rejuvenation and improvement of appearance: April 3, 6-8, 10, 13-16, 19-21, 25, 26.

    Cleansing procedures for the body, face and hair are best done in days of the waning moon - from 11 to 24 April... Cleansing will be much more effective these days.

    Read also:General astrological forecast for all signs of the zodiac for April 2017

    Plan nourishing masks for skin and hair in days of the waxing moonfrom 1 to 10 and from 26 to 30 April... Remember that these days you cannot get tattoos, piercings or sign up for mesotherapy, as with the growing moon any such procedures will be more painful!


    ♊ 1 APRIL, Saturday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 08:36.TWINS

    Spring has already stepped over the threshold with both feet, and your body has not yet recovered from the winter cold and vitamin deficiency? Today is a day off, which should be devoted to visiting specialists in the field cosmetology, chiropractors... Gather information, draw up a schedule of procedures for a month in advance: this work will bear fruit. From specific actions, we can recommend a general strengthening massage that improves the tone of the body. It makes sense to make nourishing masks for the face and décolleté. Today it is not worth doing manicure and pedicure, however reflex massage zones of the brushes will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails.

    Fitness : on this day, general strengthening exercises will benefit, which allow you to lose weight. Trainings should be moderate, overloads are fraught with injuries (especially for the muscles of the upper limbs). Avoid stress - today the nervous system is our weak point.

    ♊♋ 2 APRIL, Sunday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:20.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 21:27

    Moon without course from 17:43 to 21:26

    The moon continues to grow in Gemini, which means that we continue to work on studying our own mistakes and composing beauty care program and health. Pay special attention to the problem of bad habits (in this area it is also worth consulting with experts). It's Sunday afternoon, so take some time to do simple treatments like nourishing masks, revitalizing massage. It is better not to carry out any complex procedures for cleansing the skin of the hands (including manicure and cutting nails) today.

    Fitness : This day is marked by a high level of danger. Moral depression, headaches, metabolic disorders - all these troubles, which are very likely on this day, are unlikely to set you up for active training. Therefore, rest or light, relaxing workouts are recommended.

    ♋ 3 APRIL, Monday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:13.CRAYFISH

    I quarter, second phase of the Moon from 21:39

    A firm chest is every woman's dream. Start making your dream come true right from Monday. However, all procedures and activities in this direction should be absolutely natural... Plastic surgery is contraindicated. Breast massage is recommended, nourishing masks based on natural products (masks made from fermented milk products are especially useful) will help to noticeably improve skin tone. A tanning bed will do more harm than good. You should also not plan for today a visit to the hairdresser, curling, washing your hair.

    Fitness : The Moon in Cancer favors active training (and active pastime), but the day is characterized by extremely negative aspects. In addition to the risk of injury, there is high risk increased blood pressure, exacerbation of chronic diseases, nervous breakdowns. From the training program, you should exclude all exercises that increase the risk of injury... Use simple pelvic and hip exercises like squats, knee lifts, and more.

    ♋ 4 APRIL, Tuesday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:15.CRAYFISH

    Moon without course from 23:45

    As additional measures for breast care, you can recommend hydromassage... This is the simplest but most effective way to improve the blood supply to this area. Masks made of ordinary lemon or cucumber tone up the skin well. You can also apply a whipped cream and strawberry mixture to your chest. A quarter of an hour - and the visual effect will be obvious. Today it is still impossible to sunbathe, use strong cosmetics.

    Fitness : on this day, you can slightly intensify the load on the hips and legs. You can work out on simulators using effective exercises aimed at pumping the buttocks, thighs, and calf muscles. Risks are still present, but they are mainly associated with a high probability nervous overstrain.

    ♋♌ 5 APRIL, Wednesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:24.CRAYFISH , A LION from 01:14

    Moon without course until 01:13

    The day will pass under the sign of Leo, which should encourage you to take active steps to tidy up your hair. Today you can and should visit a hairdresser, dye, extend hair and even do a very fine perm. If you are not planning to get a haircut, or for some reason did not have time to get to the salon, trim the ends of your hair... By doing this, you guarantee yourself that they will not be cut for a long period of time. You can also extend eyelashes and dye your eyebrows today. It is better to postpone all other activities to take care of the beauty of your body for other days.

    Fitness : The day will be virtually risk-free, so do active restorative strength training. Almost everything is possible, except aerobic exercise, which today can have a negative load on the heart muscle. Also, do not include exercises for pumping the abdominal muscles in the training program.

    ♌ 6 APRIL, Thursday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:36.A LION

    The day is unfavorable for many procedures, so you should not expect too much from it. Today it is impossible to carry out peeling of the skin (especially procedures for deep cleaning of the skin with the help of active cosmetic preparations). Solarium is not allowed... Removing body hair also doesn't make much sense, as it will grow back faster than usual afterwards. The only successful solution is a trip to the hairdresser (if you didn't have time to do it yesterday), where you can give your fantasy a chance to roam to the fullest.

    Fitness : Cardio exercise on this day can be dangerous. In addition, the day is fraught with impulsive outbursts of mood, which can lead to not calculating the load in the gym. Overall, the day is conducive strength training, however, be careful during the exercise in order to correctly calculate your strength.

    ♌♍ 7 APRIL, Friday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:49.A LION , VIRGO from 07:20

    Moon without course from 03:16 to 07:20

    When the Moon passes through the sign of Virgo, it is a good time for a large number of procedures with which you will become prettier and healthier... The main thing is to find time for all this. Start with nourishing masks for hair. Then you can extend your eyelashes. Afterwards, visit a massage parlor where specialists will work on your feet. You can actively fight cellulite with the help of contrasting hydromassage. And the nervous system will be soothed by a relaxing bath, which, together with aromatherapy sessions, will be simply irreplaceable on this day. But cleansing the intestines and enemas are contraindicated today. In addition, one should refrain from overeating and eating heavy products... After sunset, you can get a manicure and pedicure.

    Fitness : Today is best used for pumping the muscles of the lower extremities, training the so-called stabilizing muscles and strengthening the musculoskeletal system in general. Simple but effective exercises in which you will need to use balancing hemispheres, fitballs. Mid-body exercises are undesirable today.

    Lunar calendar of health and beauty

    APRIL 8, Saturday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 16:02.VIRGO

    How can you diversify today in terms of beauty, which will again pass under the Moon in the sign of Virgo? If experiments are not alien to you, then, in addition to all the recommendations that were given the previous day, this Saturday can be used for weaving dreadlocks and afro braids... Today you can also resort to herbal medicine, which will help you lose weight, cleanse your body, making you younger and more beautiful. No complicated procedures can be done today!

    Fitness : The emphasis in training should be on pumping the muscles of the legs (mainly, we are talking about the muscles of the lower leg, ankle joints). Today, when the risk of injury is minimal, team games are welcome: volleyball, football. You can also work out on a treadmill, an exercise bike, or just take a park run.

    ♍♎ 9 APRIL, Sunday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:14.VIRGO , LIBRA from 15:35

    Moon without course from 11:21 to 15:34

    The first half of the day will pass under the sign of Virgo. However, you should not start anything serious with 11:21 to 15:34since the moon without a course will nullify your efforts. Late afternoon recommended take care of your faceby making nourishing masks on a natural basis. It makes sense to visit a masseur who will give you a preventive massage of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen: this is a very useful procedure in the fight against the appearance of tears in the connective tissue, that is, stretch marks.

    Fitness : special risks today can not be afraid. Active time for training is morning, before 11:21, and evening, after 15:34. You can rest during the day - active training is unlikely to produce a tangible effect. Devote the first half of the day to exercises for the lower extremities, team games. In the evening, it is recommended to visit the pool, go to yoga classes.

    ♎ 10 APRIL, Monday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:25.LIBRA

    A negative day, when you can harm yourself rather than benefit yourself if you use some kind of cardinal procedures. If there is a massage, it should be gentle and relaxing. If face masks - strictly natural (impact should be short-lived). Today there is a high risk of injury and exacerbation of chronic diseases. You should forget about surgical interventions (any types of plastics, etc.) on this day.

    Fitness : rest recommended. No active workouts, races, gyms. If you really feel like it, you can go to yoga classes, where you will perform the simplest exercises without making efforts on the body. However, it is best to spend the day alone and go for a short walk in the fresh air in the evening.


    ♎ 11 APRIL, Tuesday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:34.LIBRA

    FULL MOON at 09:07

    A very unfavorable day, when excessive activity can rather harm, rather than help, beauty. Despite the fact that the Moon in Libra welcomes plastic surgery in the face and neck area, on this particular day any plastic surgery are categorically contraindicated... At the same time, you can set aside time to visit the dentist, although complex dental procedures are best postponed until another day. However, a better solution would be to visit massage parlor for the prevention of stretch marks. This purpose will be served by massage with the use of special oils that help remove toxins from the body.

    Fitness : Today is a good day to spend time on simple exercises from the arsenal of yoga. Meditation will be of great benefit. If you do not sit still without activity, a relaxed swimming in the pool... Remember, today the risk of injury and complex fractures is extremely high, so do not lose your vigilance for a second (especially when leaving the shower, pool).

    12 APRIL, Wednesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:42.LIBRA , SCORPIO from 01:42

    Moon without course until 01:41

    The moon is waning in Scorpio, which means that it's time to get serious about your teeth. Anything is welcome: from simple whiteningbefore alignment and placement of implants. Today, deep cleansing of the face, neck and décolleté area is shown (unless, of course, you are allergic to the active substances used cosmetics). You can also get tattoos (preferably in visible places). At the same time, it is not recommended to visit the solarium, use of hormone-based creams. It is also undesirable to visit stores in order to purchase new toilets.

    Fitness : today does not carry any special risks or contraindications. However, with the Moon in Scorpio, in principle, you should not overload the body with strength training. On this day, it makes sense to put into practice the most effective exercises from the arsenal of gymnastics for the face and neck. This will help not only fight against double chinbut also give the skin a healthier and younger look.

    ♏ APRIL 13, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCORPIO

    Today the moon is damaged, so you should forget about plastic surgery. In all other respects, it is recommended to stick to the same program that was planned for the previous day. Keep going do your teethbut better without particularly complicated procedures. It is better not to get tattoos and piercings. Any procedures in the area intimate areas will not be effective (including hair removal) and may cause unwanted skin irritation.

    Fitness : Continue to improve mood and stay youthful with face and neck exercises. In fact, simple facial gymnastics should always be present in your life if you want to keep your skin toned. However, it is on this day that such a practice will be most effective.

    APRIL 14, Friday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:52.SCORPIO , SAGITTARIUS from 13:27

    Moon without course from 07:17 to 13:26

    Today is a pretty good day, since there is a good opportunity to use its advantages: in the morning, do those procedures that are welcome with the Moon in Scorpio, and after 13:27 go to those recommended for the Moon in Sagittarius. Thus, in the morning we continue to work on beauty of teeth peeling of the face, neck. However, the first half of the day will pass with the moon without a course, so you should not start anything dramatic in the field of beauty guidance. But closer to two days, you can do the removal of ingrown nails, go for an anti-cellulite massage. Tattoos and permanent make-up cannot be done today. After sunset, you can get a manicure or pedicure.

    Fitness : The morning is not meant for serious activity. The best pastime is the same facial gymnastics and / or morning yoga. After lunch is a good time to do muscles of the upper limbs... Aside from strength training, the day is good for cardio. But today it is better to load the leg muscles in moderation, without bringing oneself to the feeling of fatigue in them.

    Beauty lunar calendar 2017

    ♐ 15 APRIL, Saturday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:53.SAGITTARIUS

    Apart from massage, which is aimed at preventing stretch marks and fighting cellulite, as well as removing ingrown nails, today's Saturday does not leave us much room for action. Today, you cannot get tattoos and permanent makeup, pierce your ears and so on. In addition, special care should be taken by people with problem areas of the skin due to dilated capillaries. In this case, today you should give up baths, saunas and cosmetic masks, as this will only make the problem worse.

    Fitness : the day does not threaten with special dangers (especially in its second half). Nevertheless, in the gym, it is worth keeping vulnerable areas: coccyx, hips, spine. Focus on upper limb trainingand alternate these exercises with aerobic workouts.

    ♐ 16 APRIL, Sunday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SAGITTARIUS

    Moon without course from 21:26

    All contraindications of the past day should be borne in mind today. Since the Moon is still traversing the sign of Sagittarius, you should make the most of this time to tidying up ingrown nails... And if you need anti-cellulite massage, but did not have the opportunity to find time for him in the previous two days, it makes sense to find this time this Sunday - today the effect of such a procedure will be very noticeable.

    Fitness : despite the rather moderate level of danger, today may threaten exacerbations of chronic diseases to those who have them. It is not worth to be zealous during your workout if you are aware of any problems related to the hips, spine or coccyx. Keep working on your arm muscles - your efforts will be rewarded.

    ♑ 17 APRIL, Monday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:48.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 02:05

    Moon without course until 02:04

    Treat your face with special attention on this day when the Moon in the sign of Capricorn favors it. Today, almost everything is possible, except for serious dental procedures. Well removed tartar, acne is treated (including at home). You can cleanse the skin (and not only the face) with scrubs (if there are no special contraindications, of course).

    Fitness : Today is suitable for exercises aimed at working the muscles of the chest. Develop a set of workouts in this direction so that you can do aerobic exercise. However, during this period, care should be taken so as not to overload vulnerable areas: joints, bones of the skeleton.

    ♑ 18 APRIL, Tuesday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:37.CAPRICORN

    The current day continues the day of the past in that part of it that concerns the care of the person, as well as body skingenerally. However, care should not be confused with such a specific manifestation of beauty as drawing patterns on the body - today it is forbidden to make tattoos (as well as to get rid of them). It is also not recommended to stay in the sun without sunscreen or visit the solarium. When applying all the other procedures mentioned earlier, it must be remembered that today the risks associated with some exacerbation have slightly increased allergic reactions and chronic diseases.

    Fitness : This day's workouts focused on pumping chest muscles will be especially effective. We continue the set of exercises, combining them with cardio training in such a way as not to load the knees, spine, joints in general.

    ♑♒ 19 APRIL, Wednesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 13:52

    IV quarter, fourth phase of the Moon from 12:55

    Moon without course from 12:57 to 13:51

    Part of the day (until 13:52) will pass under the sign of Capricorn, so recommendations for this period of time should be taken from the description of the previous two days. In this case, it is worth keeping in mind the damaged Moon, which is significantly increases various risks (you should refuse hormonal creams, deep cleansing of the skin). After two o'clock in the afternoon, the Moon in Aquarius protects us, which means the need for anti-stress masks (today - strictly on a natural basis), massage stimulating the elimination of toxins, a moderate visit to the solarium. Any plastic surgery is categorically undesirable. The general nervousness of the day will also prevent you from making the right choice when buying clothes, perfumes and jewelry, so you shouldn't go shopping today.

    Fitness : since the moon changes its phase, significantly increasing the risk of injury, on this day it makes sense to refrain from attending fitness training at all. It is better to go for an easy and short walk before bed, and also devote time to mastering meditative practices.

    ♒ 20 APRIL, Thursday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:55.AQUARIUS

    An unlucky day is replaced by a day that favors active care for the beauty of your body. Despite the fact that with the Moon in Aquarius it is not recommended to do plastic surgery, simple procedures to remove neoplasms, to get rid of from age spots and freckles are welcome today. On this day, tanning is good (you can also visit the solarium). The main thing is not to dry out problem areas of the skin. Toning massage of the lower body, masks to combat wrinkles - these activities today will also lead to success.

    Fitness : Today is good for general strengthening training, but with an emphasis on strengthening the muscles of the trunk, spine. If the loads are within your strength, you can alternate them with cardio exercises. After training, it makes sense to visit the pool. But exercises that load the ankle joints and muscles of the lower legs should be do with caution.

    ♒♓ 21 APRIL, Friday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 03:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 22:43

    Moon without course from 21:23 to 22:42

    In general, today is not much different from the previous one, but there are a number of additional risks associated with the fact that the moon is hit by Mars today. Our skin becomes more susceptible to external influencetherefore, shorten your time in the sun or tanning beds. It also makes sense to avoid beauty activities such as going to hairdressers, dyeing your hair, buying clothes, and jewelry... In addition to the fact that these actions are ineffective in the days of Aquarius in principle, today they can completely disappoint you due to increased nervousness this day. Today you can get a manicure or pedicure.

    Fitness : the loads in the gym today should be adjusted by your well-being. If you feel tired, it's best to switch to light aerobic exercise. It is necessary to work on the muscles of the back and trunk in general, but take care of the bones of the lower extremities, ankles.

    Beauty: lunar days calendar

    ♓ 22 APRIL, Saturday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:52.FISH

    The month is coming to an end, and we have not paid enough attention to such an important part of the female body, which embodies the very image of femininity for many men, like legs. This day will have a considerable effect massage of reflex zones of feet, which will help eliminate toxins. If you suffer from fungus, it is also more difficult to find a better day than today to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. To do this, you should do salt baths, or herbal baths (sage, chamomile). It is imperative not to overdo it today with your concern for beauty of legsas they are a vulnerable zone today. You cannot trim ingrown nails, remove cornification, corns and calluses; even a regular pedicure is undesirable. In addition, it is not recommended to wash your hair or peel your face and body.

    Fitness : The day is simply made for the active assimilation of aerobic exercise, which today will effectively burn excess calories. It also makes sense to work on your abs. Exercises on a treadmill or leg machines, active team games (football, basketball, volleyball), jumping, squats are best left for another day to avoid leg injuries.

    ♓ 23 APRIL, Sunday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 04:16.FISH

    Today's procedures for maintaining the health and beauty of the body should also be related to the legs, so this day also passes under the sign of Pisces. However, it should be remembered that today the Moon is damaged by Saturn, which means increased risks of exacerbation of chronic diseases and poisoning. That is why it is strongly recommended to avoid any cardinal measures associated with the use of chemically active substances, hormone-based creams, deep cleansing of the skin. The wisest thing today would be to tidy up own wardrobe: Get rid of old, annoying things, clean up new ones.

    Fitness : Given the dangers and risks of the current day, as well as taking into account the negative influence of the Moon in Pisces on the lower limbs, we advise you to limit yourself to working on the abdominal muscles and a number of simple cardio exercises. Walking is recommended today, but you should be aware of the increased risk of colds.

    ♓♈ 24 APRIL, Monday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:39.FISH , ARIES from 03:33

    Moon without course from 00:34 to 03:32

    Not a bad day under the waning moon in the sign of Aries. During this period, moderate care for the skin of the face and neck will bring the effect. If we talk about scrubs, it is recommended to limit yourself light peeling using home-based products: coffee, sugar, etc. When lightening the skin, priority should also be given to products on a natural basis: essential oils parsley, cucumber and lemon juice, rich in vitamin C, yarrow.

    Fitness : you will surely feel the increased activity on this day, and therefore today you can go to a general strengthening workout, play volleyball or basketball, work on an exercise bike. Aerobic exercise will also bring considerable benefits, but it must be remembered that with the Moon in Aries, general malaise is often felt and migraines occur after excessive exertion. The greatest benefit will be from training the leg muscles, buttocks, and the press.

    ♈ 25 APRIL, Tuesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 05:02.ARIES

    Today, with a damaged moon and an approaching full moon, there is no time for serious cosmetic procedures (not to mention plastic surgeries). Continue caring for your face and neck with gentle procedures (preferably at home); refuse to visit the solarium, forget for the time being about plans for deep cleaning of the skin, removal of moles, warts and papillomas. No tattooing or tattooing. It is also worth giving up permanent makeup and visits to the dentist (unless, of course, the urgency of the situation requires it).

    Fitness : on this day, loads are extremely undesirable, since the damaged Moon threatens with numerous injuries, as they say, out of the blue. The right decision is to do facial gymnastics, go to yoga, or try to hone your meditation skills. If the soul does not lie to one, to the other, or to the third, then just rest.


    ♈♉ 26 APRIL, Wednesday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 05:27, 1st lunar day from 15:17.

    This is a low risk neutral day, so keep practicing health and beauty of the skin and the upper torso. So the Moon is in Taurus, today it is still impossible to deal with the removal of warts and papillomas. You should not plan a visit to the dentist to improve the appearance of your teeth. However, it makes sense to use this day to deeply affect the skin of the face, and therefore it is worth carving out time for visits to the beautician.

    Fitness : Due to the moderate risks, use this Taurus day to the fullest to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. It is extremely useful to periodically perform such training (if there are no contraindications in the form of pregnancy, for example), since they significantly improve the condition of the lymphatic system. Be careful today with exercises that can strain your neck muscles, and not that there is a risk of ending the day with a terrible migraine. The emphasis on this day is on relaxing this zone.

    ♉♊ 28 APRIL, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:30.TAURUS , TWINS from 14:39

    Moon without course from 04:18 to 14:38

    You should not plan anything serious for this morning and afternoon, as because of the Moon without a course until 14:38, your Napoleonic plans will most likely not come true. If you have absolutely nothing to do, you can do relaxation mask based on strawberries or fermented milk products. After this time, it is recommended to study the proposals in the field of cosmetology, plastic surgery, chiropractic. Your exploratory efforts today will certainly bear fruit, since the information with the Moon in Gemini comes the most accurate and useful.

    Fitness : before 14:38 it is better to refuse to attend a workout, especially if you set yourself some global goals (for example, lose a couple of extra pounds). But in the afternoon and late afternoon, you can safely load your body. Squats, jumps, exercises for the buttocks and hips, pumping abdominal muscles - all this will make sense today. But the cervical vertebrae, as well as the muscles and joints of the hands are recommended to be preserved - today they are vulnerable areas.

    ♊ 29 APRIL, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:11.TWINS

    Quite a quiet day, which is also recommended to be devoted to gathering information, as well as drawing up an individual plan for maintaining beauty and health. In addition, today you can pay some attention to your hands, fingers and nails. Since the removal of ingrown nails, filing and manicure are undesirable on this day, it is advisable to do hand baths. For example, a bath of chamomile decoction will have anti-inflammatory and healing effects; and baths with oils or milk will have a pleasant emollient effect.

    Fitness : on this Saturday, a set of workouts is recommended, from which strength exercises for the arms and shoulders should be excluded. It is also worth saving the spine today. Continue to actively work with your lower torso, while freeing up time for cardio exercises: this will not only help burn fat, but also increase your body's endurance.

    ♊♋ 30 APRIL, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:03.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 04:48

    Moon without course from 00:28 to 04:47

    The growing Moon in Cancer is a great time for breast care. However, today it is worth forgetting about breast augmentation, skin peeling, as well as the use of cosmetics based on hormonal and potent active substances. Not worth it either sunbathe and visit the solarium... But what can help to maintain an attractive appearance and elastic skin is hydromassage with a gradual change in water temperature, rubbing with ice from a solution of mint broth, oil-based moisturizers, massage.

    Fitness : It makes sense to spend this Sunday outdoors: long jogging, intense walk, exercise in the stadium. If the weather is not favorable, you can use a treadmill or exercise bike. In addition, today it is worth including in the training program exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine. But it is better to leave the abdominal muscles for another day - the abdomen and the epigastric region are today a vulnerable zone.

    Cosmetology lunar calendar for april 2017

    Nourishing and soothing face masks: 1-10, 26-30
    Cleansing Masks: 11-21, 24
    Face scrub, peeling: 11-14, 17, 18, 24
    Anti-aging treatments: 27
    Skin treatment: 17, 18
    Removal of age spots and freckles, evening out complexion: 19-21
    Dental care, dentist: 11, 12
    Manicure: 7, 14, 17, 18, 28
    Hand care: 1, 2, 28, 29
    Pedicure: 7, 14, 28
    Tanning, solarium: 19-21
    Facial piercings: 12
    Facial plastic: no
    Tummy tuck: no
    Breast plastic surgery: no
    Massage: 1, 2, 9-11, 19-21, 28, 29
    Stone therapy: 1, 2, 28, 29
    Lymphatic drainage massage: 22, 23
    Aromatherapy: 2-4, 7, 12-14, 22, 23, 30
    Cryotherapy: 14, 15
    Depilation, epilation: 22, 23
    Removing unwanted facial hair: 12, 22, 24
    Slimming programs (start): 7, 8
    Anti-cellulite programs (beginning): 7, 14, 15
    Wellness procedures (start): 14, 15, 27
    Sauna, bath, baths, pool: 1, 2, 9-11, 19-21, 28, 29
    Eyelash and hair extensions: 5-7
    Coloring eyelashes, eyebrows: 5-7, 27
    Plucking and shaping eyebrows: 17, 18
    Permanent makeup and tattoos: 12
    Hairdresser visit: 5-7, 17, 18, 27
    A visit to a cosmetologist, trichologist: 1, 7
    Visiting a makeup artist: 4, 11, 13, 27
    Fungus treatment: 22, 23
    Purchases: 5, 9, 27, 29
    Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 3, 6-8, 10, 13-16, 19-21, 25, 26
    The most successful days for cosmetic procedures: 12, 17, 18, 27

    Useful Tips

    In the first half of the month, Venus will walk along virgo sign , but already 14 october 2017 will leave him and enter his native weight signs ... This is good news for those who want to take care of their appearance or buy new outfits and cosmetics, since it is Venus in the sign of Libra that is very suitable for any beauty business.

    Operations this month are valid, but there are several bad days for themwhen Venus is attacked by pests. Dangerous days for any plastics - 5-8, 26, 27 October 2017... These days it is better not to resort to any complicated and traumatic procedures for the face and body.

    Read also:

    Plastic surgery and complex traumatic procedures (including mesotherapy) can be done 12 (after 16:00), 13-15 and 18 October 2017... These days the moon will wane, so wound healing and recovery will go much faster.

    In the days of the growing moon ( 1-4 and 20-31 October 2017) it is good to do various procedures for the face and body, aimed at rejuvenation, recovery, nutrition and strengthening.

    Avoid periods of the moon without a course if you want to start new activities, for example, embark on a series of new treatments or do the first operation... Any undertakings will not have a good result. We also advise you not to go shopping with the Moon without a course: you risk buying something unnecessary, the thing will not last long, or you will return from the store with nothing.


    ♒ 1 OCTOBER, Sunday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:39.AQUARIUS

    The moon is rising, which means that nourishing and soothing face masks will bring the most noticeable effect on your beauty today. Also during this period it makes sense go for a massage, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower leg and lower thighs. Those wishing to lose weight on this day should start implementing an individual weight loss program. Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool (and any other water procedures) will help to achieve the most effective result.

    Fitness : Despite the day off, it is not recommended to spend it idly, since this period is favorable for cardio exercises, as well as for strengthening the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and spine. Take care of your ankles.

    ♒♓ 2 OCTOBER, Monday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:06.AQUARIUS , FISH from 17:26

    Moon without a course from 14:13 to 17:25

    Today, you should use the energy of the growing moon for procedures to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body. Take the time to regenerate and firm your skin with special masks containing the skin you need for your epidermis nutrients... Massage treatments will also help restore the skin healthy colorby improving the blood supply to certain areas of the body. Visit the sauna, steam bath or go to the pool. You can just take a bath with scented candles. It is better to start doing basic procedures before 14:00 or after 17:30.

    Fitness : active loads will be most effective before 14:13 or after 17:25... In addition to aerobic and back strength training, it makes sense to find time for water sports that provide minimal stress on today's vulnerable lower and middle legs.)

    ♓ 3 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:30.

    Today the moon is in disharmony with Venus and Mars, which means that this period is extremely unfavorable for the start of serious procedures. It is especially dangerous to carry out plastic surgery on this day! You can nourish and moisturize the skin by acting on it with appropriate creams and soothing masks. Among other things, with the Moon in Pisces, you should find time to take care of your feet. The most effective during this period will be the treatment of the fungus. Treat the body with herbal aromas within aromatherapy treatments.

    Fitness : Increase the load on the middle of the body by including in the workout a set of exercises aimed at fighting fat deposits in the waist area, pumping the abdominal muscles. Cardio will help you burn calories faster.

    ♓♈ 4 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 17:02.FISH , ARIES from 23:40

    Moon without course from 10:19 to 23:39

    The day can be ineffective when it comes to complex cosmetic procedures. In addition, plastic surgery today is associated with certain risks, so they should be planned for another, more favorable period. The most useful and safe procedures today will be skin care with nourishing and soothing masks. Aromatherapy will have a good therapeutic effect on the body. Continue to treat fungus with foot baths and other non-cardinal treatments.

    Fitness : The moon without a course for almost a whole day will require maximum effort from you in order to see the results of your workouts. Therefore, the most effective workout today will be the workout that you finish before 10:19 in the morning. Focus on mid-body exercises.

    WANING MOON from 21:40

    ♈ 5 OCTOBER, Thursday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:13.ARIES

    FULL MOON at 21:40

    The moon is waning in Aries, which means there are opportunities to get the most out of the face and neck with masks. The most effective today will be cleansing masks, which have an extremely beneficial effect on the upper layer of the skin in terms of removing dust, sebaceous plugs, toxins, improving blood circulation. With regard to more complex procedures for rejuvenation and cleansing, this Thursday is not a good one. Today, as in other most unfavorable days for complex procedures and plastics, the greatest danger is anye plasticallye operations.

    Fitness : During this period, even moderate physical activity can lead not only to emotional, nervous and physical exhaustion, but also to injury. It is recommended not to tempt fate by devoting a day to rest from training.

    ♈ 6 OCTOBER, Friday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:35.ARIES

    Today, we slightly open up a window of opportunity by increasing the number of permitted procedures aimed at improving our appearance. Period remains dangerous for all types of plastics, however, is suitable for physiotherapy procedures within cryotherapy. Today, a good effect will be if you use a face scrub and cleansing masks. But deep peels should be avoided. Mesotherapy may not be the best one. You can take care of beauty of hands and feet, going for a manicure and pedicure.

    Fitness : a good day to distribute the load evenly throughout the body. The most effective, with a noticeable result, will be exercises for the gluteal zones and the press. Legs are allowed, so incorporate vigorous cardio into your workout.

    ♈♉ 7 OCTOBER, Saturday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 18:59.ARIES , TAURUS from 02:56

    Moon without course from 01:38 to 02:55

    On this day, there are no particular risks, although the period remains very, very unfavorable for plastic surgery. It makes sense to use the influence of the waning Moon in Taurus for applying face scrubs or cleansing masks (it all depends on your skin condition and the goals you set for yourself). Procedures within cryotherapy can also be of considerable benefit, but it is recommended to limit yourself to the so-called local cryotherapy, which acts directly on problem areas.

    Fitness : On this day, you can achieve good results if you focus your efforts on exercises for the middle of the body and for the abdominal muscles. Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic area are very effective (but not during pregnancy). Do not load the muscles of the neck and cervical spine.

    Beauty: lunar days calendar

    OCTOBER 8, Sunday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 19:28.TAURUS

    Moon without course from 16:45

    The day is dangerous for any plastics, but presents a small window of opportunity for other purposes. From 16:00 to 16:45 - a very favorable period for the start of any beauty procedures! Until 16:00 it is better not to make an appointment with a makeup artist, beautician or trichologist - there is a risk that you will not be happy with the results. Today it makes sense to find time to apply scrubs and apply cleansing masks, and the recommended area of \u200b\u200binfluence is slightly reduced, covering the neck and décolleté area.

    Use this Sunday also to make relevant purchases that will enrich your wardrobe, improve appearance... However, it is better to buy cosmetics, clothes or shoes on this day. from 16:00 to 16:45... Although this time, of course, is not enough for shopping, but you can plan for this time period at least to come to the store. Or you can make a purchase online, if, for example, you have already selected a product in advance.

    Fitness : on this day it makes sense to give all your best in training - the result will meet expectations. The main goal is the same: the muscles of the press and the middle of the body, the pelvic region. Exercises aimed at relaxing and strengthening the muscles of the neck are recommended, which cannot be loaded today. It is better to visit the gym before 16:45.

    ♉♊ 9 OCTOBER, Monday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 20:03.TAURUS , TWINS from 04:45

    Moon without course until 04:44

    Today's Monday is different dangerous aspects, however, it can be used to actively collect information that can be used in the future to improve your appearance (it is better to collect information after 15:30) If you do not want to waste a day, the least risk today are procedures such as removing age spots and freckles, alignment colors faces... Hand care, massage (especially stone patience) will bring benefits. If your summer tan has begun to fade, the solarium will help to correct it. Finally, do cleansing masks, go to the sauna, steam room, or simply take a relaxing bath.

    Fitness : A great day to jump, squat, work on the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Active fitness training is encouraged, in which it is recommended to work on the muscles of the whole body as a whole, excluding strength exercises for the arms and shoulders.

    ♊ 10 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 20:46.TWINS

    This day is very similar to the previous one. Today it also makes sense to devote the lion's share of time gathering informationlooking for good cosmetologists and hairdressers for the future, studying various cosmetic procedures, side effects and positive aspects. You can sunbathe, visit a solarium, do a therapeutic massage with hot and cold stones, remove freckles, even out complexion. Plastic surgery remains an unacceptable procedure. Any water procedures (sauna, bath, baths, pool, contrast shower) will help today maintain the necessary tone of the body.

    Fitness : keep giving maximum load to your legs. Strength exercises with squats and leg raises will bring a good effect. When working with different weights, take care of the muscles of the shoulders and arms, as the high risk of injury on this day, combined with the vulnerability of the upper limbs, can bring trouble.

    ♊♋ 11 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:40.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 06:39

    Moon without course from 01:24 to 06:38

    On this day, it makes sense to enlarge your skin-care zone by including your breasts. In addition to procedures for cleansing the epidermis, as well as favorable factors for applying a scrub, it makes sense to use the current period in order to carry out skin treatment. Depilation, epilation are waiting for you if you haven't removed unwanted hair from your face and other areas of the body for a long time. Another way to look your best today is to pluck and shape your eyebrows. The influence of negative energy can be negated with the help of aromatherapy procedures. Cutting hair is extremely unfavorable today.

    Fitness : Eliminate weight exercises from your workouts today. This environment will benefit most from active fitness, Pilates; if possible, be sure to go to step aerobics. Exercise bikes, treadmill - this is what will make your day. You can just run in the fresh air, do joint gymnastics. It is better not to load the upper body.

    ♋ 12 OCTOBER, Thursday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:43.CRAYFISH

    III quarter, fourth phase of the Moon from 15:24

    First half of today unfavorable for new beginnings... After 15:30, the influence of negative aspects decreases; opportunities open up for more complex procedures, such as face plastic, mesotherapy, special dental care, dentist is also recommended; can be pierced on the face. Of different types massage, lymphatic drainage massage is preferred today. In addition to the above procedures, the removal of unwanted hair from the face will bring a good effect, eyebrow plucking, procedures for epilation and depilation.

    Fitness : The high level of danger of this day should not be ignored. Fussiness and haste are not welcome today, so postpone your visit to the gym for another day; rest and a short evening walk in the fresh air will do more benefits than any active exercise.

    ♋♌ 13 OCTOBER, Friday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 23:54.CRAYFISH , A LION from 09:42

    Moon without course from 07:00 to 09:41

    Today is a very good day to take intensive care of your appearance. Proceed to the procedures closer to 10:00... Mesotherapy, cryotherapy and even abdominal plastic surgery are allowed, as well as complex traumatic procedures; however, in no case start anything new (especially plastic surgery) with the Moon without a course (that is, from 7:00 to 09:41)! On such most successful days for cosmetic procedures, a visit to a cosmetologist, trichologist will be of great benefit; recommended visit to the hairdresser, eyelash, hair extension. The care of nails on fingers and toes will be effective.

    Fitness : morning workout (before 09:41) for new muscle groups will be ineffective today. The rest of the day is not a bad day for strength training. Pay special attention to the pumping of the calf muscles. A long walk can replace going to the gym, however, it should be remembered that today there may be heart problems and pressure surges. Aerobic exercise is canceled.

    ♌ 14 OCTOBER, Saturday. 24th lunar day from 00:00.A LION

    Due to the lack of special risks, the current Saturday is suitable for various procedures that were mentioned the day before. Also allowed plastic surgery on the abdomen (healing after this and other complex procedures will go faster, which is facilitated by the waning moon); clinical and aesthetic mesotherapy is recommended. The main attention should be paid to hair care, including the prevention and treatment of diseases of the hair and scalp. Shopping for clothes, perfumes and jewelry will also be successful today.

    Fitness : continue to work on the muscles of the legs - give strength to the calves, thighs; use exercises that help develop and strengthen the joints, bone tissue of the legs. After workouts, a foot massage is encouraged. Loads that make the heart work at its maximum should be excluded.

    Beauty lunar calendar 2017

    ♌♍ 15 OCTOBER, Sunday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 01:09.A LION , VIRGO from 14:19

    Moon without course from 08:27 to 14:18

    This Sunday should be used to visit the hairdresser. You can also do hair extensions, eyelashes... Complex procedures are also allowed, including the same abdominal plastic surgery, mesotherapy (however, for this you will have to look for a clinic that provides a similar range of services on weekends). This day may also be useful for those who suffer from fungus on their feet, and also need special care behind the nails and toes. Cleansing masks for the skin will also be effective today. In order for the planned activities to bring the desired effect, you should start them not earlier than 14:20.

    Fitness : Today's workouts are recommended to start at 14:20, focusing on the load on the feet; running, team games, aerobics, balancing exercises can all help strengthen this area. You can still feel the influence of the Moon in Leo, so try to avoid cardio.

    ♍ 16 OCTOBER, Monday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 02:26.VIRGO

    If you have been looking for the right time for a long time to go to pedicure master, then today's Monday is the best way possible for the most correct and effective care of nails and toes (including the removal of calluses). Foot baths and other special measures are also recommended to relieve you of the fungus. If you want your hair to grow more slowly, visit a hairdresser today. You can also increase the length and volume of your eyelashes through extensions.

    Fitness : On this day, exercises to strengthen the lower legs can be alternated with aerobic exercise. The most effective are exercises on a treadmill, gymnastics; training with the BOSU hemisphere and exercises with fitball will be beneficial. Force loads on the midsection are undesirable.

    ♍♎ 17 OCTOBER, Tuesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:42.VIRGO ,LIBRA from 20:35

    Moon without course from 14:27 to 20:34

    Use this day to remove age spots and freckles, as well as for leveling the complexion (you can use special creams, lotions and gels, or you can use hand-made masks made from natural ingredients - carrots, cucumbers, dairy products). This will be effective masks and for cleansing skin pores... This Tuesday favors water treatments - if possible, go to the sauna or the pool. Stone therapy or regular massage is recommended. Get a pedicure; cut your hair, do your eyelashes; just go shopping (but not when the moon is out of course!).

    Fitness : Keep strengthening your ankle joints. There are also quite a few effective exerciseaimed at stretching the muscles of the foot, improving their mobility, which should be applied today. The main contraindications are foot injuries or chronic diseases. In this case, the exercises should be performed with minimal stress. Do not forget about the preliminary joint warm-up.

    ♎ 18 OCTOBER, Wednesday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 04:57.LIBRA

    The day favors so many procedures that those who want to embrace the immensity should take a day off! It can be used for plastic surgery on the face; for rejuvenation procedures as part of mesotherapy; you can improve your smile by going to the dentist, or tanning by visiting a solarium; permanent massage and tattoos, piercings on the face are allowed. Today various anti-cellulite programs will bring a good effect. Take care of your hair by signing up with a trichologist; just get your hair cut. You can tweak your complexion or schedule visiting a makeup artist... Massage (lymphatic drainage in particular), stone therapy, water procedures - today everything is for you. Are you so beautiful that you don't need any of the above treatments? Then just enjoy your shopping.

    Fitness : General strengthening active training will bring the greatest benefit on this day. It makes sense to do Pilates. However, don't stress your midsection and take care of your thighs. Considerable benefit for the body today can be derived from yoga classes (with the condition of excluding from exercises those that affect vulnerable areas), as well as from visiting the pool.

    WAXING MOON from 22:11

    ♎ 19 OCTOBER, Thursday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:11, 1st lunar day from 22:11.LIBRA

    NEW MOON at 22:11

    Moon without course from 22:12

    New moon day is far from the best time for plastic surgery or any complex invasive procedures from which you can expect a lot. Today it is better to deal with stretch marks and their prevention using the simplest (but no less effective) types of massage. A visit to a bath, sauna or swimming pool will bear its noticeable results, bringing your victory in this struggle closer. Ordinary cleansing masks are very effective. From 22:11good time for making wishes and for making plans for the next month.

    Fitness : a very dangerous day in terms of active training. Even simple yoga exercises can lead to sprains and injuries. General nervousness and apathy can create an unfavorable day for sports, therefore rest is recommended this Thursday. At best, try breathing exercises.

    20 OCTOBER, Friday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 07:23.LIBRA , SCORPIO from 04:41

    Moon without course until 04:40

    This Friday will pass without any special risks, however, on the days of Scorpio, various stressful situations can arise that negatively affect our skin... The growing moon comes to her aid, in which even the simplest nourishing and soothing face masks, as well as various procedures aimed at rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, and improving complexion, are the most effective. It's also good today pedicure and manicure... And aromatherapy will help you forget about the negative moments of the day and work week.

    Fitness : the day is perfect for general strengthening exercises, but stress on the pelvic region and pelvic floor muscles should be excluded. Today, active training that affects all other muscle groups is encouraged; yoga stretching is useful; stress on joints and muscles in Pilates. Gymnastics is very useful for the muscles of the face.

    ♏ OCTOBER 21, Saturday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:34.SCORPIO

    Another weekend is coming, which promises to be pretty calm in terms of any health hazards. Given the stay of the growing moon in Scorpio, and today Saturday should be used to effectively influence top layer of skin using nourishing masks or proven creams, lotions, and other cosmetics. Take a session of aromatherapy, which, by the way, can have on you not only a beneficial relaxing, but also anti-infectious effect.

    Fitness : we continue to perform a complex of general strengthening exercises, not forgetting about the vulnerability of the inner thighs and pelvic floor muscles. When warming up muscles, stretching, exclude those exercises that put a load on this zone. Spend more time on facial gymnastics, which will be especially effective on this day.

    Lunar calendar of health and beauty

    22 OCTOBER, Sunday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:42.SCORPIO , SAGITTARIUS from 14:57

    Moon without a course from 14:35 to 14:56

    This Sunday can be brought to life various anti-cellulite programs, however, do not do this before 15:00. There are a lot of varieties of such programs, but you should prepare in advance by consulting with a specialist in order to choose the most suitable one. In any case, as part of the fight against cellulite, it will not hurt massage treatments, although the complex of any program should be more extensive. In addition, today again favors the care of the skin of the face with nourishing and soothing masks.

    Fitness : The moon passes through the constellation Sagittarius, which means that the upper body and arm muscles are gradually losing vulnerability. However, it is better to start training for these zones in the evening, devoting the first half of the day to general strengthening exercises, as well as facial gymnastics.

    ♐ 23 OCTOBER, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:47.SAGITTARIUS

    The day will completely pass under the influence of the growing Moon in Sagittarius, which means the most favorable time for starting anti-cellulite programs. Today is Monday - one of the most successful days for cosmetic procedures, therefore masks for moisturizing, nourishing and healing the skin of the face will have a very positive effect. Pay attention also to anti-aging treatments that will have a long lasting effect. In addition to cosmetic measures, healing procedures are recommended today.

    Fitness : It's time to pump all muscle groups in the upper torso, as well as work on the muscles of the arms. Workout should be interspersed with cardio, but try not to overload your hips and glutes, which are vulnerable to injury during this period.

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