• When do skaters retire? When do athletes retire? What can a master of sports count on in modern Russia?


    Many people play sports to maintain good physical shape and treat it as a useful hobby. But for some, this lifestyle is not only a hobby, but also a professional activity in Russia and abroad. Athletes and coaches who have awards and medals in competitions held abroad are entitled to advantages. They have the right to receive benefits as an international master of sports.

    Title of Master of Sports

    To obtain this status, the candidate will have to spend a lot of effort and time, since only those who have won a certain number of victories in competitions at different levels or have taken prizes - both in single Olympic sports and as part of national teams of the Russian Federation - have the right to become the owner of a sports category. Federation. There should be 12 such achievements in total.

    The title is assigned by the Committee on Physical Culture and issues a certificate and license plate.

    IMPORTANT! Upon receiving the title, you can become a coach without a diploma of obtaining a relevant specialty from a university, and also take part in competitions as a judge.

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    People with this status are given preferences by the state not only in their professional field, but also in other areas, which was previously reflected in federal law number 80, which was in force on April 29, 1999. Today it is declared invalid. The establishment of MSMK privileges is carried out in the regions by regulations of the Ministry of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation, therefore they may differ from each other in different areas.

    Benefits for masters

    Athletes who have earned this title are entitled to cash payments, benefits, and privileges in various areas of life. These include:

    • the opportunity not to pay an annual fee to the tax office for owning a car with a capacity of less than 150 hp. With.;
    • half the cost of receipts for utility bills at your place of residence;
    • provision of monthly payments as a salary bonus;
    • benefits to masters of sports in the form of a monthly allowance from 6 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the number of victories, types of competitions, where they received an award, for which national teams they competed.

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    Benefits in sports are necessary as a reward for work, professional work and the will to win.

    How to get privileges

    To receive payments in the Russian Federation provided in the form of maintenance for the title of Master obtained at the international level, you should contact the Ministry responsible for physical education. The following package of documents must be submitted to this body, on the basis of which the preferential category is established:

    • copy of passport data;
    • a certificate confirming the fact of receiving the title;
    • application in the prescribed form.

    If the sports committee approves the candidate’s intention, the additional payment will be issued to him at his place of work in the form of a monthly payment.

    IMPORTANT! All other types of privileges are usually obtained from institutions that provide services and benefits. For example, for a discount on utility bills - at the social security authorities, for exemption from car tax - at the inspectorate at the place of residence.

    Receiving awards at championships by an applicant gives him the opportunity to participate in various social programs of the regions and become a candidate for preferential conditions.

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    What benefits are granted to international-class sports masters? Link to main publication


    The title “Master of Sports of Russia” can be awarded by the federal executive body in the field of physical education and sports. It is given individually for fulfilling certain standards in generally accepted sports classifications.

    When did the title of “Master of Sports” first appear?

    As already mentioned, this title is given for certain successes in sports and it was first used in 1935.

    It is no secret that the title “Master of Sports of Russia” is not easy to earn. And one of the conditions in order for it to be awarded is that the applicant must participate in competitions where the judging will be at least three judges with an All-Russian or international category.

    How can you become a master of sports?

    Before becoming a master, an athlete will have to go a long way in his career. Almost all sports provide for successive achievements in sports categories, so you first have to earn the third adult category, and then reach the first, but even this turns out to be not enough, since before becoming a Master of Science, you need to spend some more time in the rank of candidate master ( KMS).

    But there are exceptions when particularly talented athletes receive the title “Master of Sports of Russia” ahead of schedule, jumping over the listed steps.

    Basic requirements for granting the title of Master of Sports

    To become a MC, you need to achieve certain results in sports activities. Let's take a closer look at the achievements that will help you become a Master of Sports of Russia:

    1. The title is given to an athlete who manages to take a prize in official competitions and fulfill all the standards.
    2. An athlete can win several victories over an opponent within a certain period of time and receive a title. As a rule, only those victories that were obtained during the year will be taken into account.
    3. The awarding of the sports title Master of Sports of Russia is considered most common in weightlifting; in this case, the athlete must reach a standard level at competitions.

    Features of obtaining the title

    It should be noted that for each category there is a certain minimum age. An athlete who participates in competitions where categories or titles are awarded must remember that significant importance is given to the norms, the composition of participants, the refereeing staff are taken into account, and the exact number of games is established.

    It is also important to remember that the sports title “Master of Sports of Russia” can be awarded to a citizen of a given country; in addition, receiving the title is not enough; it must be confirmed every two years by participation in competitions.

    Why is it necessary to receive the title of Master of Sports of Russia?

    Each athlete who tries to become a master of sports pursues his own specific goal, but it should be noted that any of them can receive the following privileges as a reward for their perseverance:

    • First of all, it is worth talking about satisfaction from the result, because the title “Master of Sports of Russia” deserves respect. Only the best of the best can count on it. This means that the person who received the title was able to meet all the requirements and fulfill all the conditions at the highest level.

    • A master of sports can do his favorite thing - play sports and also receive a monetary reward for it. Even when time passes and over the years the athlete will not be able to perform in his sport, he always has a chance, after additional training, to remain in demand as a coach. Some athletes can try themselves in another role, for example, becoming excellent sports commentators.
    • An athlete with the title “Master of Sports of Russia” is provided with benefits that will serve them for the rest of their lives. For example, it is easier for them to obtain a higher education, they can count on free services in special state-type medical institutions, and also enjoy free travel on public transport.

    What sport is the most popular?

    The list of masters of sports of Russia in powerlifting is considered the largest, since modern young people and coaches give their preference to strength sports. Most recently, the sports association presented the strongest athletes who honestly deserved the title of MS in powerlifting:

    1. Oleg Livshits takes an honorable tenth place and is a prize-winner not only in national but also in international competitions.
    2. Vladimir Kalinichenko is a record holder in triathlon and is involved in extreme power sports.
    3. Kirill Sarychev is a master of sports in the bench press and an absolute world record holder.
    4. Alexey Serebryakov. He is the winner of the Russian Cup.
    5. Alexander Klyushev is considered one of the most powerful people in the world.
    6. Andrey Belyaev is the absolute world champion in powerlifting.
    7. Andrey Malanichev - has repeatedly confirmed his title of master of sports not only in Russia, but also in Europe, won the Titans Cup five times.
    8. Vladimir Bondarenko is considered a true legend in sports. He is part of the “golden” Russian team.
    9. Konstantin Pozdeev is the absolute record holder in the deadlift.
    10. Mikhail Koklyaev - became the champion of Russia 8 times.

    The list of athletes who have become masters of sports in Russia can be continued endlessly, not only in the direction of weightlifting, but also in other sports.

    What benefits can an athlete count on today?

    To be honest, under the USSR, masters of sports were provided with much more privileges than today, since now athletes can only count on a small monthly allowance, which is paid as a bonus.

    Over time, when a master of sports retires, he can also count on additional payments that are accrued to him upon provision of all the necessary supporting documents.

    Understanding in more detail the question of what the title “Master of Sports of Russia” gives, it is necessary to take into account that such a person has every chance of making an excellent career even after he retires, for example, he can become a coach. In addition, the state is obliged to provide housing to all MS at their place of residence.

    Now they are very actively fighting for a sports lifestyle, so they are trying to support and attract young people in every possible way. For this purpose, special organizations are created that help athletes annually improve their health and receive medical care in the best clinics in the state.


    It doesn’t take much effort or time to start receiving benefits for international-class sports masters. Just read this article, apply the step-by-step procedure and get the desired benefits without material costs this month.

    What gives a person the title of “Master of Sports”

    In addition to the certificate and license plate, the title of “Master of Sports” gives you a chance to become a coach without having a professional education. It affects the rank of the coach and gives the right to take part in competitions as a judge.

    One of the most important advantages is a personal pension. The salary of such a person is many times higher among ordinary athletes. There are also various benefits.

    MSMK. Calculation of 50% for utilities, exemption from taxes for vehicles with an engine of no more than 150 horsepower.

    Privileges for masters of sports

    There are 3 places where they pay benefits at their own expense and more:

    1. National bodies of executive law.
    2. Olympic Council.
    3. Sports committees of Russia

    In these places, funds are paid to athletes every month:

    1. Olympic record holder.
    2. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. For the funds of the Russian Federation, needy record holders are provided with housing with registration, sanatoriums, study at a university on budget places, where they will pay an increased stipend every month, appointed by the leadership of Russia.

    A successful record holder who was part of the teams of the Russian Federation or the Soviet Union, with at least twenty years of experience, who has high achievements at the Olympic Games, can receive, at the expense of the FB, every month monetary support assigned by the leadership of the Russian Federation.
    “Receiving benefits for a master of sports is beneficial and it’s worth it to study this topic and start receiving money this month”

    Service Access Summary

    • publication of the Ministry's resolution on the provision of monthly financial compensation to the candidate;
    • notification of the applicant about the supply of national services;
    • sending a resolution of the Ministry on the provision of monthly material compensation to the candidate in the City Center in order to provide payment through transfers to the applicant’s place of residence through federal postal services;
    • publication of the Ministry's resolution on interruption of payments.

    How to get privileges

    What actions should an applicant take to start receiving benefits:

    1. Contact the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports
    2. Submit your application according to the application form and bring the required papers with you.
    3. If you have any questions, you can contact the department and get information about providing public services
    4. The applicant receives, with the consent of the Ministry to issue compensation, every month:
    • information certificate, which will contain information about the approval of public service;
    • Using the federal postal service, every month, a monthly payment will be received, in accordance with the confirmed evidence of residence.
    1. If the Ministry decides to deny the candidate monthly compensation, he will receive documentation in which there will be a notification of disagreement in the provision of public services. A copy of the protocol will also be attached there, which formalizes the Commission’s decision regarding the provision of monthly payments to the athlete or coach.
    2. If authority for monthly payments is lost, the applicant will receive a document in which there will be a notification about the suspension of monthly payments.

    Reasons for disagreement in receiving public services:

    1. The applicant did not submit all the main documents.
    2. The information contained in the application and documentation is unreliable or does not correspond to the true factors.

    Procedure for actions of authorized organizations:

    1. Acceptance of applications and documentation.

    Expert in the field of sports and mass service of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports:

    • finds an option to convey information about the public service resolution to the applicant;
    • checks documents for compliance with the established list;
    • makes duplicates of documents to form a set of necessary papers;
    • checks the application log, recording the receipt of documents;
    • transmits documentation to applicants regarding admission, specifying the list and time of admission.
    1. Coordination and redirection of documentation to other bodies, without which it is impossible to make a verdict on the provision of public services.
    • establishes the structure of papers received from other authorities;
    • prepares projects related to interdepartmental requests;
    • shows the project and issues the interdepartmental request to the authorized person signing interdepartmental requests to sign.
    • sends received requests to: the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (Papers that confirm that the applicant received awards and performed as part of the national team), the Medical Bureau, where various studies are carried out, the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
    • accepts important papers related to receiving benefits;
    • transfers documents representing material compensation to the candidate in order to consider and make a decision on refusing payments or providing the applicant with access to them.

    Assistant to the Committee for Monthly Payments to Applicants:

    • receives important papers providing access to government services;
    • notes received documentation through the application receipt log.
    1. Publication of the Council resolution on the provision of monthly material payments, or disagreement in access to monthly payments to masters of sports.

    Sports and mass services expert:

    • if the Council adopted a verdict to provide a monthly payment to a record holder or coach, then it prepares according to the documentation protocol: an order for access to monthly payments, messages from the Council to the Municipal Reference and Accounting Body about the direction of providing monthly compensation to the athlete or coach, information messages in which the athlete is notified or trainer on access to public services.
    • if the Commission refused the applicant money payments, then it will prepare a resolution in the form of papers according to the protocol: an order on disagreement with the provision of monthly payments according to the application, information messages in which the athlete or coach is notified about the disagreement to provide access to public services, attaching a copy of the agreement formalizing Commission resolution.
    • transfers the papers to the head of the department for sports and mass service of the Council.

    Expert in the field of sports and mass services:

    • having actually confirmed the case that is the basis for stopping monthly payments, papers are prepared: an order to stop the provision of monthly payments, information messages notifying the athlete or coach about stopping the provision of payments, messages from the Committee to the Municipal reference and settlement body about stopping monthly payments.
    • transfers the papers to the head of the department for sports and mass service of the Committee.

    Head of the Department of Sports and Mass Works:

    • transmits to the head of the Council: an order to stop the provision of monthly payments, messages from the Council to the Municipal Reference and Accounting Body to stop monthly payments, information messages notifying the athlete or coach about the stop of the provision of payments.

    Head of the Council:

    • examines the Committee's verdict and signs important documents;
    • If comments are received based on the Committee’s decision, it submits the documents for revision.

    Appeal procedure

    If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision or actions of the Committee, then he has the right to complain both about the Committee itself and about its employees.

    The applicant can also complain in the following situations:

    • failure to comply with the date on which the applicant's request for admission to public service was registered;
    • failure to comply with the date on which government services were provided;
    • request from the candidate papers that are not established by the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation;
    • deviation in the acceptance of papers provided for by the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation;
    • deviation in access to public services when identifying grounds for refusal not provided for by the legal acts of the Russian Federation.
    • requesting from the applicant for public services a fee not provided for by the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation.

    When filing claims by a representative of the applicant, an act is important that will confirm the rights to act instead of the applicant. Options for documentation confirming the rights of an intermediary:

    • power of attorney created according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    • a copy of the resolution on the selection of a representative for a position that will give the right to take actions on behalf of the petitioner.

    The claim must be submitted in writing on paper. When writing a complaint you must:

    • the name of the Committee, the position of the employee and the decisions being appealed;
    • Full name where the applicant is registered, telephone number, email and place where to send the result of the applicant’s appeal;
    • make arguments against the verdict or conduct of the Committee. The applicant may attach papers proving the correctness of the arguments or copies.

    After analyzing the claim, the Council makes a conclusion:

    • satisfy the claim;
    • reject the claim.

    After the decision has been made, the applicant must write on a piece of paper that he is aware of the results, sign and send to the Council.

    Using the described step-by-step algorithm, you can easily obtain benefits, and in case of violations, legally protect yourself.

    Now not a single master of sports will have a question about how to get a benefit, because the article touched on all the main points from “A” to “Z”.

    The amount of DME is determined as a percentage of the size of the social pension. Indexation, which is periodically carried out in relation to pension payments, is also relevant to DMO. DMO is prescribed for life. When do Olympians retire? In Soviet times, Olympic winners were entitled to early retirement. This rule also applied to their coaches. After the collapse of the USSR, the law ceased to apply and honored athletes were equal to ordinary citizens retiring upon reaching the age of 60/55 (men/women). There are proposals to make changes to the pension provision of Olympic champions and make it early, giving them the right to a labor pension with 25 years of service.

    How much is the pension of an Olympic champion in Russia?

    The saber fencing champion of the Moscow Olympics Nikolai Alekhin (62 years old) said that his pension is 290 rubles. Plus additional payments from the Ministry of Sports. - My friends-athletes from neighboring countries are surprised at this position of the Soviet champions in our country. They say: “Is this possible?” It turns out that it is possible. Handball player, champion of the 88 Olympics in Seoul, and now the head coach of SKA Alexander Karshakevich has not yet reached the official retirement age - he is 58 years old.

    However, now he receives a pension for long service, since he played the required 5 years in the national team and “accumulated” his seniority. Its size in his case is 250 rubles. Alexander Karshakevich won silver at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow and gold at the 1988 Games in Seoul. Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY “Upon reaching retirement age, I will apply for a scholarship established by Presidential Decree 555,” says the Olympic champion.

    Long service pensions for athletes

    In addition to the above criteria for granting an early pension to athletes, I believe that the assignment of a sports, including youth, category is one of the necessary criteria for granting an early pension, regardless of what specific category the athlete has. In view of this, taking into account the above positions, it is proposed to amend the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” by adding to the list of persons entitled to receive an early pension established in paragraph . 1 tbsp. 27, athletes who have reached the age of 55 years for men and 50 years for women and have a sports category (including youth) and professional experience established by the Sports Federation for the relevant sport.

    What is the pension of an Olympic champion in Russia?

    Periods of professional sports activity under an employment contract abroad are counted as special length of service, subject to payment of contributions to the Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus. The category “professional athlete” includes citizens of the Republic of Belarus who, in accordance with Art. 18 of the Law “On Physical Culture and Sports” have, in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code, relations with government bodies and public associations in the field of physical culture and sports through the conclusion of an agreement. Professional sports activities associated with systematic sports and involving membership in public organizations and associations and payment at the expense of the sports society are confirmed by a work book and other established documents.
    TASKS Vaskovich, born June 20, 1970 MREC November 15, 1999

    What lifetime pensions will be awarded to Olympic champions in Russia?

    Summing up the results of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games, it should be noted that Russian athletes, carrying out their professional activities, worthily represent our country in the international sports arena, increasing its status in the world community. The fees that an athlete received during his successful career do not at all mean a stable material life after his departure from elite sports. In this regard, there is a need to strengthen social protection measures and material support for a special category of workers - athletes - after completing their sports career by improving the pension system for this category of people.

    Currently, in the Russian Federation, financial support for athletes who have completed their working career is provided through pension provision under compulsory pension insurance1 on a general basis.

    Monthly allowance for athletes and coaches

    Thus, while working, they form their pension savings in order to receive a pension on a general basis when they reach age. Her appointment is made by the Pension Fund on the basis of the athlete’s personal application and a package of documents that the employee provides along with the application. Here, a citizen who has a victory at the Olympic Games must provide documents confirming this fact.
    To assign a pension and calculate its amount, a standard package of documents is required in originals and copies:

    • Passport.
    • Employment history.
    • SNILS.
    • Certificate of average salary for 5 years.
    • All documents confirming the facts of a sports career: certificates of titles, awards, titles.

    Its size is influenced by employer contributions to the Pension Fund, accumulated points and work experience.

    Pensions in sports

    Although I can’t even imagine how I’ll live in retirement - I’ve worked all my life. In 1960, at the Olympic Games in Rome, Sergei Makarenko, together with Leonid Geishtor, won gold at a distance of 1000 meters in kayaking and canoeing. Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY With retirement, according to the athlete, it will become more difficult financially.

    As Sergei Lavrentievich says, his salary at NOC today is 750 rubles. The athlete’s pension, as he himself says, is 380 rubles. Plus he receives a scholarship from the Ministry of Sports, which is “about the same.”

    - Taking into account the salary, it was decent, but I still don’t know how to live only on a pension. Let's see what happens. After the Olympics, Sergei Makarenko built a house near Minsk, not far from Drozdy, so the big expense line for the athlete is “utilities.” He says that a “substantial amount” accumulates per month.


    Law). The procedure for calculating pensions for flight and flight test personnel is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (Article 50 of this law). Certain categories of athletes who have been on the staff of the national teams of the Republic of Belarus for at least 5 years are entitled to a long-service pension with a total work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women. According to the list, these include: winners and medalists of the Olympic Games; world and European champions; medalists of the World and European Championships; winners of the World and European Cups; World and European Cup winners; winners and medalists of European cup tournaments in team sports; Honored Masters of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (Honored Masters of Sports of the former USSR); masters of sports of the Republic of Belarus of international class (masters of sports of the former USSR of international class), international grandmasters.

    Pensions for athletes

    This may cause an athlete to complete his professional activities earlier than workers in other professions. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 61 of the Draft Sports Code of the Republic of Belarus1 the right to early professional retirement is granted to: certain categories of athletes who have been members of national teams of the Republic of Belarus in sports for at least 5 years (according to the list of sports achievements), with professional experience of at least 5 years and work experience of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women - 10 years earlier than reaching the generally established retirement age; other athletes - with professional experience of at least 15 years for men and at least 10 years for women and work experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively - reach the generally established retirement age by 5 years. Professor S.V.
    I will probably surprise the author of the question by saying that no one in Russia has or will award any lifelong pensions to Olympic champions. This is not provided for by any legislation. But in Russian legislation there is such a term as “Additional material support” for outstanding (special) merits.
    This additional payment (increase) to the pension can be assigned to former Olympic champions. I draw your attention to the word “CAN”, yes, “CAN”, and not necessarily. This means that in order for the former Olympic champion to be awarded such an additional payment to his pension, he will have to run around the authorities for more than one day, asking for the assignment of “Additional financial support”. Whether it will be assigned to the champion or not depends on the “bureaucrat” who will make such a decision.
    Pension provision for athletes under compulsory pension insurance is carried out by paying them a labor pension for old age or disability2. In accordance with clause 4. Art. 9 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”, pension provision for athletes is carried out from the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and pension savings funds formed in non-state pension funds as a result of insurance contributions made by the employer . According to paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, the basis for assigning a labor pension for disability is the recognition of a citizen as a disabled person of group I, II or III by federal institutions of medical and social examination.

    Today the President of Russia spoke about the pension reform in the country. One of his proposals was to increase the retirement age for women from 55 to 60 years, for men from 60 to 65. Thus, athletes, in particular football players, will be forced to wait an extra 5 years for benefits.

    What are we talking about?

    Every Russian knows that you can’t live well on a regular pension. What about football? But football players also become pensioners one day. The pension system has been reforming in our country for decades now. And every year it becomes more and more unclear. Now the pension consists of two parts: insurance and funded. And there are many, many indices, coefficients, points... Not every employee of the pension fund (PFR) has the patience to understand all the nuances, so what about football players. They either die in training or hang out in Monaco.

    The rates of insurance contributions changed, which were paid either in a single amount or in parts, and the funded part was first voluntary, then mandatory. Now for an ordinary person there are two options: insurance and savings. The first is a constant monthly payment from the state from a fund created from a percentage of wages. The second is savings in non-state funds (NPF). These are voluntary contributions from the employee, and even the entire salary can be transferred here. That is, take care of yourself and save for old age now. These savings will quietly wait in the wings, and the NPF will also invest them profitably to bring you profit. This is how the system should ideally work. But what have we seen in recent years? The funded pension has been frozen, and due to rising inflation there is nothing left of it. Again, all citizens are in equal conditions; everyone is equally entitled to the regular old-age insurance pension.

    Professional football players earn many times more than ordinary citizens, but their work experience is much shorter. On average, according to statistics, football players hang up their boots at 32 years old - which means they legally have to wait another 28 years for an official old-age pension from the state! Of course, they can stay to work at the club or study to become a coach - many do just that. Someone can start a business or profitably invest their career earnings. Some football clubs take care of their “veterans”, but there are only a few of them, and most often we are talking about really elderly people.

    What about those former football players who were unable to secure a post-football career and their only hope is retirement?

    There is no separate category of “football players”. There are no preferential pensions for them either, there is only regular old-age pension. If this is not an Olympic champion, then the pension is no different from what all other citizens receive.

    What they say at the Pension Fund

    We contacted the Pension Fund for clarification. It immediately became clear that “football” pensions are not a very popular issue, judging by the silence on the other end of the line. A dozen call transfers from department to department, from secretary to secretary, and - oh, miracle! - an expert was found who explained what was what.

    “We don’t have a separate category of “football players.” There are no preferential pensions for them either, there is only regular old-age pension. If this is not an Olympic champion, then the pension is no different from what all other citizens receive,” was the answer.

    And many football players, especially those who played in the lower leagues and were unable to “earn money for their old age,” get a job after finishing their career. Not necessarily related to football. It is known about ex-football players who work in the tax police, the Federal Migration Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and other similar organizations. And on a general basis, upon reaching the required age, they will retire and receive a standard pension.

    Footballers receive pensions just like everyone else

    In 2016, the All-Russian Professional Union of Football Players attempted to create a pension fund for players, but the matter stalled. In 2008, the RFU approved pensions for respected veterans of Russian football - former CSKA players, Dynamo players, and Torpedo players. And now these scholarships are the only incentive paid to ex-players.

    The head of the All-Russian Professional Union of Football Players tried to explain the situation with “football” pensions Alexander Zotov:

    “At the moment, football players do not have any special pensions, except for some scholarships for those who have achieved a certain result. The RFU pays these benefits to deserving players from the personal list. But we haven’t had anything like this for a long time. We have repeatedly suggested that the RFU and the leagues think about and create a system to help football players ending their careers. For example, they talked about a Pension Fund for Players, but so far there has been no progress in this direction. Meanwhile, the guys who stop playing at the age of 30-35 could use some additional financial assistance at this moment, because the transition from professional football to everyday life is quite tough and is very difficult for many. They can only go on working.”

    But suppose that the football player still wanted to know his future pension. He can use the Pension Fund pension calculator or a special formula. Let's calculate his pension for 2017. So, let's take the average age at the end of a gaming career and the same salary. The average retirement age of a football player is 32 years old, and if he made his debut for the main team at the age of 18, he has already accumulated 14 years of experience. As for salaries, we use statistics by league: in the RFPL the average monthly salary of a football player is 1,000,000 rubles, in - 200,000 and in - 30,000. We, of course, are not talking about top clubs and top football players, where the monthly salaries of players can reach 200 thousand dollars. It is clear that these players will earn enough during their career to ensure a comfortable old age.

    It turns out that the pension of a RFPL player will be 15,465 rubles, and the football player will have to live on 9,326 rubles.

    As a result, it turns out that the pension of a RFPL player will be 15,465 rubles, and the football player will be forced to live on 9,326 rubles. Because there is one caveat: the salary amount for deduction of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund is limited to 73,000 rubles per month. You can only use the services of non-state funds or management companies, which in our country constantly disappear like smoke and are reborn in a “new body,” at your own peril and risk. Or keep money in a foreign bank. Or... However, if you play all your life, you are unlikely to be able to accumulate a sufficient amount so as not to think about anything in the future.

    What do they have?

    But in Europe, a football player has the opportunity to receive a pension immediately after finishing his playing career. For example, in England, if he is a Premier League or Football League player and is a member of the Professional Footballers' Pension Scheme 2011, who joined before 2006, he can count on pension benefits from the age of 35. All you need to do is deduct £4,750 a year from your salary.

    What's the result?

    The average pension of a former football player is not much different from what the average Russian pensioner receives - 13,700 rubles per month. No preferential treatment for you: “Ten-time champion, you say? Grandpa, don’t interfere and get in line.” At the same time, the professional career of a football player is short, and a whole bunch of professional “sores” are usually attached. Very few people will be lucky if the club can somehow support them. The rest will be forced to continue working, provided, of course, that they failed to ensure a prosperous life for themselves. Or again, they can give a chance to the accumulation system of non-state pension funds.

    Football only feeds you as long as you are in the game. And it feeds you later if you have achieved success in your profession. But such people are always a minority. Most people have to start from scratch. And earn money for your old age in the same way as most Russian citizens do.

    ​​​Anyone can become a master of sports if they wish, but for this they need to devote themselves to a certain discipline. As a rule, those who have been involved in a particular sport since early childhood become masters. To obtain the title, you must fulfill standards or win competitions.

    Title of Master of Sports

    One of the basic goals of professional athletes is to achieve the title of master of sports. Along with victories in major competitions, it gives not only a reason for pride, but also a list of preferences. If a citizen is recognized as worthy of the title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia,” he is solemnly presented with a certificate and a badge.

    Badge "Honored Master of Sports of Russia"

    Since 2007, this sign has looked like a silver octagon. On the right side there is a waving Russian flag, and on the left there is a silver laurel branch. In the center there is a circle in which you can see a silver image of the finishing athletes.

    History of the title

    The concept of “master of sports” was first used in 1935. From that moment on, people who reached special heights in sports were not only awarded with medals and cups, but also given titles.

    Becoming a master of sports is not the easiest task; it is achievable only if you participate in competitions. Requirements are also set for the competitions themselves. For example, assignment of status is permissible only after winning a competition that was evaluated by three judges of the All-Russian or international level.

    The path to becoming a master of sports

    Most sports disciplines involve a step-by-step system for achieving rank. After the first victories, a person, as a rule, at a young age, receives the third category. Gradually he reaches the first adult. After this, there is a chance to get into the CCM category. In practice, many people end their careers at this stage. Those who are especially stubborn and continue to move become masters.

    Healthy! There are cases in history when especially talented athletes jumped over the steps and became masters ahead of schedule. This is achievable either through a team sport or by breaking world records in a particular discipline.

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    Primary requirements

    As noted above, to become a master of sports, you need to achieve special results. Achievements that will be counted include:

    1. Winning a prize in official competitions, accompanied by the fulfillment of standards;
    2. Obtaining a cycle of victories over an opponent who has status within six months. The method is typical for combat sports;
    3. Achieving the standard level required for the title. An example is weightlifting.

    Based on this information, we can conclude that conferring the title of master of sports is permissible either when participating in competitions or when winning them.

    Features of obtaining the title

    To a person who is far from sports and the system of awarding titles, it may seem that the path to a master is moderately simple. In fact, it is worth considering a list of nuances:

    • for categories and titles, not only achievements are important, but also the age of the athlete;
    • not all competitions, even high-level ones, award titles, since the composition of the judges plays a role;
    • master of sports of Russia - a title that is awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation;
    • In addition to receiving the status, its confirmation is required.
    All of these aspects must be taken into account by both the athlete and his coach. Due to bureaucratic hassles, many prefer to remain with the rank of CCM.

    Why become a master of sports

    Achieving a master of sports is hard, long and consistent work, which is accompanied by injuries, defeats and other difficulties. An outsider does not always understand the desire of athletes to obtain this status.

    Of course, everyone who achieved the title had their own reasons and grounds. But in addition to internal or external satisfaction, every master of sports can receive the following privileges:

    1. Satisfaction and high self-esteem. Masters of sports are truly the best of the best in their field;
    2. Doing what you love is accompanied by earning income. High-level athletes are extremely wealthy people. After finishing their career, they can become good coaches or commentators;
    3. Masters are provided with certain benefits, some of which are available not only during the period of status confirmation, but also for the rest of their lives.

    One type of preference is the provision of medical services free of charge. This is critically important for people who realize themselves in sports, since with the return youth injuries received during training and competitions will appear.

    Healthy! Masters of sports belong to the category of citizens who have the right to priority enrollment in a university, subject to passing the entrance exam. It is beneficial for educational institutions to have professional athletes among their ranks.

    What can a master of sports count on in modern Russia?

    Comparing the information, we can conclude that during the Soviet Union there were more privileges for masters of sports. Today the list of preferences is limited, but it exists.

    Firstly, regional authorities provide all MS with housing if they are recognized as in need of improvement. Secondly, there are monthly payments that continue after retirement.

    It is important to know! Nowadays in Russia there is a promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Many masters are attracted to work with young people. This is another professional application for MS.

    Benefits for international masters of sports

    Masters of sports of international class receive a full list of standard benefits and payments as MS. Additional privileges include:

    The title is awarded by the Physical Culture Committee. A certificate and license plate are issued.

    Attention! Upon receiving the title of MSMK, you can become a coach without having a diploma of obtaining the relevant specialty from a university, and also take part in competitions as a judge.

    Financial privileges for masters of sports

    The path to a master of sports, as a rule, takes a serious period of time, which falls on childhood and adolescence. Since the person worked actively during this period, the state subsequently supports him.

    Financial support comes from three sources:

    • regional executive authorities;
    • Olympic Committee;
    • sports tips.

    As for the forms of state support, it is expressed primarily in monthly benefits. If a person enters a university after achieving MS, then he is awarded an increased scholarship.

    Healthy! The greatest financial support is provided to Olympic champions and record holders with over twenty years of experience in competitions.

    Additional payments provided for masters of sports

    Benefits are provided exclusively at the regional level and are prescribed both in the legislative framework of the subjects (orders, acts of the regional level) and in the charters of sports organizations.

    For example, in the city of St. Petersburg, monthly subsidies for honored masters of sports amount to 10,749 rubles. But in addition to cash subsidies, ZMS have the right to:

    • preferential receipt of living space;
    • benefits for pension benefits.

    This requires a classification document with a record of the body/organization from which this particular athlete received the rank or certificates. Additional payment depending on the document presented:

    • the third qualification level obliges the state to add 15% of the salary;
    • second - 30%;
    • the first - half;
    • supreme - 70%.

    Now the law requires authorities at the regional level to decide on their own issues regarding benefits and cash payments. There is also a letter from the Ministry of Sports, which recommends a salary increase of 50-100%. Since there is no specificity on these issues, all requests are considered personally.

    How to apply for financial support

    In order to receive monthly financial support from the state, a master of sports must complete a standard cycle of actions typical for processing all types of preferences:

    1. Collect a package of documents; their list depends on the athlete’s status, his achievements and life situation. For example, the list of a master of sports who needs housing will differ from the list of papers provided to those who want to receive payment for victory at the Olympic Games;
    2. Visit the regional office of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and fill out an application, attaching a package of materials;
    3. Wait for a decision from authorized specialists.

    If the answer is positive, the applicant will begin receiving payments on a monthly basis. If the authority refuses, an official refusal will be issued containing an explanation of the reason.

    Grounds for disagreement in receiving security:

    1. The applicant did not submit all the basic documents;
    2. The information contained in the application or materials is unreliable or does not correspond to the truth.

    Appeal procedure

    If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision or actions of the authorized government body, then he has the right to complain both about the structure itself and about its employees.

    The applicant can also complain in the following situations:

    • failure to comply with the date on which the applicant's request was registered;
    • failure to comply with the date on which state support was provided;
    • documents were requested that were not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • refusal to accept papers provided for by regulations;
    • request from the applicant for government services a fee not provided for by the laws of Russia.

    When filing claims by a representative of the applicant, an act is important that will confirm the rights to act instead of the applicant.

    The complaint statement must contain:

    • name of the circulation authority (in full), full name of the official;
    • Full name of the applicant, indication of place of residence, telephone number or other method of feedback;
    • decisions against which the complaint is being made;
    • reason for disagreement.

    Having examined the claim, the Council either satisfies it or rejects it. Next, the applicant is obliged to notify the Council in writing of knowledge of the results. The letter must bear his signature.

    Federal legislation does not establish any benefits for such a category as Honored Master of Sports. Benefits in the form of bonuses will be provided in accordance with regional legislation if a person works in the field of physical education.

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    Pensions for long service are monthly cash payments assigned to citizens in connection with long-term professional activity, as a rule, regardless of age and actual working capacity. This type of pension has been introduced only for certain categories of workers.

    In terms of their features and purposes, long-service pensions are close to old-age pensions. They are also appointed for life, but subject to a certain length of special service (length of service). This type of experience is calculated according to special rules. The procedure for calculating it depends on the specifics of work activity. For example, only labor activity listed in the List of institutions, organizations and positions, work in which entitles certain categories of medical and teaching workers to a pension for length of service (approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 1) is counted towards the length of service in their specialty. 1992 No. 724).

    In some cases, reaching a certain age is required to qualify for a long service pension. For example, the right to a long service pension for certain categories of teaching staff arises for men upon reaching 55 years of age and having a special work experience of at least 30 years, and for women - upon reaching 50 years of age and having a special work experience of at least 25 years.

    However, the basis for the emergence of the right to a long service pension is employment in work, the performance of which leads to the loss of professional ability or fitness before the age giving the right to an old-age pension.

    Long service pension is provided:

    * athletes.

    The list of categories of athletes entitled to a pension is approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. Since April 1, 1994, the right to a pension for long service has been granted to athletes of the Republic of Belarus.

    Conditions for assigning pensions to athletes in accordance with Art. 49 Law “On Pensions”: athletes have the right to a pension for length of service:

    men - upon reaching 55 years of age and with at least 25 years of work experience

    years, of which at least 15 years of professional sports


    women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with at least 20 years of work experience

    years, of which at least 10 years of professional sports


    Certain categories of athletes who have been on the staff of the national teams of the Republic of Belarus for at least 5 years are entitled to a long service pension with a work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

    Long service pensions (except for pensions for flight and flight test personnel) are assigned in the amount of 55 percent of earnings (Articles 56-58 of this Law), but not lower than the minimum pension.

    For each full year of service (Articles 47-492 of this Law) in excess of the required pension, including the minimum, increases by one percent of earnings, but not less than one percent of the minimum pension. The increase is made within 20 percent of earnings (the minimum pension). In cases where the length of service calculated in accordance with Articles 51-53 of this Law exceeds the length of service, the pension can be calculated based on the existing length of service (Article 23 of this Law).

    The minimum amount of long-service pension is set at 100 percent of the minimum age pension (Article 23 of this Law).

    The procedure for calculating pensions for flight and flight test personnel is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (Article 50 of this law).

    Certain categories of athletes who have been on the staff of the national teams of the Republic of Belarus for at least 5 years are entitled to a long-service pension with a total work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

    According to the list, these include: winners and medalists of the Olympic Games; world and European champions; medalists of the World and European Championships; winners of the World and European Cups; World and European Cup winners; winners and medalists of European cup tournaments in team sports; Honored Masters of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (Honored Masters of Sports of the former USSR); masters of sports of the Republic of Belarus of international class (masters of sports of the former USSR of international class), international grandmasters.

    The time spent on the staff of the national teams of the Republic of Belarus and the USSR is confirmed by a certificate issued by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism. The presence of a sports title is confirmed by a certificate of conferment, and the sports result is confirmed by a certificate based on the lists of awardees.

    For the athletes mentioned above, the age giving the right to a long-service pension has not been established. If they have been part of national teams for at least 5 years, they are entitled to a long service pension with a total length of service of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

    The special length of service includes the time engaged in professional sports activities, during which the athlete was subject to state social insurance and insurance premiums were paid for him.

    Periods of professional sports activity under an employment contract abroad are counted as special length of service, subject to payment of contributions to the Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus.

    The category “professional athlete” includes citizens of the Republic of Belarus who, in accordance with Art. 18 of the Law “On Physical Culture and Sports” have, in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code, relations with government bodies and public associations in the field of physical culture and sports through the conclusion of an agreement.

    Professional sports activities associated with systematic sports and involving membership in public organizations and associations and payment at the expense of the sports society are confirmed by a work book and other established documents.

    Vaskovich, born on June 20, 1970, MREC on November 15, 1999 established him as group III disability from a work injury. His work experience: from August 15, 1989 to June 10, 1994 he worked as a cook in the canteen of a state farm

    1. On January 20, 2000, he presented the documents of citizens “Oshmyansky” to the department of social protection of the Ivyevsky district; from 1994 to 1999 he worked as a livestock breeder on the same state farm.

    Does Vaskovich have the right to a disability pension and what are the conditions for its appointment for this citizen?

    2. Citizen Ivanovsky, born in 1991, has been disabled since childhood.

    Does Ivanovsky have the right to a pension?

    Solution #1

    According to Art. 11 clause 7 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, workers have the right to social insurance, pensions and guarantees in the event of an occupational disease, work injury, disability and loss of work.

    According to Art. 27 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus on Pensions, disability pensions are assigned regardless of the cause of disability if the following length of service is available at the time of disability or application for a pension:

    Age Work experience (in years)

    Until age 23 1

    From 23 years old to 26 years old 2

    From 26 years old to 31 years old 3

    From 31 years old to 36 years old 5

    From 36 years old to 41 years old 7

    From 41 years old to 46 years old 9

    From 46 years old to 51 years old 11

    From 51 years old to 56 years old 13

    From 56 years old to 61 years old 14

    From 61 years and over 15

    Vaskovich was 29 years old when the MREC assigned him III disability group with 9 years of work experience. Thus, this citizen has the right to a disability pension.

    According to Art. 31 Part 1, disability pensions are assigned in the following amounts: disabled people of group I - 75 percent, disabled people of group II - 65 percent, disabled people of group III - 40 percent of average monthly earnings (Article 56).

    Vaskovich is disabled group III.

    According to Art. 56 “Calculation of pensions as a percentage of earnings” pensions are calculated according to established standards as a percentage, adjusted in connection with the increase in the average wage of workers in the republic to the actual earnings (Articles 57, 58 and 70 of this Law), which citizens received before applying for a pension.

    In this case, earnings not exceeding 130 percent of the average wage of workers in the republic, used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner (Article 70 of this Law), within 10 percent of the specified value are taken into account in full, and within each subsequent 10 percent - respectively in the amount of 90, 80 , 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 percent. Earnings in the range from 130 to 400 percent of the average wage of workers in the republic, used to adjust the actual earnings of a pensioner, are taken into account in the amount of 10 percent...

    Thus, Vaskovich has work experience that allows him to receive a disability pension, and also has a conclusion from the MREC that he is truly a disabled person of group III. (According to Article 31) He, as a disabled person of group III, has the right to 40 percent of his average monthly earnings.

    Solution #2

    According to the law “on pensions” Article 72. “Citizens entitled to a pension” Social pensions are assigned to citizens who do not receive a labor pension: disabled people, including disabled people since childhood; and persons who have reached the age of: men - 60 years old, women - 55 years; for children - in case of loss of a breadwinner (clause “a” of part three and part four of Article 35 of this Law); disabled children under 18 years of age.

    Article 22. Pensions for disabled people since childhood

    Persons disabled since childhood have the right to an old-age pension:

    men - upon reaching 55 years of age and with at least 2 years of work experience;

    women - upon reaching 50 years of age and with at least 20 years of work experience.

    Thus, Ivanovsky has the right to a social pension and, upon reaching a certain age and with a certain length of work, has the right to an old-age pension.

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