• By what calendar New Year in February. Happy New Year on the Eastern. New Year on the Eastern Calendar: Traditions of Celebration. Traditions to celebrate the New Year. What is the difference between the Chinese calendar from the usual


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    2018 - year of the dog
    Eastern calendar
    When is Chinese New Year 2018 comes?

    The dog is a symbol of the penultimate eleventh year of the 12-year-old East calendar world cycle. In countries where the main religion is Buddhism, the symbolic perception of the dog, in my opinion, does not differ from the European ones, in the east, the dog gives first of all such qualities as loyalty, honesty and nobility and aggressive uncompromising to enemies ...
    "Ancient Epos"

    2018 - year of the Golden Dog

    February 16, 2018. The year in the second new moon after the winter solstice on the Eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar comes the year of the Heavenly Time of Time "Earth" in the "Yang" stage of the Earth branch "Dog", 35 years of the 34th cycle of the new summer.
    What does all this mean?
    Let us turn to the ancient Chinese philosophy. As part of its ideas, the time in heaven and on Earth flows in different ways. Therefore, earth and celestial signs were used to designate time. According to the ancient Chinese ideas, the main flow of time is carried out in heavenly trunks, and on the Earth, time flows from these trunks according to branches discharged to it. Heavenly trunks are five, and 12 branches are given to Earth.
    "Earth" - the symbol of the heavenly flow of the coming year, brings with itself the properties of the primary element: the management area - the center; characterizing colors - yellow, brown and physical; The presence of this element in a person means stamina, fertility, diligence and strategic thinking.

    All signs of the earth branch are the source of heavenly trunks, so the branch of "dogs" 戌 inherits signs of the body-generating element "Earth" in the "Yang" stage, she also has some qualities of a real earthly collective image of a dog, in an ancient view of this: the honesty mind, sense of justice, simplicity, loyalty, attractiveness, friendliness, sociability and openness; Unpretentious, calm and sensitivity, and from the back of the medal cynicism, laziness, indifference, pessimism, anxiety, stubbornness and justice.

    In China and in some countries next to him, it is customary to celebrate New Year in the clothes of the colors of the celestial sign. The element "Earth" of symbolic colors several: yellow, brown (ocher) and physical (beige). To meet the new year, all these colors and their combinations are allowed, but the main one is considered yellow. Men for the new year it is desirable to have any element of clothes with yellow (for example, a tie with a yellow stripe or a beige shirt, in extreme cases, yellow socks ...). Women in the sense of colors a big choice - they can afford beige and shades of yellow-brown, including golden.
    The symbolic yellow color of this year of the dog in the Eastern calendar, somewhat different from the usual designer - he is closer to yellow-brown, even, can be said, golden, (approximately, this color is used on a page screensaver with a contour image of a dog - more detailed about symbolism and The device of the Eastern calendar can be found in the next section).
    I would like to add another remark about the "earthly entity" of the year: the branch of the dog's time is the product of the element "Earth" (soil) and inherits its quality, so despite the fact that the expressions adopted with us "" or "" Some semantic liberty of our perception of 2018 designation in the Chinese calendar 戊戌 But the expression "Year of the Earth Dog", in the philosophical plan, has a deep meaning ... Since the branch of the dog connecting the heavenly stream of time with Earth is a generation of the "earth's" barrel time, then this year should be waiting for a steady and stable stream of time. It is worth noting that in the mnemonic plan, the expression "" has the full right to life ...
    I would prefer to call the coming year - year Golden dogSince the generating this branch carries the main stream of time. And, if you call 2018 at all over our modern rules, then 2018 -.

    So, in the New 2018 to get the patronage of the dog, at the new year meeting you need to wear, something yellow, brown, golden or beige or supplement the clothes with a certain stroke of yellow or golden color, and on the table it is desirable for dishes from meat, poultry or meat products , and the rest there is no restrictions - the "dog" is an omnivorous animal, with some predatory bias.

    According to the table presented here, you can decide when to celebrate the New Year on the Eastern Calendar, as well as determine by the date of birth your oriental patron signs ...

    Table: 34 cycle. Chinese cyclic calendar from 1960 to 2019 the date of the new year

    Sergey OV.

    This table clearly seen a 12-year-old calendar cycle of earth branches, and not very obviously 10-year-old - each of the five first elements "takes on the development of world events" for 2 solar years. The main cycle lasts 60 years - the cycle begins with the heavenly trunk "tree", the crust of the "rat" - now there are 34 cycles from the beginning of the calculus of the new time, it began on February 2, 1984. (To view dates in a wider time interval (1924-2043), click on the table).

    Eastern (Chinese) lunar cyclic calendar.

    According to the worldview of the ancient Chinese natural philosophy, as well as in later an antique, there are two times of time - in heaven and on earth. In heaven, the time continuously flows through five essential world-forming elements (elements, entities): "Tree", "Fire", "Earth" ("Soil"), "Metal", "Water" - figurative "on the celestial trolnes of these entities ". The main one, the most powerful stream of time is overflowing from one entity to another. When the flow of time is poured into the heavenly trunk of the entity inherent in the year (the first year), it is in the Yang stage, when it starts to leave (for the second year) - it goes into the stage Yin (properties of element entities are displayed in the table :).

    Sergey OV.

    To enlarge the properties table Click on it

    In the earth's world - its stream of time, it flows on earth branches, which are generated by celestial trunks. The fertile basic forming "Earth" creates on its trunk of 4 branches for the 12-year cycle: two in the stage of Yang - dragon, dog; And two in the stage of yin - bull, sheep. The remaining trunks, respectively: "Metal" - the branches of a monkey and a rooster; "Water" - rat and pig; "Tree" - tiger and rabbit; "Fire" - horse and snake. All this underlies the construction, so to speak, the external cover of the cyclic calendar.

    The true basis of the cyclic calendar is the results of observations of the movement of the planets, the moon and the sun. The founders of the calendar knew: that from New Moon to New Moon passes 29 and a half days; That for the earth observer Mars returns to the starry sky recorded at the time of the beginning of the beginning of observation after almost 2 years, Jupiter - after about 12 years, and Saturn after 30. To return at the same time, the Jupiter and Saturn in the original configuration need 60 years - this period and He was adopted as the main prolonged calendar cycle. The following duration 12-year cycle corresponds to the appeal period of Jupiter. But the ten-year and two-year cycles are already tribute to the metaphysical ideas of that time.
    Despite this complex weave of rational and metaphysical, we can say that the Chinese cyclic lunarly solar calendar is the first documented attempt of mankind to synchronize the time counting system with the movement of heavenly bodies consisting more than 4,400 years ago!

    According to historical, philosophical and astronomical materials of the network: Sergey OV. (Seosnews9)

    Let's try to imagine that the coming year is preparing for us using our properties of primary elements.
    So, 2018, (starting with February 16, 2018. - New Year on the Eastern Calendar), Heavenly Trunk "Earth", Earth Branch "Dog":

    Weather 2018.
    Weather management will almost completely take on heavenly trunk - a tree, and the "dog" will make only small additional adjustments.
    We look at the table.
    "Earth": Managing Direction - Center; Type of energy - humidity.
    "Dog" (branch of trunk Earth): accordingly, the managing direction is the center; Type of energy - humidity.
    The corresponding sign "Dog" season is the late autumn.

    Based on this information, we get that in 2018 the weather will mostly follow the climatic norm, but with some excess of moisture.
    The corresponding "dog" branches of the year (late autumn) can cause air temperature correction towards lower values \u200b\u200b...
    Spring and summer will come in traditional deadlines.

    Year of the dog. Society 2018 year

    The decisive factor in the development of public life will be the impact of internal events in the country. The effect of external factors will begin to increase only at the end of the year.

    Year of the dog. People in 2018

    Success, according to tradition, will mostly contribute to those who were born in the year of the dog, as well as born under the Senius of the Heavenly Branch "Earth" (during the years of the bull, dragon and sheep). In general, under the auspices of "Dogs" this year you can solve many accumulated problems, as well as by showing patience and perseverance, to improve life for yourself and their loved ones.

    In the previous year of the dog (2006) in Russia, a commemorative coin was released with a fairly successful image of a dog (photo) - that year, by the way, nothing bad happened in our country. So, keep in mind, this coin can bring good luck in 2018.

    P.S.. Fashion per year of dogs: yellow brown and golden colors and shades in clothing, with elements of decorations including metal create an additional impetus to success.

    Other articles on the subject of the calendar:

    * About the views of antique philosophers for a while:

    The date of the new year on the Chinese cyclic calendar from 1924 to 2043.

    Trunks and time branches Heavenly trunks
    tree fire land metal water
    Rat February 5, 1924. January 24, 1936. February 10, 1948. January 28, 1960. Rat February 15, 1972.
    Bull January 25, 1925. February 11, 1937. January 29, 1949. Bull February 15, 1961. February 3, 1973.
    Tiger January 23, 1974. February 13, 1926. January 31, 1938. February 17, 1950. February 5, 1962.
    Rabbit February 11, 1975. Rabbit February 2, 1927. February 19, 1939. February 6, 1951. January 25, 1963.
    The Dragon February 13, 1964. January 31, 1976. The Dragon January 23, 1928. February 8, 1940. January 27, 1952.
    Snake February 2, 1965. February 18, 1977. Snake February 10, 1929. January 27, 1941. February 14, 1953.
    Horse February 3, 1954. Horse January 21, 1966. February 7, 1978. January 30, 1930. February 15, 1942.
    Sheep January 24, 1955. February 9, 1967. January 28, 1979. Sheep February 17, 1931. February 5, 1943.
    A monkey January 25, 1944. February 12, 1956. January 30, 1968. A monkey February 16, 1980. February 6, 1932.
    Cock February 13, 1945. January 31, 1957. February 17, 1969. February 5, 1981. Cock January 26, 1933.
    Dog February 14, 1934. February 2, 1946. Dog February 18, 1958. February 6, 1970. January 25, 1982.
    Pig February 4, 1935. January 22, 1947. February 8, 1959. January 27, 1971. February 13, 1983. Pig
    Rat February 2, 1984. February 19, 1996. February 7, 2008. January 25 2020. Rat February 11 2032.
    Bull February 20, 1985. February 7, 1997. January 26, 2009. Bull February 12, 2021. January 31 2033.
    Tiger February 19 2034. February 9, 1986. January 28, 1998. February 14, 2010. February 1 2022.
    Rabbit February 8 2035. Rabbit January 29, 1987. February 16, 1999. February 3, 2011. January 22, 2023.
    The Dragon February 10 2024. January 28, 2036. The Dragon February 17, 1988. February 5, 2000. January 23, 2012.
    Snake January 29, 2025. February 15 2037. Snake February 6, 1989. January 24, 2001. February 10, 2013.
    Horse January 31, 2014. Horse February 17, 2026. February 4 2038. January 27, 1990. February 12, 2002.
    Sheep February 19, 2015. February 6 2027. February 24 2039. Sheep February 15, 1991. February 1, 2003.
    A monkey January 22, 2004. February 8, 2016. January 26, 2028. A monkey February 12 2040. February 4, 1992.
    Cock February 9, 2005. January 28, 2017. February 13 2029. February 1 2041. Cock January 23, 1993.
    Dog February 10, 1994. January 29, 2006. Dog February 16, 2018. February 3 2030. February 22 2042.
    Pig January 31, 1995. February 18, 2007. February 5, 2019. January 23, 2031. February 10 2043. Pig

    1. The years are increasing down the diagonal, from the extreme right cell of the calendar, develop in the extreme left.
    2. In the intervals between the "Time trunks", "earth branches" are symbolically depicted by the corresponding signs - in each calendar cycle, earth branches are updated.

    Table: "Properties of five first elements and quality support"

    Qualities and properties Essences of the Universe, First Elements
    Tree Fire The soil Metal Water
    Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury
    Green, blue-green, blue Red, pink, orange Brown, Yellow, Body White, any metallic Black, dark blue

    Nature energy

    Wind (movement) Warmly Humidity Dryness Cold
    Active, purposeful, assertive Live, impulsive, scattered Nourishing, kind, solid Cold, discreet, aristocratic Deep, mystery, mysterious

    Side of the world

    East South Center West North

    Qualities manifested through man and in man

    Sour Bitter Sweet Acute Salty
    Furious, crawled Paved, Gorut Fragrant, sweet Fish Rotten
    Creek Laughter Singing Crying (sighs) Moan


    Dog Goat, Sheep Bull, cow Rooster, chicken Pig

    Life cycle

    Birth Height Maturity Withering Death

    Facial features

    Eyebrows, jaws Eyes, Luba. Roth, cheek Nose, cheekbones, moles Ears, forehead, chin

    Types of physique

    High - dwelling, low - mobile Sleepiness, beauty Radiance, fatness Thin bones, thin leather Large bones, wide thighs
    Liver A heart Spleen Lungs Bud
    Pointing Middle Big Nameless Little finger

    Spectrum of emotions

    Anger, humanity Excitation, love Anxiety, intuition Mountain, thanks Fear

    Warehouse thinking

    Originality Aspiration Consciousness Will Wisdom

    * Dates per year dogs on the Chinese calendar in the 20th and 21st century

    Dates interval corresponding to the year of the dog Heavenly trunk Name of the year
    1910 February 10, 1910 - January 30, 1911 Metal Year of white dog
    1922 January 28, 1922 - February 16, 1923 Water Year of blue dog
    1934 February 14, 1934 - February 04, 1935 Tree Year of green dog
    1946 February 02, 1946 - January 22, 1947 Fire Year of Orange Dog
    1958 February 18, 1958 - February 08, 1959 The soil Yellow Dog Year
    1970 February 06, 1970 - January 27, 1971 Metal Year of white dog
    1982 January 25, 1982 - February 13, 1983 Water Year of blue dog
    1994 February 10, 1994 - January 31, 1995 Tree Year of green dog
    2006 January 29, 2006 - February 18, 2007 Fire Year of Orange Dog
    2018 February 16, 2018 - February 05, 2019 The soil Yellow Dog Year
    2030 February 3, 2030 - January 23, 2031 Metal Year of white dog
    2042 January 22, 2042 - February 10 2043 Water Year of blue dog
    2054 February 08 2054 - January 28, 2055 Tree Year of green dog
    2066 January 26, 2066 - February 14, 2067 Fire Year of Orange Dog
    2078 February 12, 2078 - February 02, 2079 The soil Yellow Dog Year
    2090 January 30, 2090 - February 18, 2091 Metal Year of white dog

    Coming Chinese New 2017 year of PetushIt differs from our, at least the fact that for the Chinese any event in life is permeated with the spirit - evil or good, but necessarily alive. It means that it should be either hung up, or to drive if he came with the bad intentions, or to treat and honor, if his parish will bring a family benefit.

    The Chinese live on a moon-sunny (Chinese) calendar, so their summer does not coincide with usual for us. For example, in 2016, residents of the Middle Kingdom noted the coming of 4714 of the new year of the monkey, which took place on February 8.

    In 2017, the Chinese New Year begins - January 28.

    For good reason, this event is otherwise referred to as the holiday of spring, because for the Chinese date Symbolizes the beginning of the sowing work (often in the loop of the outerwear insert several rice spikelets as a symbol of the abundance of a crop). All the Chinese in honor of such an event are going from their native focus - in the house of parents. If someone is in departure, it is definitely trying to catch the family table - this is the most resistant tradition of the celebration of the Chinese New Year.

    Celebration of the New Year on the Chinese calendar

    Gifts are not common in China. However, after the date of the first day of the Chinese New Year comes, parents will definitely give their children money in a red envelope with the hope of their material well-being. Greeting cards are also difficult to find in China. But the red color beats from all possible places - red is the main color of the new year. After all, it is so afraid of the evil spirit, which the Chinese name is New Year. It should also be driven by fireworks and loud laugh. Houses are decorated with many red lamps and scrolls with the wishes of good family, guarding the dwelling from evil spirits.

    In honor of the new, the inhabitants of China will replace the old clothes of the new, they will be cleared at home (so that the favorable energy of the house freely circulated in it and was not stored) will prepare treats. Favorite their dishes are dumplings, their shape resembling gold ingot - a symbol of wealth. Often at home are decorated with mandarins, be sure to eight pieces - a number symbolizing infinity.

    When Chinese New Year 2017 ends

    Chinese or oriental New Year is a grand event that is in the old days for a whole month, but now with a modern saturated lifestyle, residents of China cannot afford so much weekend, and the holiday ends For the fifteenth day (in 2017, this date falls on February 11) a huge festival of Chinese lanterns.

    Despite the fact that our country is Russia is an invalid Christian country, but it is impossible to live without any innovations of Russian! So in Russia, it was already the norm to associate a New Year holiday with any animal, in accordance with the Chinese cycle or as it is also called the Eastern calendar. Many confuse these same characters with the symbols on the horoscope, but this is a completely different topic ... Do not do this! In the same Chinese (oriental) calendar exists 12 animals here they are:

    wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water

    2021 on the Chinese calendar

    And everything would be clear and just if the cycle of these the most 12 animals was repeated at once. But the Chinese were not so simple. Often, we notice about them ... They also have more 5 Natural Elements: Tree, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

    Now about the specific, dates and numbers. As we said, it is necessary to pay attention not only to animals - the symbol of the year, but also on the elements. After all, it is from the animal and the elements to be taken together and will depend on what the coming new year will be.

    So, to find out when and what year in the Chinese (Eastern) calendar will be when it starts, how much will last and when it is over, turn to the table.

    Year of whom will be 2021, 2022 and until 2032, what kind of animal on the Eastern (Chinese) calendar

    To determine by a sign of which animal, one or another year on the Eastern or Chinese calendar will be held, that the same thing can be used by the table of an interactive form. It is enough to click on the year you need and start on the button. Before you, information about the animal of the year (symbol), about his element

    2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032

    The year will be an animal

    Color (elements)

    Video about dates and symbols of the new year 2021

    Now, on the basis of all of the above, you can easily find out what year and whom is expected, that is, it will be! We just left to wish, regardless of the sign (symbol) of the year on the Chinese calendar, as well as from the elements and its colors, your new year was happy and pleasant! We would also like to offer you to familiarize yourself with congratulations in verses, for the new year of pig. About them just on ...

    If you start thinking about how often we meet one or another new year, say the year of the white bull, it turns out it comes to us every 60 years. After all, it is not only that the symbol of the year is changing once in 12 years, but there are also 5 elements, they change every 2 years. As a result, in order to fall exactly the year of the White Bull, it is necessary that 60 years have passed !!! It turns out that if we take our life cycle and cycle of the year of the year according to the Chinese calendar, then somewhere after 20-30 years, each new year for us is already coming 1 time in life ... These are the reasoning, these are the arguments.
    This actually means only one thing that the new year confirms its importance as a holiday, especially if you consider the symbols of the new year. So in 2021 there will be a year of white bull and here and now we will tell you how to meet it and spend in a special way.

    To be meticulous and boring, then you can certainly find out all the little things and features from encyclopedias and reference books ... However, as for holidays and fun, it is better to go here to your feelings, intuitive trends, even emotions and desired fantasies. Well, in the event that you do not have inspiration for such research or you again want to reinforce your reflections to anyone alternative opinion, then you came to the address! After all, here and now we will make it possible to make logical conclusions on the topic of the celebration of the New Year of the White Rat. This year will come to us in 2020, not so long left before him!

    Intrigue at the expense of the symbol of the new year every time we starts to spare as soon as someone thinks about celebrating this wonderful holiday. After all, the carnival of impressions and emotions will circle us in their arms not one day, which means this holiday truly love! Mark him relies with all the scope of the soul, to the entire possible budget and fulfillment. If something is missed, it is not forgiven!
    That is why, when preparing for the new year, everything will be taken into account. Where, with whom, how and under what symbol of the new year will celebrate. And so that you do not dig on the pages of the Internet in search of the innermost and important, to collect all together, we have already done it for you! In this very article, you will find answers to how to celebrate the new 2032 year.

    Often, the New Year's salutes have not yet been raised, they did not reach the dish, all the events that have happened to the holiday have been retold, and already someone in a hurry, hurry, looks, and what will happen for the new year in the next year - in 2030? Well, right is quite legal, and the curiosity of the latter must be satisfied! Here you can pour a little, so that you slightly withstand the pause and enter the intrigue about how many animals will be 2030. However, we do not have a TV show, when the viewer is not going anywhere, where everything goes according to plan and without the possibility of "overflow" is not interesting. Therefore, it should not be very pull, since a couple of lines can simply be skipped with my eyes and still see that the new 2030 will be the year of the dog, and even more precisely yellow or Earth Dog. All because in China, the land is yellow, almost sand and clay, and therefore they have a yellow color of them! They did not see our chernozem! What let's now have a celebration of the year of the dog. How to prepare for him, what to do, and what is better not to do?

    How to meet the year of the monkey, what is it noteworthy, why should you be ready and what to provide !? We will try to talk about it and tell you. Animal - a monkey is sometimes able to show excessive activity, which we all know. This means that the year will be saturated, not at all sluggish, but even on the contrary. Intense, clockwork, sometimes unpredictable. This example is 2016, which was the last year of the Red Monkey. Everyone remembers the economic crisis all over the world, rinks for oil, uncertainty in political trends. It is very difficult, not easy, not predictable, as the behavior of the monkey, if you communicate with them ...

    The sheep is a harmless animal from nature, which not only does not climb on the dog, but also a lot tolerate. True patience, also has its limits, because the sheep is that the goat can pose you with their horns, if there are reasons.

    The new year of the horse can be described in this way ... The horse is the natural strength of the grace of the animal and the forces of the living tree, which can break through the incredible obstacles on the way to its goals.
    As a result, the year of the horse is, primarily a year for purposeful people who are capable, can achieve the results, even if not the easiest difficulty.

    Let's learn everything about the Chinese New Year 2018: When it starts and when it ends.

    It so historically happened that modern China celebrates two New Year holidays. One holiday on the occasion of the arrival of the New Year is celebrated along with the whole world on the night of December 31 on January 1, and the other with truly Chinese wise and thousands of thousands of traditions a little later. Eastern culture is recognized worldwide and interest in it steadily increases, so many people in the West celebrate the New Year on the Chinese calendar.

    Myths, legends, signs and traditions of the holiday are incredibly attractive and shrouded in ancient times. It is with this that the interest in holding the main and pompous holiday in the country of the Rising Sun is still mysterious and distinctive.

    The start date of the Chinese New Year is not fixed, but changes annually. In antiquity, all the dates of Chinese holidays, including the new year's offensive, were determined exclusively through the lunar calendar. This tradition, like many others in China, is still alive.

    The Chinese New Year always comes to the second new moon after the winter solstice, this period lasts from January 21 to February 21.

    The arrival of 2018, the Chinese will celebrate on February 16, and he will end next winter with the arrival of the new 2019. The arrival date of next year is calculated similarly and falls on February 4, 2019, it is on this day and ends at 2018.

    Many are interested in about the Chinese New Year 2018 exactly when it starts and when the holiday ends!

    The duration of the Chinese New Year celebration has changed, if earlier the Chinese have fun 30 days, now only 15. This reduction is associated with the changed circumstances of the life of Chinese society.

    So, summarizing, determine the dates of the beginning and graduation of the Chinese new 2018:

    • beginning on February 16, 2018;
    • end of February 4, 2019;
    • the duration of the celebration of 15 days and this year the end of the festive festivities falls on March 2.

    It should be noted that the end of the celebration of the occurrence of the Chinese New Year smoothly flows at the beginning of another holiday, is also very revered in China - the holiday of the lanterns, which starts just on March 2.

    Some information related to Chinese New Year

    It is important that since 1911, the Chinese New Year began to be called in China the holiday of spring offensive, it sounds "Chun Jie". The connection of man and nature, as the basis of the whole Chinese culture, is reflected both in relation to the change of times and in the traditions of the New Year celebrations. New Year in China is perceived as a renewal of the world, his revival after the winter death of nature.

    Now a little more than a hundred years old, as in China there are two holidays, the essence of which is the same, and the dates of the celebration are different. This is the International New Year, celebrated by the Gregorian calendar and the Spring holiday, which is an ancient Chinese New Year, which is celebrated on the Chinese calendar.

    The Chinese New Year is not only noted in China, as well as in other countries of the East, for which Eastern culture is native.

    Recall that the Chinese New Year in 2018 begins and ends in the above time.

    According to the ancient Chinese calendar, every year has its own patron from the world of animals. This legend is associated with ancient legend, like all other Chinese traditions. It says the legend that the appeal of the Buddha arrives to him, they were able to get enough only 12 animals, which was given to the Board for every year.

    In addition to the patron, each year has its own color, and also applies to one of five elements, each of which, according to Chinese ancient legends, is the main driving force and has a powerful impact on the fate of people, their behavior and character.

    Brief description of the upcoming New Year 2018

    The coming in chinese response is 4,716, will pass under the auspices of the yellow earthen dog. In addition, the coming year will have a male beginning Yang, which will also positively affect the characteristics of the year. Under the influence of energy Yang in people in the new year:

    • energy reserve will increase, they will feel the tide of fresh strength;
    • effective efficacy and speed of thinking;
    • the purposefulness and pressure will appear in achieving the goal;
    • the total mobility and physical activity will increase;
    • will prevail a creative start in all.

    The decisive elements of 2018 will be the Earth, which, unlike other elements with limited seasonal influence, will have an impact throughout the year. Its influence on the nature of people will manifest themselves in empowering them, to one degree or another, as qualities as:

    • reliability;
    • responsibility in decision-making;
    • patience;
    • roughness in any case;
    • high moral and moral values;
    • high intuition;
    • ability to attract money.

    There is also a negative impact that will affect the manifestation:

    • excess ambitiousness;
    • lack of healthy adventurism and liveliness;
    • some cruelty;
    • stubbornness;
    • the desire to keep everything under the control of their interests and benefits.

    However, the coming New Year will be under the patronage of the dog, which will also make their own adjustments to the fate of people. If you consider in general, then under the control of such a symbol of the year, it will be held as calmly as possible, without conflict, with a favorable influence.

    The pet animal is true, obedient, kind, some unpredictability and self-esteem, according to astrolories, compensated by the fact that the year will not be a leap, calm in terms of geomagnetic perturbations.

    2018 promises all well-being and prosperity, you can safely begin a new business, make a happy marriage, sign favorable financial contracts.

    Historical holiday roots

    In addition to when it begins and when the Chinese New Year 2018 ends, people are interested in and his story.

    The origin of the Chinese New Year celebration is shrouded in many myths and legends, you can choose anyone and believe in it. What the Chinese have done, the most popular option is the legend of the Land Monster Nannian, who goes to Sushka once a year. Nyan ruthlessly devour everything that comes on his way. The villages were emptied every new year, fleeing from the monster.

    But one day a courageous little boy who was dressed in red clothes, together with his mother scared and defeated the monster. The boy frightened his color to his clothes, and his mother was a loud knocking stick, which she was told to frighten the animal even more.

    From those long ago in China and began to celebrate the new year annually, as a change of time and victory over the mind. Celebrate noisy, fun and in all red, or purple.

    The crackle of the lane in the furnace, as well as the knock of the sticks, which in ancient times the evil forces were replaced by the active use of a variety of petard.

    Two other popular versions of the holiday

    China is a large country, one legend is dominated in one part, while in another part, people believe in another legend and even third. The benefit of a lack of in myths and legends Eastern culture is not experiencing.

    Another legend is associated with the popular and favorite emperor Shun, right, as described in the book of the story of Shu-Jing (one of the five books of Confucius), in the 23rd century to our era.

    If briefly, the fate presented to a single core boy, whose childhood was one solid misfortune, a gift in the form of the possibility of serving a just and good emperor shun. The boy possessed so much virtues and was so devoted to the emperor that he had chosen by his royal honors. He gave both his daughters for him to marry him, and gave the throne to bypass his native son.

    The boy crowned on the first day of the new moon after the winter solstice. In the sky, ten suns fell on the legend, as a sign that the new emperor is the chosen one of God. When she came and his turn to transfer the reign of the country's reign, he also handed the crown not to his son, but a person who had more son was worthy of such honor, this event also happened on the first day of New Moon.

    Since they say, in the book, and the tradition of annual entertainment festivities has gone, in honor of the wisdom of Chinese emperors who care, primarily about the prosperity of their country, and not about their family.

    The third legend popular in China is connected with the annual start of sowing, awakening and reviving nature after death during the cold season. The connection of man and nature, in Chinese culture is fundamental. It is at this postulate that almost all myths and legends are built, including both human household and economic activities.

    The awakening of nature from Sleep from the Chinese is due to the first new moon, it is this period that is the point of reference of the annual cycle. The holiday of the new year is connected both with the change of times and the beginning of the annual economic activity.

    Preparation for the celebration of the Chinese New Year

    Upon learning when it starts and when the Chinese New Year 2018 ends, it is important to carefully prepare for him!

    The Chinese New Year is the most important event in the country, each family should be at the festive table in full. No matter how much the life of the members of one family is scattered, they must definitely return to the new year in their native nest. Preparing for the meeting of the New Year begins in the Chinese with mass movement in the country, tickets do not get any means of transport.

    An important step of preparing for the holiday is to guide the purity and decoration of the housing. After all the corners are cleaned of the signs of dust and prepared space for circulating the updated energy of qi, all tools are securely hiding.

    The first few days of the new year, when grace is scattered around the house, cleaning should not be done in any way.

    The Christmas tree in the Chinese New Year holiday is absent, instead the Chinese decorate the so-called light tree. Five multicolored ribbons hang over the door, symbolizing love, good luck in affairs, wealth, career success, family happiness.

    What is customary to celebrate the Chinese New Year

    It is important to know when it starts and when the Chinese New Year 2018 ends!

    According to the famous fashion designer, Henry Lau, clothing for the meeting of the Chinese New Year should correspond to three postulates:

    • all shades of red and purple colors;
    • brilliant details and accessories;
    • the clothes should certainly be new, never dressed.

    Whatever color of the year neither headed the color palette of the year, the red color of the outfits to meet the New Year remains unchanged. Such is not the fact that age-old, but a few century-old tradition, to which the Chinese are very careful and tremble. New clothes should be to attract all the same renewed and free energy that will be the basis of well-being in the new year.

    Modern Chinese fashion designers and designers specifically develop a collection of fashionable clothes, all models are simply amazing beauty and enchanting chic, to become the holiday itself.

    What should be on the festive table

    On the modern Chinese table on the occasion of the celebration of the New Year, any favorite delicacy cooked by the recipes of the world cooking can stand. However, the Chinese strictly honored their traditions and without obligatory Jiaoice (dumplings), as well as Niangao (pieces of sweet sticky rice of various shapes), it will not be a New Year's Chinese table.

    Chinese dumplings - traditional dish for the new year

    Pelmeni symbolize wealth, because they remind the Chinese (it is not clear why) the bars of gold, and the rice symbolizes wealth and high yield.

    It is very important for the Chinese and table setting, the color scheme is traditionally withstanding in red tones, various shades.

    The ratio of the Chinese to the New Year gifts

    It is not accepted to give gifts to the Chinese New Year in the Middle Kingdom, this ancient tradition recently remains no longer fully. Typically, the chief gifts from the Chinese are red envelopes with money and, again, according to tradition, their parents are presented - children to attract energy (where without it) well-being.

    Recently, gifts are increasingly becoming an integral part of the celebration, however, the attitude to them is special:

    • a gift should not be expensive, but a purely symbolic;
    • maintenance must be observed, in one copy a gift is not given;
    • hand a gift in alone or secretly, when guests leave the dwelling, leaving a gift;
    • if you give a gift, then only with two hands;
    • start the presentation of gifts, if there are several of them, with a senior;
    • gift packaging color should not be blue or white (in China it is mourning colors);
    • in the inscriptions there should be no numbers 4 (sacred number).

    How is the Chinese New Year

    We remind you! When it starts and when the Chinese New Year 2018 ends: From February 16 to March 2, there will be a festive 2 weeks!

    The whole family is going to have a festive table, abundantly styled various dishes, communicate, rest, laugh. The main traditional requirement so that everything was noisy, fun, enchantingly. As you know, the Chinese are talking and sufficiently loud and sharply, so this requirement is easy.

    If there is an opportunity, you should go outside, communicate with your neighbors, congratulate them and launching the pen.

    On New Year's Eve, the Chinese do not sleep until in the morning, this tradition has also formed from mythological legends, becoming a popular admission. Even very sick people stand up for a festive table, in order to meet their happiness and good luck who certainly brings the coming year.

    The first days of the Chinese New Year

    No matter how much you want to make cleaning after a rapid fun, it is strictly prohibited to do it. The deterrent is not someone's prohibition, and the fear of destroying positive energy and grace, bought up at home the coming year.

    After having rested after a sleepless night, the Chinese go to visit, taking tangerines as a gift, of course, in the number of two pieces. Mandarins in the Middle Kingdom are considered a symbol of wealth and wealth.

    It so happened that the behavior of the Chinese after the new year's occurrence is literally painted by day:

    • second day. The Chinese are prayed for this day, thank God for all the benefits that brought the past year. Continue to walk on guests, visit various entertainment attractions, participate in mass festivals with fireworks. It is important that day to help the poor, distributing food and things;
    • the third day. Rest in a family circle is called "Red Dog" or "Red Roth";
    • fourth day. For many, the last day off, so either completing the latest visits, or just rest;
    • fifth and sixth day. A quiet day, everyone is busy with their home affairs, a traditional dish "Bobo" is being prepared, reminiscent of dumplings with dumplings;
    • seventh day. Raw prayers and dinner with a traditional dish "Yusheng" on the table;
    • eighth day. Celebration of the appearance of the first rice grain;
    • ninth day. Part of the Chinese goes to work, the rest go to the temples to put candles to the soldiers - liberators from the Japanese;
    • tenth day. Stone Day, the tradition of reverence of this subject. Rest in the family circle;
    • eleventh day. Day son-in-law, feast, laudatory speech, gifts;
    • twelfth day. The day of cleansing the body from heavy food. Everyone holds it in its own way;
    • thirteenth, fourteenth. Preparation for the Day of Lanterns, manufacture of lanterns by all family members;
    • fifteenth day. Completion of the holiday of the New Year, the beginning of the holiday lanterns. Part of the family members continue to produce lanterns, the other part prepares festive dishes for a feast. In the evening, walk with lanterns, participation in the folk walk.

    Now, having learned everything about the Chinese New Year 2018, and when it starts and when the holiday ends, it is important to prepare carefully for him!

    In 2020, the Eastern calendar comes the year of the rat, which begins a new twelve-year cycle. Many are interested in when this happens: with the first blows of the chimes or in the east people meet the new year differently?

    Chinese New Year

    When all over the world will officially come 2020, in the imminent only will prepare for this holiday. In the east, he is called Chun Jie, which means "Spring Holiday" and symbolizes the awakening of nature. Most of China residents still live as agricultural labor, so the lunar calendar is very important for them.

    Every year on the Eastern calendar is associated with some animal. There are 12 of them 12. The date of the year's shift depends on the Luna phase: Chun Jie comes to the second new moon after the winter solstice (January 21 - February 21).

    Eastern Zodiac

    The situation in the Chinese tradition is based on dividing the entire universe for five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and selection of 12 sacred animals (rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig). In 2020, it comes just a year of rat, the funny, according to the legend of the ancient Chinese, the animal. According to this zodiac, they live not only in the subway, but also in the country of the Rising Sun, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam.

    The full cycle of Eastern Zodiac is 60 years. Every 12 years the owner of the year is replaced, which goes from one element to another. In 2020, the cycle started in 1984, which was headed by a wooden rat. The elements are changing every two years. 2020 begins the era of metal.

    There are three versions as animals were chosen:

    • Jade Emperor, who ruling in heaven, once wished to get acquainted with the 12 interesting animals, living on Earth. His assistant chose a rat, which was entrusted to send an invitation to heaven by cat, bull, tigra, rabbit, dragon, snake, horses, sheep, monkey, rooster and dog. The rat fulfilled the order, but deceived the cat, having counted him by the applicant in his place. The emperor, seeing 11 animals, was angry and ordered to bring another one who was the first to fall his servant not the Earth. They turned out to be a pig.
    • Buddha called for the holiday of Chun Jie 12 animals. As the guests appear, the Buddha gave each year the board. It was among the animals and the cat, but the rabbit was not.
    • All animals living on Earth should come to farewell to the Buddha. Only 12 of them came, which were prescribed by the Guardians.

    Comparing these legends, the eastern wise men came to the conclusion that you need to unite the year of the cat and rabbit.

    When the Chinese calendar comes in 2020

    The new twelve cycle will begin on January 25th. It is on this day that in the east will meet 4718. It will become a white metal rat with a symbol. To find out what will be 12 months, it is important to take into account the color of the year, his element and patron.

    The element and color define the last figures of the year, but not only the eastern, and Gregoryan:

    • 4 and 5 - element tree, blue and green color;
    • 6 and 7 - element fire, color pink and red;
    • 8 and 9 - Earth Earth, yellow and ocked color;
    • 0 and 1 - Element metal, white color;
    • 2 and 3 - Element water, color black and blue.

    2020 will begin in the east on January 25, and the celebration will last 15 days. And before that there will be thorough preparation. It is especially important in days after the winter solstice. Before the second nurse, the monster of the nanny (literally, year), which does not want to let go of the outgoing owner and seeks to destroy everything around. But nanny does not like beauty, so the smarter will be the house, the more his monster will be afraid.

    The mistress of 2020, the white metal rat, is an ambitious animal that is inherent in purposefulness. The year promises to be rich on the events, you do not have to relax. Applying efforts, you can wait for good results from the rat.

    Traditions and rites

    Whatever the color is for a year, in the subway, all the decorations are traditionally red. According to believe, one day the baby was very frightened in red clothes, so immediately left the inhabitants. The second tradition is the cleansing of the home and soul. The third is a festive table. Among the treats must be jiaoceses (dumplings are nailed) as a wish for the birth and well-being of sons. So that in the house there is always wealth, the table is put on a dish with mandarins and oranges.

    Every day has its own traditions:

    • On the night of the celebration, the whole family is going together. Well, when several generations are sitting at one table. At night, there should be a lot of light and jewelry in the house. When the Eastern calendar comes in 2020, thousands of fireworks will take off in the sky, as a greeting rat.
    • The second day is the day of the son-in-law. It is customary to go to each other to visit, visit distant relatives.
    • The third day - the day of sacrifices. It is customary to make figures from paper, and then burn them.
    • From the fourth to the sixth day they meet Chun Jie with friends.
    • The seventh and eighth day spend in a quiet family circle, without noise and fun.
    • The ninth day is the day of memory ancestors. Here, the number 9 is symbolic, which in the Christian tradition is associated with commemoration.
    • After 10 days are preparing for the holiday of lanterns, which completes the meeting of the New Year. Lanterns illuminate the path to the outgoing symbol and souls of the dead on heaven.

    How to celebrate New Year in China: video

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