• How to soften leather shoes on the heel. How to soften the heel of new shoes so they don't chafe. Contact a workshop to soften your shoes


    Nothing can bring such a spectrum of emotions, from joy to suffering, like a new shoe. When trying on in a store, stylish shoes can seem stunningly comfortable, just imperceptible on your feet. But it is worth taking a few steps down the street in them, and now you can think of only one thing: how to soften the back of your shoes ?! Rubbed heels can ruin the pleasure of even the most coveted purchase. It is impossible to ignore them, and to endure them is dangerous to health. Therefore, if you also managed to buy too stiff boots or shoes, we are in a hurry to help you with tips on how to quickly soften the heels of your shoes.

    How to soften the backs of leather shoes
    The shoe material plays a key role in the search for heel softeners. Let's say you bought quality leather shoes of the wrong size or on an uncomfortable last. There is an opinion that shoes made of genuine leather "wear out by themselves." But until that happens, you will disfigure your heels and fray your nerves. So do not expect miracles from natural shoes, but ensure your comfort yourself:
    1. With a hammer. A grandfather's method that helps soften even the most "oak" backdrops. You need to knock on them with a hammer: from behind, from above, from the inside to the outside. Such treatment will surely soften the skin, but there is a risk of damaging its surface. Therefore, the hammer must be handled very carefully if the skin is thin, light, decorated, and it is better to completely abandon this method if the shoes are lacquered. If you want to take a chance, take extra precautions by placing a piece of cloth between the heel of your shoe and the hammer.
    2. Pliers. An improvement on the previous idea, allowing the backdrops to be softened from the outside and from the inside at the same time. But only if the problem arose with low shoes: shoes, low shoes, etc. Through the tops of the boots, the pliers simply will not reach the heel. And it won't hurt to use a safety cloth again.
    3. With vinegar. Also popular enough folk remedy... To soften the heels of shoes, they need to generously moisten the hard areas of the leather and wrinkle them properly. You will probably want to use the pliers again, but in this case, we leave possible damage to the shoe at your discretion.
    4. Glycerin. You can buy glycerin at any pharmacy, but the heels of the shoes must be prepared for its application. To expand the pores of natural leather, place a hot, wet towel inside it. After 15 minutes, grease the backdrops with glycerin and leave overnight.
    5. Stretcher. Special products contain chemicals that soften the heels of leather shoes without damaging them. This is the simplest, most modern and efficient, but not the cheapest way.
    Finally, you can simply take the uncomfortable shoes to the workshop, where they will be stretched slightly in length or softened by the heels. But it also depends on your capabilities and the availability of free time to visit the shoemaker. Either way, you now have a choice of several ways to soften your shoes.

    How to soften the backs of artificial shoes
    Artificial shoe materials usually mean different types of leatherette, as well as textile materials, natural and synthetic. Even if the basis of the shoe fabric is natural fibers, it still undergoes synthetic impregnation for strength and water repellency. So, the same means for softening the heels are applicable to most textile, and even more oilcloth shoes:

    1. Vegetable oil. Use a cotton swab to scrub the inside of the shoe backs and leave to soak for a few hours (about overnight). Usually linseed oil is used for this purpose, and it is better not to spare it - then blot the excess with a napkin.
    2. Alcohol. Its softening effect is similar to that of vinegar, but alcohol does not contain acids that can corrode synthetic material. However, use alcohol sparingly, dilute it with water, or just wet the backdrops with water and then remember with your hands. But before wetting your shoes, check to see if there is a cardboard seal in the backs. From getting wet, the cardboard can not only soften, but completely lose its shape, that is, the shoes are also deformed.
    3. Glycerol. it universal remedy suitable for both leather and artificial shoes. True, the likelihood of a successful result with artificial materials is lower, but on the other hand, you will not ruin the shoes if you try to soften the heels with glycerin.
    4. Mechanical impact. A hammer, pliers, and a workshop stretcher are just as effective on artificial shoes as they are on natural ones. The risk is also comparable: you yourself can damage the shape of the shoe, and in the workshop, when stretching, the heels themselves can remain as rigid.
    After you take these steps, do not rush to go outside - first walk around the house in treated shoes. And if such a check shows that it was possible to soften the heels on the shoes, feel free to go out of the threshold in new shoes.

    How to soften the backs of boots
    Stiff heels are a problem that takes effort and time to solve. But if the heels of the boots turned out to be hard, the task is complicated by the inability to get close to them because of the high tops. Neither a hammer nor pliers will help here, and it will not be easy to get the backdrop wet from the inside. It remains only to try to protect the heels. What can you do to avoid rubbing your feet with the hard backs of your shoes?

    1. Callus pencil. Multifunctional product in a convenient stick package. At the same time it softens the heels and creates a lubricating effect, that is, makes the inner surface of the shoe sliding, which additionally protects the heels from chafing. Does not spoil shoes, does not leave marks on them or on tights. But it is not cheap and you will have to search in shops and on the Internet.
    2. Adhesive plaster. Good old heel remedy. To protect against hard backs of the shoe, you can apply a double layer of adhesive: one directly to the foot, and the other from the inside to the shoe. It can peel off when worn, stray into a lump, which is why it can rub even more.
    3. Silicone pads. By themselves, they will not protect the heel, but in combination with an adhesive plaster, they improve the result. The silicone cushion under the foot prevents the foot from sliding inside the shoe, which means it also reduces friction between the heel and the heel.
    4. Strip patch. The solution to the problem of a stray adhesive plaster. It helps not only with hard backs, but also if the heel is rubbed by the seam on the heel of the shoe. Sew on or glue a soft patch on the inside of the shoe to cover the seam. This method is only suitable for shoes that are suitable or even slightly long in size. Otherwise, you will further shorten the free space inside the boot.
    How do I return my shoes to the store?
    As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all and 100% effective way to soften shoe heels. The choice of this or that product depends on the style, material and other features of a particular pair of shoes. But you must remember that you have the right to return an unsuccessful pair to the store if you are sure that you can neither walk in it nor correct the defect. You can get rid of tormentor shoes and get back the money spent on them under the following conditions:
    • You did not walk in these shoes on the street, that is, the sole remained clean without traces of earth, asphalt, etc.
    • You did not damage the shoes either outside or inside, that is, the pair has retained its presentation and can be returned to the showcase.
    • You carefully removed your shoes and put them in the original box or other packaging provided by the manufacturer and given to you by the seller.
    • You have saved a receipt for the purchase of these shoes, it is intact (not torn, not erased) and the information on it is readable.
    • You choose to return your shoes within 14 days of purchase, no later than.
    Please note that all the manipulations listed in the article to soften the heels of the shoe can affect its appearance. In this case, according to the first clause of the conditions, you will no longer be able to return this pair to the store. Therefore, you will have to make a decision right away: return the shoes or try to adapt them and wear them. For our part, we wish you to make the right decision and face such a choice as rarely as possible, and also as rarely as possible face the need to soften the backs of your shoes.

    Buying shoes is a long and exhausting process. But the real agony begins later, when suddenly the shoes, which seemed so soft and comfortable in the fitting room, start to cause discomfort on the street, crush or chafe feet. If such a misfortune has happened to you, and a sharp edge arose the question of what to do if the shoes are tight, you should not get hysterical or immediately run to the store for new shoes. This problem can be easily eliminated at home, with the help of improvised means.

    Basic rules for choosing shoes

    The best way to solve the problem is avoid her appearance... If you adhere to simple recommendations when choosing shoes, in the future there will be no problems with wearing them.

    How to carry shoes that are tight and chafing

    You don't have to think that right after the purchase, you will be able to go all day in new shoes. First they need to be carried b so that they take the shape of your leg. During the first days, it is recommended to wear a new thing for no longer than an hour. Problem areas of the feet, which are usually rubbed, should preferably be sealed with a plaster (usually this is the area behind the foot, just above the heel, and toes). This will prevent the appearance of calluses.

    If you have a question about how to distribute shoes that rub the heel, you need to try to soften the heel. This can be done with a special spray sold in shoe stores, or you can use a wide selection of folk remedies.

    Leather shoes

    There is a widespread myth that over time the skin "spreads by itself", you just have to wait a bit. But you can not wait for the weather by the sea, but try to speed up this process.

    If traditional methods do not help, you can always purchase special means for stretching the skin at a shoe store.

    Artificial products

    Products from different types leatherette and synthetics. It requires slightly different handling than leather. Consider what materials are commonly used to soften artificial shoes.

    It is better to carry out shoe distribution at home. If the painful sensations are gone, then the goal has been achieved and you can go out into the light.

    What to do if it rubs the back of your boots

    Wearing boots is harder than shoes... The heel height makes it difficult to reach the heel counter. The method with a hammer or pliers to soften a hard backdrop is clearly out of the question. You can use a patch that is glued to the heel and the inside of the boot itself, thus creating double protection for the foot. But while walking, the plaster can fall off and rub the leg even more.

    A silicone backing can be a good solution. When placed under the foot, it will reduce the slipping of the foot during movement and therefore prevent chafing.

    You can also use a thick, soft cloth patch. It is glued or sewn onto the inside of the boot.

    If calluses appear

    Unfortunately, despite all the precautions, it is not always possible to save the leg from chafing... You can even rub the corn with old and seemingly comfortable shoes, even soft slippers. What to do if there are corns or calluses, the skin is rough, reddened or even bleeding?

    First of all, it is advisable to replace the shoes, after wearing which problems have arisen. Replacing does not mean throwing it away or handing it over to the store, especially if the problem arose for the first time. It is enough to simply wear something else in the following days.

    Calluses are bubbles filled with a whitish liquid, the so-called dropsy. Any touch to them is painful, therefore, after carrying out any medical procedures, baths and compresses, it is necessary to protect the damaged area from external influence with a plaster. For quick healing of corns, a compress from plantain or freshly cut aloe leaf helps well. In no case should you pierce the callus, so you can bring an infection there.

    Dry calluses, called corns- These are hardened areas of the skin that form at the site of constant pressure. This is usually the sole of the foot and thumb... They need to be treated with the help of special compresses and baths.

    Potato juice can be used to treat stale, coarse calluses. If you apply such a compress at night, it will soften the corns. For steaming them, baths of a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile flowers will also help. Good remedy is a foot bath of sodium chloride solution. A spoonful of salt must be diluted in a liter of water and lower your feet there.

    Important: foot baths cannot be made in hot water; the water temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature.

    To prevent calluses, you need to do more than just wear the right size shoes. It is also important to monitor the condition of the legs. For example, it is best to wear socks made from natural fabrics. Synthetics are poorly breathable, feet sweat. Wet skin is more prone to friction, and excessive sweating of the feet creates a favorable environment for bacteria and fungus to grow.

    You need to lubricate your feet regularly nourishing cream, once a week it is recommended to do foot baths from a decoction of calendula, chamomile or oak bark. These substances with antiseptic and tanning properties will remove excessive sweating of the feet and promote healing of cracks or wounds on the feet.

    If all else fails, all attempts to distribute shoes were in vain and it is completely impossible to wear new shoes, people are wondering whether can they be returned to the store.

    Undoubtedly, if you purchased the product in a company store, you have such a right. If you bought shoes somewhere in the market from a spontaneous merchant - alas.

    The main thing - do not throw away the check immediately after purchase.... This is the first thing you need to do to safely return the item back to the store. The information on the check must be readable.

    Shouldn't be broken appearance shoes, no damage or scratches. If you walked down the street and there are traces of soil, grass on the sole, the goods, most likely, will not be returned. The presentation must be preserved.

    You can return the purchase only within the period specified under the guarantee (usually no more than 14 days).

    Returns are best done in the same box. that you purchased, or in the same branded package.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    People are looking for comfortable soft shoes, but the purchase does not always live up to expectations. Over time, certain areas of the shoe become stiff, some leather loses its elasticity when worn. To eliminate such troubles, there are various methods that you can apply at home.

    The shoes cannot be stretched in length, only the width of the specimen can be changed. If the sock does not allow the foot to straighten, then it is better to change the shoes. Leather shoes deform better than synthetic material. Some methods, such as softening with hot air, do not work on leatherette or nylon. Do not use heavy loads on thin leather shoes. After the procedure, the material loses fats, its elastic properties deteriorate, so be sure to cover the skin with cream.

    Do not use sunflower oil and glycerin to soften the skin. After the oil dries, the skin becomes even tougher, and glycerin makes the skin brittle. The most effective option for stretching shoes is softening the skin. different ways with subsequent posting. Put thick socks on your feet before walking. In this case, the shoes will take the shape of a leg with minimal damage to the skin of the limb.

    Chemical method of stretching shoes

    Buy a special shoe softener from the store. It is usually produced as a spray. Spray problem areas and wear shoes. Before use, check how the substance reacts with the leather of the shoes; it happens that the shoes change color. Store-bought liquid can be replaced with rubbing alcohol or cologne.

    Using hot air and boiling water

    Warm up problem areas of your shoes with a hairdryer, put on your shoes and walk around. Repeat the procedure several times until the desired result is obtained. Make sure that the hot air does not melt the glue, and in general it is better not to heat the glued seams. You can use hot water instead of a hair dryer. To do this, cover the problem area with a cloth and slowly pour boiling water over it. The skin can withstand up to 300 degrees, so hot water won't do anything to it. After the procedure, you should walk in heated shoes.

    Softening the skin with improvised means

    Castor or flaxseed oil are the most budget-friendly options for reducing skin stiffness. Apply oil to cloth napkin and wipe the area to be restored, repeat the procedure 1-2 times. Leave the shoes to soak for two days, after which the shoes can be worn. Please note that after castor oil, the smell of castor oil will remain in the shoes, and the size of the shoes may increase - Castor oil softens even thick skin. Also, after using an oil-based product, the shoes darken, use other products for light-colored shoes. To soften the backdrop, a paraffin candle is suitable - rub the substance on the back of the shoes. If leather bakes after a walk, lubricate the inside of the boots with a 3% vinegar solution.

    For fair skin, you can make your own cream. Mix equal parts baby cream and colorless shoe cream containing beeswax. Apply the substance to the shoes and leave until completely absorbed. You can use fatty cow's milk instead of baby cream.

    Using the pads

    The stores sell special pads for stretching shoes, repeating the shape of the leg. A special screw design acts on the inside of the shoe and expands it to the desired result. The set includes attachments that allow you to correct only certain areas of the boot. Newspapers can be stuffed into shoes instead of pads, but care must be taken that the shoes do not deform elsewhere.

    If problems have arisen with an expensive item, for example, the shoes have become very tough, do not experiment, contact a specialist. Many dry cleaners take on the repair of hardened shoes.

    It is impossible to assess all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular shoe model during fitting. Appearance, color, materials, size can completely suit the buyer, but comfort can only be checked during operation. Often you have to face inconveniences. The legs are especially badly affected in the area of ​​contact with the backdrop, strong calluses can form there. In such cases, you need to know how to soften the shoes so that they do not chafe.

    Before trying to eliminate an unpleasant and painful sensation, it is worth finding out the reason for its appearance. In some cases, the problem is associated with a defect in the structure of the pad or the use of low-quality material. Under these circumstances, walking comfort cannot be expected to return with wear. The best solution is to return the model to the store.

    But not everything is so simple, since the seller makes some requirements that must be met in order to receive the money spent back:

    All conditions seem quite logical and understandable, but it is very difficult to comply with all points. To minimize the risk of unpleasant situations, it is worth buying shoes in trusted stores. The degree of brand awareness is also not the least important. Of course, the models of popular manufacturers are more expensive, but the likelihood of encountering a low-quality product is extremely low.

    Sometimes you shouldn't rush to return a new pair to the store. Products made of dense and hard leather can cause slight discomfort in the heel area for several socks.

    Strong discomfort can occur without socks. In such cases, you need to endure, although it all depends on the degree of discomfort. Circumstances vary. In some cases, you have to match a certain style. It is very difficult to spend a whole day in conditions of severe discomfort, so you have to look for options on how to soften your shoes so that they do not rub.

    There are many tips, but first of all, it is important to consider the characteristics of the material from which the boots, shoes or sneakers are made. If you try to soften the backdrop, you can spoil the material, as a result of which the product will lose its attractiveness.

    Some of the methods for softening shoes at home are suitable for most models. Their effectiveness depends on the cause of the defect, the degree unpleasant sensations and the material used:

    Many folk ways can damage the material, so you should not risk it. For example, a highly questionable method is the use of sealed water bags, which are recommended to be placed inside the pair and sent to the freezer. When freezing, water expands, turns into ice - this is indisputable, but how this will affect natural leather, fabric surface or any artificial material is unknown.

    Similar dubious advice: Apply hot air from a hair dryer and wrap the shoebox with a warm, damp towel (to create a greenhouse effect inside). It is possible that high-quality models made of genuine leather will not suffer from a single procedure of such procedures, but the risk is great. For models made of artificial materials, suede, nubuck or fabric, such methods are definitely not suitable.

    You can cope with the feeling of discomfort in genuine leather shoes only if they are made of high-quality materials and have the correct last. Otherwise, all the steps taken will be useless. In addition, it should be borne in mind that after carrying out some procedures, the return of a new pair to the store will be impossible, since the appearance of the product (especially the backs) may change.

    The following guidelines will help you soften a new pair of shoes:

    Care must be taken when choosing any method. It is worth considering the features of the model, paying attention to the density of the skin, its structure. It is very important not to spoil the natural finish.

    Today, a wide variety of leatherette, textile and synthetic materials are used in production. All of them have advantages and disadvantages in comparison with products from natural materials... An important positive side is their low cost. The rapid loss of appearance due to improper care is one of the negative factors of such products.

    When trying to get rid of the discomfort when wearing, it can also be difficult, since softening the heel of a shoe made from artificial material is not easy. But there is a list of recommendations.

    Among all the listed options, the safest substances are alcohol and glycerin. First, it is almost impossible to harm your shoes with them. Secondly, you can use one of the methods and, in case of failure, try to return the product to the store, since the appearance of the products will not be affected. The use of mechanical action will not leave such a chance.

    In order not to think about how to soften the heel on the shoes, it is worth sticking to some simple rules... First of all, do not rush to make a choice. It is necessary to spend as much time in the store as necessary. You can find out all the nuances from consultants. In addition, the modern market is open, on the Internet you can find reviews for almost any model. Such information will not be superfluous at all. Finally, don't rush out into the street. It is always worth leaving the option to return an item.

    Everyone has faced such a problem: in a store, shoes fit perfectly on their feet, and when you put them on after a purchase, they begin to rub the heel.

    This is a feature of any shoe: the fabric is tough, it has not yet taken the shape of the foot to become comfortable when worn.

    A new pair is worn for several days, after taking care of the heels. Band-aids are applied to them, or a soft lining is made to avoid chafing.

    If the shoes continue to rub even after several days of continuous use, it is worth using tricky tricks that shoemakers - masters of their craft - tell us.

    5 tips from shoe experts on how to keep your shoes from chafing:

    Advice Note
    1 Before leaving the house, blot the backdrop with alcohol from the inside Protect your heel from the effects of alcohol, if there is already corn, it will react to alcohol.

    If there is no callus, protect the heel anyway, rubbing with alcohol-based shoes will cause irritation

    2 Use a professional shoe stretcher. It is sold in shoe stores The agent gently acts on the fabric, allowing it to quickly take the desired shape
    3 The old method with water: bags full of water are placed in shoes. One night in the freezer - and your shoes will be looser The water expands, freezing. The effect is not powerful enough to ruin a thing, but it is enough to stretch it.
    4 If your shoes are not tight, rub the backs with wax This will facilitate natural fraying and help maintain the integrity of the skin.
    5 To soften the stiff fabric of the shoe, tap the back wall with a hammer, which causes discomfort. Pre-protect the shoe walls with material

    How to treat foot calluses from shoes?

    If the shoes are very uncomfortable, and you have to walk a lot, you should leave them stretching at home using the third method from the table.

    Replace them temporarily with other, more comfortable shoes. Heel wounds will cause discomfort for several days. For the healing process to go faster, tight shoes must be removed.

    Important! Calluses formed on the leg from tight shoes should not be pierced. Many people try to puncture and squeeze out fluid to reduce the bladder.

    Such a procedure will bring pain, will cause infection. There will be inflammation at the puncture site. Insulate the corn with a germicidal plaster and leave it alone.

    The healing process will begin as soon as you eliminate the cause - take off your tight shoes.

    A quick way to eliminate dry corn:

    • The procedure is performed before bedtime.
    • Grate raw potatoes.
    • Apply to corn.
    • Re-bandage and put on a sock to prevent the potatoes from getting on the bed, or moving them out of the problem area.
    • Remove the bandages in the morning, rinse your leg with warm water.

    The starch helps to draw out the liquid that has accumulated inside the bubble. Fresh corn is not recommended to be treated in this way.

    Wait a few days. Calluses should not be treated this way if there is inflammation, or an open wound.

    Important! When the callus is open, or the skin on the leg is knocked off, the treatment is different.

    There are special tools that will help disinfect the wound and prevent inflammation.

    We treat a burst callus, broken skin on the leg:

    • Eliminate the reason for the appearance of the wound: shoes cannot be worn until the moment of complete healing.

      Send the cause of your troubles to stretch in the freezer with bags of water, or take it to the workshop.

    • We wash the whole foot under warm water.
    • The wound we process with hydrogen peroxide.
    • When dries, you can process the edges with brilliant green. Remember that the greenery will be visible on the skin for a long time, if you have to defile in open shoes, do not use it.
    • Ointment Levomekol is applied to a sterile bandage, applied to the wound. You need to bandage and leave the ointment overnight.

      Levomekol disinfects, promotes early healing. It can be used for open puncture wounds.

      It draws out inflammation and pus. The antibiotic in its composition is guaranteed to cure even a neglected wound.

    • In the morning the wound is opened for further healing in the air.
    • Going out outside, cover it with a bactericidal plaster from dust.

    Can I return my shoes if they chafe?

    Returning to the store a pair of shoes that are uncomfortable when walking is a common procedure. There is a law that protects consumer rights.

    According to this law, the buyer has the right to return the shoes subject to certain conditions:

    • Refunds are made within 14 days from the date of purchase.
    • The item will be accepted back if the purchaser provides the receipts and the box in proper condition.
    • Shoes must be in a salable condition.

    If the shoes are damaged during the wearing process, the seller will refuse to return them. Failure to comply with any of the above points may become a reason for refusal.

    Important! If a refund is denied to you, write a claim to the name of the store. You can send a copy of the manufacturer, or go to court.

    The store administration is obliged to provide you with a complaint book at your first request. In it, you can express all your dissatisfaction if the workers were incorrect with you.

    If you have met all the conditions for a return, you must be given a choice:

    • Full refund.
    • Replacement of goods.
    • The choice of another pair of your choice, with the possibility of additional payment if its value exceeds the amount on the check. If the cost is less, the difference must be refunded.

    Stores often offer a discount on a product if a customer requests a refund or replacement. The store compensates for the moral inconvenience of the client.

    Buy shoes from stores where the seller will provide you with all the information about the manufacturer, the material of manufacture and the possibility of a return.

    When you make a purchase on the market, you will not receive a check to help you make a refund. Without a sales receipt with a prescribed date and cost of purchase, there are not many chances to return the product.

    If the seller does not have a cash register at the place of purchase, always ask to write the receipt by hand.

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