• Hairstyle and outfit for the bridesmaid at the wedding. Witness dress: fashion design, selection criteria. bridesmaids outfit


    Every girl is looking forward to the moment when her lover makes her a marriage proposal, after which she acquires a special status and turns into a bride. In order for the ceremony to go perfectly and remain in the memory of the newlyweds and guests for a long time, the girl needs to solve many preparatory issues. Without the help of a girlfriend, one cannot cope with this alone, so wedding chores begin with the choice of a responsible witness.


    The bridesmaid is often called a witness, since she is not only next to the bride at the wedding, her functions also include painting on documents in the registry office. Therefore, girls with whom the bride has a trusting relationship are usually chosen for this role. The witness needs to know what is required of her and what is included in the main tasks at the wedding ceremony. The list of functions of a bridesmaid directly depends on the characteristics of the celebration and the personal wishes of the bride. Therefore, if a large-scale event is planned, it is recommended to choose several girlfriends, each of whom will do their own thing.

    As a rule, the bridesmaid at the wedding does the following things.

    • Initially helps in the preparation of the celebration. The witness is considered an assistant to the newlywed and she is required to have organizational skills. The girl does everything that the hero of the holiday asks her to do. She needs to think in detail about all the nuances of the ceremony and help the bride with the choice of shoes, veils and dresses.
    • On the day of the celebration, the girlfriend should arrive before all those invited and help the newlywed get ready, as well as give parting words to the groom, invited relatives, in order to avoid fuss. Upon the arrival of the groom, she also manages the process of buying the bride. She should make sure that the newlyweds do not forget the rings and passports.

    • During a direct marriage, a girlfriend can play the role of an official witness.
    • The girl needs to control the sequence of all events and prevent the young people from being late for the registry office, for a photo session and for the church, if the program provides for a wedding. At the same time, during the wedding, responsible duties are also assigned to the witness, which you need to know about and discuss the details with the priest in advance. So, for example, a girlfriend should have a few scarves with her in case one of the guests forgets to take them.
    • During the painting, help the newlywed to maintain the wedding bouquet, and after congratulating the guests, the assistant needs to collect all the bouquets.
    • The witness needs to prepare coins and rose petals in advance for sprinkling the young ones, you must first also organize guests for this.
    • At the end of the painting, the girl is engaged in seating those invited to the banquet table. She should not only coordinate the serving of dishes with the waiters in advance, but also actively participate in dances, games and fun contests.
    • A girlfriend needs to constantly be a “lifesaver” for a young woman: accompany her to the restroom, monitor her makeup and appearance of the decoration. In order to prevent embarrassing situations, a girl’s purse should, just in case, have spare stockings, hairpins, napkins, pins and threads with a needle.

    If the wedding was held at the highest level, all the guests and the newlyweds were satisfied, it means that the bridesmaid successfully coped with her duties.

    Who to choose for this role?

    The bridesmaid is considered her main support and support on the day of the celebration. To overcome the excitement and fully enjoy the atmosphere of the holiday, the newlywed needs to choose the right assistant who will take part not only in preparing for the ceremony, but also solve many other organizational troubles. Therefore, the witness must be responsible and collected.

    Today, it is fashionable to invite several assistants to the wedding, who distribute duties among themselves, thereby all issues are resolved faster and more efficiently. But in this case, it must be remembered that the assistants are girls, and they can be offended and argue. As a result, a fun celebration will turn into a continuous showdown. Therefore, it is best to choose one reliable girlfriend. A good option for this could be a sister (not necessarily a sister) or one of the groom's relatives (her choice will help strengthen future family ties).

    It is impossible to refuse the candidacy of a witness just because she has an unstable financial situation and she is not able to purchase a worthy gift for the newlyweds and a wedding outfit. This characteristic is not an indicator for selection. It is important for the girl to offer this role, she will independently find a way out of the situation.

    If the bride was a witness with her close friends, this does not mean that she is obliged to choose them as assistants. According to tradition, a girlfriend should be unmarried, so resentment is inappropriate here. In addition, it is best to select a witness according to the height and physique of the bride, so that her appearance is in harmony with the image of a young woman. It is advisable to give preference to girls with a sense of humor and organizational skills. This should be a tireless beauty who would not just sit in a corner, but actively take part in competitions and dances.

    You should not take a girl as a witness if she:

    • Married. Of course, in many Western countries, the status of a lady does not play a special role, but still it is customary not to take blood married relatives, divorced women and widows as friends. This is considered a bad omen.
    • Forgetful and unpunctual person. Since the witness is the right hand of the bride, she should not be late and delay the ceremonial events with ridiculous actions. The constant absent-mindedness of the girlfriend may end up with the young people being left without wedding glasses, and the guests will not be able to find their seats at the table.
    • Endowed with excessive self-confidence. At the wedding, only the bride should be the main “star”, but if the witness is used to always being in the spotlight, then she will not fit. The image of the bride cannot be overshadowed by another radiance.

    In addition, witnesses should take into account the following signs.

    • According to an old belief, a bridesmaid should wear an outfit in green, pink, blue and golden hues. In this case, at least one of the many accessories must be green. Thus, the beauty will be able to quickly find a loving husband.
    • You can be a witness no more than twice, since the third is considered unsuccessful. If the girl does not take this into account, then she may have to wait a long time for her marriage. It is advisable to choose an assistant from distant relatives younger than the bride.

    bridesmaid image

    The bridesmaid should look beautiful, but at the same time not stand out too sharply against the background of the hero of the occasion. Therefore, when choosing an outfit for a witness, as well as creating her image, it is important to take into account a number of nuances.

    • Color design. The dress can be lavender, gold, blue or green. It is impossible for a girlfriend to wear an outfit in white and gloomy colors, for example, a black and snow-white dress is unacceptable. Apparels in pastel and beige shades will also look beautiful.

    • Style features. Since the girlfriend's outfit is usually ordered, it is necessary to choose a beautiful and stylish cut that would blend harmoniously with the bride's attire. At the same time, it is undesirable to opt for creating an image in a business or simple style; you cannot choose dresses with a deep neckline, as this will add vulgarity to the image. A good choice would be an outfit with a regular cut without a fluffy skirt with a slight asymmetry. As for the length, it can be different - mini, floor-length dresses or knee-length models.

    • Textile. As a rule, chiffon, satin or satin are chosen for tailoring bridesmaid dresses. If there are several witnesses at the wedding, then their outfits are made in the same color and style, using material that is the same in texture.

    • Convenience. Since the witness will have to spend a lot of time in various entertainments and dances, her outfit should not be tight, comfortable and not restrict movement. Transformer dresses or simple styles are best suited for this.

    In the image of a witness, you need to carefully consider makeup, hairstyle and choose the right accessories. Everything should be in harmony with the overall style of the celebration. Since the girlfriend will need to move actively and a lot, she needs to buy comfortable shoes, replacing the high stiletto with a wedge. It also doesn't hurt to have a spare pair of shoes with you. As for accessories, bracelets, hair clips and a small purse should be the perfect complement to the outfit.

    If several witnesses are invited to the wedding, then the design of their image should be taken more responsibly. For girlfriends to look great in photographs, their outfits need to be sewn in the same style from the same fabric, giving preference to the same color. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the color of the hair and skin of girls, their figures. An interesting solution would be to sew dresses in the same style, but in different colors, this will give the wedding a play of bright colors. Bouquets, ribbons or belts of the same shade will help to combine all the girls into a single image.

    Girls will also look unusual at the celebration, in the image of which there is an “ombre” effect. That is, each girlfriend will have to wear an outfit of the same color, but in different shades, for example, smooth transitions from turquoise to blue dew or bright fuchsia to a delicate rose. Several bridesmaids can also be combined into one style with printed dresses. If the design of the celebration allows the use of dresses with patterns, then you can choose beautiful dresses with a cage, geometric patterns, polka dots and flowers.

    For all girls, a wedding is considered not only a celebration, but also an opportunity to show off beauty. Therefore, making out the image of the witness, the bride must take into account her personal wishes. In the case when the equipment of the girlfriends is different and some of them have magnificent forms, then they do not need to sew the same outfits. You should choose original styles that will emphasize the beauty of each girl in a special way. For example, you can give preference to long dresses, Greek-style decorations or column dresses.

    In addition, the image of a girlfriend will depend on the season. In summer, it is best to wear dresses in bright and rich colors, in autumn - in rich and warm colors, in winter - in contrasting colors, and in summer - in a light and medium palette. The most important thing is that the outfit of the witness fits the image of the bride herself and the style of the wedding.

    What to give the newlyweds?

    Marriage is considered the happiest event in the life of young people, so the bridesmaid must not only take care of her image, deal with all organizational issues, but also give the newlyweds an original gift. It should be unusual and remind of itself for a long time, so the traditional sets of dishes or bed linen, which are usually given by relatives, are excluded in this case. So, a photo album can become a pleasant and unexpected gift, its design can be independently invented and made to order. A good solution would be a photo archive, designed in the form of a wooden chest with drawers.

    An excellent gift would be a certificate for visiting a beauty salon or a famous restaurant in the city for two. Gifts in the form of technology are also in fashion now, so if the bride has long dreamed of a new gadget or things from the Hi-Tech series, then such a purchase will be appreciated. If financial opportunities allow, then the witness can give the young a smartphone, e-book or laptop. A symbolic souvenir, which is suitable for both the bride and the groom, will also be a wonderful gift. The only thing is that it should be useful and not wallow in a pile of unnecessary things after the wedding.

    A paid trip abroad will also be a chic gift, but before that you need to find out in advance about the plans of the young people and clarify their work schedule. If the newlyweds have been dreaming of a pet for a long time, then they can also get a “live” gift.

    Vika Dee

    The groom's witness at the wedding (friend or best man) is the groom's faithful assistant during the entire wedding ceremony. Usually this is the best friend of the young, still unmarried. His role is not limited to signing the marriage document, he is one of the key figures at the ceremony.

    Also witness is responsible for organizing the bachelor party and according to custom, takes on most of the expenses and generally helps the groom with the wedding, making sure that everything is at the highest level.

    If the wedding is held with a wedding ceremony, then the witnesses are held over their heads crowned crowns. It is important to note that for a religious ceremony, witnesses must be baptized and wear a pectoral cross.

    Witness at the wedding

    The list of worries that falls on the shoulders of a witness is more than one might think. The witness, as a rule, comes for the groom and helping him get dressed, after which he accompanies him to the bride's house and actively participates in the ransom (for the ransom, it is better for the witness to stock up on gifts), at registration he puts his signature on the documents and escorts all the guests to the banquet hall, says toasts, helps the newlyweds accept gifts, and then pack them , makes sure that after the end of the banquet all the guests leave safely, and escorts the young people home. And only then does his role as a witness end.

    How do wedding attendants dress? His outfit should be selected with no less care than the outfits of the newlyweds.

    How to choose a suit for a wedding witness?

    Of course, it is worth remembering that the marriage ceremony is not a fun party, but primarily an official event, and clothing should be appropriate. The two most important components of any witness outfit are: modesty and elegance. Extravagant and unusual costumes are best left for another occasion.

    No jeans or t-shirts, just a suit for the wedding. It’s better to buy a new one in the salon, strangers won’t fit

    It is important that the costume was the witness at the time and on the figure. It is better if it is combined with the groom's suit. It is not necessary to sew it to order, you can get by with a ready-made, most importantly, choose the size and style.

    Photo of a costume of a witness at a wedding

    The jacket should not pinch at the shoulders or hamper the movement of the arms, while the sleeves should not be too long. If the choice is difficult, it is worth contacting a consultant in the salon bridal wear or men's suits.

    If the wedding will take place in the summer in hot weather, you can do without a jacket, but a shirt is required. It can be supplemented butterfly. It is better to refuse a tie; without a jacket, the image will look incomplete.

    It is better to avoid black and white colors: this way the witness will blend in with the outfits of the bride or groom

    Prefer blue, beige, cream colors. Choice depends on the general theme of the future wedding.

    You should not take iridescent or velvet fabrics as a material for a suit: it will look out of place. When choosing, it is worth stopping at standard fabrics for formal suits.

    The clothes of a boyar at a wedding are possible for a themed wedding or for a playful ransom of the bride.

    Boyar clothes for the wedding

    Suit can be rented at the box office if buying a new one seems too expensive.

    What to wear to a wedding for a witness: accessories

    The best man's outfit may include various accessories, including a boutonniere. Boutonniere- a small flower arrangement that is placed in a buttonhole or attached to a clothes pin on the left side of the chest. This cute floral detail will add a touch of romance to your wedding ceremony. They can be from fresh and artificial flowers framed by a scattering of small flowers. Often they are made as a smaller form of the bride's bouquet, so it is better to find out in advance which flowers the bride will carry.

    Boutonniere for a witness at a wedding

    Roses, lilies, carnations, peonies are suitable for a boutonniere. Important, so that the flower is in harmony with the costume and overall style of the wedding.

    Choice of tie and cufflinks no less important. The tie should match the suit and be combined with the main color of the fabric. If the shirt is dark or black, then the tie will be superfluous. It is important that it be monophonic, without drawings and inscriptions. The same goes for cufflinks and socks. The tie can be complemented with an elegant clip or pin.

    Wedding Witness Tie

    Shoes, as a rule, standard: men's shoes, lacquered or leather. Their color also depends on the general color scheme of the attire of the witness. You should not choose sports or summer shoes for a wedding: an exception may be breathable summer men's shoes with holes. Shoes should look clean and tidy.

    It is better not to use a strong-smelling cologne, a few drops of an exquisite men's perfume will be enough to complete an elegant look.

    In the breast pocket of a jacket, you can put fresh white handkerchief folded in a certain way. This will give the image an official look.

    It may be that there are several friends of the groom, and not just one witness. They can play the role of toastmaster in the wedding ceremony, although this is an optional item.

    Shoes for a witness for a wedding

    In any case, their costumes should be common, but not the same. It can be suits of the same color, but then the details should be different: socks of different colors, different ties or boutonnieres. You can do the opposite - only one piece of clothing, for example, all the groom's friends dress in the same vests or pullovers. In this case, shirts and accessories will vary. Only an accessory can be common: a tie or bow tie, the rest of the costume will be different. An interesting detail that distinguishes the groom's friends from other guests can be hats: top hat or hat. This is especially suitable if the wedding is in the English or Victorian style.

    Headdress for a witness for a wedding

    The general rule for the clothes of the groomsmen is light color scheme and the general comfort of clothing, since true friends do not have to sit in one place for a long time.

    In contrast to the more strict suits of the newlyweds, the clothes of friends can be brighter and more original, but not too much, after all, this is a wedding, and no one should stand out from the background of the main characters of the holiday.

    Do not forget that the costumes of friends should be combined with the outfits of the bridesmaids.

    If the wedding is supposed to be themed, then this greatly facilitates the choice of costumes: the dress code will be precisely defined and all that remains is to choose clothes that fit the size.

    Suit for a witness under a girl's outfit

    To a team of friends you can call the boy - younger brother Or the son of one of your friends. This will allow the child to be occupied with “adult” business and add touching and nepotism ceremonies.

    Light costume for a witness for a wedding

    Be a witness at the wedding of a best friend or close relative - responsible business, but how much joyful excitement is in this, because the witness fully shares with the groom the positive moments of the marriage bond with his beloved.

    It is important to remember that a wedding is, first of all, a celebration of the young, and the task of the witnesses and friends of the groom take care of the wedding chores.

    March 21, 2018, 23:58

    Witnesses spend the entire wedding day with the young, so they will certainly be in the spotlight. This means that bridal assistants must also look irresistible.

    It is especially difficult for a witness to choose an outfit, because on the one hand there is a desire to look luxurious - both for herself and for others. On the other hand, this day will be quite difficult for the witness, so there is a temptation to wear something comfortable and simple. Let's try to figure out which dress for a wedding witness will be the best choice.

    Important advice for the witness: before making the final choice of outfit, consult with the bride. Many girls categorically do not want to see witnesses in a white dress near them. Your friend may not want your dress to be too big or too short. Remember, the task of the witness is to help the bride, and in no case spoil her mood. Therefore, be sure to ask her opinion about your own outfit at her wedding.

    Choose the color of the dress

    As mentioned earlier, white dresses for a witness are almost taboo. White is traditionally considered the color of the bride's dress. And the point is not only that, putting on white, the witness, one might say, encroaches on the role of the bride. After all, if a friend comes to the wedding in white, near the registry office she can be mistaken for the hero of the occasion. Do you need to provoke embarrassing situations? In addition, if both the witness and the bride are in white, then the first will simply be lost against the background of a friend who is getting married. And in the photographs, they simply merge into a large white spot. Therefore, if you choose a white dress, it must certainly have a different color trim. And it is better if your outfit is colored - then both you and your girlfriend will set off each other advantageously.

    Also unacceptable for the witness is the black color of the dress. It will look too mournful against the backdrop of the bright outfits of the guests. But if you only have a black dress, you can wear it, but then it should certainly be revived with bright trim or accessories. For example, an outfit can be complemented with shoes, a shawl, a clutch and a red belt. Also, if you want to wear black, you can play on the contrast of the clothes of the witnesses and the newlyweds: the groom and the witness are in black, and the bride and the witness are in white. At the same time, it is desirable to dilute the too formal black and white combination with bright ribbons for witnesses.

    Also ambiguous is the attitude towards bright red dresses for bridesmaids. It is believed that the scarlet outfit attracts all attention to itself, and in fact on this day the bride should get maximum attention.

    But it is still more preferable to choose a dress of a different color. Most often, designer dresses for witnesses are made in pink, blue, orange, terracotta, honey, pale lilac, light green tones of pastel shades - such outfits look very gentle. An equally good choice would be a dress of golden or silver color. If you do not wear light-colored clothes, pay attention to dresses in dark blue, burgundy, chocolate colors.

    Choose a style

    Most often in the collections of designer dresses for bridesmaids there are models of a trapezoid silhouette: a one-piece dress that has a tight-fitting top and gradually widens towards the bottom.

    Designers are actively offering Empire style outfits for witnesses - dresses with a cut-off top, high waist and flowing skirt, as well as straight dresses.

    Less common are collections of mermaid-style dresses, as well as dresses cut off at the waist with flared skirts.

    Short bolero jackets look good with tight fitting dresses.

    But what is missing in the designer collections for witnesses is trousers, skirts with blouses, light sundresses, dresses with an open back, tight-fitting mini-dresses.

    As for the length, a wedding dress for a witness can be both short and long. Neckline is also allowed. But a balance must be struck: if the dress is long, you can afford a deep neckline. And vice versa, the shorter the dress, the more closed its top should be.

    By the way, the rules of etiquette say that long evening dresses can only be worn at those events that are held no earlier than 18 hours. Therefore, if marriage registration is planned for the daytime, it is not advisable to wear a floor-length dress. If we talk about cocktail dresses, you can wear them at any time. Accordingly, if you want to follow all the rules, you can safely buy a cocktail dress or prepare two outfits: a short dress for attending a marriage registration, a walk and for holding a bride price, and a long one for participating in an evening banquet.

    A suit in a business style is categorically not suitable for a witness. A combination of an evening top with a skirt is acceptable, but it is still better to give preference to a dress. It is also worth giving up trousers, too bright, colorful, open and extravagant outfits.

    If you plan to hold a themed wedding, you must choose an outfit in accordance with the declared dress code. Examples of witness dresses 2015 can be seen in the photo below. The main traditions regarding colors and styles must be respected.

    bridesmaids outfit

    If it is planned to hold a wedding in a European way, the bride chooses not one witness, but several bridesmaids. In the United States and some European countries, there is a tradition: the bride chooses the color of the dresses for the bridesmaids on her own and buys fabric for them, and the tailoring of the dresses is paid for by the girls themselves. At the same time, the bride, together with her bridesmaids, decides whether they should wear dresses of the same style or are allowed to order different ones. In the latter case, all friends are like the same flowers in a bouquet that frames the bride, but at the same time, each girl retains her individuality.

    Often, for bridesmaids' outfits, the fabric is selected in the same color that is used in the design of the celebration - in bouquets, bonbonnieres, the groom's boutonniere, etc. The groomsmen must come in suits of the same color with ties of the same shade as the bridesmaids' dresses. Examples of dresses for a wedding witness can be seen in the photo:

    Also, dresses for girlfriends can be of different colors - then the girls will look like a blooming garden. But their outfits should not be completely different - let the dresses have the same design and style. For example, for tailoring dresses, you can buy the same fabric with white polka dots, but with different background colors.

    A wedding is an event that all girls dream of since childhood and think about everything to the smallest detail. The main character at the wedding is the bride, but the witness is also in the spotlight, so she must look good.

    Choosing a dress for a bridesmaid is a process no less difficult than choosing a bride's dress, because there are several rules. First, it is worth remembering that the witness, no matter how much she wants to look the best, should choose an outfit that is not too chic, so as not to outshine the bride. It is best to ask the bride's opinion, or, if there are several witnesses, agree on the color and style of the dress with them.

    Dress color

    There are several criteria for choosing the perfect color. One of them is to compare the place of the wedding and the time of year. For example, if the holiday will be held in a room with burgundy decor, bright yellow colors will be absolutely inappropriate. Best of all, similar tones harmonize with a similar color, pink, beige and brown. A certain season also has an impact on the choice of the bride's dress. Rich marsala, cool emerald dresses are perfect for the fall/winter months, while lighter shades of mint and lavender are perfect for spring and summer.

    You can look at the pastel shades, they look very gentle and feminine. As an option, give preference to golden and silver colors, so the witness will look bright, but not overshadow the bride.

    By the way, creativity is in fashion now, so dresses can even be black or white, in the latter version, in order to distinguish between witnesses from the bride, you can choose a long dress for the bride, and short dresses for the bridesmaids. Dresses in prints are also interesting, especially if there is more than one witness and all dresses are the same.

    witness dress style

    The style of the bridesmaid's dress should be consistent with the bride's dress and the overall style of the entire wedding, whether it be a classic version, modern or some kind of theme. After all, if the bride is wearing a light flowing lace dress and the whole wedding is in a rustic style, the witnesses may look out of place in formal, strict outfits or chic and glamorous with an abundance of rhinestones and jewelry.

    Most often, witnesses choose an A-line dress, and this is the best option. Not a long dress, with an extended bottom, will look appropriate, besides, the witness will be comfortable. Empire style dresses are also popular. Not necessarily identical styles of dresses, because due to the difference in figures, a certain style may not be suitable for everyone. Bridesmaid dresses can be the same color and length, but different cuts.

    The seasonal influence extends to the choice of fabrics for the dresses. In summer, light materials that allow air to circulate are good, such as chiffon and organza. During winter weddings, heavier fabrics are relevant - satin, silk.

    The witness plays an important role at the wedding, and her task is to help the bride in creating a beautiful and unforgettable holiday. A witness is usually chosen from among the closest friends, and this can be a test of friendship. Only a true friend will take care of the bride, her appearance and mood first of all, and will not make herself the main character of the holiday.

    Witnesses are always in the spotlight, because they spend the whole day next to the young. And in order to look beautiful in the photo, you need to choose the right dress for the witness. The hardest thing is to choose an outfit for a bridesmaid, because you want to look gorgeous and luxurious, but this day may not be the easiest, so there is a desire to opt for a simpler style, but as comfortable as possible. What model, color and length of the dress to choose? Is a chic evening outfit suitable?

    If you've been invited to a wedding as a bridesmaid, here are some simple yet important tips to keep in mind when choosing your party attire. No matter how much you would like to buy a beautiful evening dress, it is important to remember that you are not the main character of the wedding. Druzhka should opt for a model that does not outshine the bride.

    Dress color: why not white or black?

    White bridesmaid dresses are taboo, because this is a traditional shade for brides. Wearing such an outfit, you will be a great success, and, going to the registry office, you may be mistaken for a bride. You don't want to be the cause of embarrassing situations, do you? If the bride and boyfriend are in dresses of the same color, then the witness will simply get lost against the backdrop of a happy young woman. Opt for colorful dresses.

    It is not recommended for the witness to choose plain black colors and shades, because they will look too mournful against the bright background of the guests. If you have no other ideas or black clothes hide figure flaws, then wear it, but in this case, dilute the look with bright accessories, choose a model that has a contrasting finish.

    The dress of the witness can be blue, yellow, orange, pink, honey, green, pale lilac. Opt for gentle, soft pastel shades. An outfit of golden, silver color would be ideal. If you do not like light colors, then pay attention to evening dresses in dark blue, burgundy, chocolate shades. Red looks bright and rich, but its shade should be restrained so as not to sort out all the attention of guests.


    In almost all of their collections, designers present A-line dresses - this is a one-piece dress that has a tight-fitting top and gradually expands to the bottom without forming folds. Empire style is also great for a witness. This dress model has a high waist, a floor-length skirt, a cut-off top, and has pleats. Stop the choice on straight models - detachable under the bust or at the waist or one-piece.

    A great option is an outfit in the style of "Mermaid". If you prefer a tight-fitting and very narrow style, then complement it with a short bolero jacket, because such a dress in combination with a jacket looks interesting and stylish. Friends should give up very short dresses, trousers, blouses with skirts, summer sundresses, ballroom styles.

    Length and degree of "openness"

    A wedding witness can safely choose a long, short version of the dress, guided solely by her own taste and preferences. It is quite acceptable outfit with a small neckline. It is important to adhere to one main rule: the shorter the skirt of the dress, the more closed its top should be. When choosing a long dress, allow yourself a deeper neckline, but do not overstep the limits of decency so as not to create a vulgar look.

    Do not forget about etiquette - wear evening long dresses only for those events that take place after 17 pm. If the marriage will be registered in the morning, at lunchtime, the outfit of the witness should not be long. Feel free to wear cocktail dresses at any time - the product with lace looks very interesting.

    A friend for a wedding can safely purchase a cocktail dress, the main feature of which is its length - not below the level of the knees. If you wish, prepare two options at once, that is, a cocktail for the day, and for the evening in a restaurant, a long evening. But this is not the most important rule of etiquette, and it is often violated by both witnesses and guests at the wedding.

    It is strictly forbidden for friends to wear a suit in a business style. In some cases, a combination of a skirt and an evening bright top is allowed, but it is best to purchase a beautiful dress in which you will feel comfortable. Completely exclude not only the option of trousers, but also other, unusual and too bright festive clothes that do not correspond to the wedding event. In the case of a themed wedding, the witness must select an outfit, taking into account the established dress code.


    A great responsibility is placed on the shoulders of the witness, because she must fulfill a lot of duties that will appear during the celebration. With special attention, select accessories for your festive decoration. The bachelorette party and preparations for the wedding are already over, you need to create your own image. The choice of shoes deserves special attention. It is advisable to give preference to shoes with medium heels. Remember that throughout the day you will not only have to walk and dance a lot, but also run.

    Do not be lazy and bring comfortable ballet flats with you, which you will change into and give your legs a chance to rest a bit. If you have purchased new shoes, walk around in them at home for a couple of days, because at first glance they will seem very comfortable, and during the holiday they will bring many unpleasant surprises. It is equally important to choose the right heel height. To do this, compare your growth parameters and those of the bride - the main thing is that you are not taller than the young one, but you cannot be much lower, because in the photo such a tandem does not look very good.

    September is the perfect time for a wedding, because it is no longer hot and not yet cold. When choosing clothes for a celebration at this time of the year, think about a light jacket, a jacket that should fully match the dress and the chosen style. The combination of an evening dress with gloves looks very elegant. But this is not always convenient, because the bridegroom becomes the first and main assistant for the bride - to hold the bouquet, tighten it tighter or slightly loosen the corset of the dress, fix her hair.

    The friend's handbag is also important. On the day of the wedding, the bride will have only a bouquet in her hands, and the witness will have to carry everything she needs with her. The ideal option is to pick up a handbag for the dress, in which a cosmetic bag, thread, needle, hairpins, napkins, and headache pills must fit. If the bridesmaid dress for the wedding is made to order, then the salon can also provide a service for making a beautiful, roomy handbag that will perfectly match the dress.

    As an interesting accessory, you can choose a headdress, but only on condition that the bride's hairstyle is not decorated with an elegant hat. To complement the hairstyle, feel free to use beautiful hairpins, flowers. Most importantly, the selected accessories should not interfere with either the witness herself or the bride. Avoid wearing a hat that is too big, which will cover several people in a group photo at once. Complete your look with jewelry, but in small quantities.

    What dress should a witness wear to a wedding in winter?

    If the wedding is held in winter, the witness can safely choose absolutely any dress, but not too open so as not to freeze. For a photo shoot on the street, boleros, capes, stoles, a voluminous scarf, stylish boots, a fur coat, and a coat are perfect. As an option - a product made of artificial wool, which has a rich appearance and is perfect for a photo shoot on the street.

    Wedding fashion 2017 for bridesmaids

    If you are a bridesmaid, feel free to choose any style of dress - with a corset bodice, on one shoulder, with thick, thin straps, boat neckline. There are absolutely no restrictions here. If you wish, complete your look with a beautiful colored ribbon, a belt in a contrasting shade, however, pick up a handbag, gloves and shoes of the same style.

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