• Class for certification in dow. Summary of an open lesson in the first junior group “Funny Fingers. Participation in professional competitions


    Experience as a preschool teacher

    The material may be useful for preschool teachers when writing work experience for participation in competitions.
    Last name, first name, patronymic Gorkovskaya Anna Alekseevna
    Position Educator
    Date of birth: 03/15/1977
    Full address of residence Rostov region, Volgodonsk, *********
    Contact phone numbers, email address cell. **********
    Education, academic degree (level, educational institution)
    State educational institution of secondary vocational education Volgodonsk Pedagogical College,
    qualified as a teacher of preschool children
    majoring in early childhood education
    Professional career (total work experience, dates, places of work, positions)
    14 years at MBDOU DS "Vesna" in Volgodonsk - teacher of the highest qualification category

    Availability of awards, titles(if available)
    City competition "Educator of the Year 2006" - participant diploma 2006.
    Final of the regional competition “The best preparatory group for studying traffic rules and organizing work to prevent accidents among preschool educational institutions in the region (2009) - 2nd place in the city stage of the regional competition and 1st place in the final of the regional competition.
    Certificate of honor from the Volgodonsk Education Department for the successful formation of the intellectual, cultural and moral foundations of the personality of preschool children in 2010.
    Certificate of honor from the city organization of the Trade Union of Education Workers for active work in the primary trade union organization, many years of conscientious work, loyalty to the trade union movement in 2013.
    Winner diploma (1st place) of the All-Russian competition "Umnata" in the blitz-olympiad: "Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" 2015.
    Diploma (2nd place) of the All-Russian online publication "Teacher's Portal" in the All-Russian competition
    "ICT competencies of teaching staff in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" 2015
    Diploma (3rd place) of the All-Russian general education portal "Prodlenka.org" in the All-Russian pedagogical competition dedicated to Mother's Day "Native Heart", "scenario for a holiday for Mother's Day" 2016.

    Name of preschool educational institution (in full):
    Full address of the institution:
    The subject of the Russian Federation: ____________________________________________________________
    index: ________________________________________________________________
    locality: _______________________________________________________
    Street: _________________________________________________________________
    house: __________________________________________________________________
    Federal telephone city code: ________ telephone: ________________
    fax: ____________________ e-mail: __________________
    Head of a preschool educational institution (full name, contact phone):

    I believe that the kindergarten of the future should be a second home for children, where they can find happiness. And a happy person is, first of all, a healthy person. Therefore, in the kindergarten of the future, conditions must be created for the full development of the physical, creative, and cognitive abilities of each child in accordance with his individual abilities. The kindergarten of the future is a home of positive emotions, smiles and joy, where every child recognizes himself as an individual and knows how to rejoice not only in his own, but also in others’ achievements.


    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
    kindergarten "Vesna" Volgodonsk
    (MBDOU DS “Vesna”, Volgodonsk)
    I, Gorkovskaya Anna Alekseevna, have been working at the MBDOU DS "Vesna" in Volgodonsk for 15 years. Teaching experience 14 years. In 2005, she graduated from the Volgodonsk Pedagogical College, a state educational institution of secondary vocational education, and was awarded the qualification of a teacher of preschool children, specializing in preschool education. In 2015 passed the final certification under the advanced training program at the ANO "St. Petersburg Center for Additional Professional Education" on the topic: "Organization of the educational process in kindergarten in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard." I have the highest qualification category.
    Currently I work as a teacher in a compensatory preparatory school group with severe speech impairments.

    1. Characteristics of the teacher’s contribution to the implementation of the main educational program of the MDOU
    MBDOU DS "Vesna" of Volgodonsk carries out educational activities according to the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "Childhood" edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogobidze, Z.A. Mikhailova. It is the first to implement an approach to organizing the holistic development and education of a preschool child. I consider my contribution to the implementation of this program to be the creation of the “Educator’s Educational Work Program” (Appendix No. 1).
    The content of the Program in accordance with the requirements of the Standard includes three main sections - target, content and organizational.
    The goal of implementing the main educational program of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education: development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics.
    Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:
    1. Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;
    2. Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities).
    3. Ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education).
    4. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.
    5. Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society.
    6. Formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.
    7. Ensuring variability and diversity in the content of Programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children.
    8. Formation of a sociocultural environment appropriate to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children.
    9. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.
    10. Ensuring continuity of goals, objectives and content of preschool general and primary general education.

    2. Characteristics of the effectiveness of a teacher’s use of modern educational technologies
    When implementing this Program, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, I use modern educational technologies in my activities:
    1.health-saving technologies;
    2.technologies of project activities;
    3. information and communication technologies;
    4.personally-oriented technologies;
    5.game technology

    1. Health-saving technologies.
    The goal of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle.
    I carry out a set of physical education and health activities aimed at physical development and strengthening the health of the child - technologies for the development of physical qualities, hardening by walking barefoot on massage mats using sports equipment (gymnastic sticks, balls, dumbbells, etc.), conducting breathing exercises according to the method A.N. Strelnikova, psycho-gymnastics according to
    M. Chistyakova, eye gymnastics, finger and articulation gymnastics, self-massage of the face, the use of outdoor and sports games, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, relaxation, etc.
    The use of health-saving technologies in my work has led to the following results:
    - increasing the level of development of children’s physical abilities;
    - stability of the emotional well-being of each child;
    - increasing the level of speech development;
    - reduction in morbidity rates.

    2. Technologies of project activities
    Goal: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.
    For the second year, the priority area of ​​my work is “Development of speech in preschool children through moral and patriotic education.” In this regard, I have developed and are successfully implementing a creative educational project “Springs of Russia” (Appendix No. 2).
    Goal: developing children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history and culture of the Russian people, Russian national holidays; expanding knowledge about the Don region; nurturing love and respect for one’s small Motherland.
    As a result, the children developed a feeling of love for their small Motherland with its distant past, became acquainted with Cossack folklore and dialect, with the customs and traditions of the Don Cossacks, with Cossack games, learned what Cossack household items looked like and learned their names; they know the State symbols, the capital of our Motherland with its sights, the traditions and customs of the Russian people, the State holidays of the Russian Federation.

    3. Information and communication technologies.
    The world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This places qualitatively new demands on preschool education as the first link of lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive whiteboard, tablet, etc.).
    Informatization of society poses tasks for preschool teachers:
    - to keep up with the times,
    - become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies,
    - mentor in choosing computer programs,
    - to form the basis of the information culture of his personality,
    - improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents.
    I use ICT in my work to:
    1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, offices (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).
    2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events.
    3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.
    4. Preparation of group documentation and reports.
    5. Creation of presentations and films in the Power Point and Windows Movie Maker programs to increase the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

    4. Personality-oriented technologies.
    The technology of cooperation implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in the relationship between teacher and child, partnership in the “Adult-child” relationship system.
    Together with children, I create conditions for a developmental environment, we produce manuals, toys, and gifts for the holidays. Together we determine a variety of creative activities (games, work, concerts, holidays, entertainment).
    Pedagogical technologies based on humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations with procedural orientation, priority of personal relationships, individual approach, democratic management and a strong humanistic orientation of the content. The new basic general education program of preschool education “Childhood”, edited by T.I. Babaeva, has this approach,
    A.G. Gogobidze, Z.A. Mikhailova.

    5. Gaming technology.
    It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:
    games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them;
    groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
    groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;
    groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.
    I believe that compiling gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of every educator.

    In activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop mental processes.
    Gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. When implementing the “Springs of Russia” project, I use folk games in my work as a means of pedagogical correction of children’s behavior.

    The use of all these pedagogical technologies in my work helps me make the process of solving problems orderly, consistent, thoughtful and conscious, allows me to achieve the planned result, helps me put the content of my professional activity into an optimal form for its implementation, and build professional actions in a consistent logical chain.

    3. The system of teacher activities for educating preschool children based on patriotic values ​​and cultural and historical traditions of the Don Territory
    The implementation of the national-regional component is carried out according to the N.V. program. Elzhova “Introducing preschool children to the history of the Don region”, as well as through the group work “Cossack gatherings”, which is carried out within the framework of the project “Springs of Russia”.
    Goal: Development of cognitive interest in the history of the Don region and nurturing a feeling of love for one’s small homeland.
    - To form in children the beginnings of moral consciousness and the beginnings of personal self-awareness based on the cultural and ethnic norms of a given region, the content of the child’s consciousness;
    - Continue to expand the content of the child’s consciousness through information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to his direct observation;
    - Contribute to enriching ideas about the past of the small homeland;
    - Maintain a cognitive and creative attitude towards the surrounding world of Don nature;
    - Maintain a constant interest in the world of adults;
    - To promote the desire in children to convey their feelings and thoughts in communication with peers;
    - Create conditions for the formation in children of a feeling of love for the Motherland;
    - Promote the development of productive imagination in children of senior preschool age.

    Topic 1: “History of the Don Region”
    1.Introduction to maps.
    2.Map of the Rostov region.
    3.Our city.
    4. Don Steppe - “Wild Field”
    5. Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars.
    6. Model of the Don steppe.
    Topic 2: “Cossacks are free people”
    1. Origin of the Cossacks.
    3. Cossack towns.
    4. Cossack clothing.
    5.Cossack songs.
    6. Traditions and customs of the Cossacks.
    7.Creation of a mini-museum.
    Topic 3: “Cities of the Rostov region”
    1. Rostov.
    3. Taganrog.
    6. Compilation of a guide to Cossack cities.
    Topic 4: “Fauna of the Don Region”
    3. Pisces.
    4.Donskoy pearls.
    5.Red Book of Animals.
    Topic 5: “Plants of the Don Region”
    1.Trees and shrubs.
    3.Medicinal herbs.
    4.Plants as a means of cosmetics.
    5. Red Book of Plants of the Don.

    Topic 6: “How we vacationed on the Don”
    1.Children's games.
    2.Orthodox holidays (Easter, Trinity)
    3.Gatherings on the rubble.
    4.Hike to the reservoir.
    5. Population of the reservoir model with animals and plants.

    Expected result.
    1. The consciousness of children will expand due to information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to his direct observation.
    2. A cognitive and creative attitude towards the surrounding world of Don nature will be formed.
    3. A feeling of love for the Motherland will be formed
    4. The desire to learn about the folklore of a given region.
    5. Productive activity of children in exploring their region will be formed.

    4. The system for the teacher to implement the principle of individualization in educational activities based on the pedagogical assessment system approved at the preschool educational institution.

    In accordance with the educational program of the preschool institution, in accordance with the annual plan of work in the group, at the beginning and at the end of the school year, monitoring is carried out for children to achieve positive dynamics in the results of mastering the educational program, during which the individual development of children is assessed. The assessment is carried out within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of the individual development of children, associated with an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions, which forms the basis for their further planning).
    The results of pedagogical diagnostics are subsequently used to solve the following educational problems:
    1. individualization of education (supporting a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics);
    2. optimization of work with a group of children.
    Pedagogical diagnostics are carried out within the framework of monitoring children in everyday situations, with the aim of concluding that the educational process as a whole achieves its result, namely the main goals set by the educational program: health protection, creating conditions for the timely and full mental development of children and joyful their period of preschool childhood.
    Analysis of the results of pedagogical diagnostics over the past 3 years has shown positive dynamics in the development of the educational program by my students. At the end of the 2013,2014,2015 school year, the number of children with an acceptable level of mastering the educational program was 100%, which confirms the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies and methods.
    5. Characteristics of interaction between a teacher and specialists: participation in the development and implementation of individual child development programs

    The implementation of the “Teacher Educational Work Program” takes place in close cooperation with specialists:

    Teacher-speech therapist (development of articulatory motor skills, phonemic perception, finger motor skills, consolidation of assigned sounds in speech, development of coherent speech on lexical topics, consolidation of lexical and grammatical categories);
    - teacher-psychologist (games for the development of communication skills, games for the development of cognitive processes; games that promote the development of communication skills, establishing mutual understanding, partnership; the development of self-regulation, emotional development, psycho-gymnastics);
    - musical director (logorhythmic classes; singing nursery rhymes, chants; imitation games, dramatizations; automation of staged sounds based on folklore material);
    - physical education instructor and swimming instructor (development of gross and fine motor skills; chants, counting rhymes, outdoor games with speech accompaniment, recitatives, games for coordinating speech with movement)

    I take an active part in the development and implementation of individual child development programs. After the monitoring, data about the child is entered into the card of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social development (Appendix No. 3) according to the following parameters:
    - Knowledge, skills and abilities according to the program,
    - Orientation activities,
    - Cognitive activity,
    - Self-control,
    - Orientation activities in new conditions,
    - Receptivity to help,
    - Transfer to new conditions.

    An individual program of psychological-pedagogical and medical-social assistance to a child (Appendix No. 4) is implemented through the following areas: medical (doctor, nurse, exercise therapy instructor), pedagogical (educators, music director), speech (teacher-speech therapist), psychological (teacher-psychologist ). First, teachers identify the problem of the child’s development, then describe his rehabilitation potential, select areas of correctional work, select the necessary technological tools, and indicate the predicted result. Actual
    the result is written at the end of the year.

    6. The teacher’s creative position in transforming the child’s development environment.
    The developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational organization is one of the main means that shapes a child’s personality, a source of knowledge and social experience. The subject-spatial environment created in kindergarten affects the development of the child, promotes his comprehensive development, and ensures his mental and emotional well-being. Therefore, this question is especially relevant for me today.

    Zones, centers and microcenters of the group.
    Zone of choice and self-determination.
    Designed for storing materials and equipment that provide the ability to organize all types of children's activities in accordance with the age of the children. These are wall storage cabinets that represent one or another center of children’s activity: intellectual, constructive, center of experimentation; social-emotional; artistic and productive; game; motor; speech, library; duty corner; corner of nature.

    Work zone.
    It directly involves the educational activities of the teacher with children and the independent activities of children based on their interests.
    The work area contains furniture structures that reflect the specifics of any activity or content, and light furniture structures: transformable tables on wheels.
    Active zone. Designed to implement children's motor activity and activities that require movement in space.
    Quiet zone. Designed for relaxation and privacy. It contains: a small carpet, light banquettes, soft poufs, a light table.
    When organizing the teaching staff, I took into account that the boundaries of the zones should be flexible. When building teaching staff, I use so-called mobile modular structures, screens that combine well with each other, move, and slide apart. Such modular furniture is multifunctional and mobile, easily transformed and folded.
    I always try to approach creatively when creating a subject-spatial environment in a group. In my work I use author’s manuals developed by me, original didactic and educational games, original teaching and educational tools.
    The game “Field of Miracles” and “Field of Miracles-2” helps me in speech development classes:
    in the automation of delivered sounds (“Name the picture(s) with such a sound”, “Where is the sound hidden?”);
    in the development of coherent speech (“Come up with a riddle about...”, “Come up with a sentence”, “Make up a story about...”);
    in the development of vocabulary and grammar (“Tell me which one (which one)?”, “Pick up a word”, etc.
    The manual contains two playing fields of one hundred pictures each.
    This manual contains more than 50 game situations in various educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.
    In the speech therapy corner of our group I use a number of games and aids that I have developed: sets for modeling fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Zayushkina Hut”, d/i “Visiting Tap-Tapych”, d/i “Nitkobukovka”
    "Casket with fairy tales", sets for the development of air flow ("Snowflakes", "Flowers", "Leaves"), for the development of fine motor skills "Zayushka", "Nimble Fingers", "Mom's Beads", "Nitkobukovka."
    In the safety corner: d/i “Place the pictures in order”, d/i “Road signs”, d/i “Causes of a fire in the house”, d/i “Find your soulmate”, d/i “Dangerous objects in the house” , capes for role-playing “DPS”, “EMERCOM”, “Policeman”, “Dangerous Situations” cards, a card index of safety games, consultations “For you, parents”, memos “How to make a child’s life safe”.
    In the corner of the "Theater Living Room": theater on spoons "Lozhkarev Family", "Kinder Theater", theater on fingers "Little Stompers", theater on scarves "Masha and the Bear", "Shadow Theatre".
    The “Sports and Health” center has produced the following games: “Traps”, “Throw and Catch”, “Massage Traces”, a card index of outdoor games and exercises.
    The Center for Local History produced the visual aid “Don Cossacks”, the d/i ​​“Say it in Cossack”, the d/i ​​“Brew Lunch for a Cossack”, the d/i ​​“Dress up a Cossack Girl”, the model “Cossack Compound”, the visual aid “State Symbols of the Russian Federation” ", card index of Cossack games.
    The subject-spatial environment created in kindergarten and the use of my own author's manuals, didactic and developmental games, original teaching and educational tools have a beneficial effect on the development of children in the compensatory group, promotes their comprehensive development, and ensures their mental and emotional well-being.

    7. Characteristics of the joint activities of the teacher with parents and the public to develop the educational environment.
    In joint activities with parents, I use various forms and methods of work. The implementation of activities (including the work of the parent club "Holidays of Russia") is carried out according to plan:
    Parents' meeting Topic "Features of child development in the 7th year of life"
    Questionnaire: "Family Social Passport", "Child's health is above all"
    Conversation "Child and Parent"
    Instruction "Basics of safe behavior of children in kindergarten and at home"
    Topic:Knowledge Day.

    Information corner 1. Work schedule of specialists,
    daily routine, activity schedule
    2. "What awaits us in September"
    3. Reminders “Dangerous objects in the house”
    4.Consultation on the benefits of vegetables and fruits "Vitamin calendar"
    Festive events Theme: Day of Knowledge “Visiting a Fairy Tale”
    Summer birthday day.
    Promotion: “Don’t be invisible, glow in the dark”
    Exhibition of children's creativity "Volgodonsk - the city where I live"
    Teacher's Day. "Portrait of a Beloved Teacher"
    working with parents Events
    Individual work with parents Conversation “Child and Parent”
    Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
    Topic: Older People's Day.
    Information corner 1. "What awaits us in October?"
    2. Reminders “How to save yourself from the flu?”
    3.Consultation “You have an anxious child”
    Festive events Exhibition of crafts made from autumn leaves “Tales of Autumn Leaves”
    Photo exhibition “Grandma and I, best friends” (for the Day of the Elderly)
    Autumn entertainment "Autumn Ball"
    Exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “Bird of Happiness, Bird of Friendship and Kindness”
    Exhibition of crafts “Madam Potato”
    Autumn entertainment “Autumn Gifts”
    working with parents Events
    Parent meeting Topic "New Year holidays"
    Individual work with parents

    Conversation "Sensory education of children with speech disorders"
    Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
    Topic: Mother's Day.
    Information corner 1. "What awaits us in November?"
    2. Reminders “Play with children”
    3Consultation “Teaching a child to communicate”
    Festive events Photo competition “My Passion” - among employees, parents and children
    Photo exhibition for Mother’s Day “Look into Mom’s Eyes”
    Promotion "Bird's Canteen"
    Exhibition “My mother has golden hands” (for Mother’s Day)

    working with parents Events
    Individual work with parents Conversation “How to build relationships with conflict-ridden children”
    Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
    Topic: New Year.
    Information corner 1. "What awaits us in December"
    2.Memo "Advice for parents of withdrawn children"
    3.Consultation “Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.”
    Festive events Exhibition of drawings “In Search of the Snow Maiden 2016”
    Promotion “Christmas Tree of Wishes”
    Crafts competition "New Year's toy"

    working with parents Events
    Individual work with parents Conversation “Happiness is when you are understood”
    Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
    Topic: Christmas.
    Information corner 1. "What awaits us in January?"
    2. Reminders “How to overcome absent-mindedness in a child?”

    Festive events Farewell to the Christmas tree - Vasily's Day
    Making family photo albums “Family Traditions”
    Exhibition of drawings: “So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble.”
    Entertainment “The Adventure of a Match”
    working with parents Events
    Individual work with parents Conversation “Children are taught by what surrounds them.”
    Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
    Topic: Defender of the Fatherland Day.
    Information corner 1. "What awaits us in February?"
    2. Stand “Cooperation with family.
    Forms of work."
    3.Consultation “Hyperactive child”

    Festive events Leisure “Strong, brave”
    Exhibition of drawings “Our Army”
    Musical and sports entertainment “We are military”
    Creative competition “Vesnyanka Doll”
    working with parents Events
    Parent meeting Theme "Spring mood"
    Individual work with parents

    Conversation “The whims and stubbornness of preschool children, their causes and manifestations”
    Parents' club: "Russian Holidays"
    Topic: Day March 8th.
    Information corner 1. "What awaits us in March?"
    2. Reminders “You cannot punish or scold when...”
    3. Consultation “A healthy mind in a healthy body”
    Festive events Holiday “Mom is my sunshine”
    Exhibition of works “Spring motives”
    Sports entertainment “Girls Go!”
    Festival "Theatrical Spring"
    - viewing of theatrical performances.
    working with parents Events
    Topic: Easter.
    Conversation “Rules of behavior for children in public places”
    Information corner 1. "What awaits us in April?"
    2 Instruction “On the roads of the city”
    3.Consultation “Poisonous plants. Walking in the woods"

    Festive events Entertainment for April Fool's Day "Jumble"
    Presentation of the project "Springs of Russia", holiday "We sing about you, my Russia"
    Leisure “Take care of nature”
    Exhibition of drawings “Space Travel”
    Exhibition of children's works "Bright Easter"
    Review competition “Best vegetable garden on a window”
    Exhibition of drawings “Floral Fantasy”
    All-Russian campaign “Attention, children!” - “Safe road to school.”
    working with parents Events
    Individual work with parents Parents club: "Russian Holidays"
    Topic: Victory Day.
    Information corner 1. What awaits us in May
    2.Consultation “Sun, air and water are our best friends”
    3. Memo “Safety Lessons”
    Festive events Exhibition of drawings and crafts “This Victory Day”
    Creative competition – greeting card
    “Happy anniversary to my favorite kindergarten”
    Journey to the school country “Ship of Knowledge” Graduation party.
    In my work, I also use a form of activity called “Trust Mail,” where parents are happy to share their experiences with me, ask questions, and solve problems.

    Parents provided charitable assistance in purchasing furniture, educational games, toys and teaching aids.
    As part of the project "Springs of Russia" a parent club "Holidays of Russia" was organized
    Goal: developing children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history of the origin and celebration of holidays in Russia;
    nurturing love and respect for one’s homeland;
    - Stimulate the desire of children (with the help of an adult) to acquire knowledge about traditional Russian holidays.
    - To instill in children the traits of a citizen of their Fatherland.
    - To develop the ability to sympathetically perceive and understand the historical experience of the older generation.
    - Foster interest and respect for the cultural diversity of Russia and the history of the people.

    Parent performances are held monthly. According to the indicated topics, each speaker selects information: the history of the holiday, how it has long been celebrated in Russia, what traditions and customs this day carried, games with children on the topic. We collect all the accumulated material into the album “Holidays of Russia”.
    As a result, children learned a lot of new things about traditional Russian holidays, became interested and respectful of the cultural diversity of Russia, knew many traditions and customs, folk games, and developed the ability to sympathetically perceive and understand the historical experience of the older generation.

    7. Characteristics of the current innovative experience of the teacher.
    For the second year, the priority area of ​​my work is “Development of speech in preschool children through moral and patriotic education.” In this regard, I have developed and are successfully implementing a creative educational project “Springs of Russia” (Appendix No. 2). I believe that project activities in preschool educational organizations are currently a relevant and effective modern educational technology.
    The “Springs of Russia” project is carried out through the implementation of the national-regional component, the work of the “Cossack Gatherings” circle, as well as the active activities of the parent club “Holidays of Russia”.
    Goal: developing children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history and culture of the Russian people;
    expanding knowledge about the Don region;
    nurturing love and respect for one’s small Motherland;
    promoting the formation of grammatically correct coherent speech and the expansion of vocabulary.

    1. Foster interest and respect for the cultural diversity of Russia, for the history of the peoples inhabiting our country and the Don region.
    2. To develop the ability to sympathetically perceive and understand the historical experience of the older generation.
    3. To instill in children the traits of a citizen of their Fatherland.
    4. To form ideas about the history of the Don region and its inhabitants; introduce the life and work of the Don Cossacks;
    5. Improve knowledge about your hometown Volgodonsk;
    6. Activate and enrich their vocabulary with new words.
    7.Develop coherent, monologue and dialogic speech.
    8. Develop correct speech exhalation when singing and reading poems.
    8. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    The project is being implemented over the course of a year in three stages.
    No. Event Goals Responsible Dates
    Stage 1
    Find out parents' interest in the topic of the project.
    Gorbenko A.P.
    Gorkovskaya A.A.

    2nd week of September

    Selection and study of literature. Implementation of the project Educators:
    Gorbenko A.P.
    Gorkovskaya A.A. September
    Creation of a developmental environment: production of teaching aids, games, attributes, selection of consultations for parents, selection of illustrations, creation of albums, presentations on the topic. Implementation of the project Educators:
    Gorbenko A.P.
    Parents of group children.
    Selection of proverbs and sayings on the topic of the project, songs and poems about Russia Implementation of the project Educators:
    Gorbenko A.P.
    Gorkovskaya A.A.

    Musical director:
    Mezheritskaya V.V.
    September - April
    Stage 2 - main

    Screening of the presentation "Russia is my Motherland."
    To introduce the features of natural zones and climatic conditions of our country,
    cities of Russia, the main attractions of these cities.

    2. Show presentation
    “Moscow is the capital of our Motherland”
    Introduce the main attractions of the capital of Russia: buildings, museums, theaters, cathedrals, architectural monuments.
    3. Conversation
    Topic: State symbols of the Russian Federation: coat of arms, flag, anthem.
    Introduce children to the symbols of our country; discuss the content of the text of the Russian anthem, introduce new words
    ("Power", "Sacred", "Property"),
    develop patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, develop speech Gorbenko A.P.
    4. Drawing
    Topic: Russian coat of arms
    Continue to introduce children to state symbols, develop patriotic feelings, love for their native country, strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, and combine colors.
    Gorkovskaya A.A. 11.11.
    5. Conversation
    Topic: Russian Holidays. Mother's Day Introduce children to the features and traditions of Mother's Day. To cultivate feelings of love, tenderness and respect for the dearest and closest person - mother. Parents:
    Commissioner O.A.

    6. Quiz with presentation showing
    Topic: My favorite city.
    Continue to introduce children to the sights of our city, cultivate love for their native land, teach them to solve riddles using rhyming words.
    Gorbenko A.P.

    7. Drawing
    Topic: Favorite corner of Volgodonsk. Learn to independently (from memory) depict your favorite places in your hometown; cultivate love for the native land, develop creative imagination.
    Gorkovskaya A.A.
    8. Conversation with slide show
    Topic: Russian Holidays. Nativity. To acquaint children with the features and traditions of the Christmas holiday. Teach to preserve and respect the traditions of the Russian people.
    Ivanova L.V.

    9. Drawing
    Topic: Flag of the Don Cossacks.
    Continue to introduce children to the coat of arms and flag of the Don Cossacks, know the meaning of each color on the flag, strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, develop patriotic feelings and love for their native land.
    Gorkovskaya A.A.
    10. Conversation
    Topic: Russian Holidays. Defender of the Fatherland Day. To acquaint children with the features and traditions of the holiday -
    Defender of the Fatherland Day. Teach to preserve and respect the traditions of the Russian people.
    Tsipun Yu. A.
    11. Participation in the competition “Childhood is wonderful years, childhood is a holiday forever!” with the song “There beyond the Don, beyond the river.” To acquaint children with the forms of Cossack folklore - songs, learn a song, develop a smooth speech exhalation when singing, develop memory, attention, musical perception, develop patriotic feelings, love for their native land. Gorkovskaya A.A.
    Parent committee of the group Listening to and learning the anthem of the Russian Federation.
    Topic: Russia is our sacred power.
    Introduce children to the text of the anthem, explain the meaning of unfamiliar words,
    learn it by heart,
    develop smooth speech exhalation when singing, develop memory.
    Gorbenko A.P.

    13. Drawing
    Topic: “Razdolnaya steppe”
    To introduce the concept of “perspective”, to learn how to obtain new colors by mixing paints, to distribute proportionally the details of a drawing on a sheet, to learn to admire the beauty of the steppe, to develop patriotic feelings and love for one’s native land.

    Stage 3 – final
    Presentation of the project "Springs of Russia"
    Holiday "We sing about you, my Russia!" Develop creative activity, the ability to expressively read poems, convey the character of the characters in the scene; develop speech, attention, memory of children. Educators:
    Gorbenko A.P.
    Gorkovskaya A.A.

    Musical director:
    Mezheritskaya V.V.

    Parents of group children. 6.05.2015

    As a result of the project, together with parents, a mini-museum “My Favorite Don Region” was created and is being replenished with Cossack household items, Cossack costumes were sewn for each child, albums with illustrations “There beyond the Don, beyond the river” were created, a selection of presentations on this topic, regularly The card index of Cossack words, games, songs, proverbs and sayings is being replenished. Children annually take part in the city competition “Childhood - wonderful years, childhood is a holiday forever” in the “Folk Song” category.

    The consciousness of children expands due to information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to his direct observation. A cognitive and creative attitude towards the surrounding world of Don nature is formed. A feeling of love for the Motherland and a desire to learn about the folklore of a given region are formed. Productive activity of children in exploring their region is formed.
    9. The teacher’s contribution to the formation of current teaching practice in the process of working in creative groups, methodological associations, research and experimental activities, etc.

    I consider my contribution to the formation of current teaching practice in the process of work to be participation in the following events:
    Participation in the city methodological association

    Irina Katishchina
    Summary of an open lesson in the first junior group “Jolly Fingers”

    Program content: teach to listen carefully to nursery rhymes and poems and understand their content; develop a sense of rhythm, active speech, the ability to repeat words and sound combinations; encourage to imitate an adult; perform actions in accordance with the text; cultivate perseverance, accuracy, and the ability to listen carefully.

    Material. Katya doll, tray with cereal (semolina, treats, attributes for the obstacle course (2 ropes, ribbon stream, stove

    Artistic word and finger games,Russian folk nursery rhymes; S. Mikhalkov « Fingers» ; N. Blumenfeld "Okay"; poems from the book by T. Bardysheva.

    Progress of the lesson

    Children stand freely around the teacher

    Educator. Children, today we have guests are present during the lesson, let's say hello to them.

    Hello children!

    Educator. Guys, look, the sun has already woken up!

    Let's draw a big circle (children together with the teacher draw a large circle with their hand in the air)

    And a lot of rays around (we draw rays in the air)

    This sun is shining (smile)

    It illuminates everything!

    Beautiful sunshine! Well done! Let's clap our hands loudly and smile.

    The sun woke up and the kids woke up and stretched sweetly

    (Exercise “Stretchers, stretchers, like baby stretchers”)

    Show off how big you've grown (Children rise on their toes)

    Now show me how little you were (children crouch)

    Educator Now sit down on the chairs.

    Children sit on chairs.

    There's a knock on the door.

    Educator. Do you hear? Someone else is rushing to us!

    (The teacher brings in the doll)

    Children, the Katya doll has come to visit us!

    Doll. Hello kids, I'm Katya doll!

    Children! Hello doll Katya!

    Teacher Beauty Doll

    All the guys like it

    Blue-eyed doll,

    With long eyelashes

    Scarlet lips -

    Admire for yourself

    Children and their teacher look at the doll

    Seryozha, a beautiful doll? (Yes, beautiful)

    Vika, what kind of eyes does the doll have? (blue)

    Alena, what are Katya’s lips like? (scarlet)

    Kirill, what is the kula wearing? (Katya is wearing a red dress)

    What's on Katya's feet? (shoes, white)

    Educator. Well done! You know everything! We should treat the doll Katya. Let's bake some lamb for her! And Katya will see how skillful we are, how we have nimble fingers(Children on a tray with semolina with their index finger draw circles-lambs. The teacher praises the children and reads a nursery rhyme)

    Oh, swing-kachi-kachi,

    All the bagels are rolls.

    All bagels are rolls

    Hot, hot, out of the oven.

    Educator. What beautiful little lambs they turned out to be! Round, big and small. Let's put them in the oven. While they're baking, let's tell you the nursery rhyme again.

    Katya Abrosimova tell me a nursery rhyme (Katya tells a nursery rhyme)


    The doll Katya came to us,

    She got up with the sun.

    Let's play with Katya

    Let's develop our hands

    Look at the doll's hands (small)

    Now look at your palms

    Where are your pens? Where are the palms? Show! Here they are! (children show palms)

    Where are yours fingers, girls and boys? Children spread out fingers)


    Children doll Katya loves to look at pictures and solve riddles

    Who is this? Magpie.

    Grandma and her children are playing magpie.

    White-sided magpie!

    Where was she? - Far away!

    Cooked porridge

    She fed the babies

    Gave this one

    Gave this one

    I gave it to this one!

    But she didn’t give it to this!

    You didn't carry water! (they threaten with the index finger)

    I didn’t chop wood!

    I didn’t steal the porridge!

    There's nothing for you! (spread their arms to the sides)

    Educator. What is this little bird? This is a sparrow. (_Children wave their hands- "wings")

    Small bird

    Flew to us

    Little bird

    I'll give you grains ( fingers in a pinch“grains are pouring out”

    A little bird pecks grains

    (index finger one hand taps the palm of the other hand)

    A little bird sings songs (palichs in a pinch open beak)

    Tick-tweet! Tick-tweet!

    Educator. Well done! Now we’re going to go visit grandma. Let's all line up like a train (Sounds of Zheleznova's Songs - Little Engine Chukh-chukh)

    Children walk around to the music pretending to be a train. (The teacher quietly dresses up as a grandmother

    Grandmother. Hello guys, welcome!

    Let's play with you!

    Okay! Okay!

    Where were you? By Grandma!

    What did you eat? Porridge.

    What did you drink? Mash.

    Butter porridge, sweet mash,

    Grandma is kind!

    We drank. We ate.

    They sat on their heads and flew away (Children, together with their grandmother, perform movements corresponding to the text)

    Grandma Well done, children, how well you play. But it's time to go back. And in order to return to the kindergarten, you need to walk along a narrow path and jump over the stream.

    Children complete the task. They are built like a train and return to kindergarten.


    Why does it smell so good! Children, breathe through your noses...

    Yes, these are our baked lambs (The teacher takes the lambs out of the oven and treats the children and Doll Katya to the lambs)

    What delicious bagels! Bon Appetit everyone!

    Thanks to all. This is our class is over

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of an open lesson, first junior group Topic: "Bright Easter" Developer: Beskrovnaya Svetlana Mikhailovna teacher.

    Summary of an open drawing lesson in the first junior group “Whiskers for Koti the cat” Goal: 1. Continue to develop the ability to work with visual materials; 2. Learn to work with an unfinished composition; 3. Help.

    Summary of an open drawing lesson in the first junior group “Balls for a bear” Summary of the drawing lesson “Balls for a bear” (junior group 1) Objectives: 1) consolidate children’s knowledge about the variety of colors and shapes; 2) continue.

    Summary of an open lesson on the fairy tale “Teremok” in the first junior group Lesson summary for the nursery group: “Visiting a fairy tale.” Equipment: shadow theater screen, sensory track, bridge, simulating mat.

    Game situation: “Doll Katya is sick” OBJECTIVES: 1. Teach children to perform the basic actions of a doctor (examine the patient, take the temperature,...

    Certification for teachers for 1st and highest category tests with answers


    1.Indicate new forms of preschool education:
    A) Kindergarten.
    B) Groups of short-term stay of children in preschool educational institutions.
    B) NSDS.
    2.Convention on the Rights of the Child:
    A) Provides legal protection for children during the organization of the pedagogical process.
    B) Identifies the problems of the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.
    C) Provides a targeted process of introducing children to the moral values ​​of society.
    3. What document defines the goals, objectives and content of the continuity of preschool and primary education?
    A) The concept of preschool education.
    B) Law “On Education”.
    C) The concept of the content of continuous preschool and primary school education.
    4. A personality-oriented model for constructing pedagogical work with children is defined in:
    A) Convention on the Rights of the Child.
    B) Concepts of preschool education.
    B) Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.
    5. In what year were the Federal state requirements for preschool education approved?
    A) 1989.
    B) 2009.
    In 2001.
    6. The current stage of preschool education is characterized by:
    A) Communication with the children’s parents.
    B) Variability of existing programs and technologies.
    C) The ability of the preschool educational institution administration to find sponsors.
    7.Which of the listed programs is comprehensive?
    A) Seven-flowered.
    B) Childhood.
    B) Cobweb.
    8. There are certain requirements for the educational program of a preschool educational institution:
    A) It must comply with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions.
    B) The program must respect the secular nature of education.
    C) The program should be based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between adults and children.
    D) All answers are correct.
    9. Based on sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms of San PiN 2.4.1. 1249-03 duration of classes for children 5 years of age (middle group) no more than:
    A) 15 minutes
    B) 20 minutes
    B) 25 minutes.
    10. The number of classes per week for children of the 6th year of life (senior group) is no more than:
    A) 15
    B) 17
    AT 12
    11. What rights of the child do the states parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child undertake to ensure?
    A) The right to life, citizenship, education.
    B) The right to life, family ties, education.
    C) The whole range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

    12. The standard regulations on a preschool educational institution, which enshrines new variable models of preschool education, were approved:
    A) In 1995.
    B) In 2002.
    B) In 2008.

    13. In accordance with the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2020, an exclusive role in solving the problems of education belongs to:
    A) Preschool institution.
    B) School.
    In family.


    Question No. Correct
    1 B
    2 A
    3 V
    4 B
    5 A
    6 B
    7 B
    8 G
    9 B
    10 A
    11 V
    12 V
    13 V

    II. Preschool pedagogy

    1. Formulate the main goal of preschool pedagogy.
    Answer options:
    a) raise an obedient child;
    b) influence preschoolers using the method of suggestion;
    c) scientifically substantiate the technology and methodology of educational work with preschoolers of various age groups;
    d) conflict research;
    d) instill in children a desire to learn.
    2. Define the concept of “education”.
    Answer options:
    a) the process and result of learning;
    b) teaching;
    c) learning outcome;
    d) the result of upbringing;
    d) the purpose of education.
    3. The development of the theoretical foundations of the methods of physical education of preschool children in Russia was carried out...
    Answer options:
    a) R.S. Bure, T.A. Markova, V.I. Nechaeva, L.A. Penevskaya, E.K. Suslova, A.V. Zaporozhets, S.A. Kozlova;
    b) V.G. Alyamovskaya, M.Yu. Kistyakovskaya, V.T. Kudryavtsev, N.N. Kozhukhova, E.G. Stepanenkova, S.E. Shukshina;
    c) N.A. Vetlugina, L.S. Vygotsky, O.M. Dyachenko, T. N. Doronova;
    d) L. A. Wenger, L. S. Vygotsky, L. Ya. Galperin, S. L. Novoselova, N. N. Poddyakov;
    d) T.G. Kazakova, O.P. Radynova, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Fleurina.
    4. Define the concept of mental education of preschool children.
    Answer options:
    a) a purposeful process of introducing children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society;

    e) organization of the life and activities of children, contributing to the development of their aesthetic feelings, the formation of ideas, knowledge and assessments about the beauty in life and art.
    5. Name the new forms of preschool education.
    Answer options:
    a) kindergarten - primary school;
    b) groups preparing children for school;
    to a kindergarten;
    d) children's film libraries;
    e) groups of short-term stays of children in preschool educational institutions.
    6. What levels of management of preschool education exist at the present stage?
    Answer options:
    a) federal;
    b) home;
    c) family;
    d) administrative;
    d) through society.
    7. How is the recruitment of age groups and preschool educational institutions determined?
    Answer options:
    a) type of educational institution and type of preschool educational institutions;
    b) the wishes of the parents;
    c) a set of programs for preschool educational institutions;
    d) development of children’s abilities;
    e) the ability of parents to communicate with teachers.
    8. Select from the proposed factors aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions.
    Answer options:
    a) measured movements;
    b) motor activity;
    c) the presence of problematic situations;
    d) reducing daytime sleep time through exercise;
    e) excursions to museums.
    9. What should educators pay attention to when organizing the process of moral education of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions?
    Answer options:
    a) on the relationships of children in a group of peers;
    b) on children’s attitude towards punishment;
    c) to the whims of the child;
    d) on the care of parents for the child;
    e) on the work plans of the preschool educational psychologist.

    10. What is the productive activity of preschoolers aimed at?
    Answer options:
    a) to form consciousness;
    b) to foster cognitive activity;
    c) on the development of children’s speech;
    d) to model objects in the surrounding world;
    e) to communicate with family.

    11. What indicators are most important in assessing the effectiveness of working with parents of preschoolers?
    Answer options:
    a) the emergence of parents’ interest in the content of individual lessons with children;
    b) interest in the quality of food for children;
    c) interest in planning the work of preschool educational institutions;
    d) coordination of goals, objectives and methods of raising and educating children in the family and preschool educational institutions;
    e) studying the creative works of children.

    12. What document defines the goals, objectives and content of the continuity of preschool and primary education?
    Answer options:
    a) Law “On Education”;
    b) Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    c) Standard provision on preschool educational institutions;
    d) The concept of preschool education;
    e) The concept of the content of continuous preschool and primary school education.

    13. Define the concept of aesthetic education of preschoolers.
    Answer options:
    a) a purposeful process of introducing children to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society;
    b) a pedagogically organized process of transferring from generation to generation the methods and knowledge necessary for physical improvement;
    c) the process of philosophical understanding of life;
    d) development of active mental activity of preschool children, including the formation of intellectual skills, imagination, perception, memory, thinking, curiosity and mental abilities;
    e) organization of children’s life and activities, contributing to the development of the child’s aesthetic feelings, the formation of ideas, knowledge and assessments about the beauty in life and art.
    14. Find the correct statement.
    Answer options:
    a) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is the task of physical education;
    b) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is a condition for physical education;
    c) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is a way of physical education;
    d) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is a method of physical education;
    e) protecting the life and strengthening the health of the child is a form of physical education.
    15. Which modern teacher reveals the features of children’s constructive activity?
    Answer options:
    a) L. A. Wenger;
    b) A. N. Davidchuk;
    c) N. N. Poddyakov;
    d) Ya. A. Komensky;
    d) R. G. Kazakova.
    16. What characterizes the professional competence of a teacher?
    Answer options:
    a) the ability to think pedagogically;
    b) the ability to punish children;
    c) the ability to find out the parents’ opinion about their child;
    d) the ability to observe authoritarianism in education;
    e) the ability to establish connections with businessmen.
    17. Highlight one of the main areas of the annual work plan of a preschool educational institution.
    Answer options:
    a) preschool development program;
    b) determining the level of development of children;
    c) analysis of the institution’s activities over the past academic year;
    d) organizing meals for children;
    d) work at the preschool site.

    18. Which teachers and psychologists considered the game from the standpoint of the psychological theory of activity?
    Answer options:
    a) A. V. Zaporozhets;
    b) T. S. Komarova;
    c) K. D. Ushinsky;
    d) Ya. A. Komensky;
    d) N.K. Krupskaya.
    19. Highlight a concept that characterizes one of the stages of teaching activity.
    Answer options:
    a) diagnostics of readiness for school;
    b) study of pupils and determination of educational tasks;
    c) preparing lesson notes;
    d) interviewing children during a walk;
    e) organizing children’s acquaintance with peers.
    20. What is the continuity of the work of the preschool educational institution and the school? Isolate the ineffective condition.
    Answer options:
    a) the need to harmonize training and education programs in related parts of the continuous education system;
    b) the need to harmonize methods of teaching and upbringing in related parts of the continuous education system;
    c) work from the same textbooks;
    d) the use of elements of preschool didactics in the first grades of primary school;
    e) continuation of work at school on the comprehensive education of children.
    21. Who in Russian pedagogy developed the problem of sensorimotor readiness of preschoolers for school (including left-handed children)?
    Answer options:
    a) L. S. Vygotsky;
    b) V. A. Sukhomlinsky;
    c) A. S. Makarenko;
    d) N.K. Krupskaya;
    d) M. M. Bezrukikh.

    22. List what educational programs for pre-school preparation you know?
    New generation pre-school, a stepping stone to school

    23. According to the concept of preschool education, what are the main criteria for preparing a child for school? (transfer)

    KEY TO SECTION II. Preschool pedagogy

    Question No. Correct
    1 V
    2 A
    3 B
    4 G
    5 D
    6 A
    7 A
    8 B
    9 A
    10 G
    11 G
    12 D
    13 D
    14 A
    15 B
    16 A
    17 V
    18 A
    19 B
    20 A
    21 D
    22 3 or more
    23 4 criteria: intellectual,

    III. Subject and methodological knowledge

    1. Pedagogical skill is:
    A) The highest level of pedagogical activity, manifested in the teacher’s creativity, constant improvement of the art of teaching, education and human development.
    B) Pedagogical activity, in which the creation of something fundamentally new in content and organization of the educational process occurs (pedagogical creativity).
    C) The ability acquired by a person, on the basis of knowledge and skills, to perform certain types of activities in changing conditions (ped. skills).

    2. Pedagogical monitoring is:
    A) Constant monitoring of the state of the pedagogical system for making management decisions, its functioning and development.
    B) Identification of the state of a pedagogical object, process, phenomenon (pedagogical diagnostics).
    C) Checking and studying by specialists - experts the character and products of the teacher’s activities (pedagogical examination).

    3. Individual forms of methodological work include:
    A) Seminar.
    B) Business game.
    B) Mentoring.

    4.Which of the documents determines the specifics of the organization of the educational process in a particular preschool educational institution, taking into account the standard of preschool education:
    A) Educational program.
    B) Development program.
    B) Partial program.

    5. Chairman of the Council of Teachers:
    A). Appointed by order of the head.
    B). Elected by the Council of Teachers.
    C) Elected at a general meeting of the labor collective.

    6.An important management function that ensures the systematic rational and effective operation of all departments of the preschool educational institution:
    A) Planning.
    B) Diagnostics.
    B) Staffing.

    7. Organizational and legal document regulating one of the aspects of the institution’s activities:
    A) Agreement.
    B) Agreement.
    B) Position (local act).
    8. The sequence of actions is:
    A) Structure.
    B) Algorithm.
    B) Technology
    9. Meetings of the Council of Teachers are valid if they are attended by:
    A) Half of its members.
    B) Less than half of its members.
    C) One third of its members.
    10. What is the name of the type of control that involves studying the teacher’s work system within a certain topic provided for by the program?
    A) Warning.
    B) Frontal.
    B) Thematic.
    11. It is advisable to carry out pedagogical diagnostics with children:
    A) Twice a month.
    B) Twice a year.
    C) In the younger group and during the period of graduation from preschool - in the preparatory group.
    12. Calendar type of planning:
    A) Describes in detail the expected dynamics of pedagogical impact.
    B) Determines the main parameters for diagnosing child development.
    C) Determines the order of work with children during the day.
    13. A preschool educational institution with an ethnocultural component of education is an institution that implements an educational program at the preschool level of education within the standard and provides the study of:
    A) Folklore.
    B) National language, culture, traditions of the people.
    B) Folk rituals.
    14. A form of methodological work, which is characterized by group lessons according to a specific plan in order to increase the theoretical level of teachers, is:
    A) Seminar.
    B) Council of Teachers.
    B) Competition.
    15.What technologies can be considered innovative for preschool educational institutions:
    A) Problem-based learning.
    B) Traditional training.
    C) Developmental training.
    16. The mode of life of a preschool educational institution, which assumes a qualitatively new state of all elements and the system as a whole, is called:
    A) Development mode.
    B) Operating mode.
    17.The quality of preschool education is:
    A) ... such an organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution in which the level of education and development of each child increases in accordance with taking into account his personal, age and physical characteristics in the process of education and training.
    B) ... systematic study of the activities of the products of the pedagogical process in a specially organized environment in interaction with the social environment of a preschool institution.
    C) ... new techniques and methods of work, forms of activity, progressive innovations that give high results and meet modern requirements.


    Question No. Correct
    1 A
    2 A
    3 V
    4 A
    5 B
    6 A
    7 V
    8 B
    9 A
    10 V
    11 B
    12 V
    13 B
    14 A
    15 A, V
    16 A
    17 A

    1. Sensory education as the basis of mathematical education for preschoolers is...
    Answer options:
    a) the development of the child’s processes of perception and ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
    b) a purposeful pedagogical process aimed at the formation of sensory cognition and improvement of sensations and perceptions;
    c) the totality of knowledge and skills formed during their assimilation of perceptual actions;
    d) a specially organized pedagogical process aimed at developing a system of knowledge and skills, methods of mental activity and the development of cognitive activity of children;
    e) quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in the mental activity of the child, associated with age, enrichment of experience and under the influence of educational influences.
    2. M. Montessori’s didactic material is aimed at developing...
    Answer options:
    a) children’s cognitive activity and mental abilities;
    b) sensory abilities;
    c) coherent speech;
    d) constructive abilities;
    e) gaming activities.
    3. Traditional means of forming elementary mathematical concepts are:
    Answer options:
    a) equipment for games and activities, sets of visual teaching materials, literature;
    b) computer programs on special media, computer, magnetic boards;
    c) didactic material by M. Montessori, modular construction sets, workbooks;
    d) demonstration, instruction, explanation;
    e) instructions, explanations, questions for children.
    4. Classes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts are aimed at...
    Answer options:
    a) consolidation, application and expansion of knowledge and skills;
    b) presentation of new knowledge, repetition and systematization of the material covered, consolidation of skills;
    c) eliminating deficiencies in the child’s intellectual development;
    d) developing interest in mathematics, summarizing;
    e) repetition, application and development of knowledge, skills and abilities.
    5. In younger groups, the use of the verbal method in mathematics classes is accompanied by:
    Answer options:
    a) logorhythmic techniques;
    b) variety of wording of the question;
    c) introducing the necessary symbols;
    d) mysterious, fairy-tale tone, slow tempo and multiple repetitions;
    d) an interesting tone, the use of problematic situations, a fast pace.

    6. Eliminate unnecessary tasks in the mathematical development of preschoolers.
    Answer options:
    a) formation of a system of elementary mathematical representations;
    b) formation of prerequisites for mathematical thinking and initial forms of educational activity;
    c) development of design activities;
    d) expansion and enrichment of the vocabulary, improvement of coherent speech;
    e) formation of sensory processes and abilities.

    7. The development of children’s cognitive interest in mathematics requires teachers...
    Answer options:
    a) creating a subject-developmental, gaming and everyday environment;
    b) mastery of computing activities;
    c) mastering the culture of communication;
    d) creating psychological comfort in the group;
    e) ability to use various partial programs.

    8. Directions of work on the formation of mathematical concepts are related to...
    Answer options:
    a) the development of intellectual abilities and the formation of meaningful, mathematical ideas and concepts;
    b) expanding the information content of classes through school programs;
    c) development of variable education;
    d) development of speech and thinking activity;
    e) the concept of advanced learning.
    9. Eliminate the extra section of the program for the formation of mathematical representations:
    Answer options:
    a) “Quantity and counting”;
    b) “Modeling”;
    c) “Size” and “Form”;
    d) “Orientation in space”;
    d) “Orientation in time.”

    10. According to the training program, the pre-numerical activity of a younger preschooler includes...
    Answer options:
    a) modeling with objects, obtaining structures;
    b) highlighting the properties of objects necessary for mastering mathematical concepts and comparison actions;
    c) drawing up simple problems;
    d) games and exercises aimed at developing logical operations;
    e) mastery of spatial relationships between objects.

    11. The basis for introducing a child into the world of a senior preschooler is...
    Answer options:
    a) performing actions with quantities, using a conventional measure;
    b) grouping objects by shape;
    c) creating an imaginary situation;
    d) mastery of ordinal and quantitative counting;
    e) ability to solve arithmetic problems.
    12. Didactic games and exercises in classes to develop mathematical concepts contribute...
    Answer options:
    a) consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities, development of mental processes;
    b) receiving a mathematical education;
    c) development of cognitive activity and mental processes;
    d) the formation of collective skills in performing mathematical tasks;
    e) enriching the dictionary with new mathematical terms.

    Key to Section III. Subject and methodological knowledge

    3.2. Theory and methodology for the formation of mathematical representations

    Question No. Correct
    1 B
    2 B
    3 A
    4 B
    5 G
    6 V
    7 A
    8 A
    9 B
    10 B
    11 A
    12 A

    1. Nature is used as a means: Answer options:
    a) to get acquainted with the outside world;
    b) to form initial ideas about
    the surrounding world;
    c) for the comprehensive development of children;
    d) for the physical development of children;
    e) for the mental development of children.

    2. Directions for environmental education of preschoolers as a temporary standard are formulated in the book:
    Answer options:
    a) “Certification and accreditation of preschool educational institutions”;
    b) M.V. Lucic “For children about nature”;
    c) Ryzhov “Ecological education in kindergarten”;
    d) S. N. Nikolaeva “Education of environmental culture in kindergarten”;
    e) N. A. Ryzhova “Our home is nature.”
    3. Which of the judgments does not relate to the concept of “ecological culture”:
    Answer options:
    a) develops throughout life;
    b) is laid down in preschool childhood;
    c) formation occurs with the participation and guidance of an adult;
    d) is considered as an innate personality trait;
    e) covers the practice of everyday and professional activities.

    4. The ecological approach to understanding the diversity in living nature consists of:
    Answer options:
    a) to show children that the physiological and morphofunctional characteristics of an organism correspond to its habitat;
    b) the need to demonstrate to children that at each stage of the organism’s development, its connection with the environment acquires its own specific expression;
    c) to show that the morphofunctional similarity of plants and animals is due to the similarity of the relationship with the environment;
    d) to demonstrate to preschoolers the consistent process of development of a living organism with different requirements for environmental conditions using specific representatives of the plant and animal world;
    e) everything is correct in totality.
    5. An ecological approach to keeping animals and plants in a corner of nature at a preschool educational institution is:
    Options for answer:
    a) in the placement of objects from an aesthetic point of view;
    b) in creating conditions that fully correspond to the needs and adaptability of living organisms to them;
    c) the ability to care for objects in a corner of nature for children;
    d) in arranging objects from a corner of nature in one specific place in a group room;
    e) keeping animals and plants only on the preschool site in large enclosures and greenhouses.
    6. Seasonal objects of a corner of nature can be:
    Answer options:
    a) hamster;
    b) parrot;
    c) fish in an aquarium;
    d) indoor plants;
    d) vegetable garden on the window.
    7. An element of the environmental development subject environment cannot be:
    Answer options:
    a) mini-farm;
    b) aquarium;
    c) indoor plants;
    d) vegetable garden on the window;
    e) dressing corner.
    8. The pedagogical meaning of environmental leisure holidays is to...
    Answer options:
    a) impart new knowledge to children;
    b) evoke a positive emotional response in children;
    c) systematize children’s existing knowledge;
    d) teach children to play together;
    d) create motivation for communication with parents.
    9. Environmental actions are socially significant events that are carried out in preschool educational institutions:
    Options for answer:
    a) with the permission of the nurse;
    b) together with preschool employees and parents of children;
    c) are not carried out;
    d) by parents;
    e) in senior groups with the involvement of children, employees and parents.
    10. “Development of children by means of nature, long stay in the air, life in harmony with nature” - these are the tasks:
    Answer options:
    a) mass kindergartens in Russia;
    b) Waldorf kindergartens in Germany;
    c) Mulle Forest Schools in Sweden;
    d) Mother schools in France;
    e) experimental gardens in the USA.
    11. Partial programs of socio-ecological orientation include:
    Options for answer:
    a) “Young ecologist”;
    b) “Seven-flowered”;
    c) “Cobweb”;
    d) “Economics and ecology”;
    e) “Nature and the artist.”
    12. A comprehensive child development program is:
    Answer options:
    a) "Rainbow";
    b) “Childhood”;
    c) “Origins”;
    d) “Cobweb”;
    d) "We".
    13. The pedagogical model “Ecologist” was developed within the framework of the partial program:
    Answer options:
    a) “Origins”;
    b) “Development”;
    c) “We are earthlings”;
    d) “Cobweb”;
    e) “Our home is nature.”

    14. Correctly and skillfully carried out diagnostics of children’s environmental education...
    Answer options:
    a) shows the level of development of children;
    b) determines real progress in the development of children;
    c) reveals children’s attitude towards natural objects;
    d) makes it possible to see the effectiveness of the program in terms of its impact on the development of children;
    d) all answers are correct in total.

    Key to Section III. Subject and methodological knowledge
    3.3. Theory and methodology of environmental education for preschool children

    Question No. Correct
    1 V
    2 A
    3 G
    4 D
    5 B
    6 D
    7 D
    8 B
    9 D
    10 V
    11 G
    12 V
    13 D
    14 D

    1. What is the subject of studying speech development methods?
    Answer options:
    a) the process of children mastering their native speech and verbal communication skills under the conditions of targeted pedagogical influence;
    b) the process of children independently mastering their native speech without interference from adults;
    c) developing communication skills in unregulated activities;
    d) development of children’s speech in play activities;
    e) the process of formation of cognitive activity of preschool children.

    2. What functional load lies on the group of “personal” characteristics of language? Answer options:
    a) a means of familiarization with the general cultural and historical values ​​of the peoples of the world;
    b) a means of developing cognitive interest in the outside world;
    c) a means of realizing one’s own “I”;
    d) the condition for correlating one’s desires with reality;
    e) a condition for the correction of higher mental functions.
    3. What means of communication are the most important for children from 0 to 6 months?
    Answer options:
    a) gaming;
    b) expressive-facial (concentration on the adult’s face, smile, gestures, etc.);
    c) following the instructions of an adult;
    d) speech;
    d) objectively effective.
    4. At what age does a child develop his first words?
    Answer options:
    a) by 1.5 years;
    b) by 1 year;
    c) by 9 months;
    d) by 6 months;
    d) by 2 years.
    5. The methodological principle of ensuring active speech practice is based on the proposition that speech development occurs only...
    Answer options:
    a) based on innate language abilities;
    b) during the game;
    c) in the process of communication;
    d) in the process of development of intelligence;
    e) in the process of the child’s objective activity.
    6. Word formation is a component...
    Answer options:
    a) the grammatical aspect of speech;
    b) the sound side of speech;
    c) coherent speech;
    d) lexical side of speech;
    d) figurative speech.
    7. What motive is the leading one for children of senior preschool age when entering into communication with peers?
    Answer options:
    a) obtaining new knowledge about the objective world;
    b) interest in toys;
    c) self-esteem and satisfaction of the need for recognition;
    d) gaining new knowledge about the rules and norms of behavior;
    e) clarification and consolidation of ideas about social reality.

    8. At what age do children not only perceive the actions of heroes of literary works, but also understand the motives for these actions?
    Answer options:
    a) 1 - 2.5 years;
    b) 2.5 - 3 years;
    c) 3 - 4.5 years;
    d) 4.5 - 5.5 years;
    e) 5.5 - 7 years.
    9. What is not considered a form of children’s verbal creativity
    Answer options:
    a) creation of words-neologisms;
    b) writing poems;
    c) reading poems by heart;
    d) writing stories and fairy tales;

    10. What contradicts the hygienic rules of working with a computer during classes, including those on the development of children’s speech?
    Answer options:
    a) the distance between computers must be at least 1.2 m;
    b) natural light should fall from the side;
    c) the distance between the computer monitor and the child’s eyes must be at least 50 cm;
    d) the distance from the computer to the heating battery must be at least 0.8 m;
    e) 2 children should work at the same computer at the same time.
    11. What is the maximum duration of classes on speech development and familiarization with the outside world using a computer for children 6 years old?
    Answer options:
    a) 2-3 minutes;
    b) 10 min;
    c) 30 min;
    d) 35 min;
    e) 40 min.

    12. What does not apply to the tasks of teaching children a foreign language? Answer options:
    a) cultivate interest and respect for the culture of another country;
    b) instill basic oral speech skills;
    c) promote children’s acquisition of linguistic knowledge;
    d) develop skills and abilities in calculations and measurements;
    e) create conditions for mastering primary communication.

    13. What is the essence of planning work on speech development?
    Answer options:
    a) in diagnosing the child’s development;
    b) in designing the formation and development of children’s speech, predicting the dynamics of pedagogical influence on speech and its effectiveness;
    c) inventing speech games;
    d) taking into account the peculiarities of the development of speech of each child;
    e) in organizing didactic games with children.

    14. In which program document was the independent section “Speech Development” first identified?
    Answer options:
    a) "Rainbow";
    b) “Childhood”;
    c) “Origins”;
    d) “Development”;
    e) Model program of education and training in kindergarten.
    15. Which statement regarding the adaptation of the children’s speech development program to the specific working conditions of a preschool educational institution is incorrect?
    Answer options:
    a) the speech development program should take into account the need for continuity of work in adjacent age groups;
    b) sections on speech development are presented in the program in isolation, without taking into account the relationship between them;
    c) within a year, the child must not only learn new material, but also consolidate what he has learned;
    d) the program repeats the requirements regarding the acquisition of difficult sections of knowledge and skills;
    e) a single software core is maintained at all stages.

    16. What is the purpose of the speech development technique?
    Answer options:
    a) development, on a scientific and pedagogical basis, of the most effective means, methods and techniques for speech development, increasing the success of pedagogical influence;
    b) development of speech games and exercises;
    c) familiarity with fiction;
    d) development of self-service skills;
    e) children’s mastery of word formation methods.

    Key to Section III. Subject and methodological knowledge
    3.4. Theory and methods of children's speech development

    Question No. Correct
    1 A
    2 V
    3 B
    4 B
    5 V
    6 A
    7 V
    8 D
    9 V
    10 D
    11 B
    12 G
    13 B
    14 D
    15 B
    16 A

    1. Determine the indicators characteristic of children’s perception in the pre-graphic period:
    Answer options:
    a) accuracy;
    b) completeness;
    c) dismemberment;
    d) analyticity;
    d) lack of focus.
    2. The goal of teaching children visual arts is...
    Answer options:
    a) knowledge formation;
    b) skills formation;
    c) formation of skills;
    d) promoting the development of a creative personality;
    d) preparation for school.
    3. What teaching method is used at the first stage of working with children?
    Answer options:
    a) the technique of mentally creating your own picture according to the name given by the artist;
    b) questions of a specific nature aimed at forming an emotional and personal attitude towards the picture
    c) method of comparison;
    d) a sample story that reveals the teacher’s emotional and personal attitude to the picture;
    e) search for compositional and coloristic options for creating an artistic image.

    4. What visual movements does a child master during the second year of life?
    Answer options:
    a) basic form-building movements;
    b) does not master any movements;
    c) various drawing movements of a tool nature;
    d) variable use of shaping movements;
    d) all answers are incorrect.
    5. What qualities characterize children’s works in the visual period?
    Answer options:
    a) expressiveness of images;
    b) high degree of literacy;
    c) depth of thought;
    d) breadth of communication;
    e) passion, engrossment in activity.
    6. What is not considered by scientists as a type of visual activity?
    Answer options:
    a) drawing;
    b) modeling;
    c) application;
    d) design;
    d) manual labor.

    7. To which section of the program does the task of teaching children to perform elements of decorative painting (for 1 turn, flower, berry, leaf) belong?
    Answer options:
    a) drawing up patterns;
    b) image of an object;
    c) transmission of coherent content;
    d) familiarization with the material;
    e) imaging technique.
    8. What technique is not used in appliqué?
    Options for answer:
    a) gluing parts to the base;
    b) sewing;
    c) gluing;
    d) creasing;
    e) drawing on wet.
    9. Integrated classes in visual arts are aimed at...
    Answer options:
    a) familiarization with new material;
    b) repetition;
    c) consolidation;
    d) providing children with greater independence in choosing techniques and materials;
    e) diagnostics of manual skill.

    10. Which work, which is most often used in the method of introducing preschoolers to painting, was written by V. A. Serov?
    Answer options:
    a) “The rooks have arrived”;
    b) “March”;
    c) “Birch Grove”;
    d) “Girl with Peaches”;
    d) “Bogatyrs”.

    11. At what age group do preschool educational institutions begin to introduce children to making crafts from natural materials using glue and plasticine?
    Answer options:
    a) average;
    b) second youngest;
    c) older;
    d) first youngest;
    d) preparatory.
    12. At what age does it become possible for children to participate in such types of manual artistic work as patchwork, weaving, weaving, embroidery?
    Answer options:
    a) early;
    b) junior preschool;
    c) secondary preschool;
    d) senior preschool;
    d) in the preparatory group.

    13. The presence of regulation of drawing movements in a child is not determined by...
    Answer options:
    a) rhythm;
    b) pace;
    c) originality of the image;
    d) amplitude;
    e) pressure force.

    Key to Section III. Subject and methodological knowledge
    3.5. Methodology for the development of children's visual creativity

    Question No. Correct
    1 D
    2 G
    3 G
    4 V
    5 V
    6 D
    7 A
    8 D
    9 G
    10 G
    11 A
    12 G
    13 V

    1. The process of formation and change throughout life of the natural morphofunctional properties of the child’s body and the psychophysical qualities based on them is...
    Answer options:
    a) physical fitness;
    b) physical education;
    c) physical culture;
    d) physical development;
    d) physical perfection.
    2. Complete the sentence: “Between the activity of the central nervous system and the work of the human musculoskeletal system there is...”.
    Answer options:
    a) double action;
    b) the closest connection;
    c) strong contact;
    d) correlation dependence;
    e) inverse relationship.

    3. Which position expresses readiness for action and creates the most favorable conditions for the correct execution of the exercise?
    Answer options:
    a) rational;
    b) original;
    c) ordinary;
    d) simple;
    d) correct.
    4. Which group of methods forms children’s ideas about movement, the brightness of sensory perception and motor sensations, and develops sensory abilities?
    Answer options:
    a) physical;
    b) visual;
    c) didactic;
    d) special;
    d) special.

    5. What concept characterizes the transition of the idea of ​​muscle movement into the actual execution of this movement and the activation of ideomotor ideas through verbal instructions?
    Answer options:
    a) ideomotor act;
    b) content of the exercise;
    c) physical exercise technique;
    d) characteristics of the exercise;
    e) motor activity.
    6. Irradiation, specialization and stabilization - physiological patterns of the formation of motor...
    Answer options:
    a) skills;
    b) balance;
    c) principle;
    d) skill;
    d) funds.

    7. Conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules mandatory for all players, is...
    Answer options:
    a) motor mode;
    b) basic movements;
    c) drill exercises;
    d) outdoor game;
    d) sports exercises.
    8. Older preschoolers are taught the following sports games:
    Answer options:
    a) badminton, basketball, gorodki, table tennis, hockey, football;
    b) basketball, gorodki, table tennis, bobsleigh, football;
    c) basketball, gorodki, table tennis, hockey, football;
    d) volleyball, basketball, gorodki, table tennis, hockey, football;
    e) volleyball, basketball, gorodki, table tennis, hockey, ball school.
    9. The main form of organized systematic teaching of physical exercises is...
    Answer options:
    a) outdoor game;
    b) morning exercises;
    c) physical education session;
    d) morning walk;
    d) physical education activity.
    10. Which task does not belong to the educational tasks of the physical development of children in preschool educational institutions?
    Answer options:
    a) formation of the need for daily physical exercise;
    b) developing the ability to rationally use physical exercises in independent motor activity;
    c) development of independence, creativity, initiative;
    d) formation of a culture of feelings;
    e) improving the protective functions of the body.
    11. The use of various forms of physical activity creates optimal...
    Answer options:
    a) level of physical fitness;
    b) motor mode;
    c) criterion of physical development;
    d) motor skill;
    e) training effect.

    12. During physical education classes, compliance with the following loads is monitored:
    Answer options:
    a) emotional, spiritual and moral;
    b) psychological, physical;
    c) intellectual, physical;
    d) psychological, biological;
    e) electrostatic, physical.

    13. Various types of physical education classes include:
    Answer options:
    a) mixed type, sports, plot, games, on simulators, rhythmic gymnastics, for interests, control and testing, etc.;
    b) mixed type, plot, game, on simulators, rhythmic gymnastics, if necessary, control and testing, etc.;
    c) mixed type, gymnastics, on simulators, rhythmic gymnastics, for interests, control and testing, etc.;
    d) story-based, game, on simulators, rhythmic gymnastics, for interests, with balls, etc.;
    e) plot-based, game-based, simulator-based, musical, hobby-based, test-based, etc.

    Key to Section III. Subject and methodological knowledge
    3.6. Methods of physical education for preschool children

    Question No. Correct
    1 G
    2 B
    3 B
    4 B
    5 A
    6 G
    7 G
    8 A
    9 D
    10 D
    11 B
    12 B
    13 A

    1. What is considered in modern pedagogical concepts as the main path of personality development in the ontogenesis of children’s involvement in the social world?
    Answer options:
    a) adaptation;
    b) self-improvement;
    c) integration;
    d) unity of socialization and individualization;
    d) accommodation.

    2. Socialization is...
    Answer options:
    a) the process of communication between an adult and children;
    b) the process of communication between children;
    c) the process of assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by a child, carried out in communication and activity, and its result;
    d) communication activities;
    e) the process and result of communication between teachers and students of preschool educational institutions.

    3. Diagnosis of the level of children’s assimilation of social norms is the study of children’s ideas...
    Answer options:
    a) about the rules of behavior in society;
    b) about the rules of behavior in kindergarten;
    c) about ways to regulate behavior;
    d) about customs and traditions of social relationships among different peoples;
    4. Diagnosis of the level of empathy development in preschoolers involves assessing the level...
    Answer options:
    a) understanding the motives of one’s actions;
    b) assessing the actions of another person;
    c) skills to discuss problems of a social nature;
    d) the ability to provide all possible assistance;
    e) skills to empathize with adults and peers.

    5. What method of help from an adult is most effective for a child in overcoming the alienation of peers?
    Answer options:
    a) edification;
    b) imitation;
    c) punishment;
    d) encouragement;
    e) creation of real life situations that ensure social success in a group of peers and their parents.
    6. Find a goal that does not correspond to the content of the SA program. Kozlova “I am a man”:
    Answer options:
    a) fostering interest and respect for people, their activities, culture, and way of life;
    b) the formation of ideas about the Earth and the life of people on the planet;
    c) formation of ideas about the native country;
    d) formation of national identity and respect for Orthodoxy;
    e) fostering a sense of citizenship, patriotism, and a tolerant attitude towards the inhabitants of the Earth.
    7. The role of play in introducing preschoolers to the social world is...
    Answer options:
    a) mastering the main vectors of human relationships;
    b) shaping children’s ideas about the work of adults)
    c) formation of communication skills;
    d) developing skills to use the material;
    d) development of imagination.

    8. A preschooler’s social self-image presupposes..
    Answer options:
    a) acquiring the ability to self-esteem;
    b) acquiring knowledge about people;
    c) imitation of an adult;
    d) comparing oneself with peers;
    d) ideas about the environment.
    9. What manifestation of social development is characteristic of the “7-year crisis”?
    Answer options:
    a) reluctance to learn;
    b) desire to listen to adults;
    c) the desire to be a schoolchild;
    d) loss of spontaneity;
    e) awareness of oneself as a subject of communication.
    10. How does a child’s communication change throughout preschool age?
    Answer options:
    a) by importance;
    b) by the form of communication and type of relationship;
    c) in meaning;
    d) according to interests;
    d) by the number of contacts.
    11. Who developed the method and methodology of sociometry?
    Answer options:
    a) J. Moreno;
    b) B. Bloom;
    c) A. N. Leontiev;
    d) R. E. Bure;
    d) S. A. Kozlova.
    12. The reason for the child’s emotional distress in the peer group, which can be identified in the process of timed observations, is...
    Answer options:
    a) inability to use gestures;
    b) lack of need for communication, inability to communicate and play with peers;
    c) ignorance of the names of all the students in the group;
    d) lack of self-confidence;
    e) lack of warmth and attention from close adults.
    13. What is an indicator of delayed personal social development of an older preschooler?
    Answer options:
    a) inability to communicate;
    b) high self-esteem;
    c) reluctance to learn;
    d) poor development of volition;
    d) fear of school.

    14. Assessing the level of development of a culture of behavior in a preschool child involves...
    Answer options:
    a) children’s awareness of the need to carry out work assignments;
    b) children’s ability to find opportunities to communicate in different situations;
    c) children’s understanding of the legal framework for protecting their own dignity;
    d) the formation of social needs and the assimilation of all components of cultural communication with adults and peers;
    e) developing conflict resolution skills.
    15. When diagnosing a child’s readiness to communicate at school, attention is paid to...
    Answer options:
    a) development of the sound culture of the child’s speech;
    b) etiquette;
    c) possession of study skills;
    d) the ability to communicate in school relationships;
    d) knowledge about the school.
    16. What age does the non-situational-cognitive form of communication with adults, which modern programs take into account, correspond to?
    Answer options:
    a) from 0 to 2 months;
    b) from 2 months to 7 months;
    c) from 6-7 months to 3-4 years;
    d) from 3-4 years to 5 years;
    d) from 5-7 years.
    17. What is the role of role-playing games in the socio-psychological development of a preschooler?
    Answer options:
    a) the game forms the initial forms of self-control, self-esteem, organization, and interpersonal relationships of children;
    b) in play the child masters voluntary movements;
    c) the child learns the rules of behavior of adults;
    d) the game teaches actions with objects;
    e) children learn to resolve conflicts.
    18. Knowledge of the age-related psychological characteristics of the social development of children helps the teacher-educator:
    Answer options:
    a) diagnose the level of social development;
    b) adequately assess the behavior of children in a peer group;
    c) organize teamwork;
    d) develop methodological recommendations for parents;
    d) all answers are correct.
    19. One of the reasons for the occurrence of violations of social contacts in children is...
    Answer options:
    a) deprivation;
    b) congenital physical defects;
    c) lack of positive experience of communication in the family;
    d) lack of attention and love from adults;
    d) all answers are correct.

    Key to Section III. Subject and methodological knowledge

    Question No. Correct
    1 G
    2 V
    3 A
    4 D
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    Certification of teaching staff is carried out in 3 stages: 1) preliminary, 1) written qualification exam, 3) making a decision on suitability for the position held.

    Within the framework of this material, we will consider only stage 2 in terms of preparing lesson notes as a form of qualification test, since this is directly related to the specifics of the site. A link to the full text of the document is provided at the beginning of the article.

    Preparation of lesson notes as a form of qualification test

    There are 2 options for conducting a written qualification test to confirm compliance with the position held (at the choice of the certified teacher):

    1. preparing a summary of a lesson (lesson) on the subject he teaches in the current year;
    2. solving pedagogical situations.

    Purpose of the written qualification test: Assessment of the level of development of professional pedagogical competencies, on the basis of which a judgment is made about the suitability of the teacher for the position held.

    The teacher's task while writing a lesson summary - demonstrate mastery of the material on the subject being taught and a sufficient level of development of pedagogical competencies that allow him to effectively solve pedagogical problems in the implementation of the curriculum.

    Document navigation:

    General requirements for writing notes

    1. The teacher is asked to determine in advance the academic subject and program within which the written work will be performed.
    2. When conducting a written qualification test, the teacher is offered instructions containing the purpose of the work, the topic of the lesson on which a summary should be drawn up, and evaluation criteria. If necessary, the teacher has the right to exclude a number of topics presented in the program and, for subjective reasons, not desirable for him (no more than five).
    3. The time given to a certified teacher to write a lesson summary is 1.5 - 2 hours.
    4. The lesson summary should be related to the development of a new topic (new educational material).
    5. The outline involves reflecting the main stages of the lesson: organizational moment, questioning students on the material assigned for homework, explanation of new material, consolidation of educational material, homework assignment. When writing a summary, the teacher can skip certain stages or change the structure of the lesson in accordance with his individual vision of its construction.
    6. The teacher must know in advance the criteria by which his work will be assessed.

    In the course of writing a written work, the teacher is asked to reveal the structure and substantive content of the lesson, formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson and its individual stages, demonstrate mastery of methods and techniques for motivating educational activities, organizing the educational activities of students, illustrating this with examples of taking into account the individual characteristics of students and specific characteristics of the class, in which the lesson will be held. The main stages of the lesson and their content are presented in the proposed outline for writing a lesson summary ().

    Lesson outline diagram

    Table 1.

    Stages of workContents of the stage (to be filled in by the teacher)

    Organizing time, including:

    • setting a goal that must be achieved by students at this stage of the lesson (what must be done by students in order for their further work in the lesson to be effective)
    • description of methods for organizing students’ work at the initial stage of the lesson, setting students up for learning activities, the subject and topic of the lesson (taking into account the real characteristics of the class with which the teacher works)


    • determining the goals that the teacher sets for students at this stage of the lesson (what result should be achieved by students);
    • determining the goals and objectives that the teacher wants to achieve at this stage of the lesson;
    • description of methods that contribute to solving set goals and objectives;
    • description of the criteria for achieving the goals and objectives of this stage of the lesson;
    • determining possible actions of the teacher if he or the students fail to achieve their goals;
    • a description of methods for organizing joint activities of students, taking into account the characteristics of the class with which the teacher works;
    • description of methods of motivating (stimulating) students' learning activity during the survey;
    • description of methods and criteria for assessing student responses during the survey.

    This stage involves:

    • determining the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself at this stage of the lesson;
    • presentation of the main provisions of the new educational material that must be mastered by students;
    • description of forms and methods of presentation (presentation) of new educational material;
    • description of the main forms and methods of organizing individual and group activities of students, taking into account the characteristics of the class in which the teacher works;
    • a description of the criteria for determining the level of attention and interest of students in the educational material presented by the teacher;
    • description of methods of motivating (stimulating) students' educational activity during the development of new educational material


    • setting a specific educational goal for students (what result should be achieved by students at this stage of the lesson);
    • determining the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself at this stage of the lesson;
    • description of the forms and methods of achieving set goals during the consolidation of new educational material, taking into account the individual characteristics of the students with whom the teacher works.
    • a description of the criteria to determine the degree to which students have mastered new educational material;
    • a description of possible ways and methods of responding to situations when the teacher determines that some students have not mastered the new educational material.

    Homework assignment, including:

    • setting independent work goals for students (what students should do while completing homework);
    • determining the goals that the teacher wants to achieve by assigning homework;
    • defining and explaining to students the criteria for successfully completing homework.

    Evaluation of written work by an expert

    The assessment of written work by an expert is carried out in accordance with the criteria presented in.

    Criteria for assessing a teacher’s written work

    Table 2.

    Evaluated characteristicsCriteria for evaluation

    The level of development of a teacher’s competence in the field of setting goals and objectives of teaching activities can be judged by the following criteria:

    • The teacher shares the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson.
    • Goals are formulated in a form understandable to the student.
    • The goals set for students contribute to the formation of positive motivation and increased interest in learning activities.
    • The goals set for students contribute to the organization of individual and group activities.
    • The goals set for students contain criteria that allow them to independently assess the quality of the results obtained.
    • The tasks identified by the teacher specify the goal, representing an intermediate result that contributes to the achievement of the main goal of the lesson.
    • At the initial stage of the lesson, the teacher sets goals and objectives aimed at creating conditions for further effective work in the lesson (organizing the workspace, attracting students’ attention to the upcoming learning activity, the academic subject and topic of the lesson, etc.).
    • The goals and objectives of the survey are educational in nature; they correspond to the subject material presented by the teacher.
    • The goals and objectives set by the teacher contribute to the development of students’ cognitive abilities and the development of socially significant personality traits.
    Competence in the field of motivating students

    The level of development of a teacher’s competence in the field of motivating students to carry out educational activities can be judged based on the following criteria:

    • The teacher demonstrates to students the possibilities of using the knowledge they have mastered in practice.
    • The teacher demonstrates knowledge of techniques and methods aimed at developing student interest in the subject being taught and the topic of the lesson.
    • The teacher uses knowledge about the interests and needs of students in organizing educational activities, when setting educational goals and objectives, choosing methods and forms of work, etc.
    • The teacher uses pedagogical assessment as a method of increasing students' learning activity and learning motivation.
    • The teacher plans to use a variety of activities to make the students feel successful.
    • The teacher gives students the opportunity to independently pose and solve problems within the framework of the topic being studied.
    Competence in the field of information basis of pedagogical activity

    This competence consists of the following components: competence in the subject of teaching, competence in teaching methods, competence in the subjective conditions of activity.

    Teacher competence in the subject of teaching reflects level of proficiency in educational material on the subject and can be assessed based on the following criteria:

    • When writing notes, the teacher demonstrates knowledge of the subject being taught.
    • The teacher is well versed in various sources (textbooks, educational and teaching aids, media aids, modern digital educational resources, etc.) on the subject taught, and can provide links to suitable sources.
    • When presenting the basic material on the subject in written work, the teacher reveals the connection of the new topic with previous and future topics in the taught subject.
    • The teacher sees and reveals the connection of his subject with other subjects of the school curriculum, the connection of theoretical knowledge with practical activities in which they are used.
    • The teacher presents the material in a form accessible to students in accordance with didactic principles.

    Teacher competence in teaching methods reflects the methodological competence of the teacher, including mastery of modern information and communication technologies. The level of development of this competence can be judged based on the following criteria:

    • The teacher demonstrates mastery of modern teaching methods.
    • The methods presented in the notes correspond to the set goals and objectives, the content of the subject being studied, the topic of the lesson, the conditions and time allotted for studying the topic.
    • The teacher demonstrates the ability to work with various information resources and software and methodological systems, modern information and communication technologies, computer and multimedia technologies, and digital educational resources.

    About the level of development teacher competence in subjective conditions of activity can be judged based on the following criteria:

    • When setting goals, choosing forms and methods of motivating and organizing educational activities, the teacher focuses on the individual characteristics and specifics of the relationships of students.
    • The methods presented in the summary are selected in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the students with whom he works.
    • The teacher plans work in such a way as to obtain information about the level of mastery of educational material by various students.
    • The teacher demonstrates mastery of methods of working with low-performing students.
    Competence in curriculum development and pedagogical decision making

    This competence consists of the following components: the ability to select and implement standard educational programs, the ability to develop your own program, methodological and didactic materials, the ability to make decisions in pedagogical situations.

    About the level of development ability to select and implement standard educational programs, as well as develop your own program, methodological and didactic materials, taking into account the requirements of the main regulatory documents can be judged based on the following criteria:

    • When preparing for a lesson, the teacher takes into account the requirements of the main regulatory documents that determine the content and results of educational activities in the subject: the state educational standard, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, basic educational programs of educational institutions, the content of the main textbooks and educational complexes on the taught subject, approved or recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, basic curricula, teaching materials, methodological and didactic materials on the subject taught, etc.
    • The lesson summary is compiled taking into account the pace of learning by students.
    • The lesson outline is compiled taking into account the stage-by-stage development (continuity) of educational material within the framework of the taught subject and program.
    • The teacher demonstrates the ability to make changes to existing didactic and methodological materials in order to achieve better results.
    • The teacher uses independently developed software, methodological or didactic materials on the subject.

    About the level of development decision making skills in pedagogical situations can be judged based on the following criteria:

    • The teacher demonstrates the ability to argue for the solutions he proposes.
    • Pedagogical decisions reflected in written work are distinguished by their validity and appropriateness.
    • The teacher demonstrates the ability to adequately change the strategy of action if it is not possible to achieve the set goals.
    Competence in the field of organizing educational activities.

    The level of development of a teacher’s competence in the field of organizing educational activities can be judged based on the following criteria:

    • The teacher sets goals and objectives that structure and organize the activities of students at each stage of the lesson.
    • The teacher knows methods of organizing individual and joint activities of students aimed at solving set goals and objectives.
    • The teacher demonstrates mastery of methods and techniques for creating a working atmosphere in the classroom and maintaining discipline.
    • The teacher demonstrates the ability to establish cooperative relationships with students and the ability to conduct dialogue with them.
    • The teacher uses methods that encourage students to reason independently.
    • The teacher demonstrates the ability to incorporate new material into the system of students’ already mastered knowledge.
    • The teacher demonstrates the ability to organize students to search for additional information necessary to solve an educational problem (books, computer and media aids, digital educational resources, etc.).
    • The teacher can precisely formulate the criteria on the basis of which he evaluates student responses.
    • The teacher shows students the criteria based on which their answers are assessed.
    • The teacher knows how to combine methods of pedagogical assessment, mutual assessment and self-assessment of students.
    • The teacher uses methods that promote the formation of self-assessment skills of students' learning activities.

    Note: the level of proficiency in educational material is assessed in accordance with the criteria presented within the framework of competence in the field of the information basis of pedagogical activity.

    The expert makes a judgment about the level of development of each of the competencies within each stage of the lesson. The experts' judgments are entered into the table for assessing the teacher's written work, presented below ().

    Scheme for assessing teacher’s written work

    Table 3.

    CompetenciesIn the area of ​​personality. qualitiesIn the field of setting goals and objectives of teaching activities∑+
    Quantity ratings
    Lesson steps
    Organizing time
    Survey of students on homework assignments
    Learning new educational material
    Reinforcing educational material
    Homework assignment
    ∑+ (sum+) / Quant. ratings
    Bottom line Average value based on assessments of basic pedagogical competencies

    During a qualitative assessment, the expert analyzes the outline presented by the teacher, considering each stage of the lesson in turn.

    As part of the analysis of each stage of the lesson, the expert makes a judgment about the satisfactory or unsatisfactory level of development of certain basic pedagogical competencies. He enters the corresponding judgments into a table (), denoting them with a “+” sign in the case of a positive assessment or a “-” sign in the case of a negative one. The expert makes judgments only about those competencies that can be assessed in one or another part of the lesson. Not every lesson stage allows you to assess all competencies, so some of the table cells may remain blank. The expert makes his assessments based on the criteria for assessing written work presented in.

    Processing of results (formula and data interpretation)

    Based on the assessment results, all positive assessments are summed up separately for each of the basic pedagogical competencies and for each of their lesson stages. The resulting amount is divided by the total number of grades for the relevant competency or lesson stage.

    If the final score is >=0.5, one can judge the satisfactory level of development of the corresponding indicator. If this score<0,5, уровень развития соответствующего показателя является неудовлетворительным.

    The main assessments are those that reflect the level of development of basic pedagogical competencies. Based on them, the final score is calculated, which is the average value based on assessments of basic pedagogical competencies.

    It is calculated using the following formula:

    Where: PS- indicator of suitability for the position held

    BOD- assessments on basic pedagogical competencies.

    The final score can vary from 0 to 1 point. It is interpreted as follows:

    From 0.5 to 1 point- suitability for the position held: the teacher has demonstrated mastery of the basic content of the subject and mastery of basic pedagogical competencies.

    From 0 to 0.49 points- inconsistency with the position held: the teacher has not demonstrated knowledge of the subject and does not have sufficient basic pedagogical competencies.

    Final assessments for each stage of the lesson are auxiliary and serve to prepare a high-quality expert opinion on the certified teacher, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of his activities for the purpose of subsequent development of individual professional development programs.

    An example of assessing a teacher’s written work is presented in.

    An example of assessing a teacher’s written work

    Table 4.

    CompetenciesIn the area of ​​personality. qualitiesIn the field of setting goals and objectives of teaching activitiesIn the field of motivation for educational activitiesIn the field of providing the information basis for activitiesIn the field of developing activity programs and making pedagogical decisionsIn the field of organization educational activities∑+
    Quantity estimated
    Lesson steps
    Organizing time + + - + 0,75
    Survey of students on homework assignments - - + + 0,5
    Explanation of new educational material - - + + + 0,5
    Reinforcing educational material + - - + + - 0,5
    Homework assignment + + - 0,66
    ∑+ / Quant. ratings 0,66 0,4 0,4 1 0,66 0,75
    Bottom line 0.645 - suitability for the position held

    Expert opinion

    Based on the results of assessing the written work, the expert writes a conclusion in which, based on the presented criteria (Table 2) and the final table of assessments (), he must reflect:

    Level of proficiency in educational material: how fully the given topic of the lesson is covered.

    Level of development of basic pedagogical competencies.

    The effectiveness of the teacher’s work at individual stages of the lesson.

    Based on the results of the expert assessment, proposals can be developed for an individual professional development program aimed at developing the most poorly represented pedagogical competencies.

    It is important to note that making a decision about inadequacy for the position held is not irreversible for a teacher. In this case, the employer can provide training, advanced training for such a teacher and re-pass the certification procedure.

    Answers to common questions

    1. The methodology offers a significant number of criteria for assessing the lesson notes. How to use them?

    These criteria allow for a detailed analysis of the presented notes from the point of view of the teacher’s mastery of the relevant subject content and basic competencies. Since the assessment of the lesson notes does not involve a score for each of the elements, the presented criteria can be considered as an important guideline for assessing and making recommendations. Let us remind you that the lesson notes are assessed by an expert using the “yes/no” system. “Yes” - compliance with the position held: the teacher has demonstrated mastery of the basic content of the subject and mastery of basic pedagogical competencies (the ability to set goals and objectives and effectively organize educational and pedagogical activities aimed at achieving them). “No” - inconsistency with the position held: the teacher has not demonstrated knowledge of the subject and does not have basic pedagogical competencies.

    As a result of the certification, based on the presented criteria, the teacher is given recommendations for the development of those aspects that were not presented in the written qualifying work.

    2. If in the lesson notes the teacher focused all his attention on revealing the content of the taught subject and practically did not demonstrate mastery of basic pedagogical competencies, then what conclusion should the experts make about his suitability for the position held?

    A negative decision may be more likely to be made in the case where the teacher demonstrated an anti-pedagogical position when preparing the lesson notes.

    “The open lesson for certification “Playing Wizards” is presented on the website in the form in which it was demonstrated to the commission, i.e. with all the attachments: lesson notes, photographs of aids used in the lesson, video material - the “highlight” used during the lesson classes, musical fragment.

    The lesson was presented to members of the expert commission during the certification procedure for the highest qualification category in October 2010.

    Received high praise.



    228-826-386 Shatalova E.P.

    Open lesson on environmental education for preschoolers

    (middle group)

    Topic: “Playing wizards”

    Program content:

    Create a holistic idea of ​​water as a natural phenomenon, its significance in nature and in human life;

    Teach children to answer questions correctly;

    Expand knowledge about animals living in water;

    Develop coherent, dialogical speech, selecting definitions, verbs, grammatical structure of speech, correctly coordinating nouns and adjectives;

    Enrich your vocabulary with words: laboratory, filter, develop imagination, fantasy.


    - “magic wand”, pointer;

    Educational picture on the theme “Who needs water”(Picture 1)

    Didactic game “Amazing Circle” with a set of pictures(Figure 2)

    Experimentation Corner(Figure 3)

    - “mood screen”(Figure 4)

    Tape recorder, audio recording “Sounds of Water”(Annex 1)

    TV, video recording “Applying dirty water to children”(Appendix 2),

    "Bringing clean water to children"(Appendix 3)

    Cups of dirty and clean water (20 pieces), gauze, cotton wool, napkins;

    Preliminary work:

    Conversation on the topic “Water in nature and human life”;

    Examination of illustrations, observations in nature;

    Reading works of fiction: N. Ryzhova “Magic Water”, A. Vvedensky “Song about Rain”, N. Zabolotsky “On the River”, K. Chukovsky “Fedorino Mountain”, “Moidodyr”;

    Composition of the fairy tale “Merry Droplets”;

    Learning nursery rhymes, guessing riddles;

    Didactic games “Magic Umbrella”, “Seasons”, “Collect a Picture”, etc.;

    Experimenting with water.

    Progress of the lesson

    Educator (V.) – Guys, today we will go into the wonderful world of knowledge. We learn a lot of new and interesting things. We will do this with our Znayka, who has prepared tasks for us, they are in this wonderful chest. Znayka has a magical laboratory where miracles happen with water, sand, and air. Miracles are not an easy matter, miracles are made by wizards. Do you want to become wizards? Stand in a circle. I will take the “magic wand”, I will say the words, and you will do what I say.

    Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,

    Turn around yourself

    Turn into wizards.

    (Children perform)

    The teacher touches each child with a stick.

    Our game is over - turning. Now you are wizards!

    IN. Places a medal with the image of a wizard around each child's neck.

    IN.: Sit down on the mat, it's time to complete Znayka's first task. The teacher takes out the envelope from the chest and reads the letter:

    “Dear guys, I ask you to listen to this tape and determine what sounds you heard.”

    V. includes the audio recording “Sounds of Water”. Children listen and determine.

    IN.: Well done! Today we will talk about water, who needs it and why. Listen to the poem “Magic Water”:

    Have you heard about water?

    They say she's everywhere!

    In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

    And in the water tap.

    It's boiling on your stove,

    The steam of the kettle hisses,

    Dissolves sugar in tea

    We don't notice it.

    We can't wash ourselves without her,

    Don't eat or drink,

    I dare to report to you,

    We can't live without her!

    You agree that you and I simply cannot do without water. And Znayka prepared an interesting task for us.

    The teacher takes an envelope from the chest and reads the assignment:

    “Dear guys, you completed the first task, you correctly guessed that the audio cassette contained the sounds of water. And now you must tell who needs water and why you can’t live without it.”

    V. leads the children to the visual aid “Who needs water.” Children take turns talking about how water is needed by humans, birds, animals, insects...

    V. asks leading questions.

    IN.: It's time for the third task. Let's see what our Znayka has prepared for us this time.

    V. takes out an envelope and reads:

    “Guys, you correctly told who needs water. And now I offer you the game “Amazing Circle”. Place the pictures so that it becomes clear who lives in the water.” (Children come to the table, sit down, choose the right pictures and attach them)

    Brief conversation: fish, starfish, seahorses, crayfish, dolphins live in water..)

    IN.: Well done, you did a good job with this Znayka task. And now I suggest you rest. We all go out for physical education.

    Physical education minute:

    How nice it is to swim in the river! (swimming movements)

    Bank on the left, bank on the right (turns left and right)

    River with a ribbon in front (stretching - arms forward)

    There's a bridge at the top - look. (Stretching - arms up)

    To swim even faster,

    We need to row faster.

    We work with our hands

    Who will keep up with us? (Swimming movements)

    And now it’s time, brothers,

    We all need to return to Znayka. (Walking in place)

    V.: Now let's see if there are still any tasks from Znayka in the chest. (Takes out an envelope and reads):

    “Dear guys, I bring to your attention a video letter. Look at the TV screen." (There is a plot on the screen: the water asks the children for help - to make it clean again).

    IN.: It's time to make miracles happen. You need to purify the water. Transform from dirty to clean. If we do this, we will prove that we are real magicians. I would like to remind you that people do not always behave correctly in nature - they pollute water in rivers and lakes, thereby harming not only nature, but also their health.

    The teacher takes the children to the laboratory. They sit at tables where there are glasses with dirty water, cotton wool, gauze, and an empty glass for each child.

    IN.: How can you purify water?

    (Children's answers)

    IN.: I will help you. Water can be purified through a filter. (Children repeat the word filter) For us it’s water and gauze. Together with children, he carries out cleaning through a filter (cotton wool, gauze). (During the experiment, the melody of water sounds)

    IN.: Show me your cups, let's see if the water has cleared up?

    Clean water has been received. All the water in the world cannot be purified as we have done now, so it is necessary to behave in such a way as not to pollute it. I hope that when you grow up, you will behave correctly in nature and teach others to do the same.

    Hold hands, hug each other, smile at each other. You have proven that you are real wizards and have completed all of Znayka’s tasks. Now it's time for us to become guys again. V. takes the magic wand and says:

    Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,

    Help me, magic wand,

    Turn around yourself

    Turn back into guys again.

    Result: V. - What did you do today?

    What did you like?

    Children reflect their impressions on the “mood screen”. The teacher gives an assessment, marking each child.

    IN.: Goodbye! See you soon!

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